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Understanding Women

By: Skip La Cour -

Dont assume that, just because you might think a certain way, a woman would too.
Women process whats going around them primarily with their feelings and emotions.
Women are not as logical or linear thinkers as men are. What makes perfect sense to a
woman based on her feelings and emotions will not usually make much sense to a man
who primarily uses logic. What makes perfect sense to a man based on his logic will not
make sense to a woman who primarily uses her feelings and emotions to evaluate

I know what you are thinking: How can she feel so strongly about something with
absolutely no evidence to support it? or Why did she do that without getting all the
facts first? Get this through your head: It ultimately doesnt matter how or why. Women
just dont think the same way as men. You shouldnt take the differences personally.
You can handle the differences better when you dont take them personally.

Women Are Emotional Beings and They Dont Experience

Life the Same Way as Men

I know that this concept sounds very simple and certainly isnt one that you havent
heard before. I dont want you to confuse these differences in the way women think
compared to men about relationships with me being negative. Im not advising you to be
highly skeptical when you are in a relationship or warning you to avoid them altogether.
Thats not my purpose. If you wanted to navigate a sail-boat across an ocean, wouldnt
it make sense to know how hard the wind was blowing, how rugged the waves were, or
how many jagged rocks and other dangerous obstacles there were in your path are? Of
course it would. All of that important information would make you a better sailor. Not
only you would benefit from that insight, so would the other people on your sail-boat.

22 Things Most Men Fail to Understand About Women

The information in this Ebook is provided to help you effectively navigate through the
inevitable challenges that arise in even the best relationships due to the differences in
the way men and women think. I was originally surprised as to how accurate women
found these observations to be. What I thought might be considered controversial
were accepted without any resistance at all. In fact, the women who I shared my views
with wished that more men could understand the way they thought better.

It should be understood that all women are not the same, and every woman does not
act the same way in every situation. Of course, Im generalizing when I make these
observations. Understanding the things that most men fail to understand about women
will help you relate to your partner better and deal with the challenges in your
relationship more effectively. It will also help you make better decisions when selecting
a potential partner.

1. You dont need money, good looks, power, or fame to get and keep
a woman.

You just have to hold the promise that you can take her life to the next level from where
she is now. She wants to know that you, as her man, can provide for her what she is
currently lacking. Theres no denying the fact that money, good looks, power, and fame
are attractive to a woman and can make your job of getting and keeping her much
easier. Thats only because a woman will see what you haveand then shell do the
imagining as to what those qualities will do for her life.

2. You can get around not having money, good looks, power, and
fame by creatively exciting her imagination.

You must paint what she sees as a beautiful picture as to how great her life will be
with you in her future. This is what most men fail to understand. They dont excite a
womans imagination. They dont feel confident approaching the women they really want
because they assume she demands these qualities in the mate she chooses. When
they are in a relationship, they worry about the other men who have more of these
qualities than they do.

3. Its important that you are clued in on what she really wants.

Although earning a lot of money may be very important to you, its not always whats
most important to a woman. She may see your pursuit of more money as getting in the
way of deep connection, love, fun, adventure, and family. These can be exactly the
experiences she feels are lacking in her life. If she feels financial security or even the
finer things in life that only money will afford are most important to her, handholding

walks on the beach at sunset with you and your good looks will not give her what she
feels she is lacking.

4. You must continually give her the promise that youll take her life to
the next level and continually provide what she is lacking.

Logic may dictate that she should be happy and satisfiedbut thats just not the case
with women who are generally guided by feelings and emotions. Although women may
intellectually know that they should be happy and satisfied, thats just not how they feel
inside. Remember, you must deal with a womans feelings even though you dont put as
much importance on your own feelings.

5. You must realize that a woman expects you, as her man, to help her
make her life a better experience. She expects that you will help her
get what she is lacking in her life.

This is a foreign concept to many men because we put no such expectations on our
mate. Intellectually, a woman knows she probably should not have put this expectation
on her manbut she oftentimes still does. What this is may be really depends on the
woman. Most women (not all, of course) are looking for financial security now and in the
future. These women realize that they have more important priorities in life other than
working long, grueling hours every day at their jobs to earn more and more money.
They will gladly defer the bulk of this stress to the man in their life. Besides, its still a
whole lot easier for a man to make money than a woman in todays society.

