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From: Henry Citizen (hccitizen@charterinternet.

Date: Fri, March 26, 2010 8:13:25 PM
Subject: Citizen Newsletter #163

Citizen Newsletter

March 27, 2010 The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Announcements & Info

In This Issue

1. Isn’t Anyone Listening?

2. You Are Not Alone!
3. Johnny B. Announces
4. Gov. Perdue Takes Action
5. Yes, It IS Personal!
6. McBerry: The Constitutionalist Contact Henry Citizen at
7. Confederate Diversity
8. Obama Awakens Nation
Henry Citizen Newsletter Opt-In
9. Political Economics
10. Your Voice
11. Your Country, Your Vote Unsubscribe
12. Young Republicans
13. Henry Players Your comments and submissions are always
14. Conservative Republican Women welcome!
15. Rep. Davis: Floor Speech
16. Sign of the Times

Editorial / Publication Policy

And you thought STAR W ARS was fantasy!

Steve Davis: Contact the Attorney General about “In order to preserve stability and continuing
joining the lawsuit over the Healthcare bill. security, The Federation will be transformed or 404-656-3300 into the First Galactic Empire.”

Discovery uncovers a billion new stars

Hat tip to Joanie Scott
Oh, no! Obama will want to subsidize those aliens
ACTION ALERT: Georgia Attorney General is NOT too!!
joining other States in Health Care bill challenge

I just spoke to the office of Georgia AG Thurbert Baker

and the woman said that no action is being taken in the
matter of a suit over the health care bill. Frankly, she
sounded like she could care less about what I thought.
She did, however, say that they were making a note of
the calls they were receiving on the issue.

“You can fool too many of the people too much of the “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job;
time.” ~~ James Thurber it’s a depression when you lose yours.” ~~ Harry
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nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady list of nearly 4,000 people who read and submit articles sharing ideas
and principles.
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Thank you!

Isn't Anyone Listening?

by Louie Stanley

As I understand it, the voting Republic spoke loud and clear in our last presidential election. I think they said,
"Please don't represent me, I would rather you take charge of America." There were some that voted contrary to
this plea for a more socialized government, but even those that showed up, took a more moderate approach.
What did they expect?

They, the hoorah folks of the left, the moderate of the of two party systems, and the liberal minded voted for
anything that denied a conservative attitude toward centralized government. And now, we are on the road to what
has been cheered for, demanded, and deemed owed to everyone, a right because we owe it to ourselves -
Socialized medicine, Government owned and managed. And not only that, but an apparent socialized agenda.

And now, if you listened to the president and the Senate and House leaders, we're really going to like this style of
government so much that the Republican party is in danger of becoming extinct. The voters will want more. What
did they expect?

If the goal is to become a single party government run by the leadership (for our good), what becomes of the
republic? By the way, there is this style of government already in existence.
China has a form of it; Russia has a form of it; the Europeans have a form of it - and now we too, can join the
world and march to their tune.

When the spending is done, what's left is poverty. Who then will be in charge? Why, those people who do not
represent us, but know what is good for us.

I know this sounds a bit distasteful; it may even not be the whole truth of the matter. It just seems to me that
more and more people have jumped on this entitlement bandwagon. The real question is not, what did they
expect?, but what happened to paying your own way?

I've heard so many taut the insurance companies as the enemy. Why does anyone deserve insurance? And why
do so many think that if you run the insurance companies out of business, that the same benefits will be offered for
free? We pay for the benefits because medicine is expensive. Insurance isn't the panacea for ill health, it helps to
keep us from going broke when we do get sick. Its not a money tree, and its not free. And besides, aren't we
supposed to pay our own way in this world? Why would I expect someone else to pay my way - unless I'm a bum?

