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Josina Machel Secondary School

Exercise Sheet
Covers the whole programme.
Grade: 12;

Subject: English
Part 1

For each question below choose the right answer (A, B, C, D)

1. Choose the best question: Ben remembered to buy a present yesterday evening
A. Did Ben remember to buy a present?
B. When Ben remembered to buy a present?
C. What did Ben remember to buy?
D. What did Ben Remembered to buy?
2. Which of the following is incorrect:
A. Since i received you letter, I haven't read it.
C. We are friends since 2000

B. I met a friend of mine today.

D. I admit, we didnt publish the news

3. Which of these sentences is not correct?

A. I watched a lot of the films.
C. Believe me. I don't know any of the tourists

B. some of the shops were open

D. Much rice in the pantry is rotten

4. Which of the following is in active voice?

A. All of them have been present since then. B. Problems are solved
C. Hes been paid
D. The president is speaking
5. Choose the correct sentence
A. At what time the plane leaves?
C. What time does the lesson starts

B. when do they plan to come?

D. when does Gina and Sarah want to leave?

6. Choose the correct Sentence

A. She has studied very well at school.
C. She studied very well at school

B. she didnt studied very well at school

D. she hasnt studied very well at school

7. Which of these is passive?

A. Carol has got a nice scarf
C. Shes built a modern house for her parents
8. Choose the correct sentence
A. I dont often go to church.
C. They hold always hand under the table.

B. Weve been friends for long now

D. they were singing one of the Baby faces

B. Judge never by appearances

D. They come frequently here

Part 2
Follow the instructions for each section to answer the questions correctly
I. Complete the sentences below with this, that, these or those
My grandmother never wore trousers when she was young. In_______ days it wasn't acceptable.
I need to stop for a coffee. Is ______ all right with you?
How much were _________________ hats?
Could you bring ________________ fan a little closer.
Do you like ______ trousers? I bought them yesterday
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the right forms (simple present or present continuous)
My mother _____________ (lay) the table for dinner at 8 pm every day. She never ______________
(fail). Sometimes, when I give a hand she _____________(try) to stop me, but I always tell her to give
up because Ill never let her do everything alone while I ____________ (be) at home.
I_______________(write) a song about her. In it, i _____________ (describe) her as a hardworking and
lovely mother. This week i _________________ (finish) the last verse of the song.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous form
1. Where _______ he ________ (go) when you _________(see) him yesterday?
2. The boys ________ (break) the window when they _______ (play) football.
3. I _______ (lose) all my money when I ________ (travel) from Prague to Budapest.
4. It ________ (rain) while I ________ (go) home.
5. When my mother _________ (clean) my room she __________ (find) all my love letters.
IV) Underline the mistake in each sentence below if any, then write the correct form in the space
1. Leopold was falling off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling. _________________________
2. Wendy was waiting for me when I arrived. ___________________
3. We didnt go fishing because it rained. ____________________________
4. I was seeing Scott in the park. He was sitting on the grass and he read a book. __________________
5. When I was getting up the TV was on. ______________________

V. A) Put these sentences into passive

1. Penguin readers published this book in 1990. ____________________________________________

2. Susan informs Mary about the test results. ______________________________________________

3. They could not do the exercises on their own. ____________________________________________
4. The Smiths are going to invite the Taylors on Christmas Eve. ________________________________
5. The Burglars have stolen the paintings by Picasso. _________________________________________
B) Change the sentences from active to passive & vice-versa.
1. Peter has been given a promotion ______________________________________________________
2. Its believed that there is life in the afterlife. ______________________________________________
3. Will you send me a postcard from New York? ____________________________________________
4. People think that unemployment is increasing. ____________________________________________
5. Popular TV series are broadcast on AXN. _______________________________________________
VI. A) Write questions with How much ?/ How many ?
(I took some photographs. How many photographs did you take?)
1. I ate some food. __________________________________________________________________?
2. I drank some water. ________________________________________________________________?
3. I make some mistakes. _____________________________________________________________?
4. I write some letters weekly. _________________________________________________________?
5. I gave him some money. ____________________________________________________________?

Put in an adjective/ adverb or both if necessary.

Dan drives his car ________________ (carful/ carefully/ quite)
He acted his part of the play (excellent/ excellently) __________________
Paula and Aida looked (sadly/ sad) ___________, so I tried to comfort them.
She relies on her voice as she can sing (extreme/ well) ______________________________
5. I always make my bed before breakfast. ___________________

Write a question tag for each sentence below

Listen to me, __________________________?
Beto and Susan are in New York, ______________________________?
Your brother has been away for a long time, ____________________?
This work could be done in ten minutes, ____________________ ?
Nobody called for me while I was out, ____________________ ?
I am late, ____________________ ?
She wont arrive late, ____________________ ?
The boys had gone there by bus, ____________________ ?

