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Text should begin at the left margin, i.e., the first line of the first paragraph in a
section is not indented. The body of the text must be fully justified. The line spacing
of the basic text should be set at 2.0 (double spacing). This includes line-to-line,
paragraph to paragraph, text-to-numbered list, sentences within numbered lists, and
subheading to text.
The first paragraph of a section need not be indented. However, the first
sentence of all proceeding paragraphs should be indented 12millimetres. Use the tab
key for consistency.
However, between the last paragraph of a section and a next level subsequent
subheading, there should be three spaces (3.0).

Third Level Subheading

In a summary, this is how you use the style when you are preparing your thesis. Use
Body text 1 in the first paragraph.
The second and subsequent paragraphs, you use Body text 2. The main
difference with Body text 1 is that, it has an indention at the beginning of the
For final paragraph, use Body text 3. This style has been made to give 3
single line spaces before the next heading.

Fourth Level Subheading

In a summary, this is how you use the style when you are preparing your thesis. Use
Body text 1 in the first paragraph.
The second and subsequent paragraphs, you use Body text 2. The main
difference with Body text 1 is that, it has an indention at the beginning of the
For final paragraph, use Body text 3. This style has been made to give 3
single line spaces before the next heading.

Fifth Level Subheading

Subheadings are up to four levels: level 2 (Heading 2) to level 5 (Heading 5). All font
size except for the font size for chapter headings is 12pt while Heading 1 is 14pt.
A heading that appears as a last line on a page will not be accepted. As a rule of
thumb, there should be a minimum of two lines under the heading.


For bulleted material, students should place the bullets/numbers indented 12mm from
the left margin. The space between bullet/number and the text should also be adjusted
to 8mms.

Style Itemized 1 will give you this.



For second level itemize, select style Itemized 2.


Style Itemized 2 will give you this.

a. .
b. .
For consistency adjustment, you could also choose to do this manually. Do not
forget to restart count for different items.

All text references to a table of the text should be by number, for examples:

The percentages in table 5.4 illustrate the margin of errors.


A majority of voters were absent during election (see table 5.4)


Table 5.4 shows the rate increases steadily.

When a table is required to be placed beneath a paragraph, then the Body text

3 is to be used for that particular paragraph.

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