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Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas

ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo

Special Issue
March 29, 2010

Advance from strategic defensive

to strategic stalemate
Message to the New People's Army
from the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines
March 29, 2010

n the occasion of the 41st founding anniversa- tionary forces. It has rich revolutionary experience
ry of the New People's Army (NPA), we salute and all-round strength gained from more than 40
the Red commanders and fighters and pay our years of people's war for fulfilling the political re-
highest respects to our revolutionary martyrs and he- quirements for people's war.
roes. We congratulate the rank and file for the victo- Third, the people's army under the leadership of
ries won in the past year and urge them on to garner the CPP has the correct strategy and tactics set forth
further victories in the revolutionary struggle for na- by the Party for advancing the people's war. The Red
tional liberation and democracy. commanders and fighters have high morale and are
Since we announced our strategic plan to advance determined to inflict blows on the enemy and carry
from the stage of strategic defensive to that of stra- out the strategic plan.
tegic stalemate in the protracted people's war, our
Party cadres and members, Red commanders
and fighters, mass activists, allies and the
broad masses of the people have been
enthusiastically discussing the basis,
political requirements and strategy
and tactics for the advance. Why and
how shall we succeed?
First, the chronic crisis conditions
of the world capitalist system and
those of the domestic ruling system
serve as the basis for our strategic
plan and its implementation in the
next five years. They continue to wors-
en and are increas-
ingly favorable
conditions for ad-
vancing the people's
Second, the CPP
has maintained the
correct ideological,
political and organi-
zational line and ef-
fectively leads the
people and the revolu-
I. Crisis conditions in the world capitalist system
conditions similar to those that capitalism is protracting and deep-
T he world capitalist system has
been shaken from base to raft-
ers by one serious economic and fi-
brought about the two world wars
of the 20th century, with the dif-
Having become a big debtor,
nancial crisis after another since ference that there is far higher po- the US is vulnerable to efforts of
the mid-1970s. The policy shift tential for peoples to wage revolu- China to adopt economic, trade
from Keynesianism to neoliberalism tion, nations to fight for liberation and finance policies serving its na-
has merely deepened and aggravat- and non-imperialist countries to tional interest. Of long term impor-
ed the recurrent crisis. assert independence. tance to the Philippines are ASE-
The full restoration of capital- The class struggle between the AN-China economic relations as a
ism in several revisionist-ruled monopoly bourgeoisie and the pro- departure from the sole domi-
countries has been touted by the letariat is surfacing in nance of US imperialism in East
monopoly bourgeoisie as proof that the imperialist coun- Asia. The Shanghai Cooperation
the socialist cause is hopeless and tries. The imperialist Organization can be a counter-
that the world capitalist system is powers have become weight to US hegemonism in
stronger than ever before. But in frenzied in their compe- the whole of Asia.
fact, the increase of industrial cap- tition for economic ter- The US continues to
italist countries has made the ritory and for spheres of be sucked in by the
world more cramped for capitalism influence. The inter- quagmires made by its
and has aggravated the crisis of imperialist contradictions wars of aggression in Iraq
the world capitalist system. are becoming more intense and Afghanistan. Its mili-
The economic and financial cri- and more violent. tary interventions in the
sis has become extremely destruc- However, the imper- Middle East, Africa, Cen-
tive in the imperialist countries ialist powers are still tral Asia and South Asia
and more so in the less developed avoiding direct violent are adversely affecting
and underdeveloped countries. It is clashes among themselves its overall dominance. Certain
pushing the imperialist powers to and are directing their violence to- countries have been asserting their
become more plunderous, more re- wards oppressed peoples in the national independence in East
pressive and more aggressive than neocolonial and underdeveloped Asia, Latin America and Africa.
ever before. The crisis is generating countries. Even as China has be- The people continue to wage
come the main US global partner in armed resistance against the US
carrying out the US policy of “neo- and its puppets. In other countries
ANG liberal globalization,” the bank- like India, the Philippines, Peru,
ruptcy of this policy is pressing Turkey and Colombia, the people
Vol. XLI March 29, 2010
China to secure its own markets; persevere in armed struggle for na-
sources of fuel and other raw mate- tional liberation and democracy.
Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, rials; and fields of investments. Revolutionary parties of the prole-
Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and This tends to upset the balance of tariat are waging or preparing to
English editions. forces among the imperialist pow- wage people's war in a growing
It is available for downloading at
ers. number of countries in Asia, Africa
the Philippine Revolution Web Central
located at: The ongoing economic and fi- and Latin America. nancial crisis of the US and the The social and political turmoil
Ang Bayan welcomes contributions world capitalist system is not be- and the rise of revolutionary armed
in the form of articles and news. ing solved as the imperialist pow- struggles in the world capitalist
Readers are likewise enjoined to send
in their comments and suggestions for
ers stick to their neoliberal dogma. system will favor the advance of
the betterment of our publication. You The bailout money from public cof- the new democratic revolution in
can reach us by email at: fers is being used merely to im- the Philippines. The high propensi- prove the balance sheets of the big ty of the US and other imperialist
banks and corporations in the mil- powers to unleash wars of aggres-
Ang Bayan is published fortnightly itary-industrial complex instead of sion and state terrorism against
by the Central Committee of the
reviving production and employ- the people drive the people to en-
Communist Party of the Philippines
ment. Thus, the crisis of global gage in revolutionary war.
2 ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010
II. Crisis conditions in the domestic ruling system
T he Arroyo regime has been ex-
tremely reactionary and obscur-
antist in misrepresenting the char-
run,” “NPA mass surrenders,” “so-
cial integration of rebel returnees”
and the like. Abductions, torture
political power are reduced as a re-
sult of the worsening crisis.
As exposed by the Ampatuan
acter of the ruling system in the and extrajudicial killings of social massacre, the reactionary factions
Philippines. It has brought upon activists and ordinary people are can use parts of the military, police
the people the crushing weight of passed off as legitimate actions and paramilitary forces as their pri-
foreign monopoly capitalism, do- against the “enemies of the state” vate armed groups and build their
mestic feudalism and bureaucrat and the perpetrators rewarded and own undisguised private armies by
capitalism under such US-dictated cited as “heroes.” taking military supplies from the
policies as “neoliberal globaliza- The chronic crisis of the semi- armories of the state. The rampan-
tion” and “global war on terror.” colonial and semifeudal ruling sys- cy of private armies has been gen-
And yet the regime has harped tem in the Philippines will persist erated by the US-Arroyo policy of
on turning the Philippines into a and continue to worsen. Nothing in state terrorism against the people.
“first world country” and perverse- sight indicates that a new adminis- The current presidential elec-
ly puts the blame on the people's tration would arise from the cur- tions will not muffle but will inten-
resistance to oppression and ex- rent presidential elections to make sify the contradictions among the
ploitation as the cause of underde- the Philippines truly independent reactionaries. The periodic elec-
velopment and poverty. And it is and take the path of industrial de- tions for officials of the reactionary
using such a big lie as the ration- velopment through land reform and government have served to ensure
ale for seeking to destroy or reduce national industrialization. Those in the dominance of the politicians
the revolutionary movement to in- power at the highest level tend to who are pro-imperialist and are
consequentiality through brutal monopolize bureaucrat looting and representatives of the big com-
campaigns of military suppression increase their take by further ex- pradors and landlords and have
since 2001. ploiting and oppressing the people, been a process for excluding the
Oplan Bantay Laya (OBL) has especially the toiling masses. representatives of the working peo-
utterly failed in all its counterrev- The abject semicolonial agrari- ple and for redistributing and ro-
olutionary objectives. The New an character of the Philippines pro- tating power among the political
People's Army has successfully vides the conditions for the devel- dynasties and factions.
