Orientation Report Nedumangad SDC

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1. GHSS TholicodeNo. of batches 3( 2 Science and Humanities)

Institution support: Very supportive and Positive response from coordinator and other teaching staff
Student Participation: student participation was very positive, lot of question or queries were asked
science students were also interested.
Effectiveness of orientation As per the response I think more no of application will be from
Humanities, and a batch can be formed from those students itself.
Other Plans
SDE Anroop and current ASAP students will do backup support for getting applicants.

2. GVHSS Vithura
No. of batches 4( 2 Science , commerce and Humanities)
Institution support: coordinator and class teachers were very supportive and they arranged the
orientation in class room as there was no hall for conducting orientation.
Effectiveness of orientation As per the response I think more no of application will be there and
many students were keen to know the courses offered and the fee structure of the courses. Few APL
Gen students enquired about the selection process and procedure and when they have to pay the
fees if selected
Other Plans
Coordinator will address the usefulness of the program in assembly. SDE Aruna and Students will do
the back up support for coordinator
3. GHSS AruvikaraNo. of batches 2( Science and Commerce)
Institution support: Very supportive and Positive response from coordinator and other teaching staff
Student Participation: student participation was less, question or queries asked were few, boys were
interested but girls participation was less.
Effectiveness of orientation Students response was less , but they were eager to know the details .
overall effectiveness can only be measured only after getting 30 application.
Other Plans
Coordinator and Class teachers have promised to address the usefulness of the program and they
will also talk to students who really need ASAP. Current ASAP Batch students and SDE Joicy will do
a presentation and Poster for the attracting more students. +2 students will share their experience in
English with the +1 students.

4. GHSS Poovathoor
No. of batches 2( Science and Humanities)
Institution support: Even though 50 students from the 2 batches have joined NSS both principal and
coordinator is sure that 30 students will join ASAP fro the rest of the crowd
Effectiveness of orientation Students response was good . But few asked questions about the
training and hours
Other Plans
Coordinator will address the usefulness of the program in assembly . Current ASAP Batch students
and SDE Sagara will do a presentation and Poster for the attracting more students. +2 students will
share their experience in English with the +1 student.
5. GVHSS Aryanad
No. of batches 4( 2 Science , commerce and Humanities)
Though the instituion is new to ASAP, Principal and other teaching faculties were very supportive
and arranged the orientation . Orientation was taken in class rooms because of non availability of
auditorium . During the orientation time question was asked about the placement of students after
the skill training. From Humanities batch Students aroung 25 have joined NSS, but they were keen
to know if they can join.
Science students have tutition and during the orientation I have clearly mentioned the issues that
may arrise if any students have tuition.
I have shared my contact no and the posters to coordinator and principal. Requested students to go
through ASAP kerala facebook page to get more idea about ASAP.
Effectiveness of orientation Students response was less , but they were eager to know the details .
overall effectiveness can only be measured only after getting 30 application.

6. GVHSS Vellanad
No. of batches 5( 2 Science , commerce and Humanities, Journalism)
It was for the 3 batch we were doing the orientation and thus, coordinator and principal had already
arranged the required facility. Class teachers were informed about the orientation and students
selection process and senior batch of ASAP helped me to do the orientation. ASAP Students
voluntered for conducting orientation for their juniors. Students introduced in English and spoke
about the trainings that they get from ASAP and how the trainings have helped them to develop their
skills and communication.
Effectiveness of orientation Students response was good . But few asked questions about the
training and hours

7. GVHSS Karakulam

3 Batches ( Science, Commerce, Humanities)

Coordinator arranged orientation in class rooms, ASAP was already introduced by the
senior students and from Humanities batch many students students raised their hands
when I asked if they will join. One student asked about the skill courses offered and if she
can become Air Hostes through the skill courses and if we provide such courses. I had to
explain in detail about the skill courses , and how students will get selected the these
courses and after that many of the students asked about the fee structure and the training
Effectiveness of the Orientation:
Scinece students were not interested in joining, but Humanities batch were keen to join
the courses.
8. LMS HSS Vattapara

3 Batches ( Science, Commerce, Humanities)

Coordinator arranged orientation in the respective classes even though there was a
seminar hall to accommodate 3 batches together. Majority of the students were coming
from near by places and they were eager to join the courses. 3 girls after the orientation
approached us to enquire if they will get chance, they had tuition but they were ready to
skip the tuition if they will get selected and after that training they want to do job. They
were single parent children.
Effectiveness of the Orientation:
Scinece students were interested in joining, atleast 30 application will be there.
9. IQBAL HSS Peringamala

7 Batches ( 3 Science,3 Commerce, 1Humanities)

SDE and teacher had already given orientaion classwise and only interested students were
selected from the 7 batches. Orientation was conducted in the seminar hall and was
innaugrated and address by Principal. Due to havy rain ir was difficult to do the
orientation initially but ppt helped me to give the students a brief idea about ASAP and its
goals. When it was less noicy I explained all the details and the options that they will get
in future for their development. Students were confused about the fee structure , after
explaining them in detail they were more interested and enquired about the class timings.

Effectiveness of the Orientation:

PPT helped to make them understand the orientation programme. More than 60
applications will be there from the screened studets.
10. Govt College Nedumangad

6 Departments
Initial meeting with HODs and Principal was done before starting the orientation for the
1st year students. Orientation was given by the HODs and after that we had done the
orientation classwise in all the departments.Many of the students knew about ASAP from
their previous institutions.So it was easy to interact with them. They had question related
towards internship and Skill Center.
Effectiveness of the Orientation:
Since students knew about ASAP, it was easy to communicate with them , there will be
min 30 appliaction from 1st years.

11. IQBAL College Peringamala

6 Departments
In Colleges it was easy to communicate with the students as majority of the studetns
knew about ASAP. Coordinator took us to a combined class of different depts and it was
easy to address the students as the class tutors were present in the class . Even though
there were less questions asked from students side. I believe more that 30 application will
be there.
12. SNVHSS Anad

7 Batches ( 3 Science,2 Commerce, 2Humanities)

Principal arranged the orientation in respecive class rooms, students from Humanities
have already joined NSS and Science students were having tuitions. Students were
hesitant to interact and in Humanities batch only boys interacted and asked questions
related to job and salary.
Effectiveness of the Orientation:
Students were not actively listening during the orientation , may be orientation should be
done once more after getting the appliaction count.

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