Countable and Uncountable Nouns

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1. COUNT NOUNS: we can use a or an before singular count nouns.

Plural count nouns usually end in s or es.
I would like a hamburger, please.
They dont want tomatoes in their salad.

2. NON-COUNT NOUNS: we cant use a or an with non-count nouns.

Non-count nouns dont usually have plural forms. We can use some or
any with non-count nouns.
I would like some sugar.
There isnt any coffee.
We can use expressions to talk about non-count nouns.
a) The number of litres / kilos.
A litre of milk
Two kilos of potatoes
A pound of rice
b) The containers
A bottle of water
Three jars of marmalade
A tin of soup
A bag of sugar
A carton of orange juice
A can of tomato sauce
A packet of flour
c) The pieces
A loaf of bread
A piece of pizza
A slice of cheese
Two leaves of cake
d) The item you buy
A bar of soup
A bar of chocolate
A tube of toothpaste
A scoop of ice-cream
A roll of toilet paper
e) The cups and the glasses
Two cups of coffee
A glass of milk
A glass of wine

f) A bunch of bananas, a bunch of grapes, a head of lettuce.

A few / a little / many / much / a lot (of)
We use these words to refer to quantities of things.
1) A few and a little refer to small quantities. A few is used with plural
nouns (countable nouns)
Example: A few students arent here today.
A little is used with uncountable nouns
Example: Theres a little cheese in the fridge.
2) Many and much refer to large quantities. They are usually used in
questions and negative statements.
Many is used with plural nouns
Example: How many children are there in the classroom?
There arent many books in this shop.
Much is used with uncountable nouns.
Example: How much meat did you buy?
I havent got much money.
3) A lot of also refers to large quantities. It is usually used in affirmative
statements with plural or uncountable nouns.
Example: A lot of people are coming to our party.
4) We can also use these words as pronouns, without a noun
Example: How much money have you got?
I havent got much.
I have got a little.
I have got a
How many chairs are there?
There arent many.
There are a few.

There are a lot.


A few
A Little

A lot of
Examples of whats inside
A bag: groceries, sweets
A can of: coke, beer, lemonade

with Countable nouns

with Uncountable
A lot of


carton of: milk, apple juice, orange juice

jar of: jam, honey
slice of: pizza, cheese, ham
tube of: toothpaste, ointment, glue
tin of: peas, carrots, beans, pineapples
packet of: biscuits, cigarettes
bar of: soap, chocolate
bucket of: water, sand
basket of: groceries, clothes, fruit
barrel of: wine, beer
crate of: bottles, beer
bottle of: water, coke, lemonade, wine
pot of: plants, paint

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