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Thursday Hosting Script ( November 12, 2015)

MC1 : "Success on any major scale requires you to accept

responsibility . . . . In the final analysis, the one quality that all
successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility."
MC2 : A wonderful morning MVTS
MC 1 : Our devoted morning greetings are due to the man whose love for wisdom
overflows, our Secondary School Principal and Education Program Supervisor, Mr.
Samson V. Acapulco
MC2 : Our administrative officer IV, Maam Thelma E. Monleon
MC1 : Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
MC2 : Ladies and gentlemen
MC1 : Welcome to our first day of hosting this weeks convocation.
MC2 : Our monthly value cluster is Responsibility
MC1 : Our weekly ethical theme is Reliability
MC2 : To kick off this mornings activity,
MC1 : we will start with the entrance of the National Flag with the bearers
MC2 : A prayer will be led by _______________
MC1 : Pledge of Loyalty will be led by ____________
MC2 : Dep Ed Vision and Mission will be led by
MC1 : Let us now witness the entrance of the Philippine National Flag

MC 2: Ladies and gentlemen, our Philippine National Anthem

MC1 : Every Monday is always a blessing from God! It is a manifestation of his

overflowing love for us. To radiate this blessing, Grade 9 Mercury has prepared
something for you.
MC 2 : Check this out ladies and gentlemen!

MC1 : That was awesomely done guys!

MC2: Thank you so much!
MC1 : Shall we listen to some announcements?
MC2 : Please welcome
THE HEAD of the
English department Mrs.Esperanza G. Navarro
Math department Mr. Victor G. Antone
Filipino department Dr. Regina O. Menioria
Science department Engineer Marlene Daphne Garcia
TVE department Dr. Candelario Suganob
Araling Panlipunan department- Mr. Nilo C. Villarubia
MAPEH department Mrs. Grace M. Forniz
Values Education department Mrs. Celia M. Sayson
MC1 : thank you for the information Maam and Sir.
We are hosts for the day______________
MC2 :_______________________
You may now go back to your respective classroom in silence and in column

MC1 : Thank you and God bless us all

Friday Hosting Script ( November 13, 2014)
MC1 : Trustful people are the pure at heart, as they are moved by the zeal of their
own trustworthiness. .
MC2 : A Marvelous Morning MVTS
MC 1 : Our devoted morning greetings are due to the man whose administrative
capabilities are unmatched, our Secondary School Principal and Education
Program Supervisor, Mr. Samson V. Acapulco
MC2 : Our administrative officer IV, Maam Thelma E. Monleon
MC1 : Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
MC2 : Ladies and gentlemen
MC1 : Welcome to our second day of hosting this weeks convocation.
MC2 : Our monthly value cluster is Responsibility
MC1 : Our weekly ethical theme is Reliability
MC2 : To kick off this mornings activity,
MC1 : we will start with the entrance of the National Flag with the bearers
MC2 : A prayer will be led by _________________
MC1 : Pledge of Loyalty will be led by ____________
MC2 : Dep Ed Vision and Mission will be led by
MC1 : Let us now witness the entrance of the Philippine National Flag

MC 2: Ladies and gentlemen, our Philippine National Anthem

MC1 : Our Tuesday morning is another manifestation of Gods love for us. To
make our Tuesday more meaningful, here is a song number for you guys.
MC 2 : A round of applause please

MC1 : That was wonderfully rendered guys!

MC2: Thank you so much!
MC1 : Shall we listen to some announcements?
MC2 : Please welcome
THE HEAD of the
English department Mrs.Esperanza G. Navarro
Math department Mr. Victor G. Antone
Filipino department Dr. Regina O. Menioria
Science department Engineer Marlene Daphne Garcia
TVE department Dr. Candelario Suganob
Araling Panlipunan department- Mr. Nilo C. Villarubia
MAPEH department Mrs. Grace M. Forniz
Values Education department Mrs. Celia M. Sayson
MC1 : thank you for the information Maam and Sir.
We are hosts for the day______________
MC2 :_______________________
You may now go back to your respective classroom in silence and in column
MC1 : Thank you and God bless us all

Wednesday Hosting Script ( October 13, 2014)

MC1 : Where humanity sowed faith, hope, and unity, joys garden blossomed.
MC2 : A Patriotic Morning MVTS
MC 1 : Our devoted morning greetings are due to the man who loves and values
education, our Secondary School Principal and Education Program Supervisor, Mr.
Samson V. Acapulco
MC2 : Our administrative officer IV, Maam Thelma E. Monleon
MC1 : Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
MC2 : Ladies and gentlemen
MC1 : Welcome to our third day of hosting this weeks convocation.
MC2 : Our monthly value cluster is Nationalism
MC1 : Our weekly ethical theme is Patriotism
MC2 : To kick off this mornings activity,
MC1 : we will start with the entrance of the National Flag with the bearers
MC2 : A prayer will be led by _______
MC1 : Pledge of Loyalty will be led by ____________
MC2 : Dep Ed Vision and Mission will be led by
MC1 : Let us now witness the entrance of the Philippine National Flag

