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Centrode LenguasExtranjeras
Mid Term Examvl




I. Readine Section (15 marks)

Read the rte!{/spaper article.

Wife's sweettone hid allegedmurder plot

SANTA FE. N.ivl. Wednesday
.luly22 (Reutels)Gillmore was arresiedlastweekendand facescharsesof
RobertSunlsersayshe knervsonethingwas up when atlempledrnurderand conspiracy.
his wife startedtreatinghim nicel,"-.
Sumsersaid he and his wife havehad somerough timesand
that he becamesuspiciousin the last few weekswhen she
But he could barely believeit rvhenpolicein the
startedtreatinghim well and fixing him dinner.
northenlNew Nlexicotorvnof l.os l,unastold him his
wif'e,Vickie Cillrnore,hado1ilredan undercover
agent PoliceallegeGillmorehadbeenlookingfor someoneto kill
$ 7 , 5 0t o h a . eh i r : rk i l l e d .
her husbandwhen shemet an undercoverdetectiveand
offeredhim $750 to carry out the hit, handingover a $250
"l knc,,sr-ri,"rethirrg
up. but not murder,"Sumser' down payment.
told a tclevisi{}nsiationlateon J-uesdav.
Thinking the man had canied out the hit, 33-year-old
"Shewantedme suffer?For Ineto die sioll or Gillmoreallegedlyaskedif her husbandhad "squealedlike
what?"he asked."'l'lrat'snot risht.
squeallike a
a pig" in his final noments.
r\rticle(rj 199[iReilrersi.inited LessontOl999rvmv.english-to-go.corn

Are the following statements true or false? If they are false, re-write them so that they are true.
(5 marks) Example: The article was written on Tuesday. Fnlse.Tlrc article utnswritten onWednesday.

Vickie Gilhnore hacl always croked her husbard dinner.

Robert Sumser thought his rvife's behaviour was normal.
Vickic wantecl her huslrancl to suffer.
T'hr,-rndercoveragent didn't kiil her husband.
'u'ickie h.asbeen convicted of attempted murder.

What do the following

phrases from the article mean? Choose the correct answer. (2 marks)

6. . ". he knc-wsomething was up .. (paragraphs1 and 3)

a . t h i n g sr v e l l i r n p r o v i n g
c. there was a lot of resentment
b. sornething!\'rsrvrong
cl.shewas planning to commit a crime
7.Bttt he coukl barely believe it when ...(paragraph 2)
a. he thought it was tme
c. he found it easy to believe
b. he dirln't bclieve it
el. he found it very difficult to believe

8. To squeal like a pig? (par;rgraph4)

a. to makt a lrigh-pitchec{
b. to shout angrily

c. to laugh out loud

d. to run away

9. ... she met an undercovercleteciilcantl cfiered him $750to ca:r.' out the hit ... (paragraphT)
a. to rob her husbancl
c. to kidnap her husband
b. to murder her husbanci
d. to mug her husbancl

Read the newspaper article.

FeelingForgetful? Blame Stress,Study Suggests

WASHINCTON TuesdayMarch 2l (Reuters)- Flunk The researchers
then gavetheir volunteerstabletsof
an exam?Forget irnportantfactsduring an intervierv? cortisonethat would simulatethe effectsof stressin
A new study gives the perf'ectexcuse-- stressimpairs people.
mernorvand learninc.
The tablets,which the body processesinto cortisol,did
found that when volunteerswere given
not affect the volunteers'ability to recall in a test given
cortisol,a homronereleasedduring stress,they were
immediatelyafter memorization.And when given
lessable to remernberthincs thev had recenth'learned. immediately before the 2|-hour-later test, the tablets had
no effect on recosnition.
They saidtheir findirrgsshou'rvhvpeoplequickly
forget things the.'learnedvhiIe "cramming"for exanls, But they did impair recall a day later,the researchers
but alsomay sheddoubton festimonygiven in court,or found.
eventssuchas war.
"On the basisof our results,it seemsprobablethat
Dorniniquede QLrervainof the Universityof Zurich in elevatedglucocorticoidlevelsmay induceretrieval
Switzerlandand colleaguesat the Universitl'of
impairmentsin suchstressfulsituationsas examinations,
California at lrr.,inetestedl8 rvonenand l8 men aged job interviews,combatand courtroomtestimony,"they
20 f.o40.
wrote in their report,publishedin thejournal Nature
They askedthern1o mernorize60 Germannouns,
which they'got to look at fbr four secondseach.Either
immediatelyafter memorizingtlre list or one da;"later,
the volunteerswere testedfor free recall -- writing
down as nrany words as the) could remember-- and for
recognizefhe nounsthey irad
learnedon a longerlist.
Article C 1000 R.iiltefsLinrited. I-essonO 2000 rvrvrv.english-to-go.cont

Complete the following summary of the article. (6 marks)

Researchers r{ecided to test the eff-ectsof (10)
on memory. They asked a group of
men and rotnell to learn 60 German nouns, and then tested them. After that, they gave the
voli-rnteers cortisone, in the fcrm of (11)
from which the body produces corsol

- a (72)

- that the body reieaseswhen under stress.The researchersrepeatedthe tests

and found that the cortisol aflected the volunteers' ability to (13)
information a day
after mer.c-rrizirtg it. As well as influencing examination and job interview results, the research has
seriousimplicationsior soldiersat (1.1)
or peoplewho (15)
in court.

