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Name_______________________________________ Date__________ Period____________

What is the Cold War?

Read the following passage.
World War II had been the deadliest, costliest, and most destructive war in the history of
mankind. The end of the war in Europe lead immediately to another worldwide conflict known
as the Cold War. Unlike World War II, however, the Cold War was not a war of armies and
navies but a war of ideas. The Cold War would last from 1945 until 1991.
At the end of WWII, the two strongest countries in the world were the USA and the
USSR. These countries were as different from each other as any countries could be. The
political and economic organization of the USA and USSR were complete opposites. The US
government is a representative democracy where citizens vote for their political leaders.
These leaders (senators, representatives and the president) determine the laws and policies of
the country. In the USSR the government under Joseph Stalin was a totalitarian state.
Individual people had no say in their government. All decisions were made by Stalin and his
The USs economy is free-market capitalist. What is produced and sold and for how
much is decided by the market. In other words, consumers can support businesses or not,
allowing prices to constantly change. In a free market economy, people are free to spend and
invest their money on goods and services they choose. A few people are able to amass
tremendous amounts of wealth. Some people are unable to accumulate much wealth at all and
struggle. Most, however, are in the middle and have some money. They do not have all of the
luxuries of the super-rich, but they do not have all of the hardships of the poor. The USSR was
communist and therefore had a command economy. In a command economy all decisions
about prices, goods and services are determined by the government. In theory, all people would
have the same amount of wealth, and access to goods and services. This did not actually
happen in the USSR.
With these two different countries having the most power in the world, conflict was likely
to happen. Both the USA and the USSR became known as the superpowers. Both superpowers
believed their form of government/economy was the best for the world and wanted to spread
them to other countries.
To spread Western Democracy, the US came up with the Marshall Plan. Under the
Marshall Plan countries that had been destroyed during WWII would be given aid from the
USA as long as they were democracies. The US saw this as a way to stop the spread of
Communism and Totalitarianism which the USA felt limited freedom of people. The USSR

saw this as another example of the USA and capitalist countries practicing imperialism. The
USSR thought capitalist countries like the USA started war throughout the world out of greed
for resources and wealth.
Answer 6 of the following questions. Answer in complete sentences!
What was the Cold War? When did it take place?

Who were the superpowers after WWII? What do you think happened to the other powerful

Why was the war cold?

Why did the USSR fight the Cold War against the US?

Why did the US fight the Cold War against the USSR?

What was the main goal of each side in the Cold War?

What was the Marshall Plan?

How do you think the Cold War would have affected you as a US citizen during this time?

Choose one activity on this paper. (This side or the back!)




Citizens elect representatives and national

leaders. People have the right to form
their own political parties.

USSR was a dictatorship controlled

by Communist Party leaders. The
Communist Party was the only
political party.

INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Citizens have basic rights, such as freedom

of speech, freedom of the press, and

freedom of religion.


People have few rights. The

government controls radio, TV, and
newspapers. Secret police arrest all
critics of the government. Practice of
religion is discouraged.

Free Market Capitalism

Command Economy
People and corporations own businesses. Private property was abolished. With
They provide goods and services in order state ownership and central planning,
to make a profit.
the government controlled all
production. Private farms became
state-owned collective farms.

1) Which system would allow its citizens to write letters to newspapers calling government leaders lazy bums?
2) Which system has more than two political parties?

3) Which system could produce millionaires?

4) Which system would allow you to worship whichever religion you wanted?

5) Which system allowed citizens to write books and plays that were critical of government practices?
6) Why do you think people tolerated these conditions in the USSR for so long?
7) Can you think of any possible advantages the Soviet society has over Western Democracies?

8) What are two possible disadvantages to living in a Western Democracy?

Write both letters on this page! Your letter should be at least 5 complete sentences.

Imagine you are a US citizen with relatives in the USSR. Write a letter to your relative
explaining why you think their country is wrong about government and economics.

Imagine you are a citizen in the USSR. Write a letter to your family member in the USA
explaining why you think their country has the wrong type of government and economy.

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