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By : Pia


Pilipinas ay muling magiging dakila Ferdinand E. Marcos
The history repeats itself was invented and nurtured in the Philippines is
beside the point, or perhaps totally moot at this historical impasse. There is a very
little room to move in this discourse. History is tight, and fast. Fact: the Marcoses have
been back in office for years. Fact: Many are rallying to revise historical truths,
creating heroes and fairytales out of the decades of the Marcos doom. Fact: May of the
new generation of Filipinos in the motherland or beyond dont understand a drop of
the Martial Law concept, much less its corollary.
Given that we feed off of our tragic sentimentality and let it reign over common
sense, there is perhaps a middle ground somewhere, a place where people who dont
think, those who do, and then many who dont really care can meet. But such a place
really doesnt exist. The Philippines is a country of either/or: rain or shine, thick or
thin. Celebrity controversies have more lasting power in our diurnal conversations and
memory than national topics of interests. No lessons learned, no real life applications
if we ever learned anything.
To commence with, apprehension of the Martial Law is essential. Taken from the
legal-dictionary, Martial law is an extreme and rare measure to control society during
war or periods of civil unrest or chaos. In strict dictionary terms, Martial Law is the
suspension of civil authority and the imposition of military authority. When we say a
region or country is under martial law, we mean to say that the military is in control
of the area that it acts as the police, as the courts, as the legislature. The degree of
control might vary a nation may have a civilian legislature but have the courts
administered by the military. Or the legislature and courts may operate under civilian
control with a military ruler. In each case, martial law is in effect even if it is not called
martial law. According from the Supreme Court, the term martial law carries no
precise meaning. However, most declarations of martial law have some common
features. Generally, the institution of martial law contemplates some use of military
force. To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order, government military
personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws. Certain civil
liberties may be suspended, such as right to be free from unreasonable searches and
seizures, freedom of association, and freedom of movement. And the writ of Habeas
Corpus may be suspended. The day Martial Law is declared, is the day you wake up
and realize that you Constitution/bill of rights/charter of rights/freedom is really just
about as valuable as that Kleenex you just skunked in, because rites are privileges,
and privileges can be revoked. In my own opinion, based on my interviews and
researches I define Martial Law as the imposition of military power over designated
regions on an emergency basis. It is imposed temporarily when the civilian
government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively, when there are extensive
riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the law becomes widespread.
Fundamentally it is a requirement to put on civilian government when they fail to
function correctly.

My curiosity about Philippine Martial Law

brought me to a documentary which I found in
Youtube Batas Militar: Martial Law in the
Philippines that has been uploaded of which I
believed the supporters of the Ninoy & Cory Aquino. The video was around Youtube
since 2008. The extensive film footage and pictures of actual events that took place
from 1972 when Marcos declared Martial Law, to the Edsa uprising of 1986 that
toppled the dictatorship, bring back to life the monumental tyranny and deception,
the unprecedented violence and unparalleled greed that no one ever imagined could
possible emanate from one man. If only for that single accomplishment, the
documentary has excellently served its purpose. But it is certainly more than that. It is
solidly researched, done with more than 150 important personalities interviewed
including President Ramos, Cory Aquino, some Generals, Imelda Marcos, and other key
players of opposition leaders. The video documentary certainly captured the drama of
the era. But it is mostly the drama in stifling the elite opposition, like the Aquinos and
the Lopezes.
A New Society, thats what former President Marcos visions for the Philippines
in his proclamation of Martial Law last September 21, 1973. A country full of progress,
with the populace enjoying everything that the development brings, abundant life,
peaceful society, harmonious relationship between people and good governance.
Maybe its evident with the eyes blinded, but far from sight if one try to look at the big
Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, an unforgettable person of Philippine history. He was
a brilliant law student topping the Bar Exam in his times, and successfully argued
before the Philippine Supreme Court for a reversal of murder conviction against him,
being himself a sharp shooter, held responsible for the killing of his fathers rival who
won the gubernatorial race in their province. He quickly gain popularity in the political
world, until he won the Presidential election in 1965. He showed favorable
performance in his term, gaining acceptance and trust from the public which then
helped in his winning for his second term in presidency, the first over history. His thirst
for power had been more evident as speculations spread of his plans of staying in the
The Martial Law is then proclaimed putting the whole country in his absolute
power and under the military rule. A new constitution has been formed, yet lacks form
provision of social justice and human rights, still pursued for his selfish desires. Marcos
wants no oppositions. Persons who are against him are arrested, put to jail in worst
cases, persecuted. The media is also controlled by some few cities, which include
relatives and some close friends of the first family. At first the country is showing a
good picture of the sudden change of system, with a stable economy and business
confidence, but later revealed its dark side, as corruption has been very rampant and
human rights are continually and evidently being violated. It slowed down the
economy, worsened social status and overwhelmingly increased international debts.
The existence of anti-communist groups also a placed threat for the administration.
The once active support of the American government also varnished as they realized
that Marcos is not working towards democracy.

