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Get on
the path
to wellness


2 your health

WOMEN have proved to display
high body image dissatisfaction
over the years, possibly due
to the latent, abiding effects of
mainstream media and the
corresponding social pressure to
look good.
This dissatisfaction has created
a huge market for weight loss
products and services targeted at
Besides the likes of supplement
pills and slimming programmes,
there also exist various diet fads
structured eating patterns that
seemingly deliver the solution for
weight loss concerns.
From the calorie-controlled
Weight Watchers to the highprotein, low-carbohydrate Atkins,
these programmes almost always
propose specified plans in stages
for short-term weight loss. The
desired effects are only achievable
as long as you stick to the

Balanced well-being

Simple but temporary

The appeal of fad diets seems to
lie in the promise of quick, easy
weight loss. However, according to
the National Heart Institute (IJN),
high-protein diets, meal
replacements or diets that advocate
focusing on only one type of
nutrient are not healthy.
In its Is Your Heart at Risk?
publication, IJN defines fads as
diets that promise a quick fix and
eliminate one or more food groups
contained in the Malaysian food
guide pyramid. If it sounds too
good to be true, it probably is.
Completely eliminating certain
types of foods from your diet can
cause nutritional deficiency in the
long run.
Fad diets and intermittent
fasting can make you feel lethargic
because the amount of food you
can eat is so restricted. Your
chances of falling off the
bandwagon are greater as you will
eventually miss eating foods that
you have always loved, says Indra
Balaratnam, consultant dietitian
and founder of The Food Expert
On the other hand, diets that
promote high consumption of a
certain nutrient group as a

Incorporating daily exercise is important to maintain a healthy body.

replacement for another nutrient

can lead to an excess of it being
stored as fat not solving any of
your health problems, but only
adding to them.
When I was younger, I didnt
know any better and tried so many
fad diets only to realise they were
an utter waste of time and money.
Somewhere in the fine print it
always says works best with
balanced diet and exercise, says
G. Prem Shobana, a 36-year-old
So in the year leading up to her
wedding, Shobana decided to place
herself firmly on the path of
healthy weight loss.
I religiously stuck to eating a
balance of rice, vegetables and
protein, and exercised for at least
an hour daily. As a result, I
weighed 20kg less on my wedding
day, she shares.
Use the Malaysian food pyramid
on this page to plan balanced
meals for yourself and your family.
A balanced meal will contain food
from each part of the pyramid.

Moderation is key
Widely acclaimed diet plans
are often endorsed by celebrities,
whose glamour and beauty give
verisimilitude to weight loss
But no two bodies are the same,
especially when comparing the
average working woman with a
celebrity who has ample
resources at her disposal and the
need to look good as part of her
There are undoubtedly parties
cashing in on these fads, be it
through books, shows,
supplements or endorsements.
Everyday women may be too
preoccupied with other aspects of
life to adopt a healthy, medically
sound diet-and-exercise
More importantly and
dangerously, however, is that
many modern young women are
attracted to these fads because of
the instant gratification promised.
It is understandable that

many overweight women are

frustrated with their present size
and want a quick fix or solution.
But the truth is, quick and easy is
rarely permanent in the long run,
says Indra.
You will surely lose some
weight initially that will make you
excited and happy, but without
putting in continuous effort and
making changes, the weight will
just come back, making you feel
defeated. Quick and easy methods
are usually just that a flash in
the pan.
Instead, a thorough
understanding of long-term
individual needs and health is
necessary to effectively lose and
maintain weight something
27-year-old masters of dietetics
candidate Denise Chew knows
There isnt a quick fix diet
achieving your health and fitness
goals takes perseverance,
diligence and discipline, she says.
For the past six years, Chew
has maintained a diet with a

Energy needed
per day in calories

If you are:
A woman who is
An elderly woman
A teenage girl
An active woman
A very active woman
An underweight woman

Recommended calorie levels for

different women according to the
Malaysian Dietary Guidelines.

variety of foods from core

food groups recommended in
dietary guidelines.
She prepares her own meals,
does not smoke or consume
alcohol, and keeps active through
swimming, jogging and rock
climbing, among other activities.
I am now physically stronger,
my body is leaner and I have been
able to maintain my weight. Most
importantly, I have developed a
good relationship with food I
enjoy eating and look forward to
meal times, says Chew.

Malaysian food pyramid

Fat, oil, sugar & salt

Eat less

Fat, oil, sugar & salt

Eat less
Fish, poultry, meat &
-2 servings of poultry,
meat, egg per day
1 serving of fish per day
-1 serving of legumes
per day
Eat in moderation

Milk and milk

1-3 servings per day
Eat in moderation
3 servings of
vegetables per day
Eat plenty

2 servings of
fruit per day
Eat plenty

Rice, noodles, bread,

cereals, cereal
products & tubers
4-8 servings per day
Eat adequately


Everyday measures
THESE women share their
thoughts on several aspects of
weight loss:
Treats and rewards
Although I ate less processed
sugar, I did not deprive myself of
occasional treats this helped me
stick to my diet plan easily. I
would compensate
G. Prem Shobana

by exercising an extra 30 minutes

or so. G. Prem Shobana, 36,

l Changing lifestyles

made a commitment to change

my lifestyle to incorporate
healthy meals and exercise into
my daily routine.
Its not just about a diet;
you need to change
your whole lifestyle
to have a chance at
success. Lyn
Tan, 32, lawyer

Ive tried and switched

numerous diets
throughout my life.
When I was young
and lived at home,
my mother would
cook healthy meals
l Healthy
and I had time to
meals I used to
prepare food such
Then when I went
as buttered prawns
to university,
and fried fish with
Lyn Tan
budgeting for healthy
rice and a vegetable.
meals and finding time to
Now I never fry anything
exercise became difficult. Now
and the meals are pared down
that Im older, I understand more
roast chicken leg is basically
about the way my body works
chicken and vegetable
and what works for me.
in the same tray, plus herbs and
I dont know if my current diet
butter, in the oven for 45
will work for sure but I have

From the perspective of

someone who does the cooking,
healthy eating can be easy.
Samantha Joseph, 29, features

l Balance and


credibility It is
generally better to
maintain a
healthy, balanced
diet rather than
some foods. Most
diet fads are meant
for temporary gains
(such as weight loss or
detoxification), which is
okay providing they actually
It is therefore important to
speak to professionals in the
field and do your own research
before starting one never rely

on word of mouth only. Ashley

Lee, 27, fitness instructor

l Easy exercise I make an

effort to understand and find
forms of exercise I enjoy
so that it is no longer a
chore to get them
Proper time
management is
important so that it
doesnt take time
away from priorities,
but I stay consistent
with frequent reflections
and lots of mindfulness.
Understanding that striving
for perfection is unrealistic and
setting behavioural goals
supersede attempting to give
100% all the time but eventually
blowing out with guilt. Anne
Anika, 23, radiography student


your health 3

mind, body,
AT 47 years old, Aishah Lee had
a successful career as a
beautician and three children.
However, she started getting
easily irritated over trivial issues
and frequently got into
arguments with her husband.
Since her periods started
changing about two years ago,
Lee hardly feels like the woman
she used to be.
Lee was undergoing a phase
in womanhood known as
perimenopause, a phase of life
significantly driven by hormonal
In this transition phase,
women would still be having
their periods but would also be
going through a host of changes.
This is because their hormone
levels are undergoing the
greatest degree of change.

Hormonal imbalance
Hormonal balance is essential
to all aspects of a womans
reproductive life as it regulates
menstruation, fertility,
menopause and libido.
The main hormones affecting
the menstrual cycle and fertility
are produced by the ovaries and
glands in the brain.
Midlife is when hormonal
imbalances become most
obvious. During this time, the
female hormone oestrogen starts
behaving erratically, causing
much distress to a womans
body, mind and emotions.
Some of the symptoms include
forgetfulness, fat accumulation,
fat redistribution, skin dryness
and loss of skin firmness.
Women in their
perimenopausal years may also
be vulnerable to depression,
anxiety and becoming easily
angry and irritated as hormonal
balance affects our emotional
Hence, stress adversely affects
hormone levels, resulting in
negative moods and increasing
the risk of cardiovascular
Psychologists have found that
many women in midlife
experience increased stress as
they have to look after children,
work and often care for their
elderly parents too.

Natural therapies
Although women cannot stop
menopause from happening,
they can do much during midlife
to influence how to live their
years ahead in wellness.
Phytonutrients (plant
nutrients) such as genistein soy
isoflavones are helpful in
helping women through times of
hormonal imbalances.

Midlife is when
become most
obvious. During this
time, the female
hormone oestrogen
starts behaving
Genistein is a phytoestrogen
antioxidant and metabolicregulating complex. One of its
main actions as a phytoestrogen
is to mimic the properties of
oestrogen in a selective and
subtle manner.
As a natural phytoestrogen
complex, genistein works
differently from hormone-type
drugs and hormone replacement
therapy, which adds hormones
to the body.
Instead, genistein helps
regulate erratic hormone levels
by filling in the gaps when
oestrogen levels are low and
competes with oestrogen when
its levels are high.
By doing so, genistein
effectively regulates such
hormonal ups and downs in the
body to optimal balance.
As a phytoestrogen, genistein
works differently from evening
primrose oil (EPO). Although
EPO has long been touted as a
hormonal balancing product, it
actually possesses antiinflammatory actions more
suited for pre-menstrual
syndrome (PMS).
Women with weight
challenges would do well to opt
for a non-oily supplement such
as genistein to prevent the
weight gain associated with EPO.
A 2009 study published in
Phytotherapy Research showed
that genistein has additional fatregulating benefits due to its
ability to prevent fat formation,
reduce belly fat and inhibit fat
accumulation in the body.
Lee was recommended to take
organic genistein by one of her
friends who recognised what she
was going through.
After being on it for two
months, she now has more
energy and feels more in control
of her life and relationships with
her friends and family.
This article is brought to you
by Nuvanta Nuvaceuticals
Look out for the
advertisement in this

A natural phytoestrogen complex may help restore balance to hormones.


4 your health

Early treatment and prevention

CORONARY heart disease (CHD) is
the leading cause of death among
women worldwide. In Malaysia, it
is responsible for approximately
one in four deaths in public
hospitals a trend that has
remained unchanged since 1991.
However, according to Tan Sri
Datuk Seri Dr Robaayah
Zambahari, senior consultant
cardiologist and director at the
National Heart Institute (widely
known by its Bahasa Malaysia
acronym IJN), there is still a
general lack of awareness about
how heart disease affects women.
This has contributed to failure
in providing adequate information
and services to the public, which
explains the lower diagnosis rate of
CHD among women. The issue is
compounded by the atypical
symptoms presented by women
having heart attacks, she says.
Some women may not have
severe chest pains, which is the
popular indicator of heart attack.
Instead, they may have difficulty
breathing or unexplained fatigue,
which are not widely recognised
as heart attack symptoms by
emergency department personnel,
much less patients themselves.
Time is crucial in heart attack
treatment patients must be

Dr Robaayah says that women need

to maintain healthy body weight
through appropriate diet and
exercise as well as avoid smoking to
reduce risk of coronary heart

attended to three to six hours after

an attack; beyond 12 hours, there
will be irreparable muscle death,
says Dr Robaayah.
On top of that, socio-cultural
norms have also made many
women passive, fearful and
anxious in seeking early treatment
for CHD.
Self-sacrificing wives and
mothers may put their family and
household needs first, disregarding
their own feelings of uneasiness.

