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Trench Cakes

Student Teachers Name: Amy Palmer

Date: 11/23/15 and 11/24/15
Lesson Title: Trench Cake Lesson
Subject: World History - WWI
Instruction time: 1- 90 minute block schedule
Students level by grade: 9th grade (SPED inclusive class)
Iowa Common Core Standard(s) to be addressed:
Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the role of innovation on the
development and interaction of societies.
Understand significant changes caused by technology, industrialization,
urbanization, and population growth and the effects of these changes.
Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand cause and effect relationships and other
historical thinking skills in order to interpret events and issues.
Understand relationships between and among significant events
Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions targeted in this lesson (for
units created using the Understanding By Design framework only)
-What was life like in the trenches during WWI?
Learning Objectives for this lesson (Written using verbs from Blooms
-Students will break down the different parts of a trench.
-Students will sketch and label their illustration of either an Allied or German trench.
-Students will invent their own small scale trench using their sketch and the
chocolate cake and other edible materials provided.
-Students will reflect on what life was like in a trench by completing a written
analysis describing their life in their trench to a family member.

Identified student needs and plans for differentiation:

Specific resources needed for this lesson:
-8x11 white computer paper

-Colored pencils
-Chocolate cake
-Edible Supplies donated by the students: marshmallows, thin pretzel sticks, Oreos,
chocolate and vanilla frosting, gummy bears, red frosting for decoration, aluminum
-Army men
-Instruction Sheet: Trench Cake Assignment Sheet.pdf
Instructional method(s) used in this lesson:
-Direct instruction
-Student centered

Lesson Sequence:

Hook (How will you get students excited about learning/Introduce students to
your objectives?
Questioning: We will recall what a trench it. I will have them describe the trenches
using their senses: what did it feel like, sound like, smell like, look like, and taste

Direct instruction/ Modeling:

I will give them the assignment sheet. I will let them know how the lesson is going
to look. I will model images of past cakes designed as well as post images from
what life look like the in trenches.

Guided Practice:
The students will get back their design from last week. They will look at the
comments and ask any questions they need and make adjustments before
beginning the cake design.

Independent practice:
Students will create their own trench using all the supplies listed above. The
students will have certain items that they are required to add, but are encouraged
to add any additional qualities they wish.
While students are completing their trench designs, I will read to them what life is
like in the trench and letters from home that were primary sources from WWI
written by soldiers of the war.

Check(s) for understanding and scaffolding of student learning:

Walking around the room and asking clarifying questions if they get stuck or look to
be off track.

Assessment of/for learning
Summative Assessment. Students will have two forms of assessment: one for their
cakes and one for their letter home.

Closure of the lesson

Once they are done with their cake design, they will evaluate and conclude the
assignment by writing a letter home describing the trenches.

Bridge to next lesson

This is going to bridge in to the ending of the WWI unit and talking about the social,
political, and economical impact of the war.
How will you modify or adjust this lesson in the future?

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