6. Women are emotional beings and will constantly go up and down

with emotional cycles, peaks, and valleys.

Again, women are guided by their feelings and emotions. You must understand that
women really dont want you to go on the emotional rides with them. They needand

expectyou to be strong and consistent. They want you to be their rock. Although
they dont want you to go on the emotional rides with them, they do want you to
acknowledge their feelings. Ignoring their feeling is not the answer. Even though they
may realize that theyve been emotional later on, they will never forget the resentment
they feel for you for not properly handling these cycles. Dont ever call her on her
emotional swings. Its okay that she confesses that shes hormonalbut its not okay for
you to point it out to her that she is.
Keep your course straight and determined. Listen with empathy but, whatever you do,
do not make decisions or take any actions based on what a woman feels at a
particular time. If you havent already noticed, a woman feelings can and will change
often. If you follow her waves of emotions and feeling, your actions will not follow any
logical pattern. She will have drawn you into her illogical frame or reality.

7. A womans feelings are her reality.

This is an extremely important point that many men fail to understand about women. It
doesnt matter if misinformation, a bad experience in the past, unsubstantiated fear,
where she is on her menstrual cycle, or low blood sugar levels because shes missed a
couple of meals gets her a little anxious, the way a women feels is very real to her. She
will think, speak, and take action as if what she feels is 100 percent fact. She will have
no difficulty justifying or rationalizing her actions as a result of those feelings.

As her romantic interest, she will hold you at least partially responsible for the way she
feels about her life. Therefore, you will be partly responsible for any of the poor
decisions and other mistakes she makes when she doesnt like the way she feels. A
woman normally wont take full responsibility for her actions. If I feel this way then there
must be a problem! is something many women strongly believe. Men just dont think
the same way. Men need facts to substantiate their actions.
You should take no comfort in winning logical arguments with a woman. Youve won
nothing. She builds resentment based on feelings and emotions one event at a time
even if logic proves her wrong. Lets say you get into an argument with your woman.
After a long drawn out battle, you feel you have successfully demonstrated to her how
she was wrong. She even agrees with you that she was wrong. You might think that
argument is now water under the bridge, right? Wrong! Months later, a woman will
forget that she was wrong (and even what the argument was about) but still hold
resentment for you for the feelings she experienced during that argument. These events
and feelings of resentment stack up over time.

8. What you might think is best for a woman isnt necessarily what
turns her on or will make her happy or satisfied.

Just because you, as a womans partner, think she should be happy and satisfied
doesnt mean she is. Yes, I understand you think she should be happy and satisfied
with everything you do for her. Heck! We all should be happy and satisfied that we have

our healthbut that doesnt make us happy or even close to being satisfied with our
lives, does it? We want more. We want our lives to get better and betterno matter how
good it already is.
Your woman is no different and she expects you, as her man, to help her make her life
better than it is today. The amount of patience a woman will have with you to provide
her with a better life will vary, but most women do want the promise of improvement in
their lives.

9. Women are not as sweet and innocent as many men want to


Society puts an extreme amount of pressure on women to conduct themselves in a

certain manner. Women have become tremendously proficient at concealing their real
needs, wants, and desires. Theyve had years of conditioning that they should be good
girls. They have years to practice covering up anything that would be perceived as bad
unladylike behavior.

Men, on the other hand, might brag to their friends about their self-centered, selfsatisfying needs. Men dont have to justify bad behavior like women do. Men who
behave badly are oftentimes glamorized by society.

Men cant fathom how a woman can get so good at covering her tracks and portraying
such a believable facade. She can because she been forced to practice here entire life.
How can you not get good at something if youve had so much practice? What gets in
the way of men understanding this about women? First of all, the mans ego gets in the
way. He doesnt want to believe that his woman might take interest in another man or
other bad behavior. Many times, he just doesnt suspect anythingeven if its right in
front of his face. Secondly, women have become extremely good being discreet
throughout the years. Not only hiding bad behavior from their husbands or boyfriends
but from the family and closest girlfriends too.

