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Tungulas Gift

A Peruvian Tale from the Land of Sicn

BY Luis Abelardo Nez

dual-language book

A Fidler House Digital Edition




A Peruvian Tale from the Land of Sicn

By Luis Abelardo Nez

dual-language book
A Fidler House Digital Edition
Editors and translators:
Roger Fidler & Ada Vigo de Fidler
First publication in English: December 2006
First publication as a dual-language book: September 2007
2006-2007 by Fidler House

All rights reserved. This digital edition or any portion of this

digital edition may not be sold or used for any commercial
purpose without permission in writing from the Publisher.



Table of Contents


About the Author


1 Introduction


Map: Department of Lambayeque


Photos: Pomac Forest Historic Sanctuary


The Batn Grande Estate


Tungula, Almost a God


2 The Road to Batn Grande


The Journey Begins


The Bridge to the Alameda


The Sights Along the Way


3 Crossing the Famous Zanjn


The Competition


The Zanjn, the Zanjn!


A Respite Follows the Miracle


A Cure for the Evil Eye



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4 The Whistling Huacos


The Strange Occurrence


The Enigma of Moiss


The Aunts Remedy of the Tree


5 The Welcome at the Estate


La Borradas Kitchen at the Forge


The Mesa and the Language of Herbs


6 An Early Start


The Party Begins


The Fatal Epidemic


7 Marriage and Shroud Come from Heaven 68

The Arrival of El Gringo Jaime


The Hand of Margarita


After the Band Stopped Playing


The Bewitching of the Whistling Huacos


The Missing Huacos




El Canto Silvestre [The Sylvan Song]



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To the reasons of my life

dedicate this book, witness of my dreams and the boat

on which my memories sail, to my beautiful Ferreafe
its legends, history, and traditions and to all the
people who love peace and justice.
With emotion, love, and gratitude for the three Nez
Delgado sisters, born in Ferreafe under the dazzling sun
of Lambayeque. Tarcila de Takahashi, my unforgettable
mother who gave me her benediction before she began her
trip to heaven. She left when she was in the flower of her
To my remembered aunts: Virginia de Kanno, anonymous
and sacrificing heroine, modest woman but gigantic in her
tenderness; and Etelvina de Itabashi who was my loving
teacher of guitar and theater. She left me on a full stage
where I am an actor of the eternal work dreams of Life
and Death.
To my four siblings: Amanda, Jorge, Soledad, and Blanca
Takahashi Nez.
To my self-sacrificing wife, Maria Nila Bautista Palacios,
and my seven unique children: Cristina Tarcila, Luisa
Elizabeth, Mara Nila, Lourdes Rossana, Luis Abelardo,
Katty Adela, and Pedro Leonardo.


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his digital edition of Tungulas Gift is the fulfillment

of a promise we made to Luis Abelardo Nez,
which is a story of its own. That story began
on January 18, 1985, at a radio station in Lima, Per.
After Ada Vigo sang several of Abelardos songs for the
annual Day of Lima celebration, the composer personally
introduced himself and invited her to sing at a concert he
was preparing to give at the Municipal Theater.
At the time, she was a reporter for Perus most
important newspaper, El Comercio. While Peruvian
music was her passion and she had been singing
Abelardos songs for many years, she had never sung
professionally or in front of a large audience. Initially
she was hesitant to accept his invitation, but Abelardo
prevailed. From that chance meeting, a friendship
flourished that would radically change her life and mine.
In September 1987, the InterAmerican Press Association
invited me to speak about my work in digital publishing
and computer graphics at a technology conference hosted
by El Comercio in Lima. At that time I didnt speak Spanish
and this was my first visit to a South American country.
The editor of the newspaper knew that Ada was fluent in
English, so he assigned her to translate my presentation and
to be my guide. He told her to take good care of Mr. Fidler
and make sure he has a good impression of Per.

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She followed his instructions with absolute

seriousness. Nearly 18 months later we were married in
Miami, and Per still is my favorite country to visit. We
have come to believe that Abelardo had a hand in all
this, but thats another story.
Soon after our marriage, I suggested producing an
album with a selection of Abelardos compositions sung
by Ada in her more contemporary style. Again she
initially hesitated, but Abelardos enthusiasm for the
project finally convinced her. In the summer of 1991,
we contracted with Paul Hoyle, a Peruvian arranger
living in Miami, to create the arrangements and
instrumentation for 10 songs.
When the album was completed, we sent Abelardo
several dozen copies. He was thrilled, but what excited
him most was learning that all of the musicians
who provided the background for Ada were digital.
Actually, the musician was Hoyle who created all the
instrumentation using a piano keyboard and touch
pad connected to a Macintosh computer and digital
Our purpose for producing the album was not to
make money; it was to promote Peruvian music and to
acquaint people with Abelardos work. Since then, we
have given hundreds of cassettes and CDs to friends and
people we have met in our travels around the world. In
2004, we posted the songs and the lyrics from the album
on our Web site at:

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My first opportunity to meet Abelardo in person came

in April 1998. He was visiting his relatives in Paterson,
New Jersey, when I was invited to speak at a Columbia
University symposium. Ada and I offered to take him
with us to New York City for a few days. He was eager
to explore the city, but also wanted to attend the
The topic was the future of digital publishing and
mobile reading devices. After hearing my presentation and
seeing the demonstrations, he could hardly contain his
enthusiasm. Abelardo was captivated by the notion that
newspapers and books could be published electronically
and read immediately by people all around the world.
Through Ada, he asked me if I could produce and
distribute an electronic edition of a book he was writing.
Always a cultural ambassador for Per, he thought this
would be a great way for people to know more about his
countrys rich traditions and history. I told him if that was
what he wanted, I would do it for free.
Four years later, we went to Ferreafe, Per, to be
with Abelardo when the city where he was born and
began his musical career honored him. During that visit,
he asked Jos Maeda Ascencio to take us to the pre-Inca
Sicn complex at Batn Grande. Maeda is a journalist
and recognized authority on the Sicn culture and Batn
Grande. Abelardo told us this was the subject of the book
he called Los Huacos Silbadores, which he reminded me
was the one I had promised to publish as a digital edition.

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To get to one of the great Sicn pyramids in the Pomac

Forest Historic Sanctuary, we had to wade across the
Leche River and then hike through a dense cluster of
algarrobo trees. The trek was like a scene from an Indiana
Jones movie. When we finally reached the top of the
pyramid, which archaeologists were excavating, we were
amazed by the spectacular panorama and the enormity of
the complex. Everywhere we looked there were pyramids
and mounds as far as the eye could see.
Tragically, he said, the rains brought by the increasingly
more frequent El Nio events and the plundering by
tomb robbers are destroying the complex faster than
archaeologists can excavate it. (In November 2006, a team
of archaeologists unearthed a rich trove of Sicn artifacts from
a dig at the pyramid called El Loro in the Batn Grande
complex. The treasures included the first tumi ceremonial
knives ever found in situ by scientists; all previously known
tumis were looted by tomb robbers.)
Before we left Ferreafe, Abelardo told us that he
considered this book the masterpiece of his career. This
would be the last time we would see him. The following
year a melanoma that had been in remission reappeared in
a more virulent form and spread quickly to his brain.
After his death in December 2005, his wife Nila told us
that in his final days he frequently reminded her to send us
a copy of his manuscript for the digital edition. But in the
turmoil of that stressful time, Abelardos manuscript became
misplaced among all his papers.

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It wasnt until July 2006 that we received the

manuscript with a letter from Nila authorizing us to
publish a digital edition.The wish of Abelardo and Nila
was that the digital edition would not be sold, so that
anyone could read it anywhere in the world.

A few words about the translation

This is the first time one of Abelardos stories has been
translated into English and the first one to be published
as a digital edition. We have attempted to preserve his
writing style in this English translation of his manuscript.
The introduction is the only chapter where we made
extensive changes. This was done to clarify and to include
new information.
We have kept some words in Spanish to retain the
cultural flavor of the story. Those words appear in italic
type, and in most cases can be found in the glossary at
the back of the book. Spanish nicknames are shown with
quotation marks the first time they appear in the story.
While our translations of poems and lyrics do not retain
the rhyming or syllabic structure of the original Spanish
versions, we have tried to retain their meaning and style.
We hope you will enjoy reading Abelardos story.

Roger & Ada Fidler

Columbia, Missouri
December 22, 2006


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About the Author

uis Abelardo Nez is one of the most revered of his

generation of Peruvian composers. Abelardo, as he
affectionately was called by those who knew him and
appreciated his music, was born in Ferreafe, a small farming
village near Chiclayo in northern Per, on November 22,
1926. The day of his birth is recognized by Catholics as the
day of Santa Cecilia, the patron
saint of musicians.
His father, Sakuzo Takahashi,
immigrated to Per from
Fukushima, Japan. His mother,
Tarcila Nez Delgado, was
Peruvian. Both parents died
when he was very young. His
aunt Virginia de Kanno, who was
a seamstress and the wife of a
Japanese barber in Ferreafe,
took over the responsibility for
rearing him and his four other
Abelardo Nez (right)
orphaned siblings.
and Santiago Balladares
From an early age, Abelardo
in Ferreafe circa 1941.
was enthralled by the music and
folklore of northern Per. With the guidance of another
aunt, Etelvina de Itabashi, he learned to play guitar and
other instruments as well as to write and compose songs.


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When he was 19 years old, he moved to Lima, the capital

of Per, to pursue his musical career. To be accepted as a
Peruvian musician and composer, he adopted his mothers
family name Nez.
His first composition, Engaada (Cheated), was
published in 1950. He composed and wrote lyrics for more
than 200 songs in a wide variety of Peruvian styles, such as
marineras, tonderos, huaynos, valses, polkas, and anthems.
Abelardo became known as The Composer of the
People because of his strong connection to the populace and
his selfless support in the struggle for social justice. Traveling
with his guitar throughout Per, he painted with his music
portraits and landscapes that reflected the sorrows and joys,
tragedies and triumphs, ugliness and beauty that confronted
him. While he had a genuine affection for all the people and
lands of his mother country, it was his beloved Ferreafe
that always possessed his heart and soul. He was particularly
captivated by the legends, mysteries, and artifacts of the
Sicn people who had constructed the pre-Columbian
pyramids at Batn Grande in the province of Ferreafe.
In recognition of his lifetime of contributions to Peruvian
music and culture, the Major University of San Marcos of
Lima awarded Abelardo with a diploma and a medal of
honor in 1994.
Abelardo and his wife Nila (Mara Nila Bautista Palacios)
moved to Nagoya, Japan, in 1996 to be with their children
who had decided earlier that year to emigrate from Per to
the native country of their grandfather.

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Photo: Roger Fidler

Abelardo at his sister Amandas home in Ferreafe in 2002.

In 2002, Abelardo briefly returned to Per to be
recognized asthe Favorite Son of Ferreafe and to
perform in Limaat a nationally televisedconcert in his
honor. During his years in Japan, he actively served as an
ambassador of Peruvian music and culture.
On December 19, 2005, Abelardo died in Japan after a
long battle withmelanoma. His body was sent to Per for
burial in Ferreafe.


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ontemplating the high summits of the mountain range

of the Pacific, the mind of man portrays the Andean
landscapes. An intimate voice disturbs and wraps us
in a fog of mystery and dreams. Perhaps this is the reason why
the ferreafanos [people of Ferreafe] are slaves to incredible
The province of Ferreafe in the department of Lambayeque contains evidence of many ancient cultures that
date back to about 500 bc. However, it is the people who
built the enormous complexes at Batn Grande and Tucume
in the Rio de la Leche [Milk River] Valley between the years
800 and 1300 ad that have captivated Peruvians and scholars
from around the world.
The name given to these people and their culture is
Sicn, which means House of the Moon in the ancient
Muchik language. Archaeologists believe they probably are
descendents of the Moche.
The population included many highly skilled artisans and
metal workers as is evidenced by the vast quantities of gold,
silver, and copper artifacts found in the Sicn tombs. They
knew the secrets for producing delicate gold ornaments
and an arsenic-copper alloy, which is the closest material to
bronze found in pre-Columbian America.

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Department of Lambayeque



lambay eque

















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MAP: Roger Fidler



According to Julio C. Tello, the father of Peruvian

archaeology, nearly all of the gold and silver extracted by
the people of South America in prehistoric times came from
northern Per, and at least three quarters of the archaeological
specimens of Peruvian gold that exist in foreign and national
museums came from the department of Lambayeque, mainly
from the archaeological nucleus of Batn Grande and Tucume.
The Sicn population also included people who knew the
secrets of medicinal herbs, and produced fine textiles and
sophisticated pottery. Among the types of pottery they created
there was a musical instrument similar to a flute, which could
take many shapes and acquire many different sounds, called
a huaco silbador [whistling vessel of baked clay].
Around 1100 ad the Batn Grande complex with its
20 pyramids was abandoned, probably because of a great
flood that damaged the irrigation channels and agricultural
lands. The Sicn people soon established a new religious
and ceremonial center at Tucume. The culture flourished for
another two centuries until a great drought that lasted for
more than 30 years brought about its rapid collapse.
The Sicn people were eventually conquered in about 1350
ad by the kingdom of the Great Chim, which encompassed all
of the modern department of Lambayeque. The old chronicles
say that about one hundred years before the Spanish conquest
of Per in the 16th century, the Inca Huayna Capac occupied
the Chim kingdom. The Penach Indians resisted and were
never totally subdued. The territory of this rebel tribe probably
reached into what is now the province of Ferreafe.

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PhotoS: Roger Fidler

Two views of the Pomac Forest Historic Sanctuary from one of

the Batn Grande pyramids.

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The Batn Grande Estate

The opportunity should not be passed up to add some notes
about the Batn Grande estate, inside whose boundaries
was the Batn Grande complex. The Spanish archives show
that in the year 1527 Don Francisco de Barbarn bought
the lands, mounds, tombs and idols from the cacique [native
overlord] of Illimo. The estate subsequently passed to Juan
de Barbarn, who sold it in the year 1612 to Don Antonio
de Villavicencio. The earliest recorded name given to the
property was San Nicols de Sicn or Cicn.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the owner of the
estate was Don Andrs Delgado. He is said to have planted
two mango trees from India, one of which still survived at the
estate in 1970, according to Carlos Bachmans monograph
about Lambayeque. These trees at Batn Grande are believed
to be the ancestors of all existing mango trees in Per and

The Batn Grande estate house circa 1940.


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By the 1860s the property had become known as the

Batn Grande hacienda. In 1913, Don Juan J. Aurich Pastor
bought the property from the Delgado heirs. About 400
people resided at the estate in the 1920s. Upon his death
in 1935, his children, the Aurich Bonilla, took possession.
They continued to own and administer the estate until 1968
when they were forced out during the so-called agrarian
After years of neglect, the Peruvian government took a
small step in 1984 to protect the property as an archaeological
reserve. In 1991, it became known as the Batn Grande
Reserve and in 2001, the reserve was designated as the Pomac
Forest Historic Sanctuary. The government is now making
a greater effort to preserve the archaeological sites and
the surrounding algarrobo [carob] forest that is one of two
equatorial desert forests in the world.

Tungula, Almost a God

No one knows with absolute certainty the birthplace of
Tungula, the great cacique who governed for many years
that region where the eagles fly, the algarrobo trees flourish,
the huerequeque bird sings, the foxes trifle, and the huacos
whistle. Perhaps it was in Caaris or Incahuasi where he saw
his first light. What is most probable is that his children were
born in Batn Grande.
The legends say that Tungula was a wise and noble
lord. His beautiful wife Kalina is said to have possessed a
magisterial and sweet voice that was like the songbirds of

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the Sicn paradise. Their four children were the joy and
happiness of these respected leaders of this region.
On nights when the moon was full, the Tungula family
would climb to the top of a high mound in the Chaparri
Hills wearing resplendent clothing and crowns of gold inlaid
with pearls and rare stones. Together with their subjects in
that yunga chapel, they would offer strange prayers to an
unknown god as they contemplated the clear and starry sky
of Batn Grande.
Their first child Amusuy was a princess who dazzled
everyone in that region. She was beautiful and generous to
the people of her town. She also domesticated all the wild
animals that lived in the Sicn territory. Her three brothers
Janque, Molln and Puchaca were master goldsmiths
and good potters.
Tungula devoted his time to molding whistling huacos. He
knew all the secrets of nature. From time to time he would
travel to Penach where he gathered miraculous herbs that
he used for his healing rituals. All the townspeople knew
about Tungulas strange powers and his ability to soften the
hardest stones with his hands using tiny leaves of dark red
Tungulas ambition was to capture the voice of his
beloved wife. One night he asked the god of the wind to
grant him his wish. The next day when Kalina tried to intone
a prayer, she realized she had lost her voice. From that
moment, all the whistling huacos made by Tungula acquired
the musical and sonorous charm that subdues and bewitches.

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Each son was given a whistling huaco created by this

great lord. All were decorated with small heads of foxes.
Janque received a huaco with two foxes, Molln with three,
and Puchaca with four, in that order. The huaco he gave to
his daughter Amusuy was different; it was decorated with
the small head of a parrot.
When Tungula delivered these fantastic huacos, he told
his children that when he died they should bury him with
all his best clothing and ornaments. That same should occur
when his offspring left this world; the town had to bury
them with all their most prized possessions and, of course,
with their whistling huacos, so that Mother Earth will
receive everything she has given us.
When Kalina saw that her husband was near death,
she begged him to tell her the source of that fabulous leaf
he used to soften stones; but already it was written that
Tungula would carry to his tomb the secret that only is
known by the sun, the wind, the rocks, the rain, and perhaps
the birds that bring in their beaks the mysterious leaves
whose sap is dark red like the yunga blood.



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The Road to Batn Grande

t was a warm early morning on the last Friday of the

month of February in the year 1937. The previous night
had rained torrentially. At the break of dawn, large heavy
raindrops continued falling. The streets that ran in straight
lines through the town of Ferreafe had been converted into
small streams. Murky water flowed along the cobblestones
and kissed the curbs of the narrow paths paved with cement.
Small frogs were hopping about, some managed to enter
the houses. Wide open doors facilitated the entry of those
tiny friends of the farmers. Gigantic dragonflies of emerald
green color perched on the high adobe walls covered with a
plaster of gypsum and lime. This was an unmistakable sign of
summer approaching and the time for sowing rice.
Was it not a strong rainstorm, neighbor? Don Jacinto
inquired of an old farmer.
Yes, the storm answered the sowers of rice, but the
water arrives late.
Better late than never, Don Jacinto retorted.
That morning the housewives sought bread for breakfast.
During those days the people of Ferreafe could not imagine
drinking a good cup of coffee with milk without their local
bread greased with fresh butter from Monsef or tasty
mountain cheese produced in Sangana.


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Where did you get bread, comadre Luisa?

Its not bread comadre. What I carry in my basket are
Because of the rains, the firewood was wet and the ovens
were cold. The bakers had not thought ahead, which is why
the town resorted to yucas, bananas, and sweet potatoes.
The whistle of the train could be heard clearly in
the Plaza de Armas, which was six blocks away from the
railway station. Travelers hurried their steps to arrive in
time to find good seats. The train would leave at seven
oclock sharp bound for the port of Eten, passing through
Lambayeque, Chiclayo, and Monsef, the city of flowers
and land of industrious people where women weave
beautiful saddlebags of thread and hats of reeds. They also
could prepare tasty snacks and good chicha [corn liquor]
sweetened with honey.
Seven tolls of a bell marked the exact hour, the
inexorable time that never stops. A turkey buzzard frolicked
lazily on the cross atop the tower of the beautiful and
ancient church of Santa Luca of Ferreafe, founded in the
year 1550. The sun king heated with his luminous rays the
fertile and generous land.

The Journey Begins

On Unin Street the old truck of the Batn Grande estate,
Don Juan, was parked in a puddle of murky water. This
morning the vehicle would transport various field workers
along with some small-time merchants carrying their wares

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Photo: Roger Fidler

The church of Santa Luca of Ferreafe.

who expected to profit from the fortnight payday at the
The body of Don Juan was soaked; the rain had left it
in misery. As the sun continued to warm the morning, some
passengers began boarding the vehicle. Patuco, the assistant
to the driver of the famous Don Juan, took the crank and
began turning it to activate the dynamo. The motor struggled
several times before it finally started. All the passengers were
happy as thick smoke escaped from the muffler.

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Along the same Unin street lived a Japanese man

named Kanno. This honest and industrious oriental had a
barbershop. His companion and wife was a modest woman
of Ferreafe called Virginia. This seamstress, known by all
as Ta Vige [Aunt Vige], was recognized for her generosity
and kindness, which she demonstrated on different
occasions. For example, she often came to the aid of local
poor people and even helped a few outsiders. These last
mentioned were ones detained for brawling and did not
have a bite to eat. After remaining for several days in the
tiny jail of the civil guard, the food they received from Ta
Vige was like a gift from heaven.
From the house of the Japanese, their nephew Cholo
left hastily. The boy took two cardboard boxes filled with
clothing, the modest creations of his aunt Vige, that would
be sold at the great estate of Batn Grande.
Cholo was in his eleventh year. Like all young boys,
he was restless, but people noted that he was intelligent
and because of his good behavior they liked him. In his
neighborhood he was one of the best players on the soccer
team, which he named Estrella Roja [Red Star]. Those
were the days of the cloth soccer balls, when people
talked about Lolo Fernndez the Striker, the Magician
Valdiviezo, and Alejandro Hose Villanueva, stars of
Peruvian soccer.
Cholo wore brand new overalls of bluish color. In the
nickel-plated clasps were reflected the rays of the sun that
appeared by Las Tres Tomas hill.

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When the driver of the truck arrived, all greeted him with
respect. This chauffeur knew all the defects and virtues of
the famous small truck. Don Juan Barbn, as they called
this professional of the wheel, was a tall white man with clear
eyes who enjoyed good food and good liquor. He sang and
danced the marinera gracefully. The Aurich family, owners of
the Batn Grande estate, had great appreciation for him.
As Barbn took the wheel of the truck and lit his cigarette,
Ta Vige appeared. She was carrying a large battered suitcase
that had seen better days. It was easy to see that it was heavy.
As soon as she could, she handed it to Patuco. Then she went
back to her house. When she returned to the truck, she
carried in her right hand a smoldering roasted sweet potato
of purple color that she gave to her nephew Cholo. She then
climbed up and accommodated herself in the cab of the dear
old Don Juan, the vehicle that had had a long history of
love and sacrifice.

The Bridge to the Alameda

On the Carmona Bridge, which spans a large irrigation
ditch and leads to the romantic alameda, many people were
waiting impatiently to travel to the estate. It was Friday.
Saturday would be the fortnight payday and the town would
have money. The Aurich family always paid on time. For that
reason, they were respected and appreciated.
All sorts of baskets and containers of merchandise were
accommodated on the platform of the truck. Who was
most enthusiastic was Don Sevilla, the harness maker, who

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brought saddles, stirrups with silver corners, headstalls,

bridles and reins. His products were sought after at the
estate and Don Sevilla could not keep from rubbing his
hands and smiling at everyone.
Hello Ta Vige! Are you also traveling to the estate?
Manuel inquired.
No, I go to Cajamarca, to your land to eat granadillas
and chirimoyas, she replied sarcastically.
You are always reminding me that I am not from
Manuel was a native of Chota who had resided since
1925 in Ferreafe. He was a very attentive and cordial man
whose manner of speaking easily revealed his mountain
origin and ancestry. Most people knew him as Topiquero.
This man played an important role and his services were
in great demand. He was like a social aid institution for the
people of that zone, where almost everything was cured
with herbs colic, hemorrhages, aches and pains, diarrhea,
sprains, rashes, intoxications, and indigestion. His services
were mostly free. Like a nurse and pharmacist, he could
prescribe syrups, poultices, pills, lozenges, and capsules, and
he could give injections. Some ladies said that Topiquero had
a very smooth hand. He also functioned as a dentist, but not
a painless one. In those days, extracting teeth was painful
because there was no anesthesia.
Slowly the truck Don Juan initiated its march as the
passengers accommodated themselves on their improvised
seats. Some residents of the Alameda neighborhood raised

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their arms to wave goodbye to the travelers. The wading

birds that nested in the high ficus plants screeched and
fluttered around the beautiful trees.
Suddenly something happened near the bridge in front of
the house of a lady whom everyone called Tortolita [Turtle
Dove] because of her short stature and the way she swayed
as she walked. Many curious people were circling around a
person who was on the ground rolling in agony.
Whats happening? Perhaps its a fight among boys?
No! Its Pelusa, the young boy reared by Don
Manuel. Always hes getting his Manuelitos. Thank God
it happened outside the ditch because if not, he would
have drowned, commented a laborer who was carrying a
saddlebag on his shoulder.
Pelusa did extreme contortions, his eyes were bulging,
his arms were stiff, and foam sprouted from his mouth.
He had epilepsy, an almost incurable and serious illness.
A lady shouted forcefully at everyone to get back and
provide more space because the boy needed air. Then
someone removed his reed hat and used it as a fan. The
lady who was shouting bent down and took the hand of the
epileptic. She got his middle finger and pulled it hard.
That is the finger of the heart and it will calm his pain,
she said.
Poor boy, murmured a woman who was a pastry maker.
The truck Don Juan had its motor running, but the
curious people would not move until they saw the conclusion
of this unpleasant occurrence.

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It already happened to him! Barbn said. Lets go,

lets go, get back onboard because the hours are passing.
When Pelusa recuperated, he looked at all the people
around him, put his hand in his pocket, removed a piece of
biscuit, bit it, and went walking among the ficus plants of
the alameda, which had witnessed so many strange events
that occurred there.

