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Tara Mandala was established to foster
the development of innate wisdom for
the benefit of all beings. It is a vibrant
international Buddhist Community with
practice groups around the world. The
hub of the community is the 700-acre
retreat center in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Symbolically, the Mandala of Tara, the
female Buddha of compassion, is a template
of the awakened mind. Experiencing the
phenomenal world with an integrated state
of compassion is Taras Mandala.
We offer a complete path of practice, study, and deep retreat in authentic
lineages of Buddhism and nurture a full path to ultimate realization focused
on the teachings of Machig Labdrn. We provide solo retreat cabins for
long term deepening of the practice. Tara Mandala also offers a Living
Dharma Volunteer Program, group practices and retreats, and web based
teachings. Tara Mandalas community and practice groups are modeled on
the Mandala Principle and Tantric Buddhist ideal of the unity of wisdom
and skillful means.

Photo: Laurie Pearce Bauer

Tab l e o f C o nte n ts
About Lama Tsultrim Allione ..................................................................................................6
2013 Retreat Calendar: Lama Tsultrims Teaching Tour & Tara Mandala Retreats . 7-9
Gateway Program: Journey into the Heart of Machigs Lineage ............................. 10-11
Springtime Renewal: Personal Retreat in Prajna Residence Hall ...................................12
Retreat Descriptions............................................................................................................ 13-30
Local Offerings .................................................................................................................... 31-32
Registration ................................................................................................................................33
Financial Assistance..................................................................................................................34
Retreat Accommodations . ......................................................................................................35
Retreat Cabins.............................................................................................................................36
Community Center and Tara Mandala Store .....................................................................37
Trikaya Tara Temple..................................................................................................................38
Manifesting the Mandala................................................................................................... 39-41
Living Dharma Volunteer Program .....................................................................................42
Legacy Circle and Sustaining Sangha Membership . ........................................................43

A No te o n D ana
Most Tara Mandala retreats are completely dana based. Dana is a Pali word which
means generosity. The teachers in our programs donate their time in service of the
Dharma and only receive what retreatants offer at the end of the retreat. Traditionally,
teachings were given freely, so there is no required amount of dana. Tara Mandala
charges a retreat fee that covers our food, facilities, staff, and overhead costs. Unless
specified, dana is not included in this price. Below the retreat fee, we have listed a
suggested dana amount in an effort to give participants an idea of what a traditional
offering might be for each retreat; however, no minimum amount is required. Please
remember that the precious teachings are priceless, and the offering of dana is an
opportunity to practice the paramita of generosity. There will be an opportunity
to make dana contributions (cash or checks preferred) at the end of each retreat.

The Land of Tara...


Lama Tsultrim Allione has had a great devotion toward the teachings of Chd for a long time. She has
been doing a lot of work to preserve and maintain the continuity of the teachings and practice of Chd
and she has a very pure heart motivation in doing this which I deeply rejoice in.
- His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Orgyen Trinley Dorje

Lama Tsultrim Allione, author and international teacher, founded Tara Mandala in
1993. While living in the Himalayas in the 1970s, she was inspired by the vision of
creating a retreat center in the West. She was ordained as a Tibetan nun in 1970 by
His Holiness the 16th Karmapa at the age of 22. At the age of 26, after four years as
a nun, she returned her monastic vows, then married and raised a family of three
children. While raising her children she earned a Masters degree in Buddhist Studies
and Womens Studies from Antioch University.
She is the author of Women of Wisdom, a groundbreaking book on the lives of great
Tibetan women practitioners. Lama Tsultrim also authored the recently published
Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict. This National
Bestseller presents Lama Tsultrims pioneering technique based on Chd using five
steps to nurture the parts of ourselves against which we usually fight. Numerous
audio programs, DVDs, and magazine articles have been created about her life
and work.
For many years, she has focused on the teachings from the lineage of Machig
Labdrn, the 11th century Tibetan yogini who founded the Chd lineage. In 2007
while traveling in Tibet, she was recognized as an emanation of Machig Labdrn
by the resident lama at Machig Labdrns monastery, Zangri Khamar.
In 2009 Lama Tsultrim Allione was selected by an esteemed committee
of scholars and practitioners to receive the international Outstanding Woman in
Buddhism Award given in Bangkok, Thailand. Her teaching inspiration comes from
her sublime Tibetan teachers and her experience as a Western woman.

2013 TOURS AND Re treats

S p rin g 2 0 1 3 L ama
t s u ltrim a l l ione
U n ite d Stat e s To ur
M o u n ta i n Stat es
C olorado
March 7
Machig Labdrn and the Nature of Mind
Virya Room, Paramita Campus, Naropa
University, Boulder, CO at 7pm
Register at the door for more info
March 8 10
Feeding Your Demons Daylong
Shambhala Mt. Center
Red Feather Lakes, CO
Register at

E a s t C o a st
N ew Y ork
March 15
Feeding Your Demons Evening Talk
Tibet House, New York City, NY
Register at
March 16
Feeding Your Demons Daylong
Tibet House, New York City, NY
Register at
March 16
A Film Screening of
When the Iron Bird Flies
Rubin Museum, New York, NY
Exact time:
TBA on

March 17
Prajna Paramita Talk
Tibet House, New York City, NY
Register at
M assachusetts
March 17 22
Feeding Your Demons :
Kapala Training, Level I
Kripalu Center, Stockbridge, MA
Register at
March 22-24
Chd Retreat
Kripalu Center, Stockbridge, MA
Register at

Wes t C oast
C alifornia
March 28
Machig Labdrn and the Nature of Mind
Orgyen Dorje Den, Alameda, CA
Register at
March 29 31
Green Tara Teachings
Orgyen Dorje Den, Alameda, CA
Register at
April 2 4
Chd, Three Evening Sessions
Orgyen Dorje Den, Alameda, CA
Register at
April 6
Feeding Your Demons Daylong Benefit
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Woodacre, CA
Register at

April 10
Feeding Your Demons Daylong
with Shiva Rae
Location TBD, Los Angeles, CA for more info
April 11
Machig Labdrn and the Nature of Mind
Nalanda West, Seattle, WA
Register at
April 12 14
Retreat: Machig Labdrn and the
Nature of Mind
Whidbey Island, WA
For registration, email Patricia at
For information, email Shanti at

Summer 2013 Tara

Mandala Retreats
March 1 May 3
Spring Renewal: Personal Retreats.... 12

with support from Lama Tsultrim Allione and

Debra Quayle Travis

May 19 23
Tibetan Yoga (Yantra) & Vajra Dance.13
with Fabio Andrico and Adriana Dal Borgo

May 24 26
Dzogchen Retreat ............................... 14
with Chgyal Namkhai Norbu

May 30 June 5
Feeding Your Demons:
Kapala Training Level I ..................... 15
with Lama Tsultrim Allione

May 30 June 26
Three Yana Retreat.............................. 16
with Lama Tsultrim Allione and others

May 30 June 6
Sutrayana: The Life
and Teachings of the Buddha ............ 17

with Lama Tsultrim Allione assisted by Pieter

Oosthuizen & Charlotte Rotterdam

June 9 16
Mahayana: Vast View
and Awakened Heart.......................... 18

with Lama Tsultrim Allione assisted by Debra

Quayle Travis

June 19 26
Vajrayana: The Sacred World............. 18
with Lama Tsultrim Allione and others

June 29 July 5
Dzinpa Rangdrl Ngndro................. 19
with Lama Tsultrim Allione and Khenpo Ugyen

July 8 14
Feeding Your Demons:
Kapala Training Level III.................... 20
with Lama Tsultrim Allione