10. Women lie to themselves more than youll ever realize.

They can rationalize just about any inappropriate behavior. They actually believe their
lies. Oftentimes, women have what they feel is a legitimate excuse that nullifies their
bad behavior. Many times, theyll set the events in motion to create the excuse.

11. Women will put you in one of two categories: The Provider or
the Fun Guy.

Women are extremely efficient at dissecting your personal characteristics and assigning
labels to you. Its important for you to know which category she has put you in to
determine if this relationship is right for you. She may not be the kind of girl you want a
serious relationship with. You may just want to have some fun with her and cant
understand why she is treating you like a potential husbandno matter how honest
youve been with her. On the other hand, take a good look at yourself if you want to get
serious with a woman but she doesnt want to get serious with you. Your lifestyle may
suggest to her that you are nothing more than a guy to share some good times.

12. Women are much more efficient at filtering out potential partners
than men are.

Theyve had years of practice identifying potential red flags in suitors. As men, the
women normally choose us as a partner. We dont have nearly as much skill in
recognizing the flaws in women. Most of the time, we really dont care to discover them

until after weve got to know her a little better. In other words, until weve had sex with
She chose you. After all the men who have come her way, she wants to be with
youand that should mean more to man than it often does. As a man, youll never
really understand or appreciate the rigorous filtering process youve already passed.

13. History with a man means much more to a woman than history
with a woman means to a man.

This is another distinction that should make you feel more secure in your relationship. If
you are in a long term relationship, this should give you more confidence that you can
get through the tough times despite the doomsday rhetoric she sometimes vehemently
spews your way. It should help you stay calm until the storm passes. It should help you
not take the things she says or does as seriously as you may have in the past.
She really doesnt want the number of men shes been with to be too high. She doesnt
want her family and friends to see her change partners too often. Keeping this in mind,
you should be very careful getting into a new relationship with a woman who has a long
history with an ex-boyfriend.

14. What a woman says she wants and what she really wants arent
always the same thing.

You cant always go by what a woman says she wants. A better indicator to figure out
what she wants is by the important choices she has made in the past. No matter which
path you take in life, there is always an upside and a downside. It just depends on how
you look at it. A woman whose life has been filled with uncertainty, drama, reckless
adventure, and lack of structure may tell you that she is finished with that lifestyle and is
now looking for stability. That might sound good to you if youre a stable guy, right? You
can be her Knight in Shining Amour and provide for her what shes always wanted. You
might want to rethink that point-of-view.
Although thats what she says thats she wants, stability obviously hasnt been all that
important or she would have had it long before you came around, dont you think? She
may eventually gravitate to what she is already familiar with and drawn to given enough
time. She may eventually want a man who provides her more adventure. Thats bad if
youre the stable guy.
The same can be said for a woman who has lived a very conservative lifestyle. The lure
of a bad boy may be attractive to her for a while. Eventually, she may want to go back
to what she knows best. Thats not good if you are the bad boy who has made her a
significant part of your life. This is a concept that you must understand for your own best
interests. This is a distinction that many men fail to understand about women and one
that sets them up for heartbreak in the long run.

15. A woman will constantly test you to make sure you are still
committed to the relationship.

Day by day; hour by hour is how one woman described the tests they give their men.
This concept makes no sense to men. When it comes to relationships, we want to set it
and forget it. We would rather concentrate on the other challenges in our lives like our
career or our next hunting trip. Women must have a system of filtering out all of the men
who pursue her. She must be able to distinguish between a man who is going to be a
worthy mate for her and man who will be bad for her.
What most men fail to understand is that this process does not stop after shes selected
her mate. Women constantly need to be reassured that you are still the man you
promised her that you would be. She depends on you for so much. Far more than you
depend on her in most cases. Dealing with this need drives men crazy when they dont
understand what her purpose for doing so is.
Heres your cheat sheet: Stay strong, my brother! What she wants you to do is stay
calm and assure her that you will be there for her during the tough times. You fail the
tests only when you get upset and reactive. Many men will often-times get spooked by
all of these seemingly unnecessary problems that she complains about. They dont
understand this side of a woman and take her at face value. Some men will start looking
for the nearest exit. A man may start looking for another woman who he thinks he can
make happy. Sometimes, men will become so immune to what they see as needless

complaining and completely shut his woman and her comments outwhich is another
bad move on his part.