The Sights Along the Way

All the passengers made the sign of the cross as they passed
the chapel of the image of Seor de la Justicia, whose festivities
were carried out from the 23rd to the 27th of April. At the end
of the alameda, the faade of the Virgen del Carmen cemetery
stood out prominently. To one side of a small brick bridge
some vaults of a very old cemetery could be seen.
And what happens there? Do they no longer use those
vaults? asked a lady.
Not anymore, answered Don Sevilla. In this cemetery
they have only buried five Chinese citizens.
Now where do they bury them?
There is no one to bury, Seora. The Chinese die old
and that only happens every hundred years.
The water of the rains had filled to capacity the so-called
Flautero pit, also known as the pit of the drowned ones.
The wind agitated the wild reeds and rushes. The guinea
fowl, ducks, and coots took to flight, frightened by the noisy
motor of the old truck. A small fox crossed the road in the
direction of a winter habitat of the white chisco [Mockingbird].

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Do you know these winter habitats? Topiquero asked

Ta Vige.
What a foolish question you ask me if I am of Ferreafe.
I was born in this land where some day my bones shall rest. I
even know the owner because he is my neighbor. His house
in town is nearby on San Martn Street.
But Ta Vige, do you know what happens in those
winter habitats? Manuel continued asking.
What do you mean, thin dog? Cholos aunt inquired.
Ah! You see, in these winter habitats there exists a
paradise on Earth
Well, what I know is that on those lands are algarrobo
trees and weeping willows. There are many nests of doves and
in the highest branches are enormous hives filled with honey.
Thats not all. Theres something else, Topiquero
replied. In those lands are many tame donkeys. This is the
reason the young boys of the town go to this place each
weekend, because there they can get their first sexual
Oh, you stupid man! Then you must have been weaned
there, the good seamstress said.
Me? Im not from Ferreafe. Looking askance at Cholo,
who appeared unworried as he held his slingshot, Topiquero
said with sarcasm, Aunt, you should take more care with
your nephew. Many people have seen him patrolling those
lands of Seor Mendoza.
Shut up! My Cholo still is too young; he hasnt even smelled
the skirt yet. She coughed three times and then stayed quiet.

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Maneuvering along the rutted tracks, Don Juan

proceeded slowly on its march. The sand and clay did not
allow the truck to go faster.
Scanning the panorama of that zone, the beautiful
sown land made the spirit happy. Farm workers protected
by wide-brim hats made of reeds were passing by mounted
on their donkeys carrying pickaxes, rakes, machetes, and
saddlebags. The solar rays were toasting the skin of their
arms. The smiling faces of the ferreafanos and the happy
songs of the dark-plumed thrush were bucolic brush strokes
that conveyed love and hope. The wind took charge of
carrying them very far away.
Like white-handkerchief peace signs, white herons
crossed the space. The sun was stronger, but a cool breeze
announced the presence of the gigantic masses of stone
that encircle the mysterious and prodigious lands of Batn
Grande. It is there where fantastic treasures sleep, the
inheritance of our ancestors; where characters such as
Tungula, holding the hand of some god of the universe, built
the incredible region of Sicn where the moon sleeps and
the sun cries.
Happy are those roads from Ferreafe to Batn Grande.
There to the right is the road to Nerio and Guanabal,
further ahead are the irrigated lands of La Cruz del
Caminante, El Rastrojo, Las Dos Puertas, La Pared, and
Jabonero. During those days, some of the more advanced
small farms showed little flags of rice in the furrows of the
dark land, the land of Santa Luca.

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The passengers who traveled in the cab were surprised

by the cheerful singing of some peasants from the
mountains. These were huaynito melodies with verses
in Quechua. Dark red ponchos and straight, greasy hair
identified those travelers on the roof of the truck as the
original people of Ferreafe and the legitimate heirs to the
great fortune that Sicn keeps.
The secondhand hats worn by these young serranos
[people of the mountains] were products of bartering. To
obtain those items from the coast, they delivered excellent
cheeses made with the milk of cows raised in the pasture
lands of Molln, Laquipampa, and Sangana. Some landlords
who exploited these places had land titles of murky
In the settlement called Ptipo, two people awaited a lift
from Don Juan. They climbed to the top of the truck as
Barbn climbed down. He went to a small tavern where he
delivered two letters. As payment for his graciousness, the
tavern owner presented him with a mug full of yonque. On
his return to the wheel, the driver belched in a disgusting
way. All who traveled next to him looked at him with anger,
but he ignored them, lit a cigarette, and continued driving.
The cab was impregnated with the smell of alcohol. The
smoke of the cigarette bothered Cholo, who stared at the
From above arrived the serrano singing. Those of the dark
red panchos continued to intone their chuscadas [traditional
songs]. It was then that Barbn, perhaps stimulated by the

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yonque, began to sing a sad lambayecano whose lyrics belong

to the poet from Chiclayo, Don Arturo Shutt y Saco, and is
still heard on some occasions.
The Chongoyapana
If because you have new loves,
you dont want me anymore Chongoyapana.
I also have somebody who dies for me,
my chiclayana.
Like the stones of Raca Rumy,
your soul is hard.
I also have somebody who dies for me,
my chiclayana.
I dont care that you dont want me,
I also have other loves,
to forget you.
But I cannot because I live
seeing you ungrateful.



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Crossing the Famous Zanjn

hen they arrived at Mauro Bridge, an old

structure of iron built over the so-called Loco
River, the images of trees were dissolving into
another landscape rocky old roads where herders
prodded their burros loaded with stones from the hills for
the foundations of houses. Also went mules and horses, the
saddlebags full of dreams.
As they passed near a mound of gray land, a redheaded
vulture hastily devoured the corpse of a putrefied
quadruped. The scraps were disputed. Just beyond, next to
some wilted prickly pear cacti, two ravens smoothed their
beaks on their strong wings; those birds of prey expected
without any doubt to have a great banquet.
The heat was suffocating. Pooled water was starting to
decompose. The famous zanjn was not yet visible. Owing
to the intense heat, an almost imperceptible vapor emerged
from the Batn Grande soil. The motor of the old Don
Juan was overheating. For that reason Barbn decided to
make another stop.
Lets put some water in the radiator, the driver told
Patuco. The assistant took a can and went in search of the liquid
element. He was quick and returned in a few minutes, but he
had to wait for the radiator to cool before filling it with water.


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The gravel on the road was like the embers of a fire. The
passengers were impatient to arrive at the estate.

The Competition
Ta Vige broke the silence and although she was somewhat
lethargic from the trip, she asked Topiquero, Thin dog,
what are you going to do at the estate; perhaps you are
curing some important person?
No, aunt. This time its one of the relatives of the
estates owners. The patient has dropsy. My assignment is to
extract liquid and then give him his injections.
But the dropsy is not cured with injections, said the
good seamstress.
No! Its cured with caazo [sugar cane liquor] and
culen leaves, the man from Cajamarca said in a derisive tone.
Stupid, for your information there are some herbs
I know that are sufficient with three doses to cure that
Really? Please aunt, tell me what are these magic herbs.
I will pay you very well if you tell me how and where I can
obtain them. My patient has lots of cau cau [money]; he
will pay with gold.
Okay, killer of healthy people. When we arrive at the
estate, I will take you to the house of a person who cures
rare illnesses only with these miraculous herbs.
Ta Vige was well known for her curiosity. She knew how
to prepare water to cure frights, ointments and poultices, and
she could suture injuries. Above all, she was very accurate

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curing mal de ojo [evil eye] of innocent children. She also

could remove pains from the head and stomach. To cure her
patients, she wrapped their hair around her fingers and while
pulling the hair she spat caazo on them, and that was it.
Aunt, for the diarrhea, what herbs do you use?
Oh, you mountain boy from the backwoods, doctors like
you dont know anything; you have to learn from the women
of afe. Look, you obtain the shell of the coconut, boil it,
add three leaves of plantain and five drops of lemon, and the
illness is finished.
Ta Vige also could cure the fright of the dead and
illnesses of the heart. For those ailments she prescribed
cooking lemon balm and pimpernel.
Her prestige grew even more when the people discovered
that this good lady cured out of neighborly love; she never
charged a cent. Thats why she lived modestly thanks to her
work as a seamstress.

The Zanjn, the Zanjn!

At that precise instant a voice was heard shouting with
great emphasis: the zanjn, the zanjn! Already everyone
glimpsed what all expected to see. The zanjn, an enormous
pit of water, was in sight. A strong wind was shaking the
surrounding grove. During the rainy season it was dangerous
to cross. The water was muddy and deep enough in many
places to swallow a truck. When the passengers arrived
at the edge, they all exclaimed at the same time: Its
completely full!

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The zanjn was a large, bowl-shaped depression formed

when the waters of the recalled Loco River overflowed in
the year 1925. It was a fatal time of torrential rains that
whipped all the northern part of Per, causing irreparable
damage from floods that ruptured channels and rivers.
A dark lady who was wearing a flowered blouse and had
around her neck a heavy gold chain with a wooden cross
asked Barbn, Seor, do you think we can make it to the
other side?
Look Seora, the driver answered, this little truck
you see here is capable of many feats. Don Juan has a mind
of its own that only lacks the ability to say: Im screwed,
but not defeated.
All the passengers climbed down from the truck. Patuco
already knew the routine and went to obtain dry branches,
sacks, rocks and lumber. With all this they would improvise a
kind of small bridge so that the vehicle could ford the pit.
After taking a good look around and probing the depth
of the water, Barbn thought he had found a shallow place
to try crossing. The passengers climbed back up on the truck
as the drivers assistant waded warily into the dark water
filling holes with the material he had collected. Almost all
of the passengers entrusted their lives to their miraculous
Ta Vige was nervous. She caressed Cholo and prayed
thinking of the Holy Cross of Motupe as they initiated
the crossing. Meter by meter they advanced toward the
other side. There was a moment of suspense when the

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old 29 Ford wobbled, giving the impression that it would

overturn. The skill of the driver avoided what would
have been a tragedy for the more than twenty passengers
who were eager to reach the land of the famous Tungula,
creator of the incomparable whistling huacos.

A Respite Follows the Miracle

Everyone was ecstatic when they finally arrived at the
opposite edge. They thanked God for the miracle. Just then
an explosion was heard. It was the inner tube of the front
wheel. The rubber tire had blown from the heat, the weight
and the years of use.
The wild birds that nested in the trees of that place
were frightened by the noise and flew off in a terrified
flight. The zanjn was a bucolic place. A beautiful forest
embraced that pit. One could breathe fresh air and
perceive the fragrance of the flowers.
Solar rays illuminated the delicate nests of songbirds
among the branches of the algarrobo trees, and the wind
wobbled the enormous hives full of rich honey for the poor.
After a good while, multicolored butterflies arrived
to the edge and kissed the flowers of the willow trees.
A concert of wild birds welcomed the visitors who were
traveling from Ferreafe to Batn Grande.
All wished to do business there and to take daily bread
to their children who awaited with anxiety the return of
their mothers and fathers, like the doves that carry in their
beaks small branches, fruits or nourishment.

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Cholo took advantage of this uncertain moment to take

out his slingshot and head toward a small grove where he
heard the warbling of chiroques, chiscos, magpies, planchines,
tordos and chilalos. He knew that among those branches
were nests with baby doves.
Meanwhile, as the poor Patuco removed the inner tube
from the rim to patch it, someone asked him, Hey, does
the inner tube have holes?
This tire has more holes than the Merced tomb, the
assistant answered without hesitation.
The zanjn was a rural property where many families
lived and the men worked in the sown fields of the estate.
They also sowed their own small parcels of land. They did
not lack for good yucas, sweet potatoes, and corn. They also
had fruit-bearing trees. Water never failed to irrigate their
fields. The housewives raised poultry, feeding them corn,
carob seeds, and ground sweet potatoes. The turkeys of the
zanjn were famous for being fat, large, and well fed.
Ta Vige was well known here because she always stopped
on her way to the estate to offer her modest creations. Not in
vain she spent entire nights in her house in Ferreafe peddling
her Pfaff machine, on which she sewed dresses, blouses,
wedding gowns, shirts, and pants for children. The good aunt
sacrificed herself to the extreme. She never complained about
bad economic situations. When her sister Tarcila passed away,
she took charge of five nieces and nephews. With her sewing
machine, needle, thread, scissors, and lungs she managed to
take care of five orphans.

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A Cure for the Evil Eye

Doa Ines! Doa Ines! the aunt called out several times.
No one answered, but behind the door a pitiful crying of
some creature could be heard. The shrieks were ceaseless.
A dog started barking. The animal apparently was made
nervous by the presence of the strange visitor. Doa Vige
tried calling out again with more force in her voice.
Wait! Im coming, the owner of the house said. Please
come in Seora Virginia.
And the dog?
It only barks, nothing more. Its as docile as a man who
is maintained by a woman, answered Doa Ines.
The visitor took a look around and called out for Cholo.
He was busy harassing lizards and capons, and trying at the
same time to catch a little dove with a broken wing.
Cholo! Come here. And hurry up, his aunt shouted.
The little house of Seora Ines was very welcoming. It
had a pretty patio with colorful flowers that grew in brown
clay pots. The ceiling of the rustic house was made of
hinea. Enormous bluebell flowers decorated the brass door.
The fragrance of jasmine intoxicated with the perfume of
The ladies hugged each other. Ta Vige kept an eye on
the shaggy dog that continued growling.
What happened Seora Vige. Did the truck get stuck in
the zanjn?
No, Doa Ines. A tire burst and now they are trying

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to patch it. The poor tire is like my slippers that are totally
worn out from constant use.
Who is crying in that manner, Seora Ins?
Its my zambita. Since dawn she has not let me close my
eyes. My poor little girl screams and touches her belly. She
opens her arms as if she is asking me something but I have
no idea what it could be. Is there anything I can give her?
Lets see. Bring her here.
The seamstress opened her old handbag where she kept
the image of San Judas Tadeo.
Ines returned with her daughter in her arms. The girl
complained more. Her crying was pitiful and worrying.
The visitor put the little girl on her lap face up and lifted
her skirt. Touching the girls abdomen, she exclaimed, Its
the mal de ojo [evil eye]!
Please bring me a fresh chicken egg. If it is from today
and of a black hen, that would be much better. Ill remove
the evil just with the hand.
The mother of the crying girl called to Coqui, her second
child, and ordered him to go to the neighbor Andrea. There
he was to ask for a fresh egg of the black hen that Ta Vige
had requested. The boy went running and returned quickly.
Mother, your comadre says these eggs are from this
morning. The white one was laid by the little black hen and
the green one by the one with an ashen comb.
The aunt took them in her hands and put the green one
aside. With the white egg she began to rub the body of the
little girl from head to toe. God only knows what prayers

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the good seamstress was murmuring. Almost instantly the

patient stopped complaining. The screams ceased and after a
while the girl went to sleep.
It was the mal de ojo as I told you, Seora Ines.
Malena, the daughter of my comadre Andrea, is responsible. When she came to visit me, my zambita was very cute.
I didnt know the young woman had such a strong eye.
The seamstress broke the egg on the edge of a glass and
placed its contents in the crystal clear water.
Here you can see clearly. If I had not arrived on time, I
dont know what could have happened to your little girl.
Doa Ines took her daughter in her arms and carried
the girl to the bedroom. Then both ladies began a pleasant
conversation. The sky was gray in the land of Tungula.
Seora Ines, where is your husband?
Santos left at dawn to go to the estate. Tomorrow is
the fortnights payday. I hope he brings money. The children
must go back to school. We need to pay their registrations
and buy their uniforms and notebooks. We also need to get
many other things for the house.
Just in case, you need to know that I carry small dresses
and skirts, and pants that will fit Coqui.
Oh, Seora Vige, you are such a nice person, but I dont
want to abuse your generosity. Lets do this. If you dont sell
some of your clothes at the estate, we can make a deal when
you come back this way.
Already it was afternoon. Cholo asked for a glass of fresh
water. The sun was burning and the heat was annoying.

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Seora Vige, can Cholo drink chicha?

Give it to him. That way he starts becoming a man.
Its fresh. By Wednesday it will be very strong. Ive
prepared this chicha for the birthday of my Santos. For sure,
friends and family will come. Last year they caught us by
surprise. All our godparents arrived from the port of Eten.
They brought a harpist and a singer who also was fantastic
playing the drum. I wish you could come this year to learn the
baile de tierra [dance of the earth]. I know my Santos is going to
have a big celebration. He has uncovered an ancient tomb that
he says has lots of rich items and all from the time of Tungula.
Well, dear lady, for you I would come from Ferreafe
mounted on a donkey. But even though I die for enjoying the
good chola music, this year I cannot dance. I have promised
to keep two years of mourning for my sister Tarcila who died
last year on April 10.
The chicha is delicious, said Cholo as he drank from
a little cup. The liquor was made from red corn sweetened
with a syrup of dark brown sugar and cane sugar.
Beautiful white geese and native ducks were swimming
in the zanjn.
Look Seora, those ducks that you see over there are
mine. I will cook them for the birthday of my Santos. In
the corral I have two goats. There will be plenty of yonque.
Already my Santos has ordered a container of caazo from
the distilleries in Molln.


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The Whistling Huacos

holo was entranced contemplating a ceramic that

was tied to a string hanging from a beam of the
ceiling. When Doa Ines saw the great interest the
boy was showing in the object, she asked, Do you like it?
Yes, its very pretty, answered Cholo.
Seora Ines was a slender young woman with coppery
skin, curly hair, and lively black eyes. Her voice was mildly
She climbed up on an empty saddlebag, untied the small
huaco, and gave it to the boy saying: Cholo, this is my gift
to you. Now its yours.
That huaquito had as an allegory two tiny heads of foxes
with eyes wide open. The small foxes were truly captivating.
Cholo thanked the lady for the gift with a spontaneous
smile. Thats when he remembered seeing a huaquito of a
similar color and size at the home of his schoolteacher, Seor
Martnez, in Ferreafe. That huaquito had three small foxes.
The boys of the school used to play with the huaquito and
were delighted with the musical sound that emitted from
that piece of baked clay. Without doubt it was a whistler.
Cholo caressed his huaquito. He wanted to remove the
coating of dust with a damp cloth, but Seora Ines would
not allow it.

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You can never get this huaquito wet. It is a whistling

huaco and if it gets wet, it will lose the beautiful sound that
it carries inside.
Ta Vige thanked Seora Ines for the gift she had given
to Cholo. While both ladies were conversing, Cholo took
the huaquito with love and brought it to his lips with the
intention of kissing it. Without thinking he blew it with force
and something unusual happened at that instant.
From that little piece of baked clay emerged a very
sonorous sound that for some unknown reason disturbed
the dogs. They began to howl pitifully and the chilalo birds
started to sing their sad songs.
Thank you for the gift Seora Ines. It has a beautiful
sound. My Cholo will take good care of it. By the way,
where did you find this whistling huaco? Is it from the Luca
Look, Doa Vige, you know that my husband Santos is a
tomb robber. He found it in an unknown tomb near Pomac.
There were three related whistling huacos of the same size
and color. The only difference is what you see here. The one
Ive given Cholo has two little heads of foxes. The huaquito
with three foxes Santos forgot at a tavern in the New Town
of Ferreafe.
And the other one? Cholos aunt inquired.
Oh lady, necessity has the face of a heretic. My Santos
needed money, so he sold it to the herbalist from the jungle
who lives at the estate. They say he is now a great shaman
and they call him Timoteo. Some people say this man has

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lots of money. Everyone believes in his powers. What few

know is that the most important arte [sacred and magical
objects] he has in his mesa [altar of sorcery] is a whistling
huaco; the very one that is the brother of the huaquito your
nephew Cholo is taking with him.
What must you be thinking of me Seora Vige that I
didnt invite you anything to eat? With the problems of my
zambita, I didnt have time to start a fire in the hearth.
Dont worry, answered the seamstress. I always travel
well covered. The same goes for my Cholo because he is such
a glutton.
Cholo, check to see if they have repaired the tire. The
sun is almost to the left, already its after one oclock.
While Cholo went to the place where the famous Don
Juan was recuperating, the two friends continued talking.
Suddenly the conversation took an unexpected twist.
In those days, news was circulating in the department
of Lambayeque that tomb robbers were plundering the
ancient graves and that at Batn Grande, in the place
called Sicn, they had found rich treasures from pre-Inca
They had discovered the mummies of leaders who once
governed those lands and there, almost on the surface,
everything of value was exposed jugs, vases, seashells,
conches, trousseaus of gold, crowns, pectorals, bracelets,
necklaces, precious stones of many colors, weaving of wool,
even dark red corn cobs, and of course the incomparable
huacos of clay.

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The Strange Occurrence

Youre not going to believe what I will tell you. Ay! Seora
Vige, it may seem as if I am lying, Doa Ines said. It was the
night of Good Friday. You know that the Holy Week is the
perfect time to dig in the ancient tombs. People say thats
when the spirits abandon their graves to wander and leave
their buried possessions unprotected. So during those days, the
tomb robbers like my Santos feel safe to hunt for the treasures
and remove them. My comadre Andrea is one of the witnesses
to the story I am about to tell you. My older sister Estela who
now lives in Patapo and two paisanitos who came from the
highlands that night also can verify what I will tell you.
The paisanitos were from Penach, the land of brave
ferreafanos who according to our history were never
conquered by the Incas. Even today, these heirs of that
lineage maintain their customs and beliefs. They wear dark
red ponchos with black trimming as symbols of the royal
blood of that indomitable tribe.
We often gave those young men lodging here. Even
though they spoke Quechua and barely could chew some
Spanish, we were able to understand each other. Doa Ines
continued, On this night, they told of a rumor they had
heard that in a pyramid close by the estate, tomb robbers had
found an immense archaeological treasure. In Batn Grande
people only spoke of finding gold tumis [ceremonial knives].
So, what happened? asked the visitor.
Oh, I believe that God punished us. We had drunk many

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cups of top-quality yonque. You know that those days are

sacred, but we continued guzzling the liquor. When we were
in the midst of our drunkenness, Santos decided to bring out
the whistling huaquitos he had found.
Oh! its time to leave. Already theyre sounding the
horn. Ta Vige picked up her handbag, but before saying
goodbye, being very interested in the story, she asked the
owner of the house to continue with the narration. The aunt
loved all tales of witches and mysteries.
So Doa Ines continued divulging the details of what
happened that night of Holy Week.
Santos handed one of the huaquitos to my sister and the
others to the paisanitos. Nobody could have anticipated what
happened next. My husband ordered all of them to make the
huaquitos whistle. Blow with all your strength, he told them.
First we heard a deep serious sound. Then a brighter but
melodious sound emerged. All of them tried to get more sounds
from the huaquitos they were holding in their hands. Suddenly,
we heard a very clear and beautiful sound, almost like a
lament. I asked myself, how is it possible that these small pieces
of clay can produce such extraordinary musical notes?
And what happened then? Ta Vige inquired.
Oh Seora! An unexpected whirlwind agitated the
water of the zanjn and all the birds in the corral cackled.
While the music was coming from the whistling huacos, a
moon of orange color appeared. There, among those hills you
can see in front of us, thunder and lightning exploded. All the
people who live here and in the surrounding areas panicked.

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Perhaps intuitively, Santos snatched the huaquitos from

the performers and put them in this saddlebag that I keep
with me as a reminder of that strange occurrence. When we
went to sleep that night, we were very frightened.
Ta Vige was used to hearing all sorts of strange tales, so
she didnt give great importance to the story told by Seora
Cholo, its time to go. Say goodbye to the lady. So
the aunt and nephew walked to the truck. The motor was
already running and again the passengers climbed onboard
to travel to the town of the most fabulous estate that existed
in the department of Lambayeque.

The Enigma of Moiss

Seor driver, do those fat animals belong to the estate? a
passenger asked.
I think so Seora. They are worth a fortune, but not
just the bulls, cows, and lambs. Theres also a farm here
where Moiss has some gigantic young hogs of a special
breed called Polanchin.
Isnt it amazing what money can buy? said the passenger.
All the travelers seated in the front seats were looking
with rapt attention at the immense grove they were about to
enter and the road that now was made almost impassable by
the large puddles.
Then Moiss must have a lot of money. If he can handle
all that and maybe the firewood and coal as well, he must feel
like a king. It seems that God gave him plenty of everything.

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Not everything that shines is gold, added Ta Vige,

who was following the conversation. Life is an enigma.
That man everyone is talking about was rescued from the
zanjn. It was never known what malevolent mother put
him in an empty basket wrapped in a dirty and frayed
blanket and left him to the mercy of his luck. Two rural
guards who by coincidence were passing by bound for Batn
Grande and Sangana heard the pitiful crying of the unlucky
boy and saved him from dying.
And where did he end up? Surely at the estate house,
no? the passenger asked.
The history is long and confused, Ta Vige answered.
I have visited this estate for more than ten years. During
the 1925 rainstorms Moiss already was a young man. I
always saw him mounted on his donkey carrying firewood,
hay, and some fruits that the land gives.
The people of this area say that Moiss had a star
tattooed on his left arm. It was a mystery. Nobody knows
why this muscular, dark-skinned worker appeared at the
residence of a Japanese man named Tokomura.
And doesnt he have a woman? inquired the druggist.
Surely, he must have his partner hidden in some place.
Men who live alone cannot be trusted.
And the tired Don Juan pressed on for the climb.

