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Unit 11


Put the questions into the correct column, then practice saying them.

What problems do you think future transport will have?

Does a jet pack take a lot of space?
Have you ever heard of bullet trains?
What means of transport do you think will be used in the future?
Do you think we will use driverless cars in the near future?
How fast can it travel?
Why don`t many people use the personal hover scooter?
Will pollution be much worse?
Raising intonation

Falling intonation


1. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box.



got off
seat belt


a traffic jam




got on

I learned to _______ a bike when I was six.

David ________ the taxi and gave the driver the address of his hotel.
Are you going by train? No, I`m ___________.
Tom ________ the bus at the wrong bus stop, so he walked from there to
She has to ____________ thousands of miles every year for her job.
Cycling is my favorite form of ___________.
Do you know how to fasten your ____________?
Wouldn`t it be quicker to go by ___________?

9. He managed to _________ the boat between the rocks.

10.I was stuck in _________ for an hour yesterday.
11.A red truck was ___________ in front of the house.
12.I usually ____________ home through the park.

4. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb in


Do you want to go on holiday to Vietnam with me?


I don`t know.

Linda: Come on. We (1. have) __________ a great time. We (2. eat )
_________ good food. We (3. meet) _________ a lot of nice people. Your
Vietnamese (4. get) _________ better and we (5. not spend) _________ a lot of


Linda: It (6. not rain) __________ and we (7. go) _________ to Hanoi and
we (8. buy) __________ some cool clothes.

I think we (9.enjoy) __________ beautiful landscapes in Vietnam.


And we (10.try) __________ pho and other traditional Vietnamese

5. Choose the correct completion in the brackets.

1. A: Nick really likes (his/ him)_______ new bicycle. It is very light and fast.
How do you like (your/ yours) __________?
B: (My/ Mine) _________ is cheap, but it`s very reliable.
2. A: Excuse me. Is this (your/ yours) ________ umbrella?
B: I don`t have an umbrella. Ask Ken. Perhaps it is (him/ his) __________.
3. A: When do (your/ yours) ___________ classes begin?

B: September 2nd. How about (your/ yours) __________ ? When do (your/

yours) __________ begin?
A: (My/Mine) _________ begin on August 23rd.
4. A: Mary, (your/ yours) __________ spaghetti sauce is delicious!
B: Thank you, but it`s not as good as (your/y ours) ___________.
A: Oh, no. (Your/ Yours) __________ is much better. It tastes as good as
B: Do you like Anna`s spaghetti sauce? I think (her/ hers) _________ is too
A: Maybe. (My/ Mine) ___________ mother makes good spaghetti sauce
too.(Her/ Hers) __________ is thick and rich.
B: In truth, making spaghetti sauce is easy, but everyone`s sauce is just a
little different.

6. Match the beginnings (1-10) with the endings (a-j), and then write
the answer in each blank.
Predictions for the year 2050
___1. People will live
___2. We will fly
___3. Someone will make

a) mobile phones in our ears.

b) against other countries.
c) computers to learn. They won`t go
to school.

___4. We will have

d) on other planet.

___ 5. Everyone will work

e) at home.

___6. There won`t be any schools

f) petrol any more.

so there won`t be
___7. Students will use

g) from the world.

___8. Countries won`t fight

h) to the Moon.

___9. Lots of animals will disappear

i) any teachers.

___10. Cars won`t use

j) a car that can fly, probably a

Japanese company.

7. Read the sentences below. Which statements are facts? Which are
the opinions? Put them into the correct column.
1. I`m sure robots will cook and clean for us, and we won`t do any housework.
2. Machines will do everything, then we have nothing to do and get bored.
3. Light can travel at the speed of 300,000km/h.
4. When Michelle does school projects, she usually finds photos on the Internet.
5. I think people will have holidays on the moon, but many people won`t go
because it`s too expensive.
6. In 20 years, computers will talk to all the machines in our houses
7. I think everyone will ride bikes, and people won`t drive cars any more.
8. There won`t be many computers in schools, but we will have more robots.
9. Nick goes online every morning.
10. In the future, people will use driverless cars to go to work.


