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Alamat : Jln. SP 2 Palambaja. Desa Sukoharjo Kec. Kikim Timur Kab. Lahat
: English
Time :
Date :

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e !

The text is for questions
1 - 10

2. To tell the plot, the writers uses

tenses ..

Snow White
Once upon a time there
lived a little girl named Snow
White. She lived with her aunt and
uncle because her parents were
One day she heard her uncle
and aunt talking about leaving
Snow White in the castle because
they both wanted to go to America
and they didnt have enough
money to take Snow White.Snow
White didnt want her uncle and
aunt to do that so she decided that
it would be best if she ran away.
The next morning she ran away
into the woods. She was very tired
and hungry. Then she saw a little
cottage. She knocked but no one
answered so she went inside and
fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were
coming home from work. There
they found Snow White sleeping.
Then Snow White woke up. She
saw the dwarfs.The dwarfs said,
What is your name?Snow White
White.Then, Snow White told the
dwarfs the whole story.The dwarfs
said, If you want, you may live
here with us.
Snow White answered, Oh, could
I? Thank you.Finally, Snow White
and the seven dwarfs lived happily
ever after.

1. What type of the text is used by

the witer?
a. Narrative
b. Report
c. Anecdote
d. Comparative
e. News item

a. A rhetorical question and an

b. Time sequences

Contrastive evidences


Past tense


Concessive conjunctions

3. Why Snow White ran away

to the woods?
a. Her parents passed away
b. Her uncle was angry with her
c. Her uncle and aunt would go
to America

Snow White was happy to run


e. Snow White liked playing in

the woods.

4. When did Snow White run away

to the woods?
a. In the afternoon
b. In the morning
c. In the evening
d. In the full moon
e. In the middle of night

5. Where did Snow White live after

she ran away to the woods?
a. She lived in the cave
b. She lived in the lion nest
c. She lived everywhere in the


She lived in the dwarfs

e. She lived on the street
6. According to the text, before she
ran away into the woods, why
did Snow White live with her
uncle and aunt?
a. Because she loved them very
b. As a result of forcing attitude
from them
c. Because her parents were
d. Because she were afraid of
the dwarfs
e. Because she ran away from a
7. The communicative purpose of
this text is..
a. To inform the readers about
important and newsworthy
b. To entertain readers with fairy
c. To share an account of an
unusual event
d. To persuade readers to
accept his/her opinions
e. To denote or propose
something as the case
8. The organization of the text
above is.
a. Abstract, orientatin, crisis,
b. Thesis, argument: plotelaboration, argument: plotelaboration.
c. Orientation, major
complication, complication,
d. Description, background
events, sources
e. Orientation, event, event,

9. Who is the main character of the

a. Snow white d. her uncle
b. Cinderela
e. her aunt
c. White snow
10.Where did Snow white run away?
a. To the home d. To the house
b. To the forest e. To the office
c. To the school
11.Nani: I would like to complain
about the service of this hotel.

What expression is used

dialogue above?
a. Satisfied
d. Pleased
b. Happy
c. Content
12.A: What do you think of this
hotel service?
B : ............ (expressions of
a. Thank you for the best service
b. Im happy with this hotel
c. Im happy
d. Im not at all satisfied with
this hotel service
e. Ill be back again any time
13.You were the last person to use
the tractor. So, its your fault if
its not working now ! the
underline phrase is expressing of
a. Blame
b. Complaint e. opinion
c. Command
14.Shop assistant : Good
afternoon. May I help you?
: Yes............. I bought
this pair of shoes yesterday. I
believe I have asked for size 43,
but you gave me 42
a. I want to blame you
b. I propose to exchange the
c. I have a complaint to make
d. I am really curious
e. I am not statisfied with your

We usually find this sign in

a. Street
d. Post office
b. Forest
e. school
c. Home
The dialogue is for question 16 19
Donna: Jhon, do you know what
time is it?
Jhon: Im sorry , I dont bring my
Donna: me too. I dont know
exactly what time is it.
Jhon: why there isnt any clock in
the classroom.

Donna: I propose that we tell

the leader in our class to collect
money from the students and
buy a clock
Donna : thats a great idea
16.Who are involved in the
a. Jhon
d. donni
b. Donna
e. Jhon
and donna
c. Jhon and donni
17.Did jhon bring his watch?
a. No, she doesnt
b. No they doesnt
No, he didnt
c. Yes, he does


What did jhon forget?

