Chapter I

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Chapter I



Background of Study
At this time many types food on market either in packaging or at present
derectly, but most people choose food in the packaging, because it is
more simple, in additian society tend to prefer that is tasty, crunchy,
savory, nutritious and certanly cheep and healtful. Therefore, our group
initiative in innovation on the mushroom by make mushroom crispy.
In the manufacture of crispy mushroom are all made with ingridient halal
and safe for consumption, expect for consumer have specific illness such
as allergies to mushroom. In addittion the crispy mushroom is already in
check through the stages of checks or checks that have been widely and
guaranteed for consumption.
Objective and Benefits of Study
1. Suggest that in doing business should be able to create a new product.
2. Develop the entrepreneurial spirit
Vision and mision of study
In an business must have the vision and mission to promote these
business , would be an entrepreneur that wants its business to run
smoothly without any obstacles , so definitely a company to be advanced
when vision and mission was done well without any mistakes , vision here
means ideals - ideals or dreams you want to accomplish in the future to
ensure the long-term success , while the mission means an action to
realize such a vision.

Certainly here our group has a vision and mission for this crispy mushroom
businesses , and our vision is :
1. Makes one healthy snack products for consumption by the consumer.
2. Being the top-selling snack product in Indonesia
And our mission is:
1. creating good product quality.
2. good service to consumers
3. Always innovating on the product
By creating a vision and mission, we hope can be implemented properly
and smoothly without a hitch.
market segmentation
crispy mushrooms as a snack and is addressed to all ages
Marketing mix
The marketing strategy of our group applying marketing mix can be classified
into four parts, namely Product, Price , Promotion , Place.
a. Product
Product is everything in the offer by producers to consumers so that
requested , purchased , sought and desired by the market concerned. The
products we offer are crispy mushroom products which have the best
quality , with high nutritional value , which can simultaneously healthy and
efficacious drugs. As a vegetarian food, mushroom has many benefits for
health, because it contains amino acids, essential, high protein, vitamins,
minerals, and fiber is high enough. Its efficacy to prevent high blood
pressure, diabetes, anemia, and increase endurance

b. Price
Price is an expression of the value of the usefulness or quality of the
product itself, image formed our group , namely through the promotion , in
addition to the availability of our products through the service so that
pricing is not solely the cost of production and profit only we take, but
rather a value that reflects . In determining the price of this crispy
mushrooms, we give you the right price to the consumer so that the bond
between producers and consumers goes well. The price offered by our
group is one pack IDR 6.000
c. promotion
Promotion is an attempt to inform or offer products or services with the
purpose of attracting potential customers to purchase or consume, In
promoting the products , which we do through the promotional brochures
and face-to- face with customers is to make the process of communication
about our products crispy mushrooms, Our crispy mushroom product that
a lot of benefits, other than that we as a manufacturer must be able to
provide effective communication is easily understood by consumers , so
that consumers are interested in our products
d. place
Place is an area or location is used as a place of business which would be
run later, We had to choose a place of business that is potentially
profitable for us . Therefore the place we choose must have the following
criteria :
1. strategis
2. can be accessed easily
3. can be seen by consumers
At the moment only around kediri market . Because our group has not
been linked to any other city.
Analyzed market
The development of the current business world is progressing quite rapidly ,
but the level of competition is quite tight , in addition to many emerging
various types of new products, which has the same objective , namely the
desire to be able to produce good quality products and can give satisfaction
to customers or consumers as well as gain great. Here analysis is needed to
determine whether the work done is now quite feasible in terms of business in
a sense could be marketed widely but can be acceptable to the market hence
we tried to analyze marketing crispy mushrooms, whereas analysis is a
marketing audit that regular and thorough structured in a move that could
give a firm knowledge of the business , the trend in the market , and where
the competing companies to give additional value .
a. Strength
effort Crispy Mushrooms product has Strengths, among others :
1. Raw materials are accessible and cheap
2. Do
not depend on the season , because it is easier crispy
mushrooms and enjoy doing in getting consumers
3. The selling price is relatively stable , so that the risk of loss is very

4. Can be run by anyone regardless of educational background , as

long as there is a willingness and seriousness can certainly run this
5. The treatment is easy and inexpensive , because it does not require
additional costs
b. Weakness
In a business Crispy Mushrooms product has Weakness, among others :
1. Mushrooms perishables that can degrade the quality
2. It's hard to keep the trust of the customer if the business is online
3. If there is a change in temperature or extreme weather can lead to
a decrease in the quality of products
4. Our products are not durable
c. Opportunities
In a business mushroom product has a crispy Opportunities ( Opportunities
/ opportunity ) , among others:
1. The chances are big enough to be developed
2. Provide a sizable profit
3. Many Indonesian people who love this type of vegetarian diet
d. Threats ( Threats )
Of course in an attempt product must have a threat , for our group , a
threat in our crispy mushroom businesses include:
1. Easily to imitated products
2. Lack of materials needed
3. Many competitors offer cheaper rates
financial planning
a. Estimated Sales
Estimation is a method in which we can estimate the value of a
population by using the value of the sample . Estimator is a value
estimation / a statistical data , as the sample used to fill a parameter .
Below is a calculation of sales to consumers which has to be planned
by our group
One pack : Rp.6.000,00 x 40 packs of mushrooms crispy =
b. Cost
1. Purchase of raw materials :
- 5 Wrap mushrooms
- Oil 1 Kg
- Wheat flour 1 Kg
Rp .
- Eggs Kg
- Salt 1 packet
Rp .
- Baking powder 1 packet
Rp .
- Flavoring flavor
Rp .
- Seasoning aida 3 flavors
Rp .
2. packaging
- Plastic
Rp .
- Glue
Rp .
1.000.00 TOTAL COST



Chapter 3
So we made this proposal, I hope this proposal can help you to become a
successful entrepreneur and makes an idea for someone who has a desire to
entrepreneurship. May Allah swt give shelter and sustenance for all of us, for his
attention and cooperation we thank her.
3.1. summary
According to our group in developing a business must have the will and
certainly strive that we can do it, can to provide good service for consumers and
certainly does not disappoint consumers. And while that is certainly a business
that we do can be achieved successfully.

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