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Executive Director of Athletics Thinks Job is ‘Cushy’ Joke

MATT By DERECK WHITTENBURG little concern when asked if his feel-
MANUSZAK FRANK’S BFF ings of ambivalence have affected
the search for a permanent men’s
In an exclusive interview with basketball head coach.
The Ram on Monday, longtime Ex- “Oh, I still have no idea who’s go-
ecutive Director of Athletics Frank ing to permanently obtain the job,”
McLaughlin made the statement he said. “We’ll just need to find
The Smush that “he just doesn’t care anymore”
about his responsibilities for the
someone’s who so desperate for a
job that they’re willing to overlook
Parker Project position.
“This job is just too much for
Fordham’s overwhelming lack of
success and dedication to success
anybody,” he said. “We’ve made a in basketball. Oh, and they bet-
As discovered by The Ram, star
lot of decisions as an athletic de- ter not be expecting a new arena
freshman basketball player Chris
partment that have left Fordham anytime soon. That’s in the distant
Gaston has decided to transfer.
stuck at the bottom of the Atlantic future unless a donor steps up with
In other news, who cares? Sports
10. It will take forever for Fordham millions in funds.”
are worthless, useless, point-
to get our teams the help they need, McLaughlin also said he has lit-
less…pretty much any word
and frankly I just don’t have that tle involvement in former Fordham
ending in “less.” They are the
work ethic anymore.” quarterback John Skelton’s quest to
mark of an administration simply
When asked if there was an inci- get selected in the NFL draft.
trying to control the great, un-
dent that caused him to feel this way, “I haven’t been following the
washed masses. Did you know in
McLaughlin cited a combination of draft process much but John’s a
Ancient Rome, they used sports
factors, including pressure from the great kid and I’m sure someone will PHOTO BY MARK BECKER/THE RAM
to appease the plebeians? Did
A-10 to improve Fordham’s basket- want him,” he said. Executive Director of Athletics Frank McLaughlin is seen hiding in the upper
you? Well, that’s what Wikipedia
ball programs along with its other Although the announcement by left hand corner of this photo during a basketball game.
sports, athletics being a “non-pri- Fordham of a much larger com- proving the program. We’ve been the Yankees.”
Fordham is not a school for
ority” with Vice President of Stu- mitment to men’s basketball is following the same tired strategies Despite saying he doesn’t care
plebeians! We have the number
dent Affairs Jeff Gray and the rest supposed to demonstrate the uni- the entire time I’ve been here; do anymore, McLaughlin also claimed
41 number 48 business school
of Fordham’s administration and versity’s commitment to becom- you think the department can sud- he has no intention of retiring or
in the country! We are a school
his general lack of satisfaction with ing better at athletics, McLaughlin denly switch to running a modern leaving the position of athletic di-
of well-to-do, well dressed indi-
running the department. called it a “stop-gate measure.” program? rector for Fordham.
viduals. What, so the guy in the
“I have no interest in worry- “The budget increase is just McLaughlin said he still believes, “I’m not going anywhere,” he
$3,000 suit is supposed to go to
ing about raising money or keep- meant to impress potential coaches despite the struggles, that Fordham said. “There are little to no expec-
the basketball game? Come on!
ing tabs on my coaches anymore,” and recruits and make them think will be in the A-10 for the foresee- tations in this job and I don’t have
No one at this school really
McLaughlin said. “My favorite part we have a long-term plan in place able future. to do much real work. It’s a cushy
needs to follow Fordham sports.
of the day is lunch, which I haven’t for improving the basketball pro- “The A-10 won’t kick us out, the position. As long as the administra-
Even if you’re a weak person and
missed once in 23 years. That’s gram,” he said. “The athletic de- New York market is too valuable tion doesn’t make athletics a prior-
somehow need sports in your life,
when I’m most happy.” partment has no real plan in place for them,” he said. The A-10 losing ity I will continue here, doing just
there are always the sports teams
McLaughlin seemed to show for spending this money or im- Fordham would be like MLB losing enough to survive.”
in New York. How bout them
Bronx Bombers? A-Rod and the
boys should provide enough fire-
power for any sports fan/peasant
to be satiated, and don’t forget,
Senior Profile: Quarterback John Skelton
we have the best young quar- By MEL KIPER, JR.
terback in the NFL right here, STAFF HAIR STYLIST
in New York! Isn’t Eli Manning
Mark Sanchez a big enough draw The Ram: What happened during
that Fordham shouldn’t have your last two seasons? In 2007 the
to worry about its own football Rams won the Patriot League but
team? Have you ever looked into your last two seasons were both dis-
Mark Sanchez’s eyes? I did: it appointments.