launched tactical offensives na- opment of people's war. The ab- But the current presidential
tionwide, thus belying the regime's sence of genuine thoroughgoing elections are becoming the gate-
psywar claims and demonstrating land reform guarantees that the way to further crisis of the system
the growing strength of the armed peasant masses follow the leader- and further violence among the re-
revolutionary movement. ship of the Communist Party of the actionaries. The competing politi-
The people dismiss the psywar Philippines in carrying out agrarian cal factions are spending more
claims of the reactionary military revolution and participating in the heavily than ever before on the
about so many “NPA camps over- people's war. electoral campaign. The winners
The chronic socioeconomic cri- will try to recoup and profit from
sis of the ruling system will gener- their government positions. The
ate an unprecedentedly worse losers will become bitter with dis-
political crisis enough to rend- appointment.
er the ruling classes of big Whichever reactionary faction
compradors and landlords captures the presidency in May will
incapable of ruling in the continue the US-dictated policy of
old way. Factions of the state terrorism against the people
ruling classes have be- and the revolutionary forces. Not
come more violent one among the four major presiden-
against each other tial candidates is expressing a de-
as spoils of termination to carry out peace ne-
gotiations to address the roots of
the armed conflict through social,
economic and political reforms.
ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010 3
The resistance of the reactionaries, especially the in Philippine history as the largest ever revolutionary
pro-imperialist militarists and clerico-fascists, to seri- army of the people.
ous peace negotiations is a good thing. It serves to Oplan Bantay Laya I and II have failed to suppress
cast away false illusions about peace negotiations and the armed revolutionary movement. The reactionaries
to drive the revolutionary forces further on to the unwittingly admit the significant strength of the peo-
great task of waging people's war. ple's army every time they declare that it remains the
The worst among the reactionaries and their pseu- biggest threat to the ruling system. They merely make
do-progressive followers, including the renegades ex- fools of themselves by endlessly repeating the lie that
posed by the Second Great Rectification Movement, the NPA had 25,000 fighters in the mid-1980s and is
have long claimed that the people and forces in the now reduced to a few thousands.
new democratic revolution have been undercut and From week to week, from month to month and
debilitated by the unarmed people's uprisings in 1986 from year to year, the NPA has demonstrated its capa-
and 2001 and the succession of pseudo-democratic bility to wipe out enemy units and will continue to do
post-Marcos regimes. so under the policy and strategic plan of advancing
The detractors of the new democratic revolution from the stage of strategic defensive to that of the
through protracted people's war obscure the fact that strategic stalemate. The NPA is bound to grow in
the revolutionary forces have contributed greatly to strength ever more rapidly by continuing to apply the
the success of the unarmed people's uprisings and specific line of extensive and intensive guerrilla war-
that the NPA has not only preserved but has also ex- fare on the basis of an ever expanding and deepening
panded its revolutionary armed strength to stand out mass base.

III. Political requirements of people's war

delays for Party candidate-mem-
T he No. 1 political requirement
for the new democratic revolu-
tion in the Philippines and for the
ership and core of the revolution-
ary mass movement. The Party
membership is an adequate base
bers to become full members. The
delays in elevating someone from
advance from the strategic defen- for reaching this goal within two candidature to full membership are
sive to the strategic stalemate in years under the policy of expand- often caused by negligence and
the protracted people's war is the ing the Party membership boldly lack of concern for the desire of
revolutionary political leadership without letting in a single undesir- candidate members to become full
of the Communist Party of the Phil- able. The Party must recruit and members. It suffices that the can-
ippines. The Party has laid out the swear in as Party candidate-mem- didate-member gets the basic Party
general line of new democratic rev- bers the activists in the mass or-
olution against the semicolonial ganizations who accept the Consti-
and semifeudal ruling system. tution and Program of the Party.