July 16 20
Kind Awareness: Vipassana Retreat.. 21
with Noah Levine

July 22 28
Family Retreat: Mandala Principle ... 22

with Lama Tsultrim Allione, Sparky Shooting

Star, Mary Flowers, and David Laufer

August 5 16
White Dakini Drubchen ..................... 24

with Sang-ngag Rinpoche and Lama

Tsultrim Allione

August 21 25
Chd .................................................... 25

with Lama Tsultrim Allione assisted by Chandra

Easton and Karla Jackson-Brewer

August 28 Sept 1
Chd Fest ............................................ 26

with Lama Tsultrim Allione and Khenpo Ugyen


September 5 11
Feeding Your Demons:
Kapala Training Level II .................... 27
with Lama Tsultrim Allione

September 5 9
Seven Trainings in Contemplation . .. 28
with Anne Klein/Rigzin Drolma

September 16 21
White Tara & Tibetan Yoga (Lujong). 29
with Lama Pema Dorje

September 25 27
The Magic of Awareness .................... 30
with Anam Thubten

Fall 2013 Lama

Tsultrim Allione
International Tour
G e rm a n y
September 24 27
Dzinpa Rangdrl Chd
Kamalashila Institute
Langenfeld, Germany
Register at
September 28
White Dakini Empowerment from
Dzinpa Rangdrl
Kamalashila Institute
Langenfeld, Germany
Register at
Sept 29 Oct 3
White Dakini Teachings
Kamalashila Institute
Langenfeld, Germany
Register at

Switz e r l a n d
October 7 13
Feeding Your Demons:
Kapala Training Level II

Villa Unspunnen in Switzerland

Register at

R uss ia
October 17
Feeding Your Demons Evening Talk
Moscow Dzogchen Community
Moscow, Russia
Register at:
October 18 - 20
Chd Retreat
Kunzangar North Russian Dzogchen
Community Center near Moscow for more info

October 23
Feeding Your Demons
Evening Talk 7pm
Turino, Italy
Register at
October 25 31
Feeding Your Demons:
Kapala Training Level I
Tenuta San Vito, Tuscany, Italy
Register at
November 1 3
Chd Retreat
Merigar, Arcidosso, Italy
Register at:

S pain
November 8 10
Feeding Your Demons Weekend
The Hotel Santa Marta
Costa Brava, Spain
Register at:

G AT E WAY: J ourney i nt o
the Heart o f M achi g s Li neage

Beginning in 2013
S even - year S tudy & P ractice P rogram for the
D edicated P ractitioner

with Sang-ngag Rinpoche, Lama Tsultrim Allione

and Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk

Overview of the seven-year Gateway Program

This seven-year program is for dedicated
practitioners who cannot do long-term retreat
but who wish to live a life imbued with
intense practice. The curriculum consists of
practices done in the traditional Vajrayana
three-year solitary retreat adapted for the
modern practitioner living in the world.

Machig Labdrn

The focus of this program is the Dzinpa

Rangdrl (Self Liberation of Clinging) cycle
of teachings that Machig Labdrn revealed to
Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (1800-1866). It was
transmitted by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche to
Sang-ngag Rinpoche who has been teaching
it at Tara Mandala since 2008. It is an
extremely unique lineage because it combines
the teachings of Machig Labdrn with the
Dzogchen (Great Perfection) teachings.

This program offers a rare opportunity to receive this exceedingly esoteric lineage
with consistent support and structure for the dedicated practitioner. Never before
has it been taught in the West. Over the course of the program, a close cohort of
fellow practitioners will develop, providing a sense of camaraderie and support
while engaging in these profound practices.
L evel 1 : T he F oundation P rogram O verview
The Foundation program spans three years and covers the Ngndro or That
Which Goes Before which is the doorway for entering the profound lineage of the
Dzinpa Rangdrl cycle. The first Ngndro Retreat is June 29July 5, 2013. This
program is designed so that participants will complete the Dzinpa Rangdrl Ngndro

at the end of this three-year time period. Since the

time of Guru Rinpoche in the 8th century, the practice
of Ngndro has been completed by many great yogis
and yoginis and many of them have taken Ngndro as
one of their core practices.

Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje

To receive these instructions and begin the practice,

there are no prerequisites; however, it is a practice that
requires great effort and commitment. The application
and interview process must be completed.
L evel 2: T he C omplete T ransmission
P rogram O verview

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Sang-Ngag Rinpoche

Lama Tsultrim Allione

This program begins with Drubchen August 516,

2013 with additional teachings August 1921, 2013.
The Complete Transmission Program builds upon the
Foundation Program and is for those who have completed
the Ngndro requirement. Those who have already
completed a Ngndro in another lineage will be required
to do 10% of the Dzinpa Rangdrol Ngndro in order to
enter into the second level Complete Transmission
This four-year curriculum includes the deity yoga
practices of Tsogyal Karmo and Trma, Tsalung, the 6
Yogas, the Dzogchen preliminaries of Outer and Inner
Rushan followed by Trekch and Tgal. There are also
various other yogic and Dzogchen practices attached
to this cycle, including three main Chd practices of
varying lengths. There will be both group and solitary
retreat requirements as well as a commitment to regular,
two-hour daily practice.
For costs, details, and schedules for the Foundation and
the Complete Tranmission Programs, please go to our
website at

GOCHEN TULKU SANG-NGAG RINPOCHE is the founder and spiritual director of Ewam
International Centers around the world. Born in 1952 into one of the oldest families in Tibet,
Rinpoche was recognized in early childhood to be the reincarnation of the Gochen Tulku.
Sang-ngag Rinpoche, an outstanding meditation master and scholar, is a lineage holder of the
Namchak lineage and other profound lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoches vision of a
peace garden in a mountainous valley came to him as a small child, eventually leading him
to Montana to build the Garden of One Thousand Buddhas. His primary residence is in Santa
Fe, New Mexico where he has established a retreat and practice center, Pema Khandro Ling.
LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIONES bio can be found on page 6.
KHENPO UGYEN WANGCHUKS bio can be found on page 26.


Spr i ngti me R enewal: Pers o nal

Retreat i n Prajna Resi dence H all
With support from Lama Tsultrim Allione
and Debra Quayle Travis
March 1 - May 3, 2013
For the first time, Prajna, the beautiful Residence
Hall at Tara Mandala, will be available for
individual, private retreats from March 1 to
May 3, 2013.
The rooms are spacious with natural wood floors,
large windows, and beautiful views. Each room
has a granite counter and sink with an electric tea
kettle, tea cups, closet and shelves for storage.
Soaking bath tubs, showers, and toilets are in the
hall. Two delicious, organic, vegetarian meals are
included. This will consist of a self-serve breakfast
bar and a hot lunch with snacks available for
evening tea if you wish. You will participate in
one hour of Karma Yoga a day and may keep
functional talking or silence during this time. A silent table will be provided at all
meals and all rooms will be single occupancy for this retreat.
Retreat periods from 7 to 60 days are available on
a first come basis during these two months with
arrival and departure dates Monday or Friday
starting March 1 and ending May 3. Resident
teachers are available for support when they
are on the land.