Lack of awareness can only be

addressed by educating members
of the community, which includes
emergency department personnel
at hospitals who triage (assign
degree of urgency of treatment to)
women with lesser known
Prevention is better than cure, of
course. Women need to adopt
healthy lifestyles from a young age
to reduce risk of CHD, which
involves maintaining healthy body
weight through appropriate diet
and exercise as well as avoiding
smoking or even exposure to
secondhand smoke, says
Dr Robaayah.
Pre-menopausal women have a
lower risk of heart disease thanks
to the protective role of the
oestrogen hormone which
explains why women generally
develop CHD about 10 years later
than men, usually when they
are above 50 years old and
However, Dr Robaayah warns
that unhealthy habits, especially
smoking, will only increase this
risk in your younger years.
Besides CHD, women may also
suffer from congenital (since birth)
or valvular (involving heart valves)
heart disease.

Congenital abnormalities often

result in low oxygen concentration
that gives newborn babies skin a
bluish hue.
However, some cases remain
unidentified well into adulthood
and are only discovered at
check-ups or when trying to
Dr Robaayah explains that it is
important for women to be in the
know about their heart health to

reduce risk of complications in

both baby and mother.
Women with heart disease have
to be consulted on these risks,
which can be reduced by getting
the rubella vaccine, controlling
chronic medical conditions and
avoiding harmful substances such
as alcohol.
For more information,
contact IJN.

For womens hearts

THE 2011 National Health and
Morbidity Survey reported a
significant increase in lifestyle
related diseases hypertension,
diabetes and obesity all
contribute to higher risk of
cardiovascular disease (CVD)
among women, who were also
reported to have longer life
expectancies, thus increasing
the CVD burden.
Seeking to address the issues
surrounding womens heart
health, the National Heart
Association of Malaysia (NHAM)
set up the Womens Heart
Health Organisation (WH20) in

This organisation carries out

regular heart screening
programmes across the country
and organises fairs, conferences
and talks to improve prevention
and management of CVD in
NHAM is also in the midst of
revising its Clinical Practice
Guidelines on the Prevention of
Cardiovascular Disease in
Women publication, which
includes best clinical practices in
CVD prevention among women.
Focusing on local context, the
guidelines elevate the
knowledge and services of
healthcare professionals.


your health 5


Although an obsession with
aesthetic beauty can contribute to
distorted body image, looking good
can go a long way in improving
self-image and confidence.
Dr Sharmini Arumugam,
aesthetic medical practitioner at
Mahkota Medical Centre, says that
taking care of the skin and body is
not merely a matter of aesthetics.
When you look good, you feel
good. But beyond that, the skin
requires care just like every other
organ. There are things to look out
for when treating or maintaining
skin, such as lesions or growths,
that should be further investigated
if they look suspicious, she says.
Women who want to look and
feel good must be willing to do the
right things, says Teh Teong Ei,
chief executive officer of medical
and healthcare supplier Pinang
Medical Supplies.
According to Teh, there is
equipment for various exercises
suitable for home or even the
office. Equipment manufacturers
continuously innovate to cater to
busy women, who can even split
their workout into several short
sessions throughout the day.
Optimum weight and health is
attainable with the right attitude
and willingness to make important
Understanding the nature and
mechanism of diet fads, it is not
too far-fetched to surmise that
they are much like other lose-

Borderline obsession

Practise a well-balanced
diet and lifestyle to
maintain your well-being.

holistic approach
weight-quick gimmicks.
Even if they have proved to be
effective, the results rarely survive
the test of time and may cause
detrimental side effects.
Some health conditions may
require specific additions or
restrictions, but these are designed
on scientific bases.
Most diet fads, on the other
hand, have either been revamped

and reinterpreted so that the

entire plan and end goal are
reduced to a string of
assumptions and approximations,
or have not been around long
enough for their long-term effects
to be determined.
To be truly effective, diet plans
should only be considered after
discussion with your doctor and
be paired with regular exercise.

BY now, many of us know about

eating disorders such as anorexia
(fear of weight gain little or no
eating leading to dangerously low
body weight) and bulimia (binge
eating followed by guilt-induced
purging). These conditions are
not to be taken lightly as they can
cause great instability and
complication, even leading to
death in severe cases.
While these disorders can
have many causes, healthcare
professionals have warned that
an obsession with fad diets can
be a slippery slope towards an
eating disorder. People who jump
from one selective eating pattern
to another can be causing longterm harm to their health
without knowing it and foster an
unhealthy relationship with food.
Distorted body image is closely
linked to eating disorders, and as
young girls all over the world are
increasingly influenced by
unrealistic goals of perfection,
fad diets can pose a real danger
to modern society.
Locally, Dr Hera Lukman of
International Medical Universitys
Community Medicine and
Behavioural Sciences Section
reported back in 2007 that an
estimated one in 10 young
women suffer from an eating

disorder, noting that only 28%

of 578 female college students
surveyed were satistfied with the
shape of their bodies.
In the United States, statistics
from various sources indicate
that young girls begin to show
concern for their body shape or
weight by the age of six. This
corresponds with research from
both the United States and United
Kingdom that show eating
disorders on an uphill trend since
the 90s.
People with these disorders
rarely come forward, which
leaves society in the dark about
the statistical prevalence of
anorexia or bulimia. However,
experts say that the number is
on the rise, comparable to
prevalence in Western countries.
Women are more likely to
develop eating disorders than
men, but it is becoming more
common for men to have
distorted body image and
dissatisfaction, too.
If you or someone you know
is struggling with eating, seek
assistance from a doctor or
dietitian as soon as possible.
Individuals may not be aware
of their condition until it begins
causing serious harm to their


6 your health

Joint pain relief

AT 50, Sara Tong had already spent
two years working out at the gym
and participating in social runs.
However, nine months ago, Tong
started experiencing joint stiffness
in her left shoulder and right knee
and could not perform her usual
exercises at the gym.
After Tong sought the advice of
her pharmacist, who
recommended Biolane, she started
seeing improvements and resumed
her workouts a little more than
two months later.

Root of the problem

Contrary to popular belief, age is
not the only factor when it comes
to developing joint problems.
The risk factors for people to
develop joint problems increase if
they are female, have a family
history of arthritis, have sustained
a previous joint injury and take

part in competitive high impact

sports such as running.
These factors contribute to
the release of a type of enzyme
found in joints known as matrix
metalloproteinases (MMP
Joint-degrading MMP enzymes
normally exist in our joints in a
balanced state as they are involved
in the joint remodelling processes.
However, when the body begins
producing too much MMP
enzymes, the joints break down
faster than they can rebuild.
Joint damage and inflammation
ensues, leading to joint degradation
and, in many cases, formation of
bone spurs, causing limited joint
movement and pain.
The New Zealand green-lipped
mussel joint product called Biolane
was first produced in the 1970s as
a natural treatment.
It has the ability to inhibit the

destructive MMP enzymes from

breaking down joints, thus
preventing joint destruction and
aiding in joint repair.
With anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant and marine mineral
healing actions, Biolane can help
address the various pathways
leading to arthritis pathology.
Biolane works differently from
glucosamine, which does not have
any effect on joint-ageing enzymes.
Although there are various New
Zealand green-lipped mussel
supplements in the market, Biolane
has omega-3 anti-inflammatory
actions and, more importantly,
MMP-blocking activity.
Just as arthritis does not happen
overnight, the process of joint
repair and restoration will also
take time.
Patients have to undergo a
treatment course of at least three
months at the right dose before

Although there is no cure for arthritis, nature can provide resources to

control the condition and help you get back up and running.

effects are felt.

Further, Biolane is not a
painkiller and patients may still
have to take their painkillers
initially before the benefits of
Biolane kick in.
Another advantage of Biolane is
its stomach-protecting properties,
which leads to a more than 50%
reduction in gastric lesions when
taken together with painkillers.
In the long run, when jointageing enzymes are in balance,
patients may find that they need
no longer rely on painkillers.

With a research history of 40

years, Biolane is probably one of
the most enduring joint products
in the world today, a testament of
its quality, safety and effectiveness.
Biolane is now available in
leading pharmacies and clinics in
This article is brought to you by
the Nuvaceuticals Division of
Nuvanta Sdn Bhd.
Look out for the advertisement
in this StarSpecial.

Aid for hearing

OUR hearing plays an important
role in how we interact with the
world around us.
Unfortunately, hearing loss is
often gradual and subtle, hence
commonly ignored.
Here are some symptoms that
you may be experiencing
difficulty with your hearing:
l Other people appear to be
mumbling instead of speaking
l You are often told that you
have turned the television up too
l Group conversations are
difficult for you to follow
l You find it hard to
understand telephone
l You find yourself constantly
asking people to repeat
l Hearing is particularly
difficult when there is a lot of
background noise such as on a
busy street
Hearing loss can be due to:

l Sensorineural damage

(nerve deafness);
l Otitis media (ear infection);
l Presbyacusis (hearing loss
that occurs with old age).
The factors that lead to these
include infections or chronic
illnesses, injuries, genetic factors,
and medication that can damage
Prolonged exposure to high
levels of sound and ageing are
also factors leading to hearing
However, hearing loss can be
detected through carefully
performed hearing tests.

Who should be tested?

Children should be given a
hearing assessment as soon as
possible after birth.
Early identification and
intervention is crucial for
language development.

NewSound Hearing offers the

latest range of hearing aids.

Adults who are regularly

exposed to high levels of noise
should take a hearing test at least
once a year.
People who experience even
the slightest difficulty with their
hearing should undergo a
hearing assessment.
Hearing assessments can
detect, intervene and help
preserve communication and
listening skills.
NewSound Hearing
recommends an annual hearing
health check for anyone over the
age of 50 and every two years for
those aged below 50.
You can be confident of
receiving quality services at
NewSound Hearing
You will have the choice of
picking from the latest range of
hearing aids.
NewSound Hearing provides
hearing screenings and full
hearing health checks.
It offers the most appropriate
advice and ensures that you are
fully informed to make the right
decision for yourself.
When you purchase a hearing
aid from NewSound Hearing,
you will receive a lifetime of
aftercare services that ensure
you get the best out of your
hearing aids.
For more information,
call 1800 188 882.


your health 7

Lifestyle change for weight loss

BARIATRIC surgery can either
be restrictive or metabolic.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
(LSG) is a relatively new restrictive
method in which part of the
stomach is removed, thus limiting
the amount of food one can eat.
According to Dr Yeap Chee
Loong, consultant general and
upper gastrointestinal surgeon at
Oriental Melaka Straits Medical
Centre, LSG is a more popular and
direct procedure that effectively
reduces the secretion of the
appetite-controlling hormone
There is also the gastric banding
method, a minimally invasive
option where an adjustable silicone
band is used to squeeze the
stomach into a pouch. An inflatable
intragastric balloon also functions
to the same effect but does not
require surgery.
On the other hand, there is the
gastric bypass method, which
directly connects a small stomach
pouch to the small intestine, thus
bypassing part of the digestive
Metabolic bariatric surgery
such as this adapts a two-pronged
approach to weight loss in
decreasing stomach volume and
food absorption, says Dr Ong
Kheng Wah, consultant general

Dr Yeap Chee Loong.

