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Chapter 1: Biochemistry and Medicine

1. The following statements are true regarding biochemistry except:

a. Biochemistry is the chemistry of life
b. The aim of biochemistry is to describe and explain, in molecular terms, all
chemical processes of living cells
c. It is essential to the study of toxicology
d. There is no reciprocal relationship between biochemistry and Medicine
Answer: D. There is a reciprocal relationship between biochemistry and
2. Major causes of disease listed below act by influencing various biochemical
mechanisms in the cell or in the body except:
a. Nutritional deficiencies
b. Viruses and bacteria
c. Trauma
d. None of the above.
Answer: D. All act by influencing various biochemical mechanisms in the
cell or in the body.
3. Areas of research and disciplines of the Human Genome Project except
a. Bioethics
b. Mathematics
c. Metabolomics
d. Biophysics
Answer: B. Mathematics is not a part of the disciplines under HGP

Chapter 2: Water and Ph

1. Water is an ideal biologic solvent. Which is true about water?
a. Whater has an unequal distribution of electron in its structure
b. Water is a slightly skewed tetrahedral molecule
c. Both
d. Neither
Answer: C. Both. Water is a dipole which has electrons unequally distributed
in its structure and it is also a tetrahedral molecule.

2. The electrostatic interaction between the hydrogen nucleus of one water

molecule and the unshared electron pair of another is termed as:
a. Hydrogen bond
b. Covalent bond
c. Disulfide bond
d. None of the above

Answer: A. Hydrogen bond. Covalent bond is a chemical bond that involves

sharing of electron pairs between atoms while disulfide bond is a covalent
bond derived by coupling of two thiol groups.

3. The following statements are true regarding pH except?

a. Low pH values correspond to high concentrations of H+
b. High pH values correspond to high concentrations of H+
c. Acids are proton donors.
d. Bases are proton acceptors.
Answer: B is false because high pH values correspond to low concentrations
of H+.

Chapter 3: Amino Acids and Peptides

1. Glycine is
a. a sulfur-containing amino acid
b. optically inactive
c. contains aromatic ring
d. has a basic side chain
Answer: B. Glycine is optically inactive because it has an achiral a-carbon.
Only Cysteine and Methionine contains sulfur atoms. It does not contain an
aromatic ring and no basic side chain.

2. Sulfur containing amino acids

a. Cysteine
b. Methionine
c. Both
d. Neither
Answer: C. Both has sulfur.
3. Amino acid with amide side chain
a. Glutamine
b. Serine
c. Threonine
d. Tyrosine
Answer: A. Glutamine. Serine, Threonine and Tyrosine have side chains
containing hydroxylic groups

Chapter 4: Proteins: Determination of Primary structure

1. It detects covalent modifications
a. Mass Spectrometry
b. Edman Reaction
c. Genomics
d. None of the above
Answer: A. Mass Spectrometry detects covalent modifications. Edman
Reaction enables peptides and proteins to be sequenced. Genomics enables
proteins to be identified from small amounts of sequence data.
2. It enables peptides and proteins to be sequenced
a. Mass Spectrometry
b. Edman Reaction
c. Genomics
d. None of the above
Answer: B. Edman Reaction enables peptides and proteins to be sequenced.
Genomics enables proteins to be identified from small amounts of sequence
data. Mass Spectrometry detects covalent modifications.
3. It enables proteins to be identified from small amounts of sequence data.
a. Mass Spectrometry
b. Edman Reaction
c. Genomics
d. None of the above
Answer: C. Genomics enables proteins to be identified from small amounts of
sequence data. Mass Spectrometry detects covalent modifications. Edman
Reaction enables peptides and proteins to be sequenced.