Pricin g

7 Day Minimum: $68.00 per day ($476)

8 30+ days: $65.00 per day
31+ days: $60.00 per day


Ti betan Yog a (Yantra)

& Vajra D an ce
With Fabio Andrico and Adriana Dal Borgo
May 19 22, 2013
This retreat is a perfect way to prepare for the upcoming weekend teachings with
the great Dzogchen Master, Chgyal Namkhai Norbu. Mornings will be devoted
to learning the Vajra Dance of the Six Spaces with Adriana Dal Borgo and in the
afternoons and evenings participants will study and practice Yantra Yoga with
Fabio Andrico.
The Vajra Dance is an important method which uses sound and movement to
integrate the three aspects of our existence body, energy, and mind with the true
condition. Chgyal Namkhai Norbu introduced the Vajra Dance to his students in
1990 as a healing method to restore energy and harmonize the whole being.
Yantra Yoga is one of the oldest recorded systems
of yoga in the world and comes to us by way of
Tibet. Its unique series of positions and movements,
combined with conscious breathing, can help
coordinate and harmonize ones personal energy
so that body and mind can relax and find their
authentic, natural balance.
Please bring a yoga mat and visit to see recommended
reading and viewing for this retreat. Register for this retreat and the Dzogchen
Retreat and receive a 10% discount on both!

Pricin g

Double $415 to $540 | Queen Single $620 to $745

Queen Double $505 to $630 | Camping $340 to $465
Suggested Dana $100-$200
Fabio Andrico was born and raised in Italy and is an internationally
recognized expert on the unique tradition of Tibetan Yoga known as
Yantra Yoga. After early studies of yoga in India, Fabio returned to Italy
and met his teacher, Chgyal Namkhai Norbu, and since 1977 has been
studying, practicing, teaching, and writing on Yantra Yoga. He leads
courses and yoga retreats internationally and remains one of Chgyal
Namkhai Norbus closest disciples.
ADRIANA DAL BORGO, psychologist and psychotherapist, met the
Dzogchen Master Chgyal Namkhai Norbu in Italy in 1986 and became
his student. She learned the Vajra Dance directly from him and since
1994 has been authorized by the Master to teach this method and form to
students and other instructors.


Dz ogche n Retr eat

With Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
May 24 - 26, 2013
We are so looking forward to the historic
return of Chgyal Namkhai Norbu to
Tara Mandala. Please join us to receive his
teachings and transmissions in the lineage
of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. Rinpoche
will choose exactly what he will teach at the
time of the retreat.

Prici ng

Double $303 to $428 | Single $435 to $560

Queen Double $360 to $485
Camping $204 to $329
Suggested Dana: $100 $200
Register for this retreat and the Tibetan Yoga/Vajra Dance Retreat and receive
a 10% discount on both!

CHGYAL NAMKHAI NORBU was born in Derghe, eastern Tibet, in 1938. As a child,
he was recognized as the reincarnation of the great Dzogchen Master Adzom Drugpa
(1842-1924) and later by the sixteenth Karmapa as a reincarnation of Shabdrung
Ngawang Namgyal (1594-1651), the first Dharmaraja of Bhutan.
In 1960, following the deterioration of the social and political situation in Tibet,
he moved to Italy. There he provided a concrete stimulus to the spread of Tibetan
culture in the West. His academic works reveal a profound knowledge of Tibetan
culture and a steadfast determination to keep the extraordinary cultural heritage of
Tibet alive and fully accessible. In 1989, Chgyal Namkhai Norbu founded the Shang
Shung Institute, which has the task of safeguarding Tibetan culture by promoting
and spreading it. Today, Chgyal Namkhai Norbu continues to travel constantly all
over the world, giving talks and holding retreats attended by thousands of people.


Fee ding Your Demons :

K a pala T rainin g L ev e l I
With Lama Tsultrim Allione
May 30 - June 5, 2013
Inspired by the ancient practice of Chd, Feeding
Your Demons is a five-step process created
by Lama Tsultrim Allione that allows us to offer
compassion and understanding to our own inner
demons rather than engaging in battle and struggle
with them. This process is of great benefit when
working with a wide variety of personal demons
and other dilemmas of modern life. The demon
work will be balanced by the deep teachings of
PrajnaParamita, a nature of mind practice.
This training is for individuals who wish to work
in an intensive way with their own inner demons.
In addition, this retreat is the first step for licensed
healing professionals who want to become certified
to use this process with others. Kapala Training
Level II offers this official certification.

Pricin g

Double $584 to $706 | Single $868 to $993 | Queen Double $707 to $832
Camping $476 to $601
Suggested Dana: $140 - $280
This course meets the qualifications for 29 hours of CEUs. Tara Mandala is licensed by the
California Board of Behavioral Sciences as a continuing education provider (#3260). CE hours
are offered for Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) and for Licensed Clinical Social Workers
(LCSWs). Please sign up for CE hours at the time of registration; a $20 fee applies.

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.


Three Yana R etreat

With Lama Tsultrim Allione and others
May 30 - June 26, 2013

This is a program of intensive meditation practice and daily Dharma talks which
cover the historical and contemplative development of the 3 Yanas in Buddhism. For
each Yana there will be 6 hours of practice per day as well as 2 hours of teachings.

P ricing F O R T hree Y ana retreat

Double Room: $2,072$2,197 | Single Room: $3,472$3,597

Queen Double Room: $2,828 to $2,953 | Camping: $1,904 to $2,029
Suggested Dana $450 $950

P ricing F O R E A C H T H R E E Y A N A R E T R E A T
Double Room: $664789 | Single Room: $9921,117
Queen Double Room: $808933 | Camping: $544669
Suggested Dana $160 - $320 / retreat

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.


sutrayana: the life and teachings of the buddha

With Lama Tsultrim Allione assisted by Charlotte Rotterdam
and Pieter Oosthuizen

May 30 - June 6, 2013

During the Sutrayana section of the retreat, there will be Shamatha practice and
walking meditation in the morning session. In the afternoon, there will be teachings
on the life and teachings of the Buddha which will include the Four Noble Truths,

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.

Pieter Oosthuizen has brought innovative leadership to institutions

such as Naropa University where he held the position of Assistant Vice
President for Academic Affairs, overseeing the School of Extended
Studies, and Tara Mandala Buddhist Retreat Center, founded and led
by Lama Tsultrim Allione, where he served as Executive Director for
four years. He is currently a Trustee on the Board of Tara Mandala.

Charlotte Rotterdam is a teacher, organizational leader, and

consultant/coach who has been teaching meditation and Feeding
your Demons nationally and internationally for several years. She is
Adjunct Faculty at Naropa University and received her Masters degree
in comparative religion from Harvard Divinity School. Ms. Rotterdam
has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism for 15 years and of Lama
Tsultrim Allione for the last six.



With Lama Tsultrim Allione assisted by Debra Quayle Travis

June 9 - 16, 2013

During the Mahayana section of the retreat, there will be teachings and meditation
on the Prajnaparamita Sutra. In addition, participants will learn practices to
develop compassion (Tonglen) as well as other meditations cultivating the Four
Immeasurables. In the afternoon, there will be teachings on the historical development
of Mahayana and the doctrines of Mahayana practice and philosophy.

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.

Debra Quayle Travis has been on the Buddhist path for thirty years.
She has a firm foundation in the Theravadan tradition and began her
study and practice of Vajrayana while living in Asia in 2005. Over the
past fifteen years she has taught many meditation classes to students in
a variety of settings and is Program Director and a Resident Teacher at
Tara Mandala. She is also the guiding teacher for the local Pagosa Sangha.

With Lama Tsultrim Allione

June 19 - 26, 2013

During the Vajrayana section of the retreat, there will be study and practice on
the mandala principle. Each afternoon there will be teachings that include how
the Vajrayana developed in India and how it spread to Tibet, Korea, and Japan as
well as an introduction to the five Buddha families, the mandala principle, and
deity yoga.

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIONES bio can be found on page 6.