Dr Ong Kheng Wah.

surgeon at Oriental Melaka Straits

Medical Centre.
Weight loss usually carries an
aesthetic connotation, but bariatric
surgery is not a form of cosmetic
surgery. It is only carried out on
obese individuals who are at great
risk of or suffer from complications
related to their weight.
We aim to improve related
conditions such as diabetes,
hypertension and high blood
pressure, thus improving health
and quality of life, explains
Dr Yeap.
It is not a primary option for
quick weight loss obesity is first
addressed with diet and exercise
consultation, which involves
speaking with a dietician and
understanding calorie
Patients are only considered for
this weight loss surgery if they
have a body mass index (BMI)

above 35 (without obesity-related

diseases) or more than 30 (with
obesity-related diseases).
This is based on the latest
International Federation for the
Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic
Disorders Asian Pacific Chapter
(IFSO-APC) Consensus, which
indicates that BMI range may differ
for Asians due to a naturally higher
percentage of body fat.
Post-surgery patient compliance
is important, especially in
maintaining a healthy and
balanced diet. Lifelong discretion
and care is needed to sustain the
effect of the surgery the
procedure is not a magic pill, says
Dr Yeap.
Patients have to closely monitor
and control meal portions because
their stomach capacity is affected.
The stomach is no longer able to
accommodate normal amounts of
food, so patients can sometimes

only eat a few tablespoons five to

six times a day.
Dr Ong describes the procedure
as part of a programme, not just a
surgery. Follow up for at least two
years is essential to ensure patients
reach and maintain their targeted
weight, he says.
As with all medical procedures,
bariatric surgery has its own set of
potential risks, including bleeding
and improper healing.
Preoperative optimisation is
carried out with a screening of all
vital organs.
According to Dr Ong, severely
obese patients are typically
more susceptible to surgical

complications, including trouble

breathing under anaesthesia.
These risks and complications
may make some sceptical, but
morbid obesity will cause
complications eventually. This
procedure is a way for them to
reduce the risk of developing other
diseases, including heart disease,
says Dr Yeap.
Post surgery, patients must be
prepared for and willing to make
the lifestyle changes to sustain
long-term weight loss.
For more information, contact
Oriental Melaka Straits Medical

Classification and the risk of co-morbidities of BMI for Asians


Obese Class I
Obese Class II
Obese Class III
(morbid obesity)

Risk of
Very severe

(Asia Pacific)

Reference: World Health Organization (WHO)s expert consultation report

published in The Lancet 2004.


8 your health

AFTER their 40th year, many men

seem to begin accumulating weight
around their waist.
An expanded waistline can occur
due to the depletion of the male
hormone testosterone, which often
leads to andropause or Low T.
Andropause is caused by a
gradual decline in testosterone
levels in men. A noticeable loss of
muscle mass can be expected with
advancing age and dwindling
testosterone levels.In the process,
overall metabolism will decline.
Researchers found that men
with waist sizes greater than 40
inches had on average 30% lower
testosterone levels than men with
waist sizes less than 37 inches.
The decline in testosterone levels
occurs gradually and its tell-tale
signs are subtle.
Coincidently, this condition
usually happens at a time in life,
usually after the age of 40, when
many men experience what is
commonly referred to as midlife
Not all men will experience the
same symptoms of Low T. Some of
the more common signs of this
condition are:
l Low libido (sex drive)
l Emotional, psychological and
behavioural changes
l Decreased lean body mass

For optimal well-being

l Lack of muscle bulk and strength
l Increased abdominal fat
l Osteoporosis and bone loss
l Cardiovascular risk
l Low or zero sperm count
The long-term consequences
of Low T should not be
Low T has been known to
aggravate risk factors of obesity,
diabetes, high blood pressure and
cholesterol as well as various
cardiovascular problems.
Some men are more likely to
develop Low T than others. A
sedentary lifestyle, psychological
stress, smoking, excessive alcohol
intake, certain injuries or
medications, surgery, weight gain
and frequent infections can
contribute to its onset.

Natural and safe

Recent research shows that a
herb helps boost testosterone
levels with effects comparable to
synthetic testosterone.

Natural extracts
can help boost
testosterone levels
that will drop once
men reach a
certain age.

Testofen is a fenugreek
(Trigonella foenum-graecum)
extract standardised to 50%
Fenuside, which contains more
than 100 phytochemical
While fenugreek has multiple
health applications, the active
constituents included in Testofen
have been shown to boost
testosterone levels and increase

libido, lean muscle mass and

immune functions.
A clinical trial was conducted by
Gencor Pacific Inc in 2006 on males
aged 18 to 35. These subjects
underwent resistance training/
power exercise for a period of one
month and achieved an almost
100% increase in free blood
testosterone levels after consuming
Testofen (300mg in the morning

and 300mg in the evening) for a

period of eight weeks.
This study also demonstrated:
l There was a significant
increase in anabolic activity as
evidenced by blood urea nitrogen
reduction compared with the
placebo group, confirming the
increase in muscle build-up and
decrease in skin fold thickness.
l There was an increase in
immunity compared with the
placebo group.
l There was a significant
decrease in body fat compared
with baseline.
l Muscle size was maintained
despite maintenance of overall
weight and reduction of body fat.
Supplementing natural
testosterone levels with Testofen
can help men aged 40 and above
maintain healthy levels of free
testosterone, which supports
multiple bodily functions.
Look out for the advertisement
in this StarSpecial.

in pregnancy
A WOMANS body undergoes
many physiological changes
during pregnancy to
accommodate the growing foetus
in her womb.
Because of the short time
given to adapt to the changes,
the body may exhibit certain
symptoms of discomfort such
as pelvic pain, back pain,
constipation and urinary
Physiotherapy that is catered
specifically for womens health
can alleviate these symptoms
and is divided into general,
prenatal and postnatal.
Prenatal physiotherapy
addresses problems during
pregnancy. During pregnancy,
the sacrum and pelvic bones
depend on the ligaments and
muscles to provide joint stability
to facilitate the stretching of
these joints for the expansion of
the pelvis space.
Muscle strengthening
exercises are vital to provide
support and stability to these
joints and reduce pain.
Urinary incontinence is
common during pregnancy due
to increased pressure of the
uterus on the bladder, giving a
pregnant woman less room to
store urine just when it is
becoming more difficult to
control the flow.
By doing the right pelvic floor
exercises such as pilates and
pelvic stability exercise,
pregnant women can have better
bladder control.
Postnatal physiotherapy is
carried out after childbirth to
restore normal muscle and joint
functions. During childbirth,

Women can undergo prenatal,

postnatal or general

injury or trauma may occur to

the pelvic floor muscle or nerve,
leading to dysfunction of the
pelvic floor muscle and
producing symptoms such as
incontinence and pain during
urination/defaecation and sexual
Pregnant women develop
diastasis recti the
overstretching of linea alba
(white line) that connects the left
and right side of the abdominal
Postnatal physiotherapy
exercises are carried out to
regain normal tone of abdominal
During the course of therapy,
specially designed exercises and
equipment are implemented to
help patients restore their
normal physical activities. By
Dr Dinesh Kumar
This article is brought to you by
Diamagnetic Physio Centre.


THOUGH aesthetic medicine and

treatments improve a persons
outward appearance, there is more
to it than just treating the skin of
the face and body.
Aesthetic treatments help
improve a persons self-image
and confidence. More than that,
they can contribute to overall
Taking care of and maintaining
your skins health is part of overall
wellness, says Dr Sharmini
Arumugam, aesthetic medical
practitioner at Mahkota Medical
Aesthetic treatments such as
laser skin treatments are gaining
popularity in Malaysia as more
people are aware of the
importance of skin health and the
treatments available.
In fact, hospitals such as
Mahkota Medical Centre are
even receiving patients from
neighbouring states and countries
for the treatments.
The two most popular types
of laser treatments are the
Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, which
is a non-ablative treatment (it
does not involve removal of the
skin), and the carbon dioxide
laser, which is ablative. Each
has different applications.
The non-ablative treatments
include improving skin tone,
treating sun spots, birth marks,
pigmentation and tattoos. The
laser can even be used to treat
fine wrinkles, says Dr Sharmini.

your health 9

Focus on skin health

Mahkota Medical Centre offers several types of aesthetic treatments. Inset: Dr Sharmini Arumugam.

The carbon dioxide laser can be

used to treat certain skin lesions
such as skin tags, moles or warts
and to resurface skin with acne
scars, she continues.
Dr Sharmini explains how they
work: non-ablative lasers deliver
heat through the skin, which
eliminates pigmented cells,
stimulates collagen remodelling
and causes the skin to tighten.
The carbon dioxide laser,

on the other hand, removes

scar tissue and promotes textural
improvement of the skin.
Basically, the collagen will fill in
the deeper layers of the skin, giving
the surface an overall smoother
look and feel.
The non-ablative treatments are
quick and simple procedures. For
example, the laser toning and skin
rejuvenation procedures take
about 20 to 30 minutes.There is

no need for a general anaesthetic

as it is not very painful.
Patients are advised to wait for a
month before the next procedure;
it generally takes four to six
procedures before the treatment
is completed.
The ablative treatments require
a little more time as the patients
skin has to be numbed about an
hour before the procedure takes
place. The procedure itself usually

takes 10 to 15 minutes, after which

the skin will look flushed and
There is a down time of two to
three days before the area heals
and the scabs will peel off within
seven days.
The interval between these
procedures is one-and-a-half to two
Follow-up treatment and
skincare maintenance is important
for the effects of the treatment to
last longer, says Dr Sharmini.
Treatments such as scar
removal are permanent, but when
it comes to skin toning and
smoothening wrinkles, treatments
cannot last forever as the ageing
process will go on as usual.
You can, however, aid
maintenance by taking care of
your skin health and avoiding too
much sun exposure by always
wearing sunblock, she says.
Dr Sharmini stresses that skin
health should not be overlooked:
Taking care of your skin should
not be just for aesthetic reasons
but rather be part of each persons
overall wellness plan for their
For more information, contact
Mahkota Medical Centre.


10 your health

Fresh, good juice

KUVINGS Whole Slow Juicer is a masticating
juicer that comes installed with a strong
motor. Although it has a high torque, the
juicer has a slower crushing and squeezing
This design allows it to squeeze out
more extract from fruits and vegetables,
particularly soft and leafy vegetables such
as wheatgrass and spinach.
Here are three reasons Kuvings should
be your preferred juicer:
l Wide-mouth design
One of the biggest advantages Kuvings
has over other masticating juicers is its
wide-mouth feed chute design and its
patented whole-fruit juicing system.
This innovative design allows the juicer to
accommodate whole fruits without cutting
them, which results in hassle-free juicing.
This feature also slows down oxidation of
fruits in the juicing process, allowing you to
enjoy your juice before it turns brown.
l Powerful motor
Kuvings comes fitted with a 240W motor
that produces three times the torque of other
masticating juicers.
A consumer study that conducted
side-by-side comparison between a
centrifugal juicer and the Kuvings Whole
Slow Juicer found that Kuvings produced
40% more juice from the same amount of
l Healthier juice
As eating fruits and vegetables alone has
its limitation, one of the benefits of juicing is
the increased daily intake of nutrients from

Kuvings Whole
Slow Juicer.

Nutrients are
only absorbed
after the
system has
broken down
the tough plant cell
walls, making the
process slow and inefficient.
Kuvings Whole Slow Juicers strong
crushing action is able to break down
these tough plant cell walls to transform
homogenised plant cells into readily
absorbed nutrient-carrying cells.
These cells are absorbed 12 times faster,
which explains the surge of energy felt after
drinking a glass of freshly made green juice.
Studies conducted at NUC Electronic
BioNutrient Lab in Daegu, South Korea, has
found that juice produced using the Kuvings
Whole Slow Juicer contains four times more
nutrients than the average juicer.
Recently, Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer was
voted the Best Slow Juicer by readers of
Malaysian health magazines Natural Health
and Healthy Lifestyle.
For more information, call 03-5885 4151.