was like the first time I heard the John Skelton: Yeah, my final two
Beatles. seasons were just a letdown, I guess.
Basketball: again, why should A lot of our players didn’t play to their
anyone care about basketball? potential and we had problems like
The Knicks aren’t even good, so injuries. I think I tried and played my
therefore the NBA does not mat- best, but my teammates just didn’t
ter, and neither should basketball have the talent or consistency to sup-
at Fordham! Everyone knows port me.
that in order for any basketball TR: You broke a number of school
to matter, the Knicks have to be records while quarterbacking Ford-
good! At least, that’s what the ham. To what do you attribute your
guy on the radio keeps screaming success at Fordham?
at me, but he’s probably right… JS: I’ve always had a lot of natural
because his voice is so loud! talent. I have a great arm and a beauti-
When I was applying to Ford- ful body that I take a lot of care of. But
ham, my list of priorities looked my natural talent wouldn’t have done PHOTO BY MARK BECKER/THE RAM
something like this: 1) Hot girl anything for me if I hadn’t worked Quarterback John Skelton hopes to be drafted in late April and signed to an NFL team by the start of the 2010 season.
percentage (nice!); 2) Cafeteria hard every day and applied myself to
food (love it!); yeah, academ- be the best. eventually figured that part out. I’m will be drafted in the middle-to-late leticism and arm. My arm is a gift, and
ics and whatever were on the list TR: Gil Brandt had you ranked No. a physical specimen, and I definitely rounds of the NFL draft. From what it’s what’s gonna land me a place on an
too, but where were athletics? 9 among college senior QB prospects showed how athletic I am and how you’ve heard from guys with the NFL NFL roster.
Nowhere! this past summer. What was your ini- great my arm is at these events. NFL where do you see yourself being draft- TR: How do you think your success
Yet, regardless of how little tial reaction when you heard about scouts and teams want big, athletic ed? and the opportunity to get drafted
sports matter, Fordham has de- this? quarterbacks with strong arms and no JS: Oh, it’s so hard to tell. I think I will help Fordham athletics and Ram
cided to increase spending for JS: It was exciting. It was great to one fits those criteria better than me. have as much talent and upside as the football in the future?
basketball! What? When John be on a list with Heisman Trophy TR: Around the time of the com- next guy, but there’s still stuff I need to JS: There’s no question getting
Hughes and our Founding Fa- winners, but I felt like I deserved to bine, Todd McShay criticized your work on, and teams will do what they drafted will help the program. I’m the
thers created Fordham, they be on the same list with those guys. It play during workouts and stated that think is right. That being said, I’ve best thing that ever happened to Ford-
promised a limited administra- was recognition for my hard work. I you had a poor work ethic. What do definitely gotten enough feedback ham sports, and my success will raise
tion, so as not to infringe on free- have as much talent, if not more, than you think of McShay’s statements? to know there’s a good chance I’ll go our profile and help to get recruits.
dom as a student: this spending any QB in the country, and I think I JS: Mcshay was and is 100 percent in the fourth through sixth rounds. I’ve been a PR machine for Fordham,
is inflating the size of our admin- showed I’m just as good as those guys wrong. I’ve always worked as hard as I It certainly seems like there’s a lot of and hopefully in 15 years when peo-
istration! Look, I’m not a lunatic, during the season and in the draft pro- could and welcomed assistance when NFL guys interested in me. ple think of Fordham football they’ll
nutjob, wackjob, or any other cess. I needed it. His statement was wrong TR: Have you been able to have think of John Skelton.
word ending in job. I’m just a TR: Let’s talk about the draft and out of line. It seems like McShay personal workouts with any teams TR: If signed, what team would
man who cares about his school. process. How do you think you per- enjoys saying the controversial and yet? you like to play for?
The transfer of Chris Gaston formed at the NFL and combine and attention-grabbing thing, rather than JS: Only a few, hopefully I’ll get JS: Well there’s a few teams that
is not a tragedy: if anything, it is during your pro day at Fordham? giving legitimate analysis. I look for- to do more as the spring goes on. have looked at me very closely, and
a boon! Maybe now, our admin- JS: Not to brag, but I think I did an ward to proving him and other doubt- I’ve heard the same things from each I’d love to play for any of them. But
istration will finally realize that excellent job at both. Sure, I had a little ers wrong. team; that I have to work on accuracy it would be great to go back home to
sports don’t matter at all. difficulty with accuracy, but I think I TR: At this time it looks like you and timing but that they love my ath- Texas. That would be best.

