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Messages to Humanity

The Revelation of the Century, Copyright © 2008 by
Glenda Barrios. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. Translated from Spanish to
English by Xioman Fermin. Permission in writing must
be obtained from the publisher before any part of this
work may be reproduced or transmitted in any for or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and recording, or by any information
storage or retrieval system.

ISBN #1438222475


It is for me as significant as special, to be the author

and transmitting medium of this small text, but
immense in wise and absolute truth narrated by master
Jesus, who allowed me to describe word by word, the
extensive cognitive range that remains stamped in this
book named: “The Revelation of the Century”, filled
with messages directed to the world, with the objective
of bringing to light revelations, that while already
known by some, are still unknown by many. It will be
my pleasure to help each man from planet Earth reach
his own truth, just as master Jesus has described it. I
thank God, for allowing me to be a protagonist of the
My dedication, every day, night to night,
moment to moment, fills me with satisfaction and pride
when I saw the writings of: “The Revelation of the
Century” finished, that I’m conscious will be the
beginning to open the human minds to the logical
reasoning of a good understanding person.

Wishing “The Revelation of the Century” reaches
and fulfills its commitment as a mission for this 21st.




Blessed Earth, land of a man confused and in

atonement, land of a healthy and sick man, land of a
man with virtues and defects, land of charitable and
merciless souls.
I must state that you should claim your faults,
accept them and to work them with devotion so that
they can heal the wounds of the soul, which are the
most painful, the ones that leave tracks.
If you follow, these commandments, I assure
you that your participation on Earth will be benevolent
in each mission to accomplish. You must have the
strength to give yourself blows on the chest and
recognize your faults. In order then, to voluntarily give
more and stronger blows on the chest, to then continue
in the evolutionary development of reason and LOVE.



The Revelation of the Century, offers the reader

a welcoming to a new world, a world of LOVE, a
colored and warm world filled with wisdom, that makes
contrast with our current world filled with vices, empty
feelings, torments, un-subdued passions and excessive
wars; unchaining premature degenerations and a
whirlwind of physical and spiritual desolated souls.
A dream of hope approaches the reader, once he
devours each word immersed in this book and
assimilates the accumulation of knowledge and
experiences presented, giving congenital freedom to its
formal and required processing. Light, peace,
prosperity, success and solidarity among men; is the
objective of this Message to Humanity, that dictates the
conscience of each earthly man in inspiring his steps to
the achievement of the creation and formation of a
universal cosmogony in sensory, auditory, and visual
virtue with LOVE among the men of this world called
Earth, that among lived passages, since the beginning of
time, has rolled between the most bequeathed and

depraved inhuman instincts of heroic altruism, with a
single objective, that of POWER, forgetting the only
thing that is valid, clear and certain, that is the Love to
himself and towards his fellowman, deserting the Love
to God, the divine being that will indicate the final
judgment day, so that Earth suffers the metamorphosis
expected on behalf of unity and blessing.
I invite you to penetrate, submerge and
understand that the transformation of the world is near
and with it, we will be giving the first steps to find
ourselves and progress in all levels of the magnetic
field that unites us to the cosmogony of our wise
Without further due, I will leave the journey
open to clarify any doubts and anxieties, being even
more important, to find THE LOVE.
God, will always we be with us, throughout

Peace, blessings and lots of strength!!!



VALUES ........... As you penetrate in the study,
think, meditate and finish what has begun.
AMADA. That’s the name of my world, name
blessed by the laws of the Universe; where wisdom is at
its maximum expression. Where LOVE shines among
all. To the reader, I invite him to deepen into the study
so that he may reach the end of the beginning of a free
path, desired and valued morally, physically and
It’s the voice of Jesus, the Master, the one that
came to visit this world with sacrifice to pulsate in your
hearts. Here, through this medium, I attempt to reach
and transmit the wisest and most fortifying message
towards a new and revolutionary world.
Thanks to the interfering medium that lent her
thoughts of conscience, her organism, her soul and
spirit, so that with technology, pen and paper, each

literary expression on this text could be deciphered,
with messages for the entire world. I will be grateful to
the noble soul that permitted the entrance and cleared
the path towards human understanding. Blessings,
thanks to her son and companion and thanks to her
father, whom collaborated and will be in a trustworthy
and faithful commitment with the love, so that this text
comes to development and is able to penetrate in each
human mind.
Blessings and thanks to all the souls that in what
follows, will have their compromised and supportive
Infinite thanks. Ahead with strength and

The Truth always reaches!


