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• There will be 58 employees laid off from the school payrolls with the current budget. (The number
of teachers, administrators, custodians, and para-professionals has not been confirmed as of March 28, 2010.)

• In January 2010, the Board Of Education (BOE) negotiated and agreed to a 3.9% salary
increase with the Roselle Park Educator’s Association (RPEA), which represents teachers,
custodians, and para-professionals.

• This 3.9% increase is distributed over three (3) years with the first contract year (2009-2010)
having a 3.6% increase, the second will have a 3.9% increase and the last year having a 4.2%
salary increase.

• The salary increase is an average of total RPEA salaries and are not uniformed throughout. In
other words, everyone does not get 3.6% - some will get a higher percent and some will get

• Coaches and those involved with extracurricular activities will receive a 2½% increase for those

• There are current contract talks with the Roselle Park Administrators’ Association (RPAA) which
the BOE have calculated into their budget at the same average percentage increase (3.9%) as
the RPEA.

• Having the RPEA, RPAA, Business Administrator, and the Superintendent agree to a wage
freeze will come to a savings between $600,000 - $650,000.

• If the RPEA, RPAA, Business Administrator, and Superintendent agree to a wage freeze, this
will most likely save between 10 to 12 positions.

• The school district is still responsible for unemployment benefits for all 58 laid off employees.

• An amount of $1,000,000 has been put into the budget to cover the cost for unemployment
benefits for those 58 employees.

• In the User-Friendly Budget, the line item Unassigned General Operating Budget Revenue is
the 2% surplus allowed by law.

• The Legal Reserve Excess line item is an amount over the legally required surplus amount.

• A 1½% contribution by school district employees this year would reduce the current shortfall
by an additional $500,000. (The governor has asked that all school district employees contribute 1½ % of their
base salaries to the cost of health benefits when future contracts are negotiated. Details of whether it will be the
state or the local district who will receive these withholdings have yet to be clarified.)

• Having the RPEA, RPAA, the Business Administrator, and the Superintendent agree to a wage
freeze and a higher health benefits contribution will lessen the current budget gap by about

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