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Offices Celebrating Ram Staffer’s Graduation

Various Offices Around Fordham Rejoice at Rob Pergament’s Graduation and Retirement From the Ram Staff Because It Means Less Muckraking Articles
By LUCILLE WORRYWORT Kathryn Carey’s, FCRH ’10, club mer Ram news partner Nick Thi-
YELLOW JOURNALIST budgeting, economic analysis of So- bideau, FCRH `10, said. “As long as
dexo’s shady swipe system, general he wrote most of the articles in the
The Office of Student Leader- athletics program distaste and cru- section every single week, I really
ship and Community Development sade for budget and H1N1 trans- could care less what he said.”
will celebrate at a round table in parency sparked much controversy “I guess I have to like him since
the Ultimate Dining Marketplace, at the University. we’re dating,” Emily Turek, FCRH
surrounded by Sodexo employees, “I can’t even count the number of `10 and Rob’s long-time gal pal,
Athletics faculty and other Student times I had to meet with Jen [Mus- said. “But I’m obviously only dating
Affairs administrators on Saturday, si] and Chris [Rodgers, Dean of him for his looks.”
May 22. students] to do damage control on As for Pergament, he has finally
The cause for celebration this day his stories,” Amanda Fiscina, FCRH admitted the real reason behind his
is especially noteworthy: former ’10, and former Ram editor-in-chief, editorial fury.
Ram news editor and muckracker- said. “When we both sell our souls “I am an only child who gradu-
in-chief Robert Pergament, FCRH 10 years from now, when he’s the ated from Chaminade, what more
’10, will finally be graduating from new Chris and I’m the new Jen, he’ll do you all expect?” Pergament said.
Fordham, much to the excitement get his due.” “I just craved attention, and looks
of his administrative adversaries. In September 2010, Caro- like I got it.”
“We are so glad to finally get that line Whelan, a previous assistant “In all seriousness, I am actually
kid off of our backs and go back to OSL&CD director of Commuter extremely proud of Rob and what
the mediocrity Fordham prided it- Student Services, Meredith Crain, a he has done for The Ram,” Fiscina
self on before Pergament arrived,” previous assistant OSL&CD direc- said. “His critical eye and unwilling-
Dr. Jennifer Mussi said, Ph. D., as- tor of programming, Kelly Radoms- ness to accept any news stories with
sistant dean of OSL&CD, in an off- ki, a previous assistant OSL&CD di- date ledes is what will one day earn
the-record conversation. “We are rector for leadership and Commuter The Ram the respect absolutely no
starting to plan the party already, Student Services and Charles Am- one gives it now.”
leaving our other less-important erson, previous assistant OSL&CD All in all, Pergament is not the
projects like Spring Weekend and director of facilities, will return in monster the administration thinks
Senior Week on the backburner, be- light of Pergament’s departure. he is, just an arrogant idealist with a
cause we are just so excited for him “I have no doubt he is one of the sensitive side and love of literature,
to be leaving.” main reasons for the high staff turn- bylines and, most surprisingly, his
Pundit Pergament’s watchdog over rate in OSL&CD,” Mussi said. college.
ways made him many Fordham foes “Just another reason we are so glad “I actually love Fordham more
over the years. to see him go.” than Father McShane, Bob Howe
His unpopular campaign against Not everyone at Fordham exhib- and Jeff Gray put together and I just
2008 Spring Weekend performer ited such distaste for Pergament. wanted to leave it a better place than
Ghostface Killah, scrutiny of ex- “I personally found nothing when I came here,” Pergament said. STEPHEN MOCCIA/THE RAM
ecutive vice president of finance wrong with him,” Pergament’s for- “I can only hope that I did.” A cake (and a neck) is cut during celebrations of Rob Pergament’s graduation.

