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APRIL 1, 2010 PAGE 7

Point-Counterpoint: Should Ram have a PCP?


Here lie various articles of The Ram’s Point-Counterpoint. You probably did not read them, but they really contained many fascinating opinions . . . At least they were well-written . . . Well, they were written.

The PCP Is Sort of Good Forum for Student Thought and Differing Opinions No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No!
By SUNNY McSMILESVILLE This mystifying dilemma often forces the By RICHARD GERE
STAFF OPTIMIST writer to contradict him- or herself. Once STAFF GERBIL ENTHUSIAST
this happens, the article makes no sense. For
The concept of the Point-Counterpoint example, I just realized that I disagree with Enough said.
is great, because it allows two sides of an is- this stance on the Point-Counterpoint, but
sue to be heard. After all, every issue has two I know I still have to write it, so actually the
sides, even if no one happens to hold an opin- Point-Counterpoint is the best idea ever!
ion that agrees with one side. Still, the Point- However, I have only written a measly
Counterpoint lets people see that there can 380 words, so I should probably switch top-
be two sides to every opinion. Of course, ics. This is another tactic of the crafty Point-
in the case of the Point-Counterpoint, one Counterpoint writer, when he or she has
side is often hard to argue, or superficially discovered that he or she has signed up for
supported, or badly written because no one a stupid topic. Just go off on a tangent! Who
wants to write it, because no one in their right needs logic? Non-sequiturs are in!
minds would hold that opinion. For example, did you ever notice that
After all, some stances are hard for anyone sometimes when more than one rat scurries
to agree with, and with the Point-Counter- around on the subway tracks, sometimes the
point, one person starts to argue this impos- rats will start chasing each other? They splash
sible-to-agree-with side, and then he or she through rubbish-filled piles, and sometimes
realizes while writing it that, oh, wait, I am the one being chased whirls on the other and
actually wrong about this issue, but I already they have a subway-rat-showdown.
said I would write it! Drats! Now what am I Like Point-Counterpoint writers, each
supposed to do? rat represents one side of the argument, and
When the writer realizes this, he or she has then everyone can see them fight and can
to try to add a lot of fluff and extra words and decide for themselves who wins. That is why
superfluous phrases, however, as everyone the concept of the Point-Counterpoint is so
knows, students agree that, as my readers can beautiful. It is inspired by nature, and the
tell, it is quite difficult to try to make hard-to- battles that occur between animals. Natural
argue articles as long as the other article, so things are in nowadays, too.
they can balance each other out on the page. In fact, a person could even claim that
Adverbs also cleverly craftily smartly proba- Point-Counterpoints are organic! Nothing’s
bly always help with this nefarious impossible added that might sully the animalistic con-
agonizing space issue. After all, it is trouble- flict, the life-and-death struggle that is the
some, difficult, frustrating and annoying for Point-Counterpoint. Logic, reason or sensi-
the section editors to have to figure out how bly structured arguments are just so human,
to make it look like a 600-word article takes so artificial. The Point-Counterpoint should
up as much space as a 1,000-word article. just flow, man, and be chill, you know?
Sometimes the section editors try their There is no way to refute the perfection
best to make articles of differing lengths ap- of the Point-Counterpoint. Even if someone
pear even, but despite that, the page still tried to refute it, the Point-Counterpoint
looks as lopsided as a one-eared chihuahua. would defy it, because of its logic-resistant
This is why fluff is as vital to a Point-Counter- arguments.
point piece is as is to a delicious fluffernutter Think about it. How could something as
sandwich. Therefore, it follows that when the natural as rats fighting on subway tracks and
fluff has been added, the Point-Counterpoint as healthy as fluffernutters be a bad thing?
has all the nutritional and gourmet value as a Clearly, the Point-Counterpoint is a good
fluffernutter does. thing and should remain part of The Ram’s
Staff Poll: When The Ram was polled, weekly structure.
seven staff members supported the PCP, Sunny McSmilesville. FCRH ’10, is a moti-
nine staff members were opposed, three vational speaking major from Candyland. She Richard Gere is an American actor who never
forgot we wrote the PCP, and four were too can be reached at PrettyPonyPrincessXOXO@ went to Fordham. He does, however, enjoy play-
hungover to comment. ing with gerbils.

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