Men’s Basketball Budget

Increase Recinded Amidst
Heavy Student Protests By MATT DIBUONO
What if steroids were legal
is normally clocked at 95 miles-
per-hour could possibly throw
it 100 mph. I can see Tim Mc-
pants during their attempted
steal. Teams would be hiring
seamstresses and tailors on a
– between the Rose Hill Gym and in baseball? What if we could Carver trying to come up with weekly basis.
STAFF DEITY Hughes Hall, the future home for erase all suspicion about which what he thinks would be “clever” On a side note, players would
The debate surrounding the the college – demanding to know athletes are using, and if players names for these fastballs such as probably charge the mound
University’s decision to increase why a program that has had little are “cheating?” Let’s just imagine “rocket balls” or “fireballs.” Mc- much more due to the steroids
funding for the men’s basketball success since the early 1990s and a world where steroids are legal Carver would have a field day. that they are using causing them
program has come to a halt, with minor success since 1972 was re- in baseball. Let’s think about a Their curve balls would be an to have raised aggression levels.
a recent announcement from the ceiving such an increase. These world where Jose Canseco and even bigger change of pace from This could make a dull baseball
Office of the President noting that students argued that CBA has Barry Bonds are seen as pure their fastballs, and they could game turn into an all-out blood-
the Board of Trustees has decided been the real reason for the Uni- baseball players and role models. make many batters swing so hard bath since there is no telling what
to reallocate that money to fund versity’s increase in applications, So in a game where people are in they would fall over after their a person will do when they are
upgrades to buildings that will be despite its recent fall in Business- constant question about who is swings such as Charlie Brown af- experience “roid rage.”
renovated within 10 years. This Week’s annual rankings. They said using or has used steroids, let’s ter he swings and misses. If pitch- So now that we have imag-
latter announcement came amid they felt that, were the funding have some fun and think about a ers took steroids not only would ined what the players look like,
heavy protesting from students, reallocated to the business school, game where everyone is a juicer. they improve their pitches, but and how their styles of play have
many of whom have witnessed CBA would rise in the rankings Imagine that you are watching their stamina could also improve changed, just think about your
only five total wins and only one and Fordham’s national profile a baseball game. Every player since their muscles would be larg- favorite player. Whether it is a
Atlantic-10 win in their brief time would ascend as well. seems to wearing a skin-tight er and ability to work for longer. power hitter like Ryan Howard or
at Fordham. In an attempt to reach a com- shirt because their muscles are This would hypothetically mean a scrappy hustler like Neifi Perez
The original announcement promise between the two sides, so big, and if a player were to flex that a starting pitcher could pitch – imagine what type of player he
by the Board of Trustees on Feb. the Board of Trustees decided to he would resemble The Incred- complete games without getting would be if he were on steroids.
17 was seen as a step in the right divide up the money intended ible Hulk and tear his shirt right too tired, essentially eliminat- It’s a pretty different game.
direction by alumni groups, the for the men’s basketball program. off. Baseball bats look more like ing the role of a middle reliever While about 99 percent of fans
Sixth Man Club, the sports edi- Some money will go toward the broomsticks in the hands of the or set-up man. This would put are against the legalization of ste-
tors of The Ram and the seven renovation of Hughes Hall, up- players, and batting helmets bare- these men out of a job and only roids, there are benefits. There
upperclassmen who regularly fol- grading the electrical and light- ly fit since the steroids have led make America’s unemployment would not be a dark cloud hover-
low the men’s basketball program. ing systems, while the rest of the to many people’s heads growing rate even higher. ing over the game and it would
These groups recognized that the money will go to the remodeling in circumference. Basically, just If all batters and field players not be a “Game of Shadows” as
increased budget would primarily of the attachment between the imagine that every player looked were on steroids, the game would Canseco calls it in his book. We
allow Fordham to offer a new head McGinley Center and the Rose like Barry Bonds. Not to mention be more like a home run derby would not wondering if a player
coach a competitive salary, hoping Hill Gym. The board hopes that that every player would probably than a baseball game. If we think is worthy of being in the Hall of