Garden of Eden products do not only use natural ingredients but also concentrated plant extracts
for the best results.

Natural and effective

WHAT makes the basis of a good skincare
product? The answer lies in the ingredients.
The ingredients label of a skincare product
reveals a lot about the product you are
using. Always strive to look for a skincare
product with natural active ingredients.
For example, plant-based ingredients such
as green tea extract, pomegranate extract,
chamomile extract, tea tree essential oil,
rosehip seed oil and grape seed oil are
natural plant-based ingredients often found
in skincare products.
However, having lots of natural plantbased ingredients does not mean the product
is free from preservatives or chemicals.
Beware of preservatives in the
form of parabens such as ethylparaben,
butylparaben and isopropylparaben, which
are used primarily for their bactericidal
and fungicidal properties in skincare
and personal care products.
While effective in preventing bactericidal
and fungicidal growth, they can lead to
skincare irritation and allergies.
One of the few face serum brands in the
market that contain natural plant extract

is Garden of Eden.
This product range is gentle for those with
sensitive skin and was specially developed
to treat various skin conditions such as
pigmentation, wrinkles, acne and oily skin,
dry skin and stretch marks.
The basis of the Garden of Edens face
serum range is to solely use concentrated
plant extracts (this means each bottle is
undiluted and does not use fillers such as
water, mineral oil), which enables the
product to effectively deliver results as skin
cells absorb concentrated essential nutrients
and antioxidants into the basal layer of the
With regular use over a few weeks, the
cells are constantly renewed, repaired and
Whether it is a pigmentation or wrinkle
problem, Garden of Eden serums promise
a holistic approach to treat various skin
For more information, visit your local
pharmacy to know more about Garden
of Eden products.


your health 11

Packed with
WHITE rice is rice that has had
its hull, bran and germ removed.
Since the bran contains small
amount of oil that can turn
rancid, rice are often polished to
prolong its shelf-life.
However, this process also
strips the rice of essential
nutrients. Unpolished rice or
brown rice has its bran and
germ intact and is considered a
wholegrain option with higher
nutrition value.
There is a variety of brown
rice available in the market and
generally has a nutty flavour and
chewy texture when cooked.
Both white and brown rice
contain similar amounts of
energy, carbohydrates and
However, brown rice contains
higher amounts of vitamins and
The bran of brown rice does
not only provide high fibre
content but also a variety of
colour pigments that may be
beneficial to health.
Given that the varieties of
brown rice contain different
amounts of nutrients and colour
pigments, it is good to include a
variety of them in your diet.
Consuming a diet rich in
wholegrains such as brown rice
is beneficial to health as it may
lower the risk of heart disease,
diabetes and certain cancers
as well as help in weight
Consumers can also get a
variety of texture depending on
the different types of rice they
Brown rice comes as short,
medium or long grains. Long
grain rice tends to be more
light and fluffy and separates

when cooked.
On the other hand, medium
and short grains tend to cling
together and are more chewy
and tender when cooked.
For your convenience and
daily practical purposes, Serba
Wangi is proud to present its new
innovation ecoBrowns Gold
and ecoBrowns Instant Brown
Rice Beverage, a premix of
three-in-one of brown, red
and black rice, which makes
it convenient and easy for you
to consume three different
types of wholegrain rice.
ecoBrowns Brown Rice
Beverage is formulated as a
highly nutritious beverage that
offers the natural goodness of
three specialty rice grains for a
wholesome diet combination
of 100% natural brown rice, red
rice and black rice ground to
To cook ecoBrowns Gold rice,
here is a guideline of the ideal
water-to-rice ratio, soaking time
and cooking time:
l To cook rice the usual way
Add three cups of water for
every cup of ecoBrowns Gold
into the rice cooker.

Softer rice Pre-soak the

rice for 15 minutes to one
hour before cooking or
add more water and
simmer for a longer time.

Firmer rice Add less

water and simmer for a
shorter time
l To cook porridge Add 10
cups of water for every cup of
ecoBrowns Gold into the rice
cooker and boil for about 45 to
50 minutes.
Look out for the advertisement
in this StarSpecial.

How to store rice:

l Uncooked rice
Store uncooked brown rice
in pest-proof containers with
lids. It can be stored at room
temperature for up to six
months. To prolong the shelf
life of brown rice, you can
store it in an airtight
container in the refrigerator.

l Cooked rice
Cooked rice stored
incorrectly can harbour a
bacteria called Bacillus cereus,
which produces toxins that
causes food poisoning even
after reheating.
There are a few points you
need to remember when
storing and reheating cooked

Never store cooked rice

at room temperature as
toxins can easily form in
such conditions.
If you plan to store
cooked rice for later use,
cool freshly cooked rice
within an hour after
cooking. You can divide
large quantities of rice
into smaller portions to
reduce the cooling time.
Once cooled, rice should
be stored in a covered
container in the fridge
below 8oC.
Do not keep cooked rice
longer than two days and
do not reheat it more
than once.
Refrigerated rice must
be reheated until it is
piping hot.

Source: Health Promotion Board of Singapore

ecoBrowns brown rice and brown

rice beverage are packed with
vitamins, minerals and fibre, which
are beneficial to health.


12 your health

AGNES Pauline introduces its
unique and advanced formulation
that integrates concentrated
natural extracts containing healthenriching collagen peptide, soy
isoflavones, Pueraria mirifica,
vitamin C and mixed fruit extracts.
Agnes Pauline was developed
to help maintain female vitality
a natural and effective skin
beauty beverage product for
healthier women.
The Agnes Pauline skin beauty
beverage initiates deep skin
moisturising with its nutrients and
fosters dynamic conditioning and
care for ageing and damaged cells.
It accelerates the rate of cell
renewal and recovery of tissue
functions by increasing the
number of normal cells and
improving cell metabolism as
well as quality of the cells.
A complete recuperation of
body and spirit by giving the body
gentler, softer, more supple and
nourished skin has never been
this easy.
Increasing the amount of
collagen production in the skin
can help in reversing the effects of
sun damage to the skin, reducing
dark spots and fine lines as well
as moisturising your skin.
The cutting-edge enzymatic
technology by Agnes Pauline
involves hydrolysing the complex
helical structure of collagen

Drink to healthy skin

without causing any damage to the
collagen during the manufacturing
process, substantially increasing
its bioavailability.
The molecular size of the
collagen is an important indicator
of its performance and the balance
has to be right.
The absorption rate will be
significantly reduced with
higher molecular weight and
very low molecular weight will
result in poor stability and
rapid decomposition.
A weight of 1,000 to 3,000
daltons offers ideal absorption
with great stability in the
molecular structure.
Collagen also requires the
presence of vitamin C to be
properly formed, which the Agnes
Pauline beverage contains.
The Agnes Pauline skin beauty
beverage also has antioxidant
properties to neutralise free
radicals, improve skin tone, lighten
age spots as well as help nourish
the skin and increase its vitality
while protecting the skin against
damage from free radicals.
This leads to an enhanced look,
feel and overall beauty of your

Once you have seen

improvements, you may stop
taking the beverage. However, if
you find yourself reverting to your
previous unhealthy eating habits
or lifestyle, then taking it can help
maintain your health.
You may also take other health
products alongside the beverage,
as long as they are natural
products, to help enhance your
bodys nutrient absorption.
Agnes Pauline skin beauty
beverage is safe to consume.
It is produced by a GMP (good
manufacturing practices)-certified
manufacturer who is also certified
for bacterial and heavy metal
Though individual differences
such as age and lifestyle may
influence when users see an effect,
people generally notice their
desired results after 28 days of
consuming one to two bottles in
the morning and evening.
Desired results can be seen if
consumption of the beverage is
combined with a proper diet and
moderate workout plan.

Look out for the advertisement

in this StarSpecial.

Give your body gentler, softer and more nourished skin with the
Agnes Pauline skin beauty beverage.


your health 13

EVERYBODY knows that taking
care of your skin is important, not
just so that you can look and feel
good but for your overall health
as well.
After all, anything you do to
your body will be reflected in
your skin.
The most basic steps to skincare
include keeping skin hydrated,
protected and clean.
Incorporating these steps into
your daily routine should be a
priority. Here are some tips to
start you off and keep you going.

Look good on the outside

The best way to keep your body
hydrated is to drink water. A
healthy adult requires about
1.5 to two litres of water a day,
depending on how much water
you lose through sweat and
bodily functions.
However, drinking enough
water may not directly affect the
moisture of the skin; genes play a
big part in how dry or oily your
skin naturally is.
Therefore, while you hydrate
your body, also take steps to avoid
factors that can strip your skin of
moisture, such as dry air,
excessive alcohol intake and
harsh soaps that remove the
bodys natural oils.

Drink enough water and wear sunscreen to keep your skin healthy in
Malaysias tropical climate.

Moisturisers help you look and
feel younger, have softer and more
supple skin, close pores and keep
your skin hydrated by either
attracting water and retaining
moisture or leaving a film on the
skins surface to seal in moisture.
It also helps to defend against
premature ageing, which includes

wrinkles, age spots or fine lines.

Whether you have oily, acneprone, sensitive, dry or mature
skin, it is important to find a
moisturiser that was made for
your specific skin type.
For example, people with oily
skin should use lotions instead of
creams while people with dry skin
should use creams as the greater
oil content in creams allows for

better absorption through the skin

to hydrate the tissue.

skin and delay the ageing




Good cleansing habits are known

to prevent excess oil production,
avoid skin dehydration, refresh the
skin and reduce the possibility of
having large pores.
Some cleansers may do the job
of removing traces of make-up, old
surface skin cells, dirt and excess
oil but may also remove your
bodys natural oils, leaving it
feeling extremely dry.
Your cleanser should not
exfoliate but focus on soothing,
cleaning and hydrating your skin.
Among the current beauty
trends is the use of coconut oil as
it is found to have anti-ageing
properties, antioxidant properties
and vitamin E.
In addition to being able to
easily remove make-up such as
waterproof mascara, coconut oil is
now widely used to retain moisture
content in skin, protect skin from
microbial infections, repair skin
and give it a healthy glow, soften

Ultraviolet rays emitted by the

sun can cause freckles, wrinkles,
age spots and even skin cancer.
That is why you should always
seek shade, avoid continuous
exposure to sunlight or wear as
much protective clothing as
possible whenever you head
Malaysias tropical climate and
intense sunlight means you need
to apply generous amounts of
sunscreen that has an SPF value
of 30 or higher.
However, it is important to
note that a high-SPF sunscreen
does not mean you are immune
to harmful ultraviolet rays and
that no sunscreen can protect you
from the sun for the entire day.
You will need to reapply
sunscreen throughout your
activity as it will be absorbed by
your skin, get washed off by
water and sweat or wiped off
with your clothes or towel.


14 your health

Helping kids
stay active
Children should be exposed to various outdoor activities to set them on the path to healthy living.