The Aunts Remedy of the Tree

Ta Vige, do you believe epilepsy is curable?
Well Seora, I know it can be cured if the patient is

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young, or better if he is a child. When the patient is an adult,

the illness controls the person, so a cure is no longer possible.
All is in vain.
And how is it cured? What do you give to the patient?
Look, I dont know how to lie, but I have to tell you that
I cured the son of one of my clients of this horrible disease.
And with what remedy?
With something that many people do not believe is
within reach of their hand. Pay attention because I will tell
you this just once, the seamstress said as she divulged the
remedy of the tree.
Just then a little bird with vermilion plumage arrived
and began nibbling on small green branches. That little bird
we are watching is called a carpintero [woodpecker]. Their
beaks are very strong. With it they can perforate the trunks
of the trees to build their nests.
How pretty! the lady injected.
The carpintero is a very restless little bird, but there are
boys like my Cholo who hunt them in their nests.
So what are they good for?
Listen and hush up. When a person doesnt know
something and wants to learn, he has to play stupid. All
right, Ta Vige continued saying, you open this little birds
chest and then you remove its heart and cut it crosswise with
a shaving razor. The heart is put into a flask with sweet wine
and when it has marinated for seven days, you drink the wine.
What I mean is that you give the patient a small glass every
six hours.

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And the sick one gets cured?

Oh yes! All the nonsense goes away and the person
stays healthy from then on.
Cholo was happy. While traveling he contemplated his
huaquito and tenderly caressed the heads of the foxes. He
thought about blowing the huaquito but then decided not to.
Along the road to the town of Batn Grande, the
passengers observed how a rancher, whip in hand, provoked
a yoke of bulls trying to get them out of the mud. Further
on could be seen beautiful horses in a corral surrounded by
trunks of old trees; heaps of carobs attracted mosquitoes,
the equines agitated their tails.



52 of 89


The Welcome at the Estate

he entrance to Batn Grande was very attractive.

Laurels flowering in white and red, the national
colors, gave the welcome. In the clear sky, flocks
of mountain parrots crossed the space; their shouts could
be clearly heard. Perhaps they were greeting the presence
of the heroic Don Juan that had barely made it to his
The hours have wings! Its already after two in the
afternoon, said Barbn to Patuco who had traveled the last
stretch standing on the running board of the little truck. As
soon as we arrive, well go where is La Borrada. I could eat
half a cow. My guts are growling, hunger doesnt wait.
Already in the town, the curious received with happiness
the presence of the popular little truck, hero of so many
expeditions. The sound of his motor betrayed him. The
housewives greeted the conqueror of the zanjn, to cross it
during those rainy days wasnt a game.
On the main street of the estate next to the market, the
old little truck was parked. The people of Batn Grande
contemplated with admiration the popular and much
beloved carriage. The rain had cleaned the sign that read
Don Juan.

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The motor was switched off but it still discharged a hot

vapor that was like the sigh of a human on his deathbed who
had become used to saying: Im dying, but Im not buried yet.
All the passengers took their belongings and went in
search of their relatives or friends. Doa Vige said goodbye
to Topiquero and made plans to get together the next day.
Cholo picked up the cardboard boxes. There in front of the
small market was the house of the Gutirrez family where the
aunt lodged. Standing by the door of that welcoming home
was Soledad, the second daughter of Don Carlos.
What a pleasure it is to see you again Ta Vige. I knew
you wouldnt be absent today. The reason? You already
know it.
Soledad was a very attractive young woman with a white
complexion, large eyes, distinct eyebrows, and long brown
hair that fell to her waist.
How pretty you are daughter. And how is my comadre?
the aunt inquired.
She was invited to a lunch, but she will return in a few
minutes. Please come in. This is your house.
In that home everything was in order. The furniture was
covered with heavy fabric. In a picture frame at the center
of a small table could be seen the smiling and happy faces of
the spouses Gutirrez Castilla. Don Carlos and Doa Elena
appeared to have been in their twenties when the picture
was taken.
On the high part of the living room wall hung a beautiful
painting of the sacred image of the Heart of Jesus.

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And my compadre? Ta Vige inquired.

Hes in the administration office. He has many tasks to
perform before payday, particularly with the laborers who work
at the estate. Everyone can be absent except for my father.
As soon as the visitor installed herself in the bedroom,
she washed her face in the basin. Her nephew did the same.
The aunt and nephew gathered the boxes and excused
themselves as they left the house in a hurry.
Soledad, Ill be back soon. Im going to the forge. My
clients are there.
Go on Seora. Surely my mother will be here when you
A light wind and a chill wrapped the town. Dark clouds
could be seen far away in the mountain range, but the sun
was still shinning.

La Borradas Kitchen at the Forge

Cholo, hurry up! Leave that slingshot in peace. If we get
delayed, were not going to find anything to eat where La
Borrada is at the forge.
The estate house was there where the wide street ended.
Two palm trees were rocked by the wind. The day laborers
were making their way to the paymasters office. Some were
dressed in white shirts and pants. Others had their dark red
ponchos and wore leather sandals. They carried saddlebags
on their shoulders and machetes on their waists. Chewing
their sorrows were these farmers of the fabulous land of

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The forge was the workshop where the estates farm

equipment was repaired. Damin, the master blacksmith,
was a mulatto from Zaa. He was a mature man, but he was
a very strong and happy person. Everyone in town knew
him. In the very early hours, he could be found working at
the furnace where he put the tips of plows in red-hot coals
and gave form to many tools.
The blacksmith went by the nickname of Lothar, a
popular character of the comic strip El Tony. Lothar was the
faithful servant of the unforgettable Mandrake, the magician.
Lothars neighbors were Teodosio and Rosaura from
Illimani. Teodosio was retired from the army. His sister
Rosaura was known as La Borrada [the Erased] because
the cruel smallpox had left horrible pockmarks on the
dark face of this provincial woman. She was a great cook
who served delicious dishes at tables in the forge. She also
prepared good chicha that she kept in large containers until
she could bottle it.
The people of Batn Grande used to gossip a lot about
Lothar and La Borrada. These two could understand each
other in ways no one else could.
Lothar was a master player of tejas. People would come
to this town from far away places just to compete in this
game of skill that involved throwing metal discs on bricks.
Ta Vige and Cholo finally arrived to the forge. In a short
period of time they were savoring a well-seasoned bagre
[catfish]. During the rainy season, bagres and other types of
fish were abundant in the river.

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Teodosio, Ta Vige said. I will leave this package with

the brassiere your sister Rosaura asked for. Tell her that I will
come back tomorrow. I have to visit other clients.
The sun went into hiding as clouds full of water began
marching across the sky. The distant thunder and lightning
were evidence that the rain would pour from jugs that night.
It looks like its going to rain, the aunt observed. We
should return to the home of my comadre Elena. I dont want
to get caught in the rain. I could get a bad cold. Im still
recuperating from a strong flu.
The rain began falling just as they arrived at the house.
Doa Elena was already there. Don Carlos caressed the hair
of his daughter Soledad as Ta Vige was commenting on all
that happened during the expedition of the fantastic little
truck Don Juan. Kerosene lamps and flashlights lit the
house. In the kitchen a candle cried yellowish tears. The
smoke impregnated the ceiling of old and oxidized calamines
[corrugated sheet metal] of zinc that bore the storm.
Comadre Vige, did you know that this Sunday is the
engagement party of my daughter Margarita?
Yes! Its a small town and huge hell. The news has wings
and flies. I already know. Honestly, I dont remember the
boyfriend. Have I met him?
Of course, comadre. Hes the cocoa merchant who is
called El Serrano.
Oh! Evaristo. How is it possible, isnt that man married?
No. He has been with a Negro woman who has two small
children. She lives at the Capote farm. But Evaristo is single.

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It was very clear that Margaritas mother had already

resigned herself to accepting the embarrassing situation.
Comadre Elena. Is he the same serrano who has a child
with a Negro woman in La Traposa? I think I also saw him there
awhile back with an attractive serranita. Couldnt it be that?
She couldnt continue with more details because Doa
Elena cut her off.
Yes, I already know everything, but what can be done?
Nobody can change the heart of a woman in love.
Its a pity, Ta Vige said. Margarita is much younger
than he is. There is a proverb that says: The love and the
interest went to a picnic one day. And more could the
interest than the love she had. How old is the boyfriend?
Hes already passed forty.
And my Margarita?
She will be 22 in the month of September.
Well, replied the seamstress. For love there is no age.
The owner of the house who was somewhat tired after
a long day suggested to all, We need to rest. Tomorrow
we have to prepare the food for the guests who will be
attending the engagement party on Sunday. We havent
invited many people, but well probably get lots of people
passing by who want to enjoy a free meal.
As always on the last Friday of each month, the shaman
Timoteo, who was a neighbor of Don Carlos and Doa Elena,
was preparing to conduct his sessions of sorcery. Despite the
rains, the pacientes [clients] were arriving protected by their
blankets, ponchos, and reed hats.

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The Mesa and the Language of Herbs

That night, while everyone slept in the house of the Gutirrez
Castilla, Timoteo prepared his potions. The herbs he boiled
produced a sickening odor that inundated and contaminated the
surrounding area, but his neighbors had become accustomed to
the smell. Perhaps to remain on the sorcerers good side, nobody
dared to complain to the authorities of the estate.
Cholo was tossing and turning in his bed, unable to sleep.
His thoughts were fixed on the whistling huaquito, which
was kept in a cardboard box under the bed of the good and
loving aunt.
Already it was after midnight, the rain had ceased and
the silence was almost total. Cholo rose to go to the corral.
He had a need to urinate. As he was passing by the kitchen,
his attention was caught by a sad singsong accompanied by a
kind of maraca. He climbed up on the kitchen table and slowly
approached the wall that abutted the house of the neighboring
curandero [shaman]. Through a small opening he could
observe some scenes that left him perplexed.
This was a session of witchcraft. Seated on some dirty
cushions, Timoteo sang and rattled his chunganas. At his side
were people who drank a greenish liquid from glasses. The
alzadores [assistants] drank through their nostrils a mixture
of tobacco, yonque, and a powerful herb called micha that is a
hallucinogen used in the sessions of curanderos.
In fan-shaped seashells they poured a liquid that was
absorbed by the alzadores and some of the pacientes. When the

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infirm ones began to dance to the rhythm of the chunganas, the

rain started again but with much more force than before.
Cholo observed everything that was in the mesa of the
curandero. On a blanket laid out on the ground, he saw
bottles of transparent glass that contained dissected snakes
in alcohol, rusty sabers, daggers, rare stones, wilted flowers,
and huacos of all forms, colors, and sizes. Also there were
paper prints with images of San Cipriano, shells, and snails
on some small willow tables.
He could see other flasks with live herbs, necklaces of
blue beads, a whip, and two crosses one of stone and
another of white wood. Rain, dances and strange songs,
herbs, tobacco, and fragrances, that was the sorcery that
existed in this region. These are ancient beliefs that are
passed down from generation to generation throughout time.
A horrendous scream suddenly came from a young woman.
Cholo trembled but he couldnt stop watching the spectacle.
The young woman threw herself to the floor and began to shake
like a poisoned dog. The alzadores sprinkled caazo on her body.
Timoteo silenced his chunganas. Taking a branch of a
quince tree he cut the air with a slashing gesture.
The young woman continued in her delirium, saying
incoherent things. The ones who were dancing with frenzy
seemed not to realize what was happening.
A very young alzador approached the maestro Timoteo
and whispered in his ear. The curandero sought a small box
of carved wood, opened it, and extracted something that
caught Cholos attention. It was a huaco identical to his, the

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same color and size. That huaco was the greatest arte of the
mesa handled by Timoteo, the most famous teacher of Sicn
Timoteo lit four candles. Then he burned the holy stick
and taking a little bottle of caanga water he gave a drink
to the woman who was convulsing. In the middle of the lit
candles was the huaquito. That jewel, it was the same one
that Seora Ins always lamented because the tomb robber
Santos had sold it for almost nothing.
Cholo was so full of emotion that he almost fell down
from his perch. Timoteo drank something from a bluish flask
that he spat in a fine spray on the huaquito. Then he brought
it to his lips and blew with force. An extraordinary sound
emerged instantly from that piece of baked clay.
The dancers became quiet and the young woman stopped
screaming, the rain ceased and all remained in silence. Cholo
climbed down from the table and hurried to the corral to
relieve himself.
When he returned to his room he tried to sleep but
couldnt. That mysterious melody, so similar to the one made
by his huaquito, would not leave him in peace. Soon the song
of the rooster could be heard, already it was almost dawn.



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An Early Start

n Saturday all awoke very early. The corral was

mud. A servant girl swept the living room and
dusted the furniture. In the oven made of adobe
bricks burned the firewood that happily was kept for this
day. At breakfast time all the family was seated around the
table in the dining room.
Ta Vige took the pitcher of hot chocolate and muttered,
Its boiling, but thats the way I like it. This chocolate is
delicious. Im sure it must be from Mayascn.
Where is Cholo? Nicolas, the youngest son of Doa
Elena, asked.
The aunt responded, I guess the sheets have glued him
to the bed and hes still asleep. Im going to wake him up
because we must go to several houses. My clients are awaiting
me. I need to take advantage of the day to catch lots of fish.
Agustina, put two tins of water to boil, Doa Elena
ordered the servant. The hours are flying. We need to
slaughter the pig, clean it, season it, and put it in the oven.
I hope Don Crispin started his oven. Yesterday, I saw him
at the tambo [small store]. He was drinking wine with that
Topiquero who lives in Ferreafe.
All was planned for Sunday, the day of the engagement
party for Margarita, perhaps the daughter most spoiled by

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her parents. She was beautiful, tall, slender, and the owner
of a prominent bust that was the admiration of many young
men. Margarita took charge of cutting the necks of the
chickens, ducks, and turkeys. The party would be lavish.
That Saturday morning the sun caressed the hills. Batn
Grande was bustling with activity; it was fortnight and
everybody expected to be paid. From various locations the
laborers arrived to the estate with mules carrying heavy
The hour of truth was approaching. Almost everyone
in the town was aware that on Sunday a lucky man would
ask for the hand of Margarita. One of the Aurich brothers
would be a witness to that commitment. Don Carlos was
meditative but proud to know that an owner of the estate
would do him that honor.
Meanwhile, the aunt and nephew carefully negotiated
the muddy streets loaded with their merchandise, trying
to sell enough to make ends meet. In Ferreafe, the
four orphans were awaiting the return of this sacrificing
When the town of Batn Grande awoke on Sunday
morning, all the people were optimistic and happy. It was
months end and with money more cannot be requested,
some said. The day laborers cleared their debts from the
previous two weeks and again gathered provisions. Food
was the first necessity but they also took stockings, garters,
combs, powders, rouge, lipsticks, perfumes and other

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The Party Begins

A fireworks display and lively music could be heard throughout
the neighborhood of the estate house and in the old tambo of
the property. Along the counter the laborers were drinking.
Then a bottle of yonque was only 50 centavos, sweet pastries
were 10 centavos each, and a quarter container of Chinese
rice was 40 centavos.
The Japanese Nakasaki needed several hands to
distribute the provisions. Always with his Faber pencil, he
kept tabs for the next fortnight of the orders for noodles,
canned tuna fish, vinegar, sugar, candles, and matches.
The sky was clear. Out on the main street, the people
were witnessing something that is rarely seen. A hawk was
pursuing a tender young dove. Both birds were zigzagging
in space until the bird of prey finally trapped the little bird.
A laborer from La Traposa exclaimed, As soon as the hawk
put his eye on the dove, it captured the soul of the other life!
The dove could not escape its fate.
On that wide main street there were two barbershops
run by Japanese. There a client asked Maeda, What festival
are they celebrating today?
I not know. Here always party, party, happy people.
Another client, who was waiting his turn for a haircut,
exclaimed, I believe its a jarana [big party] at the estate
house! The Grau band from Ferreafe is there.
Really! That band of Negroes plays very well. But how
did they get here if the zanjn is full to its ears?

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They went around by way of Chiclayo, mentioned an old

man. The Aurichs have and when you are rich, all is possible.

The Fatal Epidemic

Several clients of the forge eatery were commenting about
the epidemic that was causing so much havoc in the region.
The bubonic plague was beginning to attack Lambayeque
towns, the alarm was general. The plague was coming from
the adjacent province of Cajamarca. It had caused deaths in
Incahuasi, Mayascn, and La Traposa. Each day the plague
was coming closer to Batn Grande and Ferreafe.
Ta Vige smiled with disdain and said, More is the fear
of what is said, than the damage caused by the illness! I
know how and with what the bubonic is cured.
She had in fact suffered personally from the plague and
had cured herself with a homemade remedy.
Aunt, shouted one of the parishioners. You better
take the last drink because the plague is close by the zanjn.
Then you better take care of yourself, the woman
of Ferreafe answered, because the bubonic plague only
gets you once and if you dont die, then theres nothing to
worry about. But just for your information, this plague is
cured with the juice of the cucuno. This herb is much more
bitter than the mother-in-law of a drunken womanizer like
you know very well, but it cures. Also, it is good to rub
the infected areas with iodine and Vaseline to reduce the
swelling and you have to disinfect the wounds with diluted

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When Damin, the lover of La Borrada, heard what the

aunt said, he downed a double drink of caazo and, since
he knew how to sing a cappella, intoned some verses that
people sang to the rhythm of the baile de tierra.
The blacksmith sings well! said Puche Vilela. Serve
him another full glass of caazo to see if it encourages him to
sing us something from Chongoyape. Damin didnt wait for
them to beg him to sing. He soaked his throat and intoned
another sad song.
Meanwhile the forge was overwhelmed with clients. All
came to taste the delicious dishes. Some of the customers
would pass the day playing briscan [a Spanish card game],
and throwing tejas on bricks marked with chalk.
Mounted on his spirited steed, Cholo Lolo did
pirouettes in the middle of the street. The people knew that
when that horse trader had too many drinks, he liked to
show off.
Just then there passed by a very funny dwarf called
Juanito from an estate near Chiclayo. Dressed as an
engineer, he wore a khaki-colored outfit, gaiters, and a
helmet. That day he had tied around his neck a yellow silk
scarf. In his right hand he carried a whip with a leather
handle. The youngsters made fun of him, but the Lilliputian
one just smiled and looked at them with disdain.
The aunt received some coins from the hand of La
Borrada. Some business had been transacted.
Do you think your brother Teodosio would be willing to
give me a turkey on credit? I will pay him the next fortnight.

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La Borrada answered her instantly, Seora, the turkeys

are mine, you can take one or two. Later well reach a deal.
Then tomorrow morning I will come for them before I
return to my land.
In the tambo worked Seor Cruz who was the righthand man of the Japanese. This gentleman of Lambayeque
controlled the notebooks of the debtors. On his ring finger
he wore a huge ring of pure gold. When people asked him
where the precious metal came from, Don Cruz responded
with pride, This gold is from the land of Tungula.
Back at the forge, Ta Vige put her hand into a paper
bag, removed a pair of lace panties of a heavenly color and
offered them to La Borrada.
No, Seora. You dont owe me anything. I will never
forget the time you cured me of my terrible stomach cramps.
Ay, mamita! If it was not for you, I would not be recounting
this story.
She tried to give back the intimate gift, but already the
aunt was going out the door. She had to arrive on time for
the engagement of the beautiful Margarita.



67 of 89


Marriage and Shroud Come from Heaven

n the Gutirrez Castilla home, everybody was very busy.

The hour was approaching and the guests were about to
arrive. In the kitchen the cooks were sweating fat drops.
The heat was a killer. The calamines were radiating heat
from the burning sun and there almost was no air.
There was the large rectangular table, clean white
tablecloths perfectly pressed, with trays of baked turkey, egg
bread, black olives from Monsef, and good mountain cheese.
In pots of clay they had stewed ducks, salty mackerel, corn,
and the best yucas of Batn Grande that had the softness of
cotton. The banquet would be of top quality.
The first guest to arrive was Blind Elas, a real maestro
of the guitar. This great artist from Ferreafe, who was
blind from childhood, enjoyed great fame throughout the
department of Lambayeque.
As soon as he arrived, they offered him something to eat
and a cup of good yonque. The artist took out his guitar, his
faithful companion, and began to perform classical works.
Later he played pasacalles, tristes, tangos of that period,
valses, boleros, and marches.
Don Carlos was spellbound listening to him. Agile fingers
slid on the neck of the guitar producing sonorous musical
arpeggios that resembled the sounds of the cataracts, water


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falling pure and crystalline. Blind Elas was totally absorbed

extracting beautiful cords from the six metallic strings.
Tremulous smooth notes invited dreaming. A sublime
melody touched the most intimate fibers of the human
being. Never before had anyone played a guitar in such a
way in that house. For that reason, all who listened to the
magical sounds that poured from that Spanish instrument
remained perplexed and then applauded the maestro.
Don Carlos embraced the blind musician and begged
him to play the Morn march. The artist complied and later
played the works of other renowned composers.
Maestro, maestro. Why dont you sing the baile de tierra
that is so popular in all the department of Lambayeque, the one
that says the priest Chumn charged quotas to the landowners?
A mature woman was the one who requested that song.
With all due respect, Seora, I know that song. Please
dont forget that I just sang The 300 Pounds of Gold. Im
always ready to please my audience with available material.
After several cups of yonque, the baile de tierra gave
happiness to the hearts of all the guests who looked forward
to the engagement of the beautiful Margarita.
Maestro Elas, after the ceremony when things have
calmed down, I would like to listen to the pasillo of Ecuador,
Black Flowers, that says in its lyrics: Under the ruins of my
Dont worry Seora Emerita. I will please you, I wont
forget your request. The guitarist hung up his instrument on
a nail.

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Hurried and agitated as always Ta Vige arrived. The

first thing she did was to ask for the fiance.
Where is Margarita?
Shes in her room, the younger sister said.
Then excuse me, Im going to comb her hair.
As the aunt was passing through the kitchen, the servant
girl greeted her and after carefully examining her she said in
a low voice, I think you might be a little drunk.
No! answered Cholos aunt. I only had a small
glass of anis because my stomach hurt and I had a terrible
headache from all the worrying.
Margarita had just finished dressing when the aunt
entered her room.
Hello Doa Vige. And how was your day?
Alright, thanks to my Cross of Motupe. Like they say:
Dogs that walk, find bones.
Ta Vige combed the fiances hair and left quickly for
the street with the intention of greeting the compatriots
of her husband Don Kanno: Goto, Tokomura, and Maeda,
workers at the estate who had been invited to the social
event of this day.
There in the barbershop of the Japanese Maeda, the
compatriots were gathered. The aunt was conversing with all of
them when they heard the sound of a small flute and the tamtam of a little drum. He was a Chilico who carried the image
of the Virgen Peregrina [Wandering Virgin] in a tiny glass case.
He asked for alms and the people who adored [the Virgin and
contributed a few coins] received a small piece of blessed cotton.

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Where are you from? asked the seamstress from

I am from Celendn, the flute player answered.
Ah! Then you are from the land of the lying Topiquero.
The Japanese, who were neighbors of Don Carlos,
groomed themselves in front of the mirror. All were invited
to witness the engagement of Margarita.
The estate house was not far from the house of Don
Carlos. The wind carried the happy notes played by the
Grau band. This musical group was rehearsing. It would be
a surprise to Margarita from the patrn [one of the property
owners]. The band would enliven the ceremony and fill the
neighborhood with joy.

The Arrival of El Gringo Jaime

Look who just arrived! It was the cook who announced
the presence of Jaime, a very popular character in Batn
Grande. Most knew him as the Gringo. Actually, he was
an American born in Oklahoma, but that was not known
until a long time later.
Jaime said he worked as a technician for one of the
largest oil refineries in the United States of North America.
He was a tall young man with white skin and hair the color
of carrots. His dense and long beard gave him a more adult
Jaime almost always arrived in town, mainly on paydays,
carrying a leather bag. He dressed modestly in corduroy pants,
checkered shirt, cloth hat, and high boots. He wore glasses

71 of 89



with tinted lenses, smoked cigarettes with a mouthpiece, and

drank only a little alcohol.
He made his living by getting unwary people to sell him
precious metals at bargain prices or by bartering. Jaime
brought lots of trinkets for women, which he exchanged for
items found in the [pre-Columbian] tombs. He often could be
seen testing the purity of the gold he acquired by means of the
acid he poured from a small crystal container kept in his bag.
Seor Jaime, I have two very pretty huaquitos. Dont
you want to see them? a guest inquired.
Are they whistlers?
No, but they have the forms of an owl and a toad.
Good, I want to see them. If I like them, we can make
an exchange.
From a corner of the living room, another person called to
the gringo. Come here Jaime. Please have a seat next to me.
Im very glad to see you. He was an agent of the civil guard
who arrived once in awhile to keep order in that town.

The Hand of Margarita

This wine is very good! Is it from an earthen jug? It was
Blind Elas who was savoring the nectar of the grape.
You have a good palate, maestro. Nothing but the best
for the best.
You can say whatever you want, but I can tell this is an
excellent wine from Jayanca. Nobody deceives me.
The other guests were accommodating themselves. The
living room seemed to be getting smaller.

