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19 OCTOBER 2015

GROUP: Colors
Nur Imanina Zabha (Leader)
Chan Yee Lin
Dharrshiny a/p Subramaniam
Yong Choy Kuan


En. Ahmad Shaarizan Shaarani

The name of our group is Colors. This group consists of four members and each member has
their own roles when developing our project. Nur Imanina Bt Zabha as the Manager and have
divided the task among each team members equally and has ensured that the project has
moved smoothly towards the deadline. Each team members were also monitored as to prevent
any mistakes. Chan Yee Lin acts as the Designer to design the visual environment mainly to
create the look and feel of the website such as graphics, logo, branding, colour scheme, etc.
Dharrshiny a/p Subramaniam have been given a role of a Script & Software Authors. She is in
charge to write the script and typically provide some sort of support mechanism for this
software. She is responsible to generate a storyboard and document the most effective
sequences and storyline for our product. Yong Choy Kuan as the Developer uses the strategy,
content, and design to build out the project. In this role, he will build out the code for the project
and assist with technical activity in conjunction with other services, in particular hosting.
The background of our project is how to ensure whether a healthy lifestyle can be achieved by
students. This idea is generated when Colors have observed the lifestyle of students in
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), the students have little concern about their lifestyle.
Most of the students only concentrate on a few aspects of a healthier lifestyle like drink enough
water and regular workouts.
Colors have chosen a topic Students Healthy Lifestyle because nowadays student dont take
healthy lifestyle seriously. Most of them dont have a balance lifestyle that consists of exercising
regularly, eating a balanced meal and taking care of their mental health.

Objectives and Scopes

The objectives of this project are:

To investigate whether students or staffs in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)


have a healthy lifestyle.

To develop a multimedia system to increase awareness and promote healthy lifestyle to


students effectively.
To integrate multimedia elements such as text, images, audio, video and animation
about healthy lifestyle for a more user-friendly approach.

This project will be developed by using Adobe Flash as a stand-alone multimedia system. This
system can be use in school, college and university for students to gain more knowledge about
healthy lifestyle with some entertainment. It is also known as edutainment which is education
and entertainment. The students will be inspired with the media convergence and emulate the
healthy lifestyle and learn all by themselves. Some lecturers have participated willingly in our
interview to share about their lifestyle in this project. For the contents in this project, Colorss
members use HD video camera which was borrowed from UTeM for three days with the
permission of multimedia lecturer. Besides, this project doesnt cost too much money. Our
targeted users are those who wants to change or learn more about healthy lifestyle.

User Interface Design

Our project consists of media elements such as images, sound, text, animation and video that
will be combined to create a website. Users can use it for free and it is simple to use. The
website will be informational as there are a lot of tips and short articles on healthy lifestyle.
There are games and questionnaire that are available for user to choose. Hyperlink button is
created for user to explore the site without consuming too much time. Colors will balance the
media elements on the system to make sure that the info will not appear crowded and
confusing. Nonetheless, user can improve their knowledge of the healthy lifestyle and practise a
good habit in their life based on the tips and steps shared.

Students Healthy Lifestyle












Colors have learned that a healthy lifestyle is a serious matter. It is understandable that it can be
difficult for students to find time to maintain a healthy lifestyle as Colors are just regular
university students. As a university student you will learn a lot both in and out of the classroom.
Its also about having fun and having new experiences.
Make the most of your youth experience such as joining a sport or an activity club and eating a
more healthy foods such as more fruits, vegetables because campus life is full of temptations
and bad health influence including, but not limited to over-spending, smoking, late night hang
out, and study drugs and anything otherwise. Between homework, tests and maintaining a
social life, it can be difficult for students to find time and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Poor health
can quickly lead to stress, self-esteem issues, poor mood, illness and fatigue.
Last but not least getting good grades, focusing in class and balancing a busy schedule might
be easier if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle should be a continuous routine
because living a healthy lifestyle doesnt have temporary effect but a permanent one that will
change lives. Hopefully this project can help to change lives.

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