Why is this mindset so prevalent is our society? We worked hard as a young nation to attain greatness, leadership
qualities, and a land that is coveted by a world looking for a place to be free, independent, and willing to give back
to keep it free and great. Maybe our pride has finally caught up with us. "Pride goeth before destruction and a
haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

Thank you K. Kersey for your question, it made me think; thinking became writing. I wonder what's next? What
do they expect? I would hope for a more conservative approach, but even I don't expect it. I think even the
Republicans don't expect it, and maybe don't want it. We'll see.

I keep hearing that its the cost of things that will devastate America. I disagree - I believe its the greed and
covetousness that has already gotten a foothold in the hearts of America. May God have mercy.
You Are not Alone!
All 912ers,

Thanks to everyone for contacting the Governor, A/G and your State Representatives. Lets keep it up. The
House defeated HR1068 yesterday but has scheduled a vote again for tomorrow. This is the Bill for a State
Constitutional Amendment and will probably not get the required 2/3's vote. The Senate Bill that was passed last
week, straight up legislation as opposed to an amendment, is still alive and hopefully will come to a vote in the
House very shortly. Lets insure that our Representatives understand that we want this legislation to pass.

Our A/G, Thurbert Baker, needs to understand that we are not talking about political posturing but the very
Freedom of Georgia Citizens. Lets explain to him that when you run for Governor of Georgia, your first priority is
the welfare of the Citizens. If he doesn't understand that simple principal, he has no business running for

Washington leaves no doubt in our minds that the normal political process has been abandoned. The
progressives, under the leadership of President Obama, are forcible taking over our Country. Left alone, they will
have us looking like a third world country with our Liberties only a distant memory. But they made one very big
error in judgment. They assumed that we were like them in character, cowardly and immoral. They are wrong.
We are a trusting people who made the mistake of believing that our Representatives in Washington could be
counted on to do the right things. Now that we are aware of what they have been doing, we are mobilizing as
Liberty Loving Patriots have always done when confronted by those who would deny us our God given rights. We
are motivated, we are informed, we are right, we are not alone, and we will never give up on Liberty. We will

Allow me to quote from Abraham Lincoln: "Freedom is the natural condition of the human race, in which the
Almighty intended men to live. Those who fight the purpose of the Almighty will not succeed. They always have
been, they always will be beaten."

Keeping the Faith,


Johnny B. Announces
Johnny B Basler will be announcing his intentions for the Henry County Commission 5th District seat. He will be
making his announcement Saturday, April 3, 2010 at 2 p.m.

Commissioner Johnny B. Basler, along with family and friends, would like to
invite supporters and contributors to the Biscuits & Brunch restaurant.
Commissioner Basler will be announcing his intentions and plans for the
upcoming election in Henry County for the 5th District Commission seat.
Your attendance and support are greatly appreciated.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 p.m.
Biscuits & Brunch Restaurant
149 Burke Street
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Brenda Basler, Treasurer. Paid for by the Johnny B Basler Campaign.

Gov. Perdue Takes Action

Statement of Governor Sonny Perdue Regarding the Healthcare Legislation passed by the United States

ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue issued the following statement today regarding the healthcare legislation
passed by the United States Congress:

“Unfortunately, the United States House of Representatives last night chose politics over the will of the American
people. The enormous upheaval of our healthcare system was pushed through the House against the wishes of the
majority of American families and businesses.

"Here in Georgia, this vote will force an additional billion dollars or more of Medicaid spending per year, requiring
either a tax hike or offsetting cuts to public safety, education and other core services of state government. While
this colossal unfunded mandate cripples our budget, I am even more concerned about the debilitating impact it will
have on Georgia’s small businesses.

"The extension of the Medicare tax on all non-wage income means that small business owners will see their top
rate increased by 20 percent and investment income taxes increasing 60 percent.

"What is most unfortunate is that the American people had no voice at the table in Washington during the course
of this debate. The only glimpse citizens saw of the process were closed-door meetings that resulted in backroom
deals and the buying of votes to ensure passage. I am today renewing my December request to the Attorney
General that he join other states in reviewing the constitutionality of this travesty. My office has already begun to
review any and all legal options to challenge this legislation.