that this pay increase would bring this new agreement may bridge an have acne on their back and expe- of players who have used steroids Fame or needs an asterisk next to
in a successful coach who could in appropriate gap between current rience a shrink in manhood as a in the past (Canseco, McGwire, his name due to the presence of
turn attract talented recruits and and future students and different side effect of the steroids. A-Rod, and Bonds) they are and steroids in the game.
bring Fordham to some level of University activities. Current resi- Now that we have envisioned were all power hitters. If these Congress would not be in-
athletic success. dents will be able to take advantage what the players look like, we can men serve as examples for an en- volved in an ongoing investiga-
One former editor of The Ram of the system upgrades in Hughes, explore the effect that legalizing tire game on steroids, then would tion into the use of performance-
even made the astute point that an while the existing framework will steroid use would have on the baseball just turn into a game enhancing in baseball, and would
increased investment in athletics be in place when Hughes is gutted game. To start, lets analyze the of home run hitters and pitch- probably be spending their time
can reap benefits: a better men’s to accommodate the new business effect on pitchers. ers striking people out? Play- in more worthwhile measures
basketball program would have school. If we think about the great ers would no longer be judged such as health-care reform or the
several more local or even nation- Athletics will still receive some pitchers in the MLB they all have on their ability to hit the long war on terror.
al television appearances, essen- funding; however, instead of the one thing in common – large ball since most players would Steroids in baseball are no
tially providing the school with money being used to hire a new legs (with Tim Lincecum be- be able to send it deep. The age laughing matter, but I thought
two hours of free advertising. This head coach, it will be used to en- ing an exception.) Pitchers use old saying of “Chick dig the long it would be okay for us to have
increased exposure would help get hance the game day atmosphere their legs to give themselves the ball” would most likely become some fun just thinking about a
Fordham’s name out to more parts for alumni and their kids. The power to throw their pitches. “Chicks dig the bloop single” game where everyone was “on
of the country, producing more board will build a new entrance to They push off their back feet in since the bloop single would hap- the juice.” While steroids should
interest from students outside the the gym from the McGinley Cen- order to gain momentum and the pen only once in a blue moon and never and will never be allowed
tri-state area, and enhancing the ter, honoring Jack Skelton and the drive to throw the ball. The arm be the sexiest thing in baseball. in baseball, it is fun to think of
University’s reputation as a na- 2007 Patriot League Champion- moves the same speed on every The stolen base would be a a game with endless home runs,
tional rather than regional school. ship football team. Inspired by pitch; the power comes from a rarity since catchers’ arms would players on “roid rage,” even tight-
However, a majority of the stu- the montage of Vince Lombardi pitcher’s legs. If pitchers start us- be even more powerful and most er uniforms, and their manhood
dent body came out against the in- on the way into the Lombardi ing steroids, not only would they players would not be built for shrunken. This is not the type
creased budget, calling it a waste Center, the Skelton Memorial will need to buy some new, larger speed. of baseball people enjoy and fall
of tuition dollars and resources, celebrate the potential NFL draft pants, but they would be throw- I can see players trying to steal in love with, but hey, it’s fun to
especially during a time of eco- pick and will educate future Ram ing the ball much faster and more bases and stopping because their imagine. On the other hand, it
nomic turmoil. A large group fans about Fordham football’s re- sharply. A pitcher whose fastball massive muscles would rip their brings in mad money.
of students from the College of cent successes. Construction in
Business Administration staged a Hughes and the McGinley Center
protest on the Alpha House Lawn is set to begin in Sept. 2010.
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Ram Readers! Baseball

11:00 p.m.
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Due to the continuing disappointment of Softball I thought Murphy WAS
the softball field?
Fordham sports,
delayed due to excessive rain and flooding
The Ram will Golf

discontinue the sports section

They SERIOUSLY practice
after this issue. on the Hudson River?

Men’s Tennis
Sorry for the
inconvenience, but truthfully, you really Women’s Tennis ALL MEETS ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER
won’t be missing
anything important. Track and Field

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