FITNESS has become extremely popular in

recent times and it seems that everyone has
been joining the exercise crusade that shows
no signs of slowing down.
Men and women of all age groups have
been joining in on the trend and engaging in
regular exercise to improve their fitness as
well as health.
While fitness has become increasingly
important in the lives of most adults, the
same cannot be said for children.
Childrens fitness has become less of a
priority over the years, leading to a decline
in their level of fitness, which can have an
effect on their health.
Instead of allowing children to sit around
indoors doing nothing, they should be
encouraged to be physically active to keep
themselves healthy.
As being active brings a multitude of
benefits to people, it is never too late or too
early to start. By getting them to be familiar
and interested in exercise, children will be
set on the right track to a healthier and
happier life.
Here are some ways you can encourage
your children to exercise or integrate
physical activity into their daily lives.
l Dont keep them indoors Let them
out to play, run and sweat in the park. Show
them that there is a world outside of their
computers and video games.
Without technology to while away their
time, children will find creative ways to keep
themselves entertained even when outdoors.

l Expose them to different activities

and sports Not all children will enjoy the
same type of sports or games, and it is
important to allow them the freedom to try
out different things.
By doing so, it increases the chances of
them finding specific activities that they may

enjoy, which makes exercise seem less of a

chore or routine.

l Show them your active side If you

are physically active yourself, this can be
used as an opportunity to encourage
children to move more.
Children tend to follow by example, not
advice, and they will follow the footsteps of
their role model. Show and share your
favourite exercises with them; in time, you
may just find them following your lead.
l Let them walk or ride a bike If the
weather permits and there are no safety
issues, let children walk instead of driving
them to every destination.
Go with them if they are too young and
make the journey an interesting one to help
them forget the distance.
l Keep things positive and fun Sports
and exercise can be tiring and nobody enjoys
exercising when they are not in the best of
moods. Children can be unpredictable and it
is important to keep the activities stress- and
competition-free, allowing them to focus on
the fun instead of their abilities.
l Heal all wounds Its all fun and games
until someone gets hurt, and when chlidren
get hurt, everything can come to a
screeching halt. Cuts, knocks and scrapes are
not uncommon but can still induce tears
from the young ones.
Always be prepared to heal the wounds
with disinfectants containing povidone
iodine such as Betadines Dry Powder Spray
to prevent infection, before sending them on
their way.
Look out for the advertisement in this

Time to get moving

AS the festive season approaches, you might
be considering getting in shape before the
temptation of food makes it even harder to
stay healthy and fit.
The World Health Organization
recommends that adults perform physical
activity for at least 30 minutes a day, five
times a week.
If this seems hard to achieve, start small
and, more importantly, get started.
Try roping in colleagues to join you in
playing a sport such as futsal, badminton or
rockclimbing after work.
If you like the great outdoors, there are

ample parks, biking trails and hiking trails

that you can explore either individually or
with your family and friends.
Alternatively, you can join a local gym.
When choosing a gym, always make sure
that it is convenient to access, has a decent
range of equipment and group fitness classes
that suit all levels if you are interested.
Unfortunately, women are often
intimidated when going to the gym or
refrain from exploring other forms of
exercise besides the cardio machines,
largely due to believing certain myths
such as these:



Weight training gives

you big masculine

Women do not have high testosterone levels, which is responsible

for muscle bulk. It is then unlikely that you will bulk up lifting
weights unless your workout is tailored to it.

Using exercise machines

is better than using free

Using machines isolates specific muscles so you burn fewer calories

on them than when using free weights, where your entire body is
put to work, making it a more functional workout.

Doing cardio alone will

help you lose weight

A combination of cardio and strength training is the best way to lose

weight as they both contribute to burning calories and increasing
metabolism rate, among others. A good diet is also essential.

You cannot exercise when

you are menstruating

Your body actually needs exercise during menstruation as it can help

relieve cramps, headaches, fatigue and anxiety. Simple stretching or
yoga is sufficient if you cannot handle vigorous activities but avoid
inverted poses such as head and handstands.


HUMANS have had animal

companions for millennia. The
unique relationship between dogs
and humans, for example, started
as a mutually beneficial working
arrangement in terms of increased
safety and hunting yield.
But even before that, people
would have raised small animals
as companions. This practice was
probably born out of a belief in the
supernatural powers of animal
spirits and their ability to assist or
protect people.
This could be seen as the first
steps towards animal-assisted
therapy using the companionship
of animals as a form of treatment.
Doctors realised centuries ago
that animals were effective
socialisation tools for mentally ill
One of the earliest reported uses
of animals for therapy purposes
was in the late 18th century at
the York Retreat, a non-profit
organisation that still provides
treatment for people with mental
health needs today.
At the time, the York Retreat kept
a population of small domestic
animals on its grounds and
patients were able to interact with
them. This was found to greatly
influence their morale.
Neurologist Sigmund Freud,
long considered the father of
psychoanalysis, used animalassisted therapy during his sessions
with patients; his dog Jofi often sat
in on sessions.
Freud noticed that the dogs
presence served to calm and
reassure the patients, encouraging
them to confide in Freud.

The science behind it

In modern times, much research
has gone into understanding how
and why animal-assisted therapy
is such an effective form of
treatment. It has been observed to
bring numerous benefits to people
who are recovering from illnesses
or who are living with disabilities.
A 2012 study of patients in a

your health 15

Animals for
companionship, healing
pain management clinic in the
United States, for example,
revealed that patients suffering
from chronic pain showed
significant improvements in pain,
fatigue and emotional distress
when accompanied by a therapy
dog in the waiting room.
In fact, an earlier study in 2001
found that the mere presence of a
dog in the room lowered blood
pressure in people suffering from
hypertension who were under
mental stress better than a popular
type of blood pressure medication
Interacting with animals
stimulates the human brain to
release chemicals such as
dopamine, which helps the body
relax, and serotonin, which
contributes to feelings of happiness
and well-being, as well as
hormones such as oxytocin, which
has been shown to reduce feelings
of fear.

Talking out your

Animal-assisted therapy is now
used in different settings to help
people with a variety of conditions.
As interacting with an animal
can lower blood pressure and
bring feelings of relief from high
levels of stress, animals are
popular therapy tools or
companions for people suffering
from post-traumatic stress.
Further, this type of therapy is
especially effective for people
who are disabled in some way,
either being restricted in their
physical movements or in speech

or mental capacity.
For example, patients with
communication difficulties may
find it easier and less stressful to
speak to a dog.
The beautiful thing about an
animal is that they are nonjudgmental, patient and will hold
their attention on you. You can
speak to your pet, and they will
listen without judging, says
Anthony Thanasayan, president of
the Malaysian Animal-Assisted
Therapy for the Disabled and
Elderly Association (known as
In fact, research has shown that
dogs may act as a catalyst to
motivate a patient to talk either
to the human therapist or the
animal and provide an
atmosphere of unconditional
acceptance for the patients slow or
disordered speech.
A 2006 study among people with
aphasia (a speech disorder
stemming from damage to a part of
the brain caused by stroke) found
that though there was no
significant difference between
test results following traditional
speech and language therapy and
animal-assisted therapy, all the
participants indicated that they
found the sessions with the animal
less stressful and more enjoyable,
and that they felt more motivated
in their treatment.
The non-confrontational nature
of the interaction with an animal is
indeed a great motivator.
It even offers the opportunity
for people to practise repetitive
speech and language patterns in a
low-stress environment.

Confidence and care

Animals are also useful for

physical therapy in getting patients
to move in increasingly larger
Patients with restricted
movement can start by stroking the
animal and go on to playing with
the animal pulling or throwing
toys before progressing to taking
A big dog can even serve as
physical support for a patient to
lean on when walking.
In cases where a person is
incapable of a large amount of
responsibility, animal-assisted
therapy can provide an
opportunity to express
assertiveness as the patient takes
on the role of the carer in taking
care of the animal.
This helps motivate people to
execute physical movements and
gives them a sense of responsibility
as opposed to them feeling
helpless. These are very important
steps towards recovery, says
Though dogs are popular
animals used in therapy, any kind
of animal can assist in therapy for
recovery or care.
Cats are good companions for
people who have limited mobility
(as they do not require as much
hands-on responsibility as dogs do,
for example).
Even an aquarium of fish
can help stimulate your mind and
take your mind off your worries,
says Anthony, citing an example
from one of the people Petpositive
This person is completely

bedridden and has an aquarium

at the bedside.
Anthony explains that this
person is able to feel a sense of
ownership and responsibility for
the fish and is able to interact with
family members and participate
when they come together to feed
the fish or clean the tank.

More than pets

There is no doubt in modern
science and psychology that
animals provide humans with
more than we sometimes realise,
from companionship to healing.
As novelist George Eliot said,
Animals are such agreeable
friends they ask no questions,
they pass no criticisms.
Animal-assisted therapy
in Malaysia
Animal-assisted therapy
is still quite rare in
Malaysia. There is
currently only one
nationally registered
non-profits society that
uses animals for therapy
for the disabled and elderly
the Malaysian AnimalAssisted Therapy for the
Disabled and Elderly
Association (Petpositive).
To find out more, obtain
animal-assisted therapy for
yourself or a loved one or
volunteer your time
(or your pets time), visit


16 your health

Take olive juice

for your joints
ARTHRITIS is one of the most
common problems faced by elderly
people. Osteoarthritis, also known
as degenerative joint disease or
wear-and-tear arthritis, is the most
common form of arthritis.
In osteoarthritis, cartilage breaks
down and wears away, causing
bones under the cartilage to rub
People with osteoarthritis often
suffer from joint pain, stiff and
swelling joints, and limited range
of movement.
Apart from limitations in
physical functions, sufferers also
experience emotional distress and
deterioration in the quality of life.
Another common form of

arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis, an

autoimmune condition that causes
chronic inflammation of the joints.
Apart from swelling, pain and
the destruction of joints, other
tissues and organs may be affected
as well.
The goals of arthritis treatment
are to reduce pain and
inflammation, slow disease
progression and improve
physical function.
Anti-inflammatory painkillers
could help reduce symptoms such
as pain and inflammation but have
no effect on slowing disease
progression. Long-term
consumption should be avoided
due to potential adverse effects.

Glucosamine and chondroitin

nutritional supplement acts as a
popular alternative to drugs.
However, the Glucosamine/
chondroitin Arthritis Intervention
Trial funded by the National
Institutes of Health, Maryland,
produced two sets of negative
The study found that
glucosamine and chondroitin,
alone or together, did not reduce
osteoarthritis knee pain more
effectively than a placebo.
Thus, the effectiveness of
glucosamine and chondroitin in
arthritis treatment remains
Hydroxytyrosol, a molecule

Olive polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol help relieve pain and improve physical
function in arthritis patients.

naturally found in olive juice, is an

extensively researched ingredient
for arthritis treatment.
CreAgri patented a formulation
blend of olive polyphenols with
hydroxytyrosol called HIDROX.
In addition to assurance of safety
through the GRAS (generally
recognised as safe) status from the
Food and Drug Administration of
the United States, the efficacy of
HIDROX has also been proven in a
clinical trial by Arizona State
In the study, HIDROX showed to
significantly relieve pain, reduce
inflammation and improve

physical function in patients with

osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
HIDROX is exclusively used in
the manufacturing of Olivenol and
Olivenol Plus+, the worlds leading
and award-winning olive
supplement available in all
pharmacies nationwide.
This article is brought to you by
CreAgri International, the exclusive
license holder and distributor of
Look out for the advertisement
in this StarSpecial.

Deep, natural
Dr Jessie Chung.