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Hes coming! Hes coming! shouted a girl who was by

the door.
All the guests stood up to receive the happy mortal who
only God knew how he had conquered the heart of the
beautiful Margarita.
Evaristo crossed the middle of the street dressed in beige
pants, a poplin shirt, and a palm hat with a wide brim. He
had gold rings on his fingers and a varnished leather band
around his wrist. At his side walked his sister Candelaria, a
woman of bad temper and ignorance. She barely could sign
her name, but she was a very hard worker dedicated to the
business of yonque, cocoa, and salt.
Candelaria was wearing a new satin dress the color of the
sky and black high-heeled shoes. On her shoulder she carried
a large leather purse with butterfly clasps.
Behind the couple, a boy mounted on a donkey with
wide saddlebags held two beautiful peacocks. This was
Evaristos gift to his future in-laws, Carlos and Elena.
Evaristo had taken the arm of his sister Candelaria.
When he arrived to the house, he removed his hat, greeted
all the guests, and embraced his future father-in-law. The
brother and sister were warmly received.
In the bedroom, Margarita was very nervous. Doa Elena
was helping her daughter put on a pair of delicate pearl
earrings when she said, El Serrano has arrived with his illtempered sister.
Evaristo had a great facility for words and expressed the
motive for his visit. The parents formally presented Margarita

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and at that moment the Grau band began playing a happy

polka. This was the gift from one of the Aurichs to the most
beautiful and admired young woman in all the estate.
While the people of this small town enjoyed the music, in the
house the friends of Margarita looked sad when she accepted
Evaristos proposal. All of them wished for Margarita someone
better. She was so pretty, so industrious, and so young; but
as the proverb says: In life when someone proposes, another
disposes, then the devil arrives and all decomposes.
By all accounts the celebration was a great success.
Events like this just dont happen everyday, commented
the people of the town. Long live the bride and groom!
Now dance and kiss! everyone shouted.
The guests were enjoying that happy afternoon because
when love arrives, sadness must leave. Exquisite dishes of native
food paraded one after another. Then came the wine, the beer,
even unknown liquors that were the delight of the guests.
Candelaria was feeling slightly drunk when she left her
seat and in an act of wanting to challenge the patrn, she
approached the witness and invited him to dance a huaynito.
Without further a do, almost irrespectfully, she took him by
the arm and pulled him toward the street. On their way out
the door, she ordered the director of the band to play the
Silulo, a carnival dance from Cajamarca.
When all the instruments had marked the beat of the
huaynito, Don Juan Chico started with his bombo and soon
the saxophones, trumpets, and clarinets harmonized in the
melody that was so Peruvian and so popular.

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What the stubborn Candelaria had not imagined is that

the patrn could dance the huaynito with style and grace
because in his blood ran the blood of Batn Grande.
The patrn and Candelaria received a loud applause. The
band immediately followed with Adolorido, a fashionable song
of those days. Don Carlos recalled the lyrics: Im suffering,
Im suffering, Im suffering in my heart, for an ungrateful one,
for an ungrateful one who left a hole in my heart.
From somewhere Topiquero affirmed, How well El
Serrano dances.
Of course hes going to dance well if hes a regular client
of the houses in the pleasure quarter of Chiclayo. I always see
him there during the last days of each month. El Serrano has
his money and he knows how to enjoy it, the agent of the civil
guard said as he hurriedly gulped down the wine in his cup.
Perhaps exhausted by the celebration, Evaristo and his
sister decided to leave. The afternoon was dark and it appeared
that rain would return that night in all the region of Sicn.
While the people continued listening to the Grau band,
Seora Elena ordered that they serve double portions to the
musicians. They deserve it, whispered Margaritas mother.
Mamn [Suckler], the triangle player in that group,
was wolfing down dish after dish. The guests admired his
ability to devour so much food. He was known by that name
in Ferreafe because he suckled his mothers breasts until
the incredible age of ten. As the night approached, some
guests left without saying goodbye while others arrived with
the intention of finishing off Sunday.

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After the Band Stopped Playing

When the band finally stopped playing, it was time to
retire and rest. The rain was imminent. There on the main
street could be seen the mistreated little truck, alone, and
abandoned to its luck. Don Juan seemed to say in a sad
voice, They only love me when they need me.
In the dining room, the most intimate friends of the
family chatting animatedly. Blind Elas dozed peacefully in a
hammock. In the living room, various guests who had imbibed
more than a few too many drinks slept like monkeys.
The blacksmith Damin, who arrived late with a sugar cane
worker, described the scene with a native expression: There
are more persons dead than alive, but the war continues.
There was no lack of gossiping about the betrothal and
one guest dared to insinuate that perhaps Margarita had
been bewitched by some curandero of that zone.
Another guest intervened in the conversation and
promised that he would ask Timoteo to conduct a mesa to
see if the girl had been the object of sorcery.
Who is this person? investigated Jaime.
He is the teacher Timoteo, the one who shakes the
chunganas and knows all with his herbs, assured a neighbor.
Those beliefs are fairy tales. I dont believe in them,
asserted Jaime.
No? Look gringo, that man has a whistling huaco that
when he blows it, the sound makes the ground tremble. I tell
you this because I have witnessed it. The same story is told by

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Seora Ines, the one who lives at the zanjn, and Ta Vige also
knows. Shes a friend of Santos, the famous tomb robber.
At that point of the commentaries almost all put their
spoon [opinion] in the conversation. The meeting became
more interesting when Don Maeda, El Viejo [The Old
One] as people used to call him at the estate, dared to
predict: Someday will come from very far, perhaps from
Japan, an expert archaeologist, and with the aid of someone
like us he will discover the oldest and most important tomb
of Batn Grande, the land of Sicn, cradle of Tungula.
Everyone ignored that Jaime had studied at a university
and claimed to know a lot about the nuclear sciences. Yonque
causes those who drink this hard liquor to speak, so two
good cups loosened the tongue of the gringo.
Now I remember, explained Jaime. In the university
where I studied a group of scientists were investigating the
influences of color and sound on the human mind. By using
special techniques and the extraordinary powers of color and
sound, they were able to cure the sick with incredible results.
Continuing with the theory he had learned, he also
said, Each person has a color and a sound. When a
person is sick, you must try little by little to balance them.
That coincidence will alleviate the patients illness in an
instant. Perhaps this occurred many centuries ago when
the alchemists were sure that the human body was just
vibrations, thats to say music and harmony. The body
seems to respond when it finds agreement with its color and

77 of 89



Hardly anybody gave much credence to what was said by

the gringo Jaime, who was trying to show off his knowledge.
If the sound from a piece of baked clay could achieve this
rare effect on the behavior of an unbalanced mind, its logical
to assume that music would have a great influence on humans.
The gringo smiled, downed his glass of yonque, and looked for
the most discreet way to establish a conversation with Ta Vige.

The Bewitching of the Whistling Huacos

It was raining, so everyone decided it was better to stay under
the roof of the house. Anyway, the conversation was very
interesting, the wine was good, and so was the yonque. Don
Carlos, a man who knew a great deal about the mysteries of that
region, gave an exposition on Sicn and Tungula, the fantastic
personage who is said to have had magical powers and possessed
nearly all of the whistling huacos, which Mother Earth now keeps
in her bowels in Batn Grande, the land of gold and dreams.
Suddenly, a sweet and vibrant melody invaded that
part of the house. The drowsy guests seemed impelled by a
strange force to jump up in their seats.
Then Timoteo, the shaman and neighbor who was present,
listened intently and somewhat disturbed by the alcohol, the
circumstances and by the magical sound exclaimed: Its a
whistling huaco! Who is whistling at this hour?
In an impertinent way he abandoned the living room and
walked to the small room where the melody was originating.
Ta Vige smiled and tried to disguise the fact that she knew
it was her nephew who was causing that sound.

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Timoteo found Cholo caressing the wonderful whistling

huaquito that Seora Ines had presented him.
Oh Good Lord! Its identical to the one I have,
murmured the healer. Without saying another word the
healer left in a hurry, but returned almost instantly. He
brought a little wooden box, the same one Cholo had seen
that Friday night when Timoteo was curing the infirm ones.
The healer opened the little box in the presence of all
the guests. Then he extracted his small and black huaco.
This whistler is a brother of the one that Cholo is
holding, only my huaco has four little heads of foxes and the
one that we were listening to has only two.
And thats how all of them arrived to a very strange
and confusing world. The fantasy caused deliriums and
submerged them in captivating stories. The enchantment of
that whistle was like a torch that illuminated the dark path
where mankind walks ignorant of so many things. After the
stories told by Don Carlos, none of the lingering guests were
Jaime didnt waste time and looked for a way to start up
a conversation with Ta Vige. The gringo was well aware of
the seamstresss needy situation. Thats why he was so sure
of his ability to negotiate an exchange of the type he was
accustomed to transacting.
The Japanese guests continued drinking and talking
about the pre-Columbian Sicn tombs at Batn Grande. El
Viejo Maeda seemed to have the most knowledge about the
existence of the valuable treasures.

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In those days, news circulated throughout the department

that in the Pomac forest robbers had plundered some tombs.
Mute witness to this was a thousand-year-old algarrobo tree
called Gacho [Drooping], a symbol of the northern flora. The
poet from Illimani Romulo Paredes Gonzales said:
The algarrobo tree,
the god that never cries.
The algarrobo tree,
the devil that never prays.
It doesnt need anything,
in its greatness.
It never asks for anything,
and never implores.
Precisely in the land of Illimo, the tomb robbers had
exhumed the famous golden tumis that belonged to the Sicn
territory of Batn Grande. Everyone speculated that more
than ten gold tumis were found in those years.
The sun was offering its first rays of the day Monday;
clarity illuminated all of Batn Grande. The voice of the
young cane worker broke the silence with the romantic verses
of an old cumanana. Margarita was sleeping and maybe
dreaming with her adored tormenter. The regal voice of the
laborer awoke her. The timid and sleepy fiance appeared
from behind the curtains of her bedroom window and
congratulated the singer. She left her room and offered him a
glass of sweet chicha in gratitude.

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To the one who gives what she has, when she doesnt owe
anything, offered Lothar. Then he begged the future bride
to recite some of the poems she had written. Margarita was a
romantic woman and kindly accepted the blacksmiths request.
The trills of the little gorrion birds could be heard. A fresh drizzle
wet the land as the verses were heard in the voice of the author:
Love of sun and moon,
love of hill and water.
That makes me strong and vital,
protected by you and part of you.
You are my friend, my lover, my life,
sweetness of all my days.
Shelter from my sorrows,
sedative of my pains.
You are filling my mind
with illusion and fantasy.
My lips are pronouncing your name,
you know how to understand me.
And in this early morning,
you are in my thoughts.
And you are like the burning fire
that I feel inside of me.
The velvety and sweet voice of Margarita cooed like the
doves of the field and awoke almost everyone. The father

81 of 89



Don Carlos embraced his dear daughter and kissed her on

the cheeks. Teardrops of happiness rolled from his eyes. The
old man understood that love has no barriers.
Doa Elena was just waking up to the sound of so many
verses and wistful melodies. The time had passed quickly
without anyone noticing. Already it was the hour for breakfast.
All took leave because it was Monday and they had
obligations. Ta Vige went to La Borradas place to gather
the turkey that was promised to her.

The Missing Huacos

When Cholo awoke, he went in search of his whistling
huaquito to caress it. He looked for it in the cardboard box
and didnt find it. He was worried and questioned everyone
in the house about his huaquito, but nobody could give him an
answer. Some said they had never seen it. He cried hopelessly
and counted the seconds until his aunt would return.
At the house of Don Carloss neighbor, a similar situation
was occurring. Timoteo also looked for his charm and the
arte of his mesa, the precious whistling huaco, and could not
find it. He attempted to appear calm, but his wife knew him
very well, and when he tried to lie down on the mattress,
she interrogated him.
Where is the whistle? At dawn you took it. Where have
you left it? I hope it isnt going to be that you were drunk
and lost it. That would be a disgrace.
Timoteo looked out of the corner of his eye at the night
stand where an alarm clock was marking time. The rhythmic

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tick tock brought him back to reality. He didnt need to be a

sorcerer to realize that the swindler Jaime had taken his huaco.
And how much did you pay for that clock with tin plating?
Timoteo didnt answer. He thought about going in search
of that cheater to give back the clock and demand the return
of his huaco. His wife, who had anticipated his thoughts,
told him, That gringo con artist has already left for
Ferreafe in the truck that brought the band of musicians.
When Ta Vige returned to the house, Cholo tearfully
asked her, Where is my whistling huaquito?
Pretending to be angry, the aunt answered, You dont
need a huaco. Anyway, its just a piece of clay. Why do you
want that nonsense? Arent you happy with the toy made of
orange wood that the gringo Jaime left for you?
Yes, I like the toy, but it doesnt whistle. The sound of
my huaquito makes me dream beautiful things.
Cholo cried. His sadness was overwhelming. Nothing
could be done. He would return to Ferreafe with only his
inseparable slingshot made of willow wood that he used to
hunt little birds and lizards.



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ime has neither memory nor voice. Its also deaf. It

doesnt listen to pleas or utter words, but it conveys
majesty and condemnation. Nearly 70 years have
elapsed since that morning in 1937 when Aunt Virginia
traveled with Cholo to Batn Grande.
Now Cholo is almost an octogenarian, but he continues
to daydream. His children took him to Japan, the land of
his father. He cannot believe that hes traveling on the swift
and modern shinkansen [bullet train]. When he is tasting
hambagas and misoshiros, his palate longs for the flavor of his
food seasoned with chili pepper and mint.
In Yokohama, Tokyo, or Nagoya, they no longer drive
those little trucks from the year 1929. All has changed. Now
man kills with thermal and atomic bombs.
Television is the bread of the day. People already are
preparing to build houses on the Moon. Japanese technology
arrives in all the countries of the globe. The sound of the
harp with cords of catgut are muted; now the musical
instruments are so sophisticated and cacophonous that they
damage the eardrums.
Cholo walks slowly as he patrols the edge of an immense
river. He enters a temple and bows before an unknown
image. He prays and implores, but the image does not seem
to understand; perhaps it ignores what he says. Its another
country, another language, another reality.

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His loving Aunt Virginia is no longer. The moon is hiding.

Under the snow that falls in December the yuyo plant
probably would grow in this granular and almost yellowish
soil, but here there are no huacos from the land of Tungula.
Cholo dreams of bracelets, crowns, and pectorals of
fine metal. Japan is another world. Here silence lives.
The huerequeque and chilalo birds dont sing. Absent is the
magical sound of the whistling huacos.
El Canto Silvestre [The Sylvan Song]
Lyrics and Music: Luis Abelardo Nez

The charm of Sicn

flourished in the year one thousand
from Illimo to Molln
said the song of the Til Til bird.
In the branches of a mamey
a cucula bird cried
at the death of the king
who was called Tungula.
His noble wife Kalina
had a beautiful voice
like an Andean dove
and Tungula was her God.
A little parrot proclaimed
Tungula was born in the Andes.
A chiroque bird replied
his cradle was Batn Grande.

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In Pomac there are two hills,

one is the color of saffron.
Burrow of little foxes
in the land of Sicn.
There is no place in Lambayeque
like Sicn with so much gold,
proclaimed the huerequeque.
And its true the bull said.
Tungula, Tungula,
only you made things of beauty
that captured the sound
in your whistling huacos.
Juice of greenish plants
with leaves like passion fruit,
the rocky stones they dissolve
transforming them into clay.
This secret is known by the bee
that flies and buzzes.
Tungula knew the key
and took it to his tomb.



86 of 89


alameda road or romantic walkway lined with trees that
form a shading canopy.
algarrobo type of carob tree commonly found in desert
regions of Per.
alzador person who assists a shaman during rituals.
arte sacred or magical object used by a shaman during
baile de tierra dance of the earth. Also known in Per as
the marinera of the north.
cacique native overlord, chief, or headman.
calamine corrugated sheet metal typically used as a
roofing material.
caazo liquor made from sugar cane.
chicha beverage made from corn.
chirimoya custard apple.
chola or cholo nickname usually given to a person who is
native to the coast of Per.
chungana type of rattle similar to a maraca used by a
shaman in his rituals.
chuscada traditional Andean song of northern Per.
comadre godmother or close female friend.
compadre godfather or close male friend.

87 of 89



curandero shaman, herbalist, or sorcerer.

ferreafano person from the city or province of
granadilla passion fruit.
gringo nickname given to a Caucasian foreigner.
hinea type of native plant used for roofing.
huaco vessel made of baked clay. The huacos can take a
variety of forms. A huaco that produces music is called a
huaco silbador.
huaquito small huaco.
huerequeque Peruvian Thick-knee. A native bird of Per.
jarana big party.
mal de ojo evil eye. A negative stare believed to cause
another person an infirmity or bad luck.
mesa refers to an altar of sorcery that includes objects
collected by a shaman to perform his rituals.
micha one of several hallucinogens derived from plants
used by a shaman to induce trances.
Quechua indigenous language spoken in the Andes.
paciente client of a shaman.
paisanito young man from a rural area.
patrn landowner or person of high rank.
Plaza de Armas central park in a town or city that
usually is surrounded by municipal buildings, a church,
and shops.
serranita nickname given to a young native girl from the

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serrano nickname given to a native man from the Andes.
tambo small store that also can serve as a tavern, eatery,
or gathering place.
tumi ceremonial knife, usually made of gold and inlaid
with jewels, used in religious ceremonies by high-ranking
leaders in ancient Peruvian cultures.
yonque popular beverage with a high alcohol content.
yuca edible root, also known as cassava, casava or
yunga tropical or subtropical valley in the Andean
zambita nickname given to a baby girl or young girl who
is of mixed races.
zanjn deep ditch, gully or hollow that fills with water
during the rainy season.


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Un cuento peruano de la tierra de Sicn

POR Luis Abelardo Nez

Una edicin digital de Fidler House



Un cuento peruano de la tierra de Sicn

Luis Abelardo Nez

Una edicin digital de Fidler House
Editores y traductores:
Roger Fidler & Ada Vigo de Fidler
Primera edicin en ingls: diciembre, 2006
Primera edicin en ingls y espaol: septiembre, 2007
2006-2007, Fidler House

Reservados todos los derechos. Esta edicin digital o ninguna

porcin de esta edicin digital no se puede vender o utilizar para
ningn propsito comercial, sin el permiso por escrito del editor.





Sobre el Autor


1 Introduccin


Mapa: Departamento de Lambayeque


Fotos: Santuario Histrico Bosque de Pomac 17

La Hacienda Batn Grande


Tungula, Casi un Dios


2 El Camino a Batn Grande


El Viaje Comienza


El Puente a la Alameda


Las Vistas a lo Largo del Camino


3 Cruzando el Famoso Zanjn


La Competencia


El Zanjn, el Zanjn!


Una Tregua Sigue el Milagro


Una Curacin para el Mal de Ojo


3 de 89


4 Los Huacos Silbadores


La Ocurrencia Extraa


El Enigma de Moiss


El Remedio del rbol de la Ta


5 La Bienvenida en la Hacienda


La Cocina de la Borrada en la Fragua


La Mesa y el Lenguaje de las Hierbas


6 Un Comienzo Temprano


La Fiesta Comienza


La Epidemia Fatal


7 Matrimonio y Mortaja del Cielo Bajan

La Llegada del Gringo Jaime


La Mano de Margarita


Despus que la Banda Dej de Tocar


El Embrujo de los Huacos Silbadores


Los Huacos que Faltan


El Canto Silvestre





4 de 89

A las razones de mi vida

edico este libro, que es testigo de mis sueos y la barca

done navegan mis recuerdos, a mi bello Ferreafe
sus leyendas, historia y tradiciones y a toda la gente
que ama la paz y la justica.
Con emocin, amor y gratitud para las tres hermanas
Nez Delgado, nacidas en Ferreafe bajo el deslumbrante
sol de Lambayeque. Tarcila de Takahashi, mi inolvidable
madre quien me diera su bendicin antes de emprender
viaje al cielo. Se fue cuando ella estaba en la flor de su
A mis recordadas tas: Virginia de Kanno, herona
annima y sacrificada, mujer modesta pero gigante por su
ternura; y para Etelvina de Itabashi quien fuera mi amorosa
maestra de guitarra y de teatro. Ella me dej en pleno
escenario donde soy actor de la obra eterna sueos de
Vida y Muerte.
A mis cuatro hermanos: Amanda, Jorge, Soledad y
Blanca Takahashi Nez.
A mi abnegada esposa, seora Mara Nila Bautista
Palacios, y mis nicos siete hijos: Cristina Tarcila, Luisa
Elizabeth, Mara Nila, Lourdes Rossana, Luis Abelardo,
Katty Adela y Pedro Leonardo.
5 de 89


sta edicin digital del Regalo de Tungula es en cumplimiento de una promesa que le hicimos a Luis Abelardo
Nez, que es una historia en si misma. Esa historia
comenz el 18 de enero de 1985, en una estacin de radio
en Lima, Per. Despus que Ada Vigo cantara varias de las
canciones de Abelardo por la celebracin anual del Da de Lima,
el compositor se present personalmente y la invit a cantar en
un concierto que l se preparaba para dar en el Teatro Municipal.
En ese entonces, ella era reportera para el peridico ms
importante en el Per, El Comercio. Mientras que la msica
peruana era su pasin y ella haba cantado las canciones de
Abelardo por muchos aos, no lo haba hecho profesionalmente
o delante de una gran audiencia. En un principio ella vacil en
aceptar la invitacin, pero Abelardo prevaleci. De esa reunin
casual, floreci una amistad que cambiara radicalmente su vida
y la ma.
En septiembre de 1987, la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa
me invit a que hablara sobre mi trabajo en publicacin digital
y grficos computarizados en una conferencia de tecnologa
auspiciada por El Comercio en Lima. En aquella poca yo no
hablaba espaol y sta era mi primera visita a un pas sudamericano.
El editor del peridico saba que Ada hablaba con fluidez el idioma
ingls, as que l la asign para traducir mi presentacin y ser mi
gua. l le dijo a ella brinda una buena atencin al Sr. Fidler y
asegrate que se lleve una buena impresin de Per.

6 de 89


Ella sigui sus instrucciones con absoluta seriedad. Casi

18 meses despus nos casamos en Miami, y Per sigue siendo
mi pas favorito para visitar. Hemos venido a creer que
Abelardo tuvo algo que ver en todo esto, pero sa es otra
Pronto despus de nuestro matrimonio, yo suger
producir un lbum con una seleccin de las composiciones
de Abelardo cantadas por Ada en su estilo ms
contemporneo. Una vez ms ella vacil inicialmente,
pero el entusiasmo de Abelardo por el proyecto finalmente
la convenci. En el verano de 1991, contratamos a Paul
Hoyle, arreglista peruano que viva en Miami, para crear los
arreglos y la instrumentacin para 10 canciones.
Cuando terminamos el lbum, le enviamos a Abelardo
varias docenas de copias. Lo emocionaron, pero lo qu
lo excit ms fue el saber que todos los msicos que
haban proporcionado el fondo musical para Ada eran
digitales. Realmente, el msico era Hoyle que cre toda la
instrumentacin usando un teclado de piano y una pista
al tacto conectados a una computadora Macintosh y un
sintetizador digital.
Nuestro propsito para producir el lbum no era hacer
dinero; sino promover la msica peruana y dar a conocer
al pblico el trabajo de Abelardo. Desde entonces, hemos
dado centenares de cassettes y de CDs a los amigos y a la
gente que hemos conocido en nuestros viajes alrededor del
mundo. En el 2004, colocamos las canciones y las letras del
lbum en nuestra Web site en:
7 de 89


Mi primera oportunidad de conocer a Abelardo en persona

lleg en abril de 1998. l visitaba a sus parientes en Paterson,
Nueva Jersey, cuando me invitaron a dar una charla en un
simposio de la universidad de Columbia. Ada y yo le ofrecimos
llevarlo con nosotros a New York City por algunos das. l
estaba impaciente por explorar la ciudad, pero tambin quera
asistir al simposio.
El tema era el futuro de la publicacin digital y de lectoras
electrnicas mviles. Despus de or mi presentacin y
ver la demostracin, l no poda contener su entusiasmo.
Abelardo se qued cautivado con la nocin que los peridicos
y los libros podran ser publicados electrnicamente y ledos
inmediatamente por toda la gente alrededor del mundo.
A travs de Ada, me pregunt si yo podra producir y
distribuir una edicin electrnica de un libro que l estaba
escribiendo. Siempre un embajador cultural del Per, l pens
que esta sera una gran manera para que la gente sepa ms sobre
las ricas tradiciones y la historia de su pas. Le dije que si eso era
lo que l deseaba, yo lo hara gratuitamente.
Cuatro aos ms tarde, fuimos a Ferreafe, Per, para estar
con Abelardo cuando la ciudad en donde l naci y comenz
su carrera musical lo honr. Durante esa visita, l le pidi a
Jos Maeda Ascencio que nos llevara al complejo pre-Inca de
Sicn en Batn Grande. Maeda es periodista y una autoridad
reconocida en la cultura Sicn y Batn Grande. Abelardo nos
dijo que ste era el tema del libro que l llamaba Los Huacos
Silbadores, y me record que ese era el cual yo le haba
prometido publicar en una edicin digital.
8 de 89


Para llegar a una de las grandes pirmides de Sicn en el

Santuario Histrico Bosque de Pomac, tuvimos que vadear el ro
La Leche y luego caminar a travs de un grupo denso de rboles
de algarrobo. La expedicin pareca una escena de la pelcula de
Indiana Jones. Cuando finalmente llegamos a la cumbre de la
pirmide, que los arquelogos estaban excavando, nos quedamos
asombrados por el panorama espectacular y la enormidad
del complejo. Por todas partes en que mirbamos all haban
pirmides y terraplenes hasta donde la vista poda alcanzar.
Trgicamente, l dijo, las lluvias causadas cada vez ms
frecuentemente por los acontecimientos de la corriente del Nio y
el saqueo de los huaqueros estn destruyendo el complejo con ms
rapidez que los arquelogos pueden excavarlo. (En noviembre de
2006, un equipo de arquelogos desenterr un rico tesoro de artefactos
de Sicn al excavar en la pirmide llamada El Loro del complejo
de Batn Grande. Los tesoros incluyeron los primeros cuchillos
ceremoniales, tumis, encontrados in situ por los cientficos; todos los
tumis previamente encontrados fueron saqueados por los huaqueros).
Antes de partir de Ferreafe, Abelardo nos dijo que l
consideraba este libro la obra maestra de su carrera. sta sera
la ltima vez que lo veramos. Al ao siguiente un melanoma
que haba estado en remisin reapareci en una forma ms
virulenta y se extendi rpidamente a su cerebro.
Despus de su muerte en diciembre de 2005, su esposa Nila
nos dijo que en sus das finales l frecuentemente le recordaba
enviarnos una copia de su manuscrito para la edicin digital.
Pero en la confusin de ese tiempo agotador, el manuscrito de
Abelardo se traspapel entre todos sus documentos.
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No fue hasta julio de 2006 que recibimos el manuscrito

con una carta de Nila autorizndonos a publicar una edicin
digital. El deseo de Abelardo y Nila fue que la edicin digital
no se vendiera, de modo que cualquier persona pudiera leerla
dondequiera en el mundo.