Chapter 5: Proteins: Higher Orders of Structure

1. Protein structure which is the sequence of the amino acids in a polypeptide
a. Primary structure
b. Secondary structure
c. Tertiary structure
d. Quarternary structure
Answer: A

Primary structure is the sequence of the amino acids in a polypeptide chain;

Secondary structure is the folding of short (3- to 30- residue), contiguous
segments of polypeptide into geometrically ordered units; Tertiary structure is
the assembly of secondary structural units into larger functional units such as
the mature polypeptide and its component domains; and Quaternary
structure is the number and types of polypeptide units of oligomeric proteins
and their spatial arrangement.

Protein structure which is the folding of short (3- to 30- residue), contiguous
segments of polypeptide into geometri- cally ordered units
a. Primary structure
b. Secondary structure
c. Tertiary structure
d. Quarternary structure
Answer: B
Primary structure is the sequence of the amino acids in a polypeptide chain;
Secondary structure is the folding of short (3- to 30- residue), contiguous
segments of polypeptide into geometrically ordered units; Tertiary structure is
the assembly of secondary structural units into larger functional units such as
the mature polypeptide and its component domains; and Quaternary
structure is the number and types of polypeptide units of oligomeric proteins
and their spatial arrangement.

3. Protein structure which is the number and types of polypeptide units of

oligomeric proteins and their spatial arrangement.
a. Primary structure
b. Secondary structure
c. Tertiary structure
d. Quarternary structure
Answer: D.
Primary structure is the sequence of the amino acids in a polypeptide chain;
Secondary structure is the folding of short (3- to 30- residue), contiguous
segments of polypeptide into geometrically ordered units; Tertiary structure is
the assembly of secondary structural units into larger functional units such as
the mature polypeptide and its component domains; and Quaternary
structure is the number and types of polypeptide units of oligomeric proteins
and their spatial arrangement.

Chapter 6: Myoglobin and Hemoglobin

1. What stabilizes the T structure of Hemoglobin
a. Histidine

b. 2,3 Biphosphoglycerate
c. Oxygen
d. Carbon dioxide
Answer: B. 2,3 Biphosphoglycerate stabilizes deoxygenated (T state)
hemoglobin by forming salt bridges that must be broken prior to
conversion to the R state
2. Physiologic changes that accompany prolonged exposure to high altitude:
a. Increase in the number of erythrocytes
b. Elevated BPG
c. Both
d. Neither
Answer: C. Both are physiologic changes that accompany prolonged
exposure to high altitude.

3. Condition following massive crush injury, myoglobin released from damaged muscle
fibers colors the urine dark red.
a. Myoglobinuria
b. Anemia
c. Thalassemia
d. Methemoglobinemia
Answer: A.
Anemias are reductions in the number of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the
blood; Thalassemias result from the partial or total absence of one or more or
chains of hemoglobin. In methemoglobinemia, the heme iron is ferric rather than
Chapter 7: Enzymes: Mechanism of Action
1. Enzyme reaction type which catalyze oxidations and reductions
a. Oxidoreductases
b. Transferases
c. Isomerases
d. Ligases
Answer: A.
Oxidoreductases catalyze oxidations and reductions. Transferases
catalyze transfer of moieties such as glycosyl, methyl, or phosphoryl
groups. Isomerases catalyze geometric or structural changes within a
molecule. Ligases catalyze the joining together of two molecules
coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP.

2. Enzyme reaction type which catalyze transfer of moieties such as glycosyl,

methyl, or phosphoryl groups
a. Oxidoreductases

b. Transferases
c. Isomerases
d. Ligases
Answer: B.
Oxidoreductases catalyze oxidations and reductions. Transferases
catalyze transfer of moieties such as glycosyl, methyl, or phosphoryl
groups. Isomerases catalyze geometric or structural changes within a
molecule. Ligases catalyze the joining together of two molecules
coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP.

3. Enzyme reaction type which catalyze geometric or structural changes within a

a. Oxidoreductases
b. Transferases
c. Isomerases
d. Ligases

Answer: C.
Oxidoreductases catalyze oxidations and reductions. Transferases
catalyze transfer of moieties such as glycosyl, methyl, or phosphoryl
groups. Isomerases catalyze geometric or structural changes within a
molecule. Ligases catalyze the joining together of two molecules
coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP.