NATURAL Health Farm (NHF) is a chain of 70

retail outlets located mostly in shopping
malls and hypermarkets nationwide and
abroad, with its principal activities being
retailing of nutritional supplements, organic
foods, healthcare-related products and
nutritional consultation.
NHF was founded by Dr Jessie Chung in
1999. Besides in Malaysia, it operates outlets
in the United States, China, Singapore, the
Philippines and Brunei.
A wide range of products is offered,
including vitamins, herbal products,
minerals, supplements, natural skincare
products, slimming products and organic
The Dr Jessie Chung Super Dtox Program
was designed and formulated by Dr Chung
after years of medical research and clinical
trials in cooperation with numerous
renowned medical professors, doctors,
nutritionists, detox specialists and
biochemists from the US, Russia, Italy,
Japan, China and Malaysia.
Dr Chung designed this programme
meticulously, from selecting the finest
natural ingredients to utilising the optimal
bio-tech process.
She ensured that the programme is
capable of battling toxins such as heavy
metals, caffeine, pesticides and other
During her clinical trials, she discovered
that merely eliminating toxins from the
colon and other organs was not enough.
She found that toxins ingested, absorbed
and inhaled by the body penetrated into
body cells and disrupted their normal
function, which can lead to many modern
Therefore, performing a deep cell
detoxification that removes chemicals, heavy

Individuals intoxicated
with chemical toxins
through polluted
environments and an
unhealthy diet will show
signs and symptoms such
as constipation, fatigue,
bloating and headaches.
metals as well as biological toxins is essential
to maintaining your health.
Dr Jessie Chung Super Dtox Program
encourages four major biological processes
in the body neutralising toxins, discharging
toxins from the body, nutrient absorption
and cell regeneration.
Individuals intoxicated with chemical
toxins through polluted environments and
an unhealthy diet will show signs and
symptoms such as constipation, fatigue,
bloating, headaches, backache, arthritis,
allergic reactions, body odour,
haemorrhoids, halitosis, asthma, irritability,
depression, weight loss difficulties and
As toxins continue to accumulate in our
body over a long period of time, it is
essential to purge the toxins and detoxify the
body from time to time; prevention is always
better than cure.
Users of the Dr Jessie Chung Super Dtox
Program claim that they are healthier with
it. Youll be healthier too.
Look out for the advertisement in this


BESIDES eating healthily,

exercising regularly is very
important to stay healthy. Simple
exercises such as brisk walking,
cycling or swimming for 30
minutes daily or 150 minutes
weekly can improve ones health
Besides that, regular exercise is
also one of the best ways to combat
daily stress and reduce the chances
of falling ill.
Fortunately, there is a range of
exercise equipment in the market
that can help make exercise easier,
safer and more comfortable.
Since back and knee pains are
common problems among the
elderly and the working class,
there are higher chances for them
to get injured or worsen their
condition when they do exercises
that are not suitable or
recommended for them.
For those who experience knee
pain, one of the best ways to
exercise without worsening the
condition is to use an elliptical or
It provides a similar type of

your health 17

Total body workout

workout to jogging but with low
joint impact.
The NordicTrack E9 Pro elliptical
is one of the preferred home cardio
equipment that provides you with
a total body workout with less
impact on your knees to keep you
moving longer.
The elliptical allows you to
move your upper and lower body
simultaneously to get the most
calorie burn in the shortest time.
This classic NordicTrack design
is complemented with 23 preprogrammed workouts 10 calorie
goals, 10 performance and three
watts workouts to help you achieve
your training goals faster.
Get readings on your workout
such as speed, time, calories burnt
and distance travelled on the
five-inch backlit display as you
Plus, it has adjustable

traditional medicine
JIN Bin Group produces
traditional Chinese medicine by
using scientific methods. The
group has more than 30 years of
experience manufacturing
herbal medicines under the
brand Hurixs.
The group is committed to
using premium quality herbs,
innovative and advanced
technologies for the production
lines, and a team of qualified
research and development
personnel to ensure the safety
and quality of its products.
Jin Bin Group manufactures
the formulae at its facility in
Malaysia, surpassing rigorous
Good Manufacturing Practices.
The group controls all phases
of the production process,
including the procurement and
testing of raw ingredients.
It combines outstanding
formulations by its qualified
modern masters of traditional
Chinese medicine with
exceptionally strict standards,
using modern equipment and
methodologies to manufacture
and package the products.
The group employs advanced
technology in herbal extraction
and concentration processes.
Through scientific ways of
producing herbal medicines,
good bioavailability and proper
molecular size of the herbal
extract can be easily absorbed by
the body.
Jin Bin Groups bestseller
Hurixs 600 Fluaway capsule is
traditionally used for relief of flu.
It does not cause drowsiness and
sluggishness after consumption.
Hurixs 600 Fluaway capsule
has won the best OTC (over-thecounter) medicine for flu award
in Watson HWB Awards for six
consecutive years (2010 to 2015).
Hurixs Cool Inhaler helps to
ease nasal congestion and snivel,
provides relief from cold and

Hurixs offers a range of products

to treat cough and flu.

reduces tiredness by freshening

up your body.
Another bestseller is Hurixs
Sirap Ubat Batuk Gamat & Madu
Plus, which is used for reducing
phlegm and relieving cough, sore
throat, hoarseness, body heat and
Gamat is used to treat
respiratory problems such as
cough and can also build and
enhance immune function.
Hurixs Travel-Care is specially
produced by Jin Bin Group for
those who tend to get motion-,
sea- and air-sickness when
Hurixs Travel-Care is used to
relieve dizziness, headache,
nausea, vomiting and discomfort
while travelling. It contains
natural herbs that do not cause
drowsiness and sluggishness after
consumption, allowing you to
enjoy your vacation without
Jin Bin Group offers many other
pharmaceutical products. The
group is expanding its business to
new markets overseas such as
Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei,
Vietnam and Macau.
Jin Bin Group is committed to
manufacturing quality medicines
that are healthy, natural and
worth the money.
KKLIU No.2235/2013

resistance of up to 20
levels so that you
can fine-tune your
workout to your
exact needs and
intensify your workout
at your desired pace.
In addition, the Polar
chest strap is included to
help you monitor your
cardio output and maintain
your desired pulse rate.

Move to the beat of

your favourite music by
plugging in your MP3
player or iPod to the
integrated speaker system.
If youre ready for a more
challenging workout, use the
iFit Live Technology, which
contains workouts powered by
Google Maps to recreate routes
anywhere in the world,
automatically adjusting the
resistance of the E9 Pro elliptical
to match the intensity of the
You can also download
Jillian Michaels workout plan
that delivers a progressive eightweek programme to whip you
into shape.
With iFit Live Technology,
you can get a great workout and
incredible results.
The NordicTrack E9 Pro

elliptical is available exclusively

at all Fitness Concept outlets
nationwide with discounts up to
RM800 (terms and conditions
Fitness Concept is Malaysias
largest fitness specialist chain as
certified by The Malaysia Book of
Records with more than 45 outlets
in leading shopping malls
Fitness Concept is running
nationwide sales with exciting
deals on treadmills, ellipticals,
exercise bikes, gym stations and
fitness accessories.
Try out the NordicTrack E9 Pro
elliptical at any Fitness Concept
store today.
For more information,
call 03-8026 2222 or
03-8026 2300 or e-mail


18 your health

your vision
CATARACTS occur due to the eyes natural
crystalline lens becoming cloudy, causing
blurred vision. It is commonly age-related
although other factors come into play as
The most common symptom of cataracts
is reduced vision although some may
experience faded colour perception as well
as big and frequent changes in glasses
The only way to treat cataracts is to
remove them and replace the crystalline
lens with artificial lens.
The method of removing cataracts
involves using ultrasound technology known
as phacoemulsification.
This involves making a very small incision
to remove the cataract and patients
generally experience quick recovery.
The artificial lens can either be monofocal
or multifocal and with or without
astigmatism correction depending on the
In short, this is a procedure that removes
the cataractous lens and corrects the
refractive power at the same time.
The timing for surgery varies for each
individual. The absolute indication is when

Opceden Fortigen contains collagen peptides that promote joint health for an active lifestyle.

Keeping you active

Cataract removal can be done through

the cataract is severe enough to affect your

daily activites.
There are also certain conditions that may
indicate that you need the treatment early, so
get your eyes checked and discuss with your
eye consultant.
Generally, it is a safe procedure although
there is a one in a 1,000 risk of permanent
damage causing loss of sight.
For more information, contact
KPJ Centre for Sight.

OPCEDEN Fortigen is formulated with

Type II collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid
and vitamin C.
Type II collagen is the basis for human
body cartilage. It makes up 50% of all
protein in cartilage and 85% to 90% of
collagen in cartilage.
Type II collagen forms fibrils. This fibrillar
network of collagen allows cartilage to
entrap the proteoglycan aggregate as well as
provide tensile strength to the tissue.
Opceden Fortigen uses the German
bioactive patented Type II
It has small
molecular size.
Its other

hyaluronic acid is a substance that is

naturally present in the human body. It is
found in the highest concentrations in fluids
in the connective tissues.
On the other hand, vitamin C is required
for the proper development and function of
many parts of the body such as helping to
boost the immune system and to build
Opceden Fortigen is specially formulated
as a flavourless powder that dissolves
instantly in water.
You can add it to your favourite drinks for
a collagen-boosting treat.
Opceden Fortigen does not contain
preservatives, artificial colouring, additives,
sugar and dairy products.
KKLIU No.1793/2015

Personalised care
HEALTH and medical care products have
become greatly user-oriented and accessible
thanks to retail outlets such as the Homecare
With more than 30 centres in peninsular
Malaysia and Singapore, this retail arm of
supplier Pinang Medical Supplies offers a
wide range of equipment and appliances to
ease everyday living for people of all ages.
Our centres are modelled to reflect a
focus on lifestyle with colourful and lively
displays for high-end offerings.
We found shopping malls to be the best
location for these shops as customers often
need to feel, touch and experience these
products first-hand to understand their
benefits, says Teh Teong Ei, chief executive
officer of Pinang Medical Supplies.
Teh explains that many people still have a
negative perception about wheelchairs,
when they are actually important mobility
assistance equipment not only for the
elderly or disabled but also children born
with disabilities and those with temporary
There is a need for greater awareness
about the functions and features of mobility
assistance equipment before we can
effectively overcome the stigma associated
with being unwell or disabled. This will go
hand-in-hand with our efforts to raise the
standard of family wellness and care with
our offerings, he says.
Wheelchairs must be suited to the needs
of an individual. Homecare Shop also has a
wheelchair clinic in Subang that specialises
in safety and comfort measures for the
elderly, paraplegic people and many more.
Customers will benefit from the
consultation of an occupational therapist
who is able to advise on size and type of the
personalised wheelchair that matches their
conditions of disability.
A wide range of imported, renowned
brands are on offer at this shop, with

Being able to find all your healthcare

equipment in one place eases personalised

products such as exercise equipment,

hospital beds, walking sticks, posture and
support items, sound amplifiers, adult
diapers and even cutleries for the elderly,
which are designed in a way that eases use.
On top of that, there are one for each
home monitoring products such as blood
pressure monitors, weighing scales,
thermometers and pedometers that could
benefit every household.
Women in particular may be interested
in the support items and sports bras that
enhance posture.
Proper posture can bring confidence
to women, and these impressions are
important to many of us, says Jenny Wong,
BackJoy posture product specialist.
Besides the Homecare Shop retail arm for
direct distribution to customers, Pinang
Medical Supplies also provides wholesale
medical and healthcare products to hospitals
and pharmacies around the country.
For more information, call 03-4292 5220
(Homecare Shop One Utama Shopping
Centre) or contact Pinang Medical Supplies.


