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SECURITY Health Center Diagnoses Patient’s Pimple as Herpes

much of my Saturday nights, so it
was totally possible.”
S.J., president of the University
aid. “I am proud to announce
dent of Fordham College Repub-
licans, said. “The public option is
March 23, The Marketplace, The Health Center prescribed that I will be adding the Fordham destroying the quality care people
12:45 p.m. Regina George, FCRH ’11 George with a 10-day dose of Medical School to the 2016 plan, have come to expect in America.”
was diagnosed with herpes by Valtrex, a strong antiviral to com- with a complete overhaul so acci- Although Obama’s health-care
Several students spontaneously the Fordham Health Center on bat the herpes. When the pre- dents like this never occur again.” plan had not taken effect when
combusted after eating the Friday March 5, 2010. However, scription had run out and little “That’s okay, we can have room these incidents occurred, parents
cafeteria’s beef pasta and fish sticks. over her spring break in New Jer- improvement was seen, George for all those med students in Mar- are questioning the quality of the
Security used fire extinguishers to sey, her private physician discov- sought a second opinion from trys’,” McShane responded when nursing staff.
put out the flames. The caf then ered that the University nursing her doctor. informed that Fordham does not “My son went to the Health
used the students for Taco Tuesday staff had mistaken a bad case of “When I went into his office, he have a medical school. Center with a stomachache and
meat. acne for the sexually transmitted poked my face and told me that it This was only the most recent they told him to just eat less
disease. wasn’t herpes, just a few pimples,” cases of the health center’s mis- chicken rolls, but he actually had
March 24, Walsh Gate, George had gone to the health George said. “I didn’t need all haps this semester. A Fordham tape worms,” Martin Brodeur
10:30 p.m. center requesting bandages for that medication anymore, just a College art major who went to said.
her knees after suffering rug good face wash and to stop eating the Health Center after his fin- While the Fordham Health
A troll was discovered asking burns the previous Tuesday night, so much chocolate.” ger tips turned blue was told he Center may have its flaws, there
students a series of questions but upon arrival, the attending While George was in high spir- only had spilt paint on his hand. is always a silver lining to every
outside Walsh Gate before he/she nurse believed she discovered a its about the mix-up, Fordham’s Upon further examination, a pri- foible.
were permitted to enter campus. far worse condition. administration is infuriated with vate physician concluded he had “I’ve learned a lot from the
Security gave the creature a desk “She told me that I had con- the Health Center. hypothermia. experience,” George said. “Next
assistant position inside Martyrs’ tracted oral herpes,” George said. “This mistake shows the need “This is just another example time I think I have herpes, I’ll
Court. “It wasn’t a big surprise to me, for renovations to our medical of Obama’s health care plan gone find the drunk guy I hooked up
I usually don’t remember too school,” Rev. Joseph M. McShane, wrong,” Katie Poedtke, the presi- with and ask him first.”
March 25, The Millennium
2:20 a.m.
U2 Band Member Bono Will Join Board of Directors Heywood Jablome, FCRH ’11
said. “Trying to sneak around by
A student left her Coach purse using his real name isn’t going to
unattended on a table outside of change the fact that they’re rely-
O’Hare Hall for three hours while ing on fleeting celebrity to boost
partying at Howl. Returning this school’s reputation. We
in a drunken stupor, she found should be focusing on improving
the bag right where she left it. our long-term visibility through
Security still can’t figure out how sports teams.”
that happened. “With my new position, I hope
that we will be able to add a reli-
March 28, Tierney Hall, gious, Christian perspective to
3:30 a.m. the fight against poverty,” Hewson
A student walked into his The press release went on to
first-floor room in Tierney Hall say that, with the new chairman,
to find his roommate’s severed Fordham plans to establish a new,
hand, blood on the wall and what world-class, center for research
appeared to be a large quantity and work on political, social and
of cat hair. There was no sign economic development in Africa
of forced entry, and Security is and other underdeveloped re-
investigating. gions of the world.
Later that day, Columbia Uni-
March 28, The Bronx Zoo, versity development economist
8:15 a.m. Jeffrey Sachs was reportedly
quoted as saying that he and Bono
The Bronx Zoo reported were “so not friends anymore.”
that its lion enclosure has been Tognino Hall in Duane Library
compromised and a specimen is will, in spite of the change in lead-
missing. Students are advised to ership, retain its name. However,
be conscious of potential dangers other changes are anticipated in
and avoid carrying raw meat the near future. Confirmed chang-
around with them. es include the renaming of Mar-
tyrs’ Court to the “South Dublin
March 29, GB-ILC, Building,” with Goupil, Jogues
12 a.m. and LaLande Halls being named
after Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen
Two students on GB-ILC were and The Edge respectively, and a
documented for having loud sex. new Elevation Center for the Per-
Dismissing the male student, the forming Arts being constructed
RA involved attempted to seduce following demolition of John
the female student. Security is Mulcahy Hall this summer.
creeped out. When asked where the depart-
ments currently occupying the
March 29, Fordham Prep, building would relocate to, namey
3:30 p.m. STEPHEN MOCCIA/THE RAM mathematics, Fr. McShane said,
Paul Hewson, better known as Bono, was impressed by Fordham’s campus and wants to invest more in the University. “Who cares?”
Running from the police, a local The math department was un-
resident jumped a fence onto By BARNABAS STINSON president of the University, said. ham name to reach to new places, available for comment.
campus and beat up a Fordham KEEPER OF THE BRO CODE “We are hoping that his continued new people and new markets.” Students should expect to see
Prep student for his bicycle. A presence in the Fordham com- McShane said. “This overseas con- these changes beginning almost
crowd of Queen’s Court residents Having held his seat as chairman munity will have a lasting positive nection is especially important immediately, with the unveiling
applauded. of the Board of Directors since effect as we work to achieve the as our traditional markets in the of plans for the new arts center
2004, John N. Tognino, FCLS ’75, goals in our Toward 2016 plan.” northeastern United States see a slated for April 7, when it is ex-
April 1, Edward’s Parade, will be stepping down from his Hewson was unavailable for decrease in population and appli- pected that Hewson will address
5:30 p.m. position effective April 1, 2010. comment, as he was committed to cations.” the Fordham community for the
Replacing him will be Irish activ- recording sessions in the south of Students tended to be unin- first time in this capacity with a
A student reported a feral ist, philanthropist and musician France with members of rock su- formed about the decision, and in speech entitled “Bono: the Man,
walrus on campus. Upon Paul Hewson, more commonly pergroup U2. many cases, were rather apathetic the Legend, Why We Need to
investigation, Security discovered known by the moniker “Bono.” A spokesperson, however, said about the situation. Save Africa.”
that the beast was in fact the an “Mr. Hewson visited our cam- that he was “looking forward” to “I can’t say that who the Chair- In related news, the board of di-
administrative official and posed pus last March, and it seemed to the new position, hoping it would man of the Board is matters to me rectors voted to change the school
no danger to students’ health. Just me, along with many members of foster better trans-Atlantic rela- in any way, shape or form,” said motto to Ego Etiam non Instituo
their housing situation. the administration, that students tionships between Fordham and Alice Kingsley, CBA ’12. quis Volo, which roughly trans-
responded very positively to him,” the Irish people. “Why won’t they just say that lates to “I Still Haven’t Found
Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., “Ideally, it will allow the Ford- they’re bringing Bono on board?” What I’m Looking For.”

