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The Infamous Blogs MUST, SHOULD, COULD list

Your blog MUST include:

Trailer recreation and evaluation
Codes and conventions of
o Trailers
o Film Posters
o Film Magazines
Documentary of chosen genre conventions
Group formation post with details of your chosen genre
Target audience research
Pitches of your ideas
Audience feedback on pitches and your final concept decision
Research into trailer narrative using Todorovs narrative theory
Your trailer narrative (using Todorovs theory)
5 iconic images from your trailer
Production logo design
Character outlines with comparisons to existing products
Location shots
Casting and wardrobe/make up
Shooting Schedules
Rough cut footage with reflection/evaluation on where you go next
Drafts of poster and magazine
Your blog SHOULD include:
A log of all group meetings
Additional research into the particulars of your chosen genre (e.g. common
themes, common mise en scene elements, common shot types/angles/ edits
Audience feedback on the various decisions made throughout the development
of your idea
Research into how synergy is created in the marketing of a film
Regular mini-evaluations of the various stages of planning/production
Review of footage/shooting days (e.g. what went well, what pick ups are
required etc)
Lighting tests
Shot tests
Casting/audition reels
Detailed reasoning of casting, location, costume decisions using existing
products as justification
On set videos (e.g. prepping for a shot, doing make up etc)
Research into music/sound
Research into editing style of your chosen genre
Researching print production work of your chosen genre (e.g. fonts, colours,
images repeatedly used on posters)
Drafts of scripts and storyboards
Prop sourcing

Your blog COULD include (and this list is by no means exhaustive):

Research into BBFC certification: where would you aim to have your film rated
(links to target market)
Comparative shots if you have been influenced by existing films, you could
edit together some side by side comparisons and explain why you chose to use
the source material as inspiration
VLOG of process
Research/analysis of uses and gratifications what do you think your audience
will take from your product?
A making of documentary
A directors commentary
Detailed comments on any drafts of scripts, storyboards etc to explain why
amendments were made
Audience reactions to drafts and your comments on how these reactions will
move your work forward
Sound/music creation
Editing progress
Character posters
Time lapse of poster/magazine photo shoot

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