Under the guidance of Marxism- Candidate-members of worker
Leninism-Maoism, the Party has and peasant origin become full
accumulated experience and members within six months and
achievements in leading the new those of petty-bourgeois origin,
democratic revolution. By carrying within one year. During the period
out the Second Great Rectification of candidature, the concerned Par-
Movement from 1992 to 1998, it ty organ or unit must verify the
has recovered the mass base it pre- good character and militancy of
viously lost through grave errors of the candidate members in the mass
“Left” and Right opportunism in movement and must provide to
the 1980s and has revitalized the them the basic Party education. All
armed revolutionary movement leading Party organs and units
since the 1990s. must work fast to elevate to full
The key task of the Party in the membership both the backlog and
next five years is to recruit at least the new crop of Party candidate-
200,000 Party members in order to members.
strengthen the revolutionary lead- There should be no unnecessary
4 ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010
education and proves serious in
carrying out his/her assigned tasks
in the Party unit and mass organi-
To be able to build the Party
rapidly, we must accelerate the
building of the mass organizations
for peasants, workers, youth, wom-
en, children, cultural activists and
other sectors. It suffices at the
start for the applicants/recruits to
become members by accepting the
program and constitution of the
mass organization. Without a
growing mass movement from
which it can recruit candidate-
members, the Party cannot expand
and perform the task of arousing,
organizing and mobilizing a still
greater number of people. Relative
to the strategic task of advancing must be developed at the region- Under the leadership of the
from the strategic defensive to the al, subregional, provincial, district Party, the organs of political power
strategic stalemate, both our Party or guerrilla front and section lev- can form and administer the peo-
organization and organized mass els through various levels of Party ple's militia and barrio self-defense
base are small. But they are more education and through work in the corps for the purpose of internal
than adequate for us to aim for the mass movement. The Party cadres security and police work. The mass
level of strength necessary for and members in the localities organizations can also form and
reaching the threshold of the stra- must be able to lead the work of administer their own self-defense
tegic stalemate in less than five the mass organizations, organs of units. The members of the people's
years if we sum up well the causes political power, people's militia, militia and barrio self-defense
of the slow growth of the Party and barrio self-defense corps, and self- corps should run into tens of thou-
the organized mass base and if we defense units of mass organiza- sands, with every village having a
set the tasks for maximizing our tions. The people’s militia assume militia platoon and a self-defense
strength and overcoming errors the role of serving as the principal corps platoon. The self-defense
and weaknesses. forces in launching local guerrilla units should run into hundreds of
The expansion of the Party or- warfare and standing as centers of thousands, with every mass organ-
ganization and organized mass gravity of the barrio self-defense ization in every village having a
base in both urban and rural areas corps and the self-defense units of self-defense platoon.
can run ahead of the expansion of the local mass organizations. The NPA must put its units
the people's army. The Party and They must enable the units of through distinct periods of politi-
the organized mass base can grow the NPA to carry out tactical offen- co-military training, combat, mass
in all congressional districts of the sives. Thus, new fighting units can work and production. It must pro-
reactionary state. Wherever they be created with the firearms seized vide politico-military training to
exist, their membership must be from the enemy. We must depart its combat units as well as to in-
increased. Subsequently, some of from the old practice of overload- structors for the people's militia
the Party members and mass activ- ing units of the people's army with and the self-defense units. NPA
ists can be redeployed from time to tasks that can be performed by the units may be rotated and deployed
time in order to cover areas where local Party branches, the mass or- for battles for three to six months,
the Party and mass organizations ganizations and the local organs of depending on the situation. The
do not yet exist and are too small. political power that take charge of point is to accelerate the seizure of
In the next five years, Party public education, economic affairs, weapons from the enemy forces.
branches must be built in at least health, self-defense, cultural activ- NPA units must also be rotated in
20,000 villages and Party cadres ities and arbitration. mass work and production so that
ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010 5
they remain close to the people and produce part of mit mistakes in deploying troops and resources. Oper-
what they consume. ations can be easily launched on the basis of intelli-
It is necessary for the Party to sum up its experi- gence buildup and timely reconnaissance.
ence and current situation and to draw up the guide- It is by entrusting mass work and the mass move-
lines and plans for the NPA in every regional, subre- ment to local Party branches, local organs of political
gional, provincial and district or guerrilla front level power and the mass organizations, that the NPA can
with definite reasonable targets for the number of be confident that the mass base is being maintained
weapons to seize from the enemy forces. What is rea- and developed while it is concentrated on fighting
sonable is based on previous experience and current and destroying the power and apparatuses of the re-
capabilities of the NPA units. An NPA command, for actionary state on a wide scale in the localities. Thus,
instance, may recommend to the Party committee a the NPA can inspire and enable the people in the lo-
10% increase in the number of weapons every three calities to take revolutionary power.