Dz in pa R an gdrl N g ndro
With Lama Tsultrim Allione and
Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk
June 29 - July 5, 2013
The Dzinpa Rangdrl Ngndro (foundational practices)
of the Yangsang Khandro Tug Tig (Exceedingly Secret
Heart Essence of the Dakini) cycle is the gateway for
entering the profound lineage of the Dzinpa Rangdrl
cycle. Since the time of Guru Rinpoche, the practice of
ngndro has been completed by all of the great yogis
and yoginis and many of them have taken ngndro as
one of their core practices.
Commensurate with the complete body of the Dzinpa
Rangdrl cycle, many practices in this ngndro are considered extremely esoteric
and in the past were given only as a practitioners second ngndro.
During this retreat, Lama Tsultrim Allione and Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk will
guide you through the practices of the Dzinpa Rangdrl Ngndro. To receive
these instructions and begin the practice, there are no prerequisites; however, it is
a practice that requires great effort and commitment.
This retreat is part of the Gateway Program but is open to all practitioners.
Gateway is a Seven-year Study & Practice Program for the Dedicated Practitioner
in The Terma Cycle of Dzinpa Rangdrl Self Liberation of Clinging Lineage in
the Dzogchen Tradition from Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje. The full description of the
Gateway Program is on page 8. You may apply for this program on our website at

Pricin g

Double Room : $581 to $706 | Queen Single: $868 to $993 | Queen Double: $707 to $832
Camping: $476 to $601
Suggested Dana $150 $300

ALLIONES bio can be
found on page 6.

be found on page 26.


Fee din g Your Demons :

Kapal a Trainin g Le v e l I I I
With Lama Tsultrim Allione
July 8 14, 2013
Completion of Kapala
Training Level I, Kapala
Training Level II, the
Three Yana retreat, Chd
retreat, and the interim
In this retreat we will
go further into Machig
Labdrns lineage,
learning specific new
practices and deepening
our understanding of the
roots and branches of her lineage tree. Lama Tsultrim will be giving the Machig
empowerment and associated practices during this retreat.
This course meets the qualifications for 29 hours of CEs. Tara Mandala is licensed
by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences as a continuing education provider
(#3260). CEs are offered for Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs) and for Licensed
Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs). Please sign up for CEs at the time of registration;
a $20 fee applies.

Pricin g

Double: $581 to $706 | Single: $868 to $993 | Queen Double: $707 to $832
Camping: $476 to $601
Suggested Dana: $140 $280

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.


Kind Awar en e ss:

Vipassana Re tre at
With Noah Levine
July 16 - 20, 2013

At this Insight Meditation retreat, we focus attention on our breath, body, heart and
mind. The instructions will be based upon the Four Foundations of Mindfulness in
combination with exercises in loving kindness and compassion.
Each day will include periods of sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks,
and interviews.

Pricin g

Double: $415 to $540 | Single: $620 to $745 | Queen Double: $505 to $630
Camping: $340 to $465
Suggested Dana: $100 $200

Noah Levine is the founder of the Against The Stream Buddhist

Meditation Society with two centers in Los Angeles and over 20 affiliated
groups in North America and Europe. He teaches meditation groups,
gives workshops, and leads retreats. He is the author of Dharma Punx,
Against the Stream and Heart of the Revolution.


Family Re tr e at
With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Sparky Shooting Star,
Mary Flowers and David Laufer
July 22 - 28, 2013

The Family Retreat will revolve around the Mandala Principle and the Five Buddha
Families which represent the transformation of challenging emotions (depression,
anger, pride, grasping, and jealousy) into wisdom. One of the great things about the
Buddha families is that however strong your encumbered pattern, the transformation
into wisdom will be equally powerful. The transformation is not a matter of repression
but of freeing the energy into its true nature. There will be mask making, candle
lighting, and outdoor altars made by each family. The parents will work with Lama
Tsultrim with the Yab/Yum Mandala practice and Lama will also spend time with
each group of children as well as with the teen-agers.
This year we are happy to welcome back Sparky Shooting Star for the Teen Vision
Quest. She is of Cherokee descent and was trained by Mary Thunder, Rolling
Thunder, and Wallace Black Elk. She has more than 20 years of experience guiding
vision quests in the traditional way and led the first teen vision quests at Tara
Mandala. As she guides the teens in this quest to take responsibility for their own
lives, Sparky Shooting Star will lead them on the journey of preparing themselves
and the land by creating the sweat lodge and making ceremonial items, prayer
ties and robes, which mark each Vision Quest Site. Families will join in the feast in
celebration to complete the quest, as well as help when needed during the quest.
In and around Tara Mandalas new Childrens Temple, this summers Childrens
Program will include rich opportunities for young people to connect with the teachings

of the Buddha through experiences with the five elements and the five Buddha
families. Their daily rhythm will allow time for creative expression, reflection, and
exploration in Tara Mandalas wonderful natural setting. The children will share
highlights of their week together with their families in a playful presentation at the
culmination of the Family Camp.

Pricin g
Adult Queen Double: $707 to $832 | Teen Queen Double: $657 to $782
Child Queen Double: $607 to $732 | Adult Double: $581 to $706
Teen Double: $531 to $656 | Child Double: $481 to $606
Adult Camping: $476 to $601 | Teen Camping: $426 to $551
Child Camping: $376 to $501

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.

SPARKY SHOOTING STAR is a Sun Dancer of Cherokee & Irish decent

who has led vision quest ceremonies for almost 20 years. Sparky started
working with Lama Tsultrim in 1988 when she was asked to lead the
sweat lodge ceremony at the first Dakini Retreat. She also lead the
Teen Vision Quests during the first Family Retreats at Tara Mandala.

MARY FLOWERS brings over 25 years of experience with children of all

ages as she guides the childrens program this year. As an award- winning
educator, Marys approach focuses on the integration of heart and mind
through all facets of learning. She delights in connecting Dharma and
daily life and looks forward to sharing many-colored adventures with
Tara Mandalas family campers.
david laufer and his family have been coming to the family retreat
for the past 10 years and both of his children have completed several
teen vision quests there. David is an avid outdoorsman and an alumnus
of the National Outdoor Leadership School. Born and raised in New
York City, David lives in Brooklyn with his wife Leslie, their kids, Iain
(18) and Ruby (15), and their dog, Bodhi.


W hite Dakini Dru bCh e n

With Sang-ngag Rinpoche and
Lama Tsultrim Allione
August 5 - 16, 2013
The annual Drubchen (Great
Accomplishment Ceremony) of the
White Dakini practice from Do
Khyentses Dzinpa Rangdrl (SelfLiberation from Fixation) treasure
cy cle will be performed at Tara
Mandala. This lineage comes directly
from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche to
Sang-ngag Rinpoche, our Drubchen
Vajra Master. We will experience a
traditional empowerment given by
Sang-ngag Rinpoche, and we will be led through an in-depth process of learning
and practicing the White Dakini mandala. This White Dakini practice is the union
of Machig Labdrn and Yeshe Tsogyel surrounded by the dakinis of the five
families. In addition to the precious teachings from Sang-ngag Rinpoche, Lama
Tsultrim will help frame the experience through discussion and further teachings.
This retreat is open to anyone interested.
There will be two days of introductory teachings from August 5th August 7th.
Please choose either to register for the teachings and the Drubchen or to register
only for the Drubchen: August 7th August 16th

Pricin g

Drubchen and teachings:

Double Room 8/5 - 8/16: $996 to $1,121 | Queen Single 8/5 - 8/16: $1,488 to $1,613
Queen Double 8/5 - 8/16: $1,212 to $1,337 | Camping 8/5 - 8/16: $816 to $941


Double Room 8/7 - 8/16: $830 to $955 | Queen Single 8/7 - 8/16: $1,240 to $1,365
Queen Double 8/7 - 8/16: $1,010 to $1,135 | Camping 8/7 - 8/16: $680 to $805

RinpocheS bio can
be found on page 11.