Hughes Hall Condemned, New Dorms To Be CBA Headquarters

By ROGER CHRISTOPHERS knocked down to make each
STAFF NICE GUY apartment into a single office, and
the lounges can be used as the
Hughes Hall has been con- conference rooms,” Rapaccioli
demned to be demolished, Rev. said. “As for the bathrooms and
Joseph M. McShane, S.J., presi- kitchens in each room, the CBA
dent of the University, announced faculty has said that it is okay with
Friday. The College of Business dealing with the extra amenities.”
Administration will be relocated Martyrs’ will not be renovated
to the new buildings instead, and at all, as ResLife said it passed in-
upperclassmen will be housed in spection just fine, and is working
Martyrs’. adequately for the current sopho-
As a tenet to obtaining the more class.
permit to build the new dorms, “The University does not see
Fordham was forced to have all any reason to change an estab-
its buildings inspected. Though lished, extremely successful resi-
ResLife would not announce dential hall,” Greer Jason, assis-
where Hughes lost points, it did di- tant dean of students and director
vulge that it lost triple the amount of ResLife, said.
necessary to condemn a building. The University is still unde-
Residents have speculated that cided as to what it will do in the
the rodent and insect problems, space left by Hughes Hall. The
faulty elevators and electrical Board of Trustees has put in an
systems, unreliable water system, application for an on-site four-
unidentified matter consistently star restaurant, so its members do
residing in the stairwells and the not need to travel into Manhattan,
occasional dead body could have while CBA is lobbying for a new
contributed. ResLife would also CBA classroom building with
not divulge how many points the such perks as holographic video
other buildings lost, including chats, free practice gourmet busi-
Martyrs’. ness luncheons daily and access to
“Personally, I never feel safe U.S. News and World Report data-
when I enter the building,” Lynn bases. McShane reportedly favors
DeBlare, FCRH ’13 and Hughes a statue dedicated to Bono.
resident, said. “It’s as if something “Due to changes in the business
is grabbing at my throat, and I start world, we feel that the space would
to feel nauseous, like I want to be perfect for adequately outfit-
projectile vomit and spin my head ting our business students with
around. I don’t know if it’s just the the latest tools so they are able to
environment, or if it’s some infes- function in the competitive world
tation, or what, but I would swear that awaits them after graduation,”
that building is cursed.” Rapaccioli said. “Really, I think
The Board of Trustees is cur- they deserve a classroom building
rently in talks as to how much all their own, especially now that
money to allocate to the necessary they will finally have adequate
renovations to the new buildings space for their offices.”
to turn the completed rooms into Hughes Hall, the setting of scenes in The Exorcist, will soon be demolished, though Martyrs’ Court will remain standing.
Though the University said it is
offices, though Donna Rapaccioli, unsure how it will fund the new “The University holds a special celsior | Ever Upward | The Cam- Exorcist, which deals with the
Ph.D., dean of CBA and dean of building, it will likely be a combi- place in the heart of its students, paign for Fordham, and this plays unfortunate accidents reported
the faculty of business administra- nation of a capital campaign and its alumni, New York and the perfectly into it.” to stem from the movie’s alleged
tion, said she does not think the a hike in tuition. McShane said world,” he said. “Whatever we fill A leak on says that curse. The scene taking place in
changes will be too costly at this he does not, however, think the into the available spot can only the news may end up bringing Father Dyer’s bedroom was shot
stage. demolition of Hughes, the new aid the progress of the students further prestige to the Univer- in a room on the residence hall’s
“Really, it’s going to be offices, expenses or the confusion will and ultimately the drive of the sity, as E! reported plans visit fourth floor. Michael Douglas is
conference rooms, that sort of hinder Excelsior | Ever Upward | University. I am issuing a call for the University to update its “E! reportedly on board to help with
thing, and walls can easily be The Campaign for Fordham. all to aid in this progress with Ex- True Hollywood Story” on The the special.