Day #1: 09-01-2007

Planet Earth, be warned. Brief passages, reencounters,

synopsis, glacier exchanges with the ether. The earthly
oxygen is purified. Earthquakes, seaquakes, erosions;
the elites unite in search of the consolidation of the
universe. The planets rotate on their axes north to south,
east to west. The earth will fit into its new orbit. The
moon is slowly transformed, first quarter, last quarter,
new moon, and ellipse this will be its last energy.
When you think that the world is over, all
planets will suffer the same. Infinity is infinite and the
universe claims it so. Earth is synonymous of water, air
and light. The three conjugated will take this world,
planet earth, to humanity’s purification. There are no
seas or oceans that can divide it. The ether that
generates inside the molecules, adheres free atoms and
adheres radicals that in conjugation will segregate love
and unity in the spirit of every human being that
vibrates in this world. I speak of every living being that
moves, that breathes, from the marine unisons to earthly
unisons. Insects and snakes will disappear from the

planet. The change is radical and homogenous. My land
the most suffered pays debts and burns for the Calvary
that it should pay. Close encounters of other worlds are
produced momentarily. NASA is very far from
discovering, for not opening their consciences; they
have it and they waste it. They do not want to see
beyond what is presented to them. Salty and freshwater
rivers will unite in a prosperous course, smashing
mountains and valleys. Mind blowing & disturbing
storms crack clouds and skies. When you imagine so,
you will be feeling the tremor of our God and that day
is schedule immediately. Prepare Humanity, life
continues, overwhelming moans will surprise us. The
flame of calm will protect children, adults, the elderly,
men and women, all united. Appreciate the shudder of a
new world that approaches. The scores are already
destined. The sun will fall like crystal in the Amazons.
Exorbitant rain of shinny meteorites will flood us. Do
not call it death call it renovation. The energy is united
and renewed. The sun will shine upon the blind. You
will be able to see what you had never wanted to see.
You will be able to touch what you had never wanted to

touch. You will be able to walk through walls. You will
be able to sink thoughts with you fingers. You will be
able to read beyond the skies. The world touches you,
and spills blood, but blue blood that will transform the
red that runs through your veins. Your chests will jump
and sprout, exhaling new energies, new emotions, and
new beginnings. The cross, in which they saw me
vanish, will not be called cross. It will be called
incense, because it faded a matter and it became the
most powerful, profound, and unattainable mental
power that you may feel. Small planets will rotate
around ours to protect it and to magnetize energies that
will conduct to the formation of the new entity called
Earth. A New world embraced by moons and suns.
They are here and you do not see them. Therefore open
your eyes and you have it, extend your hands and you
touch it, and blow you attract it.
***You may continue later. Time does not exist. Sleep,
rest and recharge new energies. Spiritual beauty
protects you. Until soon***

Day #2: 09-02-2007
Time: 2:30 PM.

*** Here I am, in front of the ocean, enjoying a

beautiful day at the beach. I sat underneath a palm tree
with shade, to feel the weight of the paper and the pen
and wait for the mandate of master, Jesus in his
message to Humanity. What a divinity, to enjoy
crossing the street and being in touch with the
Here, with my voice, transmitting messages
through this solemn instrument that will allow me to
reach men with what he must know and persuade in the
uncontrollable and resounding earthly shudder.
Yesterday I wanted to mention the meaning of
the Apocalypse in Greek. A: Agua (Water), P: Poder
(Power), O: Oculto (Occult), L: Luz (Light), S:
Sabiduria (Wisdom), I: Infinito (Infinity). Where there
was fire, residues remain. The great Apocalypse is near
us and we don’t realize it. Today in our present time,
the apathies of destiny are marked. History repeats
itself in time and we will always make the Universe

bow unto what’s fatal. Dignity, the word before our
God is first. The man is still in time to be judged, if he
still feels there’s a gap to be filled. Greatness protects
us and with it we will come out graceful before the
punishing storm that approaches us. Take conscience,
unite with your fellow man, set aside the greed and
eliminate envy. Love should prevail in your heart and
soul. We are still walkers of a stony road. I, the master,
still suffer the calamities of time. That world of
espionage is on probation until the worlds are in perfect
harmony and balance with each other. The moment of
peace is in the ether emanating from the skies;
purifying the transparent air that men shall one day
Let us not be blind, deaf, or mute; let’s shout
what we feel. The rainbow that reflects the word of God
is seated on the Bible, chapter after chapter, it’s pointed
out. Pages after pages read and not understood. The
Bible, the sacred golden book conserves the scriptures
still unencrypted. Let’s find the underlying meaning of
each of its words.

