SC15 Case BillerudKorsnas ENG1

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January 17 2016

December 20 2015


BillerudKorsns challenge conventional packaging. As a producer of renewable
packaging material, the company is able to use their expert knowledge to lead
industry development and create sustainable solutions for the future.
Contribute to BillerudKorsns innovativeness by sharing your description of
how we will package and buy our food in 50 years!
Consumption habits evolve quickly and how we purchase food is no exception. For a long
time, milk was sold from large containers, meat was purchased at the butcher, and bread at
the local bakery. Later on, grocery stores emerged to gather everything at one place. Today,
most of us shop in supermarkets or megastores while the options to purchase food online or
subscribing to grocery bags delivered directly to the door increases.
BillerudKorsns produces renewable packaging material from responsible forestry, with the
majority used to packaging solutions for food. To keep spearheading industry development,
the company needs your support to describe how we will package and purchase our food in
50 years. Describe, as detailed as you can, the trends you think will condition our
consumption habits in 50 years, how the food moves from farm to fork, how we eat our
food, what happens to the packaging after usage, how food waste and litter can be
minimized and the role of packaging for consumers, producers, brand owners and other
actors. With your help BillerudKorsns will create sustainable solutions for the future!


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Solve the case question on the front page, gather inspiration from the
background material and links. Above all, use your own ideas to create a
winning solution!
BillerudKorsns challenges conventional packaging
BillerudKorsns is a leading provider of renewable packaging material and an international
company strongly embedded in the local communities. BillerudKorsns strives to be the
innovative choice in the packaging industry by developing smarter renewable packaging
solutions in collaboration with their partners that increase profits, excite millions of
consumers and contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.
The company refines timber into packaging material that protect and preserve its content,
e.g. carton board, corrugated paper, and packaging paper which you meet on a daily basis
when buying milk, flour, electronics, pharmaceuticals or cement bags. The organization is
run by 4,300 employees from eight production facilities in Sweden, Finland and Great
Britain, sales offices in around ten countries, and the head office in Stockholm. The company
is divided into three business areas: Consumer Board sells and develops board to e.g. drinks
and consumers goods, Packaging Paper produces craft and sack paper, and Container Board
produces material to corrugated board boxes. The products are sold worldwide and the
company collaborates with more than 1,500 clients in over 100 countries and is one of
Swedens largest net exporters.


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Quick facts:

Revenue: Around 20 billion SEK (approx. 2 billion euros)

Markets: Europe and Emerging Markets
Head Office: Solna, Stockholm
Production facilities in Sweden: Grums outside of Karlstad, Skrblacka by Norrkping, Karlborg
northeast of Lule, Gvle, Frvi/Rockhammar south of Lindesberg.
Production facilities outside of Sweden: Jackobstand and Tervasaari in Finland, Beetham in Lake
District, around 100 kilometres north of Manchester.
Customer Service Centres: Solna, Tampere, Hamburg, Barcelona, Milano, Paris, Nottingham, Miami,
Dubai, New Delhi, Singapore, Shanghai

A trees journey into a packaging

The core competences of BillerudKorsns are the knowledge on smart packaging solutions
and the ability to refine wood into packaging material. The raw material for all
BillerudKorsns products is timber from responsible forestry in the Nordic and Baltic
countries. These forests grow slower than e.g. tropical forests but provide timber with fibres
with unique qualities enabling the most demanding applications. Once the timber has been
harvested, fibres are extracted and refined to packaging material, which is the role of
BillerudKorsns in the value chain. Then, the packaging material is sold to converters whom
produce packages for brand owners, e.g. dairy companies or perfume producers. The brand
owners fill the packages with the products that are sold to consumer in stores or other
channels. When the package has been used, it can be recycled and the fibres can be reused
5-7 additional cycles by producers specialized in production with recycled fibre.


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Even though BillerudKorsns operate early in the value chain, they collaborate closely with
actors in the entire value chain in to provide solutions to the complex packaging challenges
of their clients. This role demands vast knowledge, but also responsiveness to the needs and
development of the surrounding world. The company is one of the worlds largest producers
of carton for liquids such as, milk, juice, beans and chopped tomatoes. BillerudKorsns is the
worlds largest provider of paper for flour packaging, bread bags, grocery bags, etc.

The role of food packaging

Did you know that on a global scale nearly half of all fruits and vegetables are wasted and
not eaten? Simultaneously, the global population is surging and the demand for food
increases. It is more important than ever to reduce food waste and an absolute necessity in
order to achieve a future without famine and hunger. Packaging has huge potential to
reduce food waste, e.g. up to 42% for fruit and vegetables, which equals to 64 848 000 tons
per year. Similar potential for improvements exists for other food categories. Since
packaging contributes to just 5-10% of the total environmental foot-print of food, improved
packaging to minimize waste is often beneficial. The negative environmental impact from
the production and material usage of packaging is often counterweighed by the value
generated to its content.
Packaging has unfairly become a symbol for the wasteful society.
Heln Williams, PhD, University of Karlstad.


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Packaging has many roles. Firstly, packaging facilitates the meeting between the food and
the production demanding it to be hygienic, protect flavours, and enable efficient
production processes. The logistics that move the food from the producer to the shops
require efficient use of space and light materials to minimize fuel consumption while the
product must be protected from physical damage and temperature changes. In the meeting
with the consumer, the packaging must be user-friendly and aesthetically attractive to stand
out on the shelves.