MC 2: Ladies and gentlemen, our Philippine National Anthem

MC1 : Our Wednesday is interesting because pearls of wisdom are in store for us.
MC 2 : To introduce our speaker this morning, please welcome our class Vice
President, Ms. Hi Jane Solatorio

MC1 : Thank you for the wisdom shared

MC2: We can all be patriots in our own little ways.
MC1 : Shall we listen to some announcements?
MC2 : Please welcome
THE HEAD of the
English department Mrs.Esperanza G. Navarro
Math department Mr. Victor G. Antone
Filipino department Dr. Regina O. Menioria
Science department Engineer Marlene Daphne Garcia
TVE department Dr. Candelario Suganob
Araling Panlipunan department- Mr. Nilo C. Villarubia
MAPEH department Mrs. Grace M. Forniz
Values Education department Mrs. Celia M. Sayson
MC1 : thank you for the information Maam and Sir.
We are hosts for the day______________
MC2 :_______________________
You may now go back to your respective classroom in silence and in column
MC1 : Thank you and God bless us all

Thursday Hosting Script ( October 16, 2014)

MC1: What we need most right now, at this moment, is a kind of patriotic grace a grace that takes the long view, apprehends the moment we're in, comes up with
ways of dealing with it, and eschews the politically cheap and manipulative. That
admits affection and respect. That encourages them. That acknowledges that the
small things that divide us are not worthy of the moment; that agrees that the things
that can be done to ease the stresses we feel as a nation should be encouraged,
while those that encourage our cohesion as a nation should be supported.
MC2 : A Patriotic Morning MVTS
MC 1 : Our devoted morning greetings are due to the man who loves and values
education, our Secondary School Principal and Education Program Supervisor, Mr.
Samson V. Acapulco
MC2 : Our administrative officer IV, Maam Thelma E. Monleon
MC1 : Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
MC2 : Ladies and gentlemen
MC1 : Welcome to our fourth day of hosting this weeks convocation.
MC2 : Our monthly value cluster is Nationalism
MC1 : Our weekly ethical theme is Patriotism
MC2 : To kick off this mornings activity,
MC1 : we will start with the entrance of the National Flag with the bearers
MC2 : A prayer will be led by Cris Marie Cenas
MC1 : Pledge of Loyalty will be led by ____________
MC2 : Dep Ed Vision and Mission will be led by
MC1 : Let us now witness the entrance of the Philippine National Flag

MC 2: Ladies and gentlemen, our Philippine National Anthem

MC1 : Today is examination day and we hope that you will do your best in taking
your exam.
MC 2 : Let us also remember that Honesty is the best policy.

MC1 : Shall we listen to some announcements?

MC2 : Please welcome
THE HEAD of the
English department Mrs.Esperanza G. Navarro
Math department Mr. Victor G. Antone
Filipino department Dr. Regina O. Menioria
Science department Engineer Marlene Daphne Garcia
TVE department Dr. Candelario Suganob
Araling Panlipunan department- Mr. Nilo C. Villarubia
MAPEH department Mrs. Grace M. Forniz
Values Education department Mrs. Celia M. Sayson
MC1 : thank you for the information Maam and Sir.
We are hosts for the day______________
MC2 :_______________________
You may now go back to your respective classroom in silence and in column
MC1 : Thank you and God bless us all

Friday Hosting Script ( October 17, 2014)

MC1: What we need most right now, at this moment, is a kind of patriotic grace a grace that takes the long view, apprehends the moment we're in, comes up with
ways of dealing with it, and eschews the politically cheap and manipulative. That
admits affection and respect. That encourages them. That acknowledges that the
small things that divide us are not worthy of the moment; that agrees that the things
that can be done to ease the stresses we feel as a nation should be encouraged,
while those that encourage our cohesion as a nation should be supported.
MC2 : A Patriotic Morning MVTS
MC 1 : Our devoted morning greetings are due to the man who loves and values
education, our Secondary School Principal and Education Program Supervisor, Mr.
Samson V. Acapulco
MC2 : Our administrative officer IV, Maam Thelma E. Monleon
MC1 : Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
MC2 : Ladies and gentlemen
MC1 : Welcome to our final day of hosting this weeks convocation.
MC2 : Our monthly value cluster is Nationalism
MC1 : Our weekly ethical theme is Patriotism
MC2 : To kick off this mornings activity,
MC1 : we will start with the entrance of the National Flag with the bearers
MC2 : A prayer will be led by Cris Marie Cenas
MC1 : Pledge of Loyalty will be led by ____________
MC2 : Dep Ed Vision and Mission will be led by
MC1 : Let us now witness the entrance of the Philippine National Flag

MC 2: Ladies and gentlemen, our Philippine National Anthem

MC1 : Today is examination day and we hope that you will do your best in taking
your exam.
MC 2 : Let us also remember that Honesty is the best policy.