The Apocalypse is in each one of our lost and
deviated minds. A new world will only be reborn when
the interminable vice of the malign and anti-natural
thought product of mental perturbations, ceases.
Enrich your spirit, shower with light, wisdom,
and love. Seek and find the path to bravery, to the
moral principle, to virtue. We have plenty and very
little time in the time we have left. Set the guideline.
Mark the oversight between one and another shameless
vice. Enjoy the virtuous things that you possess. Expel
that contingent stinginess that torments you. Tomorrow,
the awakening will be slow but beneficial, of powerful
spiritual development. The commune of our worthy
Universe will reign by means of coexisting as true
brothers. Your family will be that of your fellowman,
mine, that of all. Let’s be the example now. Where is
the love that you say you will spread when conceived in
the maternal womb of the woman that brought you to
the world? Do not despise and value what the divine
nature offers us. The umbilical cord that ties you and
that is cut the moment you are born remains even more
connected with our spirit. Through there, we feed our

spirit. If we love, our spirit rejoices, if we hate, our
spirit distresses. And therefore so does our soul. There
is and there must be a unison between matter, soul and
spirit. Three in one, tied together, strongly united by the
power of LOVE.

Day #3: 09-04-2007

Last night in wakefulness. We will continue

again with a biblical passage that indicates the Messiah
as the Savior of the world that will deprive all beings
that have been diverted from the good path, of the
earthly hells. There is a lot of traveling, still to do;
when it rains and hails fall, signifies that the
contamination continues present and the salvation of
the world is in each one of us. Do not you seek
obstacles neither calamities to find the piece that should
to fid in the puzzle of virtue, of the universal ideology
that divides the infinite in each particle of love. The
century lived in each one of us has left us tracks that we
should register in our hearts and in our souls. I once
indicated: In past times, "that I had walked more that I
should have and it remained engraved in each stone, in
each rock, in each point of my weak feet, the image of
the bitter and sad reality that would shelter planet Earth
to reach the archaic and divine omnipotence of the
almighty, of our God".

More so, the bells of a sad heart that suffered
the challenges of time, that suffered and sacrificed the
love of his for the achievement of peace, harmony and
happiness, echo. Do you want to know the secret to
happiness? You would have to clean your conscience
with each tiny and pulsating thought elevated in its
maximum potency to the creator. He is the only one, to
whom we do not see, but sees us, to whom do not we
touch, but touches us, to whom we do not kiss, but
kisses us. Paradoxical, because we can touch, we can
feel, and we can kiss God. That who you believe has a
long and stunning beard, that who is present in images
in multiple centers. That is not even I. That is not Jesus,
that is not the master and that is not God. God is
infinite. He is in Space, he is not a man, he is the
essence conformed in us. God is of the Universe and
therefore sees us, therefore feels us and therefore also
cries when sees how his small, walking children are
eliminating each other like a plague in the desert.
God is day, is night, is space, is time, is infinite,
is wisdom and is omnipotence. Love claims and
acclaims the world. Imagine instants, all the luminous

stars, that light in the middle of the night as a starting
point to give entrance to each one of our guides and
successors to the encounter of our real and enterprising
angels that illuminate us day by day, night to night so
that we can see in our conscience the difference
between good and evil. Continue the right path as
Moses continued his, as I continued mine, as Jeremiah
continued and opened the gap so that others could
follow him, as an angel that covered that dark night my
back so that the pain was less. Him and all of the ones
named follow a conduct of universal and infinite love
bathed of lights, of blessings and of solemn and
perpetual security of our acts.
The oceans are one. One alone. Nations are one.
Men are all one. When you understand the Bible, all
doors will open to towards awareness of the mind, the
powerful one. The mind dominates. It dominates our
body, our acts. We just have to follow it and orient it
towards examples, virtue & morality. The decisions we
make, are ours, the judgments are ours. Therefore, let
our moral principles and light accompany us.

Times of war, of leisure still continue. Do not
despair. Help your brother, help the homeless, and feed
the starving. Without envies, without grudges, do not
torment anymore your mind. Without intrigues, give
your hand, your heart and give your soul to who might
need it. Traces of pride will be nailed and written down
on your spirit. Rejoice on your strength. Feed the
obedience, respect, and love. Without love, we’re worth
nothing, as a zero. Imagine 100 zeroes, 1,000 zeroes,
1,000,000 zeroes, it will always remain without value.
Now imagine 100 verses of LOVE, 1,000 verses of
LOVE, 1,000,000 verses of love. As there’s more love,
there’s more internal beauty. You will notice the
difference between one atom and a sun full of atoms, of
molecules. Vibrate, vibrate and vibrate towards the
positive, towards the congruent. Without mediocrity;
it’s vile, it’s low. When you extend your hand with
love, you will be delivering heaven with LOVE. The
stars, the suns, the moons, all the rotating planets, will
be receiving Love. It’s a never-ending chain. You ask
for LOVE, you will be LOVED!