months. The revolutionary organs of political power grow
Soft targets for raids, ambushes and disarming op- stronger and more secure when reactionary power is
erations abound. These include police stations, small destroyed and the reactionaries flee or are deprived of
army detachments, paramilitary units, private securi- their local power and authority. The organs of politi-
ty agencies, private armed groups and armed individ- cal power should be based mainly on the mass organ-
ual reactionaries. There are even softer targets for at- izations of the working people and are augmented
tritive actions to sap the strength and morale of the through united front relations at various levels
enemy forces, force them to do guard duty and com- against the worst reactionaries.

IV. Strategy and tactics

T he Party has correctly set the
politico-military strategic line
of protracted people's war. This
means encircling the cities from
the countryside and accumulating
strength over a long period of time
until enough strength and capabil-
ity have been accumulated to seize
the cities on a nationwide scale in
the stage of strategic offensive.
This line is based on the reali-
ty of the Philippines where the ma-
jority of the people are peasants,
and the countryside offers the so-
cial and physical terrain for build-
ing the people's army and carrying
out the people's war in stages.
The correctness of the strategic
line is well proven by the fact that revolutionary military campaign tional total of 5,600 automatic ri-
the New People's Army has been plans launched by the successive fles in 1985. Since 1985, however,
able to preserve itself and has pseudo-democratic regimes after it had become obvious that the
grown from small to big and from Marcos. NPA was being debilitated by such
weak to strong against brutal ene- In the long course of the Mar- “Left” opportunist lines as the
my attacks. Such attacks include cos fascist dictatorship, we were “strategic counteroffensive” and
campaigns of division-size task for- able to build the people's army the “Red area-white area” line.
ces to nip the people's army in the that started with only nine auto- These “Left” opportunist lines
bud from 1969 to 1972, the 14- matic rifles and 26 inferior firearms undermined the strength of the
year fascist dictatorship of Marcos (single-shot rifles and handguns) NPA and wrought havoc on the rev-
and the series of national counter- in early 1969 and reached the na- olutionary mass base and caused
6 ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010
the reduction of the mass base by
more than 60% in the 1980s. They
played into the hands of the enemy
that carried out Oplan Lambat-Bi-
tag (OLB) I, II and III designed to
put the NPA units under strategic
encirclement and “gradual con-
striction,” and hunted them down
with “special operations teams.”
The Second Great Rectification
Movement criticized and repudiat-
ed the “Left” opportunist lines as
engaging in self-constriction and
separation from the masses under
the guise of strengthening the NPA
through unwarranted verticaliza-
tion and premature formation of
larger units. In areas where the
“Left” opportunist lines took hold,
the need for the horizontal spread
of NPA units was laid aside, thus
undermining and destroying our
close links with the masses. The or- tism, especially where there were of the reactionary military, police
ganized mass base of the revolu- no conscious and resolute efforts and paramilitary forces to cover
tionary movement shrank even as to develop the revolutionary forces even only 10% of Philippine terri-
the prematurely formed companies in a balanced way and the necessa- tory at every given time. The NPA
had bigger logistical demands. ry correlation of the center of grav- can easily move about in 90% of
Under the direction of the Par- ity and dispersed units in the work the territory. Thus, it has been able
ty in the rectification movement, of the people's army. However, so to grow in strength and defeat the
the NPA had to go back to the ba- long as the mass base was growing, objectives of OBL. With OBL, the
sics of guerrilla warfare. It was re- it was much easier for the Party to Arroyo regime has gained notoriety
oriented, reorganized and rede- rectify conservatism and guerrilla- throughout the world for its gross
ployed to carry out intensive and ism. and systematic violations of human
extensive guerrilla warfare on the The next big test of the NPA rights.