"I also urge the Georgia General Assembly to continue moving forward on my proposal to allow Georgians to
purchase insurance plans across state lines. Now that Congress is mandating that every American purchase health
insurance, we should open the individual market to as much competition as possible.

"Since this bill has such a significant impact on future state budgets, it is imperative that current candidates
for elected office publicly state their plans to either support the Obama-Pelosi legislation or fight for
the people of Georgia.”


Perdue to file health care suit, bypassing Baker

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue said Thursday that he will bypass Democratic Attorney General Thurbert Baker and
create a “special attorney general” to sue the federal government over the health care overhaul, an order Baker

“Constitutionally, I believe he is obligated to represent the people of Georgia in these issues,” Perdue said at a
morning news conference. “He’s refused to do that. I can’t force him to do that.”

Perdue, however, said the state constitution permits him to work around Baker and appoint a special attorney
general to file a lawsuit against the health care legislation President Barack Obama signed into law earlier this

The attorneys general in 14 states have announced they will file health care suits, and the governor had asked
Baker to get on board. But in a two-page letter earlier this week, Baker told the governor the lawsuit would fail and
would be a waste of taxpayers’ money in a time when every dollar is needed.

Everyone needs to call the governor’s office and thank him for going it alone and not taking a “no”
from his attorney general and filing a law suit against the new Heath Care which would exempt
Georgians from having to take Federal Health Care. The governor’s phone number is 404 -656-1776.

Yes, It IS Personal
Strange that the media lackeys did not jump on threatening calls and emails and letters sent to Republicans or
offices of conservative causes like Freedom Works. But now they are up in arms.

The backlash: Reform turns personal

Reps. Louise Slaughter and Bart Stupak have received death threats.

A tea party participant published what he thought was Rep. Thomas Perriello’s home address and urged
disgruntled voters to “drop by” for a “good face-to-face chat.”

Vandals broke windows at Slaughter’s office in New York and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s office in Arizona.

And angry voters are planning to protest this weekend at the home of Steve Driehaus — who’s already seen
a photograph of his children used in a newspaper ad published by reform opponents.

The vitriolic health care debate has become personal — too personal, say House Democrats who voted for
the bill and now find not just themselves but their families in the cross hairs of opponents.

Slaughter, a Democrat who chairs the House Rules Committee, said a caller to her office last week vowed
to send snipers to “kill the children of the members who voted yes.” Her office reported the call to police,
who were dispatched to provide protection for Slaughter’s grandchildren. She has also been in touch with
the FBI and U.S. Postal Service inspectors, who intercepted a letter en route to her home in upstate New

Stupak, the Michigan Democrat whose last-minute compromise on abortion guaranteed passage of the bill
Sunday, said callers have left messages for him saying, “You’re dead; we know where you live; we’ll get

Read the entire article at The Politico:

Citizen Note: OK, death threats are not cool. There are plenty of people who choose a microphone or
Congressional vote to voice opinions. There are also many people who are honestly scared for themselves, their
families and our country. Pushed to the absolute limits of disbelief that the US Congress would adopt Marxism and
destructive Change for every citizen, perhaps the message cannot be clearer that a sector of our citizenry will
simply not accept it.

Never before has the American citizenry, individuals and like-minded groups, had such clear reason to fear our
government. The fear encompasses ultimate destruction of the US Dollar, our economy, businesses large and
small…. What did the Socialist Cabal in Washington expect? Did they believe everyone would simply shut up and
sit down?

McBerry: The Constitutionalist

Why Ray McBerry is the ONLY Candidate for Governor in the Healthcare Battle

The current crisis existing with Congress' passage of national socialized healthcare is a perfect example of why
Georgia absolutely MUST elect a States' Rights governor in 2010... and Ray is the ONLY States' Rights Republican
even in the race!

