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US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs: Juveniles Who Commit Sex

Offenses Against Minors Article by David Finkelhor, Richard Ormrod, and Mark C
haffin (December 2009)

The article discusses the the number of Youth sex offenders,that 1 out of 4 sex
offenders are youth who victimize other youths, that in a data gathered from th
e Federal Bureau of Investagions's National Incident-Based Reporting system. The
article provides a picture of the juvenile sex offender, who do not necessary f
it the the traditional description of a "pedophile" or "predator". It also discu
ssess likelihood of juvenile sex offenders are much more likely to target young
children as their victims compared to an adult sex offender.the article suggests
messages of prevention and deterrence should be directed towards youthful audie
nces in school.
2. The New York Times Artilce Teenager s Jailing Brings a Call to Fix Sex Offender
By Julie Bosman, July 14, 2015
The article narrates the story of 19 year old,Zachery Anderson who met a girl us
ing the dating app Hot or Not,the two had consentual sex.the girl purported hers
elf to be 17 years old, but was actually just 14. Anderson was charged with four
th degree crimibal sexual conduct. The artile also cites opinions of organizatio
ns and people who are advocating reforms in the sex registry laws, some of these
reforms include the exclusion of juvenile sex offenders who engage in consensua
l sexual intersource such as Zachary.
3.Human Rights Watch
The article discusses the various flaws in Sexual Registry system, it cited the
story ofJacob C. an 11 year old who was tried in juvenile court in Michigan for
touching, without penetrating his sister's genitals. Jacob was placed in the Mi
chigan Sex Offender Registry and was prevented from living near other children.
The article discusses the groups's concern of the "Notification Systemm" of the
Sex offender registry law, where even youth offenders' personal information and
photographs were made public in their local communities.
4.Bureau of Immigration
In an article Published on June 5, 2014 the Bureau of Immigrations, issued a pre
ss statement that foreign nationals who are registered sex offenders in other ju
risdictions are not welcome to visit the Philippines.
5.US Govenrment Publishing Office;jsessionid=nVF1WTsRGfQB85sl

A repository of the existing laws enacted by the US Congress, it includes copies

of existing Sex offender registry laws in various States, the documents can be
downloaded in PDF Format.
6.US Supreme Court Website
The website is a repository of cases decided by the US Supreme Court, cases rela
ting to Sex Offender Regisrty and its constitutionality, such as Mckune vs Lile,
Smith vs Doe and US vs Kebodaux can be downloaded in pdf format free of charge.
7. Philippine Senate
http: //!.pdf--- Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago
2009 14th congress!.pdf
Sen. Jinggoy Estrada 2013, 16th
A repository of pending bills and acts passed by congress of the Philippines. Pe
nding bills authored by Senator Miriam Santiago and Senator Jinggoy Estrada prop
osing the implementation of a Sex Offender Registy Law in the Philippines, the p
roposed bills are similar to the Sex offender Registries being implemented in va
rious State with certain reservations.

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