3 5 Work File

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5 Family Patterns
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Section 1
Resource 1
After reading the case scenarios, choose one and answer the following questions.
1. Case Scenario____Im right________________ (5 points)
a. Where did the characters learn their communication style? (5 points)
b. Identify the communication roadblocks these barriers present in the
scenario. To review the communication roadblocks, read the information
found in lesson 3.3. (5 points)
Some barriers they present is that they arent communicating to each other what either
one wants, instead they assume they are the right ones.
Section 2
Resource 2
Read the course resource information on vertical and level communication. Answer the
following questions based on that information.
2. After reviewing level and vertical communication, what style of communicator
are you? (5 points)
3. Which style do you see most frequently in your family's communication? (level
or vertical) _______Level__X__ (5 points)
4. Give two examples of how vertical communication might be used by family
members when communicating. (5 points per answer total of 10 points)
A. Sometimes I try to maintain distance to avoid certain things
B. Every once in a while Id get a lecture from my parents to tell me that Im too lazy
5. Are your family members free to communicate their real feelings to one
another? _X_Yes___ (5 points)
a. Why or why not? (5 points) Yes because we can always tell if something is wrong
with one another.
6. Identify two methods of level communication you would feel comfortable using
with your family. (5 points each answer total of 10)
A. Sharing opinions

B. Negotiating and Committing

Our main source in learning about communication is our family. Family influence will
greatly impact our communication and relationships outside our family.
Choose the letter to the answer that best describes your family's communication style.
Label this assignment:
Section 3: Family Survey
Resource 3
(Total of 35 points or 3 points per answer)
1. How would you describe the communication "condition" at home?
A. open communication_X___
B. closed communication_____
2. Within your family, how do the members feel toward one another?
A. connected__X_
B. separated_____
3. The conversations at home tend to center around which topics?
A. people____
B. facts____
C. feelings____
D. ideas__X__
4. To whom would you rather talk?
A. a parent__X__
B. brother or sister____
C. a relative____
D. a friend____
E. no one____
5. How often do your family members get together to talk about concerns?
A. daily____
B. several times a week_X___
C. only if there is a problem____
D. never____
6. When does your family spend time together just talking?
A. after school_X__
B. at mealtime__X_
C. late evenings_X__
D. on weekends_X__
E. never___
7. How would you describe your family's ability to handle change?
A. goes with the flow____
B. very stressful__X__
C. get mad____
D. resist change_____
8. Who makes the major decisions in the family?

A. father____
B. mother____
C. the children____
D. the grandparents____
E. it depends__X__
9. Are family members free to disagree with one another?
A. yes__X__
B. no____
10. How would you describe the overall tone of the conversation style at home?
A. quiet____
B. harsh/ shouting____
C. argumentative__X__
D. critical_____
11. Are there topics at home that are off limits for discussion?
A. yes____
B. no__X__
12. Do family members value each other's opinions?
A. yes__X__
B. no_____
Section 4:
13. From the information above, write a short (at least 5 sentences) summary on
HOW your family communicates. Include the effect their communication style has
had on your communication style. (10 points)
A way my family communicates is by sharing different thoughts on interesting topics.
Topics such as music, science, art, politics, etc. We typically talk at the dinner table. As
far as communication goes we like to have deep discussions. Sometimes we can get
into arguments, but for the most part its an open conversation.

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