Ray is the only candidate running for governor who has pledged to invoke the American constitutional practices of
interposition and nullification to block federalized healthcare from coming to Georgia. In fact, Ray is the only
candidate running for governor of Georgia who even KNOWS what interposition and nullification are and how to
effectively use them.

Time and time again, the other Republicans in the Georgia governor's race have fled the field when asked about
States' Rights and nullification, largely because of their ignorance of the Constitutional remedies and their lack of
backbone to implement them.

Only Ray has stood up for the cause of State Sovereignty in the Georgia governor's race. Only Ray has signed the
Tenth Amendment pledge for Georgia. Only Ray asked Gov. Sonny Perdue to initiate the process of nullification on
the healthcare bill and explained how to do it. Only Ray has been speaking on the subject of the Tenth
Amendment and States' Rights for more than a decade across America... not just for the last six months when it
became popular. Only Ray was the host of the first-ever, historic, national Tenth Amendment Summit in Atlanta
last month with confirmed keynote speakers Judge Andrew Napolitano and Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore and
three dozen State Sovereignty candidates from across the country.

Only Ray.

Is it any wonder that Ray has recently come under attack by the liberal media and pretend-conservatives who
have infiltrated the Georgia GOP through outright lies and innuendo?

Let everyone know that there is ONLY ONE candidate in the Georgia Governor's race who has pledged to use both
interposition and nullification to block federalized healthcare in Georgia...

Only Ray.

See more of Ray's position on Healthcare at

Join Ray in saying, "NOT Atlanta... NOT Washington... but GEORGIA FIRST!"

Confederate Diversity
Dear Editor:
As we quickly approach the month of April we have already had Black History Month, Irish Heritage Month,
Women's History Month, Greek Heritage Month, and we look forward to Asian Pacific Heritage Month, Jewish
Heritage Month, and according to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, we have many more
similar months to come for almost everyone under the sun. However, there is not a nationally recognized
Confederate Heritage Month. That month would be April. It is a shame, because Confederate Heritage Month
celebrates and honors probably the most diverse group of people out of all the groups listed.

Blacks, whites, Protestants, Baptists, Jews, Catholics, Irish, Hispanics, Asians, Polish, Russians and many others
served the Confederacy in either the military or the government. Miss Lola Sanchez was Cuban, living with her
family near St. Augustine, Florida. The Federals were in town and chose to dine at her home. While Miss Sanchez
had her sisters served dinner to the Yankees she slipped out at night and ran to the nearest Confederate camp.
The heroic actions of Miss Sanchez caused the capture of a Yankee General, his unit, and their gunboat. Ambrose
Jose Gonzales, another Cuban, served General Beauregard as his Artillery Officer in Charleston. Santos
Benavides, a Mexican, a former Texas Ranger, commanded the Confederate 33rd Texas Cavalry. They defeated
the federals in the 1864 Battle of Laredo. Benavides rose to the rank of Colonel in the Confederate Army. Major
Theodore Winthrop was the first Federal officer killed in the war. Guess who killed him.....a black servant named
Sam Ashe. Horace King of Russell County, Alabama, was born a slave but later became a free man. Did he run
away to the Utopian land of the north? No, he became a highly skilled and successful bridge builder. During the
war he was a frequent contributor to the Southern cause and furnished uniforms and money to the sons of his
former master. A Tennessee Regiment sought diligently for a minister to serve as Chaplain. It was suggested that
"Uncle Lewis", a devout servant who accompanied the Regiment, be asked to conduct a religious service. The
soldiers were so well pleased with the service that they asked him to continue to serve as their Chaplain. Thus did
Uncle Lewis serve as Chaplain from about the time of the battle of Shiloh to the end of the war. Thus, to the
Confederate Army must go the distinction of having the first black Chaplain serving white troops in America. The
last Confederate General to surrender was Gen. Stand Watie, a Cherokee Indian from Oklahoma. This is a small
example of the diverse group of great Americans who took a stand for Southern independence.