Algunas palabras sobre esta edicin

Hemos intentado preservar su estilo de escribir en el
proceso al editar su manuscrito. La introduccin es el nico
captulo donde hemos efectuado cambios extensivos. Esto
fue hecho para clarificar e incluir la nueva informacin.
Esperamos que usted disfrute leyendo el cuento de

Roger y Ada Fidler

Columbia, Missouri
22 de Diciembre de 2006

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Sobre el Autor

uis Abelardo Nez es uno de los compositores

peruanos ms venerados de su generacin. Abelardo,
como lo llamaba cariosamente la gente que lo conoca
y apreciaba su msica, naci en Ferreafe, un pequeo pueblo
cerca a Chiclayo en el norte del Per, el 22 de noviembre de
1926. El da de su nacimiento es
reconocido por los catlicos como
el da de Santa Cecilia, patrona de
los msicos.
Su padre, Sakuzo Takahashi,
inmigr al Per de Fukushima,
Japn. Su madre, Tarcila Nez
Delgado, era peruana. Ambos
padres murieron cuando l
era muy joven. Su ta Virginia
de Kanno, que era costurera
y la esposa de un peluquero
japons en Ferreafe, asumi la
Abelardo Nez (derecha)
responsabilidad de criarlo a l
y Santiago Balladares en
y a sus otros cuatro hermanos
Ferreafe cerca al 1941.
Desde una edad temprana, Abelardo fue cautivado por la
msica y el folklore norteo del Per. Bajo la direccin de otra
ta, Etelvina de Itabashi, l aprendi a tocar la guitarra y otros
instrumentos as como a escribir y componer canciones.

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Cuando cumpli 19 aos de edad, se traslad a Lima, la

capital del Per, para proseguir su carrera musical. Para ser
aceptado como msico y compositor peruano, l adopt el
apellido materno Nez.
Su primera composicin, Engaada, fue publicada
en 1950. l compuso y escribi letras para ms de 200
canciones en una amplia variedad de estilos peruanos
marineras, tonderos, huaynos, valses, polkas e himnos.
A Abelardo se le conoca como El Compositor del Pueblo
debido a su fuerte conexin a la clase popular y su apoyo
desinteresado en la lucha por el logro de la justicia social. Viajando
con su guitarra a travs del Per, l pint con su msica retratos
y paisajes que reflejaban los dolores y las alegras, las tragedias
y los triunfos, la fealdad y la belleza que lo confrontaron.
Mientras que l tena un afecto genuino por toda la gente
y paisajes de su madre patria, fue su Ferreafe querida que
siempre posey su corazn y alma. l estuvo particularmente
cautivado por las leyendas, los misterios y los artefactos de
la gente de Sicn que haba construido las pirmides preColombinas en Batn Grande en la provincia de Ferreafe.
En reconocimiento por su contribucin a lo largo de
su vida a la msica y a la cultura peruana, la Universidad
Mayor de San Marcos de Lima le otorg a Abelardo un
diploma y una medalla de honor en 1994.
Abelardo y su esposa Nila (Mara Nila Bautista Palacios)
se mudaron a Nagoya, Japn, en 1996 para estar con sus
hijos que haban decidido a principios de ese ao emigrar de
Per al pas nativo de su abuelo.
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FOTO: Roger Fidler

Abelardo en la casa de su hermana Amanda en Ferreafe, 2002.

En el ao 2002, Abelardo volvi brevemente al Per para ser
reconocido como Hijo Predilecto de Ferreafe y para actuar
en Lima en un concierto dado en su honor que fue televisado a
nivel nacional. Durante sus aos en Japn, l sirvi activamente
como embajador de la msica y de la cultura peruana.
Abelardo muri en Japn el 19 de diciembre de 2005
despus de una larga batalla con el melanoma. Su cuerpo
fue enviado al Per para el sepelio en Ferreafe.

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ontemplando las altas cumbres de la cordillera del

Pacfico, la mente del hombre retrata los paisajes
andinos. Una voz ntima perturba y nos envuelve en
una niebla de misterio y de sueos. Tal vez por esta razn los
ferreafanos son esclavos de leyendas increbles.
La provincia de Ferreafe en el departmento de
Lambayeque contiene la evidencia de muchas culturas
antiguas que datan cerca de 500 a.C. Sin embargo, es
la gente que construy los complejos enormes en Batn
Grande y Tucume en el valle del ro de La Leche entre los
aos 800 y 1300 d.C. que cautiv a los peruanos y eruditos
alrededor del mundo.
El nombre dado a esta gente y a su cultura es Sicn,
que significa Casa de la Luna en el lenguaje antiguo de
Muchik. Los arquelogos creen que son probablemente
descendientes de los Moche.
La poblacin inclua muchos artesanos y trabajadores
en metal altamente especializados como se evidencia por
las cantidades extensas de oro, de plata, y de artefactos de
cobre encontrados en las tumbas de Sicn. Ellos conocan
los secretos para producir delicados ornamentos de oro y
una aleacin de arsnico y cobre, que es el material ms
cercano al bronce encontrado en Amrica prehispnica.

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Departamento de Lambayeque



lambay eque









Monsef Chiclayo






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MAPA: Roger Fidler



Segn Julio C. Tello, el padre de la arqueologa peruana,

casi todo el oro y la plata extrados por la gente de sudamrica
en pocas prehistricas vino del norte del Per, y por lo
menos tres cuartos de los especmenes arqueolgicos del oro
peruano que existen en museos internacionales y nacionales
provienen del departamento de Lambayeque, principalmente
del ncleo arqueolgico de Batn Grande y de Tucume.
La poblacin de Sicn tambin incluy a gente que conoca
los secretos de hierbas medicinales, produca textiles finos y
cermica sofisticada. Entre los tipos de cermica que crearon
hubo un instrumento musical similar a una flauta, que poda
tener muchas formas y adquirir muchos sonidos diferentes,
llamado un huaco silbador.
Cerca al ao 1100 d.C. el complejo de Batn Grande con
sus 20 pirmides fue abandonado, probablemente debido
a una gran inundacin que da los canales de irrigacin y
las tierras agrcolas. La gente de Sicn pronto estableci un
nuevo centro religioso y ceremonial en Tucume. La cultura
prosper por otros dos siglos hasta que una gran sequa que
dur por ms de 30 aos caus su rpido colapso.
La gente de Sicn eventualmente fue conquistada cerca
al ao 1350 d.C. por el reino del Gran Chim, que abarc
todo el departamento moderno de Lambayeque. Las crnicas
antiguas dicen que cerca de cien aos antes de la conquista
espaola del Per en el siglo XVI, el inca Huayna Capac ocup
el reino de Chim. Los indios Penach se resistieron y nunca
fueron totalmente sometidos. El territorio de esta tribu rebelde
probablemente lleg a lo que ahora es la provincia de Ferreafe.
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FOTOS: Roger Fidler

Dos vistas del Santuario Histrico Bosque de Pomac desde una

de las pirmides de Batn Grande.
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La Hacienda Batn Grande

La oportunidad no se debe pasar por alto para agregar algunas
notas sobre la hacienda Batn Grande, dentro de cuyos lmites
estaba el complejo de Batn Grande. Los archivos espaoles
muestran que en el ao 1527 don Francisco de Barbarn compr
las tierras, los montes, las tumbas e dolos del cacique de Illimo.
La hacienda pas posteriormente a Juan de Barbarn, que lo
vendi en el ao 1612 a Antonio de Villavicencio. El primer
nombre registrado dado a la propiedad fue San Nicols de Sicn
o Cicn.
Al principio del siglo XIX, el propietario de la hacienda
fue don Andrs Delgado. Se dice que l plant dos rboles de
mango de la India, uno de los cuales todava sobrevivi en la
hacienda en 1970, segn la monografa de Carlos Bachman sobre
Lambayeque. Estos rboles en Batn Grande se cree son los
antepasados de todos los rboles de mango existentes en Per y

La casa de la hacienda Batn Grande cerca a 1940.

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Por la dcada de 1860 se haba conocido la propiedad como

la hacienda Batn Grande. En 1913, don Juan J. Aurich Pastor
compr la propiedad de los herederos de Delgado. Cerca de 400
personas residan en la hacienda durante los aos 20. Tras su
muerte en 1935, sus hijos, los Aurich Bonilla, tomaron posesin.
Ellos continuaron como propietarios y administraron la hacienda
hasta 1968 cuando los desalojaron durante la llamada reforma
Despus de aos de negligencia, el gobierno peruano tom
un paso pequeo en 1984 para proteger la propiedad como una
reserva arqueolgica. En 1991, fue llamada la reserva de Batn
Grande y en 2001, la reserva fue designada como el Santuario
Histrico Bosque de Pomac. El gobierno ahora est haciendo
un esfuerzo mayor para preservar los sitios arqueolgicos y el
bosque circundante de algarrobo que es uno de los dos nicos
bosques secos ecuatoriales que tiene el mundo.

Tungula, Casi un Dios

Nadie sabe a ciencia cierta donde naci Tungula, el gran
cacique que gobern por muchsimos aos aquella regin
donde vuelan las guilas, florecen los algarrobos, canta el
huerequeque, juguetean los zorros y silban los huacos de
arcilla. Tal vez fue en Caaris o en Incahuasi donde vio la
primera luz. Lo que s es probable es que sus hijos fueran
batangrandinos, es decir de Sicn.
La leyenda dice que Tungula era un cacique noble y sabio.
Su bella esposa se llamaba Kalina quien posea una magistral
y dulce voz, que competa con la de las aves canoras de
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ese paraso llamado Sicn; cuatro hijos eran la alegra y la

felicidad de estos respetables jerarcas de aquella regin.
En noches de luna llena, la familia de Tungula ascenda
al cerro Chaparr todos lucan valiosos trajes y llevaban
coronas de oro recamadas con perlas y piedras rarsimas. En
aquel oratorio yunga junto a sus sbditos elevaban extraas
plegarias a un dios desconocido, contemplando el lmpido y
estrellado cielo batangrandino.
La hija primognita de este gran cacique fue una
princesa que deslumbr en toda aquella comarca. Amusuy
era bella y generosa con su pueblo y adems domesticaba a
todos los animales salvajes que existan en Sicn. Sus tres
hermanos varones se llamaban: Janque, Molln y Puchaca;
eran grandes orfebres y buenos alfareros.
Tungula por su parte slo dedicaba todo su tiempo a
moldear huacos silbadores. Este gran cacique conoca los
secretos de la naturaleza. Cada cierto tiempo viajaba a
Penach de donde traa hierbas milagrosas que utilizaba para
sus exorcismos. El pueblo conocedor de sus extraos poderes
aseguraba que Tungula ablandaba las rocas ms duras con sus
manos utilizando unas hojas pequeitas de color granate.
Tungula ambicionaba poder apresar la voz de su querida
esposa. Una noche pidi al dios del viento que materializara
sus deseos, en efecto fue as. Cierta vez cuando Kalina
intent entonar una plegaria se dio cuenta que haba
perdido la voz. Desde aquel momento todos los huacos
silbadores hechos por Tungula adquirieron el encanto sonoro
y musical que subyuga y embruja.
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Cada hijo obtuvo un huaco silbador hecho por este gran

cacique. Todos tenan como adorno cabezas de zorritos.
Janque guardaba el ceramio con dos zorritos, Molln el de
tres y Puchaca con cuatro, en ese orden. Tan slo el de su
hija Amusuy era diferente, pues luca una cabecita de loro.
Cuando Tungula hizo entrega de aquellos ceramios tan
fantsticos, les pidi a sus hijos que cuando l muriera lo
enterraran con todas sus mejores galas y ornamentos. Eso
mismo debera ocurrir cuando sus vstagos dejaran este
mundo; el pueblo los tena que enterrar con todas sus cosas
ms preciadas y por supuesto con el huaco silbador, para
que la Pachamama recibiera todo lo que nos da.
Cuando Kalina vio que su esposo estaba al borde de la
muerte, le rog para que le dijera de dnde era esa fabulosa
hoja del rbol que utilizaba para ablandar las piedras; pero
ya estaba escrito que Tungula se llevara a la tumba aquel
secreto que tan slo lo saben el sol, el viento, las rocas, la
lluvia, y tal vez las aves que traen en su pico las misteriosas
hojas de color granate cuya savia es roja como la sangre


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El Camino a Batn Grande

alurosa madrugada la del ltimo viernes del mes de

febrero del ao 1937. La noche anterior haba llovido
torrencialmente. Al rayar el alba seguan cayendo
gruesos goterones. Las rectilneas calles del pueblo ferreafano
estaban convertidas en pequeas acequias. Corra el agua
turbia sobre las piedras redonditas y besaba los sardineles
de las veredas angostas y encementadas. Pequeos batracios
daban saltitos, algunos lograban introducirse en las casas. Las
puertas abiertas de par en par facilitaban el ingreso de aquellos
sapitos amigos de los agricultores. Sobre las altas paredes de
adobes y tarrajeadas con yeso y cal se posaban las liblulas
gigantes de color verde esmeralda. Era seal inconfundible de
la estacin veraniega y la poca de siembra de arroz.
Fuerte el aguacero, no vecino? coment don
Jacinto, dirigindose a un viejo agricultor.
S, contest el sembrador de arroz, pero el agua llega
Ms vale tarde que nunca le replic don Jacinto.
Esa maana las amas de casa buscaban pan para el
desayuno. Por aquellos das los ferreafanos no conceban una
buena taza de caf con leche sin sus marraquetas, molletes,
cachitos o panes de cabeza, untados con fresca mantequilla
monsefuana o sabroso queso serrano elaborado en Sangana.
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Dnde ha conseguido pan, comadre Luisa?

No es pan comadre, lo que llevo en mi canasta, son
Por causa de las lluvias la lea estaba mojada, los hornos
fros. De paso que los panificadores eran poco previsores, por
aquella razn el pueblo recurra a las yucas, pltanos y camotes.
El pito del tren se escuchaba ntidamente hasta la Plaza
de Armas, la estacin del ferrocarril distaba tan slo seis
cuadras. Apresurados los viajeros apuraban el paso tratando
de llegar a tiempo para encontrar un buen asiento. El tren
parta a las siete en punto y su destino era el puerto de
Eten, pasando por Lambayeque, Chiclayo y Monsef, la
llamada ciudad de las flores, tierra de gente trabajadora
donde las mujeres tejen lindas alforjas de hilo, tejen
sombreros de paja. Tambin preparan sabrosos piqueos y
buena chicha de maz endulzada con miel.
Siete campanadas marcaron la hora exacta, el
tiempo inexorable no se detiene. Un gallinazo retozaba
perezosamente parado sobre la cruz en la torre de la bella y
antiqusima iglesia de Santa Luca de Ferreafe, eregida en
el ao 1550. El astro rey calentaba con sus luminosos rayos
la tierra frtil y generosa.

El Viaje Comienza
En la calle Unin estaba el viejo camin de la hacienda
Batn Grande, Don Juan, estacionado sobre un charco de
agua turbia. Esta maana en aquel vehculo viajaban varios
trabajadores del campo, y tambin lo hacan algunos pequeos
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Foto: Roger Fidler

La iglesia de Santa Luca de Ferreafe.

comerciantes llevando sus mercancas, aprovechando que esa
semana era quincena en la hacienda.
La carrocera del antiguo camin Don Juan estaba
empapada; la lluvia lo haba dejado en la miseria. El sol
segua calentando, algunos pasajeros abordaron el vehculo.
Patuco, el chulillo del famoso Don Juan, tom la manizuela
y empez a darle vueltas tratando de activar el dnamo. Porfi
varias veces hasta que el motor arranc, el humo espeso
escap del mufle, todos los pasajeros se alegraron.
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En la misma calle Unin viva un japons apellidado Kanno.

Este honrado y trabajador oriental tena su peluquera. Su
compaera y esposa era una modesta ferreafana llamada
Virginia. Esta costurera, conocida por todos quienes la
llamaban ta Vige, era reconocida por su generosidad y su
bondad, que ella demostraba en diferentes ocasiones. Por
ejemplo acuda en ayuda de los menesterosos. Tambin socorra
a unos cuantos forasteros. Estos ltimos mencionados al ser
detenidos por lieros no tenan quien les llevara un bocado de
comida. Al permanecer varios das entre las rejas del llamado
puesto de la guardia civil, la asistencia que reciban de la ta
Vige era un regalo del cielo.
De la casa del japons, sali apresuradamente su sobrino
el Cholo. El muchacho llevaba dos cajas de cartn en las
cuales iban las costuras, modestas obras de su ta Vige, las que
seran comercializadas en la gran hacienda de Batn Grande.
Cholo tena once aos aproximadamente. Como
todo un mozalbete, era inquieto, pero se notaba
que era inteligente, a todos les caa muy bien por su
comportamiento. En el barrio era una de las figuras
estelares del equipo de ftbol que l bautiz como
Estrella Roja. Eran pocas de la pelota de trapo, cuando
se hablaba de Lolo Fernndez el Caonero, el Mago
Valdiviezo, y Alejandro Manguera Villanueva, astros del
ftbol peruano.
Cholo vesta un flamante mameluco de color azulino.
En las hebillas niqueladas se reflejaban los rayos del sol
que asomaba por el cerro Las Tres Tomas.
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Lleg el chofer del camin, todos lo saludaron con

respeto. Este chofer conoca todos los defectos y virtudes
del famoso camioncito. Don Juan Barbn, as llamaban a
este profesional del timn, era un hombre blanco, alto, con
ojos claros. Gustaba de la buena comida, el buen yonque
y la chicha embozalada. Le daba al canto y bailaba
marinera con mucho garbo. Los Aurich, propietarios de la
hacienda Batn Grande, le tenan mucho aprecio.
Cuando Barbn tom el timn del vehculo y prendi
su cigarro, en ese preciso momento apareci la ta Vige.
Cargaba una maleta algo maltrecha, se vea que pesaba,
se la entreg al chulillo Patuco. Luego retorn a su casa
y al volver al camin, la ta trajo en su mano derecha un
humeante camote asado de color morado que se lo dio
a su sobrino el Cholo. Subi y se acomod en la caseta
del tan querido Don Juan, vehculo que era historia de
amor y sacrificio.

El Puente a la Alameda
En el puente Carmona, puente de la acequia grande que da
paso a la romntica alameda, esperaban muchas personas
ansiosas por viajar a la hacienda. Era da viernes. El sbado
sera quincena, el pueblo tendra dinero. Los Aurich pagaban
con puntualidad, por tal razn eran muy respetados y
Capachos, cajones, odres de cuero para traer el
caazo, alambres de pa, sacos de yute, costalillos, todo
era acomodado en la plataforma del camin. A quien se le
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vea muy entusiasmado era al talabartero Sevilla; l llevaba

monturas, estribos con esquineros de plata, jquimas, frenos
y riendas. Sus obras eran muy solicitadas en la hacienda y
don Sevilla se frotaba las manos y sonrea a todos.
Hola ta Vige! Usted tambin viaja a la hacienda?
inquiri Manuel.
No, voy a Cajamarca, a tu tierra para comer granadillas
y chirimoyas.
Usted siempre sacndome en cara el hecho de no ser
Manuel era un chotano que resida desde el ao 1925 en
Ferreafe. El era un hombre muy atento y cordial, su modo
de hablar denunciaba su procedencia y ascendencia serrana.
La gente lo conoca como Topiquero.
Este hombre desempeaba un papel importante y sus
servicios tenan gran demanda. Era casi una institucin
de asistencia social, para los habitantes de aquel pueblo,
donde casi todo se curaba con hierbas: clicos, hemorragias,
punzadas, diarreas, torceduras, erupciones de la piel,
intoxicaciones y empachos. Sus servicios eran casi gratuitos.
Como enfermero y farmacutico, recetaba jarabes, emplastos,
pastillas, grajeas, cpsulas, y aplicaba inyecciones. Algunas
damas solan decir que Manuel tena mano suave. Tambin
extraa muelas pero con dolor, es decir sin aplicar anestesia,
fungiendo de odontlogo.
Lentamente el camin Don Juan inici su marcha,
los pasajeros se fueron acomodando en sus improvisados
asientos. Algunos moradores del barrio La Alameda
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levantaban el brazo para despedir a los viajeros. Las aves

zancudas que anidaban en los altos ficus graznaban y
revolaban en torno a tan hermosos rboles.
Algo ocurra en ese momento, casi cerca al puente
frente al domicilio de una seora a quien llamaban
tortolita por su estatura baja y la manera de caminar:
bambolandose. Muchos curiosos hicieron un crculo
alrededor de una persona que estaba en el suelo
revolcndose de dolor.
Qu sucede? Acaso una pelea entre muchachos?
No! Es Pelusa ese muchacho que cra don
Manuel. Siempre le dan sus Manuelitos. Menos mal
que lo agarr fuera de la acequia porque si no se ahoga
coment un pen que llevaba una alforja al hombro.
Pelusa haca contorsiones fantsticas, sus ojos estaban
desorbitados, sus brazos rgidos y de su boca brotaba espuma.
Era la epilepsia, enfermedad tan grave y casi incurable.
Una seora gritaba desaforadamente, dejen espacio,
branse, el pobre necesita aire. Entonces alguien se sac
su sombrero de junco y lo us como abanico. La seora que
estaba gritando se agach, le tom la mano al epilptico,
luego le agarr el dedo mayor y se lo jalaba con fuerza.
Es el dedo del corazn y eso le calmar el dolor dijo
Pobrecito musit una alfeiquera.
El camin Don Juan tena el motor prendido, pero
la gente curiosa no se mova hasta ver el final de esta
ocurrencia desagradable.
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Ya le pas! dijo Barbn. Vamos, vamos, suban

que las horas pasan.
Cuando Pelusa se reincorpor, mir a toda la gente que
estaba a su alrededor, meti su mano al bolsillo, sac un
pedazo de bizcocho, lo mordi y se fue caminando por entre
los ficus de aquella alameda testigo de tantas historias que
ocurren all.

Las Vistas a lo Largo del Camino

Todos los pasajeros se persignaron al pasar por la capilla
de la imagen del Seor de la Justicia, cuyas festividades
se realizaban del 23 al 27 de abril. Al finalizar la alameda
destacaba el frontis del cementerio El Carmen, a un lado
de un puentecito de ladrillos se vean algunas bvedas del
antiguo cementerio.
Y qu pasa. Ya no utilizan este panten? pregunt
una seora.
Ya no contest don Sevilla. En este cementerio
slo fueron enterrados cinco ciudadanos chinos.
Y ahora a dnde los llevan?
No hay a quin llevar seora. Los chinos mueren de
viejos y eso sucede cada cien aos.
El agua de la lluvia haba colmado la capacidad del
llamado pozo Flautero, o de los ahogados.
El viento agitaba los hineales y juncos silvestres. Las
gallinetas, patos y gallaretas alzaron el vuelo espantados por el
ruido del motor del viejo camin. Un zorrito cruz el camino y
se fue rumbo a las llamadas invernas del chisco blanco.
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Usted conoce estas invernas? el Topiquero le

pregunt a doa ta Vige.
Que pregunta ms tonta me haces, si yo soy ferreafana,
he nacido en esta tierra donde algn da descansarn mis
huesos. Si hasta conozco al dueo, porque es mi vecino y l
tiene su casa cerca a la ma en la calle San Martn en el pueblo.
Pero sabe ta Vige lo qu sucede en aquellas invernas?
sigui preguntando el cajamarquino Manuel.
A qu te refieres, perro flaco? inquiri la ta de Cholo.
Ah! Ya ve, en esas invernas existe un paraso
Bueno que yo sepa, en esos terrenos hay algarrobales,
y sauces llorones. Existen muchos nidos de palomas y en las
ramas ms altas cuelgan enormes panales llenos de miel.
No, no es slo eso. Hay algo ms el Topiquero
prosigui diciendo. En esas invernas existen muchas
pollinitas mansas. Esta es la razn por la que los jvenes de
este pueblo van cada fin de semana hasta este lugar, porque
all experimentan y tienen sus primeras experiencias sexuales.
Ah, cojudo! Entonces t, te has destetado all
dijo la buena costurera.
Yo? No! Yo no soy de Ferreafe. Mirando de reojo
al Cholo que iba despreocupado acariciando su honda, dijo
con sorna Ta, debes tener mucho cuidado con tu sobrino.
Muchas personas lo han visto rondando por esas invernas
del seor Mendoza.
Calla! Mi Cholo es muy joven an; todava no huele
fustn. Tosi tres veces y luego se qued callada.
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Siguiendo las huellas dejadas por otros vehculos, Don

Juan prosegua su marcha. La arena y el barro no permitan
ir ms a prisa.
Lindo panorama el de esa zona, hermosas sementeras
alegraban el espritu. Trabajadores del agro transitaban
montados en sus acmilas, llevando lampas, rastrillos,
machetes, alforjas, protegidos por anchos sombreros de
junco. Los rayos solares tostaban la piel de sus brazos. Los
rostros sonrientes de los ferreafanos y el canto alegre de
los tordos de plumaje oscuro eran una pincelada buclica
donde cantaba el amor, la esperanza. El viento se encargaba
de llevarlos muy lejos.
Como blancos pauelos signo de paz, garzas blancas
cruzaron el espacio. El sol era ms fuerte, pero un vientecito
fro anunciaba la proximidad de las gigantescas moles de
piedra que circundan las tierras prodigiosas y misteriosas
de Batn Grande. Es all donde duermen fantsticos
tesoros, herencia de nuestros antepasados donde personajes
como Tungula, de la mano con algn dios del universo,
construyeron el increble condado de Sicn donde duerme la
luna y llora el sol.
Caminos alegres los de Ferreafe a Batn Grande.All
a la derecha camino a Nerio y Guanabal, ms adelante
La Cruz del Caminante, El Rastrojo, Las Dos Puertas, La
Pared, Jabonero, todos los terrenos con regado. En esos
das algunas chacras adelantadas mostraban las banderitas
del arroz en los surcos de la tierra morena, tierra de Santa
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Los pasajeros que viajaban en la caseta quedaron

sorprendidos con el canto alegre de algunos paisanitos,
hombres de la sierra. Eran huaynitos con versos en
quechua. Ponchos granates, cabellos lacios y grasosos
identificaban a esos viajeros en el techo del camin,
ferreafanos y legalmente herederos de la gran fortuna que
guarda Sicn.
Los sombreros de pao usado que llevaban puestos
los serranitos eran producto del trueque. Para obtener
esas prendas en la costa hubo que entregar buenos quesos
elaborados con leche de vacas criadas en los pastizales
de Molln, Laquipampa y Sangana, predios agrcolas
explotados por algunos patrones que no mostraban
En el casero llamado Ptipo, dos personas esperaban el
paso de Don Juan. Barbn baj del camin y se encamin
a una posadita, mientras tanto esas personas abordaban el
camin. Barbn entreg dos cartas y como pago a su gentileza
fue obsequiado con un vaso de herraje lleno de yonque. Al
retornar al timn el chofer eruct de la manera ms grosera.
Todos los que viajaban junto a l, lo miraron con enojo, pero l
como si nada, prendi un cigarro y sigui conduciendo.
La caseta qued impregnada con el olor del alcohol. El
humo del cigarro molestaba a Cholo, quien se limitaba a
mirar al fumador.
De arriba llegaba el canto serrano. Los de ponchito rojo
granate seguan entonando sus chuscadas. Fue entonces
que Barbn tal vez estimulado por el yonque, empez
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a cantar un triste lambayecano cuya letra pertenece al

poeta chiclayano don Arturo Shutt y Saco y que todava se
escucha en algunas ocasiones.
La Chongoyapana
Si porque tienes, nuevos amores,
ya no me quieres chongoyapana.
Yo tambin tengo, quin por mi muera,
mi chiclayana.
Como las piedras, del Raca Rumy,
es dura tu alma.
Yo tambin tengo, quin por mi muera,
mi chiclayana.
Nada me importa que no me quieras,
Yo tambin tengo otros quereres,
para olvidarte.
Pero no puedo porque yo vivo
vindote ingrata.


