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Background of the Study
Toilet cleaners are chemical solutions used for cleaning the toilet, usually in
conjunction with a toilet brush. Toilet cleaners clean and disinfect, or kill germs, in
toilets. You probably wouldn't think these cleaners have pesticides in them, but they do.
The pesticide is the disinfectant. This type of pesticide is known as an antimicrobial
pesticide. The toilet cleaner is sprayed around the rim and the bowl of the toilet prior to
the use of the toilet brush. The toilet brush is used to scrub at the toilet, removing
stubborn stains, and residue biological debris. In recent times, automatic toilet bowl
cleaners that clip onto the rim of the toilet and clean with every flush have become more

Toilet cleaners tend to be fairly poisonous, and need to be treated with care since
they contain disinfectants which can cause skin irritations. Toilet bowl cleaners also
have other chemicals in them too, like hydrochloric acid. Never mix a toilet bowl cleaner
with any other household or cleaning products. Doing so can result in poisonous gasses
being released and cause very serious breathing problems. Always be sure when
cleaning your bathrooms that the room has plenty of ventilation. Leave the door open
and use the exhaust fan, if you have one. Most disinfectant cleaners are very irritating to
your eyes and skin and will burn your throat. It's a good idea to wear latex dishwashing
gloves to help protect your skin from splashes when using toilet cleaners. If you splash

some on your skin wash it off immediately. Because toilet cleaners can be harmful, your
exposure to them is important to know.

What if this product accidentally drank by the children without guidance? Toilet
Cleaner contains a Hydrochloric Acid that can be harmful to our esophagus, throat, and
stomach. It can cause bleeding from ulcers and scars formation in the later stage which
will prevent from swallowing food by causing block in the path of ingested food. So then,
take them immediately to the near hospital or clinic and get checked for any serious
effects. What if theres no near hospital or clinic? Give the patient a medicine that can
help him/her like an anti-acid its either a tablet or syrup.

Our proposal for this are to make a product that has less chemicals and not
harmful to the users because the ingredients are easy to find and inexpensive. The
purpose of this are to make our product available to all users. Especially, to the users
who did not afford to buy a branded toilet cleaner.

Statement of the Problem

In this research, the researchers seek to answer the following questions:
1. What can this product do compared to a regular toilet cleaner?
2. How can the product is assessed according to the following criteria:
2.1 Effectiveness
2.2 Safety
2.3 Color

Significance of the Study

The persons who will benefit from the product could be:
Parents. Parents may benefit from the product through cleaning there toilet by the
use of our product.
Maintenance or Janitors. They may benefit from our product by using it for their
task to clean the toilets in the C.R.

Retailers and Dealers. They may benefit our product, because we can produce or
sell it to them in low price than the price were they are getting there product.
Children in school. They can avoid sickness acquired by germs in restroom and
fewer outbreaks of infectious disease.
Restaurant owner. If they use product, their restroom will be safe in any bacteria.
Their customer will appreciate the cleanliness.
Future Researchers. They can get ideas from this product.

Scope and Limitation

The researchers decided to conduct the experiment to the selected grade 9
students of School Year 2015-2016. The research started in July 2015 and will end on
March 2015 by the Blazing Hope group from 9E St. Thomas Aquinas of NSDAPS
School Year 2015-2016 as a partial fulfillment for their Science 9 and Research I


Justin Luis S. Palado
Ryanne Cielo Dela Rosa
Jhon Gabrielle Dela Cruz
Mary Joy Soriano
Frances Gayle Sardia
Erica May Yap
Francis Vincent Cruz
Angelo Estabillo

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