Chapter 8: Enzymes: Kinetics

1. Inhibition that compete for the binding site
a. Competitive
b. Noncompetitive
c. Uncompetitive
d. Irreversible
Answer: A.
Competitive inhibition competes for the binding site. Noncompetitive inhibition bind to
either the enzyme or ES complex. Uncompetitive inhibition react to only ES complex.
Irreversible inhibition chemically modifies the enzyme that generally involves making or
breaking covalent bonds.
2. Inhibition that can bind to either the enzyme or ES complex
a. Competitive
b. Noncompetitive
c. Uncompetitive
d. Irreversible
Answer: B.

Competitive inhibition competes for the binding site. Noncompetitive inhibition bind to
either the enzyme or ES complex. Uncompetitive inhibition react to only ES complex.
Irreversible inhibition chemically modifies the enzyme that generally involves making or
breaking covalent bonds.
3. Inhibition that chemically modifies the enzyme that generally involves making or
breaking covalent bonds
a. Competitive
b. Noncompetitive
c. Uncompetitive
d. Irreversible
Answer: D.
Competitive inhibition competes for the binding site. Noncompetitive inhibition bind to
either the enzyme or ES complex. Uncompetitive inhibition react to only ES complex.
Irreversible inhibition chemically modifies the enzyme that generally involves making or
breaking covalent bonds.

Chapter 9: Enzymes: Regulation of Activities

1. K-series allosteric enzymes
a. Km is raise without an effect on Vmax
b. Lowers Vmax without affecting Km
c. Both
d. None
Answer: A. K-series allosteric enzymes raise Km without an effect on Vmax. Vseries allosteric enzymes lower Vmax without affecting Km
2. V-series allosteric enzymes
a. Km is raise without an effect on Vmax
b. Lowers Vmax without affecting Km
c. Both
d. None
Answer: B. K-series allosteric enzymes raise Km without an effect on
Vmax. V-series allosteric enzymes lower Vmax without affecting Km
3. Inactive precursor proteins of enzyme
a. Zymogen
b. Allosteric enzyme
c. Isozyme
d. Metalloenzymes
Answer: A. Zymogen

Chapter 10: Bioinformatics and Computational biology

1. The process where knowledge of an individuals genetic profile also will be used to guide
the selection of safe and effective drugs or vaccines.
a. Pharmacogenomics
b. Bioinformatics
c. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD)
d. None of the above
Answer A:
Pharmacogenomics is the process where knowledge of an individuals genetic profile also
will be used to guide the selection of safe and effective drugs or vaccines. Bioinformatics
exploits the formidable information storage and processing capabilities of the computer
to develop tools for the collection, collation, retrieval, and analysis of biologic data on a
mass scale. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) employs the same type of moleculardocking algorithms used to identify ligands for unknown proteins.
2. It exploits the formidable information storage and processing capabilities of the computer
to develop tools for the collection, collation, retrieval, and analysis of biologic data on a
mass scale.
a. Pharmacogenomics
b. Bioinformatics
c. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD)
d. None of the above
Answer B.
Pharmacogenomics is the process where knowledge of an individuals genetic profile also
will be used to guide the selection of safe and effective drugs or vaccines. Bioinformatics
exploits the formidable information storage and processing capabilities of the computer
to develop tools for the collection, collation, retrieval, and analysis of biologic data on a
mass scale. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) employs the same type of moleculardocking algorithms used to identify ligands for unknown proteins.
3. It employs the same type of molecular-docking algorithms used to identify ligands for
unknown proteins.
a. Pharmacogenomics
b. Bioinformatics
c. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD)
d. None of the above
Answer C.
Pharmacogenomics is the process where knowledge of an individuals genetic profile also
will be used to guide the selection of safe and effective drugs or vaccines. Bioinformatics
exploits the formidable information storage and processing capabilities of the computer
to develop tools for the collection, collation, retrieval, and analysis of biologic data on a

mass scale. Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) employs the same type of moleculardocking algorithms used to identify ligands for unknown proteins.
Chapter 11: Bioenergetics
1. It is the extent of disorder or randomness of the system and becomes maximum as

equilibrium is approached.


