Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Course in Goa

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Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Course in Goa

Yoga Chitta Vrutti Nirodhanam

We offer you 200 Hrs (3 weeks) Yoga Alliance International (YAI) accredited
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC). After completing your course
successfully, you can register yourself with YAI to teach Kundalini Yoga to
other students and for your own personal transformation and healing others.
Any enthusiastic and disciplined Yoga student who has been practicing any
style of Yoga ( Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar or Kundalini Kriyas)can join. We
advise absolute beginners not to go for this course as it requires some prior
preparation and basic understanding of Yoga.
Strict discipline, No Non veg food or smoking or boozing, Abstinence from
sensual pleasures, living with simplicity and in a satwic Yogic way. Avoid
useless talking and chatting, engaging in personal and group practice, being
considerate to others and yourself.
What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is a part of the Tantric tradition. Mind can be expanded and
our experiences are not totally dependent on the object. It means that if
someone has painted a picture then I can see it and if I am eating something
then I can feel the exact taste of that food but I can also see if there's no
picture and I can also feel the taste of something if there's no food on my
tongue. Our human personality also has the same quality which has been
ignored for many years.
Tantra says that the range of the mental experiences can be broadened. Our
senses are limited and can give us experience only up to a limited range.
Experiences can be within the framework of time, space and object but there
also can also be experiences beyond the framework of time, space and

object. The later experience can happen when mind expands beyond its
given definitions and limits and when this happens, energy is released from
The word Kundalini actually comes from the word Kunda meaning a deeper
place, pit or cavity. The word Kundalini refers to the Shakti or power where it
mostly resides close to mooladhara chakra in its dormant potential state. In
terms of modern Psychology, it can be called the unconscious in man. In
Hindu Mythology, Kundalini correspoends to concept of Kali. Most commonly,
Kundalini is related with a coiled serpent three and half times in Mooladhara
chakra at the base of the spine.

The Kundalini is untapped energy at the base of the spine that can be
awakened and raised up through the body awakening each of the seven
chakras from Mooladhara to Sahrshara. Full enlightenment occurs when this
energy reaches the Sahrshara (crown chakra) at the top of the head.
Each Kundalini and Tantra Yoga Asana series is done with a specific breathing
technique that intensifies the effects of the poses with the purpose of freeing
energy in the lower body and allowing it to move upwards. Kundalini
sequences (called Kriyas) may consist of rapid, repetitive movements done
with in conjunction with a designated breathing method or holding a pose
while breathing in a particular way.
Our Kundalini Yoga class begins with a short chant followed by a warm-up to
stretch the spine and improve flexibility. The main work of the class is called a
kriya, which is a proscribed sequence of poses and Pranayama that focuses
on a precise area of the body. The teacher typically does not make manual
adjustments. The class ends with a meditation, which is accompanied by the
teacher playing a large gong, and a closing song or prayer.

What we teach in this course?

We teach authentic traditional Kundalini Kriya Yoga Methods along with
inclusions of Nada and Mantra Yoga techniques and methods for awakening
chakras and Kundalini. The course comprises of Kundalini Yoga Concepts,
Tantra, Philosophy, Physiology and detailed explanation and understanding of
Kundalini Serpent Energy within us. The Kriyas and meditations are intended
to bring upon the slow and gradual changes to our mind, body and every
aspect of our life. However, strict discipline and austerity in the form of

persistent effort and dedication is required for the aspirant to go higher and
further on this path. No sudden changes and results can be expected.
This is not a Yogi Bhajan School!!!

Let's Practice the most spiritual form of Yoga - Kundalini Yoga for
personal and Universal Enlightenment and Transformation!!!
By gradually and safely awakening this Shakti and employing its
power, you will benefit greatly from an elevation in consciousness,
promotion of physical well-being and an expansion of awareness.
You will feel more relaxed and connected with yourself. Your life will
be transformed into one which is happy, healthy & harmonious.

