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Queens for the King

November 2015 Newsletter

November Thanks-happenings
God's will is becoming clearer for our family this
month. Our roles as volunteer coordinators at
Ethembeni are becoming more clearly defined. We get
our first mission team this week from England. We
even got Ethembeni branded tee shirts so we are
official! The site for the church plant has been
narrowed. The classes we are teaching are growing.
House visits have been a blessing. Elizabeth and
Jacob continue to thrive. We are so thankful for all God
is doing in our lives and in those lives we come in
contact with daily.

Church Plant News

The team has narrowed the
church plant site to two
neighboring Zulu
communities. This
abandoned community hall in
Sweetwaters may be available
to lease. It is a bit of a "fixerupper" but if it is God's will
then we know nothing is
impossible. Syvion (pictured
speaking beside Thomas) is a
church member who lives in
Sweetwaters. He found this
building near his home which
we are praying about now.
We also may have an
opportunity to start a church
near a neighboring school in
the community of

SW Bible Study &

Chocolate Cake
We have been studying prayer
and the role of the Holy Spirit in
our lives. One day, it was raining
so hard on the tin roof of the
church that Thomas had to shout
for us to hear him even though we
were sitting beside him! We
celebrated Nomvano's birthday.
We enjoyed her cake as you can

Welcome to
We have decided to concentrate
our house visits in the
community of Shiyabazali
(means forsaken by parents).
Shiyas is a squatter camp of
Zulu and Lesotho people built
on an old dump. We each see 8
patients total but separately.
We share the gospel with 4
patients each week then see the
other 4 the next week. This way
we do evangelism and
discipleship. We bring them
medicines, food, Bibles, and
help arrange transport to the
hospital if needed. It is such a
privilege bringing the Good

Shoe boxes for

Our home group at Hilton
Baptist adopted 24 patients
that we see on house visits.
We packed 15 items into
each shoe box and wrapped
them for Christmas. Each
patient will get a Christmas
gift of needed items to keep
them healthy this
December. It was a blast. It
really is better to give than
to receive.

5th Grade Sunday school

We had a blast in Sunday school
at Hilton Baptist this month. We
learned that names have
meanings in the Bible,
like Emmanuel means "God is
with us". The kids practiced
their Bible drills skills looking up
each name. Our favorite game
was racing to write from 0-100
for a candy bar. It got pretty
crazy about number 90!

The College Scene

Elizabeth almost has her
first semester of college
completed. She has made
so many new godly friends.
She enjoys leading her
dorm bible studies each
week. She declared her
major. She wants to teach
Math at the middle school
or high school level. She is
going to pursue a minor in
Biblical studies. Pray for
her as she will begin finals
in a few weeks.

Ready, Set, Go!

If you would like to help support the work God has
given us to do, you can do this in 3 ways:

1. Send a check to our sending home church.

Just make the check out to Grove Level
Baptist Church. Put Queens for the King
on the memo line. The check can be sent to:
Grove Level Baptist Church
2802 Cleveland Hwy
Dalton, GA 30721

2. Go online to Select

Online giving tab. Then offerings for
missions tab. Then select the account
Queens for the King Missions

3. Go online
to Select Get
Involved tab. Pick Donate on drop
down menu. Then click the secure link to
our churchs website to make your tax
deductible donations
*All donations are tax deductible.

Jacob is halfway
through his finals week
at St. Charles. He cant
wait for exams to be
over then he will be in
9th grade. His grade will
go on a Spirit of
Adventure Camp after
finals to finish the year.
He is so excited a
Thanksgiving feast
awaits him when he
returns. Just dont get
in the way when he
starts heading towards
the turkey- HA!

Praises and Prayer Requests:


The Grove Level Missions Cafe donation to our family. What a

Baptist Global Response donating over 200 Bibles to give away on
house visits
God providing clarity in direction for the church plant.
28 Christmas shoe boxes for the patients in Shiyabazali.


Discernment in setting up a productive routine schedule for

God to use the St. Paul's mission team from England in a mighty
way the next two weeks
God to provide the place, people, and finances needed to start a
new church plant
Traveling mercies for our family over Christmas break. To
refresh us and to enjoy the break.
Opportunities to share the gospel and for seeds we have planted
to bear fruit.
Check out our
Follow us on our Facebook page
at Queens for the King
or On Twitter at: @queens_for
Permanent Address:
Thomas and Paige Queen
135 Leamington Lane SE
Cleveland, TN 37323
In-Country Mailing Address:
Thomas and Paige Queen
Suite H 17
P/Bag X 9118
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

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