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Cruzando el Famoso Zanjn

uando llegaron al puente Mauro, viejo puente de fierro

construido sobre el llamado ro Loco, las imgenes
de los rboles se fueron diluyendo dando paso a otro
paisaje caminos pedregosos, cascajales por donde transitaban
los arrieros llevando sus piaras de burros cargados con piedras
de los cerros para los cimientos de las casas. Tambin iban
mulas y caballos, las alforjas iban repletas de sueos.
Al pasar cerca a un montculo de tierra gris, una especie
de gallinazos de cabeza colorada conocidos como llames
devoraban apresuradamente el cadver de un cuadrpedo
putrefacto. Se disputaban las piltrafas. Ms all junto a unas
pencas algo marchitas, dos cuervos alisaban sus picos sobre sus
fornidas alas, esas aves de rapia esperaban sin duda alguna
darse un gran banquete.
El calor era sofocante. El agua empozada empezaba a
descomponerse. An no se distingua el famoso zanjn. Debido
al intenso calor, un vaho casi imperceptible emerga de la tierra
batangrandina. El motor del viejo Don Juan se recalent
motivo por el cual, Barbn decidi hacer otra parada.
Hay que ponerle agua al radiador vamos Patuco le dijo
el chofer. El chulillo cogi una lata y fue en busca del lquido
elemento. No demor mucho y regres en pocos minutos, pero tuvo
que esperar que el radiador se enfriara para poder echarle agua.

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El cascajal se haba puesto como brasa de candela.

Los pasajeros no vean la hora de llegar a la hacienda.

La Competencia
La ta Vige rompi el silencio y aunque algo aletargada
por el viaje le pregunt al Topiquero Perro flaco, qu
vas a hacer en la hacienda, acaso ests curando a alguna
persona conocida?
No, ta. Esta vez se trata del pariente de uno de los
hacendados. El enfermo tiene hidropesa. Yo me encargo
de extraerle el lquido y luego le aplico sus inyecciones.
Pero la hidropesa no se cura con inyecciones
sentenci la buena costurera.
No! Se cura con caazo, y con hojas de culn
dijo en tono burln el cajamarquino.
Zonzo, para que sepas existen unas hierbas que yo
conozco y con tres tomas es suficiente para curar ese mal.
S? Por favor ta, dgame cual es esa hierba
mgica, yo le pagar muy bien si me dice cmo y dnde
conseguirla. Mi paciente tiene mucho cau cau [dinero],
l nos pagar con oro.
Bueno, mata sanos. Cuando lleguemos a la
hacienda te llevar a la casa donde vive esa persona
que cura enfermedades raras tan slo con sus hierbas
La ta Vige era conocida como curiosa. Saba preparar
agua para curar el susto, pomadas, emplastos, suturaba
heridas. Sobre todo era muy acertada para curar el mal
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de ojo de las criaturas inocentes. Tambin sacaba el

chucaque de la cabeza y del estmago. A sus pacientes,
la ta les jalaba los cabellos que envolva en sus dedos,
les escupa caazo y listo.
Ta, para las diarreas qu hierbas emplea usted?
Ay, serranito de las jalcas, los doctores como t,
no saben nada, tienes que aprender de nosotras las de
afe. Mira, consigues la cscara del coco, la hierves, le
agregas tres hojas de llantn, cinco gotas de limn y se
acab el mal.
Tambin la ta Vige curaba el susto de muerto y las
enfermedades del corazn. Para esos males recetaba
cocimientos de toronjil y pimpinela.
Su prestigio fue creciendo mucho ms, cuando se
enteraban que esta buena seora curaba por amor al
prjimo, jams cobraba un centavo. Por tal razn viva
modestamente gracias a su trabajo de costurera.

El Zanjn, el Zanjn!
En ese preciso instante se oy una voz, alguien gritaba con
mucho nfasis: El zanjn, el zanjn! Efectivamente ya se
vislumbraba lo que todos esperaban. El zanjn, pozo enorme
de agua, estaba a la vista. La arboleda que lo circundaba se
mova agitada por un viento fuerte. En pocas de lluvia era
peligroso cruzarlo. El agua era fangosa y bastante profunda
en muchos lugares para tragarse un camin. Cuando los
pasajeros llegaron hasta la misma orilla, todos dijeron al
mismo tiempo est repleto!
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El zanjn era un pozo enorme formado por las aguas

del recordado ro Loco, que se desbordara el ao 1925.
pocas fatdicas de las lluvias torrenciales que azotaron
toda la zona norte del Per, causando daos irreparables,
con inundaciones, quiebra de canales y ros.
Una seora morena que luca blusa floreada y llevaba
en el cuello una cadena gruesa de oro de la que penda
una cruz de madera, le pregunt a Barbn: Seor,
llegaremos a pasar al otro lado?
Vea seora, le contest el chofer, este camioncito
as como usted lo ve es capaz de muchas hazaas. Don
Juan es tan dueo de si mismo que slo le falta hablar
para decir: Jodido pero no vencido.
Todos los pasajeros bajaron del camin. Patuco ya
conoca la rutina y fue a conseguir ramas secas, costales,
piedras y maderas. Con todo ello improvisaran una especie
de puentecito para que el vehculo vadeara el pozo.
Despus de dar un buen vistazo alrededor y chequear
la profundidad del agua, Barbn consider que haba
encontrado un lugar llano para tratar de cruzar. Los
pasajeros subieron al camin, mientras que el chulillo
sondeaba con cuidado el agua turbia llenando los huecos
con el material que haba colectado. Casi todos los
pasajeros se encomendaban a sus santos milagrosos.
La ta Vige se puso nerviosa. Elle acarici al Cholo y
rez pensando en la Santa Cruz de Motupe cuando se
inici la travesa. Metro a metro fueron avanzando hacia
la otra orilla. Hubo un momento de suspenso cuando el
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viejo Ford del ao 29 se bambole dando la impresin

de que se volcara. La pericia del chofer evit lo que
sera una tragedia para ms de veinte personas, vidas
de llegar a la tierra del famoso Tungula, creador de los
incomparables huacos silbadores.

Una Tregua Sigue el Milagro

Los pasajeros entraron con xtasis. Cuando llegaron a la
otra orilla invocaron a Dios y le agradecieron por el milagro.
Justo en ese momento se escuch un estallido. Era la
cmara de la llanta delantera. El neumtico haba volado
por razones del calor, del peso y de los aos de uso.
Las aves silvestres que anidaban en los rboles de
aquel lugar se espantaron por el ruido y alzaron el vuelo
despavoridas. El zanjn era un lugar buclico. Una bella
floresta abrazaba aquel pozo. All se respiraba aire fresco y
se perciba el aroma de las flores.
Los rayos solares mostraban entre las ramas de los algarrobos
tiernos nidos de las aves canoras, y el viento bamboleaba los
enormes panales llenos de rica miel, para los pobres.
Luego de un buen rato, las mariposas multicolores llegaban
hasta la orilla y besaban las flores de sauce. Un concierto de
pjaros silvestres dieron la bienvenida a los visitantes que
llegaban desde Ferreafe hasta Batn Grande.
Aquellos tenan deseos de hacer algn negocio para
llevar el pan de cada da a los hijos que esperan con ansias
el retorno de pap y mam, quienes imitando a las palomas
cargan en sus picos, algunas ramitas, frutos o alimento.
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Cholo aprovech el momento de incertidumbre, tom

su honda y se dirigi a una pequea arboleda de donde
provenan gorjeos de chiroques, chiscos, urracas, planchines,
tordos y chilalos. Saba que entre esas ramas anidaban las
Mientras tanto el pobre Patuco sacaba la cmara de la
llanta para parcharla, alguien le pregunt Oye, tiene
huecos la cmara?
Esta llanta tiene ms huecos que la huaca La Merced
el chulillo sin inmutarse contest.
El zanjn era un predio rural, en ese casero vivan muchas
familias, los hombres trabajaban en los campos de sembro en la
hacienda. Tambin sembraban sus pequeas parcelitas. All no
faltaban las buenas yucas, el camote, el maz y tenan rboles
frutales. El agua nunca haca falta para regar las sementeras.
Las amas de casa criaban aves de corral dndoles maz,
algarroba picada y camote chancado. Los pavos del zanjn
tenan prestigio por ser gordos, grandes y bien alimentados.
La ta Vige era conocida en ese predio rural porque siempre
llegaba, de paso a la hacienda, para ofrecer sus costuritas. No en
vano se pasaba noches enteras en su casa de Ferreafe dndole a
su mquina de coser marca Pfaff, en la que cosa vestidos, blusas,
trajes de novia, camisas y pantaloncitos para nios y jvenes.
La buena ta se sacrificaba hasta el extremo. Ella nunca se
quejaba de mala situacin econmica. Cuando falleci su
hermana Tarcila, ella se hizo cargo de cinco sobrinos. A golpe
de mquina de coser, aguja, hilo, tijera, y pulmn logr sacar
adelante a cinco hurfanos.
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Una Curacin para el Mal de Ojo

Doa Ins, doa Ins! llam la ta varias veces. Nadie
contestaba, pero hasta la puerta llegaba un llanto lastimero
de alguna criatura. Los alaridos no cesaban.
El perro ladraba. Estaba nervioso por la presencia de un
extrao visitante. Doa Vige volvi a insistir llamando esta
vez con ms fuerza.
Espere! ya voy dijo la duea de casa. Pase seora
Virginia, pase.
Y el perro?
Ladra nada ms, pero es tan manso como marido
engaado contest doa Ins.
La visitante mir a su alrededor y a toda voz llam al Cholo.
l estaba muy entretenido correteando lagartijas y capones
y tratando de darle caza a una tortolita que tena su ala rota.
Cholo! Aprate...! era la voz de su ta.
La casita de la seora Ins era muy acogedora. Tena un
lindo patio, en macetas de arcilla marrn crecan flores de
variados matices. El techo de la casa rstica era de hinea.
Enormes campanillas azules decoraban la puerta de latn.
La fragancia de las diamelas embriagaba con su perfume en
ese ambiente primaveral.
Ambas seoras se abrazaron. La ta Vige miraba con
recelo al perro lanudo que segua gruendo.
Qu pas seora Vige, se qued el camin en el
No doa Ins, lo que pasa es que se ha reventado
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una llanta y la estn parchando. La pobre est como mis

chancletas de tanto uso.
Quin llora de esa manera, seora Ins?
Es mi zambita. Toda la madrugada no me ha
dejado pegar los ojos. La pobrecita llora y se toca el
vientre. Ella abre los brazos como pidindome algo que
yo no s que ser. Qu puedo darle?
A ver, tragala para verla.
La costurera abri su vieja cartera donde guardaba la
imagen de San Judas Tadeo.
Ins volvi con su hija en brazos, cada vez se quejaba
ms. Su llanto era lastimero y preocupante.
La visitante ech a la nia sobre su regazo, boca
arriba le levant su faldita. Al tocarle el vientre
exclam: Es mal de ojo!
Por favor trigame un huevo de gallina fresco. Si
es de hoy y de una gallina negra sera mucho mejor. Le
quitar ese mal con la mano.
La madre de la nia llorona llam a Coqui, su segundo
hijo, y le orden que fuera donde su vecina Andrea. All
l tena que solicitar lo que pidi la ta Vige. El muchacho
se fue corriendo y volvi casi al instante.
Mam, dice su comadre que estos huevos son de esta
maana. El blanco lo puso la gallina negrita y el verde es de
la ceniza crestona.
La ta los tom en sus manos, dej el verde a un lado.
Con el huevo blanco empez a pasrselo de la cabeza a los
pies de la nia. Sabe Dios que oraciones musitara la buena
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costurera. Casi al instante la enfermita dej de quejarse.

Cesaron los gritos y luego de un rato la nia se qued
Era mal de ojo, no le dije, seora Ins.
La culpa la tiene la hija de la comadre Andrea. Malena
vino a visitarme, mi zambita estuvo muy graciosita. Yo no
saba que la joven tena el ojo tan fuerte.
La costurera rompi el huevo en el filo del vaso y
deposit el contenido de esa postura en el agua clara.
Aqu se ve claramente. Si yo no llegaba a tiempo, no s
que podra haber sucedido con su nia.
Doa Ins carg a su hija en brazos y la llev a
su aposento. Luego ambas entablaron una amena
conversacin. El cielo se vea gris en la tierra de Tungula.
Seora Ins, dnde est su esposo?
Santos se fue de madrugada a la hacienda. Maana
pagarn la quincena. Ojal traiga dinero. Los muchachos
tienen que volver al colegio. Hay que pagar matrculas,
comprarles uniformes y cuadernos. Nosotros tambin
necesitamos conseguir muchas otras cosas para la casa.
Por si acaso llevo vestiditos y camisitas, y unos
pantalones como para Coqui.
Ay seora Vige, usted se pasa de buena gente, pero
yo no quiero abusar de su generosidad. Mejor si acaso
no los vende en la hacienda a su retorno, que sin duda
pasar por aqu, haremos trato.
Ya era ms de medioda. Cholo pidi un vaso de agua
fresca. El sol quemaba, el calor era mortificante.
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Seora Vige, Cholo puede tomar chicha?

Dle noms. Para que se vaya haciendo hombre.
Est fresca. De aqu al mircoles se pondr brava.
Esta chicha la he cocinado para el cumpleaos de mi Santos.
Seguramente vendrn amigos y familiares. El ao pasado
llegaron de sorpresa mis compadres desde el puerto de
Eten. Trajeron a un arpista y a un cantor que tamboreaba
de lo lindo. Como quisiera que usted estuviera presente
para aprender el baile de tierra. Yo s que mi Santos lo va
a festejar con ganas. Tiene visto un tapao y segn l, tiene
bastante material y todo de la poca de Tungula.
Bueno seora, yo por usted vendra desde Ferreafe
montada en burro. A pesar que muero por la buena
msica chola, este ao an no puedo bailar. He prometido
guardarle dos aos de luto a mi hermanita Tarcila que
falleci el 10 de abril del ao pasado.
Qu rica est la chicha dijo Cholo y nuevamente
bebi del potito. Era chicha de maz colorado, endulzada
con miel de chancaca y caa.
Hermosos gansos blancos y patos criollos nadaban en el
Vea seora, esos patos que usted est viendo son mos.
Yo los cocinar para el cumpleaos de mi Santos. En el
corral tengo dos chivos. El yonque no faltar. Ya mi Santos
encarg para que le traigan un odre de ese caazo de las
destileras de Molln.

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Los Huacos Silbadores

holo estaba extasiado contemplando un ceramio que

estaba atado a un chante y colgaba de una viga del
techo. Al darse cuenta doa Ins del gran inters del
muchacho por el huaquito, pregunt: Te gusta?
S, es muy bonito contest Cholo.
La seora Ins era una mujer joven que se le vea
esbelta, de piel cobriza, cabellos ensortijados, ojos vivaces y
negros. Su voz era media afnica.
Ella subi sobre un capacho vaco y descolgando el huaquito
de arcilla se lo entreg al muchacho dicindole: Cholo, te lo
regalo, es tuyo.
Ese huaquito tena como alegora dos cabezas pequeitas
de zorros con ojitos saltones. En verdad los zorritos cautivaban.
Cholo agradeci el obsequio con una espontnea sonrisa. Fue
entonces cuando record que en casa de su maestro de escuela,
el seor Martnez, en Ferreafe, haba visto un huaco similar del
mismo color y tamao. Ese huaquito tena tres zorritos.
Los muchachos de aquella escuela jugaban con el huaquito
y muchas veces se deleitaban con el sonido que emita aquel
pedazo de barro cocido. Sin duda alguna era un silbador.
Cholo acariciaba su huaquito. Le quit el polvo
impregnado y estaba dispuesto a pasarle un trapo hmedo,
pero la seora Ins no se lo permiti.
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Este huaquito no lo debes mojar nunca, es un

huaco silbador y si lo humedeces perder su lindo sonido
que lleva dentro.
La ta Vige agradeci a la seora Ins por el
obsequio que le hizo a Cholo. Mientras ambas seoras
conversaban, Cholo tom el huaquito con amor y se lo
llev a sus labios con intencin de besarlo. Sin querer
sopl con fuerza y algo inusitado sucedi al instante.
De aquel pedacito de barro cocido brot un sonido
tan agudo que por alguna razn desconocida inquiet a
los perros, los que empezaron a aullar lastimeramente y
los chilalos dejaron or sus cantos tristes.
Gracias por el obsequio seora Ins. Qu bello
sonido tiene. Mi Cholo lo guardar con mucho cuidado.
De dnde sacaron este silbador? Es acaso de la huaca
La Luca?
Vea doa Vige, usted sabe que mi marido Santos
es huaquero. l lo hall en una huaca desconocida que
existe cerca a Pomac. Eran tres huaquitos hermanitos, del
mismo tamao, del mismo color, tan slo se diferenciaban
porque como usted ve, ste; que ya es del Cholo, tiene
dos zorritos. El que tiene tres lo dej por olvido en una
chichera que hay en Pueblo Nuevo de Ferreafe.
Y el otro? indag la ta del Cholo.
Ay seora!, la necesidad tiene cara de hereje. Mi
Santos se lo vendi a un herbolario medio selvtico que
vive en la hacienda. Dicen que ahora es un gran brujo y
lo llaman Timoteo. Algunas personas dicen que este
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hombre ya tiene dinero, todos creen en l, pero pocos

saben que el arte mayor que posee en su mesa de
brujera es el huaquito silbador, hermanito del que se
est llevando su sobrino Cholo.
Qu dir usted seora Vige que no le invito ni un
bocado de comida? Con esto de la zambita no tuve
tiempo ni para prender el fogn.
No se preocupe contest la costurera. Yo
siempre vengo bien forrada. Lo mismo mi Cholo que es un
Cholo, anda y ve si ya parcharon la cmara de la llanta.
El sol se est poniendo a la izquierda, ya son ms de la una.
Mientras Cholo iba hasta el lugar donde estaba el
famoso Don Juan, las dos amigas continuaban con el
dilogo y aquella conversacin tom un giro desconocido.
Por aquellos das se comentaba en todo el departamento
de Lambayeque que los huaqueros estaban depredando
los viejos cementerios y que en Batn Grande en el
lugar llamado Sicn haban hallado valiososo tesoros
pertenecientes a culturas pre-incas.
Tapados con momias de los jerarcas que gobernaron
esas tierras y all junto a todo ese legado tan valioso
casi a flor de tierra se vean los cntaros, los mates, las
piedras, las conchas, los caracoles, los ajuares de oro,
las coronas, los pectorales, pulseras, collares y piedras
de colores, tejidos de lana, y hasta mazorcas de maz
granate, y por supuesto los incomparables huacos de
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La Ocurrencia Extraa
Usted no va a creer lo que le voy a relatar, ay seora
Vige, si parece que fuera mentira! As habl doa
Ins. Era una noche de Viernes Santo, como usted sabe
en Semana Santa se acostumbra a huaquear, porque dice
la gente que los espritus vagan esos das y abandonan
sus lechos dejndolos al libre albedro de los que cmo mi
Santos buscan los tapados. Testigos de lo que le cuento son
mi comadre Andrea, mi hermana mayor Estela, quien ahora
vive en la hacienda Ptapo y dos paisanitos que siempre
llegaban desde arriba.
Es decir de Penach, tierra de valientes ferreafanos de
los que segn la historia cuenta no se dejaron conquistar por
los Incas. Hasta hoy los herederos de ese linaje mantienen
sus costumbres y su credo. Visten ponchos granates con
ribetes negros como smbolos de la sangre real de aquella
estirpe de una raza indmita.
A esos paisanitos jvenes, les dbamos posada, aqu se
alojaron y aunque hablaban quechua, tambin masticaban
nuestro idioma espaol y nos entendamos mutuamente.
Continu doa Ins, por aquellos das se comentaba
que en una pirmide en las cercanas de esta hacienda, los
huaqueros haban hallado un inmenso tesoro arqueolgico.
En Batn Grande tan slo se hablaba de los famosos Tumis
de Oro.
Y qu pas? pregunt la visitante.
Ay, yo creo que el seor nos castig! Habamos
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bebido muchas copas de ese yonque de purito cogollo. Usted

sabe que esos das son sagrados, pero le seguimos dando a
la matraca. Cuando estbamos medio huaripampeaos, a
Santos se le ocurri sacar los huaquitos silbadores.
Uy lleg la hora de la partida! Ya estn tocando
la bocina. Doa Vige alz un costalillo, pero antes
de despedirse, interesada en el relato, le pidi a la
duea de casa que continuara con la historia. A la ta le
encantaban los cuentos de brujas y los misterios.
Y la seora Ins continu divulgando con detalles lo
ocurrido aquella noche de Semana Santa.
Santos entreg un huaquito a mi hermana y los
otros a los paisanitos. Nadie esperaba lo que sucedi
despus. Mi marido les orden que hicieran silbar a los
huacos. Soplen con fuerza les dijo. Primero escuchamos
un sonido bajo y grave, despus otro ms alto pero
melodioso. As cada quien intentaba sacarle ms
sonidos al huaco que tena entre sus manos y cuando
escuchbamos un sonido muy agudo casi como lamento,
yo me dije, como es posible que de un trozo de barro
broten notas musicales tan extraordinarias.
Y qu ocurri en ese momento? inquiri ta Vige.
Ay seora!, un inesperado remolino agit las aguas
del zanjn y las aves del corral cacareaban. a medida
que la msica brotaba de los huacos silbadores, apareci
una luna de color naranja. All mire usted seora entre
esas colinas que estamos viendo, hubieron truenos y
relmpagos. Se alarm toda la gente que vive aqu.
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Entonces Santos les arrebat los huaquitos tal vez por

intuicin y los guard dentro de aquella alforja que yo
guardo como recuerdo. Esa noche nos fuimos a dormir
muy asustados.
La ta Vige, acostumbrada a escuchar los relatos
diferentes, casi no dio gran importancia a lo dicho por la
seora Ins.
Vamos Cholo, ven despdete de la seora. Ta y
sobrino se dirigieron hasta el camin. El motor ya estaba
en marcha y otra vez los pasajeros emprendieron viaje
al pueblo de la hacienda ms fabulosa que existe en el
departamento de Lambayeque.