The diverse people of the Confederate military and government, especially the non-white Confederates, are the
most forgotten in the War for Southern Independence. Their bones rest in unhonored glory in Southern soil,
shrouded by falsehoods, indifference and historians censorship. Confederate descendants should be proud of our
ancestors who fought and died for us. Next month let's celebrate Confederate Heritage Month.


Fred N. Chitwood

Obama Awakens Nation

Hat tip to Mike Lustri

Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years

Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping nation


Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of
America's future. He is the best thing ever.

Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack
Obama as the source of America's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we
could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance
nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy;
unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement
programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace.

That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America.

Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years.
Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer
metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite
charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting
trips - they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we
haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a
restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.

Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the
America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored
on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of
generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school
having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic
functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own
homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized
with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their
addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and "disabilities." Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled
and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and
business people with dubious torts.

We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.

But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.

In the time of Barack Obama, Black Panther members stand outside polling places in black commando uniforms,
slapping truncheons into their palms. ACORN - a taxpayer-supported organization - is given a role in taking the
census, even after its members were caught on tape offering advice to set up child prostitution rings. A former
Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president. Auto
companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union - whose contracts are completely
insupportable in any economic sense - is rewarded with a stake in the company. Government bails out Wall Street
investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the
public support. Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers. And, despite overwhelming public
disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the
American economy.

I don't know about you, but the other day I was at the courthouse doing some business, and I stepped into the
court clerk's office and changed my voter affiliation from "Independent" to "Republican." I am under no illusion
that the Republican party is perfect, but at least they're starting to awaken to the fact that we cannot sustain
massive levels of debt; we cannot afford to hand out billions of dollars in corporate subsidies; we have to
somehow trim our massive entitlement programs; we can no longer be the world's policeman and dole out billions
in aid to countries whose citizens seek to harm us.

Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the
Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of
conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that
there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent
revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220
years - the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be
a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will
perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack
Hussein Obama.

Political Economics
The issuance of $38-Million dollars in Development Bonds for a movie production studio raises serious

The Citizen proposes a common thread of Constructive Options, starting with cutting services. Spending is the use
of monies. We have no money and expect les in the short term. It does not good to answer layoffs, salary cuts,
furloughs, etc. by acting as if the County's bond credit rating is not on the line!

Tossing our good faith & credit AND a piece of our property tax revenues to a business wherein the chief officers
have no direct experience in the industry is not a fiscally wise move. No banker would consider it before the days
of Stimulus and Takeover.... now risk in the name of desperation is the mantra.

IF Mr. Abbate were a Tyler Perry with talents, movie credits, screenplay credits, friends and associates like Oprah
Winfrey for investment potential -- then his studio would certainly (1) be a success, and (2) not require a
partnership with local government.

Posted at The Henry Neighbor website:

LukeTheDrifter wrote:

Have you guys ever read a book on economics? Do you know anything about capitalism. Do you really know
that much about the founding of this nation, other than using a cliché here and there from the Preamble of
the Constitution?

If you did, you would know that one of the things that made this country great was commerce and a
healthy national banking system. Without loans from France and the Netherlands in our early days, we
would never have made it out of the gates. Without access to capital, businesses can't grow, especially not
to a substantial level.

Bonds have been issued to spur growth in local areas and states for many, many years. When a company
has a successful product and customer base, and wants to come to Georgia, we roll out the red carpet. This
is what we did with KIA in West Point. The taxpayers gave $450 million in incentives. But in the first year
alone, the state of Georgia stands to receive $100 million in corporate and income tax from this project, not
to mention the economic impact of these newly employed people spending money on homes and goods and
services. Many new companies will be started to support KIA. Many new restaurants will be opened to serve
these people. The snowball effect of this public/private partnership will be huge.

