March 2010 Meeting Minutes

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Grand Lake Photo Club

Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2010
The Galleria, Inlet Room, Celina, Ohio

(44 members, we will use the sign-in sheet at future meetings, use photo list for this meeting)

The regular meeting of Grand Lake Photo Club was opened by Jeff Pontsler at 3:35 pm. The Grand Lake
Photo Club, as an organization, requires officers. Deb Borns nominated Jeff Pontsler as President, Karen
Seibert as Vice President, and Lynette Goodwin as Secretary. All were in favor, none opposed the
nominations. Jeff, Karen and Lynette accepted the positions for a one-year term for each office. Jeff
Pontsler nominated Tom Kirt as Treasurer, all were in favor, and Tom accepted the position for a one-
year term.

It was presented that the Grand Lake Photo Club will have various committees, beginning with the
Exhibition Committee with the purpose to exhibit club members’ photos throughout the community. Deb
Borns nominated Mike Sovinski as Chair of the Exhibition Committee, all were in favor, none opposed
and Mike accepted the nomination. Jeff asked members to volunteer for the Exhibition Committee and
the following volunteered: Joyce Conrad, Christine Quaintance, Heather Unrast, Julie Bollenbacher,
Karen Ellinger, Maria Suhr and Deb Borns. The Exhibition Committee will determine categories for
judging monthly exhibitions and determine places to display member photos. Jeff Pontsler said the
Pottery House has agreed to hang Grand Lake Photo Club members’ photos during Lake Festival. The
Art’s Place in St. Mary’s … (?). The Library was also mentioned as a future exhibition site.

Tom Kirk, owner and President of Designer Imaging, Celina (, is a

supporting vendor of the Grand Lake Photo Club, offering discounts to members. Tom briefly discussed
the history of his business and presented Designer Imaging services that may benefit members. Tom
shared the various medias on which our prints can be displayed, from gloss to luster paper, to cotton
cloth, fabric banners, wall paper, clear film, canvas, vinyl, to plastics.

Jeff Pontsler presented the Grand Lake Photo Club web site and asked if anyone was having trouble
accessing the site. He said Karen Seibert will be sending an email to all members with instructions for
joining Shutterfly in order to display our photos. This site can be used to display our images in addition
to the exhibition photo(s) submitted each month. Karen asked that each member send her an email
( as some of the emails she has sent have been returned as undeliverable, despite
her double-checking membership forms. There was some discussion regarding image protection and Jeff
discussed the web sites’ use of a Flash program, which does not allow a copy of the images except
through a print screen. Basically, if members do not wish to share a photo that really is not wanted
copied, then don’t post that photo. In addition, Dave discussed the importance of using model release
forms for posting photos of persons, especially children that are not our own. Model release forms will be
shared with members for our use.

The April Competition will have the theme “Spring”. The photos may be taken any time between March
20 (first day of Spring) and April 15, 2010, when all photos must be submitted. Judging by members will
take place April 17 – 24. Each member should send Jeff Pontsler an email (,
selecting his or her four (4) favorite photos in order: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mention.

Two off-site activities are available to members in the month of April:

The first is the Doolittle Raiders 68th Reunion Flyover being held April 16-18. Karen Seibert will be
attending this event with her family and if members would like to attend, we can sign up by contacting
Karen and can follow her to the event on Sunday, April 18. Please see or contact Karen if you would like addition information about
the event.

The second event is the Shoot the Hills event at Hocking Hills. The 9th annual weekend nature
photography competition is being held April 16-18; please see if you would like
to participate in the competition. Jeff Pontsler will be attending Sunday, April 18th only, leaving in the
morning and returning early evening if anyone would like to join him as an outing and opportunity to
photograph in a different location. Please let Jeff know if you are interested in attending in order for
transportation and carpooling to be arranged.

Each member was photographed and requested to complete the member bios, which will be posted online
to personalize the Grand Lake Photo Club. Biographies can be completed by going to the members’ portal
on the Grand Lake Photo club web site.

Jeff presented the Photography Basics to review F-stops, shutter speed, and lighting. The presentation can
be reviewed on the blog.

The meeting closed at 6:30 p.m.

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