LESSON PLAN Imperialism & WWI Intro - Tech

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Master Teacher: __Rob Poulos _ Subject: ___US History_ Grade Level: __11__

Concept: American Imperialism wrap-up

State Adopted Content Standards: 11.4 – Students trace the rise of the United States to
its role as a world power in the 20th Century.

Lesson Objective:
• Students will make value judgments on the American colonial period.
• Students will be able to make connections about America’s foreign policy and
foreign investment.
• Students will know significance of Dollar and Missionary Diplomacy.
• Students will be able to state reasons for America’s intervention in Mexico.
• Students will understand Francisco “Pancho” Villa’s role in American history.
• Students will apply recent knowledge of Imperialism to causes of World War I.

ISTE Standards: 1.b engage in ongoing process to develop, implement, and

communicate technology infused strategic plans aligned with a shared vision. 2.a ensure
instructional innovation focused on continuous improvement of digital-age learning. 2.b
model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning. 2.d ensure
effective practice in study of technology and its infusion across the curriculum. 4.a lead
purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals through the appropriate
use of technology and media-rich resources 5.c promote and model responsible social
interactions related to the use of technology and information.

ISTE Specific Goal(s) and Objective(s) for the Lesson:

• Promote use of technology through use of computer, project and digital tools
(RealPlayer video player and PowerPoint slide show)
• Use technology to effectively engage students in learning of content
• Use and model Internet search techniques to find historical content.
• Get school clearance to use YouTube in class.
• Model use of RealPlayer video player to demonstrate how video clips can be pulled
off the web
• Demonstrate how YouTube clips can be embedded in presentations or blogs

• Class Participation points for answers and discussion
• Free Response – Students feelings of US Imperialism
• Vocabulary Quiz Tuesday
• Informal review using questions in study guide to tap prior knowledge on
• Informal questions about digital tools shown in class

Resources and Materials:

• Textbook: The Americans, McDougal Littrell (Pages 362-365 & 372-374)
• PowerPoints: Mexico and Latin America
• YouTube Video: Viva Villa
• Computer and RealPlayer video player
• Internet, Google and YouTube

Introduction/Transition: (5 - 10 mins)
• Take Roll
• Free Response #11 – Do you believe the United States is within its right to
impose it morals and beliefs on other countries and cultures?
• Hand out Vocabulary

Main Lesson: (35 – 40Min x2) Lecture and Video. Technology

• Free Response will start class thinking about America “imposing” its will on other
countries and cultures, applying that thinking to acquired lands.
• Use Roosevelt Corollary and “the Big Stick” to review America’s view of Latin
• Use this quick review to present Dollar and Missionary Diplomacy. Use
questioning to get students to make connections between foreign diplomacy and
foreign investment and trade.
• Presentation on unrest in Mexico and America’s Intervention. Show video on
“Pancho Villa” and have students talk about what they know of him.
• Have students make connection of why America and Mexico don’t go to war…
through questioning and discussion. World War I is on the way.
• Get clearance to present YouTube website in class. Demonstrate how to create an
account and upload videos onto YouTube site. Show how to search, select and
download a video. Demonstrate how to create a library of video clips on
RealPlayer. Use Viva Villa clip to shown in class to model using a process that
can be used to create a Decades Project.

Closure: (3 – 5 mins.)
• Reminder that Vocabulary is due Monday, Quiz Tuesday.
• Ask class “who thinks they want to use video for the Decades Project?”
• I will put up all “Front Page” projects for Monday and class will vote on the best.

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