Maroon Square Becomes ‘Foursquare,’ Scattered Around Campus

By LUCY GORGON Under the plan, nicknamed into proofreading it and making sion about having to play along FCRH ‘10, president of Stu-
STAFF HYPNOTIST “Foursquare,” the administra- sure that it fully accurate,” Di- with Foursquare. dents for Fair Trade, expressed
tion will establish the free- rector of Housing Operations “I’m not sure if I have the concern that her views could
The Student Life Committee speech zones behind Loschert Elizabeth Amico said. “Had stamina or dexterity to deal with not be directly addressed by ad-
unanimously voted Monday to Hall in front of the Office of there been a Foursquare outside Foursqure,” Assistant Dean of ministration officials.
approve United Student Gov- Residential Life, in McGinley ResLife when we were working Students Greer Jason, director “From my experience, these
ernment’s proposal to establish Center Room 234 inside the on this, the possibility of im- of the Office of Residential Life, people aren’t necessarily the
a free-speech zone, known as Office of Student Leadership mediate feedback from students said. “Already I need to drive ones who can institute a price
Maroon Square. The square, and Community Development, would probably have motivated across campus since I can’t walk floor above market equilib-
which had been on the table for just inside Keating Room 101 us to double our check our work between Loschert and Keating, rium,” Hemp said. “On the
some time, finally gained con- within the Office of Student before disseminating it. In this and it already takes a great deal other hand, now I’ll have time
sensus after USG and adminis- Affairs and in the serving area case it makes sense: if students of effort for me to not hit stu- to actually read my economics
trators agreed on a few changes of the Ultimate Dining Market- reread their work before sub- dents on the way there. With textbook about real ways to en-
to the original plan. Instead of place. mitting it, why shouldn’t we?” all the students that are sure to courage growth in developing
a single, high-profile location, “It just made sense to have Brian Poteat, general manager be in the Foursquare in front of countries.”
Maroon Square will be com- them there,” John Tully Gor- of Sodexo at Fordham, agreed, my office, my ability to naveg- Under the plan, USG will
prised of four separate, low-pro- don, FCRH ’10 said. “These are as well. ate Fordham’s roads in my Audi begin to work with adminsitra-
file areas designed to maximize the places that students have “Honestly, we find it some- may be taxed beyond its limit.” tors from Security starting this
the effectiveness of students’ the most complaints about. So, what difficult to keep up with Vice President for Student spring in preparation for Four-
grievances without causing a if students have direct access to all the feedback we receive Affairs Jeffrey Gray also noted sqaure’s implementation in the
publicity headache for the Uni- the ears of the administrators about our services,” Poteat said. that Foursquare might cause a fall.
versity. who make decisions that mat- “Frankly, I had no idea that we bit of a problem for his office, “Overall, this was a great
“The lowered visibility of ter to them, our thought is that are on the Princeton Review’s as well. achievement for student leaders
these areas is a great compro- these officials might perform a list of worst food in the coun- “I like my hours,” Gray said. at Fordham,” Assistant Dean Dr.
mise,” Director of Communica- little bit better.” try until a student told me just “If I’m actually accountable to Jennifer Mussi, Ph.D., director
tions Bob Howe said. “Not only Most administrators polled the other day. If Foursquare somebody, I won’t be able to of the Office of Student Leader-
will this arrangement make our had generally positive respons- had been approved earlier, it’s continue my 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. ship and Community Develop-
job a little bit easier, it will also es to the plan. very possible that we could schedule with a nice break for ment said. “Too bad it doesn’t
help students be more effective “If I had known that students have remedied this several years lunch. The thought of work go both ways, or I’d personally
in their activist efforts by ensur- thought that the Housing Book- ago.” scares me.” sponsor Ghostface Killah to lay
ing that their voices are heard let was an embarrassment, I Some other administration Not all students were recep- down some beats in my office
where they matter the most.” would have put a bit more time officials expressed apprehen- tive to this, either. Haley Hemp, any day.

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