his watch
d. his clock
her watch
e. his timer
his bag

19.Is there any clock in the

a. Yes, it is
d. yes
b. Yes, it isnt e. No, it is
c. No, it isnt
The text is for questions 20-22
Earthquake is one of
the most destroying natural
disasters. Unluckily it often
happens in several regions.
Recently a horrible
earthquake has shaken West
Sumatra. It has brought
great damages. Why did it
occur? Do you know how an
earthquake happens?
Earthquakes are usually
caused when rock
underground suddenly
breaks along a fault. This
sudden release of energy
causes the seismic waves. It
make the ground shake.
When two blocks of rock or
two plates are rubbing
against each other, they
stick a little. They dont just
slide smoothly. The rocks are
still pushing against each
other, but not moving. After
a while, the rocks break
because of all the pressure
thats built up. When the
rocks break, the earthquake
occurs.During the
earthquake and afterward,
the plates or blocks of rock
start moving, and they
continue to move until they
get stuck again. The spot
underground where the rock

breaks is called the focus of

the earthquake. The place
right above the focus is
called the epicenter of the

20.What is the text about?

a. Earthquakes
b. Rocks
c. The rain
d. Disaster
e. phenomenon
21.What tense do we usually see in
the text above?
a. simple past tense d. Perfect
b. Simple present tense
No tense
c. Simple future tense
22.What is the function of text
a. to describe about
b. to entertain the readers
c. to retell about earthquakes
d. to tell the reader
e. fun
The text is for questions 2327
Rain is the primary source of
fresh water for most areas of the
world, providing suitable conditions
for diverse ecosystems, as well as
water for hydroelectric power
plants and crop irrigation.
The phenomenon of rain is
actually a water circle. The concept
of the water cycle involves the sun
heating the Earths surface water
and causing the surface water to
evaporate. The water vapor rises
into the Earths atmosphere. The
water in the atmosphere cools and
condenses into liquid droplets. The
droplets grow until they are heavy
and fall to the earth as
precipitation which can be in the
form of rain or snow.
However, not all rain
reaches the surface. Some
evaporates while falling through
dry air. This is called virga, a
phenomenon which is often seen in
hot, dry desert regions.
What is the text about?
a. Rain
b. Rainbow
c. Earthquakes
d. Dissaster
e. Natural dissaster
What is the primary source of
fresh water in the world?


The train
The water
The rainbow
The rain

What is the phenomenon of
a. Water
b. Water cycle
c. Water drink
d. Fresh water
e. Rainbow

What kind of text is it?

Narrative text
Recount text
Explanation text
Procedure text
Spoof text

What tense do we usually
see in the text?
a. Past tense
b. Present tense
c. Future tense
d. Past perfect tense
e. Simple past continous tense

The text is for questions 28 31


Rainbow is a natural
phenomenon that is so impressive.
This phenomenon often appears
after rain. Rainbow is an arc
spectrum which is so large and
occurs because the drops are
refracted by sunlight. When the sun
is shining and the light passing
through water droplets, then you
will see a refraction that causes a
wide variety of colors. Light is
refracted like light passing through a
glass prism.
Other names of the
rainbow is a rainbow which is a
symptom of optical and
meteorological phenomenon in
which light with different colors
refracted parallel to each other into
water droplets. You can also see this
phenomenon under the very high
and heavy waterfall. How does
rainbow happen in detail? All the
happenings begin when the sunlight
passing through the raindrops. Then
the light is deflected to the center of
the droplet. The white light, now
separated from each other into a
spectrum of colors. The process
does not stop there. The colors that
have been separated, then separate
again into the very small portions.
There is more light separated from
each other in the droplets. Then
there are more curved and finally

those color form a light curve called

a rainbow.
28.What is natural phenomenon
described in the text above?
a. Rain
d. Disaster
b. Rainbow
e. Phenomenon
c. Earthquakes
29.What is rainbow?
a. Rainbow is an arc spectrum
which is so large and occurs
because the drops are
b. Rainbow is an arc spectrum
which is so large and occurs
c. Rainbow is an arc spectrum
which is so large and occurs
because the drops are
refracted by sunlight
d. Rainbow is an arc spectrum
e. Rainbow is an arc spectrum
which is so large and occurs
because the drops
30.When can we see rainbow?
a. When the sun is shining
b. When the sun is shining and
the light passing through
water droplets
c. When the sun is blocking
d. When the sun is passing the
e. When the sun is passing the
31.What kind of the text is it?
a. Explanation text
b. Narrative text
c. Recount text
d. Spoof text
e. News item
The text is for questions 32- 36
The Fan is an electronic
device that everybody use it in their
house. People use the fan to make
the air in the room cooler, especially
in hot day. However ,do you know
how a fan works?
An electric fan has an
electric motor with some fan blades
attached to its rotating shaft. As the
motor spins, the fan blades rotate.
Each blade is angled a bit, and as
the inclined plane of the blade
moves through the air, it forces the
air ahead of it forward. Each blade
does this on a continuous basis, and
the result is a moving air stream.
The fan is taking air from the area
behind itself and blowing it out the
The fan generates a
movement of air, causing the warm
dense air to descend, and the cool

