Use of Force Genocide Principle of Racial Non-Discrimination Crimes Against Humanity

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1. What is territorial sea?

- The coastal states area having sovereignty over the territorial

- It extended upto 12 nautical miles measured from the
appropriate base lines
- It has complete sovereignty over this area.
2. International custom
- It is the oldest source of international law
- It is the original and most important source of international
- The large part of consists of customary rules
3. Principle of jus cogens *
- Jus cogens (from Latin: compelling law; English: peremptory
- It refers to certain fundamental, overriding principles of
international law, from which no derogation is ever permitted
- For example, prohibition on the use of force;
- The law of genocide;
- principle of racial non-discrimination;
- crimes against humanity
4. What do you understand by the term convention?
- It means conveying of assembly for transaction of business
- It includes of agreements, compacts and mutual arrangement
of parties.
5. What is rebus sic stantibus?
- It asserts that a treaty may be terminated if there occurs a
fundamental change in the circumstances under which it was
6. What is UNDP and UNEP? *
- UNDP= United Nations Development Programme
- UNEP= United Nations Environmental Programme
7. Write any 2 qualifications of the chairperson of the national
human rights commission?
- He will be former chief justice of the supreme court of India
- He should not be more than 70 years of age
8. What do you mean by ozone depletion?
- Ozone layer depletion, is simply the wearing out (reduction) of
the amount of ozone in the stratosphere.

Unlike pollution, which has many types and causes, Ozone

depletion has been pinned down to one major human activity.

9. What is right to education guaranteed under article 21A the

constitution of India?
- The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all
children of the age of 6 to 16 years in such manner as the
state may by law, determine

Two rights concerning family guaranteed under ICCPR

To preserve human dignity
To prove various civil and political rights
To provide legally binding convention


Give two theories of recognition of states.

1. Constitution Theory
2. Declaratory Theory


What is UNCLOS?
UNCLOS= United Nation Convention on law of sea.


What is Pacta Sunt Servanda? **

The parties to treaty are bound to observe its term in good
fatih agreement between nations must be respected


What was the main object of Stockholm conference 1972

To solve the global problem of protection and improvement of
the human environment by internationalconference on
universal level.


Whart are Land Locked states?*

A state whose boundaries are entirely surrounded by land is
called Land Locked State


Give names of nobel peace prize winner for the year 2015
Give 2 interntional regional treaties concerning protection
human rights?
1. The European Convention on Human rights
2. The American convention on Human rights
3. The African Charter on Human and Peoples right
4. Arab Commission on Human Rights
What is state territory?

It is established within definite area of the globe delimited

formally by agreed boundaries.
International law gives recognition to the territorial
sovereignty exercised by the state in question within that area


What is right to development? *

It is term development encompasses the development of
economic, social, cultural and political process for the
development of personality of human beings.


Give any 4 personal freedom guaranteed under article 19

the COI?
1. Freedom of speech and expression
2. Assemble peaceably and without arms
3. Form associations or Unions
4. Move freely throughout the territory of India
5. Reside and settle in any part of the territory of India
6. Practise any profession or carry on any occupation, trade or


What is the main objective of international court of justice?

-1) settling legal disputes submitted by states in accordance
with international law, and
(2) Advising on legal questions brought by authorized
international organs and agencies. The Court consists of 15
judges elected to 9-year terms by the United Nations General
Assembly and the Security Council during independent


What is UNESCO?
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural


What do you understand by the term Arbitration?

It is a procedure for the settlement of dispute between states
by a binding award on the basis of law and as a result of an
undertaking voluntarily accepted.


What is holy see?

The Holy See (Latin: Sancta Sedes; Ecclesiastical
Latin: [sakta sedes]) is the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the
Catholic Church in Rome, the episcopal see of the Pope.


It serves as the central point of reference for the church

everywhere and the focal point of communion due to its
position as the pre-eminent see of the whole church
What is Amnesty International?
It is an international non governmental organization (NGO)
that protects human rights all over the world.
Peter Beneson a London Lawyer established amnesty
international in 1961 for prisoner of conscience
What is innocent passage?
It is a right of foreign merchant vessels to have innocent
passage through the territorial waters of a state.

2 important provision of the INDIAN CONST on rights of
- 1. Right to education
- 2. Right to food
Give an 2 legislation relating to protection environment in
- 1. Environment Act 1986
- 2. AIR (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974
- 3. Water
- 4. Indian Forest Act 1927

Define international law *

Regulates the relations of states with one another, definition
by Oppenheim


Give 2 objectives of WHO

The attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of
A state of complete physical, mental and social well being
and not merely the absence of disease infirmity


What do you mean by Non-Intervention?

UN Charter implicit prohibits intervention on the part of
individual states when it obtain the members to refrain in the
international relations from the threat or use of force against
the territory integrity or political independence of any state


What are the attributes of a state?

1. Permanent population
2.a defined territory
3. A government

4. Capacity to enter into relations with other states


What do you mean by Agenda 21?

It is a comprehensive plan of action which lays down, future
course of action in relation to environment and development
made by general assembly of the united nations


What is asylum?
The term is referred to those case where the territorial state
declines to surrender a person to the requesting state, and
provide shelter and protection on the its own territory


State any 2 rights of aliens?

1. They possess all those procedural rights which are available
to the citizens in a state.
2. They also possess substantive rights, which are the right of
the citizens of the country
3. The rights of person security and his personal liberty are as
scared ads those the citizens


Define constitutive theory of recognition of state?

