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Pointless sky above was all gray , fading down to a blur !

The voice came out

- Run little rabbit , face up the clouds above and if you dont find the lights up
there , come down your own way , pretend its all reality and live Blind . Voices
kept screaming and going down with echoes of the dark . Hawling back the
senses the doors of the black highways were closed , world was all active
John was a traveller , curious to explore the untouched sites and demographs
on the earth . World to him was a path to no where with a joyful bliss to new
experiences , keeping his senses alive he was now an observer travelling
around the places on earth , to gain his own sernity and understanding the
purpose of every survival . He considered his walk as his own highway
straight in direction to sun fading down everytime in the silence . Though he
never heard the silence , Silence that leads to the screams and echoes in the
gray .
Travelling with the time , John was trapped by some black webs of illusionary
world filled with voices that carry message of arrival of a storm . Storm that
believed to come but never did . His curiousity always lead him to the dark
road , searching for the origins , expecting an afterglow . John had choosen
the path where no one goes , Considering his Journey lost in the dream , with
no existance of light , where he find himself again and again after every
runaway from the echoes . He could never find a reason to follow this path ,
but he was curious to know the existance of these illusions .
John was all in reality now , soul searching , beneath a setting sun gaining

every single ray to its warmth . His mind awaits the dooms about to come ,
He look down himself , Rusting down , the faded path into the the
disappearing horizon . He turned around for the Last look back , Voices
around . Dont look back , Walk till you find yourself under the black storm ,
standing in a true silence. He pointed his vision to Last of the lights , in
silence , stands still , lossing all his senses to the setting sun . Carelessly he
shook his shoulder to turn back , but the voice kept him straight to face down
the dark trail . Standing still through this time travel , John realised the
message was a whisper but not a scream this time . Whisper that provoked
him to walk , with a purpose on a message , to find what he never knew . He
was determined to walk with silence into the journey of desire with spurs of
the thoughts , unware of the purpose . Journey that wont come to an end until
it finds a new way to start .
John put himself to a Blackhole , running a time machine out of his grumbling
mind . A Beautiful terrain appears to him , he found himself standing against
the sun , the place was noiseless , Variant rays all around . John kept stairing
the sun thats brightening his eyeball , Now wide open , realising a presence of
a concrete roofs over his head , wondering about his blissful dream . Realising
a dream of his own silence , a silence with which he can take a walk to no
where , in a wit of his serenity .
John was all set to leave , every thing to place where he could find it again in
a treasure of his joyful memories , detemined to explore his dreams out of the
places . Roots of all his pain were going to be merged with an endless travel .
In search for a place where every dreamer comes to fall .
With no end to his wander he left out as One , One Learning himself apart
from the consiousness , pretending to be a part of this continuation of
interaction between the different realities on the world . Nothing survives to
his wandering mind , eager to experience the new , he was synchronising ,
with sounds of the nature , Eyes were capturing every moment as a visual
projected as new and forever . Beyond the expectations of future and past ,
he headed towards the brightest side , to face this world as one . In search of
a standpoint to get divised into the heights . Facing up the mountains , and
never against them . John started his journey to heights , wondering the world
from the above , Presence of all realities as one and himself , living a dream
as one .
While climbing these mountains , john considered the world formation as
different leaves at the scattering branches of a tree . If preserved will bloom
with different colours splashing out as part of nature but if not , will lie dead
apart . Out of the bounds of expectations and fore-thinking john was now in
his own freeworld , surrendering his consiousness against his curiosity . He
followed the path that fulfill his eyes , wondering about the brightness and
beauty on this world . John was fortunate and thankful to find this experience
and a purpose for himself to now explore . At every point john took rest ,
realising that world is full of standpoints from where one can explore
serenity . Standpoint that creates a vastness of free waves inside his mind .
Serenity that comes from the sound , colours and shapes formed as one , to

create the abstract sense that he was adoring as achievements .

World for him was an upcoming story , story that includes all the reality in
itself , He was making a path where lies the various standpoints , merging
with the pleasent nature and formations of unheard thoughts in context with
experience of a path of his own .

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