El Enigma de Moiss
Seor chofer, esas reses gordas, pertenecen a la
hacienda? pregunt una pasajera.
Yo creo que s seora. Valen una fortuna, pero no
solamente hay toros, vacas y corderos. Si no tambin
existe una granja donde Moiss cra unos cerdos
gigantes de una raza que llaman Polanchn.
Cunto puede el dinero, no? dijo la pasajera.
Todos los pasajeros que iban sentados en los asientos
delanteros miraban con mucha atencin la inmensa
arboleda y los caminos ahora casi intransitables por los
charcos existentes de ese lugar.
Entonces Moiss tendr mucha plata. Si l maneja todo
eso y a lo mejor tambin la lea y el carbn, bueno es como
sentirse un rey. Parece que Dios le dio de todo y en abundancia.
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No todo lo que brilla es oro acot la ta Vige quien

escuchaba la conversacin y continu diciendo: Lo que es
la vida, a ese hombre del que todos hablan lo rescataron del
zanjn, nunca se supo que madre desnaturalizada lo puso
en un cajn vaco, lo envolvio en una manta rada y sucia y
lo dej a merced de su suerte. Dos guardias rurales que por
casualidad pasaban esa maana rumbo a Batn Grande y a
Sangana, escucharon el llanto lastimero del desventurado
nio y lo salvaron de morir.
Y a dnde fue a parar? Seguramente a la casa hacienda,
no? pregunt una pasajera.
La historia es larga y confusa contest ta Vige.
Yo visito esta hacienda por ms de diez aos. Justo para los
aguaceros del ao 25 Moiss ya era un hombrecito. Siempre lo
vea montado en su pieajeno cargando lea, pasto y algunos
frutos que da la tierra.
La gente de estos lares comentaba que Moiss tena tatuado en
el brazo izquierdo una estrella. Misterio o qu. El caso es que nadie
sabe por qu razn, este hombre moreno, corpulento y trabajador
apareci en el domicilio de un japons apellidado Tokomura.
Y no tiene compaera? inquiri el boticario.
Seguramente tendr sus escondidas por all, los hombres
que viven solos, no son de confiar.
Y cansado Don Juan segua pistoneando por la altura.

El Remedio del rbol de la Ta

Ta Vige, usted cree que la epilepsia tiene cura?
Bueno seora, yo s que tiene cura, cuando el enfermo
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es joven y mejor si es nio. Cuando ya es hombre y ha dejado

que esa enfermedad se apodere de l, ya no. Todo es en
Y cmo se cura o qu se le da al enfermo?
Mire usted, yo no s mentir, pero le cuento que una de
mis clientas a quien le coso sus vestidos, tiene un hijo que yo
le cur de esta enfermedad tan horrible.
Y con qu remedio?
Con algo que muchos no creen y que est al alcance
de la mano. Ponga atencin porque yo lo hablo una vez, dijo
la costurera y divulg el remedio del rbol.
Justo en ese momento un pajarito de plumaje rojo
bermelln picoteaba las ramitas verdes. Vea seora, ese
pajarito que estamos viendo, se llama carpintero, su pico
es muy fuerte y con el perfora los troncos de los rboles
donde hace su nido.
Qu lindo verdad! inyect la seora.
El carpintero es un pajarito muy inquieto, pero hay
muchachos como mi Cholo que los cazan en sus nidos.
Bueno, y para qu sirve?
Escuche y calle la boca, cuando una persona no sabe
y quiere aprender tiene que hacerse la cojuda. Bueno
continu diciendo la ta Vige, a este pajarito se le abre
el pecho, luego se le saca el corazn, que se corta en cruz
con una navajita de afeitar. El corazn se echa en un frasco
con vino dulce y cuando est macerado despus de siete
das, se da a beber el vino, es decir hay que darle al enfermo,
una copita cada seis horas.
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Y el enfermo sana?
Ay carajo! Le quita toda la cojudez y lo deja sanito.
Cholo iba contento, mientras viajaba contemplaba su
huaquito y tiernamente acariciaba las cabecitas de los
zorritos, intent soplarlo pero luego se arrepinti.
Ya camino al pueblo de Batn Grande, los pasajeros
observaron como un ganadero, ltigo en mano, azuzaba
a una yunta de toros, tratando de sacarlos del fango. Ms
all se vean hermosos caballos en el corral rodeado por
troncos de rboles viejos; montones de algarrobas atraan
los mosquitos, los equinos agitaban sus colas.


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La Bienvenida en la Hacienda

a entrada a Batn Grande era muy atractiva.

Laureles blancos y rojos estaban floreando,
colores patrios, daban la bienvenida. En el cielo
despejado, bandadas de loros serranos cruzaban el
espacio; sus gritos se escuchaban claramente. Tal vez
saludaban la presencia del heroico Don Juan que a
duras penas llegaba a su destino.
Las horas, tienen alas! Ya son ms de las dos de
la tarde dijo Barbn a Patuco quien ese tramo viajaba
parado en el estribo del camioncito. Apenas lleguemos
iremos donde la Borrada. Yo me comer media res. Las
tripas me corren, el hambre no espera.
Ya en el pueblo, los curiosos recibieron con alegra
la presencia del popular camioncito, hroe de tantas
jormadas.El sonido de su motor lo delataba. Las amas de
casa saludaban al vencedor del zanjn, cruzarlo en esos
das de lluvia no era cosa de juego.
En la calle principal de aquella hacienda, junto al
mercadito, el viejo camioncito qued estacionado. Los
batangrandinos contemplaban con admiracin aquel
carruaje tan popular y querido. La lluvia haba dejado
limpio el cartelito en que se lea Don Juan.

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El motor estaba apagado pero despeda un vapor

caliente, que pareca el suspiro de un ser humano que
estando enfermo suele decir: Muerto, pero no enterrado.
Todos los pasajeros tomaron sus bultos, cada cual fue
en busca de sus familiares, amigos o parientes. Doa
Vige se despidi del Topiquero y quedaron en verse al da
Cholo levant las cajas de cartn, all frente al
mercadito estaba la casa de la familia Gutirrez donde la
ta se alojaba. En la puerta de aquel hogar tan acogedor
estaba Soledad, la segunda hija de don Carlos.
Qu gusto de verla ta Vige. Yo saba que usted no
faltara esta quincena. El motivo? Ya usted lo sabe.
Soledad era una mujer muy joven y hermosa con tez
blanca, ojos grandes, cejas pobladas, cabello castao y
largo, que le llegaba a la cintura.
Qu linda ests hija. Y mi comadre? la ta
Ella fue invitada a un almuerzo, pero dentro de
pocos minutos volver; pase, pase, esta es su casa.
En aquel hogar se notaba el orden. Los muebles
cubiertos con tela gruesa. Sobre la mesita de centro en
un portaretrato se vean rostros alegres y felices de los
esposos Gutirrez Castilla. Don Carlos y doa Elena
aparentaban tener en la fotografa unos veinte abriles.
En la parte alta de aquella pared en la sala colgaba
un hermoso cuadro con la sagrada imagen del Corazn
de Jess.
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Y mi compadre? inquiri ta Vige.

Est en la oficina de administracin, es quincena y
l tiene muchas obligaciones, sobre todo con la gente del
campo, todos pueden faltar menos mi pap.
Una vez instalada en su cuarto, la visitante se lav
la cara en una palangana. Su sobrino hizo lo mismo. Ta
y sobrino tomaron unas cajas y disculpndose salieron
Soledad, ya regreso. Voy a la fragua. All tengo mi
Vaya noms seora. Seguramente cuando vuelva
ya mam estar aqu.
Un viento ligero y algo fro envolvi al pueblo. Nubes
oscuras se vean all lejos en la cordillera, pero el sol an

La Cocina de la Borrada en la Fragua

Cholo, aprate, deja esa honda en el cuarto que si
tardamos mucho no encontraremos nada de comer donde la
Borrada en la fragua.
La casa hacienda estaba all noms al finalizar la
calle ancha. Dos palmeras se mecan con el viento. La
peonada se diriga a las oficinas de pago. Algunos vestan
pantalones blancos y camisas del mismo color. Otros
llevaban poncho granate y calzaban llanques de cuero.
Alforja al hombro y machetes a la cintura. Rumiando sus
penas all estaban los labradores de la fabulosa tierra de
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La fragua era un taller de herrera donde se reparaban

los instrumentos de labranza de la hacienda. El maestro
herrero era un zambo zaero. l era un hombre maduro
pero fuerte, de carcter alegre. Todos lo conocan porque
desde muy tempranas horas le daba a la fragua, en la que
pona al rojo vivo las puntas de los arados y a combazo
limpio daba forma a muchas herramientas.
Al herrero todos lo conocan por el apodo de Lothar,
figura popular de una tira cmica de la revista El Tony.
Lothar fiel sirviente del inolvidable Mandraque, el mago.
Vecinos de Lothar eran dos hermanos, Teodosio
y Rosaura, ambos illimanos. Teodosio era licenciado
del ejrcito. A su hermana la llamaban la Borrada
porque la cruel viruela haba dejado huellas en su
morocho rostro de mujer provinciana. Cocinaba muy
bien, preparaba piqueos y una chicha que guardaba en
porrones para luego embotellarla.
La gente batangrandina chismeaba, es decir
comentaba que Lothar y la Borrada se entendan a las mil
Lothar, el zaero, era un buen tejero, su prestigio
lleg hasta otros pueblos y haciendas, muchas personas
llegaban desde muy lejos para competir en este juego de
lanzar huachas de metal sobre adobes.
La ta y el Cholo, llegaron hasta la fragua y al poco
rato ya estaban saboreando un plato con bagres bien
condimentados. En pocas de lluvias los bagres, los lifes
y los cascafes abundan en el ro.
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Teodosio dijo la ta Vige, aqu dejo en este

paquete el sostn que me pidi tu hermana Rosaura, dile
que maana volver. Tengo que visitar ms clientes.
Se ocult el astro rey, las nubes cargadas de agua,
truenos y relmpagos evidenciaban que esa noche
tambin llovera a cntaros.
Parece que va a llover observ la ta. Es
mejor que retorne a casa de mi comadre Elena. No
vaya a ser que me agarre la lluvia y me resfre. Yo estoy
convaleciendo de una fuerte gripe.
Empez la lluvia pero ya la seora Elena estaba en
su casa. Don Carlos acariciaba la cabellera de su hija
Soledad, la ta comentaba lo acontecido durante el viaje
en el fantstico camioncito Don Juan. Lamparines y
linternas encendidas alumbraban la casa. En la cocina
un candil lloraba lgrimas amarillentas. El humo se
impregnaba en el techo de viejas y oxidadas calaminas
de zinc que soportaban la tormenta.
Sabe comadre Vige, que este domingo ser la
pedida de mano de mi hija Margarita?
S! Pueblo chico, infierno grande. Las noticias
tienen alas y vuelan. Ya estoy enterada. Francamente no
recuerdo al novio. Lo conozco?
Claro comadre. Es aquel comerciante de cacao a quien
llaman el Serrano.
Ah! Evaristo. Cmo, ese hombre no es casado?
No. Tiene su peor es nada por all y dos hijos menores en
una negra. Vive en la hacienda Capote, pero Evaristo es soltero.
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Se vea a las claras que la madre de Margarita estaba

Comadre Elena, ese tal Serrano es el qu tiene un
zambito en la Traposa? All me parece haber visto hace tiempo
a una serranita buenamoza. No vaya a suceder qu.?
No pudo continuar con ms detalles porque doa Elena
la cort con estas palabras.
S, ya s todo, pero qu se puede hacer? Nadie
manda en el corazn de una mujer enamorada.
Lstima dijo doa Vige. Margarita es mucho ms
joven que l. Dice un refrn: El amor y el inters se fueron
al campo un da, y ms pudo el inters que el amor que ella
tena. Cuntos aos tendr el novio?
Ya pasa los cuarenta.
Y mi Margarita?
Ella cumplir 22 en el mes de septiembre.
Bueno sentenci la costurera. Para el amor no
hay edad.
La duea de casa algo cansada por el trajn, sugiri a todos:
Hay que descansar, maana sbado tenemos que
preparar la comida para los invitados a la pedida del da
domingo. No hemos invitado a muchas personas, pero
aqu nunca faltan los zampones.
Como siempre sola ocurrir los das viernes Timoteo, el
brujo, quien era vecino de don Carlos y doa Elena, realizaba
sus sesiones brujeriles en las noches de los ltimos viernes de
cada mes. Pese a las lluvias los pacientes fueron llegando
protegidos por mantas, ponchos, y sombreros de junco.
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La Mesa y el Lenguaje de las Hierbas

Esa noche mientras todos dorman en casa de los Gutirrez
Castilla, Timoteo preparaba sus menjunjes. Cocimientos de
hierbas cuyo olor nauseabundo inundaba y contaminaba
el ambiente, pero sus vecinos ya estaban habituados. Tal
vez por quedar bien con el brujo, nadie osaba a protestar o
denunciarlo ante las autoridades de la hacienda.
Cholo en su cama daba vueltas y ms vueltas, no poda
dormir. Su pensamiento estaba fijo en aquel huaquito
silbador guardado en una caja de cartn, debajo de la cama
donde dorma la ta amorosa y buena.
Ya era ms de la medianoche, la lluvia haba cesado, el
silencio era casi total. Cholo se levant para ir al corral.
Tena deseos de orinar. Al pasar por la cocina, le llam la
atencin el sonsonete de un canto triste acompasado por
una especie de maraca. Subi a la mesa de la cocina se
fue acercando a la quincha que colindaba con la casa del
vecino curandero. Desde aquel lugar pudo contemplar unas
escenas que lo dejaron perplejo.
Era una sesin de brujera. Timoteo sentado sobre unos
mugrosos cojines cantaba y haca sonar sus chunganas. A su
lado haban personas, todas beban un lquido verdoso en vasos
de vidrio. Los alzadores sorban por las fosas nasales una mezcla
de tabaco, yonque y la hierba poderosa llamada micha que es
alucingena y se usa en las sesiones de curanderos.
En conchas de abanico traan el lquido que absorban los
alzadores y algunos pacientes. Cuando los enfermos empezaron a
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danzar al ritmo de las chunganas, empez a llover nuevamente y

con ms fuerza.
Cholo observaba todo lo que haba en la mesa del curandero.
Sobre una manta tendida en el suelo, l vea botellas de vidrio
transparente y dentro de ellas serpientes disecadas en alcohol,
huacos de todas las formas, colores y tamaos, sables mohosos,
puales, piedras raras, flores marchitas. Tambin haban estampas
de papel con las imgenes de San Cipriano, conchas y caracoles
sobre unas mesitas de madera de sauce.
Vea otros frascos con hierbas vivas, collares de chaquiras
azules, un ltigo y dos cruces, una de piedra y otra de madera
blanca. Lluvia, danza y cantos extraos, hierbas, tabaco,
fragancias, era la brujera que existe en toda esta regin.
Creencias ancestrales que se van heredando de generacin en
generacin a travs del tiempo.
Un horrendo grito peg una joven mujer. Cholo se estremeci
pero ya no poda dejar de ver tal espectculo. La joven se tir al
piso y empez a temblar como perro cuando le dan bocado. Los
alzadores le rociaron caazo sobre su cuerpo.
Timoteo silenci sus chunganas. Tomando una varilla
de membrillo hizo el ademn de cortar el viento.
La joven segua delirando, deca cosas incoherentes.
Los que danzaban con frenes parecan no darse cuenta
de lo que estaba sucediendo.
Un alzador muy joven se acerc al maestro Timoteo
y le susurr al odo. El curandero busc un cofrecito de
madera tallada, lo abri y extrajo algo que al Cholo le
llam la atencin. Era un huaco idntico al suyo, del
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mismo color y tamao. Ese huaco era el arte mayor

de aquella mesa que manejaba Timoteo, el maestro de
curanderismo ms mentado de Sicn.
Timoteo encendi cuatro velas. Luego quem el palo
santo y tomando el frasquito de agua de caanga le dio
a beber a la que convulsionaba. En medio de las velas
encendidas estaba el huaquito. Esa joyita, era el mismo
que el huaquero Santos se lo vendiera a un precio tan
bajo y por esa razn la seora Ins siempre se lamentaba.
Cholo se emocion tanto que casi se cae de donde
estaba parado. Timoteo bebi algo de un frasquito azulino
escupi hacia arriba y roci con ese lquido al huaquito.
Luego se lo llev a sus labios y sopl con fuerza. Un
extraordinario sonido agudsimo brot al instante de
aquel pedazo de barro cocido.
Los que danzaban quedaron quietos y la joven dej de
gritar, ces la lluvia y todo qued en silencio. Cholo baj
de la mesa y apresurado fue al corral para orinar.
Cuando regres al dormitorio, intent dormir pero no
pudo. Aquel misterioso sonido, esa meloda casi similar a
la de su huaquito no lo dejaba en paz. Se escuch el canto
del gallo, ya era casi de madrugada.


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Un Comienzo Temprano

l da sbado todos se despertaron muy temprano.

El corral era un fango. La muchacha de servicio
barra la sala y sacuda los muebles. En la cocina
de adobes arda la lea, que felizmente haban guardado
para ese da. A la hora del desayuno toda la familia
estaba sentada alrededor de la mesa en el comedor.
La ta apur el jarro enlozado y musit Est que
hierve, pero as me gusta. Qu rico est este chocolate,
seguro que es de Mayascn.
Dnde est Cholo? pregunt Nicols, el hijo
menor de doa Elena.
La ta respondi se le han pegado las sbanas, se
ha quedado dormido. Voy a despertarlo, pues tenemos
que ir a varias casas. Mi clientela me estar esperando.
Tengo que aprovechar hoy da, caern los pescaos.
Agustina, pon a hervir dos latas de agua orden
doa Elena a la sirvienta. Las horas pasan volando.
Hay que sacrificar al chancho, pelarlo, aderezarlo y
meterlo al horno. Ojal don Crispn haya prendido su
horno, ayer lo vi en el tambo. Estaba bebiendo vino con
ese Topiquero que vive en Ferreafe.
Todo estaba programado para el da domingo, da de la
pedida de mano de Margarita, quizs la hija ms consentida

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por sus padres. Ella era muy bonita, alta, esbelta y duea
de un prominente busto que era la admiracin de muchos
jvenes. Margarita se encarg de cortarle el cuello a las
gallinas, patos y pavos. La fiesta sera suntuosa.
Esa maana del da sbado, el sol acariciaba los cerros.
En Batn Grande haba mucho trajn, era quincena y todo
el mundo esperaba su pago. Desde varios lugares llegaban
los peones de la hacienda con las acmilas cargadas de
La hora de la verdad se estaba acercando. Casi todo
el pueblo estaba enterado que el da domingo un hombre
suertudo pedira la mano de Margarita. Uno de los
hermanos Aurich sera testigo de aquel compromiso. Don
Carlos estaba meditando pero orgulloso al saber que un
patrn de la hacienda le hara ese honor.
Mientras tanto la ta y el sobrino, sorteaban el
barro para cruzar las calles, cargaban su mercadera,
procurando vender alguito. En Ferreafe la esperaban a
la sacrificada costurera, cuatro hurfanos.
Cuando el pueblo de Batn Grande despert en la
maana del da domingo, todo la gente estaba muy
optimista y alegre. Era fin de mes y con plata, no
se puede pedir ms, decan algunos. Los jornaleros
cancelaban la deuda de su pedido quincenal y
nuevamente sacaban provisiones. Alimentos eran la
primera necesidad pero tambin llevaban medias, ligas,
peines, polvos, coloretes, lpices labiales, olores y
otras cosas.
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La Fiesta Comienza
Cohetes de arranque, petardos, bombardas, y msica alegre,
se escuchaban en las cercanas de la casa hacienda en el
viejo tambo de la hacienda. A un costado del mostrador los
peones empinaban el codo. Entonces la botella de yonque
tan slo costaba 50 centavos, los bizcochos dulces 10
centavos y el cuarto de arroz chino 40 centavos.
El japons Nakasaki necesitaba varias manos para
distribuir las provisiones. Siempre con su lpiz Faber,
apuntaba y apuntaba para la prxima quincena las rdenes
de fideos, portolas, vinagre, azcar, velas y fsforos.
El cielo estaba lmpido. Todas las personas que estaban
en ese momento en la calle principal, fueron testigos de algo
que no se ve as noms. Un halcn persegua a una tierna
paloma. Ambas aves zigzagueaban en el espacio, cuando el
ave de rapia atrap a la palomita, un cholo de la Traposa
exclam Cundo el halcn le pone el ojo a una palomita,
ya es alma de la otra vida! No se le escapa.
En esa calle ancha y principal haban dos peluqueras
regentadas por japoneses. All un cliente le pregunt a
Maeda Qu fiesta celebran hoy?
Yo no saber. Aqu fiesta, fiesta, gente alegre.
Otro cliente, quien tambin esperaba su turno para que
le cortaran el pelo, exclam Creo que hay jarana en la casa
hacienda. All est la banda de msicos Grau de Ferreafe.
Carajo! Esa banda de los negros toca muy bien. Y
por dnde vinieron si el zanjn est hasta las orejas?
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Se han dado la vuelta por Chiclayo acot un viejo.

Los Aurich tienen y cuando hay plata, jeringa no mata.

La Epidemia Fatal
Varios clientes de la picantera la fragua, comentaban eso
de la epidemia que causaba tantos estragos en la zona del
La peste bubnica asolaba a los pueblos lambayecanos, la
alarma era general. La peste vena de la provincia adyacente
de Cajamarca. Haba causado muertes en Incahuasi,
Mayascn y la Traposa. Cada da la peste estaba ms cerca a
Batn Grande y Ferreafe.
La ta Vige sonri con desdn y dijo Ms es el miedo
a lo que se dice, que el dao que causa la enfermedad! Yo s
como y con qu se cura la bubnica.
Efectivamente ella haba sufrido en carne propia aquella
peste y se haba curado con un remedio casero.
Ta grit por all un parroquiano. Tmese la
ltima porque la peste est por el zanjn.
Entonces cudate t le contest la ferreafana,
porque la bubnica slo da una vez y si no te lleva la
trampa ya no tienes de qu preocuparte. Pero por si acaso
esta peste se cura con el jugo del ccuno. Esa hierba es
ms amarga que suegra de yerno borracho y mujeriego
como t muy bien lo sabes, pero cura. Tambin se le frota al
enfermo con vaselina yodada sobre los bulbos infectados y
bajan las hinchazones; con agua fenicada se desinfectan las
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Cuando Damin, galn de la Borrada, escuch lo dicho

por la ta se mand un doble de caazo y como saba cantar
a la sordina enton unas coplas que el pueblo cantaba en
ritmo de baile de tierra.
Qu bien canta el herrero! dijo Puche Vilela.
Srvanle otra llena a ver si se anima a cantarnos algo
de Chongoyape. Damin no se hizo de rogar, remoj su
garganta y enton el triste.
Mientras tanto la fragua se vea colmada de clientes.
Todos llegaban a saborear los ricos potajes. All pasaran
el da jugando briscan, y lanzado de tejas sobre adobes
marcados con tiza.
Montado en su brioso corcel, Cholo Lolo haca piruetas
en plena calle. Ya la gente saba que cuando ese chaln
tomaba sus copas gustaba lucirse para que lo aplaudieran y
lo consegua.
En ese momento pasaba por esa calle Juanito un
enanito muy gracioso, bufn de los dueos de una hacienda
cercana a Chiclayo. Vesta como ingeniero, un traje color
kaki, polainas, y cascos. Ese da llevaba atado en el cuello
un pauelo de seda de color amarillo. Su mano derecha
portaba un fuete con empuadura de cuero. Los palomillas
se burlaban de l, pero el liliputiense sonrea y los miraba
con desdn.
La ta reciba algunas monedas de manos de la Borrada,
se haba cristalizado algn negocio.
Tu hermano Teodosio no me querr fiar un pavo?, se
lo pagar la prxima quincena.
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La Borrada contest al instante Seora los pavos son

mos, puede llevarse uno o dos. Mire, ya tienen mecha,
despus arreglaremos.
Entonces, maana antes de retornar a mi tierra,
vendr por ellos.
En el tambo trabajaba un seor Cruz, hombre de
confianza de los japoneses. Este seor de Lambayeque
controlaba las libretas de los deudores. En su dedo anular
luca un sortijn de oro puro. Cuando le preguntaban de
dnde era ese metal precioso, el seor Cruz responda con
orgullo: Este oro es de la tierra de Tungula.
Mientras tanto en la fragua, la ta meta la mano a un
bolso de papel, sac una trusa (calzn) de color celeste y se
la ofreci a la Borrada.
No seora, usted no me debe nada. Yo no olvidar
jams la vez que me cur aquel chucaque de barriga. Ay
mamita!, si no es por usted, no estara contando el cuento.
Intent devolver la prenda ntima, pero ya la ta estaba
en la puerta. Tena que llegar a tiempo para la pedida de
mano de la bella Margarita.