Answer: A

Entropy is the extent of disorder or randomness of the system and becomes maximum as
equilibrium is approached. If G is negative, the reaction proceeds spontaneously with
loss of free energy; ie, it is exergonic. On the other hand, if G is positive, the reaction
proceeds only if free energy can be gained; ie, it is endergonic. Enthalpy is heat.
2. If G is negative, the reaction proceeds spontaneously with loss of free energy; ie, it is


Answer: B

Entropy is the extent of disorder or random- ness of the system and becomes
maximum as equilibrium is approached. If G is negative, the reaction proceeds
spontaneously with loss of free energy; ie, it is exergonic. On the other hand, if G is
posi- tive, the reaction proceeds only if free energy can be gained; ie, it is endergonic.
Enthalpy is heat.
3. If G is positive, the reaction proceeds only if free energy can be gained; ie, it is _____
a. Entropy
b. Enthalpy
c. Exergonic
d. Endergonic
Answer: B

Entropy is the extent of disorder or randomness of the system and becomes maximum
as equilibrium is approached. If G is negative, the reaction proceeds spontaneously
with loss of free energy; ie, it is exergonic. On the other hand, if G is positive, the
reaction proceeds only if free energy can be gained; ie, it is endergonic. Enthalpy is

Chapter 12: Biologic Oxidation

1. Oxidoreductases that play major roles in respiration
a. oxidases and dehydrogenases
b. hydroperoxidases
c. oxygenases
d. superoxide dismutase
Answer: A
Oxidoreductases have a variety of functions in metabolism; oxidases and
dehydrogenases play major roles in respiration; hydroperoxidases protect the
body against damage by free radicals; and oxygenases mediate the
hydroxylation of drugs and steroids. Tissues are protected from oxygen
toxicity caused by the superoxide free radical by the specific enzyme
superoxide dismutase.
2. Oxidoreductases that protect the body against damage by free radicals
a. oxidases and dehydrogenases
b. hydroperoxidases
c. oxygenases
d. superoxide dismutase
Answer: B
Oxidoreductases have a variety of functions in metabolism; oxidases and
dehydrogenases play major roles in respiration; hydroperoxidases protect the
body against damage by free radicals; and oxygenases mediate the
hydroxylation of drugs and steroids. Tissues are protected from oxygen
toxicity caused by the superoxide free radical by the specific enzyme
superoxide dismutase.
3. Oxidoreductases that mediate the hydroxylation of drugs and steroids
e. oxidases and dehydrogenases
f. hydroperoxidases
g. oxygenases
h. superoxide dismutase
Answer: C
Oxidoreductases have a variety of functions in metabolism; oxidases and
dehydrogenases play major roles in respiration; hydroperoxidases protect the
body against damage by free radicals; and oxygenases mediate the
hydroxylation of drugs and steroids. Tissues are protected from oxygen
toxicity caused by the superoxide free radical by the specific enzyme
superoxide dismutase.

Chapter 13: The Respiratory Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation

1. Complex I
a. NADH-Q oxidoreductase
b. Succinate-Q reductase
c. Q-cytochrome c oxidoreductase
d. Cytochrome c oxidase
Answer: A
2. Complex II
a. NADH-Q oxidoreductase
b. Succinate-Q reductase
c. Q-cytochrome c oxidoreductase
d. Cytochrome c oxidase
Answer: B
3. Complex IV
a. NADH-Q oxidoreductase
b. Succinate-Q reductase
c. Q-cytochrome c oxidoreductase
d. Cytochrome c oxidase
Answer: D

