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National Legal Essay Competition





patronage of Padmashree Prof. (Dr.) N.R.

Madhava Menon, has successfully organised
the Inaugural edition of the R.N. Sahay
National Legal Essay Competition with the
unique privilege to receive foreword by





International Court of Justice, Netherlands. This National Essay

Competition has been instituted in the memory of Late. Ratneshwar Nath
Sahay, a fourth generation lawyer, a connoisseur in Civil Law, an Eminent
Jurist & Educationist of unified Bihar, whose legal career spanned from
1934-1988. Prestigious institutions like EBC & SCC Online, IALM, Lex







AdvocateKhoj, Lawledge & Srijan partnered in the event with strong and
unstinted support to make it a grand success as an internationally
acclaimed Legal Essay Competition. The esteemed panel of this
competition consisted of eminent personalities like Padmashree Prof. (Dr.)
N.R.Madhava Menon, Dr. Lalit Bhasin President of Society of Indian Law
Firms (SILF), Padmashree Mr. P. H. Parekh Ex-President Supreme Court Bar
Association, Dr. Adish C Aggarwala President International Council of
Jurists, Mr. Aman Lekhi Senior Advocate SC, Ms. Suchitra A Chitale Senior
Managing Partner Chitale & Chitale Partners, Mr. Sumeet Malik Associate
Editor Supreme Court Cases (SCC) & Director EBC (P) Ltd., Mr. Shrikant
Hathi Solicitor England & Wales & Senior Managing Partner Brus
Chambers, Mr. VVSN Raju Resident Partner & Branch Head Kochhar & Co.,
Mr. Sanjay Bhatia Ex Attorney SmithDehn LLP & SDD Global, Mr. Dorian

Needham Associate Ropes & Gray LLP, Mr. Rishabh Sancheti Advocate SC,
Mr. Aditya Shankar Advocate SC and others. The event received great
commendation from legal titans like Ram Jethmalani, Fali Nariman, Soli
Sorabjee, K.K.Venugopal, Ashok H Desai, P. P. Rao, KTS Tulsi, Harish Salve,
Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Zia Mody and many others. Topics for the
competition were Media Trial: Freedom of Speech vs Fair Trial, Insider
Trading & Corporate Espionage: Need for adequate legislation in India,
Changes brought in the position of Hindu Womens Right to Inheritance,








(Amendment) Act, 2005 and its Historical Context, Confidentiality against

Transparency in Arbitration-Facets of the same coin, The legal & moral
viability of death sentence as a deterrent in sexual offences with particular
reference to the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013. Hundreds of entries
were received from students of different law colleges and universities
across India. Results of the Competition have been announced on the
occasion of the 65th National Law Day. Akshay Aurora of GLC Mumbai,
Ishita Mishra of NLIU Bhopal and Pragya Sharma of NUJS Kolkata have
been adjudged as the top 3 Winners. Chief Patron & Judge of the
Competition Padmashree Prof. (Dr.) N.R.Madhava Menon congratulated
the winners and conveyed his thanks to the organizers for giving him the
honour to be the Judge in this important initiative. Chief Convener Rajeeva
Ranjan Sahaya while felicitating the winners, heartily congratulated the
Convener & Coordinator, Co-Conveners, Co-Coordinator and Organizing
Committee Members. The winners have been awarded prize package
including prestigious publication in Supreme Court Cases, ILJ, Lawyers
Update & Sahaya Law Review, complementary SCC online cards, Lex
Witness lifetime magazine subscriptions, Internships, IALM certificate
courses, EBC law books, Cash prize and Merit Certificates. RRSA is
planning to announce the 2nd edition of the National Event on September
3rd, 2015.

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