JUST like how you want to ensure

that your house is kept clean, your
body should also be regularly
cleaned out as well.
As you age, your bodys ability to
detox slows down and toxins start
to accumulate, causing early signs
of ageing.
Hence, you need to cleanse your
body thoroughly to eliminate
toxins that can bring negative
health effects and restore the
bodys internal environment.
Unfortunately, people are
constantly exposed to pollution,
stress and unhealthy foods that
lead to health conditions such as
obesity, high cholesterol and high
blood pressure, largely due to
overconsumption of sodium, sugar
and artificial colouring and
The body works hard to filter
and rejuvenate itself but these
toxins increasingly burden your
organs, hampering the
detoxification process in your
liver, kidneys and intestines.
Consumers these days are
aware that the benefits of many
supplements and beauty products
decrease with time.
This is because the toxins that
accumulate in the organs affect the
bodys ability to absorb the
nutrients provided through
Hence, the supplements that you
consume do not work and instead
turn into toxins in your body
because your body cannot absorb
and use them efficiently.

your health 19

Renewed on the inside

Juvanex de-Carb is
designed to cleanse
and rejuvenate your
body in seven days.

Doing a detox is essential as it

cleanses your body and
rejuvenates it so that it can once
again absorb nutrients effectively
and efficiently.
Prevention is better than cure
when it comes to dealing with
toxins. Do not think that if
everything looks fine on the
surface, your body is functioning
Start a detox today to get rid of
all the toxins inside you, especially
toxins that have accumulated
within your organs.
Regain your inner beauty to

reflect a healthier, better-looking

you on the outside.
Juvanex de-Carb is a complete
cleansing and rejuvenation
programme specially designed to
cleanse and rejuvenate your body
in just seven days.
It involves using a combination
of a natural body cleansing
complex Total-Cleanze, a
carbohydrate blocker called
de-Carb and premium whey
protein isolate.
These components exert a
powerful triple-cleansing detox
effect on the entire body.

The natural body cleanser,

Total-Cleanze enhances your
bodys cleansing and elimination
functions by improving the
cleansing efficiency of the digestive
system and activating the livers
detox capability.
It also contains natural soluble
fibre that cleanses the colon while
its probiotics improve gut health.
On top of that, the herbal
extracts in Juvanex stimulate the
detox process in the liver, thus
accelerating its clearing and
elimination actions against
harmful substances in the body,
allowing it to rejuvenate.
While on a cleansing
programme, it is important to keep
your blood sugar levels stable.
The carbohydrate blocker de-Carb
is a phytoextract complex that
functions to regulate and
normalise sugar and carbohydrate
It helps manage sugar levels
effectively by reducing intake and
absorption of excessive sugar by
the body.
A reduced calorie intake during
a cleansing programme is crucial
to balancing the metabolism
process and facilitating efficient
sugar control by the body, both of
which will help to achieve
rejuvenation at the cellular level.

While most cleansing and detox

programmes tend to leave one
hungry and overall unsatisfied,
Juvanex de-Carb does not.
The whey protein isolate
included in the formulation
effectively keeps one satiated,
thus reducing calorie intake.
It also supplies essential amino
acids to repair and renew cells as
well as rejuvenate the body.
It has high content of the amino
acid cysteine, which can boost
glutathione production in the
Glutathione is a triple threat
to toxins as it neutralises free
radicals, enhances the immune
system and detoxifies the liver
while protecting cells from
Juvanex de-Carb is packed with
23 vitamins and minerals to help
regenerate and rejuvenate the
body better and faster.
With a tasty pineapple flavour,
Juvanex de-Carb can help springclean your body in just seven
days, restoring body functionality
and vitality.
This information is brought to
you by Cambert (M) Sdn Bhd.
Look out for the advertisement
in this StarSpecial.


20 your health

Fruits for balanced diet

OUR skin is reflective of our inner health
and the condition of your skin tells a lot
about your diet.
Keeping your skin healthy requires
attention and care against the factors that
negatively impact your skin such as an
unhealthy diet. Your diet should be rich in
antioxidants and vitamins to ensure your
skin looks and feel good.
Plus, oxidation by free radicals created at
the cellular level when your skin is
exposed to ultraviolet light
breaks down collagen and
leads to wrinkles,
inflammation and skin
Other factors that affect the
look and health of your skin
include pollution, toxins, sleep
deprivation, stress and
A healthy, balanced diet
should include one-third of
fruits and vegetables.
Marigold 100% Juice can
be consumed to obtain
the nutrients, vitamins
and minerals from fruits
and vegetables that can
complement your daily
Marigold 100% offers
a range of fruit and
vegetable juices, each
with different nutritional

Consume a variety of fruit juices today.


Oranges and yellows

Includes: Red apples, cranberries, red

grapes, raspberries, strawberries, beet, red
Marigold 100% Juice offers variants
packed with a variety of red fruits to suit
your taste Marigold 100% Apple Juice,
Marigold 100% Apple Grape Juice and
Marigold 100% Apple Cranberries Juice.
Vitamin C found in red apples helps to
firm and tone the skin with its
antioxidant effect.
It prevents free-radical damage,
protects your skin cells and delays
signs of ageing.
The antioxidants bond to and
safely defuse other less stable free
radical molecules, which if left
unchecked, could cause serious
cellular damage.

Includes: Oranges, carrots, apricot,

mango, pumpkin, papaya, sweet corns.
Marigold 100% Carrot & Mixed Fruits Juice
is a perfect blend that provides both vitamin
C and vitamin A.
The latest offering Marigold 100% Tropical
Mixed Fruits Juice includes a variety of fruits
such as mango, pear, passionfruit, apricot,
apple and orange.
A glass of 250ml 100% Orange Juice
delivers a daily dose of vitamin C, boosts the
immune system and aids in the healing of
wounds and synthesis of collagen.
Grab a pack of 250ml Marigold 100%
Orange Juice today to receive 100% of
your recommended dietary allowance
of vitamin C.
This range also provides beta-carotene,
which is a precursor to vitamin A.
It is converted into vitamin A, which in
turn promotes healthy vision, strong bones
and even skin tone.

Marigold 100% fruit

juices contain no
added sugar or

Blues and purples

Includes: Blueberries, blackberries,
purple cabbage, eggplant.
Consume Marigold 100% Pear & Mixed
Berries blend that contains pear, grape and
berries such as raspberry, blueberry,
cranberry and mulberry.
Bluberries are high in anthocyanins,
which can reduce the risk of high blood
pressure and improve heart health.

Blue fruits and veggies are also high in

fibre and packed with antioxidants.

The juicy facts

Unless otherwise stated on the label,
Marigold 100% fruit juices have no added
sugars or sweeteners. The only sugar it
contains comes naturally from the fruit itself.
It has no preservatives, artificial colouring
and is rich in vitamin C.
Fruit juices are valuable sources of
vitamins, minerals and a unique nutritional
compound called phytonutrients.
They complement fruits as part of a healthy
diet and contribute to your daily fluid intake.
Marigold 100% Juice contains the freshest
sun-ripened fruits, with no added sugar or
preservatives so you can enjoy the delicious
goodness of real fruits as nature intended.
Marigold 100% Juice is a convenient way of
obtaining your daily requirements of vitamin
C and antioxidants with its 250ml and onelitre packs that suit your family lifestyle
whether consumed at home or on-the-go.
The Marigold 100% Juice range includes the
Marigold 100% Orange Juice, Marigold 100%
Apple Juice, Marigold 100% Carrot & Mixed
Fruits Juice, Marigold 100% Mixed Apple
Grape Juice, Marigold 100% Mixed Apple
Cranberry Juice, Marigold 100% Mixed
Tropical Fruits Juice and Marigold 100% Pear
& Mixed Berries Juice.
Look out for the advertisement in this


your health 21

for relief
TIGER Balm has been a trusted brand for
generations in relieving a range of aches and
pains. Over the years, the special formula
has been reworked and remodelled to offer
a wide range of revolutionary products that
includes medicated oils, creams and gels.
Today, the brand incorporates medicated
plasters in its portfolio of products. These
come in two variants warm and cool.
Tiger Balm Plaster (Warm) contains
ingredients such as menthol, mentha oil,
eucalyptus oil and capsicum extract.
These alleviate muscular fatigue and pain,
stiff shoulder, contusions, sprains, backaches
and arthritic pains. It is quick permeating
and its warm action provides speedy relief
that provides comfort for hours.
Tiger Balm Plaster (Cool) is made from
ingredients such as menthol, mentha oil and
eucalyptus oil, which provide long-lasting
relief from pain, stiff neck and shoulders,
muscle aches, arthritic and back pains,
contusions and sprains.
Similarly, it provides fast relief and cooling
comfort for hours.
Tiger Balm Plasters are an analgesic
(painkiller). They are also a mild antiinflammatory product.
Once applied, the ingredients are quickly
absorbed into the skin to stimulate blood
circulation, which helps to expedite the

Helping you hear

Tiger Balm Plasters are available in warm
and cool variants to relieve the body of
aches and pains.

healing process.
The special features of Tiger Balm Plasters
l Non-woven material Allows
ventilation and is stretchable. It is gentle to
the skin and can be peeled off easily.
l Hydrogel pack Contains Tiger Balm
special formulation and provides lasting
relief for hours.
l Strong adhesive For extra stronghold
at knee cap, elbow and joint areas.
To apply, first clean and dry the affected
area. Peel off the protective film and apply
the plaster, changing it once or twice a day,
depending on ones condition.
One should apply the plaster half an hour
after bathing and remove the plaster an
hour before bathing.
Tiger Balm Plasters are available in two
sizes small or large to suit specific needs.
They are sold in packs of two and are
available at all major retailers, supermarkets
and pharmacies.
KKLIU No.1553/2015

HEARING loss can occur at any age. It does

not discriminate and can be caused by
many factors.
Once people get tested and learn the
options that can help them, they see how
easy it is to get help for their situation. The
sooner the problem is addressed, the better
the result.
With 35 years of experience in the local
hearing aid industry, Top Hearing Care
Centre strives to give people with hearing
loss the best possible hearing care and
Over the years, thousands of people from
all walks of life with hearing difficulties
have been tested and successfully and
professionally fitted with hearing aids.
The centre provides personal and
individualised counselling, fitting and
consultation services in a comfortable and
confidential environment.
Top Hearing Care Centre offers state-ofthe-art hearing aids such as the new Widex
Unique and ReSound Linx2 that ensure
unprecedented sound quality, performance
and reliability.
Large, scratchy-sounding aids have been
replaced with discreet sophisticated models
that use artificial intelligence to clarify
speech and soften ambient sounds.
Hearing aids with Bluetooth capability
(such as the Linx2 with its Made-For-iPhone
technology) double as personal headsets
upping the cool factor by allowing

Get the right

hearing aid at
Top Hearing
Care Centre.

wearers to stream music and watch

movies directly from their phones without
disturbing family members.
The Widex Unique is the latest 2015
flagship wireless hearing aid from Danish
company Widex. It offers many features,
including an industry-leading wind noise
reduction system, a wider dynamic range of
hearing, a robust background noise
reduction system and the exclusive Zen
fractal soundscape generator to help reduce
the effects of tinnitus.
Another Danish company GN ReSound
also recently launched its smartest wireless
hearing aid yet The ReSound Linx2.
The ReSound Linx2 is the second
generation of the worlds first Made-ForiPhone-certified hearing aid, allowing it to
connect directly to an iPhone, iPad, iPod
Touch or Apple Watch and seamlessly
control and stream phone calls, music or
movies directly to the hearing aid without
the need for an additional device or remote
Its Binaural Directionality II with Spatial
Sense feature allows for better sound
directionality and understanding of speech
in a noisy surrounding.
The Widex Unique and ReSound Linx2 are
available at Top Hearing Care Centre Sdn
For more information, call 03-7981 2204
or 03-2078 0204.


