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Mr Garry McIntosh, Associate to His Honour Mullaly J.


Re: 20151121-Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Associate Mr Garry McIntosh

to His Honour Mullaly J County Court of Victoria-Re APPEAL-15-2502-Supplement 3

further to my previous correspondences I desire to alert you that by today the brief ordered
by His Honour Mullaly J to be send by no later than 9 November 2015 still has not arrived.
To avoid any misconceptions, it should be clear that as you are an OFFICER OF THE COURT
then where I inform you of this then you are obligated to report the matter to the court. It doesnt
require me to file any application for CONTEMPT OF COURT/ CONTEMPT IN THE
FACE OF THE COURT. The latter regarding the Counsel for Buloke Shire Council at the Bar
table having misled His Honour Mullaly J as to when the request of the brief was made.
Some limited background is that Buloke Shire Council was pestering me with Fire Prevention
Notices for years even so they all were in violation of legislative provisions. Then they persisted
to litigate while informed I was very ill and hence the litigation was in my absenteeism and now
before His Honour Mullaly J they continue their problem making conduct. I understand that it
their modus operandi and this should be stopped. It would be wrong to assume that I require to
file for contempt proceedings, as I merely have to alert an OFFICER OF THE COURT, and
then the OFFICER OF THE COURT is duty bound to report the matter to the court. After all
as I pursued successfully in the Colosimo case before Her Honour Harbison J, a contempt
application once filed becomes the property of the court. One therefore has to ask; Why on earth
would I want to file myself a formal CONTEMPT application and risk it to be railroaded and
face cost, where all I need to do is to inform an OFFICER OF THE COURT (in this case it is
you) and this then in itself is sufficient to have contempt proceedings to be activated? (See also
Re CONTEMPT OF COURT; Bell v Stewart HCA 68 (5-11-1920) by Isaacs and Rich JJ)
Just as to how ordinary people perceive lawyers I will quote below an email I received.


Getting Screwed? Not what I had in mind!

Today at 4:42 PM (20-11-2015)

Message body
----- Original Message ----From:
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 3:41 PM
Subject: Getting Screwed?? NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND!

G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also
Http:// Blog at Http://

Page 2

At a bar. . . .

Having already downed a few power drinks, she turned around, faces him, looks
him straight in the eye and said, "Listen here good looking, I screw anybody,
anytime, anywhere, your place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the
ground, standing up, sitting down, naked or with clothes on, dirty, clean - it
doesn't matter to me. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college and I just
love it."
Eyes now wide with interest, he responded, "No kidding. I'm a lawyer too. What
firm are you with?"


I find it sad that the legal profession has such corruption around it that it is perceived to be like
I have a step-daughter who is a lawyer (Ok, she lost the case I did against her before I married her widowed
mother). And I have another daughter who is starting law studies next year. I started of about 4 decades ago,
researching the file notes of instructing solicitors to their barristers (counsels) as to what dirt and legal tricks
to use, etc. For example, 6mm between the lines as required by court rules of legal documents, is from base
line to base line (As I proved in the courts in the past), and not double spacing. I even then filed a complaint
with the Federal Attorney-General. But as I understand it little has been done to improve the conduct of
lawyers. In my view the conduct of Buloke Shire Council legal representatives is what generally is going on
where lawyers will do any dishonourable thing to seek to succeed for their client, no matter how unlawful and
immoral, etc. Perhaps because I alerted His Honour Mullaly J at the hearing to oppose any photos that were
of recent times not part of the original claims, Buloke Shire Council legal representatives may not realise they
have a problem how to fabricate a brief where they never may have had photos in the first place, even so
claimed by counsel before His Honour Mukllaly J.

The legal profession and so also the courts have to clean up their act and show to the general
community it will not condone nor tolerate abuse of the legal processes by lawyers, and will
make them an example so others will be warned not to follow that path. No more excuses to let
lawyers/judges of the hook, as they too must experience the legal consequences of their
wrongdoings. Hence, I expect that you as an OFFICER OF THE COURT will ensure that
matters are appropriately attended to, and lawyers/judges are held legally accountable.
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all
Awaiting your response,

G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


(Our name is our motto!)
G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also
Http:// Blog at Http://

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