Cross Cultural Understanding

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Non-verbal communication is a communication without words.

The message is expressed

intentionally or unintentionally through the motions or actions. For examples, when someone
rejects something, he or she expresses it with shaking the head.
Proxemics is kind of non-verbal communication that relates to space in communication. Spacing
determines how close you are with others. For instance, a boy sits in a bench with his girlfriend,
they will sit closer.
Chronemics is the use of time in non-verbal communication. It is the way that people perceive
and value time. For example, In the U.S., it is expected that people be on time whereas in
Indonesia, it is typical for people to be late.
Kinesics is a communication using body movement such as eye contacts, facial expressions, or
gesture. For example, when we great someone, we start with smiling.
Haptic is a type of non-verbal communication that focuses on touching. Haptic is closely related
with proxemics, but haptic is usually a direct result of allowing others into our intimate space.
For example, when we meet with older people especially families we usually kiss their hands as
an expression of respect.
Artifact is a non-verbal communication through personal objects. For instance, most of women
do not feel confident when they do not wear jewelry in party.
Paralanguage is a type of non-verbal communication that is related on tone, pitch, accent, and
manner of speaking. For example, Javanese people are humble. They do not express anger in a
louder voice.
Physical appearance is a non-verbal communication that is used to judge people based on how
they look, what they wear, and their attractiveness. As an example, most of women want to date
with a handsome man and most of people want to make a friend with white people than blacks.

The importance of Nonverbal Communication

There is an evidence for the importance of nonverbal communication. Birdwhistell (1955) and
Burgoon (1994) find that about two-thirds of the meaning in daily communication is extended by
nonverbal communication, and about one-third is extended by verbal communication. Based on
fact above, it is obvious that nonverbal communication is conveyed in everyday communication.
Why is nonverbal communication so important?

Nonverbal communication is present everywhere

Nonverbal communication is unavoidable in daily conversation. It presents wherever you
are. People always communicate nonverbally in college, home, market, hospital, library,
office, and other places. For instance, in college atmosphere, there is a student. She is
reading a book seriously. Sometimes, she scratches her head. Other students who see her
will interpret that probably she will take an exam, and she does not understand what the

book explains.
Nonverbal communication is usually comes first
Before people open their mouths, they have communicated nonverbally by their clothing,
body posture, facial expression, etc. As an example, a man wants to do jogging, but
before he tells to his friend about his planning, he has explained it nonverbally through

his sportswear.
Nonverbal communication is especially likely to be trusted
Nonverbal communication is perceived as more honest. It can be laid. For instance,
people feel nervous when speaking in front of class. They cannot hide the feeling. Their
facial expression tells everything and their hands will tremble.

The disadvantages of using Nonverbal Communication

Lack of formality: Non-verbal communication does not follow any rules, formality or
structure like other communication. Most of the cases people unconsciously and
habitually engaged in non-verbal communication by moving the various parts of the

Lead misunderstanding: The language of nonverbal symbols differs from culture to
culture, just as verbal language does. For example, gestures seen as positive in one
culture such as the thumbs-up gesture in the USA may be seen as obscene in another

culture. Therefore, it is needed to have deeper knowledge about nonverbal

Not everybody prefers: Everybody does not prefer to communicate through non-verbal
communication with others. Sometimes, it cannot create an impression to people or
listeners, and It is less influential.

Intercultural competence
Intercultural competence is the competence on how individual can share the information well
with people from different cultures. For example, the tourists, they come to Indonesia. They
explore Indonesian culture ,starting with how to communicate Indonesian, playing Angklung,
Dancing Jaipong dance, wearing batik

or tasting Indonesian food such as gado-gado, Bakso,

Sate, etc.
Ethnocentric is a concept which views the own culture is superior and underestimate others
culture. For instance, All Indonesian eat using a spoon or by hand, but Japanese eat rice using
chopsticks. Taking rice use chopsticks is very difficult for Indonesian, so using a spoon or by
hand is better. We do not have to spend a lot of time for eating by chopstick.
Stereotype is a general viewpoint about someones culture. Stereotype is based on interpreting
that we produce based on our point of view, and the interpreting can be right or wrong. For
example, through watching Korean drama we interpret that all Koreans drink Soju when they are
a broken heart. Koreans are beautiful and handsome because of plastic surgery. All Koreans like
wearing Black-White shirt and most of them are rich with luxurious car, big houses and


Prejudice is an opinion that is not based on a fact. That viewpoint comes without enough
knowledge, and it refers to negative attitude. For example, sometimes we judge women who
wear veil until covering their eyes is a terrorist.
Discrimination is an action for treating a person or a group of people unfairly because of their
skin color, sex, race, etc. For instance, in teaching and learning process, sometimes teachers pay
more attention to smarter student. Moreover, teachers pay more attention to girls than boys.
Actually, all students have the same rights.
Racism is the perception that the qualities of people can be categorized based on their physical
appearance. Racism can lead prejudice and discrimination. For example, In the United States,
blacks were not only considered inferior to whites but regarded as property instead of human

Ar-rum 31-32

Muniybiyna ilaihi wattaquuhu wa aqiymuushsholaata wa laa takuw nuu minal

turning to Him. And fear you Him, and perform the prayer, and be not of the idolaters,

minalladziina farraquu diynahum wa kaa nuu syiyaan. Kullu hizbim bimaa ladayhim
even of those who have divided up their religion, and become sects, each several party rejoicing
in what is theirs.
Al-hujurat 13

yaa ayyuhaa alnnaasu innaa khalaqnaakum min dzakarin wauntsaa waja'alnaakum

syu'uuban waqabaa-ila lita'aarafuu inna akramakum 'inda allaahi atqaakum inna allaaha
'aliimun khabiirun

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female

and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one
another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the
most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

[All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful,
Sovereign of the Day of Recompense.
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
Guide us to the straight path The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those
who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.

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