Narrative Idea #1

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- (AB) Alfred Alfie Bond
- (BD) Agent Benedict Darvill
- (HJ) Hugo Jones
- (HB) Harriet Bond (Alfies Mother)

Alfie Bond is obsessed with the world of spies, technology and espionage, loving
James Bond films in particular.
At the weekend, after an intense session of GCSE revision at home, he leaves the
house for a breathe of fresh air at the park. When listening to music on his phone
whilst sitting on a bench, a tall and mysterious figure, carrying a brief case, walks
past, dropping a memory stick. Alfie does not notice this.
A week later, when walking through the park on his way home from school, he
notices a memory stick, labelled with the code of 010010B0D. He continues to
walk past, but after thinking about it, returns to it, and places it into his pocket.
CUT TO INTERROGATION What? You just decided to place an object that
clearly wasnt yours into your pocket?.
When he gets home, he makes himself a snack, and then goes to his bedroom. He
remembers that the memory stick is in his pocket and knows he shouldnt be, but is
interested in what the memory stick has on it. He plugs it into his laptop.
A message takes over his laptop: ScanningCalculatingIdentifying Location. He
cannot control his laptop, it is completely taken over.

- Elsewhere, at MI6, a message comes up on Hugo Jones (a member of the

Research and Development Division at MI6) computer, informing him of the
location of the memory sticks stimulation. Alfies home appears on his map. He
rings his boss, tell him that Sir, Agent Darvill has been located.

- The next morning, the door bell rings, and with his Mother in the kitchen, Alfie opens
the door.
- A smartly dressed man (known by the audience to be Hugo Jones) is at the door.
Asking for Alfred Oswald Bond, Alfie is immediately intrigued as to why the man
has arrived. He lets him in, as requested.
- After the man explains that he is from the Undercover Police Unit (false identity), he
explains that a man going by the name of John Smith has been reported missing,
and that the technology at the Police Headquarters have traced back to this
- Alfie mentions the Memory Stick, and immediately, is forced to tell his Mother that
he is merely going to the park with his friends, when he is actually about to be taken
to the Police Headquarters.
- Alfie and Hugo arrives. He is taken down to a mysterious room, and interrogated
about his knowledge on the location of Agent Darvill.
- During this, Alfie is informed that he is actually in MI6, and asked about actual
location of Agent Darvill, who was reported Missing In Action (M.I.A.).

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