basis of an ever widening and has been Oplan Bantay Laya (OBL) But we must learn well the les-
deepening mass base. The enemy with its brutal campaign against sons from the various tactics the
knew about the return to small legal social activists and forced enemy has used in OBL, such as the
units and was emboldened to de- displacement of peasants and in- “shock and awe” tactics of General
ploy its scout ranger teams against digenous people in the country- Palparan in Oriental Mindoro, East-
these units. But the NPA was able side. OBL far exceeded OLB in ern Visayas and Central Luzon, the
to preserve itself and recover the scope, duration, intensity and bru- “convergence” approach of General
mass base precisely by adhering to tality. The US and the Arroyo re- Gomez in Bohol, the “center of
its correct line during the entire gime (agitated by militarists and gravity” approach of Colonel Dagoy
period of the Ramos and Estrada clerico-fascists who are US CIA as- and the “sitio” approach of Colonel
regimes. sets) harped on the line that pro- Bustillos.
The stress on the horizontal gressive social activists are NPA From a strategic view, all these
spread of small NPA units in order fighters in disguise and calculated are paper tigers. But at the tactical
to counter the harmful results of that the military campaigns would level, where they pounced upon
the premature verticalization and be more effective in the country- the guerrilla fronts and the masses,
to recover the mass base was not side if such social activists were they were real brutal tigers inflict-
without any negative aspect. It en- suppressed through abductions, ing a measure of damage, generat-
gendered guerrilla-ism or the rov- torture and extrajudicial killings. ing real problematic conditions for
ing rebel mentality and conserva- OBL has proven the inadequacy the revolution and causing errors
ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010 7
actionary forces keep on repeating militias, barrio self-defense corps
the lie that the NPA had 25,000 and self-defense units of mass or-
fighters in 1986 and that they ganizations at the barrio level, and
have succeeded in cutting the the deployment of armed city par-
number down to 5,000 or tisans in urban centers within
even less. guerrilla fronts.
The NPA rifle strength The current number of guerrilla
in 1986 was only 6,100 (an fronts is more than adequate a
increase of 500 over the base for aiming to cover almost all
1985 figure of 5,600), if not all the 179 rural congression-
with no accurate ac- al districts of the reactionary state
counting of the con- with the Party, mass organizations,
sequence of alliances and units of the people's
the “Left” op- army within the next two or three
portunist lines years. The strength of the NPA
and anti-informer hysteria, par- must not be divided and dissipated
ticularly Kampanyang Ahos in just to cover said congressional
Mindanao. From figures of the districts in an absolutely equal and
1985 Central Committee even way. The NPA must grow in
plenum, Mindanao had ac- strength where they are and ad-
counted for about 50% of vance wave upon wave or deploy
NPA armed strength. advance or seed units in such dis-
The current strength of the NPA tricts on the best available terrain.
is of critical mass in terms of its In the next five years, the NPA
and weaknesses on the part of the thousands of fighters with high- is bound to deliver more telling le-
subjective forces of the revolution. powered firearms. With proper de- thal blows on the reactionary mili-
The Party has brought together ployment and employment, it can tary, police and paramilitary forces
and analyzed the reports from the rapidly grow and advance in waves that would belie the false claims of
regions concerned and has come up and in well-defined phases (middle reactionaries, pseudo-progressives
with plans to overcome the prob- and advanced) of the strategic de- and renegades that the NPA has
lems and to further strengthen the fensive and the threshold and ear- been undermined and weakened by
revolutionary forces. We have ly phase of the strategic stalemate. the post-Marcos antinational and
learned valuable lessons in over- Wherever NPA units exist under any antidemocratic regimes and by
coming the attacks of the enemy, level of command: barrio, section, their military campaigns. Most im-
preserving and upgrading our for- guerrilla front, interfront, provin- portantly, the Party and the NPA
ces and mass base, launching full- cial, subregional and regional, are determined to increase the
scale guerrilla warfare and advanc- there must be a relatively concen- armed strength and political power
ing the revolutionary struggle. Our trated force as center of gravity. of the working people.
