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SUNRAY Academy

Fairmont State College, West Virginia

November 13-17, 2000

Monday, November 13, 2000

Teams arrive in Fairmont

4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Registration, Holiday Inn

6:30 p.m. Those interested in Dinner Partners meet in hotel lobby

Tuesday, November 14, 2000

Note: All morning activities at the Holiday Inn, Fairmont. Lunch and afternoon sessions at
Fairmont State College (FSC).

7:30 a.m. Breakfast HI-Marion Room

8:30 The Journey Continues:
Elizabeth Byrom, Director of the SUNRAY Project, SERVE
“Welcome: SUNRAY Showtime!!”
Jan Phlegar, Learning Innovations at WestEd
“A Framework for Reflection: The ATA Model”
Vicki Dimock, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
The Fairmont Academy Agenda
9:00 Gloria Bowman, Assistant Director of the SUNRAY Project, SERVE
SUNRAY Teams Present: “Two Academies Later:
The Pilgrims’ Progress Since January, 2000”
10:15 BREAK
10:30 Initial team meetings
11:45 Vans depart for FSC campus
12:00 noon Lunch on campus—FSC Dining Hall
1:00 p.m. Orientation/creating team nests
1:30 Teamwork sessions


SUNRAY Academy
Fairmont State College
November 13-17, 2000 1
2:45 Teamwork sessions continue

4:00 Remarks: Lavona Grow, US Department of Education Ed Bldg, Rm 213A

Program Officer for PT3
Keynote: Steve Whitaker, Curry School of Education, the
University of Virginia
“Technology Integration in Content Areas: Practices
in Teacher Education Programs"- Discussion of trends
in the technology training components of teacher education
programs. Specific examples of theory underlying practice
will be highlighted.

5:30 - 7:00 Reception at FSC – SUNSong Activity Fireside Room

Music provided by FSC Department of Music
7:15 Vans depart for the Holiday Inn

Wednesday, November 15, 2000

7:30 a.m. Breakfast – Holiday Inn HI-Marion Room
7:45 The Morning News – Gloria Bowman/Vicki Dimock
SUNLine – Donna Baumbach, ITRC-University of Central Florida
An online bulletin board just for SUNRAY folks. See it, learn
to use it, sign up! Generate ideas for using this electronic tool.
8:30 Vans depart for FSC campus
8:45 Teamwork sessions
Optional breakout sessions
“Electronic Portfolios” – Donna Baumbach Ed Bldg, Rm 340
Meet (on video) Dr. Helen Barrett, University of Alaska (Mac Lab)
at Anchorage, a leading expert on standards-based
electronic portfolios for students and teachers. See
professional and student examples. (Repeat of the popular
SUNRAY Institute session at the University of Central Florida.)
“Applying the Theory: Technology Integration in the Ed Bldg, Rm 321
Classroom”– Steve Whitaker (PC Lab)
An interactive session that will allow participants to work
with technology highlighted in opening session, e.g.,
teaching in the content area with Intel digital microscope
and Web-based student portfolios.
10:15 BREAK
10:30 Team Work Sessions
Optional breakout sessions
“Developing an Evaluation Plan” – Elizabeth Byrom Ed Bldg, Rm 321
Why should you evaluate your technology program? The key
elements of a technology program evaluation plan, the process,
and hints for developing a successful evaluation framework.
SUNRAY Academy
Fairmont State College
November 13-17, 2000 2
“On-Line Resources” – Donna Baumbach Ed Bldg, Rm 340
The first five years of the Regional Technology in Education
Consortia (R*TECs) are now complete. What free and
inexpensive products resulted from those programs that
are of value to teacher educators? Some exciting
examples of these excellent resources.
12:15 p.m. LUNCH-FSC Dining Hall
1:00 Teamwork sessions
4:00 Full Group Session: “SUNRAY eYearbooks” Ed Bldg, Rm 213A
Donna Baumbach and Gloria Bowman
See the “first draft” of the culminating project for the
SUNRAY Class of 1999-2002! Learn how and why you
should contribute your own chapters.
5:15 Vans depart for the Holiday Inn
Resource center and workrooms with computers and Internet connections are available
throughout the day at Fairmont State College. Teams may continue to work at hotel during the
evening as desired.

Thursday, November 16, 2000

7:30 a.m. Breakfast – Holiday Inn HI-Marion Room
8:00 The Morning News – Dimock & Bowman
“Getting to Our Destination: A Framework”--
Jan Phlegar
Presenting a plan to help SUNRAY teams reflect on where
they began and where they are going plus the value of this
reflective journey.

9:45 Vans depart for FSC

10:00 Teamwork sessions (Teams take breaks as required)

12:00 noon LUNCH-FSC Dining Hall

1:00 Teamwork sessions (Teams take breaks as required)
5:00 Vans depart for the Holiday Inn

Resource center and workrooms with computers and Internet connections are available
throughout the day at Fairmont State College. Teams may continue to work at hotel
during the evening as desired.

SUNRAY Academy
Fairmont State College
November 13-17, 2000 3
Friday, November 17, 2000
7:30 a.m. Breakfast--Holiday Inn HI-Marion Room
The Morning News—Bowman & Dimock
Hotel checkout
8:30 Vans depart for FSC campus
8:45 Teamwork sessions – products completed by 10:00 a.m.

9:45 BREAK

10:00 Sharing Our Successes –SUNRAY Teams Ed Bldg, Rm 213A

11:30 “From Point A to Point B--You are HERE: The SUNRAY

Journey Timeline”--Elizabeth Byrom
Graduation—Presentation of Diplomas, Gloria Bowman
(Box Lunch provided as participants depart)

Resource center and workrooms with computers and Internet connections are available until
10:00 a.m. at Fairmont State College

SUNRAY Academy
Fairmont State College
November 13-17, 2000 4

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