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Complete the passage with the words and phrases below. There are more words and phrases than
you need. (10 x 2 = 20 points)
multicultural cultural diversity parade unforgettable sight stall unique beliefs
customs source ancient origin guest get together goes on goes by
Christmas Season in New York
New York City is known for its 1. . Yet no matter what peoples religious 2.
are, almost everyone in this 3. city enjoys the 4.
of the Christmas season. It all begins with watching the Thanksgiving
Day 5. . A week or two later, a huge Christmas tree is put up in
Rockefeller Center. The 6. of this tradition dates back to 1931, when
workers building Rockefeller Center put up a small Christmas tree. Another custom is for
shops to create 7. window displays. People 8. with
friends or family to view these displays. Finally, theres a massive New Years Eve
celebration in Times Square. The event begins at 6 pm and 9. far into the
night. More than a million people gather to see the famous ball drop at midnight and the
release of more than 900 kg of confetti. Its an 10. !

Complete the sentences to show that you understand the meaning of the bold words. (10 x 3 = 30 points)
1. I think its bad manners to .................................................................... .
2. A traditional dish in my family is ...........................................................
............................................................................................................... .
3. On some public holidays, people .........................................................
............................................................................................................... .
4. A stall is a place to ............................................................................... .
5. A meaningful relationship is one in which ...........................................
............................................................................................................... .
6. Its important to have an open mind so that ..........................................
............................................................................................................... .
7. I think its polite to get up when ..............................................................
............................................................................................................... .
8. When Im having fun, time goes by ........................................................
............................................................................................................... .
9. Before a test, I always go over ..............................................................
............................................................................................................... .
10. I bought new shoes because my old ones didnt go with ......................
............................................................................................................... .



Complete the sentences with the correct conditional form of the verbs in brackets. (5 x 4 = 20 points)
1. Its a pity we didnt see the fireworks, but if we to watch them, we
our train. (miss / stay)
2. It looks like it might rain. Do you think they the parade if it
? (cancel / do)
3. I like this necklace, but I cant afford it. If it less, I
it. (buy / cost)
4. Unless the bus soon, we to the festival in time.
(not get / come)
5. Im enjoying the food here, but its too noisy! It easier to have a
conversation if the music so loud. (not be / be)

Complete the sentences using a conditional form. Do not change the original meaning. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
1. You must have an open mind to understand their way of life.
Unless ................................................................................................... .
2. I dont like fish, so I dont want to taste that dish.
If ............................................................................................................ .
3. Amika can work as a translator because she is fluent in Japanese.
If ............................................................................................................ .
4. We werent in Sweden in the winter, so we didnt see the Northern Lights.
We ......................................................................................................... .
5. I wont feel comfortable at the wedding unless I know someone there.
If ............................................................................................................ .

Write a logical conditional sentence about each situation. (3 x 5 = 15 points)

1. The museum closes at 9 oclock tonight.
............................................................................................................... .
2. They didnt invite me to their party.
............................................................................................................... .
3. She dreams of living in London one day.
............................................................................................................... .

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