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Up, up and away!
Martin Halstead is only 19, but he already owns an airline company. Alpha One
Airways will make its first flight on 14 December this year. The plane will fly
from the Isle of Man (an island between England and Ireland) to Edinburgh, the
capital of Scotland. It won`t carry a lot of passengers because it is a small plane.
The journey will take about 45 minutes. Tickets will be cheap and passengers
won`t get food or drink on the flight. Will the company make money? Nobody
knows but most people think that Martin Halstead will be successful one day.

When will Alpha One Airways make its first flight ?

Where will the plane fly from?
Where will it fly to?
Will it carry a lot of passengers? Why or why not?
How long will the journey take?
Will the passenger get any food or drink?

2. Read the text, and then answer the questions.

It is a computer drawing of the plane of the future. British engineers and
scientists have published plans for a new hypersonic plane called the A2.It will
be very fast. At the moment, a flight from London in the UK to Sydney in
Australia takes about twenty-one hours but with the A2 the same flight will take
about four hours.
The flight will fly at 4,500 kilometers per hour and will fly at an altitude of over
10,000 meters.
It will carry 300 passengers but it won`t have any windows because scientists
haven`t found glass that is strong enough. It will be better for the environment
than other planes because the engines won`t produce gases that cause pollution.
In the future, will people travel from London to Australia for the weekend? It`s
possible! But how much will a ticket cost? The planners say that it won`t be
very expensive about $2,000. The A2 will be ready for its first flight in 2020.


How long does it take the A2 plane to fly from London to Sydney?
What is the speed of the plane?
What is the altitude of the flight?
How many passengers can it carry?
How much does a ticket for the flight from London to Sydney cost?

3. Read the following passage, and then tick the correct answer: true
(T), or false (F).
Thinking about how we will be travelling in 10 or 20 years is very interesting.
Will we still be using planes or will we be flying our cars from Paris to
London? Here are some suggestions.
Currently being developed at NASA, SkyTrain looks like the monorail at
Disney World. Moving at 240km/h and using small amount of energy, it could
be the future of city transportation. SkyTrain has the passenger capacity of a 6lane highway.
Flying cars
Zhu Wenxi and Lai Zexin, Chinese students, have designed a solar-powered
flying car that doesn`t need a runway to take off. If you have about 2 hundred
thousand dollars, you will own this vehicle soon.
An electric minibus
The minibus Cameo, designed by Martin Pes, can carry 32 passengers but it is
small enough to get its way out of a traffic jam. Its electric motor and low
weight mean that it can be recharged in seconds while stopping and it has zero
An eco-taxi
Taxis are bad for the environment and traffic jams. We enter the eco-taxi, and
individual taxis form a train powered by solar panels.
1. SkyTrain is fast but cannot be used as a means of transportation in the city.
2. Flying cars designed by two Chinese students run on solar energy.

3. Flying cars don`t need a long runway to take off.

4. Because it is small, an electric minibus can avoid traffic jams.
5. Several eco-taxis can form a line moving together, using solar energy.


Write a short paragraph about a future means of transport, using the cues
Safe, environmentally friendly cars
1. Cars/ the future/ do less damage/ the environment/ and be equipped/ better
safety devices/ limit/ number/ accidents and deaths.

2. Engines/ be powered/ by/ rubbish-fuelled reactor/ to make use/ all the waste
we produce.

3. Petro/ be replaced/ fuel cells/ separate hydrogen/ oxygen/ water.
4. Cars/ have sensors/ detect pedestrians/ other cars/ and have / air cushions.

5. Vehicles/ talk/ each other/ regulate flow/ it / mean/ end/ traffic jams.

6. Cars/ powered by fuel cells/ already developed.

7. We/ see/ this type of cars/ the roads/ twenty years.

8. Environmental and safety improvements/ popular soon.

Name: Le Thi Phuong Thao

Class: 7c
School: Tien Du Secondary School

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