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Matrimonio y Mortaja del Cielo Bajan

n el hogar de los esposos Gutirrez Castilla, todo era

ajetreo. Se acercaba la hora y los invitados estaban por
llegar. En la cocina las encargadas de preparar los potajes
sudaban la gota gorda. El calor era matador, las calaminas se
haban recalentado por el sol abrasador y casi no corra aire.
All estaba la mesa rectangular y grande, manteles blancos
limpios y planchaditos, fuentes y lapas con presas de pavo
horneado, pan de yema, aceitunas negras de Monsef y buen
queso serrano. En las ollas de barro haban guisado los patos,
caballas saladas, choclos y las mejores yucas batangrandinas
suaves como el algodn. El banquete sera de primera.
El primer invitado que lleg a la pedida fue el Ciego
Elas, un verdadero maestro tocando la guitarra. Este gran
artista ferreafano, era invidente desde nio, gozaba de un
gran prestigio en todo el departamento de Lambayeque.
No bien hubo llegado le sirvieron algo de comer, luego le
invitaron el buen yonque. El artista desenfund su guitarra,
compaera fiel, y empez un concierto ejecutando obras
clsicas. Despus toc pasacalles, tristes, tangos de aquella
poca, valses y marchas.
Don Carlos se embelesaba escuchndolo. giles dedos se
deslizaban sobre el diapasn de la guitarra produciendo sonoros
arpegios musicales que semejaban sonidos de las cataratas,

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cadas de agua pura y cristalina. El Ciego Elas se extasiaba

arrancndole bellos acordes a las seis cuerdas metlicas.
Trmulos suaves invitaban a soar. Una meloda sublime
tocaba las fibras ms ntimas del ser humano. Nunca antes
alguien haba tocado as una guitarra en esa casa. Por eso
todos los que escucharon los mgicos sonidos que brotaban
de ese instrumento espaol se quedaron perplejos y luego
aplaudieron al maestro.
Don Carlos abraz al ciego y le suplic ejecutse la
marcha Morn. El artista obedeci y ms adelante toc
obras de Trrega y renombrados compositores universales.
Maestro, maestro. Por qu no nos canta ese baile de
tierra tan popular en todo el departamento de Lambayeque, ese
que dice que el cura Chumn cobraba cupos a los hacendados?
Era una mujer madura la que solicitaba esa cancin.
Con todo respeto seora, yo conozco esa cancin, no
olvide usted que cant Las 300 libras de oro, soy materia
Luego de sendas copas de yonque, la baile de tierra
alegraba los corazones de todos los invitados a la pedida de
mano de la bella Margarita.
Maestro Elas, despus de la ceremonia cuando el
ambiente est ms calmado, me gustara escuchar un pasillo
ecuatoriano, Flores Negras que dice en su letra: Oye bajo
las ruinas de mis pasiones
Seora Emerita, no se preocupe. La complacer, no
olvidar su pedido.El guitarrista colg su instrumento en
un clavo.
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Apresurada y agitada como siempre lleg la ta Vige. Lo

primero que hizo fue preguntar por la novia.
Dnde est Margarita?
Est en su cuarto dijo la hermana menor.
Entonces perdname, voy a peinarla.
Como la ta pasaba a travs de la cocina, la empleada
la salud y mirndola con detenimiento le dijo en voz baja
La veo medio huaripampeada.
No! contest la ta del Cholo. Slo he tomado
una copita de ans, porque me dola el estmago y la cabeza
de tanta preocupacin.
Margarita acababa de vestirse cuando la ta entr en su
Hola doa Vige. Y qu tal le fue?
Bien, gracias a mi Cruz de Motupe. Dicen que: Perro
que anda, hueso encuentra.
Pein doa Vige a la novia y sali presta a la calle con
el nico propsito de saludar a los paisanos de su marido
don Kanno: Goto, Tokomura, y Maeda, trabajadores de la
hacienda quienes haban sido invitados al acontecimiento
social de ese da.
All en la peluquera del japons Maeda, se haban
reunido otros paisanos de l. La ta conversaba con todos
ellos, en esos momentos se escuch el sonido de la flautita
y el tam tam de un tamborcito chico. Era un Chilico quien
llevaba una urnita y dentro de ella la imagen de la llamada
Virgen Peregrina. Solicitaba una limosna y las personas que
la adoraban reciban un trocito de algodn bendito.
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De dnde eres? le pregunt la costurera

Soy de Celendn le contest el flautero.
Ah! Entonces t eres paisano del Topiquero mentiroso.
Los japoneses y vecinos de don Carlos se acicalaban
frente al espejo. Todos iran a la pedida de mano de
La casa hacienda no distaba mucho de la casa de don
Carlos. El viento traa las notas alegres de la msica que
interpretaba la banda Grau. Ese grupo musical estaba
ensayando. El patrn le dara una sorpresa a Margarita. Esa
banda amenizara la ceremonia y los vecinos de esas calles
se llenaran de regocijo.

La Llegada del Gringo Jaime

Miren quin ha llegado! Era la cocinera quien adverta
la presencia de Jaime, personaje muy popular en Batn
Grande. La mayora lo conoca como el Gringo. Realmente
era norteamericano y haba nacido en Oklahoma, eso se supo
tiempo despus.
Jaime se haba desempeado como tcnico en una de
las grandes refineras de petrleo que existen en los Estados
Unidos de Norteamrica. Era blanco, de buena estatura,
su cabello tena el color de la zanahoria. Su barba tupida y
crecida le daba la apariencia de ser una persona ms adulta.
Jaime llegaba al pueblo casi siempre, sobre todo
para los das de pago, cargando un bolso de cuero. Vesta
modestamente pantalones de corduroy, camisa a cuadros,
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sombrero de pao, y botas altas. Usaba lentes ahumados,

fumaba con boquilla, y beba poco alcohol.
Viva de los incautos a quienes les compraba a buen
precio, monedas de plata de 9 dcimos, pero su negocio
era hacer cambalaches. Jaime iba provisto de chucheras
para las mujeres y realizaba canjes con trocitos de metales,
hallados en las huacas. Siempre se le vea probando la ley
del oro adquirido, mediante el cido que llevaba en un
frasquito de cristal y guardaba en su bolso.
Seor Jaime, tengo dos huaquitos bien bonitos. No
los quiere ver? inquiri un invitado.
Son silbadores?
No! Pero tienen forma de lechuza y de sapo.
Bueno, quiero verlos. Si me gustan hacemos canje.
De una esquina de la sala, otra persona dijo al gringo.
Pasa Jaime, toma asiento aqu. Me da mucho gusto verte.
Quien le hablaba era un cabo de la guardia civil que llegaba de
vez en cuando para resguardar el orden en ese pueblo.

La Mano de Margarita
Qu buen vino! Es de botija? Era el Ciego Elas que
saboreaba aquel nctar de la uva.
Qu buen paladar tena usted, maestro. Lo que es
Bayer es Bayer.
Qu Bayer ni ocho cuartos, este vino es jayancano.
Nadie me engaa.
Otros invitados se fueron acomodando. La sala quedaba
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All viene, all viene! grit una muchacha quien

estaba parada en la puerta.
Todos los invitados se pusieron de pie para recibir al feliz
mortal, que sabe Dios cmo haba conquistado el corazn de
la bella Margarita.
Evaristo avanzaba por el centro de la calle, vesta
pantalones beige, camisa de popelina, sombrero de palma
aln. Adornaban sus manos sortijas de oro y una muequera
de cuero charol brillante. A su lado caminaba su hermana
Candelaria, mujer de mal carcter e ignorantona. Apenas
saba firmar su nombre, pero era muy trabajadora dedicada
al negocio del yonque, cacao y sal.
Candelaria llevaba puesto un flamante vestido de
satn de seda color cielo y zapatos de taco. Llevaba en el
brazo una gran cartera cuyo broche semejaba una mariposa.
Tras de los hermanos vena un nio montado en un piajenito
mojino, en una alforja ancha traa dos hermosos pavos reales.
Era el presente de Evaristo para sus suegros Carlos y Elena.
Evaristo haba tomado del brazo a su hermana
Candelaria. Al llegar a casa se descubri, salud a todos en
general y abraz a su futuro suegro. Los hermanos fueron
recibidos con simpata.
En el dormitorio, Margarita estaba muy nerviosa. Doa
Elena le pona unos finos aretes con perlitas al punto que le
deca, ya lleg El Serrano y ha venido con la malgeniada
de su hermana.
Evaristo tena gran facilidad de palabra y expres el
motivo de su visita. Los padres presentaron a Margarita y
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en ese preciso momento la banda Grau ejecutaba una alegre

polca, era un presente de uno de los hacendados para la
novia tan hermosa y admirada en toda la hacienda.
Mientras el pueblito gozaba con la msica, en casa de la
novia sus amigas se pusieron tristes cuando ella acept como
novio a Evaristo. Todas haban deseado para Margarita,
alguien mejor, tan bonita, tan hacendosa y tan joven; pero:
en la vida cuando alguien propone, otros disponen, llega el
diablo y todo lo descompone.
Como es de suponer la pedida fue todo un acontecimiento
algo que as noms no sucede todo el pueblo comentaba
el suceso. Qu vivan los novios! Qu bailen y qu se
besen! todos gritaron.
Los invitados disfrutaban esa tarde tan alegre, porque
cuando llega el amor, la tristeza emprende marcha y se
retira. Los exquisitos platos de la comida criolla, desfilaban
uno tras otro; luego el vino, la chicha, la cerveza, hasta
licores desconocidos hacan la delicia de los invitados.
Candelaria media turumba dej su asiento y en un
acto de querer retar al patrn, se acerc al testigo y lo
invit a bailar un huaynito. Sin ms ni ms, casi en forma
irrespetuosa, lo tom del brazo y dirigindose con l hasta
la calle, pidi al director de la banda, que interpretara el
Silulo, danza carnavalera cajamarquina.
Cuando el redoblante, los platillos y el bombo marcaron
el comps del huaynito, don Juan Chico empez con su
bombardo y luego los saxofones, las trompetas, y los clarinetes
armonizaron en la meloda tan peruana y tan de pueblo.
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Lo que no se imaginaba la testaruda de Candelaria era

que el patrn bailaba con mucho arte aquella danza, porque
en sus venas corra sangre batangrandina.
Muchos aplausos se ganaron el patrn y Candelaria.
La banda toc seguidamente esa cancin tan de moda por
aquellos das Adolorido. Don Carlos recordaba la letra:
Adolorido, adolorido, adolorido del corazn, por una
ingrata, por una ingrata, que me ha robado el corazn
Por all el Topiquero afirm Qu bien baila el Serrano,
Como no va a bailar bien si es asiduo cliente de las
casas del barrio alegre de Chiclayo. Yo siempre lo veo
por all los fines de mes. El Serrano tiene sus cobres y los
disfruta dijo el cabo de la guardia civil, y apur el vino de
su copa.
Tal vez fatigados por el trajn, Evaristo y su hermana
optaron por despedirse. Ya la tarde se oscureca y era posible
que esa noche volviera a llover en toda la comarca de Sicn.
Mientras la gente segua escuchando a los de la banda
Grau, la seora Elena orden que les sirvieran doble a los
msicos. Se lo merecen deca la madre de Margarita.
Mamn quien tocaba el tringulo en esa agrupacin,
repeta ms de una vez el plato. Los invitados se quedaban
admirados por la facilidad con que devoraba la comida. Ese
era su apodo en Ferreafe porque mam los pechos de su
madre hasta la increble edad de diez aos. La noche se fue
acercando, algunos invitados se iban casi sin despedirse,
otros en cambio llegaban con nimo de rematar el domingo.
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Despus que la Banda Dej de Tocar

Cuando la banda dej de tocar era hora de retirarse a
descansar. La lluvia era inminente, all en plena calle se vea
al maltratado camioncito, solo, abandonado a su suerte.
Don Juan pareca decir en voz baja: A uno slo lo buscan
cundo lo necesitan.
En el comedor los amigos ms ntimos de la familia
charlaban animadamente. El Ciego Elas dorma plcidamente
en una perezosa. En la sala haban varios heridos y dorman
la mona.
Cuando Damin, el herrero, lleg con un pen cortador
de caa, tuvo una expresin criolla Hay ms muertos que
vivos pero la guerra contina.
No faltaron comentarios sobre el noviazgo y alguien
se atrevi a insinuar que tal vez Margarita haba sido
embrujada por algn curandero de esa zona.
Otro invitado terci en la conversacin y prometi que le
pedira a Timoteo poner una mesa para ver si aquella nia
haba sido objeto de la brujera.
Quin es ese seor? indag Jaime.
Es el maestro Timoteo, el que mueve las chunganas y
lo sabe todo con sus hierbas asegur un vecino.
Son cojudeces eso de los brujos. Yo no creo! asever
No? Gringo ese hombre tiene un huaco silbador que
cuando lo sopla para sacarle sonido se estremece la tierra.
Yo lo digo porque he sido testigo de ello. Eso me ha contado
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la seora Ins, la que vive en el zanjn, y lo sabe la ta Vige.

Es amiga de Santos, el famoso huaquero.
A esa altura de los comentarios casi todos metieron
su cuchara en la conversacin. La reunin se haca
ms amena cuando don Maeda, El Viejo como lo solan
llamar en la hacienda, se atrevi a vaticinar Algn
da vendr desde muy lejos, tal vez desde el Japn, un
experto arquelogo, y con la ayuda de alguien como
nosotros descubrir la tumba ms antigua e importante
de Batn Grande, la tierra de Sicn, cuna de Tungula.
Todos ignoraban que Jaime tena estudios universitarios
y conoca mucho de las ciencias nucleares. Como el yonque
hace hablar, dos buenas copas le aflojaron la lengua al
Ahora que recuerdo explic Jaime. En la
universidad donde yo estudi un grupo de cientficos
investigaba sobre la influencia del color y del sonido en
la mente humana. Mediante esta tcnica, y su poder
extraordinario, se podran curar enfermos con resultados
Prosiguiendo con su teora aprendida, dijo tambin
que: Cada persona tiene un color y un sonido, si alguna
vez enferma slo hay que probar poco a poco aquella
coincidencia y el enfermo se aliviar al instante. Tal vez esto
ocurri hace muchos siglos cuando los alquimistas estaban
plenamente seguros que el cuerpo humano es vibracin,
es decir msica y armona, y que el fsico responde cuando
encuentra concordancia del color y el sonido.
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Casi nadie dio importancia a lo dicho por el gringo

Jaime, quien trataba de demostrar su conocimiento.
Si el sonido de un pedazo de barro cocido poda lograr un
efecto raro en el comportamiento de una desequilibrada mental,
era lgico que la msica tuviese una gran influencia en el ser
humano. El gringo sonri, apur su vaso de yonque y trat de
la manera ms discreta de entablar conversacin con la ta Vige.

El Embrujo de los Huacos Silbadores

Llova, era mejor quedarse bajo el techo de esa casa pues
la conversacin era muy amena, bueno el vino y el yonque
ni se diga. Don Carlos hombre experimentado, conocedor
de aquella regin tan misteriosa, hizo una exposicin sobre
Sicn, y Tungula, el fantstico personaje a quien se le atribua
poderes mgicos y de quien se deca pertenecan casi todos
los huacos silbadores, que la madre tierra guardaba en las
entraas de la tierra batangrandina del oro y de los sueos.
Sbitamente una dulce y vibrante meloda invadi esa
parte de la casa, los madrugadores parecieron impulsados
por una fuerza extraa y se reincorporaron en sus asientos.
Entonces Timoteo el brujo y vecino quien estaba
presente agudiz el odo y algo turbado por el alcohol, las
circunstancias y por aquel sonido mgico, exclam Es un
silbador! Quin lo haca silbar a esa hora?
En forma impertinente abandon la salita y se dirigi
a un cuartito de donde provena esa meloda. La ta Vige
sonrea y trataba de disimular, ella saba que era su sobrino
quien provocaba ese sonido.
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Timoteo hall al Cholo acariciando aquel estupendo

huaquito silbador, que le haba obsequiado la seora Ins.
Oh Santo Seor! Si es igualito al que yo tengo
musit el brujo. Sin decir palabra alguna el brujo sali
presuroso, pero casi al instante volvi trayendo aquella
cajita de madera, la misma que Cholo haba visto la noche
del viernes cuando Timoteo curaba a sus enfermos.
La cajita fue abierta en presencia de todos los presentes,
luego su propietario extrajo su huaco, pequeo, negro.
Este silbador es hermano de aqul que tiene el Cholo,
slo que este huaco tiene cuatro zorritos y el que hemos
escuchado tan slo dos.
As todos fueron arribando a un mundo extrao y
confuso, la fantasa les causaba desvaros y los sumerga en
cautivantes relatos. El encanto de aquel silbido era como
una antorcha que iluminaba la oscura senda por donde
camina el hombre que ignora tantas cosas. Con el relato
hecho por don Carlos, hasta el sueo se les haba quitado a
todos los invitados.
Jaime no perdi tiempo y busc la manera de entablar
conversacin con la ta Vige. Aquel gringo tena conocimiento
de las necesidades que ella afrontaba, la costurera. Estaba
casi seguro que la comprometera en algn trueque de esos
que l acostumbraba.
Los japoneses tambin continuaban bebiendo y tratando
el tema de las huacas de Batn Grande o Sicn, siendo El
Viejo Maeda quien pareca tener ms conocimiento sobre la
existencia de los valiosos tapados.
79 de 89


En esos das corra la noticia en todo el departamento

que en Pomac, los huaqueros haban saqueado unas tumbas.
Mudo testigo de aquello era un milenario algarrobo al que
llaman Gacho y es smbolo de la flora nortea. El poeta
illimano Rmulo Paredes Gonzales dijo:
El algarrobo,
el dios jams llora.
El algarrobo,
el diablo jams reza.
No necesita nada,
en su grandeza.
Nada pide jams,
nada implora.
Precisamente en la tierra de Illimo desenterraron el
famoso Tumi de Oro perteneciente a Sicn, condado de Batn
Grande y se especulaba que seran ms de diez los tumis
encontrados por aquellos aos.
El sol regalaba sus primeros rayos del da lunes; la
claridad alumbraba a todo Batn Grande. La voz del joven
caero rompi el silencio con los versos romnticos de una
vieja cumanana. Margarita dorma y a lo mejor soaba
con su adorado tormento. La regia voz del trabajador la
despert. La novia tmida y soolienta asom por entre las
cortinas de la ventana que daba a su dormitorio y felicit
al cantor. Ella dej su cuarto y le ofreci un vaso de chicha
dulce en agradecimiento.
80 de 89


El que da lo que tiene, no debe nada sentenci

Lothar. Luego suplic a la novia, que recitara algunos de los
poemas escritos por ella. Margarita era una dama romntica
y gentilmente acept la sugerencia del zaero. Se escucharon
los trinos de los gorrioncitos, una fresca gara mojaba la tierra
y luego se escucharon los versos en la voz de su autora:
Amor de sol y luna,
amor de cerro y agua.
Que me haces fuerte, vital,
protegida y parte tuya.
Eres mi amigo, mi amante,
mi misma vida.
Dulzura de todos mis das remanso de mis pesares,
sedante de mis dolores.
Ests llenando mi mente
de ilusin y fantasa.
Mis labios estn pronunciando tu nombre,
t sabes entender.
Y en esta madrugada,
ests en mi pensamiento.
Y eres como el fuego lento
que yo siento en mi existir.
La voz aterciopeleda y dulce de Margarita arrull como
las palomas del campo y despert casi a todos. El padre don
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Carlos abraz a su hija querida, le bes las mejillas y en sus

ojos brotaron lgrimas de alegra, el viejo comprendi que el
amor no tiene barreras.
La seora Elena recin despertaba, con tantos versos y
melodas tristonas. El tiempo haba pasado velozmente, casi
sin darse cuenta ya era hora del desayuno.
Todos se despedan porque era lunes y tenan obligaciones.
La ta Vige se fue donde la Borrada por el pavo que le haba

Los Huacos que Faltan

El Cholo al despertarse se levant y fue en busca de su
huaquito silbador para acariciarlo, busc en la caja de
cartn y no lo hall. Preocupado preguntles a todos en la
casa por su huaquito y nadie le dio razn. Algunos dijeron
no haberlo visto nunca. Llor desconsoladamente y esper a
que llegara su ta.
Al otro lado de la casa de don Carlos, ocurra una
situacin casi similar. Timoteo tambin buscaba su amuleto
y arte de su mesa de brujera, su apreciado huaco silbador,
y no lo hallaba. Simulaba estar tranquilo, pero su mujer
lo conoca muy bien, y cuando intentaba echarse sobre el
colchn, lo interrog.
Dnde est el silbador? En la madrugada te lo has
llevado. Dnde lo has dejado? No vaya a ser que por estar
borracho lo pierdas. Eso sera una desgracia.
Timoteo mir de reojo la mesa de noche y all estaba el
reloj despertador marcando su tic tac, el sonido rtmico lo hizo
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volver a la realidad. No necesitaba ser brujo para darse cuenta

que el estafador Jaime se haba llevado el huaco.
Y cunto te ha costado este reloj de lata?
Timoteo no contest. Pens en ir en busca de aquel
mentiroso, para reclamarle su huaquito, pero la mujer se le
adelant dicindole:
Ese gringo estafador ya se fue a Ferreafe en el
camin que trajo la banda de msicos.
Cuando lleg la ta, Cholo casi llorando le pregunt
Dnde est mi huaquito silbador?
La ta aparentando estar molesta le contest Qu
huaco ni huaco, para qu quieres ese disparate. No ests
contento con aquel bolerito de naranjo que te ha dejado el
gringo Jaime?
S el bolero me gusta, pero no silba y mi huaquito me
hace soar con su sonido. Sueo cosas muy bonitas.
Cholo llor y qued muy entristecido. Nada se poda hacer,
l regresara a su tierra Ferreafe tan slo con su inseparable
arma cazadora, su vieja honda hecha con madera de sauce
con la que sola darle caza a los caponcitos y lagartijas.


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l tiempo no tiene memoria ni voz, adems es sordo.

No escucha splicas ni emite palabras, pero tiene
majestad y condena. Han transcurrido casi 70 aos,
desde aquel da cuando la ta Virginia viaj con el Cholo
aquella maana a Batn Grande.
Ahora Cholo es casi un octagenario, pero sigue soando
despierto. Sus hijos lo llevaron al Japn, la tierra de su
padre, a l le parece mentira viajar en shinkansen raudo
y moderno. Cuando saborea hambagas y misoshiros, el
paladar le reclama el sabor de sus comidas sazondas con aj
y hierbabuena.
En Yokohama, Tokio o Nagoya, ya no circulan aquellos
camioncitos del ao 29. Todo ha cambiado, ahora el hombre
mata con bombas atmicas y trmicas.
La televisin es pan del da, el terrcola ya est
haciendo su casa en la Luna, y la tecnologa japonesa
llega a todos los pases del orbe. Ha enmudecido el sonido
del arpa con cuerdas de tripa, ahora los instrumentos
musicales son tan sonoros y sofisticados que daan los
tmpanos de los odos.
El Cholo anda rondando a la vera de un inmenso
ro. Penetra a un templo y se inclina ante una imagen
desconocida, reza, implora, pero la imagen no se inmuta;
tal vez ignora lo que l dice. Es otro pas, otro idioma, otra
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Ya no est la amorosa ta Virginia. La luna se oculta, y

seguramente bajo la nieve que cae en diciembre crecer el
yuyo en esta tierra granulada y casi amarillenta. No existen
cntaros, ni vasijas de la tierra de Tungula.
Cholo suea con pulseras, coronas y pectorales de metal
fino. Japn es otro mundo, aqu vive el silencio. No cantan
huerequeques, ni chilalos. Hace falta el mgico sonido de los
huacos silbadores.
El Canto Silvestre

Letra y Msica: Luis Abelardo Nez

El encanto de Sicn
floreci el ao mil
desde Illimo a Molln
dice el canto del til til.
En las ramas de un mamey
sollozaba una cucula
por la muerte de aquel rey
que se llamaba Tungula.
Su noble esposa Kalina
tena tan bella voz
era una paloma andina
y Tungula, era su dios.
Un lorito pregonaba
Tungula naci en el Ande
un chiroque replicaba
su cuna, fue Batn Grande.
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En Pomac, hay dos cerritos

uno es color azafrn
madriguera de zorritos
en la tierra de Sicn.
No hay en todo Lambayeque
como en Sicn, tanto oro
pregonaba el huerequeque
y es verdad deca el toro.
Tungula, Tungula
slo t hiciste primores
aprisionaste el sonido
en tus huacos silbadores.
Zumo de plantas verdosas
de hojas como granadilla
deshace piedras rocosas
y las transforma en arcilla.
Este secreto lo sabe
la abeja que vuela y zumba
Tungula supo la clave
y se la llev a la tumba.


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alameda camino o calzada romntica alineada con
rboles que forman un manto de hojas que da sombra.
algarrobo tipo de rbol encontrado comnmente en las
regiones desrticas del Per.
alzador persona que asiste a un shaman durante los
arte objeto sagrado o mgico usado por un shaman
durante los rituales.
baile de tierra tambin conocido en Per como la
marinera nortea.
cacique jefe nativo.
calamina hoja de metal corrugado utilizado tpicamente
como material para techar.
caazo licor hecho de la caa de azcar.
chicha licor hecho de maz.
chirimoya fruta tpica del Per.
chola o cholo apodo dado usualmente a una persona
nativa de la costa del Per.
chungana tipo de sonaja similar a una maraca usada por
un shaman en sus rituales.
chuscadas cancin andina tradicional del Per norteo.
comadre madrina o amiga ntima.
compadre padrino o amigo ntimo.
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curandero shaman, herbolario o hechicero.

ferreafano persona de Ferreafe.
granadilla fruta tpica del Per.
gringo apodo que se le da a un extranjero caucsico.
hinea tipo de planta nativa usada para techar.
huaco vasija hecha de arcilla. Los huacos pueden tener
una variedad de formas. Un huaco que produce msica
es denominado huaco silbador.
huaquito huaco pequeo.
huerequeque pjaro nativo del Per, tambin conocido
como alcaravn huerequeque o chorlo cabezn.
jarana fiesta grande.
mal de ojo mirada fija negativa que se cree causa a otra
persona una enfermedad o mala suerte.
mesa altar de magia. El arte coleccionado por un shaman
para realizar sus rituales.
micha uno de varios alucingenos derivados de plantas
utilizadas por un shaman para inducir trances.
Quechua idioma indgeno hablado en los Andes.
paciente cliente del shaman.
paisanito hombre joven del campo.
patrn terrateniente o persona de alto rango.
Plaza de Armas parque central en un pueblo o ciudad
que usualmente est rodeado de edificios municipales,
una iglesia y tiendas.
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serranita apodo que se le da a una joven nativa de los

serrano apodo que se le da a un hombre nativo de los
tambo tienda pequea que tambin puede servir como
cantina, restaurante o un lugar de reunin.
tumi cuchillo ceremonial, usualmente hecho de oro e
incrustado con joyas, usado en ceremonias religiosas por
los jerarcas en las antiguas culturas peruanas.
yonque bebida popular con un contenido elevado de
yuca raz comestible, tambin conocido como cassava,
casava o manioc.
yunga valle tropical o subtropical en las faldas de los
zambita apodo que se le da a una beba o una nia de
razas mixtas.
zanjn zanja, barranco o hondonada que se llena de agua
durante la estacin de lluvia.

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