200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Course (YTTC, 2015

- 2016)
Early Bird

Course Fee

Course Fee

(with shared

(with Separate single

room, non sharing)

Mar 31'




April 6'

May 1'




Dec 7'

Dec 29'




Jan 5'

Jan 28'




Mar 8'

Mar 31'




April 6'

April 29'





n Date

Mar 6'

90 days advance
booking only

Apply Now

Meals (optional)
Two times (Dinner & Lunch) vegetarian Ayurvedic Indian meals will cost 10
Euros for a day. Dinner will not be served at the ashram.

Special Instructions

Students must inform at least one day before if they need meals for the
next day. Sudden cancellations will be not allowed and consequentially

People can also pay weekly advance or for the whole duration of their
stay in ashram.
Students must pay in advance for the food and meals and not later.
Breakfast can be prepared by the students and teachers in the kitchen
or they can eat out based on the personal convenience.

Accommodation Options and Cost:

We need at least 3 months advance registrations for accommodation

options as rooms are limited in the school and given on first cum first
basis. However, we can arrange accommodation in nearby guest houses
or rooms for late bookings
Early Bird Prices applicable only if you book online by paying booking
registration amount at least 90 days before the date of commencement
of the TTC Course. Any bookings which are not before 90 days shall not
be entitled for early bird offer
Internet wi fi is available at the centre but it's advisable to use internet
only when absolutely required. Chatting, Fb or habit of hooked to internet
doesn't go along with Yoga and teachers training. Video conferencing and
skyping is not allowed after 10 pm
Accommodation and room stay are beautiful clean and peaceful with
attached bathrooms and balconies. No Luxuries but modest, beautiful and
decent rooms
Shared room accommodation is included in the course fee and in case
you prefer your own accommodation or change your mind after coming
here, no deductions would be done for shared accommodations from the
total course fee later of before
We are not on the beach but 7 minutes drive from the nearest Arambol
Beach North Goa.

Kundalini & TantraYoga Teachers Training Course Curriculum

Detailed Syllabus for Kundalini Yoga TTC (4 weeks, 200 Hrs)

Tantra: Understanding Tantra ancient and modern times perspective
understanding, two paths of Tantra: Dakshina marg and Vama Marg, learning
& understanding traditional Tantric Yoga philosophy and its real life
application in present times


Ye Man, Tame the Kundalini
What is Kundalini?
Kundalini Physiology
Kundalini and the Brain
Methods of Awakening
Methods of Awakening
Preparing for the Awakening
Diet for Kundalini Awakening
Diet for Kundalini Awakening
Risks and Precautions
Kundalini and Madness
Four Forms of Awakening
The Descent of Kundalini

Chakras and Nadis

i. Introduction to the Chakras and Nadis
ii. Ida, Pingala & Shushumna
iii. Evolution through the Chakras
iv. Ajna Chakra
v. Mooladhara Chakra
vi. Swadhisthana Chakra
vii. Manipura Chakra
viii. Anahata Chakra
ix. Vishuddhi Chakra
x. Bindu Visarga
xi. Sahasrara and Samadhi


i. Rules and Preparation
ii. Morning Pranyama and Meditation Practice
iii. Morning Kundalini Yoga Asana Practice
iv. Chakra Sadhana Course
v. Practices for Ajna Chakra
vi. Practices for Mooladhara Chakra
vii. Practices for Swadhisthana Chakra
viii. Practices for Integrated Chakra Awareness

ix. Your Sadhana Program

x. Kundalini Kriyas of Kriya Yoga
xi. The Kriya Yoga Practices and schedule

Practical exam involves teaching Kriyas and leading a class for Kundalini
Concept explanation as a teacher in front of the group, teaching kriyas and
Theoretical Exam comprises of written exam of concepts learnt during the
TTC and Course Syllabus
Relevant Case studies and practical assignments
Students will be provided with a course manual and recommended books
which they can buy and refer or read from the school library based on
Course outcome: 200 Hrs Kundalini Yoga TTC, Yoga Alliance International
(YAI) accredited course certification
Om Tat Sat

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