It is first necessary to visit the area between Lagrange, West Point and Cusseta Alabama. KIA and associated
manufacturing facilities have provided some help, but the area remains seriously depressed and unemployment
still reigns. Yes, Mr. Drifter, economics is the basis of most documentation found regarding political and
governmental history. Let’s get beyond Econ 101 survey courses and delve into the outcomes of various

Start by defining the desired outcome from a political system. If that outcome is Liberty for the citizens, then
government must be limited to specifically identified functions and roles. Our US Constitution does that. The
problem continues to exist in people whose desire for generational change forces reinterpretation of the original

To say we are a nation of laws simply reinforces the system that has failed Liberty and rights of citizenship. Laws
are created by men whose convictions are guided in the moment by forces beyond the sight of citizens, forces
whose power over legislators resides in Party, power and money. The concept of a “too powerful” government has
been swept away, because factions of the citizenry have learned how to acquire for themselves access to the public

The point too often missed is the extent of involvement by government in the "free" market.

Thomas Jefferson: “I fear our revolution will have been in vain if a Virginia farmer is to be held in hock to
a New York stock jobber, who in turn is in hock to a London banker. The opportunities for avarice and
corruption would certainly prove irresistible.”

It is a matter of principles. As such we citizens will often disagree on methods. So, let us focus on known, proven
outcomes. Let us not fall prey to Marxism. (Yes, that economic stratagem is known to fail!) We must prohibit our
government officials from acting in desperation, creating risk and debt we cannot repay.

Your Voice
It is time to put Principle above Parties, Character above Campaign Promises, and Common Sense above all.

Republican does not mean conservative. Conservative wants all government to be only a structure so the citizens
work and raise their family in safety from those who would do them harm.

A Republican may also want the government to help individuals in society with dollars taken by taxes and given to
an other individual for some good. That is not conservative. That is Progressive, Socialistic, or Populist and a very
slow deadly poison to the citizens of the country.


“I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they’ll
crate their own programs, and when the people create a program, you get action.”

~~ Malcolm X

Charlie Duncan has left a new comment on your post "The Citizen Page":

Please for GOD sake quit spending our tax money. Have you not heard that we are in a recession? We don't need
to be purchasing or building another park nor do we need to be pledging the tax payers money for private
enterprise. We are already taxed to the hilt. Will you quit when every homeowner and commercial property owner
in the county goes into foreclosure and there is no tax money coming in? Please stop spending and maybe you can
lower the county taxes or is it asking too much of you to give back some of our money.

Announcing the Buckhead Tea Party Patriots

We are proud to announce the formation of Tea Party Patriots newest Tea Party group in Georgia - Buckhead Tea
Party Patriots, serving the Buckhead area of Fulton County. Thank you to Liz Bowerman and Joy McGraw for their
work in forming this important group.

If you would like to become involved in the Buckhead Tea Party, please contact Liz at 404-231-0016 or or Joy McGraw at 770-329-3793 or

We look forward to great things from the Buckhead Tea Party! Great work, ladies!!!

New Atlanta Tea Party Web Site

We have a new web site with added features like forums and blogs. We would like to thank patriot
Wayne Seling for designing this site for us . His service is very much appreciated and we are grateful to

We will be making minor changes in the days to come, but we thought that you might like to preview

You can register and start creating blog posts now.

Peggy Malcolm: I was watching the news tonight and listening to Al Sharpton's speech regarding the passing of
the Healthcare Bill. He stated that Americans who voted for Barack Obama for President knew they were voting for
socialism. So I asked myself, "if this is true, why did we fight all of these past wars and lose brave soldiers, when
the majority of people are wanting to throw freedom away and accept socialism?

Tea Party Patriots Statement

First and foremost, Tea Party Patriots has a zero tolerance policy against violence or bigotry from Democrats,
Republicans or Independents, and expects this standard to be applied equally to all. The values of Tea Party
Patriots are clearly opposed to those who choose this path. By the same token, public anger at Congress is
legitimate and warranted. Congress is not listening to the American people and their complaints. Sadly today, the
majority in Congress continue to ignore and downplay the clearly expressed feelings of the majority of the
American people. According to a CBS poll on March 24th
(;, a
full 62% of the American public wants this bill challenged. It is time for Congress to listen to the American people
and act accordingly. Meanwhile, Tea Party Patriots will continue to provide constructive means for the American
people to make their voices heard.