Senior USG Students Finally Realize They Are Not All-Important

By Φονη ταις Μαθηταις for the school day. USG meet- this was the sort of change that Vice President of Operations for men have gone into hiding, fear-
STAFF CYNIC ings were cut from their usual silences student organizations, I USG Ian Gaylets, CBA, ’10, who ing the revelation that they, too,
three hours down to one and got a bonus! Can you believe it! now prefers to go by Mr. Lets, are unimportant.
The Rose Hill Campus is ex- they abandoned the pretentious I’m going on a Caribbean cruise was devastated. Of course, while this change
periencing major changes after a parliamentary proceedings that this spring!” “I never even got to change has rocked the United Student
stunning string of events rocked had dominated the meetings in Shortly after the booting of the guest pass policy!” he said. Government, it has, as disas-
the McGinley Center. It started the past. the Passantino’s golf cart and “I was sure that I wouldn’t grad- trous storms often do, skipped
March 4 when a golf cart outside The catalyst of the change the shortening of the length of uate here until I could bring over the Residence Halls As-
of McGinley was found with a seems to come from Vice Presi- USG meetings, the seniors on anyone in to the residence halls sociation. RHA President Mike
large orange boot because it had dent of Student Life Jeffrey USG, almost all of whom live in whenever I wanted!” Trerotola, CBA ’10, still has his
illegally parked in front of a fire Gray, who took time out of his Walsh, could no longer be seen Mr. Lets has since been sus- own golf cart and there seems to
hydrant. One of the Passantinos, busy schedule to interview with eating in the cafeteria. Part of pended for fighting with a night be no attempt to take away his
CBA ’10, (now apparently dis- The Ram. Gray’s policy change was that guard who would not allow him keys.
tinguishable because one has a “You know, I used to be a hall students who live in Walsh actu- to bring in a friend without sign- Though most students on
beard) rushed out of the build- director,” he said. “I didn’t care if ally utilize their kitchens. ing in. campus do not know the differ-
ing, shaking his fist at security, I had a wife and a family to take There were also a series of re- Perhaps the most drastic ence between RHA and the RA
screaming, “Do you have any care of; I got to know my resi- tractions from the students on change occurred in Executive staff, Greer Jason, director of
idea who I am? I’m Nick/An- dents. I knew all of their names. USG, most notably some of the Vice President of USG Michael residential life, said that she was
drew Passantino!” That’s what they should be do- comments from John Tully Gor- Recca, CBA ’10. Recca, known simply “too afraid” to take away
The security guard responded, ing, these RAs, and they’re not.” don ( JTG). for being staunchly right-wing any of the power and influence
“Who?” and Passantino, look- The Ram reminded Vice Pres- JTG recently retracted the though oh-so-loyal-to-his-lib- from the imposing St. Joe’s Prep
ing crestfallen and confused, ident Gray that this interview statement that USG is responsi- eral-friend-John, has grown his grad and his RHA cronies.
went back into the building and was in regards to the changes in ble for the influx of great speak- hair long and wears dreads. He The Ram asked Trerotola what
was, again, blown away when OSL&CD and Jeff Gray said: ers on campus and, miraculously, was seen wearing an “Obama for he would do if someone were to
OSL&CD refused to pay to have “Oh God. Yea. Them. Those actually stopped talking about Change” shirt and even audi- tell him that he and other mem-
the boot removed. USG kids are the only people the recent appearance of Mi- tioned, though unsuccessfully, bers of RHA weren’t important.
When questioned as to why on the campus more annoying chael Sulick, about whom no one for the Vagina Monologues. “If they kill me, I will rise
OSL&CD refused to hand over than the RAs. Change this. Fix aside from USG students cared. Recca declined to comment, but again in the Fordham Rose Hill
the funds to pay for the removal that. More money. New guest JTG also retracted his statement his close friend and owner, Gor- student body,” Trerotola said.
of the boot, Regina Fetterolf, as- pass policy. Can we meet? So af- that he was responsible for the don, commented. Trerotola may be confident
sistant director of programming, ter Mr. Tully Gordon asked for appearance of the H1N1 vaccine “Just after VP Gray’s an- about the survival of the Resi-
said, “Umm, let me check.” Then his fifth interview of the week I in the Health Center. nouncement, Mike heard Frank dence Halls Association but
she reached into her drawer, told him, ‘Listen John, you guys “I guess you could just say I Zappa’s song Bobby Brown,” he Dean of Students Christopher
pulled out a planner and said, on USG, you’re just not impor- got carried away,” Gordon said. said. “He realized that that was Rodgers disagrees.
“Oh yes, the Passantino twins tant.’ Then, for the first time in “Constantly wearing a suit and the inevitable course of his fu- “It is only a matter of time,”
are no longer important.” my career at Fordham, I imple- constantly having people look at ture so he just sort of gave up. Dean Rodgers, standing confi-
The trend continued in the mented serious policy changes. you like you’re the Incarnation He’s been voting Democrat and dently in the alcove of the Keat-
following weeks, much to the I made sure that none of those gets to your head. I made the hanging with Freddy ever since.” ing steps, donning a wry smile
confusion of the Rose Hill pop- kids could have keys to the golf mistake of believing that I mat- The underclassmen who par- and a Fordham cap, said.
ulation. Patrick Scotti, FCRH carts any more. I told them to tered and that anyone on this ticipate in the United Student Until what? you may ask.
’10, vice president of student life stop acting like losers and get campus actually cared about Government are scared. “Until students on this cam-
on USG, started carrying a nor- out of the McGinley Center and what USG does. Things are dif- “If they tell me that I’m not im- pus realize that they are nothing
mal school bag and John Tully wander the campus like normal ferent now.” portant next year, I’ll have spent but liabilities and deep pockets,”
Gordon, FCRH ’10, executive students. And then I called a After delivering his com- all of those hours posing in front he said. “When we’ve forced
president of USG, came into the meeting of the deans and told ments, Gordon went out to sit of Keating for nothing,” Caitlin them all to realize that, they’ll
cafeteria in nothing but a T-shirt them, ‘No more special privileg- on Eddies, rather than rush up Meyer, FCRH ’12, current vice keep their mouths shut and the
and jeans, apparently leaving es for the USG kids.’ Normally to the USG office in OSL&CD. president of FCRH and aspiring Maroon Square will become a
behind the not-so-well-tailored Joe McShane can’t stand affec- Not all of the USG seniors executive vice president, said. public gallows instead of a free-
suit and tie he normally dons tive policy change, but since have taken the changes so easily. Many other USG underclass- speech zone.”

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