ALLIONES bio can be
found on page 6.

Ch d
With Lama Tsultrim Allione assisted by
Chandra Easton and Karla Jackson-Brewer
August 21 - 25, 2013
The Chd taught and practiced during this
retreat will be the Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
Chd which came to this great Dzogchen
Master in a dream.

Lama Tsultrim Allione

Chd is a unique blend of the Tibetan Shamanic

traditions and the Buddhist tradition of
compassion and emptiness. This centuries-old
practice is sung and is accompanied by the use
of a traditional Chd drum and bell. Healing
comes when fear, fixation, and self-clinging are
cut through, based on nurturing not fighting
what assails us, giving rise to the awareness of
the empty nature of afflictive emotions.

Required materials: The Chd practice requires a Chd drum and bell, both of
which are available through our bookstore. Also recommended is a headlamp or
small book-light for night practice.

Pricin g

Double Room : $415 to $540 | Queen Single: $620 to $745

Queen Double: $505 to $630 | Camping: $340 to $465
Suggested dana: $100 - $200
LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.
Chandra Easton has studied the Sutrayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana
teachings with many qualified teachers both at the scholastic and
practice levels. Her primary studies have been in the Tibetan Vajrayana
teachings. She has received teachings and empowerments from many
authentic teachers including H.H. Dalai Lama, Khenpo Wangchuk
Sonam, Gyatrul Rinpoche, Adzom Paylo Rinpoche, and Lama Tsultrim
Allione among others.
Karla Jackson-Brewer is an advanced student of Lama Tsultrim
Allione and has been practicing Tibetan Buddhism for the past 22 years.
She has traveled to Tibet and assisted Lama Tsultrim in teaching Chd
for the past 11 years. Ms. Jackson-Brewer has been serving clients in
the area of personal emotional growth for the past 31 years and is a
professor at Rutgers University in Womens & Gender Studies and
Africana Studies Departments.


C hd Fest
With Lama Tsultrim Allione and
Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk
August 28 - September 1, 2013
The Chd Fest is an exciting addition to Tara
Mandalas retreat season and is a response to
many requests from students who want to deepen
their knowledge and practice of Chd. In-depth
teachings on the historical roots of this lineage will
be complemented by our practice of the Parchangma
Chd in several locations on the sacred land of
Tara Mandala.
There will also be instruction on many other aspects
of the practice, including how to fix your ritual
implements and the deeper meanings of these

Pricin g

Double Room : $415 to $540 | Queen Single: $620 to $745

Queen Double: $505 to $630 | Camping: $340 to $465
Suggested Dana: $150 $300

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.

Khenpo Ugyen Wangchuk has studied and practiced Buddhism

since the age of 7. He has a Masters degree (MA) in Buddhist Philosophy
and was the Principal of the Nyingma Institute in Bhutan. In 2006,
the title of Khenpo (equivalent to a PhD) was conferred upon him. At
Tara Mandala, he has been of invaluable service guiding and teaching
residents and retreatants.


F e edin g Your Demons : K a pa la

Trainin g Leve l I I
With Lama Tsultrim Allione
September 5 - 11, 2013
This retreat is a continuation of the Kapala Training
program. It consists of a deepening of the Praja
Paramita practice, an introduction to Jamgn
Kongtrls text Transmitting the Meaning of the
Mother, and Machig Labdrns method for cutting
through discursive thoughts with sound. Feeding
Your Demons work will continue individually
and in dyads and will expand through mapping of
family lineage demons, physical body demons, and
hydra demons.
For licensed therapists or counselors, completion of this
Level II retreat and the required 108 demon feedings
allows one to apply for certification to use the five steps
of Feeding Your Demons professionally.
This course meets the qualifications for 29 hours of Continuing Education. Tara
Mandala is licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences as a continuing
education provider (#3260). CE hours are offered for Marriage and Family Therapists
(MFTs) and for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs). Please sign up for CE
hours at the time of registration; a $20 fee applies.
PREREQUISITES: Kapala Training Level I and the interim assignments

Pricin g

Double Room : $581 to $706 | Queen Single: $868 to $993

Queen Double: $707 to $832 | Camping: $476 to $601
Suggested Dana: $140 $280

LAMA TSULTRIM ALLIoNES bio can be found on page 6.


Se ven T raining s in
Cont empl ation
With Rigzin Drolma/Anne C. Klein, Ph.D.
September 5 - 9, 2013
Because our essential nature is always available,
though usually hidden, we are inspired to practice
well so that we can experience it fully. Longchenpa,
Tibets unparalleled 14th century master of Dzogchen,
prepares this ground through seven simple
and profound practices that will be the focus of
this retreat.
Each Training is a practice that begins with effort
and ends with ease, teaching us how to move along
the trajectory from ordinary mind to freedom. These
are crucial skills for any practitioner, especially for
those seeking the understanding and experience of
their own nature.
The retreat draws as well on Jigme Lingpas more elaborate discussion of these
practices and on other of his and Longchenpas writings as well as on Adzom
Rinpoches own oral teachings on this beautiful, yet rarely taught, work of
spiritual art.
This retreat is ideal for new and ongoing students, with time for discussion so
that each groups particular needs are explicitly addressed. Students will learn
practices that they can take home and develop, thereby enriching the context of
their current practice.

Pricin g

Double Room : $415 to $540 | Queen Single: $625 to $750

Queen Double: $530 to $655 | Camping: $340 to $465
Suggested Dana: $100 $200
ANNE KLEIN/RIGZIN DOLMA is Professor and Former Chair of
Religious Studies, Rice University. She is also founding director and
Resident Lama at Dawn Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Temple founded
in 1996 ( Her Nyingma root teachers are the
late Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche of Nepal and Adzom Paylo Rinpoche of
Tibet and she also studied extensively with Chgyal Namkhai Norbu,
Lopon Tenzin Namdak, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. She was
given rein to teach by Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche in 1994 and was named
a Dorje Lopon in 2009 by Adzom Rinpoche. Her six books include, most
recently, Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse: A Story of Transmission.


Wh it e Tara and Lu j on g
With Lama Pema Dorje
September 16 - 21, 2013
White Tara is a peaceful deity but is also extremely
powerful. Of all of the 21 different manifestations of
Tara, she is the one most closely associated with the
compassionate nature of Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara).
Her seven eyes symbolize her ability to see all of the
suffering in the world with this great compassion.
Also known as Dolma Karpo in Tibetan, White Tara
practice brings longevity, healing, and wisdom and
is a practice that is used to remove obstacles from
ones life, especially those that stand in the way of
ones spiritual progress.
Lu Jong is Tibetan Buddhist yoga. The practice Lama
Pema Dorje will teach in this retreat (Lu Jong Chime
Palter) slows the aging process, lengthens the life of the body, increases physical
comfort and flexibility, and stabilizes the mind.

Pricin g

Double: $606 to $731 | Queen Single: $870 to $995

Queen Double: $720 to $845 | Camping: $408 to $533
Suggested Dana: $120 $240

Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche is a master yogi of the Nyingmapa

tradition. He is a student of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and a lineage
holder of Dudjom Lingpa and H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche. He has also
studied with H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, H.E. Chagdud Rinpoche,
Lama Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche, and many other great teachers of
the 20th century. He is a practitioner of the development stage and
accomplishment stage. He has been authorized to teach by H.H. Dilgo
Khyentse Rinpoche and many other teachers. For more information
please see his main biography at:


The M agic of Awaren e ss

With Anam Thubten
September 25 - 27, 2013

During this retreat, Anam Thubten will lead mediation and offer teachings. He will
describe what awareness is from the Buddhist point of view and invite everyone
to discover it through direct experiences. Awareness has the magic to show us our
original face, the Buddha within.