Chapter 14: Carbohydrates of Physiologic Significance

1. Sugars that cannot be hydrolyzed into simpler carbohydrates
a. Monosaccharides
b. Disaccharides
c. Oligosaccharides
d. Polysaccharides
Answer: A. Monosaccharides are those sugars that cannot be hydrolyzed into
simpler carbohydrates. Disaccharides are condensation products of two
monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides are condensation products of three
to ten monosaccharides. Polysaccharides are condensation products of more
than ten monosaccharide units.
2. Condensation products of two monosaccharide units.
a. Monosaccharides
b. Disaccharides
c. Oligosaccharides
d. Polysaccharides
Answer: B. Monosaccharides are those sugars that cannot be hydrolyzed into
simpler carbohydrates. Disaccharides are condensation products of two
monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides are condensation products of three

to ten monosaccharides. Polysaccharides are condensation products of more

than ten monosaccharide units.
3. Condensation products of three to ten monosaccharides
a. Monosaccharides
b. Disaccharides
c. Oligosaccharides
d. Polysaccharides
Answer: C. Monosaccharides are those sugars that cannot be hydrolyzed into
simpler carbohydrates. Disaccharides are condensation products of two
monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides are condensation products of three
to ten monosaccharides. Polysaccharides are condensation products of more
than ten monosaccharide units.

Chapter 15: Lipids of Physiologic Significance

1. __________ are esters of fatty acids with glycerol



Answer: A. Fat are esters of fatty acids with glycerol. Waxes are esters of fatty acids

with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols. Phospholipids are lipids containing,
in addition to fatty acids and an alcohol, a phosphoric acid residue. Glycolipids are lipids
containing a fatty acid, sphingosine, and carbohydrate.
2. __________ are esters of fatty acids with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols.



Answer: B. Fat are esters of fatty acids with glycerol. Waxes are esters of fatty acids

with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols. Phospholipids are lipids containing,
in addition to fatty acids and an alcohol, a phosphoric acid residue. Glycolipids are lipids
containing a fatty acid, sphingosine, and carbohydrate.

3. __________ are lipids containing a fatty acid, sphingosine, and carbohydrate.

a. Fat

b. Waxes
c. Phospholipids
d. Glycolipids
Answer: D. Fat are esters of fatty acids with glycerol. Waxes are esters of fatty acids

with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols. Phospholipids are lipids containing,
in addition to fatty acids and an alcohol, a phosphoric acid residue. Glycolipids are lipids
containing a fatty acid, sphingosine, and carbohydrate.

Chapter 16: Overview of Metabolism and Provision of Metabolic Fuels

1. Metabolic pathway involved in the synthesis of larger and more complex
compounds from smaller precursors
a. Anabolic pathway
b. Catabolic pathway
c. Amphibolic pathway
d. None of the above
Answer: A. Anabolic pathways, which are those involved in the synthesis
of larger and more complex compounds from smaller precursors. Catabolic
pathways, which are involved in the breakdown of larger molecules,
commonly involving oxidative reactions Amphibolic pathways, which occur
at the crossroads of metabolism, acting as links between the anabolic
and catabolic pathways
2. Metabolic pathway are involved in the breakdown of larger molecules,
commonly involving oxidative reactions.
a. Anabolic pathway
b. Catabolic pathway
c. Amphibolic pathway
d. None of the above
Answer: B. Anabolic pathways, which are those involved in the synthesis
of larger and more complex compounds from smaller precursors. Catabolic
pathways, which are involved in the breakdown of larger molecules,
commonly involving oxidative reactions. Amphibolic pathways, which
occur at the crossroads of metabolism, acting as links between the
anabolic and catabolic pathways
3. Metabolic pathway occur at the crossroads of metabolism, acting as links
between the anabolic and catabolic pathways
a. Anabolic pathway
b. Catabolic pathway
c. Amphibolic pathway
d. None of the above

