Internship Report

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Internship Report

Human Resources Department

By: Sarmad Ali

First of all I would like to thank Almighty Allah, to whom belong all the praises.
Then I am very grateful to Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL), which gave me the
opportunity to look into its world of business. I am also indebted to many people
in the Human Resources Department, especially to Mr Ch. Zaheer Tahir with
whom I was assigned during the whole period. I am also very thankful to Mr
Usman Siddiqui, Mr Usman Paracha, Mr Amir Kazmi, Mr Ali Husnain, Mr Aleem
Haider, Ms Eugene Peter and whole department for teaching and tolerating my
inefficiencies patiently.
Lastly, I would once again thank from the deepest cores of my heart to each and
everyone in the HR department for giving me an experience of my lifetime,
which would help me greatly in my academic and professional career.
Sarmad Ali
4th September 2015

Table of Contents
Executive Summary..........................................................................4
Company Profile...............................................................................5
My Experience & Learning.................................................................6
Assignments/Tasks:........................................................................... 6

Executive Summary
As necessary part and requisites of HEC for completion of my BBA degree, I had
to internship in a department relevant to my field that is HR. Fortunately; I found
the opportunity to intern in Mega Corporation like PPL. The six-week experience
was very great for me and I learnt a lot from here. I also met and worked with
people who are very hardworking and professional in their work.

Company Profile

Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) is one of the largest Exploration and

Production Company in energy sector in Pakistan operating to explore and
produce natural gas and petroleum products. It was incorporated on 5 th June
1950, when it inherited assets and liabilities of Burmah Oil Company. Around
70% of this mega corporation is owned by Government of Pakistan. It operates
in numerous fields such as Sui Gas Field, Adhi Field, Mazarani Field,
Hala/Gamabat field where it has both operational and non-operational interests.
It is also partnering with international companies to explore outside Pakistan;
currently it has an exploration block in Iraq. As a major supplier of natural
gas, PPL today contributes over 20 percent of the countrys total natural gas
supplies besides producing crude oil, Natural Gas Liquid and Liquefied
Petroleum Gas.
PPL provides a very conducive environment to its employees and also maintains
a very healthy work environment where the safety and security is a priority,
both off field and on field. PPL is a signatory of the United Nation Global
Compact (UNGC), a voluntary charter set up in July 2000 by leading businesses
to form platforms for business models and markets' promotion. The charter
binds member companies to follow ten basic principles focusing on human
rights, working conditions for employees, environmental conservation and
transparency. PPL became a member of UNGC in April 2006.

My Experience & Learning

Internship provides students belonging to any academic field a window to the
professional world where everything is real, competitive and where the
decisions we make have real consequences. Internship also provides a chance
to a student to comprehend the things and concepts that he has learned in the
I have completed third year of my Bachelors in Business Administration where I
am specializing in Human Resources. As compulsory part of completing my
degree I had to intern at an organization in relevant discipline. I never had the
exposure to corporate organization before PPL, so everything was strange for
me and I was curious to learn how people interact in professional settings and
how they make things happen for their organizations to make them successful.
Luckily, I got a chance to be an intern for six weeks in PPLs Human Resources
department from 27th July to 4th September 2015. These six weeks gave me
insights, which I would not have obtained from studying whole four years for my
degree also a giant corporation like PPL enhanced my learning. As it is well
known that HR department is crossroad of all other departments as its linked by
every department of the company. Similarly, here in PPL I got the chance to visit
other departments and meet people from different fields.
On the first day, after reporting to Mr Aleem Haider and getting done with the
formalities I was assigned with Mr Zaheer Tahir, Senior HR Officer. I found him a
great teacher and mentor who tolerated all my lacking and inefficiencies very
patiently. He taught me things and explained the functions of HR very

comprehensively. I never felt where I was threatened or misbehaved although it

was my first experience, but he provided me a very friendly and conducive
environment, which enabled me to learn and adapt to the things comfortably. I
also learnt a lot from Mr Usman Siddiqui, especially how much humour and light
moments are necessary in working environment. Mr Usman Paracha is also a
very friendly person who teaches by befriending the learner. I am also very
much impressed by the professionalism and integrity of Ms Eugene Peters, she
works tirelessly and has every thing covered. I have learned many things from
everyone in the HR department and I found everyone very supportive.

I will briefly list down the tasks, assignments and responsibilities, which I
performed during six weeks:
EOBI cases: I prepared around four cases of retirees for their Employee
Old Age Benefits Institutions pension claim.
I was also made responsible to maintain CODE of Conduct undertakings
forms of employees and I updated their status in excel file and filed the
forms in the box folder.
I also drafted a variety of letters on fixed formats provided to me including
visa letters, loan letters etc.
I got a little hand on experience on SAP, which I used to verify some data
and make entries of training workshops in it.
I was tasked to make database of interview tracking list where I updated
the status of candidates according to their respective stages in
recruitment process and I used to feed their information in it.
Lastly, I was authorised by Mr Umar Siddiqui to register employees on the
biometric attendance machine.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all the people who made this experience very
valuable for me, which would help me to be better student and person. Every bit
of the time I spent in PPL is very prized for me, I am also happy that I made
good relationship of respect with people in PPL. There are few suggestions that I
would like to make as after being here I consider my self a pert of PPL and I feel
responsible. There is one thing I want to stress most is that I have observed that
a lot of paper is wasted that not only has environmental outcomes but also it
increases the expenses for company. Lastly, I want to suggest making the
environment more open and promoting creativity and sharing of ideas.

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