MC1 : Shall we listen to some announcements?

MC2 : Please welcome
THE HEAD of the
English department Mrs.Esperanza G. Navarro
Math department Mr. Victor G. Antone
Filipino department Dr. Regina O. Menioria
Science department Engineer Marlene Daphne Garcia
TVE department Dr. Candelario Suganob
Araling Panlipunan department- Mr. Nilo C. Villarubia
MAPEH department Mrs. Grace M. Forniz
Values Education department Mrs. Celia M. Sayson
MC1 : thank you for the information Maam and Sir.
We are hosts for the day______________
MC2 :_______________________
You may now go back to your respective classroom in silence and in column
MC1 : Thank you and God bless us all

A Students Prayer
Dear Loving Father
You are indeed King of all kings, worthy to be praised and worshipped.
We beg for your forgiveness for the wrongs we have done as we forgive those who
have wronged against us.
Thank you for the steadfast love that never ceases, for the mercies that never come
to an end.
We stand before you amidst the confusion and complexities in life.
Our future may seem distant and unknown. Give us Lord the vision to see the path
you have set before us.
Grant us the courage to follow your way that through the talents you have given us,
we may bring your love to others.
Keep our family safe in your loving hands.
Heal the sick and help the oppressed and wake us up every morning refreshed and
renewed so we may share your life to others in our own ways
Protect our teachers whom we love as our second parents. Grant them the peace of
mind that they may continue the task of teaching minds, touching hearts and
changing lives
All these we pray

I am a Filipino; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my
superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.
My salute to all of the patriots in the world!
I am standing before you to speak about our weekly ethical theme PATRIOTISM.
The value of Patriotism is important for the freedom of a country. A patriotic
person will always be ready to sacrifice his life for the love for his country. A
patriot is immortal.
Men love their own country. They do many things for the good of the country. This
feeling for their country is called patriotism.
Patriotism is one of the best virtues of men. It is a noble feeling of the mind. It is
said that mother and motherland are superior to heaven. Most men have got a love
for their country. They wish to make their native land free. Some are ready to
sacrifice their own interest for the good of the country. A selfish man cannot love
his native country. A selfish man may be rich; he may he born of a noble family; he
may have a big title, but nobody respects him. After his death, he is forgotten by
all. He is sometimes an enemy to the country. He seeks his own interest. He can
even do harm to the country for his own interest. But everybody praises a patriot. A
patriot is immortal. He is worshiped by his countrymen. He is honored all over the
A patriot is one who has suffers great hardship for his country. He sacrifices
everything for the freedom of his country. He is a great patriot. He earns an
immortal name by his self-sacrifice. Thus many patriots lost their all, even their

lives for the good of the country. But they gained one thing. They won the hearts of
their countrymen.
We must love our country; at the same time we must not hate others. Wars break
out between two nations for want of love for other countries. We should, therefore,
love our country as well as those others.

Reliability means following through on our commitments, doing what we say we

will do. When we are reliable, others can count on us and we can count on
Reliability is one of the foundations of teamwork and cooperation. It allows people
to work together, with each person doing whether what he or she does best,
knowing that friends, family or co workers are taking care of other tasks.
In a community, reliability supports individual growth and discovery. It allows us
to take risks, knowing that others will be there if we fall.
When each of us is reliable, all undertaking will be successful. In the classroom,
our teachers give us individual or group activities that will require us to work as a
team. If all members can be relied upon, a task will never fail.
At home, our parents give us responsibilities to accomplish. They expect us to do
all these. If we can be depended upon, our parents will be happy to see the result of
our endeavor.
In the community, when we work for the good of all, there will be peace and
harmony. There will be understanding and no place for conflict.
If we, ourselves, are responsible enough, others can depend on us. We can also
rely on ourselves. We can survive. We can pass all hardships. We can solve all
problems. Most of all, we can make ourselves better if we are reliable and
So, my advice to all teenagers like me is that be responsible in everything. Be
accountable for all your actions. Results to these will be visible. You cant deny
that GOD sees all we do and we are all held responsible for these. Do what is good
and avoid what is bad. I know that you know the difference between the two.
Thanks for listening and GOD bless us all.

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