16. The more beautiful the women, the more she lives in a different
reality than regular looking women.

Society has conditioned a beautiful woman over the years that they can expect more
out of other peopleand she will generally get it. They have been treated this way ever
since they were little girls. They really dont know any other way of life. Their emotional
growth or concept of a bigger picture other than themselves is often stunted by
societyand especially by other men. She has no idea how normal people get treated
every single day and that she, as a beautiful woman, is getting a lot of breaks and
special attention solely based on her looks.
You should be prepared to pay the price to be with a beautiful woman. She has
optionsand she knows it either consciously or subconsciously. Beautiful women lose
a sense of reality because they arent kept in check by society when they are illogical or
irrational. Their behavior is often overlooked and they dont understand why you arent
treating them the same way when you dont. There are always men out there who
approach her and promise her the world. She may not want to be with them but all the
attention has an indirect negative effect on your relationship with herwhether she
admits it or not.

17. The more beautiful the woman, the more insecure she often is.

She knows, at least on the subconscious level, that she has not earned most of the
special treatment she has received in her life. Also, a woman recognizes that her beauty
is a depreciating asset. She realizes her beauty fades every single day as she ages. No
matter how much you think she should realize it, you need to tell your woman that you
find her attractive. I understand why you wouldnt want to feed into the hysteria but if
you dont, theres always another man out there who will. Heand not youwill make
her feel beautiful. You now understand how important the way she feels is to her. I know
its a vicious cycle but it is what it is.

18. If you want a good woman for the long haul, your number one
responsibility is to be her provider.

No matter how times are supposed to have changed, a mans number one responsibility
in most womens eyes is to be the major provider to her and her current or potential
family. Many less dominant males shirk this responsibility or minimize its importance. If
you arent the major provider in the relationship then you will be expected to make up
for it with a lot of listening to her problems, emptying the garbage, or changing diapers.
So, if you dont want to take up the responsibly of being the major provider then you
may not be viewed as the man you want to be by your women. The choice is yours.

19. If you want to change the frame of the relationship with a woman
then you must realize you are no longer the same man she picked.

You must realize that she may no longer want to be with you if you no longer want to
remain the man you promised her you would be. If you have an awesome job that
brought in a lot of money and now want to save the whales, good for you. Just dont

expect your woman to support your new focus and accept you just the same. You can
certainly hope your woman will accept what you feel is best for you but you shouldnt
expect it. Your logic as to what a good partner should do does not always appeal to
the emotional woman. If you start off a relationship by what you consider later on to be
spoiling a woman and you later want to change things, you are no longer the same
man she chose. She may have never chose you as a partner if you didnt treat her that
way in the first place. You must be sure that you establish a foundation for the
relationship that you can live with later onnot just what you need to do to get her.

20. Women are extremely intuitive.

Women are much better at using their instincts to evaluate situations than men will ever
be. They will oftentimes see impending trouble long before you ever will. A man who
doesnt understand this about a woman can cause a lot of frustration for both him and
her. She is just as confident in her intuitive thinking as you are in your logical thinking.
Do what you want with the intuitive information she provides but, whatever you do, dont
pass it off as ridiculous because it isnt logical. Shell resent you for doing so.

21. Women need to feel safe with you.

This is an absolute must. This is the one test that can make you or break you. Deep
down inside, they are looking for that strong Knight in Shining Amour. They want you to
be the protective, loving father that they had as a child (or always wanted). They need
to know you arent going to just get up and leave them and your family. They absolutely
must know that you arent going to go psycho.

22. A woman realizes that she never really knows what shell get when
she first starts dating a man.

Women want to know that you dont have any crazy secrets that are going to come out
later. Women want to be sure that you arent going to reveal the secrets theyve shared
with you. Discretion means everything to a woman. Women want to know that you
arent going to physically force them into doing something they dont want to do. They

want to be certain that you arent going to physically harm them. Women want to know
that you are going to be there for them when times get tough. They want to know that
you are going to still love them no matter how moody they get or how irrationally they
act. They want to feel protected from any potential harm when you are walking with
them in a crowd.

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