22 your health

Holistic wellness
EMPLOYEES are the biggest assets of any
organisation. Having happy, productive
people creates a positive effect on the
working environment as well as the
companys growth.
The National Health and Morbidity Survey
2011 found that more than 2.6 million adults
were unhealthy and had stress issues
at work. This shocking find is a warning sign
for Malaysians, especially working adults, as
their declining health will affect the
profitability and competitiveness of their
respective employers and corporations.
Fortunately, most work-related diseases
can be prevented with holistic wellness
Wellness Academy offers holistic
healthcare education and nutrition
consultancy, which are aimed at
empowering organisations in creating
workplace wellness through a range of
professional workshops, customised training
sessions, health screening tests
and nutrition consultancy.
Wellness Academy comprises a team of
experienced healthcare professionals and
nutritionists who are passionate in
educating and inspiring corporate
companies and the public to make healthy
choices to get fit and live well.
There are three main platforms developed
by Wellness Academy the corporate
wellness programme for the workplace,
nutrition course for the public and customdesigned corporate wellness retreat.
The corporate wellness programme helps
employees get healthier, even if that means

learning how to reduce stress and muscle

strain at work.
This programme also involves outdoor
activities for weight loss and improvement of
fitness and mental health. The nutrition
course offers insightful and straightforward
nutrition education to the public. With its
easy-to-understand lectures and course
materials, participants gain knowledge and
an understanding of nutrition.
The custom-designed corporate wellness
retreat provides interactive workshops on
nutrition, health and wellness.
Participants of the retreat can indulge in
deliciously healthy, nutritious meals and
detox juice throughout the day, take part in
outdoor activities and experience soothing
steam baths, sauna and body massage
Through the holistic wellness programmes
by the Wellness Academy, businesses can
create an environment that provides a
happier and healthier workforce.
For more information, call 03-7727 2655.

The Wellness Academys team of nutritionists.

ff rda le
e cient
THE portable German nutritional screening
bio resonance 1cell test device is now
available in Malaysia to better equip doctors
in delivering nutritional advice to patients.
Nutrition is the key to a good immune
system. As doctors, you should feel wellequipped to guide your patients on their
nutritional health and wellness programme.
In 25 minutes, you can receive a 27-page
report that includes:
l Vitamin indicators (vitamins C, D3, E,
B17, B12, K and nine other types)
l Mineral indicators (calcium,
magnesium, potassium, chromium and 12
other types)
l Antioxidant indicators (co-enzyme Q10,
phytoestrogen, zinc, superoxide dismutase
and 10 others)
l Essential fatty-acid indicators (omega-3,
omega-6 and omega-9)
l Amino acid indicators (23 types)
l Toxin indicators (to detect toxic metals,
chemicals and radiation)
l Microbiology indicators (fungus,
bacteria, moulds, virus, parasites and
l Electromagnetic fields (EMF) and
extremely low-frequency (ELF) fields
indicators (14 types of electromagnetic

The Cell
Wellbeing Bio

l Food addictive indicators (five to 10

The test device is approved and certified
in Germany and widely used by European
doctors for more than five years.
It can assist doctors in helping their
customers achieve wellness through making
informed nutritional deficiencies choices,
enhance doctors professional approach and
provide support to making decisions.
Cell Wellbeing Asia brings the patented
bio resonance 1cell test screening device
from Germany.
Cell Wellbeing Asia is a company
committed to introducing the patented
technology from Germany to provide
people of all ages with an affordable and
efficient screening device that uses hair,
which makes the process non-invasive and
The Cell Wellbeing Bio Resonance Profiler
analysis device will be made available to
doctors of Malaysia through MedilinkGlobal and the live cell test voucher will be
made available at Vitacare Pharmacy
For more information, call 010-633 8333
or e-mail


your health 23

ird enerati n

Domestic violence often goes unreported. Educate yourself about it and what to do when you
come across it.

of violence
GENDER inequality is still a critical issue
around the world. Gender-based violence,
particularly violence against women and
girls, is one of the most prevalent human
rights violations in the world.
According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), gender norms, roles
and relations can influence health outcomes
and affect the attainment of mental, physical
and social health and well-being.
Gender inequality limits access to quality
health services and contributes to avoidable
morbidity and mortality rates in women and
men throughout the course of their lives.
The United Nations Population Fund
estimates that worldwide, one in three
women experience physical or sexual abuse
in her lifetime.
It states that gender-based violence
undermines the health, dignity, security and
autonomy of its victims, yet it remains
shrouded in a culture of silence.
This is reflected in the WHOs statement
that until recently, violence against women
and girls has been largely invisible within
national and international statistics and
surveillance systems.
This is because such violence is often
hidden and stigmatised and also often
socially sanctioned.
American politician and presidential
candidate Hilary Clinton said, Beating
women is not cultural, its criminal and it
needs to be addressed and treated as such.
This was in 2011, referring to the abuse of
women protestors by authorities in Egypt
during the early stages of its recent political
upheaval and part of a broader speech that
argued that peacemaking efforts around
the world would benefit from greater
involvement by women.
Though this big-picture view does have
truth in it, efforts closer to the ground to
bring violence against women to light and
put a stop to it are difficult.
In Malaysia, cultural and societal norms
often see incidences of domestic violence
being swept under the rug, with family
members helping to hide the truth and the
authorities either powerless or unwilling to
take action.
So what can you do? Keeping an eye out
for incidences of domestic violence and

offering support to victims go a long way to

helping end the cycle of violence.
Here are some things you can do to help
someone who is being abused:
l Let her know she is not alone and that
you are there to support her.
l Speak to her honestly about your
suspicions and encourage her to talk.
l Listen and believe. Tell her there is no
excuse for abuse.
l Do not judge; show your support even
if she chooses to return to the abusive
l Be a telephone friend. Abused women
are often isolated and not allowed to leave
the home often.
l Discuss and formulate an emergency
plan with her.
l Provide transportation to a safe place
such as a shelter.
l Accompany her to the police station or
to meet with a non-governmental
l Babysit while she goes to the police,
meets with her lawyer, goes to court, looks
for housing or employment, etc.
l Educate yourself about domestic
violence and her rights. Gather information
and knowledge and pass it on to her.

e ul c ntact
l The Womens Aid Organisation
(WAO) provides resources and support
for women survivors of domestic abuse
and their children.
WAO helpline: 03-7956 3488
SMS Tina at 018-988 8058 for a friend
to talk to
l Talian Nur, the national helpline,
operates a 24/7 counselling service for
people experiencing violence.
Call 15999
l The All-Womens Action Societys
Telenita Helpline provides counselling
and legal information to women in crisis
and anyone who faces gender-based
Telenita Helpline: 03-7877 0224

ARCTIC Nutrition is a Norwegian

biotechnology company that develops and
markets premium marine ingredients based
on Norwegian spring-spawning herring
caviar extracts.
The company strives todeliver its
products based on unique proprietary
solutions tocustomers in the nutraceutical,
cosmeceutical andfortified food segments.
A main focus of the company is fish oil
phospholipids. Phospholipid molecules are
found in the nutritive phase of early life in
fish roe and breast milk.
The structures of phospholipids allow
them to be very stable and not turn rancid
easily. These structures are soluble in water
and oil states, which significantly enhance
Omega-3 phospholipids are increasingly
regarded as a third-generation omega-3. The
first-generation omega-3 focused on the
extraction and standardisation of the oil.
The second generation looked more into
the process of concentration and purification
of the fish oil. It was about how much we
could put into the capsule.
For the third generation, it is about
absorption. We focus on how much gets to
the blood and tissue, says Hogne Hallarker,
chief executive officer of Arctic Nutrition.
The Norwegian spring-spawning herring
fishery is certifiedas sustainable by the
Marine Stewardship Council. The companys
product line profiles innovative high-DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid) marine omega-3
phospholipids extracted fromthe caviar of
Norwegian spring-spawning herring.
Our most potent concentrates have a total


Arctic Nutrition delivers high-DHA omega-3

phospholipids products.

phospholipidcontent of more than 50% and

a DHA content of at least 30%.The products
are known under the brand name MOPL. All
our MOPL oil products are naturally rich in
DHA, says Hallarker.
According to him, Arctic Nutrition selected
herring caviar as the best source for the
MOPL portfolio because the caviar is
naturally rich in omega-3 phospholipids.
Arctic Nutrition has partnered with
Holista to develop an Asian presence. In
Malaysia, Holistas subsidiary has launched
Pristin MOPL as a third-generation line
extension to Pristin.
Pristin MOPL is available in all pharmacies
in Malaysia.
This article is brought to you by Total
Health Concept Sdn Bhd.
For more information, call 1300 882 700.


24 your health

Useful contacts


Violence against women does
not just involve physical harm;
emotional and mental violence
are big aspects of the problem.
What most people do not
realise is that women experience
aggression every day in numerous
small ways; it is not just the
authorities or their husbands
who beat them.
Women and girls experience
aggression in the form of sexual
harassment on the street, in the
office, at school and everywhere
in between.
These aggressions happen so
often that they have become a part
of daily life for most people both
the perpetrator and the victim.
Though difficult, changing such
norms is possible. Individuals,
whether men or women, have to
take control and fight for how they
want society to treat women and
marginalised groups. Here are
some points on how to start:
l Engage with the men in your
life Gender violence is as much a
mans problem as it is a womans
one. Start a conversation with your
brothers, sons, partners and male
friends about how they perceive
and treat women.
Do they utter phrases that
attribute gender to an action? Do
they hold women up to a different
standard than men? As with
racism and homophobia, these
words and actions have an effect
on those they are targeted at.

There are numerous resources

about gender violence. Here are
a few of them.
l For information about
gender equality and violence in
general globally:
(The World Health Organization)
and (United
Nations Population Fund).
l For information about
violence against women and
what you can do to help stop it: (the Womens
Aid Organisation) and (The
Pixel Project).
Open and honest discussion with friends and family about attitudes and actions towards women will go a long way to
changing behaviours.

Actively supporting equality

l Be an active bystander
If you witness gender-based
aggression such as street
harassment, step up and do
or say something.
For example, you can go up to
the victim and engage the person
in conversation often, men
target women who are alone so
seeing them with some support
may cause the harasser to back
If you feel safe enough, you can
talk directly to the harasser and
tell him to stop and that nobody
is impressed by his disrespect.

l Be proactive Be it at school
or in the office, if you think that
girls or women are being treated
unfairly because of their gender,
speak up. Speak to someone in
authority about how things are
being done. Getting a group of
like-minded individuals together
will help get your voice heard.
l Take a good look at yourself
Whether you are a man or a
woman, examine your thoughts
and actions closely.
Do you hold on to outdated
traditional beliefs about gender

roles and capabilities? Are you

somehow holding a woman or
girl back from achieving her full
potential? Are you influencing boys
and men to act the same way?
If you are or you feel you have
been sexist or abusive, take steps
to change your behaviour now.
Activist Malala Yousafzai said,
We cannot all succeed when half
of us are held back.
Ending gender violence and
attaining gender equality is a real
possibility. It will only take all of us
working together to do so.

If you or someone you know

requires information or
assistance, contact:
l Womens Aid Organisation
Tel: 03-7956 3488 (helpline)
SMS Tina at 018-988 8058
for a friend to talk to
l All-Womens Action Society
of Malaysia
Tel: 03-7877 4221/0224
l Sabah Womens Action
Resource Group
Tel: 088-269 291 or 088-280
l Sarawak Women for
Women Society
Tel: 082-416 053
E-mail: sarswws@po.jaring.

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