Your Country, Your Vote

It is YOUR country and YOUR vote!!!

I agree with so much said here it is a shame the people we vote in to office are voted because they speak well or
whoever writes the speeches do or raise the most money.

Why can’t we catch them off guard and ask questions so we can find out who they really are. We vote for people
who are our color, talk like Clark Gable, smile and have pretty teeth. I mean guys I would not vote for Brad Pitt,
but would you not love to see him in all the news?

We look at the way they walk and talk. That is why an older more mature man has a hard time, he does not appeal
to our looks. WAKE UP AMERICA ! First of all you do not know the real waste we have. Why can’t the upper crust
take a pay cut? I did and I own my business, so others could afford to come. As a medical person to start with I
saw so much waste and overcharging it was unreal.

It is going to take ALL of us to realize what is wrong, not just one person who calls himself a man. If someone says
change, do you cut off your feet first? Heck no you would truly fall. Change is cutting your hair or getting a facial,
eyebrows waxed, massage. The same goes for government, take their salaries and slice them too. No more dinners
in Paris with the kids. Secret Service after 6 years stops; I mean who remembers the President after that. Put a
medical panel together for insurance this bill will kill the small business and force people to do things that will keep
them from having to give insurance. There is still a way around not having (as a business) to offer it. One of the
things I see is insurance companies charge double if you have less than a certain amount of people on your group.

Second of all what happened to fair tax. I mean our painters; electricians and construction workers who work
under the table do not help us. But they have to buy supplies so if the tax goes up and no more April 15th then
everyone contributes, even illegal ones! No tax on medicine and food though as the elderly and low income needs
a break.

Okay so we have welfare now to contend with, after so many children you are denied benefits, and put the children
in childcare (cheaper) and bus these recipients to the government buildings to clean, wow what a savings with no
cleaning bills.

Boy could I go on, we are definitely a fixable country, but we need real leadership with good insight. And Ray
McBerry you are on target. Do not think you will find a PERFECT person to be in office everyone is human and we
all have a past. I am not as a voter concerned with a slapped wrist or someone who drank 35 years ago, I am
interested in keeping my 3 businesses open and keeping my 50+ people working and hope to hire more as time
goes on!

Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you.


Young Republicans


We are the official Young Republican Organization in Henry County. Our Goal is to bring Young Republicans of
Henry County to a more "HANDS ON" role in the politicial process here in Henry County. While at the same time
protecting and preserving our Republican Values and Beliefs by promoting such core Republican Values as:

1. Smaller Government
2. Local Control
3. Less Taxes

Our belief is that through other Young Republicans throughout Henry County we can create A vast network of
Young People, for continued development and recruitment for the Republican Party in Henry County
for generations to come.

Thomas W. Cashon
Acting Chairman/Founder
Georgia Young Republicans of Henry County

Our Purpose

Georgia Young Republicans of Henry County provides the opportunity for

young people who are interested in good government to:

1. Learn about government and politics

2. Participate in the political process
3. Meet with Elected officials
4. To become better informed and more involved citizens

Though the GYRHC young people can develop their political knowledge
and understanding issues of the day and as citizens become more effective voters and campaign workers.
Please visit our website:

Come and Join the YR's as we seek to build a strong base to demolish the Liberal's agenda for America!

Please check out the new Officers for 2010-2012. Click on About Us, then Officers 2010-2012.

The By- Laws for the Henry County Young Republicans were approved and adopted at the January Meeting!

Henry Players
Charlotte's Webb

Auditions will be at the Boss.

If a monologue is not listed here, they will need to prepare a 1-2 minute monologue of their choosing.