difficult experiences have tem- The center of gravity must be situ- The probable stages of develop-
pered us and we have emerged ated on the best available terrain. ment for the people's war is from
stronger, continue to inflict more As wide areas are saturated with the strategic defensive to the stra-
widespread and heavy blows adjoining company-strength guer- tegic stalemate and from the latter
against the enemy, and are ever rilla fronts and transformed into to the strategic offensive. After be-
determined to advance and win our subregional military areas and lat- ing at the strategic defensive for
people’s war. er further on into fluid war fronts, four decades, we have developed
At present, the NPA stands as their centers of gravity develop the basis to aim at and reach the
the largest people's army that the larger vertical forces. stage of strategic stalemate in the
Filipino working people have ever At the same time, the further next five years and then strive to
been able to put up, surpassing the development of horizonal forces move onward to the final stage of
number of riflemen in the revolu- consisting of a full-time guerrilla strategic offensive.
tionary army of 1896 to 1902 and platoon at the municipal level We must sum up our fighting
the old people's army of 1942 to would be beefed up with the prolif- experience and current situation
1952. To claim false credit, the re- eration of platoon-size people’s and develop guidelines and plans
8 ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010
at the levels of the Central Commit- The guerrilla fronts would have of regional, subregional and pro-
tee, the Military Commission and more breadth and depth and be- vincial commands are developed.
NPA operational command; at the come relatively stable as they be- Our increased offensives will com-
level of the regional Party commit- come better coordinated under the pel the enemy forces to increase
tees and the regional operational interfront, provincial, subregional personnel for the defense of
commands; and at the subregional, or regional levels of the Party lead- camps, police stations and vital in-
provincial and district or guerrilla ership and NPA command. The ene- stallations and reduce the number
front levels for the purpose of my forces would still have the ca- of enemy armed personnel for of-
launching tactical offensives and pability to concentrate forces on fensive operations. And yet the en-
increasing the armed strength of the entirety or a part of a particu- emy lines of patrols and supplies
the NPA to enable us to advance lar guerrilla front. But the inter- will remain vulnerable to NPA tac-
from the strategic defensive to the connection and coordination of tical offensives.
strategic stalemate. several adjoining guerrilla fronts Wherever the enemy forces
It is feasible for us in the next under commands higher than that choose to encircle our forces, we
five years to have a guerrilla front of the guerrilla front and the avail- engage in tactical counterencirle-
in each of the 179 rural congres- ability of strike forces for counter- ments and fight on exterior lines.
sional districts and to deploy attacks by regional, subregional, At the same time, we can take the
armed city partisans in all urban provincial or interfront commands initiative of launching tactical of-
congressional districts. The cover- will be crucial for preserving, fensives elsewhere. We maintain a
age of a rural congressional district strengthening and expanding the war of fluid movement. We conti-
by a guerrilla front is facilitated by guerrilla fronts and launching coor- nue to master and apply the tactics
the existence and growth of guer- dinated tactical operations in the of concentration, shifting and dis-
rilla fronts in adjoining districts. areas covered. Adjoining guerrilla persal in order to achieve our ob-
The emergence and growth of guer- fronts would be more easily coordi- jectives according to concrete cir-
rilla fronts will be uneven but we nated than before and have an cumstances.
must always strive to realize the echelon of commands, such as the Whenever necessary, we trade
standard requirements and raise regional, subregional and provin- space for time. We do not engage
the general level of development. cial. in any hard-headed defense of ter-
The regional Party committee and The enemy will always try to ritory and allow ourselves to be
NPA operational command must put our forces on strategic encir- forced into battles that put at risk
make sure that centers of gravity at clement and launch strategic of- any main unit of the NPA in any
the regional, subregional, provin- fensives. But the NPA would have guerrilla front, province, subregion
cial and guerrilla front levels are increased initiative and ability in or region. At all times, our small
located on terrain favorable for launching tactical encirclements units that are dispersed for mass
maneuver. and tactical offensives as the levels work must be vigilant against be-
ing caught by surprise and forced
to fight purely defensive battles or
chance encounters.