9. It would be difficult to refuse the invitation, ____________________ ?

10. The children dont like the dog, ____________________ ?
D) Change this direct speech into reported speech
1. I was waiting for the bus when he arrived. She told me ___________________________________
2. What were you doing when I saw you?. She asked me
3. I had never been there before. She said ________________________________________________
4. Who was that beautiful woman?. She asked me _________________________________________
5. What are you doing?. She asked me __________________________________________________
6. I didnt go to the party. She told me __________________________________________________
7. He hasnt eaten breakfast. She told me ________________________________________________
8. I can help you tomorrow. She said ___________________________________________________
9. Why did you go out last night?. She asked me __________________________________________
E) Choose the correct form of adjective from the bracket to complete the sentence.
1. Mexico is the _____________country in Central America (bigger/ biggest/ the bigger)
2. Groenland has the _____ weather of the world. Its always raining and snowing (worsen/ worst/ bad)
3. To fall from a motorcycle is _____ to fall from a bicycle (more painful/ more painful than/ painfuller than)
4. If you suffer asthma, dont go to Mexico City. It is one of the _____ cities in the world (pollutest/ more
polluted/ most polluted)

VII. A) Put the verb in brackets in future perfect or future perfect continuous to complete the
1. By the time people get aware that they don't have the right to exploit the nature, they (ruin)___
_________________ it completely.
2. All the forests (deforest) __________________ by the time people stop chopping down trees.
3. By the end of this century, bad people(destroy) __________our nature for over two centuries.
4. In 30 years time a lot of plants and animals species(disappear) ________________________
if no precaution is taken to protect them.
5. Industries (pollute) _______________________ two-thirds (2/3) of the environment by 2050.

B) Put in in order to, so that, despite, although, in spite of

1. _______________i dont agree with him, I think he is honest.
2. ______________ his fathers repeated advices, he decided to marry the girl
3. She went on working, ____________________ the fact that she was tired.
4. __________________being a bit expensive, I decided to buy the book.
5. She opened up the window _________________ let the air in.
6. __________________we are a small company, we sell almost a hundred machines a month.
7. I'm studying very hard at the moment___________ pass my exams next month.
8. _______________ his lack of experience, he became a successful businessman.
9. I'm doing my homework on the bus _____________ my teacher doesn't kill me
10. She bought a map ____________ she wouldn't get lost
1. Read the text and answer the questions that follow
Scientists say the temperature of the earth could rise by 3C over the next 50 years. This may cause
drought in some parts of the world, and floods in others, as ice at the North and South poles begins to
melt and sea levels rise. Rainforests help to control global warming because they absorb carbon
dioxide. However, large area of forests has been destroyed, causing extinction of several plant and
animal species.
Factories, power stations and motor vehicles pump large quantities of carbon dioxide and other gases into
the air, causing global warming. Some poisonous gases dissolve in water in the atmosphere and then fall
to the earth as acid rain which damages trees and buildings, and kills fish in lakes and rivers
Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas, but burning them is slowly harming
the atmosphere. Using Solar Power or Wind Power is safer. Solar power is a way of using the sun's
energy and wind power is using wind to generate electricity.
A lot of paper bags, writing paper, greeting cards and plastic, aluminium and metal devices are now
produced on recycled materials. Recycling saves energy, reduces the cost of raw materials, and
reduces damage to the environment. Recycling is the processing of used objects and materials so that
they can be used again.
1. What alternative forms of energy do you know? ___________________________________________
2. How are forests good for the environment? What is happening to them? ________________________
3. What is acid rain? What does it do? ______________________________________________________
4. What is recycling? How does it help the environment? ______________________________________

2. Read the text and choose the best word from the box to complete the text
although, as, when, because of, so, In order to, from

The world is still facing many

environmental problems (1) many organizations are working hard to reduce them.
Among them the global warming which is a gradual increase in the world temperatures. This
increase takes place (2) . the amount of polluting gases raises in the air. These gases
collect in the air around the Earth (3) .many factors such as cutting down forests and
using aerosols. (4) , they prevent heat escaping into space. (5) .
prevent global warming, we need more trees.
3. Read the text and choose the correct answer for question 1-5 below.
Business concern needs finance to meet their requirements in the economic world. Any kind of business activity
depends on the finance. Hence, it is called as lifeblood of business organization.
In the modern world, the entire business activities are directly related with making profit. According to the
economics concept of factors of production, a business concern needs finance to meet all the requirements. Hence
finance may be called as capital, investment, fund etc.
Because most business decisions are measured in financial terms, the financial manager plays a key role in the
operation of the firm. People in all areas of responsibility accounting, information systems, management,
marketing, and operations- need a basic understanding of the managerial finance function.
1. Why is Finance referred to as lifeblood of business organization? _________________________________
2. What is the prime aim of any business according to the text? ______________________________________
3. What does the economics concept of factors of production say? ____________________________________
4. How else can finance be referred to according to the text? _________________________________________
5. Why, according to the text, the finance manager plays a crucial role in the operation of the firm? __________

Read the text and answer the questions that follow

Ebola Virus Disease

Ebola is a disease caused by ebolaviruses. Signs and symptoms typically start between two days and
three weeks after contracting the virus with a fever, sore throat, muscular pain, and headaches. Vomiting,
diarrhea and rash usually follow, along with decreased function of the liver and kidneys.
The deadly Ebola virus is transmitted to humans from infected wild animals, including pigs and
monkeys. It can then be passed from human-to-human through contact with bodily fluids.
The virus was named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the first
outbreak occurred in 1976.
1. What is the cause of Ebola and how it affects humans? ____________________________________
2. What are the symptoms associated with Ebola? __________________________________________
3. How long does it take for the first signs of Ebola to appear? ________________________________

4. How and when did the virus get its name? ______________________________________________
Written by David Lugundu

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