Pricin g
Double Room : $303 to $428 | Queen Single: $372 to $497
Queen Double: $360 to $485 | Camping: $204 to $329
Suggested Dana: $60 $120

Anam Thubten spent much of his childhood and young adult life in a
Nyingma monastery in Tibet where he received the benefit of extensive
academic and spiritual training from several teachers. After arriving in
America in the early 1990s, Anam Thubten began to teach the Dharma
at the request of others and today teaches extensively in fluent English.
These teachings, free of any sect, point directly to ones true nature as
boundless love and wisdom. Anam Thubten is the author of various
articles and books in both the Tibetan and English language. His first
book in English appeared under the title No Self, No Problem and his
latest book is The Magic of Awareness.



20 1 3 Ta r a M a n d a l a Vis ito r D ays
May 11, June 6, and August 25

Tara Mandala is open to the public several times each year. You are welcome to
join us for a guided tour of our beautiful Retreat Center and Tara Temple, which
includes a brief introduction to meditation with time for Q&A and a vegetarian
buffet lunch. Please plan to arrive by 9:30am for registration--all visitors must sign
in. The tour starts promptly at 10am and ends by 1pm followed by lunch. Our
Tara Mandala Store will be open during your visit.
RSVP to reserve your place: (970)731-3711 or
We look forward to welcoming you to Tara Mandala. There is no charge but
reservations are required. (Visiting at other times is by appointment only.)

On g o i n g W e e kly D h a rm a Gro up
With Debra Quayle Travis
This ongoing group meets on Saturday mornings from 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. for
a guided meditation, Dharma talk, and refreshments. The meeting location and
frequency vary by season; please check our website for up-to-date information or
email for current details.



Yo g a & M e ditatio n D aylongs
with Tara Robertson & Debra Quayle Travis
This year Tara Mandala will expand opportunities for practice for local and nearby residents by offering 4 Yoga & Meditation Daylong retreats. The April Daylong
will take place in downtown Pagosa at the EcoLiving Center and the summer series
will be at Tara Mandala.
Each retreat will include Yoga for the Inflexible sessions with Tara Robertson
and guided meditation and a dharma talk by Debra Quayle Travis on a variety of
topics from Buddhist teachings. Yoga for the Inflexible is a yoga class designed
to meet the needs of a range of students, including those who are newer to yoga,
recovering from an injury, or those who want to better understand the nuts and
bolts of yoga poses. It is a blend of simple yoga flow (vinyasa) and held poses (yoga
therapy) that will leave you feeling refreshed and flexible.
The retreats will begin at 10:00am and end at 4:00pm and will be offered on a dana
(donation) basis. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a bag lunch to
each retreat. To register, email
E arth D ay R etreat at E co L ivingin D owntown
P agosa : 1 0am - 4pm
April 21: Dharma Talk on Feeding Your Demons
S ummer S eries at T ara M andala : 1 0am - 4 pm
May 18: Dharma Talk on The Five Buddha Families
July 6: Dharma Talk on The Six Paramitas: a Path to Compassion
September 22: Dharma Talk on Deepening Your Meditation Practice

Debra quayle traviss bio can be found on page 17.

tara robertson has been teaching and studying yoga for over 18
years. She is certified in a variety of styles of Hatha yoga, Ayurveda
(traditional Indian Medicine), and has continued her education in
Anatomy & Physiology and Tibetan Buddhism. Her style of teaching has
been influenced by her teachers Scott Blossom, Shiva Rea, and Jill Miller.


Download registration form or register securely online at:
The Retreat Fee covers practice texts, facilities, accommodations, and three vegetarian
meals daily. The retreat fee does not include teacher dana unless otherwise specified.
Sustaining Sangha members receive a 10% - 20% discount upon request.
Our Sliding Scale helps to make retreats accessible to people with a range of
economic situations. Please consider your situation carefully and pay at the highest
level you are able to. Any amount paid over the minimum balance of the sliding
scale is applied to the Evada Scholarship Fund. This money allows those who might
not otherwise be able to come to Tara Mandala to attend our retreats.
Dana is offered to support the teachers of your retreat. Dana is the Pali word for
generosity. The teachers in our programs donate their time in service to the Dharma
and only receive what retreatants offer at the end of each retreat.

Regis tratio n P R O C ED U RES

Space is limited, so please register early!
Registrations must be in writing. You may register online or by mail.
A minimum of 50% of your Retreat Fee is required with your registration form.
If you do not initially pay in full, the balance is due at least 30 days before the
retreat begins.
Payments can be made online or you may send a check with your paper form.
Your space and accommodations are held when the retreat is received; your
space and accommodations are fully guaranteed only when the entire retreat
fee is received.

Chan g e s , C a nc e l l ati o n s , Ref u nds

Please understand that last minute cancellations are extremely costly for us. The
staff time, food ordering, and budget committed to each program is based upon
the number of people who have registered. In addition, you may have contributed
a portion of your program cost to the Evada Scholarship Fund. These contributions
cannot be returned because others are then affected.

 ancellations or Change Requests must be received in writing for a refund

or credit to be issued. We recommend that you send an email to registrar@ with the subject line: Retreat Cancellation Request.
Refund/credit amounts are dependent on the timing of the written request.
If we receive your written Cancellation or Change Request 31 days or more
before the retreat starts, you will receive a full refund minus a $75.00 processing
fee and minus any scholarship funds donated.
No refunds/credit for Cancellations or Change Requests received 30 days or
less before the retreat start date can be considered.
Cancellations or Change Requests cannot be accepted by phone.
There is a $50.00 fee for all returned checks.


Payment Plans - Deferred payment plans are available based on financial need.
You must fill out an application and work out a payment schedule with the office.
If approved you must provide post-dated checks or your credit card number for
scheduled payments.
Evada Scholarship Fund - The Evada Fund is designed to assist those who,
due to financial hardship, may not otherwise be able to attend our retreats. These
funds are available to cover up to 50% of camping retreat fees for programs at Tara
Financial assistance forms are on our website.

Spe cia l N e ed s
Retreats are not meant as a substitute for psychotherapy. We recommend that if you
are currently undergoing psychotherapy you inform your therapist of your intention
to participate in a retreat. Retreats can be emotionally demanding and physically
strenuous. If you have a health condition or are aware that you may require medical
supervision, we recommend that you not participate in a retreat. We do not have
the appropriate staff or facilities to accommodate special needs of this nature.

Contin uin g E d ucati o n

Tara Mandala is licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences as a
continuing education provider (#3260). CE hours are offered for Marriage and
Family Therapists (MFTs) and for Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs). The
number of CE hours offered is listed below programs for which credit is available. Please sign up for CE hours at the time of registration; a $20 fee applies.