We wage only those battles of
quick decision that we can win. We
give priority to delivering blows on
the weakest points of the enemy
forces. The enemy is blind and deaf
because it is hated by the people.
They cannot tell when and where
our forces are poised to strike. We
take the full initiative in waging
battles of annihilation, which
would yield weapons for further
strengthening the people's army
and would inflict casualties that
reduce the strength and weaken
the morale of the enemy forces.
ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010 9
We have a wide array of tactics, the infliction of harm on us by the and the top purveyors of prohibit-
which are more complex and more enemy. We must never neglect the ed drugs. We must dismantle the
unpredictable to the enemy than a use and development of primitive reactionary organs of political pow-
single-occasion ambush, raid and but more reliable forms of commu- er and antipeople enterprises that
arrest operation, which may have nication such as the courier system grab land and destroy the environ-
its own complexity in the deploy- on the basis of organized mass ment.
ment of blocking, containing and base and alliances. We must remove the incorrigi-
close-in units. The complex tactics We must conduct political work ble oppressors and exploiters from
we refer to include the following: to recruit medical personnel and our guerrilla fronts. We expand and
luring the enemy in deep and lead- other professionals and technicians consolidate Red political power by
ing it to our zone of fire; ambush- for various departments of the peo- eliminating or driving them away
ing or raiding one enemy force and ple's army and to develop alliances from the guerrilla fronts. We must
as prelude to a bigger strike to enable us to have access to var- prepare ourselves against the fur-
against the reinforcements; feign- ious types of professional and ther increase of US military inter-
ing to attack the east in order to technical services. We must pro- vention forces as we succeed in ad-
attack the west; inducing an enemy mote production by the people's vancing from the strategic defen-
force to go out of its base and de- army for its own needs and by the sive to the strategic stalemate. We
stroying the base; tiring the enemy people to support the people's ar- must be prepared against all-out
force by letting it march deep into my and families of our Red fight- US military aggression.
our territory and ambushing it ers. We must gather the contribu- Take advantage of the crisis
when it tries to return to base; and tions of the working people who conditions by intensifying the peo-
so forth. have benefited or stand to benefit ple's war!
Our principal objective is to from the policies of the revolution- Fulfill the political require-
wage and win battles of annihila- ary government and movement. ments under the leadership of the
tion against the enemy forces. We The people's government has Party!
must also wage attritive actions the power of taxation in order to Continue extensive and inten-
that serve to weaken and demoral- control and regulate enterprises sive guerrilla warfare!
ize the forces of the enemy. These and assets that earn rent and prof- Advance from the strategic de-
include sniping at enemy personnel it and in order to collect the re- fensive to the strategic stalemate!
by sniper teams or sparrow units, sources for the delivery of social Carry forward the new demo-
use of explosives against enemy services much needed by the mas- cratic revolution through people's
vehicles, burning enemy fuel and ses, including the administration war! ~
motor depots and so on. We can and support for the programs of
make the monster bleed to death production, education, health, de-
from battles of annihilation and fense and cultural development.
attritive actions. When certain political groups and
The advance of our people's war individuals make donations to the
in stages and phases will mean the people's government, these are
advance of our military tactics and used for social purposes and are
technique. We learn our tactics not payment for the right to cam-
from the summing up and analysis paign or win a position in reaction-
of our positive and negative expe- ary elections.
riences. We capture weapons, com- Aside from combat operations
munications equipment and other to wipe out units of the military,
forms of logistics from the enemy. police and paramilitary forces and
Even now we have access to so- private armed groups, we
phisticated electronic equipment must carry out opera-
for communications and storing tions to arrest for trial and
and retrieval of information. We punishment the exploiters and
must be strict in using these prop- oppressors who have incurred
erly in our communications, work blood debts, violators of human
and offensives. Used irresponsibly, rights, the plunderers, landgrab-
the same equipment can facilitate bers, destroyers of the environment
10 ANG BAYAN March 29, 2010

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