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STEP 3 OSCE paper conducted by duhs on 8th n 9th November


8th Nov 9am

1.Examinabdomen+viva(ascites etc
2.Examine pericardium+viva
3.Asthma case scenario(diagnosis,initial management,drugs u will
give after discharge
5))Prolenesuture-uses,life time(aik qs aur tha cant recall at the
6))Palpate child liver,viva(causes of tender hepatomegaly,causes
of hepatomegaly+jaundice
7))Pt after tonsillectomy at 9am now bleeding what is type of
bleed,management,what if bleeding dont stop,which parameters
u will ask nursing staff to monitor in this pt
Examine oral cavity +viva
8))Examine visual field,visual acquity,pupillary reflex+viva
9))Instrument.lp needle,biopsy needle(i guess).uses and
10)Cxr-lung absces(wht two things u will look in
11)Ecg-ant wall mi,management
12)Pyschiatry-depression=treatment and side effect of treatment
13)Behaviour accept gift from pt or not
If yes than wht z best time to accept gift
14)Acne vulgaris-Rx, cause
15)Gyne-vaginal discharge history
16)Obstetric cholestasis effect on mother and fetus
One another qs cant recall at the moment(case history ,wht is
para in it,gravidity,risk factor,nxt appointment
17)Peds one pic -chicken pox(think soo) treatment
18)Surgery pic-pt pour hot tea on hand rx,wht degree burn,will
there b gross scarring after recovery.

8 nov 11 am

Q 1. 60 yr old male comes with per rectal bleed.take history from patient
with relevance to ddx.
Q2.Examine the neck of the patient.
Q3 A. name of this suture (catgut)
write its uses.
what is the life of this suture.
B:define lipoma.
which anesthetic agent u will use during surgery.
what is the prognosis.
GYNAE Q4 25 yr old female comes to you with 1 day history of pv bleed n
abdominal pain.take Foccused history from patient.
Q5. define maternal mortality according to Who.
what are the major causes of maternal death in Pakistan.
Female present to you with usy report showing twins.what r the indications of
surgical procedure in this case.
Pediatrics ,Q.6 7 month old malnourished child comes to u with his mother
with complains of delayed development n growth.take history from mother to
find the cause of this problem,2nd part was there but she didn't ask me n
neither I read that..plz add if anyone knows
A .dx the pic plus joint pain tha child ko in case history(Sle)...what r the
other manifestation ilu will see in this patient.
B. Child with 1 month history of joint pain..ddx n write further investigations
Medicine..Q8. general physical exam of the patient n viva regarding to that
like hypertension,edema etc
Q9 Examination of anterior was about type of breathings n
crepitations n consolidation.

Q10 patient with history of diabetes n htn comes with acute chest pain. in
reports they wrote st changes on sp leads..dx n wat further investigation u
will do in this case .2nd part b tha is q ka but yaad nai arha
Q11.A case of major depression..dx it n which group of drugs u will use to
treat this patient.
B =case of schizophrenia...dx,what is the main risk factor in this patient,
%age of disease in Pakistan,common myths of this disease in pakistan
Q12.A pic of patient with silver scale lesion on knee n elbows...patient has
history of anxiety n stress n was taking b blocker.disease get aggravated
during stress attacks...dx n what rx options..what r the risk factor in this
Q12.B =pic of red llesions on lips n face was looking red,on hands pt have
red lesions with intermediate white skin...what u see on the pictures?DDS?
which drugs can cause this kind of reactions?
Q13A=Ng of instrument?2 contraindications?how to chk its
correct placement
B. Ett tube,name,uses,how to chk correct placement
c.ecg write 3 abn findings in to treat it
d.cxray was opacity in one quadrant..ur findings in cxray,DDx,treatment
Q14.A=patient comes with on n off complains of nasal obstruction n
epistaxis..there is proptosis of eye...dx,common location,histological
Q14.b=examine oropharangeal cavity,,identify instruments thodicam nasal
speculum,laryngeoscope...anatomy of tongue,oral cavity,pharynx,etc etc
Eye .
Q15 A
examine visual field,pupillary reflex in patient n viva regarding this..

DDx of picture,dx,treatment of this case

9th nov 9 am
derma acne.n erythema nodosum
Gyneobs: incomplete abortion n ocps
Medicine: meningitis/encephalitis /brain abcess d/ds..n asthma
Surgery: cleft palate n lip and prolene?
Peds: HSP n causes of generalized edema
Ent: laryngeal nodules??'
Eye: entropion
Instruments: chest tube n iv canula
Xray ILD ...and in group D ecg seemed to be sHowing RVH .st depressions n t
inversions ...
Behavioral ka breaking bad news
And psychiatry ???
: eye
Pupillary reflex .visual field.visual functions
Gyneobs: history of menorrhagia
Medicine: examine abdomin .2 palpate n percuss back of this patient
Surgery: history.staging n counseling of breast ca patient
2 : examine patient for inguinal hernia
Peds: ask history about diarrhea n assess dehydration n Rx plan
Ent rinne s test .facial nerve examination.hold thudicum speculum n Rx of acute

9th NOV 2014 11 am

A.prolene suture
uses and life time
B,type of anesthesia in ingrowing nail,types of opertations
peads intractive
A,histry taking in asthma pt.
case pneumonia
spot diagnose neural tube defect
intractive oral cavity examination

adinoid case
eye intractive
visual field exam
next station
insuline syring and folly cathter
ecg-Mi xry i thik pleural effusion
post traumatic stress disorder and panic disorder
rosica petrosia
menstural histry
still birth definition
prenatal death and cause
examination of abdomin
cross qustion causes of ascitis,what is saag
auscultation of posterior chest
cross question
in whic disease breath sound absent,type of pleural fluid
surgery intractive
bph pt histry taking
cross qusetion

prosrate size,symptom of bph,medication,surgery cal option,compliction,

hernia patient examination

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