Stay i n g C o n n ect e d
We have an email distribution list that we use to keep people informed of upcoming
retreats and other Tara Mandala news. We invite you to join by visiting our website
at Those who subscribe to the our email list will also receive
Words of Wisdom: a Dharma quote selected by Lama Tsultrim and framed by current
photos from Tara Mandala.
Our website is updated regularly and has information about our center, cabins,
programs, and teachers, as well as articles, poems and photos.
This program guide is printed on post consumer waste recycled paper and is produced
annually by Tara Mandala, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization.
All Rights Reserved Tara Mandala, 2013

PO Box 3040, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
E-mail: Phone: (970) 731-3711


Praja Residence Hall offers 16 rooms
on two floors with stunning views of
the San Juan mountains to the East and
Ekajati peak to the West. The building is
beautifully hand-painted with traditional
Tibetan flower imagery on the window
lintels. The outer plaster is a brilliant
golden yellow ochre limestone that
matches the community building. Our
rooms offer beautifully decorated,
extremely comfortable accommodations
with a sink and granite counter in each
room. The amenities of the residence hall
allow retreatants to take advantage of our
retreats year-round.
Camping continues to be an option for anyone coming here during the warm months.
Bring your own tent and gear and sleep under the big open sky on Tara Mandalas
beautiful land. All facilities, including full baths, are in the community building.



Our retreat land, located at 7500-8000 feet elevation, presents varied weather
conditions. Summer days are sunny and can reach the 90s with afternoon
thunderstorms likely. Nights may be quite cool in the 40s-50s, requiring a warm
sweater or jacket.
For more information about our current retreat schedule, or to schedule
a solo retreat, please visit our website at or call
(970) 731-3711 x108.

Retreat, or returning back to a place of origin, is an age-old practice in many cultures.

Our retreat cabins provide a rare and precious opportunity to be completely secluded
and alone in a remote mountain setting. Here you are free to maintain intensive
practice and connect with your innermost being.
All of our cabins are ideal for solitary retreat. They feature vast views and are
remotely located for ultimate privacy. Each cabin has a single bed, wood stove heat,
a gas burner or stove, and kitchen supplies. You bring your own food, bedding, and
practice materials. Shopping once a week is provided for longer retreats.

R e nta l F e e s
Retreat cabins may be rented for a minimum of two nights, and as long as a number
of years with the permission of an authorized teacher; rates are based on length
of rental. Retreat fees cover cabin rental, fuel (wood and propane), retreatant care
(weekly shopping for retreats of more than one week in length), and various supplies.
Food is not provided.
2 Nights (minimum stay*) = $70/night | 3-5 Nights = $50/night
6-28 Nights = $40/night | 28 Nights or more = $700/month ($23/night)
*Minimum stay varies based on weather, and can be as long as one week during winter months.


The Community Building was the first structure to be built at Tara Mandala and
was completed in 2005. It is a 6000 sq double-walled, adobe structure which houses
our kitchen, dining room, store, full bathrooms with soaking bathtubs, and offices.
The wood for this building was harvested from the land using horses, and Lama
Gyurme and his brother Palden from Tibet were the artists for the wood carving
and painting. All the interior plasters are different colors of clay found on the
land, and the decorative paintings of traditional Tibetan motifs were created
using natural mineral pigments.

The Tara Mandala Store carries a variety of
Buddhist and Tibetan treasures to support ones
practice. The store carries a unique selection of
art, textiles, practice and ritual items such as
thangkas, statues, bell & dorjes, Chd drums,
shrine items, malas, counters, high-grade Tibetan
and Bhutanese incense, clothing and much more..
In addition to Lama Tsultrims autographed books,
Feeding your Demons and Women of Wisdom, we
have a variety of books on Sutrayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism, as well
as on Yoga, the Divine Feminine, Dzogchen, and Chd.
The Store is also home to the ever popular Tara Mandala Herbs, 21 herbal formulas
infused with awareness and cultivated directly from the land or near by mountains.
To place an order, you may visit our website:, email, or call (970) 731-3711 x103. We are continually updating
our product selection, so please feel free to offer your feedback.

The T rikaya Tar a T em p l e

The main temple at Tara Mandala was born from a dream Lama Tsultrim Allione
had during a year-long solitary retreat on June 5, 2001, the night of the Buddhas
birthday. The dream began with depth radiant blue, and then the three levels and
mandala formation were revealed to her by the great Dzogchen master from the
8th century, Vimalamitra.
The 12,000 sq temple was constructed between 2007-2009 using the skills of traditional
Bhutanese wood carvers and Tibetan artists.
The third and top floor represents mind and the pure awareness: Dharmakaya.
This is an open room with four doors and is painted the blue from the original
The second floor represents sacred speech and the luminous radiance of pure
form: Sambogakaya. This floor houses offices, guest quarters for visiting
teachers, library and archives.
The ground floor represents the physical embodiment of enlightened energy in
our world: Nirmanakaya. This level is the main temple with a circumambulation
corridor and four entrances.
The exterior has more than eighty uniquely painted lintels such as a series of
twelve astrological animals, mythic beasts and animals representing the elements,
deities for each direction and are located on each of the three floors representing
the three kayas.
The artist for the entire temple was Lama Gyurme Rabgye who worked with David
Petit and Lama Tsultrim Allione to create one of the most exquisite representations
of Vajrayana Buddhist cosmology in the world.

Man if e sti n g t h e M a n d a l a 2013

f r o m La ma T s u ltrim A l l i one
When we launched our first major Capital Campaign in 2004, we were sitting in the
grove of oaks we called Little Italy at a table under a tarp near the outdoor kitchen.
At that time we had no buildings with solid walls. When we sweep forward to what
we as a community have manifested, it is really quite astonishing.
Between 2004 and 2009, we built three large, beautiful, eco-friendly buildings as
well as creating the Childrens Temple, beautiful gardens, a grow-dome, walking
paths, roads, electricity, solar systems, sewage systems, and wells. We now have an
amazing three-story mandala temple adorned with some of the most extraordinary
paintings and wood carvings in the West, a temple that is a unique testament to the
sacred feminine in Buddhism. Nothing like our temple exists in the world.
Also, we can now offer guests comfortable, nurturing housing in Prajna Residence
Hall as well as the ever popular camping option. Prajna has natural ochre walls, each
room with a sink and granite countertop, and there are soaking tubs, showers, and
toilets in the hallways. Our beautiful Community Building houses our successful
store with our own line of healing herbs and aroma therapy products, our own CDs,
DVDs, and now books from our own publishing company, Machig Publications,
as well as many other Dharma items. The Community Building also contains a
commercial kitchen and sunlit dining room, as well as our offices and bathing
facilities for campers (including deep, soaking bathtubs!). We have 6 unique cabins
for solo retreats, plus four staff cabins, and six canvas yurts.
As we approach our 20th anniversary, Tara Mandala carries no debt. Our land and
buildings are fully paid for, securing our future as a place of deep retreat, refuge,
and renewal. Much gratitude to everyone who has helped to manifest the mandala
over the past 20 years; may the benefit be limitless!

P h a s e 3 C a pital Ca m paign
This year we are embarking on Phase 3 of our capital campaign. We are fundraising
for three projects:
Landscaping the Tara Temple
Staff Housing
Ritual Activities Rooms at the East entrance of the Temple.