Answer: C. Anabolic pathways, which are those involved in the synthesis

of larger and more complex compounds from smaller precursors. Catabolic
pathways, which are involved in the breakdown of larger molecules,
commonly involving oxidative reactions Amphibolic pathways, which occur
at the crossroads of metabolism, acting as links between the anabolic
and catabolic pathways

Chapter 17: The Citric Acid Cycle: The Catabolism of Acetyl-CoA

1. Which enzyme would synthesize Acetyl Coa to Citrate
a. Citrate synthase
b. Aconitase
c. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
d. Fumarase
Answer: A
2. Which enzyme would synthesize Cis-aconitate to Isocitrate?
a. Citrate synthase
b. Aconitase
c. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
d. Fumarase
Answer: B
3. Which enzyme would synthesize Isocitrate to Oxalosuccinate?
a. Citrate synthase
b. Aconitase
c. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
d. Fumarase
Answer: C
Chapter 18: Glycolysis and Oxidation of Pyruvate
1. Which enzyme would synthesize a-D Glucose to a-D Glucose 6-phosphate?
a. Hexokinase
b. Phosphohexose isomerase
c. Phosphofructokinase
d. Aldolase
Answer: A
2. Which enzyme would synthesize a-D Glucose 6-phosphate to D-Fructose 6phosphate?
a. Hexokinase
b. Phosphohexose isomerase
c. Phosphofructokinase

d. Aldolase
Answer: B
3. Which enzyme would synthesize D-Fructose 6-phosphate to D-Frustose 1,6
a. Hexokinase
b. Phosphohexose isomerase
c. Phosphofructokinase
d. Aldolase
Answer: C
Chapter 19: Metabolism of Glycogen
1. ________ is known as protein primer
a. Glycogenin
b. Glycogen storage disease
c. Glycogen
d. Glycogen Synthase
Answer: A. Glycogenin is known as protein primer. Glycogen storage
diseases are a group of inherited disorders characterized by deficient
mobilization of glycogen or deposition of abnormal forms of glycogen.
Glycogen is the major storage carbohydrate in animals. Glycogen
synthase catalyzes the formation of a glycoside bond between C-1 of the
glucose of UDPGlc and C-4 of a terminal glucose residue of glycogen.
2. ________ are a group of inherited disorders characterized by deficient
mobilization of glycogen or deposition of abnormal forms of glycogen.
a. Glycogenin
b. Glycogen storage disease
c. Glycogen
d. Glycogen Synthase
Answer: B. Glycogenin is known as protein primer. Glycogen storage
diseases are a group of inherited disorders characterized by deficient
mobilization of glycogen or deposition of abnormal forms of glycogen.
Glycogen is the major storage carbohydrate in animals. Glycogen
synthase catalyzes the formation of a glycoside bond between C-1 of the
glucose of UDPGlc and C-4 of a terminal glucose residue of glycogen.
3. ________ is the major storage carbohydrate in animals.
a. Glycogenin
b. B. Glycogen storage disease
c. Glycogen
d. Glycogen Synthase
Answer: C. Glycogenin is known as protein primer. Glycogen storage
diseases are a group of inherited disorders characterized by deficient
mobilization of glycogen or deposition of abnormal forms of glycogen.

Glycogen is the major storage carbohydrate in animals. Glycogen

synthase catalyzes the formation of a glycoside bond between C-1 of the
glucose of UDPGlc and C-4 of a terminal glucose residue of glycogen.
Chapter 20: Gluconeogenesis and the Control of Blood Glucose