Packaging can vary a lot and have different functions. The three major categories are:
primary, secondary and tertiary packaging where the primary packaging is closest to the
product. To beer, the beer bottle is the primary packaging, the six-pack board secondary and
the corrugated paper used in transportation the tertiary. They all have complimentary roles
and qualities that work as a system to facilitate the journey from field to fork.

The development of food packaging

Packaging is crucial to the provision of the goods and groceries we have become accustomed
to. Our consumption habits develop rapidly and put new demands on packaging,
simultaneously new advances in packaging enable new consumption habits. It is a dynamic
process and BillerudKorsns want your help to keep challenging conventional and develop
sustainable alternatives for the future. To kick-start your creativity, you can browse through
some packaging inventions below. Some innovations that already made a difference, some
were recently were put on the market, and some are still under development but might be
and important part of our lives in 50 years?


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

The carton board replaces glass bottles as packaging for drinks

Around 1950-70, carton packaging replaces glass bottles as packaging for milk and other
drinks. The carton was lighter, more space efficient and gave better protection to the food.
Tetra Recart the carton that replaces tins and glass cans
In 2003, a new carton based packaging system was introduced that simultaneously sterilized
both the packaging material and the packaged product. A number of groceries that
traditionally were packaged in tins or glass cans are now packaged in carton. Further
benefits include up to ten times more efficient transportation and more energy efficient
Fibreform the formable paper packaging
The first 3D-shapable paper enables new shapes of
packaging that previously only could be produced with
plastics. Fibreform is expandable in three dimensions
and can be transported in space-efficient reels to the
factory to be formed and filled.
Intelligent packaging
An increasing number of intelligent packaging emerges that change colour when something
turns bad. It is complicated to ensure correct temperature at every stage when transporting
frozen or cold products. Intelligent packaging can help to monitor the status of the products,
with one example the vaccine packaging that changes colour if the vaccine has been
damaged by temperature and lost its effect, an innovation that saves life. The same principle
could be utilized in more areas than temperature. There are packages communicating
through QR-codes and new techniques. The consumer gets to know where the content
comes from and the brand owner can trace the package. What importance could this
technique have in the future role of packaging?
Packaging with a second life
There is food packaging designed to be planted when the food is eaten. The customers
receive not only a disposable package for their meal, but also seeds and a protecting,
degradable pot to plant in. Similar packaging exists for other foods such as chocolate bars
and provides the customer with new incentives not treat the package as waste.
Edible packaging and packages that disappear
There are many prototypes of edible packages, which simply remove the need for recycling.
A similar development is degradable packaging that dissolves after usage of the product.


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Different materials and techniques are tested but BillerudKorsns already has a cement sack
on the market that dissolves and becomes a part of the cement. The potential for new ideas
to change food packaging forever is enormous.
Nanocellulose creates new opportunities
Nanocellulose is extracted from wood fibres. It has exceptional strength, in level with Kevlar,
but in contrast to Kevlar and other fossil based materials, nanocellulose is renewable. As the
technique is improved and refined, the potential number of areas of use will increase.

Additional links and inspiration

About BillerudKorsns:
Challenge Conventional:
More on renewable packaging and innovations:
Tetra Recart:
Intelligent packaging:
Packaging with a second life:
Edible packaging:
Dissolvable packaging:
Trends in packaging:

Solve the case question on the front page, gather inspiration from the
background material and links. Above all, use your own ideas to create a
winning solution!
Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Criterion of the Jury

The jury will apply the following criterion to evaluate all
solutions, agree upon five finalists and decide on a winner.

Reasoning: Do you give a well-reasoned decryption of

how we package and buy our food in 50 years based on trends and the role of
Bravery: Do you to describe brave and inventive ideas?
Attraction: Do you present your solution in an attractive format that builds
commitment for a sustainable future?


Early Bird-feedback to all solutions handed in no later than December 20 2015.

Sustainergies will provide you with feedback on your ideas and suggestions no later
than January 4 2016. Remember, you are allowed to make changes until the final
Final deadline January 17 2016. All solutions must be handed in through: If you submit several solutions, your last uploaded
version will enter the competition.
Hand in your solution individually or as a team. If you compete as a team, any prize
money will be shared between all members of the team. Any solution can be
registered on one person only, please write the names of all your team-members in
the solution. Hint: to increase your chances of winning when working as a team,
submit several different solutions by registering them on different team-members, up
to one solution per person.
Solutions may consist of text, images, graphics, movies or other digital formats.
Irrespectively of how you design your solution may it not exceed a comparable length
of 3,000 words. Your solution can be in English or Swedish.
Appendices are allowed. Use appendices only if you believe they are relevant to
support your solution with additional information. Your solution must be fully
understandable without the appendices.


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

January 17 2016

December 20 2015

Three cases, three chances to win

You can compete together with Scania, BillerudKorsns and Trafikverket, individually or in
teams. For each case, the top-five solutions will be named and the jury will select one winner
of the big prize-check of 25,000 SEK (2,500 euros). Go for it!

What is Early Bird?

Submit a draft of your solution no later than December 20 2015 to receive our personal
feedback January 4 2016. Perhaps it will help you win!

Hotline for Sustainergies Cup

Sustainergies will answer all questions about the competition. You do not need to contact
Scania, BillerudKorsns or Trafikverket. We will do our utmost to support you and there are
no stupid questions!
Twitter: @sustainergies


Sustainergies creates innovative sustainability solutions and meaningful careers. We the leading platform for
companies, students and universities who want to collaborate on sustainability, in Sweden.

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