Match the verbs from the article (L6-19)with the correct definitions (a-d). (2 marks)
f" r"y *^"thi"g ir th" *"*
17.impair i b. remember
c. prevent or damage
d. fail

II. Use of English Section(20marks)

Write these rvords and phrasesconnectedto
education-(5 marks)
Example:a placevvhereperoplestudy for
qualificationsatter leaving,school:a colleLe
20. the arnount of money \/ou pay to go to a
private school or a university: f_
21.the Ianc{ancilruilclingsoi a universityor
colleqe:a c
22. somcbod)' *h., lrasa first ciegreefrom a
or collese:a g _
23. a teacher w'lrrworks with one sfudent or
a small group cli str.tlents:
a t_
24. a talk on a sutrject,especiallvat university
or t'ollegc:a I__
Fill in the gaps with the correct form cf the
verbs in brackets. (3 marks)
Example:Shelovesgoirg(go) to the cinema.
25. I think -vc:u'tlbetter
26. My c{aclrhacleffre_,_

_ (get)some

Complete these secondconditional

sentenceswith the correct form of the verb
in brackets. (4 marks)
37. Imagine you _
(have) the chance to
travel for six months, where _
38. John
(buy) himself a sports car if
he _
(have)enough money.
(be able to) so
39. Assumins I
(so) to
whereverI wanted,|
40. lf you
(be)really hungry,
you _
(steal)some food?
Fill in the gaps in the conversation with
these wordy'phrases. (5 marks)
would you like me to
be a great help
wouldn't mind
Why don't I
you don't mind
What if I
be wonderful if vou could
Would it help if
if you like


(talk) to tl-rem.
27. We rvoiclerl
28. I iorcec{lrirn __
(teli) me his narne.
29. N\,olc{er brother'___ (teach)me to
(clo)her homewolk.
30. Julie finishet{
Look at these sentences.Are both verlr
forms possible?If they are :ossible,tick the
sentence.If rrot, choosethe correct option.
(3 marks)
Example:Wlren I was young,I used{o be/'tlbe
very si1y.
31. tlnce I 1.s.'l
lo tn/trnl'-t'rlr.ritea novel,
bu{ I nevi.r iinisliec{it.
32. Uncie I{a rr,i' lte\./el'/sr.,/l
to liheflike
33. My mother is nluays
rbouthow much everythilro
34. My neighbours u'ill larlq'nreokt,ctys
theil car in lrolrt of mV hcusel
35. iVhat clitl yc'u ttscto/ustitto clo cluring the
3lr. Every da1'u,hen I get horne,I'll lurtt/'nt
ftnz'iga pa,ketof biscr-rits


Whafs the matter, fo? You look awful?

I'm not feeling well and I've got people
comingto stay.
Oh dear,poor you. Letmehelp you get
Are you sureyou (41)_?
No, not at all. (42)
I tidied the
living room?
Wetl, it'd (43)___.
Then (,H)
go to the
supermarketfor you?
Thanks,thafd (a5)
Have you got a list of the stuff you
Yes,ifs over there on the fridge.
Oh yeah.I see.(46)_
dinner when I get back?
No, that'sOK.I (44
What about the kids?I'll look after them
Thaf d be fantastic. They'd love that as lons as A9\
No, of coursenot. (50)
collectedthem from schoolfirst?
No, Fiona'sdoing that on her way home
from college,but thanks for offering.

Sourceof allUse of Englishexercises:Face2Face

Book/ ChnsRedston & Tim
Marchand/CUP / 2007/ Progress Tests pages200-2OT

III. Listening Section(L5marks)

Listen to this extract from a radio interview with a university professor. Are the statements true
or false? If they are false, correct the sentences so that they are true. (7 marks)
Dl Mirrk Griffiths is a neurologist at Nottingham Trent University.
Llr Griffiths has published his researclrin a scientific journal.
lle has solne unusually positive opinions about computer games.
lle thirrks that vicleo gaines make people antisocial and don't develop very many skills.
Most reople don't think that computer games encourage violent behaviour.
A<-corr{irigto Dr Criffiths, tlreraristscan use the games to help paents to get rid of their
ag,gressionlvithout car"rsinganv harm.
can use computer [iares to become good friends with their child patients.

Listen to three people talking about their eating habits. Choose the best answers. (8 marks)

58. Japanescpeople usually...

a. have soup at every' rneal .
b. only eatfapanese food.
c. eat a combination of Japaneseand Western food.
5c).Akiko e'atsa health,vdiet ...
a. becauseshe needs to control her weight.
b. becauseshc'eratslcts ot vegetables.



c. becauseshe is Japanese.

6C. What hap'rpene.dwheir Kuru first came to the USA?

. she c{ic{n'tlike thc' fooci.
b. she felt homesick.

c. she got sick.

trl. For dinner, Kuru rrsually has ...

or fisil.
a. r'einrlee.r

b. rarv fish.

c. roasted chicken.

6 2 . S h ed o e s n ' t . . .
a. do much exercise.

b. eat very many desserts.

c. like orangejuice.

ir3. Gayle alwa1,5tries to avoid ...

a. ftrtty food"

b. eatingout a lot.

c. doing too much exercise.

.1.In Los Arrgeles,it's normal ...

r. to exercise before breakfast
b. to have a sandwich for lunch
c. to not eat cre-.aln,
clreeseor oil when at a restaurant.
6 5 .C a v l e . . .
. doesn't !r,()rry too much about n'hat she eats.
b. controls very carefullv q'hat she eats.
c. isn't concerned about her health or fitness.

IV. Writing Section (1.5marks)

Question One: Think about your life three years ago. How have you changed?What did
yorr ilse to do? What do you do now? (Write approximately100words.)
Question Two: Choose ONE of the following topics and write a letter to a newspaper
giving your opinicn. fiArriteapproximatelyL00words.)
a. Should parents imn-rigrateto other counhies and leave their children in Ecuador?
b. Should we send criminals to prison for more time?
c. Should we force children to learn English from an early age?

V. Oral Exarn(15marks)

VI. Homework and Tests (20 marks)

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