1. The process of synthesizing glucose or glycogen from noncarbohydrate precursors.

a. Gluconeogenelsis
b. Glucagon
c. Glycerol
d. Glycolysis
Answer: A
Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose or glycogen from
noncarbohydrate precursors. Glucagon, hormones that are responsive to a decrease in
blood glucose. Glycerol is released from adipose tissue as a result of lipolysis of
lipoprotein triacylglycerol in the fed state;
2. Hormones that are responsive to a decrease in blood glucose
a. Gluconeogenelsis
b. Glucagon
c. Glycerol
d. Glycolysis
Answer: B
Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose or glycogen from
noncarbohydrate precursors. Glucagon, hormones that are responsive to a decrease in
blood glucose. Glycerol is released from adipose tissue as a result of lipolysis of
lipoprotein triacylglycerol in the fed state;
3. It is released from adipose tissue as a result of lipolysis of lipoprotein triacylglycerol in
the fed state
a. Gluconeogenelsis
b. Glucagon
c. Glycerol
d. Glycolysis
Answer: C
Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose or glycogen from
noncarbohydrate precursors. Glucagon, hormones that are responsive to a decrease in
blood glucose. Glycerol is released from adipose tissue as a result of lipolysis of
lipoprotein triacylglycerol in the fed state;
Chapter 21: The Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Other Pathways of Hexose

1. Major function of Pentose Pathway

a. the formation of NADPH for synthesis of fatty acids and steroids,
b. the synthesis of ribose for nucleotide and nucleic acid formation.
c. Both
d. None
Answer: Both
2. Deficiencies in the enzymes of fructose and galactose metabolism lead to metabolic
diseases such as:
a. essential fructosuria
b. hereditary fructose intolerance
c. galactosemia
d. all of the above
Answer: D
3. The following statement is true regarding pentose pathway except
a. present in the cytosol
b. can account for the complete oxidation of glucose,
c. producing NADPH and CO2 and ATP
d. has an oxidative phase, which is irreversible and generates NADPH, and a
nonoxidative phase, which is reversible and provides ribose precursors for
nucleotide synthesis.
Answer: C. producing NADPH and CO2 but not ATP

Chapter 22: Oxidation of Fatty acids: Ketogenesis

1. Higher than normal quantities of ketone bodies present in the blood or urine
a. Ketonemia
b. Reffsums dse
c. Jamaican vomiting sickness
d. Zellwegers syndrome
Answer: A
Higher than normal quantities of ketone bodies present in the blood or urine
constitute ketonemia. Jamaican vomiting sickness is caused by eating the
unripe fruit of the akee tree, which contains the toxin hypoglycin. Refsums
disease is a rare neurologic disorder due to a metabolic defect that results in
the accumulation of phytanic acid, which is found in dairy products and
ruminant fat and meat. Zellwegersyndrome occurs in individuals with a rare
inherited absence of peroxisomes in all tissues.

2. Rare neurologic disorder due to a metabolic defect that results in the

accumulation of phytanic acid, which is found in dairy products and ruminant
fat and meat.
a. Ketonemia
b. Reffsums dse
c. Jamaican vomiting sickness
d. Zellwegers syndrome
Answer: B
Higher than normal quantities of ketone bodies present in the blood or urine
constitute ketonemia. Jamaican vomiting sickness is caused by eating the
unripe fruit of the akee tree, which contains the toxin hypoglycin. Refsums
disease is a rare neurologic disorder due to a metabolic defect that results in
the accumulation of phytanic acid, which is found in dairy products and
ruminant fat and meat. Zellwegersyndrome occurs in individuals with a rare
inherited absence of peroxisomes in all tissues.
3. Occurs in individuals with a rare inherited absence of peroxisomes in all
a. Ketonemia
b. Reffsums dse
c. Jamaican vomiting sickness
d. Zellwegers syndrome
Answer: D
Higher than normal quantities of ketone bodies present in the blood or urine
constitute ketonemia. Jamaican vomiting sickness is caused by eating the
unripe fruit of the akee tree, which contains the toxin hypoglycin. Refsums
disease is a rare neurologic disorder due to a metabolic defect that results in
the accumulation of phytanic acid, which is found in dairy products and
ruminant fat and meat. Zellwegersyndrome occurs in individuals with a rare
inherited absence of peroxisomes in all tissues.

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