dense air to rise, thus creating a

feeling of coolness in the air.
32.What is the text about?
a. How the fan works
b. How the earthquakes happen
c. Natural dissaster
d. Dissaster
e. Phenomenon
33.When does the people use their
a. In a cool day d. every year
b. In a hot day e. every night
c. Every day
34.What part of fan takes the air?
a. Fan blade
d. warm air
b. Generator
e. rotate
c. air stream
35.How does the fan work?
a. By generating the movement
of air
b. By generating the movement
of water
c. By generating the movement
of rock
d. By generating the movement
of solar
e. By generating the movement
of blade
36.What is the function of fan?
a. To make a hot temperature
b. To make a hot temperature
c. To change a cool temperature
d. To make a hot temperature
e. To make a cool temperature
37.There will be class meeting
The correct instruction for the
situation is....
a. Lets prepare for the class
meeting yesterday.
b. Lets go for the class meeting
c. Lets do for the class meeting
d. Lets prepare for the class
meeting tomorrow
e. Class meeting tomorrow

38.A: Turn off the cellphone !

B: All right
The underlined sentence is called
a. Command d. Blame
b. Instruction e. Warning Full
c. Warning

39.A: You must steal my phone !

B: I dont know what you are
talking about
the underlined sentence above is
a .... expression
a. Instruction d. Pain
b. Accusing
e. Warning
c. Blame
The text is for questions 40- 44
The government has just published
a report which suggest that
television is partly responsible for
the serious increase in crime over
the last ten years. The exposure of
violence or pornography harmfully
effects on children.
Many people who are alive
today know what it is like to live in
a world without television.
Television as we know is only about
forty years old. Yet it is so much a
part of our lives that it seems as if
it had always existed.
Some people think that the
years before the invention of
television were a better time. They
claim that families talked more and
did more things together. More
books were read. People used their
imaginations more fully. People got
more outdoor exercises.But others
disagree. They claim that
television is a powerful educational
tool. It informs us of what is going
on in the world, from a famine in
Africa to a local politics and
fashion. It helps us understand
how people live, work, and
struggle.In 1961, Newton Minow, a
government official, called primetime schedules a vast
wasteland. Television is credited
with being a great teacher, but it is
also blamed for the poor reading
and writing skills of our population.
Television gets praised for helping
us understand the people of the
world. But it has been accused of
helping to destroy family life.
Television keeps us informed about
the political issues of the day.
Experts will probably continue to
argue about televisions value. But
everyone agrees that it is one of
the most significant inventions of
the twentieth century.
40.The writer wants to tell ..
a. The development of television
b. The advantages of television
c. How television destroys
peoples life
d. How television improves
peoples knowledge

e. The influence of television on

peoples daily life
41.Many people claim that
television is a powerful
educational tool. From this
statement we know that they ..
with the existence of television.
a. love
d. Satisfy
b. Agree
e. choose
c. Prefer
42.Which of the following is good for
children in watching TV?
a. The children should watch the
violence on TV
b. Children may watch TV
whenever they like
c. There shouldnt be
government censorship of TV
d. Children should spend all
their time to watch TV
e. Children should be
accompanied by their parents
in watching TV
43. .. what is going on in the
world, from famine n Africa
(Paragraph 4)
The underlined word means lack
of .
a. Food
b. Water
c. Nutrient
d. Education
e. Entertainment
44.What tense do we usually see in
the text above?
a. Simple present tense
b. Simple past tense
c. Simple future tense
d. Simple perfect tense
e. Continous tense
45.I promise to manage my time
The sentence which boid is an
example sentence of...
a. promising
b. persuading
c. propose
d. stating plans
e. preventing
46.He is accused of using cell
phone on the flight
The sentence above is showing
the expression of....
a. accusing
b. propose
c. curiosity
d. preventing
e. stating plans

47.Which one is the expression of

admitting mistakes?
a. Sorry, I wont do it again
b. dont leave me
c. its my fault.
d. I blame you!
e. Nobody cares.
48.Teacher : Why are you always
Muhdi :Im sorry, Sir ... I got up
Teacher : But this is not the first
time you
come late!
Muhdi :......
Teacher : All right, I give you
one more
chance as long as you
keep your
The best expression to
complete the dialogue is....
a. I think its not my fault
b. I blame my mother for not
waking me up
c. I wont do it again,I promise
d. If you forgive me, III be very
e. please accept my apology
49.Putri : Whats wrong with you?
you look upset.
Desi : I lost my laptop.
Putri: What?how could it
Desi :I put in my bag and I left
to buy
something for a few
minutes then its
gone !
Putri : Oh...I saw Iwan opened
your bag
he must have taken it!
The underlined expression
a. accuses
b. forgives
c. orders
d. admits
e. denies
50.Discussion text always discusses
a. common
b. controversial
c. light

d. fun
e. happy
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