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58 seats out of 243; let me not get started on how bad it looks for a

party that is ruling at the centre with a thumping majority and had
swept the polls in the same state a year and half back. That is as bad
as it gets. No ifs, buts, because, therefore going to justify such
horrendous numbers. Its beyond any critics calibre to defend the
outcome of the recent Bihar elections. This is simply indefensible. For
a change, as a political party, I expect BJP and its spokespersons to
stand up and admit; we messed it up badly. The defeat is a mirror
that is been shown at us which demands deep rooted introspection
than finding excuses to showcase how nothing serious has happened.
It cant be business as usual going forward because things are
deteriorating at a fast rate for whatever reason it may be and it needs
to be arrested at once. No room left to play ostrich and go on banging
the same tune to the town. Time is ripe to find what went wrong in
Bihar and most important, why it went wrong at the first place.
After Delhi loss I wrote in length on the reasons. I even asked, if the
Narendra Modi that I knew is listening to the outcry of loyal BJP
supporters. But it seems, either the outcry hasnt reached the desk of
our honourable PM or he simply is too arrogant to listen to people
whom I am sure he was listening during his days as the CM of
Gujarat. I sincerely hope it reaches him this time around. Mr. Sambit
Patra, Mr. Nalin Kohli and Mr. Sudhanshu Trivedi, I know you guys
follow this poor blogger. Please do pass this on to Mr. Modi because
India needs him for some time, if not in the current form though. So
here is my pennyworth (not in any particular order) on why BJP got
itself routed in Bihar and a probable way forward.
Fulfil The Commitments:
I know Mr. Modi your commitments during the election campaign were
for the five year term that you were asking from the voters. But as I
wrote earlier, people need to realize that you are working towards
your commitments. Even being a strong BJP supporter I hate to

admit, for once, even I feel like being betrayed. Let me repeat
sulking up to world leaders is fine but Barrack Obama or Angela
Merkel are not your voters, people back home are. Have you cared for
your voters as much as you should have? Does anyone in the
establishment, including you think BJP has done justice to the
mandate they got? Or at least appear like doing justice? I am afraid,
the answer is NO. Tell me, other than rampant high-end corruption,
has anything changed in positive direction for the common man since
May 2014? Forget about positives, even few things have turned
worse. Inflation on paper looks stable but that is far from being the
truth. Ask a common man who has to run a household. I always
believed the person in Modi knows the ground realities because he is
from a more than humble background. But I feel I rushed into my
conclusion little quickly. I am forced to recalibrate my earlier beliefs
today because now I see an entirely different Narendra Modi. A
Narendra Modi who is in a hurry to unlearn everything that he learnt
during his CM days of Gujarat. A Narendra Modi who now looks like
taking the decisions from the comfort his A/C rooms. Why is it so Mr.
Modi? How suddenly a well-connected leader of masses like you
turned himself to a seasoned nonchalant average politician of India?
Absolute power or you have also started forgetting your voters as
every politician does?

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