Phrasal Verbs

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Section 2: Grammar Items for Self-Study


BCN Reader Semester 1 2015-2016



Phrasal Verbs

What are phrasal verbs?

1. A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the
original verb. In many cases the verb can take both a figurative and a literal meaning.
I ran into my teacher at the movies last night. RUN + INTO = MEET
He ran away when he was 15. RUN + AWAY = LEAVE HOME
2. Some phrasal verbs are intransitive. An intransitive verb cannot be followed by an object.
He suddenly showed up. "SHOW UP" CANNOT TAKE AN OBJECT

3. Some phrasal verbs are transitive. A transitive verb can be followed by an object.

I made up the story. "STORY" IS THE OBJECT OF "MAKE UP"

4. Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable. The object is placed between the verb and the
preposition. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary, separable phrasal verbs are marked by placing a * between
the verb and the preposition / adverb.
I talked my mother into letting me borrow the car.
She looked the phone number up.
5. Some transitive phrasal verbs are inseparable. The object is placed after the preposition. In this Phrasal
Verb Dictionary, inseparable phrasal verbs are marked by placing a + after the preposition / adverb.
I ran into an old friend yesterday.
They are looking into the problem .
6. Some transitive phrasal verbs can take an object in both places. In this Phrasal Verb Dictionary,
such phrasal verbs are marked with both * and +.
I looked the number up in the phone book. I
looked up the number in the phone book.
7. WARNING! Although many phrasal verbs can take an object in both places, you must put the object
between the verb and the preposition if the object is a pronoun (it, him, her, etc.). This applies to
separable phrasal verbs and those with two possibilities. For inseparable phrasal verbs it applies that
the object is ALWAYS placed after the preposition.
I looked the number up in the phone book.
I looked up the number in the phone book.

I looked it up in the phonebook

He takes after his two elder brothers


he takes after them

BCN Reader Semester 1 2015-2016


List of Phrasal Verbs

* = separable
+ = inseparable

*+ = both separable and inseparable


Add * up + = calculate a sum

add up to + = equal an amount
add up = make sense
back down = stop defending your opinion in a
back out = not keep (a promise, agreement,
back out of + = not keep (a promise,
agreement, deal)
back * up + = give support
bear on + = have to do with
bear with + = be patient
blow over = pass without creating a problem
break * down + = analyse in detail
break * in + = wear or use something new
until it is comfortable
break in = interrupt
break * up + = break into pieces
break up = end a relationship
bring*about + = cause to happen
bring * on + = cause something
bring * up + = mention
brush * off + = ignore something or
someone (inf.)
buy * out + = buy the shares of a company or
the shares the other person owns of a
buy * up + = purchase the entire supply of
call for + = require (as in a recipe)
call * off + = cancel something
call * off + = order to stop (an invasion,
guard dogs)
call on + = visit
call on + = invite someone to speak in a
meeting or a classroom
carry on + = continue (a conversation, a
carry on about + = continue in an annoying
carry * out + = complete and/or accomplish


catch up with + = speed up to be at the

same place as a person or thing in front of you
catch up on + = become up-to-date
check for + = try to find
check * out + = investigate, take a look at
check out = leave a hotel, hospital
check out of + = leave a hotel, hospital
check up on + = investigate someone or
check with + = ask a person for confirmation
close * down + = close a place permanently
close * up + = close temporarily
come about = occur / happen
come across + = discover by accident
come down with + = become sick with
come up to + = approach; to equal
come up with + = produce or create (an idea, a
count on + = depend/rely on
count * out + = exclude
count * up + = add
cut down = decrease the amount of
cut down on + = decrease the amount of
cut in = interrupt
cut * off = interrupt someone while they
were speaking
cut * up + = cut into small pieces
do away with + = abolish
do without + = manage without something
one wants or needs
draw * up + = create ( a contract)
drop in = visit someone unexpectedly
drop out = quit an organized activity
face up to + = acknowledge something
difficult or embarrassing
fall back on + = be able to use in case of
fall behind = go slower than scheduled, lag
fall behind in + = go slower than scheduled, lag
fall through = fail to happen
feel up to + = have the energy to do
figure * out + = solve something, understand
fill in for + = substitute for
fill * out + = complete (an application)
get * across + = cause to be understood
get ahead = make progress
get away with + = do something against the

BCN Reader Semester 1 2015-2016

rules or illegal and not get caught or punished

get by = survive without having the things you
need or want
get by on + = survive with minimal resources
get by with + = manage with
get down to + = get serious about a topic
get through + = complete
get through to + = make contact
give * away + = betray (a secret)
give in = stop trying
go back on + = not keep
word, a
go over + = review
go through + = examine in detail, study
go through + = endure; experience
challenges, difficulties or traumas
go through with + = continue or proceed
despite difficulties or fears
go without + = abstain from something you
want or need
hand * back + = return
hand * over + = relinquish control of
hear from + = receive news from (a letter,
an e-mail)
hear of + = know about something or
hold * up + = delay (a flight, traffic)
hook * up + = make the electrical
connections required for a machine or
information service
jack up + = to raise
jump in = enter a conversation
jump to + = make a quick, poorly thought out
keep up with + = stay on schedule with (a
person, the workload, homework)
lay down + = establish (laws, rules)
lay * off + = suspend someone from a job
(during a slow period)
let * down = disappoint
live up to + = keep a standard
look into + = investigate
look * up + = search for (in a dictionary)
look up to + = respect, admire someone
make * out + = write a check or other


make up = reconcile
make up for + = compensate for
occur to + = pop into one's mind, come to
pass * off + = try to convince someone that
something is real
pass * on + = transmit
pay * off + = complete payment on a debt pick
on + = to tease, bully
pick * out + = choose
pick up = grow, increase (inf.)
play * down + = make less important (inf.)
point * out + = indicate
put * across + = communicate (an idea or
suggestion) clearly so that it is understood
put * down + = insult, say bad things about
put * off + = postpone
put out + = spend (usually used with
unreasonably large sums of money)
put up with + = tolerate
rule * out + = eliminate
run against + = compete in an election
run for + = campaign for a government
run into + = meet unexpectedly
run out of + = not have any more of

see * off = say good-bye to someone at the
beginning of their trip (at the airport, train
see to + = make sure something happens,
set up + = arrange (an appointment, a
meeting, etc.)
settle on + = make a decision after a period
of time
settle up = pay one's debts
show off = boast, draw attention to oneself
spell * out + = to explain something in a
detailed way so that the meaning is clearly
stand by = wait
stand for + = represent
stand for + = tolerate
stand out = be very noticeable stick

BCN Reader Semester 1 2015-2016

take after + = resemble a parent or relative
take * back + = retract something you said
take * for = consider, view as
take over = take control of
talk back (to) = respond in an impolite way to
an adult
talk * over + = discuss
tear down + = destroy
tear * up + = tear or rip into small pieces
think * over + = consider
think * through + = consider carefully
think * up + = create or invent a false story
throw * away + = discard
throw * out + = remove by force from (a
room, school, a house, etc.)
try * out = test
turn * around = change or reverse direction
turn * down + = refuse an offer; reject an
turn * off + = stop the function of (a stove, a
water faucet, a car, etc.)
turn out = end up being
turn up = find unexpectedly

veer away from + = stay away from, avoid

wait on + = serve, service (a table)
watch out = be careful
watch out for + = be careful of
wear off = disappear after a period of time
wear * out = use until something is not
useable anymore
wear * out = cause to be very tired
work * out + = solve
write * up + = prepare a report
zero in on + = discover, pinpoint
zoom in on + = focus on something, pinpoint


BCN Reader Semester 1 2015-2016

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