Dates: April 12 & 13. I would like to start at 6:30. until 9:00 Show Dates: Jun 24- 27, 2010

A. Kim Decker
Board Member
The Henry Players
770-922-0201 Home
678-346-0074 Cell
April 8th, 9th & 10th – 7:30PM
April 11th – 2:30PM
This production is Rated PG

At the Henry County Performing Arts Center

37 Lemon Street, McDonough, GA 30253
Tickets prices when purchased in advance
$12 for Adults, $10 for Senior Citizens and Students


CHARLOTTE’S WEB – JUNE 24-27, 2010
Auditions: April 12 & 13 2010
Location: To be announced

2010/2011 20th Season Line Up



Conservative Republican Women

Hat tip to Sahar Hekmati

Conservative Republican Women

Proudly Presents Fox News Contributor

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

Jackie Gingrich Cushman.JPG

Candidates that will be attending are:

The Honorable Linda D. Herren, Georgia Federation President, Suzi Volyes, Georgia Federation Past
President, Millie Rogers, Gary Black, Liz Carter, Sen. Jeff Chapman, Sen. Ralph Hudgens, School
Superintend Kathy Cox, Sen. Eric Johnson, Rep. Nathan Deal, Sen. John Douglas, Roger Hines, Harold
Logsdon, Stephen Northington, Gerry Purcell, Rep. Austin Scott, Maria Sheffield, Dianna Williams, Rep.
John Lunsford, Rep. John Yates, Deborah Honeycutt, Sonja Sleeper, Michael Frisbee, Rupert
Parchment, Sam Olens, Melvin Everson, Doug Macginnitie, Darwin Carter, Max Wood, Stockbridge City
Councilman Mark Alarcon, Henry County Commissioner Johnny Basler, Henry County Commissioner
Reid Bowman, Henry County Commissioner Randy Stamey, Henry County Commissioner Warren
Holder, Henry County Commissioner Rick Jeffares, Henry County Manger James C. (Butch) Sander Jr.,
Henry County Tax commissioner David Curry,
John Oxendine

Please Join us on April 15, 2010 Luncheon 11:30 AM to 2 PM

$20.00/ Merle Manders Conference Center

111 Davis Road, Stockbridge, GA 30281

Please RSVP to: or call 770-898-0418

Rep. Davis: Floor Speech

Steve Davis Floor Speech – HB 1086

Amendment did not get the mandated 120 votes. Failing 9 votes short
the vote was 111-61. 1 Republican voted "No".

Mr. Speaker and my colleagues, I rise today to support this bill.

The people of Georgia and America have been failed. And their will has been thwarted and aborted. And when
Congress fails to reflect that will – then we must stand up and continue the fight for them.

In this economy, with this unemployment, with our desperate need for jobs and economic growth, is this really the
time to raise taxes, to create bureaucracies, and burden every small business in this state.

This is the People’s House and WE are listening to the People and we must show them today that we will give them
the opportunity to vote.

When we came here, we each swore an oath to uphold and abide by the Constitution as representatives of the

The Healthcare bill is not what the American people need, nor what our constituents want.

Americans are out there are making sacrifices and struggling to build a better future. In this time of recession, they
wanted us to focus on jobs, not more spending, not more government, certainly not more taxes.

But what they faced this morning frightens them. They’re frightened because they don’t know what comes next.

And they are angry. They are angry that no matter what they did or how much they spoke out and yelled out.
Congress passed it anyways. Shame on them.

As Rep John Boehner said last night, “And in a democracy, you can only ignore the will of the people for so long
and get away with it.”

I ask each of you to join me and support this bill and send a clear message to DC that we will not idly sit by the
wayside as they infringe on the rights of Georgians.

Mr. Speaker I yield the Well.

Sign of the Times

Hat tip to Tyson Stanley
Henry Citizen Newsletter is provided by Henry Citizen Mail List Opt-In

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government,

a Georgia political action committee. Larry Stanley, Editor Unsubscribe

899 East Lake Road

McDonough, GA 30252

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