According to Constitutive theory, personality of a state
created not by fact but through recognition by other states


Give any 2 rights that are not available to aliens in India?

Special Civil rights
Political Rights


What do you understand by bilateral treaty?

A bilateral treaty is a treaty strictly between two state parties.
These two parties can be two states, or two international
organizations, or one state and one international organization.
It is also called a bipartite treaty

In which year international covenant on civil and politics
rights was adopted and when it came into force?
- On December 16th , 1966 and came into force in 1976
Define CHILD as defined under convention on rights of
the child,1989?
- A child means every human being below the age of eighteen
years unless under the law applicable to child, majority is
attained earlier

What do you understand by the term DOUBLE JEOPARDY

It means a person once convicted or acquitted shall not be

tried again for the same offence
It is based on the principle of natural justice and protects the
person to be tried twice for the same offence.

In India National Commission for women is established
under which statue?
- Under the national commission for women act,1990

What is article 32 of COI?

deals with Remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by
this Part


Where is the permanent HQ of UNESCO?



Write 2 objects of national commission for children

1. Right to acquire nationality
2.Right to education
3. Right to benefit from social security
4.Right to standard of living
5. Right to life & freedom of expression



Committee on the Elimination Discrimination Against Women


What is a Continental Shelf? *

It is the submarine prolongation of a coastal states landmass
to the outer edge of the continental margin.
The continental shelf falls under the coastal states
Areas beyond the continental margin are, however, part of
the international seabed area.


Write 2 functions of the national human rights commission

proactively or reactively inquire into violations of human
rights or negligence in the prevention of such violation by
a public servant
by leave of the court, to intervene in court proceeding relating
to human rights
encourage the efforts of NGOs and institutions working in the
field of human rights
such other function as it may consider it necessary for the
protection of human rights.
What is the object of UNICEF?

Provides long term humanitarian and development assistance

to children and mother
Was established by the united nations general assembly on
December 11,1946


Give 2 landmark judgments on rights of women

1. Vishaka & ORS v. State of Rajasthan
2.Sheela bares v. State of Maharashtra


What is mediation
Where the third party actually participates in the discussion
together with the concerned parties and third parties also
makes suggestions is said to be mediation


What is ILO- 2 objects

Was estavlished after the 1st world war on 19th april,1919
OBJECTS:-1. Improvement of labour standards and conditions
throughout the world
2. To draft convention and recommendations covering
subjects of labor


What are the source of international law?

1. Customs
2. Customs and usage
3.International Text papers other than Treaties


What is innocent passage?

It is the right of foreign merchant vessels to have innocent
passage through the territorial waters of a state


Explain the concept of treaty

The term treaty is a written agreement by which 2 or more
states or international organizations create or intent to create
a relations between themselves operating within the sphere of
international law


Explain CESCR
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


Exclusive Economic Zone


Explain the directive principles related to right to workers.

It is provided under article 43 of COI which provides living

wages etc for the workers

What do you mean by general assembly of united
- The General Assembly (GA) is the main deliberative,
policymaking and representative organ of the UN.
- is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and the
only one in which all member nations have equal

3 functions of UNEP
United Nations Environmental Programme.
1. Improvement of housing and community conditions for the
worlds disadvantaged people
2.Monitoring the injurious and dangerous pollutants
3. Constitution of global directory of information to
information seekers facilitating access to knowledge of
environmental matters.


Article 39(d) of COI

That there is equal pay for equal work for both men and


What do you mean by Suo motu?

on its own


What are the main objects of UDHR?

Universal Declaration of Human right
1. Every person is entitled to all the rights and freedoms sets
forth without discrimination
2. Civil and Political Rights
3. Economic, social and cultural rights



Write Any 2 objectives of united nations charter?

1. Faith in Fundamental Rights, in the dignity and worth of
human person
2. Respect for human rights and for fundamental respect for
all without distinction as to race, sex, language or relief
Explain article 47 of Indian const
Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the
standard of living and to improve public health


What do you mean by good offices

Facilitating dealings between two or more parties using an

unbiased third-party's influence


Define the term Environment

The milieu in which an organism lives. Includes the sum of

all of its surroundings. This includes natural forces and other
living things. It defines the conditions of danger and damage
to existence, as well as development and growth. Refer
to environmental factors


Non use of force

Force is not used or minimal force is used.


What do you mean by fictional theory

based on the fiction that duties and rights of the states are
only the duties and rights of men who compose them, and
therefore is ultimately individuals who are subjects of
international law


Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


What do you mean by European social charter

The European Social Charter is a Council of
Europe treaty which was adopted in 1961 and revised in 1996.
The Revised Charter came into force in 1999 and is gradually
replacing the initial 1961 treaty.
The Charter sets out human rights and freedoms and
establishes a supervisory mechanism guaranteeing their
respect by the States parties.


Article 23

- Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour

(1) Traffic in human beings and begar and other similar forms of forced
labour are prohibited and any contravention of this provision shall be
an offence punishable in accordance with law

(2) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from imposing
compulsory service for public purpose, and in imposing such service
the State shall not make any discrimination on grounds only of religion,
race, caste or class or any of them

3 economic , social and cultural rights

1. Right to work
2. Right to social Security
3. Right to physical and mental health


what do you mean by UN commissioner for human rights

Commissioner is appointed in order to promote and protect
the effective enjoyment by all civil, political, economical ,
social and cultural rights.


article16 (1)

- (1) There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters

relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State

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