Martial Law, a very pretentious form of government, showing only knitted good
points and ignoring the true scenario, full of lies, deceptions, selfish desires and abuse
of powers. The society is deprived from the truth and continually fed by lies. People
are treated like animals, their human rights abused. Innocent ones are suffering but
the devilish ones enjoy benefits. Inequality is truly rampant.

The world is
shown by what they can perceive as good, visits of the Pope and American presidents
are properly prepared to show off only desirable things.
Marcos, a persona closely comparable to Hitler and Stalin, is one whom I
thought would only be existing in fairy tales as villains. A very selfish man, one who
tries to satisfy all his wants, compromising his pledge to God that he is ordained to
serve the people. He has abused his power and authority.
The 1986 EDSA Revolution, also known as the People Power Revolution, was a
very important event in the Philippine history. Ferdinand Marcos, then President of the
Philippines was ousted from the Philippines after nearly 20 years of dictatorial regime.
He was then replaced by Corazon Aquino, the widower of Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. It
brought a hopeful beginning of genuine development-economic and political enemy of
Marcos administration. However, these hopes never became a reality. Today, there are
limited social security in the country, corruption and a huge contrast between the rich
and the poor. Therefore, the People Power Revolution proved to be a failure in the
One of the basic goals of the EDSA Revolution in 1986 was to provide primary
supplies to the people who were suffering from the monopolies of the Marcos regime.
Even so, there is limited social security in the Philippines which is one of the human
rights mentioned in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The right to
social security states that all humans should be able to get food and other necessities
and amenities for a reasonable price.
In summary, these revolution symbolizes that being democratic is still exercised
in the country, that the voice of the people are still being heard, and appropriate
actions of certain citizens who are in power are being carried out.
History spells of what is in the present. I can closely relate the things that our
country now is suffering because of that one proclamation. Poverty, Philippines before
is one of the fast developing countries in the whole world. The progress then halted as
the economy is not properly managed during the times of dictatorship, to the extent
that it reached the bottom level. Now, the country can barely cope of what it missed,
the chance that couldve made us to be one of the worlds richest countries. Another
problem is corruption. Maybe it had existed before the Martial Law, however it is
strongly some persons with the same agendas. Former President Gloria MacapagalArroyo, made issues of her staying in power through the Charter Change or what we
know as ChaCha, which changes our form of government to parliamentary, one of

the excuses of Arroyo. Fortunately, she has ended her term without pursuing this
Through the documentary, I have fully realized the merciless oppression of the
dictator. I have known some of the countless stories to be told by prominent
characters and also ordinary individuals of their experiences during one of the dark
ages in the Philippine history. I have seen the struggle of the country to regain
democracy. Filipinos has fought for it since the past. From the Spaniards, to the
Japanese then to the Americans. We had won them all The Martial Law was never an
exception. The people once again showed their love for freedom, both in peaceful and
achieve rebellions. We had shown our unity as we stand for our rights. We will always
be fighting for whatever forces that might hinder us from our goal, to live
progressively in a democratic nation.



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