L a n d s ca p i n g the Ta ra Te mple
We have exciting landscaping plans. These will include earth moving to shape and
extend the area around the temple in order to define its boundaries. We will also
build 5 exterior fire offering tables in traditional designs with etched mandalas (one
for the supreme offering and four enlightening activities in the four directions) as
well as a circumambulation path, ponds, constructed wetlands, parking, picnicking
areas, sang kang for offering juniper smoke, dance and performance amphitheater,
ceremonial entrance, garden installation, watering system, signage and way-showing


L andscape S ponsorship opportunities

Ponds and Constructed Wetlands: $5,000
Amphitheater stage: $5,000
Amphitheater construction: $5,000
Parking areas: $5,000
Circumambulation Path: crushed granite and local stone: $10,000
The following donations will cover the construction of the gardens and offering
tables in each of the directions, including landscape architects schematics and
working drawings, site survey, hardscaping, labor and materials.
Center - Supreme Enlightening Activity: $20,000 (combines all four activities and
is the highest activity)
East - Buddha Enlightening Activity: $20,000 Peacemaking (pacification of war,
conflict, and imbalance in nature and the elements)
South - Ratna Enlightening Activity: $20,000 Enriching (prosperity, growth, fertility)
West - Padma Enlightening Activity: $20,000 Magnetizing (health, strength, power)
North - Karma Enlightening Activity: $20,000 Subduing (conquers negativity,
provocations, and harmful influences)
Total Cost Estimate for Landscaping: $130,000

Staff Housing
Designs for passive solar, eco-friendly,
non-toxic housing have been created by
the temple architect, Courtney King. They
will be individual cottages with kitchens,
running water, and bathrooms. They will
be built on the hill behind the temple with
vast views of the mountains to the East and
good southern exposure for passive solar.
We would like to complete two cottages this
year and eventually build ten.
C ategories :
Buddha - Meditation Room: $10,000
Vajra - Study, Bookcases, Storage: $ 10,000
Ratna - Kitchen: $20,000
Padma - Bedroom and Bathroom: $25,000
Karma - Labor: $40,000
Cost per cottage: $105,000

Ritual Activities Rooms in the East entrance

On either side of the interior East entrance is a space which, until now, has remained
unfinished. Here we will place walls on either side and to the South will be a kitchen
for ritual activities (such as tsog and Drubchen) and for visiting lamas and other
teachers. The other side will be for storage and Torma making. On the walls of
the hallway of the East entrance will be paintings of the 4 Great Kings and double
doors with windows echoing the windows in the four directions in the main temple.

S ponsorship opportunities :
Painting of the Four Great Kings of the Four Directions by Lama Gyurme:
Eastern - White Great King Yulkhorsung who holds the Vina (lute) surrounded
by flying Gandarvas: $2000
Southern - Blue Great King Phagkyepo holding a sword surrounded by Yama
class of beings: $2000
Western - Red Great King Chenmizang holding a long snake surrounded by a
host of nagas (water spirits): $2000
Northern - Green Great King Namthose holding a mongoose surrounded by
yakshas: $2000
R itual A ctivities R ooms
Kitchen including commercial stove, 2 refrigerators, cabinetry, countertops,
dishwashers, and labor: $40,000
Torma Room including sink, cabinetry, and labor: $15,000
Total Cost Estimate for Ritual Activities Rooms: $63, 000
We have already invested in plans and initial planning for these projects.
Your continued support will take Tara Mandala to the next phase and provide
the Mandala-like setting for our Tara Temple, housing for our hardworking staff,
and space for the ritual arts in the temple. Although we have made these specific
sponsorship opportunities, you may also contribute by sponsoring a Tara from the
1000 Tara Thangkha.

T h e 1 0 0 0 Tar a Thang k ha
Lama Tsultrim was given a One Thousand Tara Thangkha in the spring of 2006 by
Ken and Petra Sloan. The Thangkha was painted by a Nepalese master painter, an
extraordinary feat. It pictures a central green Tara figure, representing enlightened
action, surrounded by 1000 smaller Taras, each perfectly painted with ornaments,
gestures, and features. The Thangkha came with a black and white line drawing
numbering each of the Taras. Now each Tara may be sponsored for $1000. We are
thankful for everyone who has contributed in this way, choosing a number of
particular personal significance, to honor a loved one or a special event. Over the
years, we have raised $650,000 through the Tara Thangkha. Please consider joining
the 1000 Tara campaign; we have a payment plan for one or two years. The names
of all sponsors will be placed in a book that will reside permanently in the temple.
In Phase 3 we need to raise $395,000 to complete these projects (this figure covers
2 cottages for staff out of our goal of 10). We continue to reach out to all of those
inspired to manifest the vision of creating inviting spaces for deep retreat and
practice. Although we offer specific fundraising categories, all donations are most
welcome. We also have a Legacy Circle for those putting Tara Mandala in their
bequests. We invite you to join our efforts at whatever level of participation you are
able to. If you would like to see architectural plans and detailed budgets or speak to
someone about a donation of stocks (which may be given without accruing capital
gains), please contact our Director, Shellie Noyes: (970) 731-3711 ext. 110 or shellie@ You may also donate any amount online at https://taramandala.
org/donate, just make a note on the donation page that your gift is for Phase 3 of
the Capital Campaign.


The intention of the Living Dharma
Program is to offer participants the
opportunity to develop the skills
and abilities with which to integrate
Dharma practice and mindfulness
in daily life. Through the teachings
of Vajrayana, volunteers will gain
a new perspective on how Dharma
practice can transform the attitude
with which one approaches all aspects of life and work. Creating such a shift in
perspective requires significant effort on the part of the volunteer; one is invited to
take on this challenge through service, the support of a practice community, and a
curriculum of Dharma teachings and practice.
Volunteers receive room and board, which varies by season. Volunteers work an
average of 35 hours per week at an assigned job. Work opportunities include kitchen,
temple, garden, land crew, retreat setup/breakdown, the Tara Mandala Store, Prajna
residence hall, the community building, and the office.
Those who can make a full 3 month commitment participate in the Three Yana
Retreat in June. Following that period, daily group practice and weekly teachings
with an authorized teacher comprise the core of the spiritual curriculum. The
evening teaching sessions of group retreats is sometimes available, depending on
the boundaries of each retreat. Volunteers also take part in all community practices,
events, councils, and karma yoga. While personal practices are honored without
discrimination, all Living Dharma Volunteers must make a commitment to fully
participate in the Vajrayana teachings and practices offered.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. A one-month minimum commitment is
required and preference is given to applicants who are available for longer periods.
Visit our website for more information.

As a volunteer, youre really offering yourself to the Dharma, and the karmic effects of
such are abundant. Between the incredible teachers, the profound teachings, the familylike community, and the many offerings of the land itself, you feel truly blessed and held.
If you want a summer of pure relaxation and spiritual coasting, the Living Dharma program at Tara Mandala is the wrong choice. If you want to challenge yourself, face your
stuff, delve into the beautiful teachings, and create bonds that will last a lifetime, Dakini
Land awaits! -Eric Anderson, Volunteer

As Tara Mandala offers a haven of rest and
renewal, a sanctuary for deep practice and
insightful teachings in an increasingly chaotic
world, you might consider helping it thrive
beyond your lifetime. What can we do now to help
Tara Mandala flourish for future generations?
One way to safeguard Tara Mandalas future
is to join the Legacy Circle. To find out how
to become part of the Legacy Circle, contact:
A planned gift can be a way of practicing
generosity beyond your lifetime. It is a way
of ensuring Tara Mandalas presence in the
lives of your family, future generations, and
community members. It is also a way to stabilize
the investment many of you have already made
in the land and buildings and expresses your
commitment to supporting the Dharma.
Thank you for considering Tara Mandala through
a planned gift. If you have already planned a gift
for Tara Mandala, please let us know so that we
may acknowledge you. If you have any questions
or would like a copy of sample bequest language,
please contact

Susta i ning S angha Membersh ip

The pledged donations we receive on a monthly, quarterly, or annual
basis are the financial lifeblood of Tara Mandala. The generosity of
our donors provides reliable income for our daily operations. These
funds help support our events, scholarship program, and maintenance
of the land, community building, and beautiful temple, as well as
support our hard-working staff who organize our retreats, accounts,
registration, and communications. To join the Sustaining Sangha,



Visit for a current retreat

calendar and information about solo retreats.

Group Retreats u Solo Retreat Cabins

Vast View u Open Heart

Retreat Center

P.O. Box 3040

Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

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