In prehistoric times, the caveman of the era,
named the God Magua. He was loved, they shone in
LOVE. OH what a life of those beings. Virtuous,
elegant, perpetuous. They understood each other with
signs and symbols. They did not need languages and
love glowed among them. They respected and loved
each other. It was the most transparent and virtuous
demonstration of Love. The magic possessed a violet
hail color that surpassed the stars of our sky. Guados,
beautiful children like the brightness quartzes, with
more value that the richest and most purifying

Day #4: 09-09-2007

Good evening, brothers, my brothers, sons of

God. The only one, the powerful one, as you may all
know. When we look at a star and converse with her,
her light illuminates us so we can see and sense what
feeds us and makes us grow as good beings, good
creatures, sons of our God.
Be calmed; listen to the calling, Pre-History,
History and Post-History will conducts us to the same
intent of finding that which brings us eternal liberty.
Vicissitudes, anonymity and anxieties will awaken you
from the darkness in which you live. Yesterday, today,
tomorrow, past, present and future continue in a single
chain, a single cord that go beyond the thresholds of
what you call death. Death does not exist; it’s only the
transformation of one matter to another one, in a more
dignified one, never backwards, always forward. The
spirit and the soul vibrate inside our bodies, we
construct them, mold them, and with it we continue a
course and a destiny that in a specific moment of our
essence, we have obeyed it. Spirit: Ether, Wisdom,

Power, Infinity, Wealth, Earth & Union, it’s the
definition of the essence of the spirit. Soul: Water,
Light, Matter & Love, it’s the definition of that
significant word.
Both, spirit and soul are the representation of
the force, the energy that covers our matter. You define
your aura. You decide your death. You decide your life.
Take advantage in your time, what God has given you.
We are living beings in life and eternity. Illuminate
your path in life and in that eternity, do not fear.
Continue in harmony with your soul and spirit.
In spirit you choose your loved ones, your
parents, those who will be your brothers, those who will
transit in one way or another our lives. Those that will
accompany you in the process that breaks the thread in
between breathing and stopping to do so.
You call life when there’s movement, also call
life when there isn’t movement. We’re always alive, in
one condition or another, we always feel in one potency
or another, we always are in one phase or another.
When you lose your senses, you don’t really lose them.
They are beating, in silence but they are. You have the

control in that thread that unites us with God and that
we can’t see but is there. You have the power of
deciding actions in all conditions. You’re always
vibrating, you always are, here or there, but you are.
God deeds will mark the ascent and spiritual
enrichment. Our souls enlarge and diminish in the
transit of life. Always preach LOVE. Lend a helping
hand with looking at whom.
Value what you have without complaining.
Spoil your feelings to give and receive. Set aside the
anguish, eliminate selfishness, and annihilate envy. Do
not pretend to enrich the matter, without first enriching
the spirit. The traces stamped on your existence will
determine your happiness or unhappiness. Share,
provide, and help. Meditate before acting, set values
and criteria. Do not fall on low funds, maintaining
stingy thoughts. Your hands should be your feet and
your feet should replace your hands when these
debilitate. Give your heart and incorporate those of
others that need to pulsate to feel life. Hug your
fellowman. Kiss your neighbor. Shelter your neighbor.
Words, words and more words reunited under a single

sentence conjugate the true love that God made us
swear and preach before the world. Do not prompt the
fear to failure. Stimulate success, triumph,
achievements and prosperity. Encourage your spirit to
follow the laws created by God, the Universal laws of
life, the infinitely loyal and coherent laws with worlds
of reparation that transit to reach the desired peace.
Earth, world of reparation; a suffered world that
succumbs in the rottenness of the man that kills, that
cowardly sends emissaries to annihilate each other for a
power that only leads to desolation. At my side, there is
a long and infinite file of what you call soldiers, asking
clemency for their acts. Criminal the one who sends
them; reparation and apathy awaits them.
Do not believe that is who has the luck, the rich,
the powerful, and the dominant. There’s more value,
more wisdom and more love in that who’s absent and
lacks what you call wealth. The material, the physical,
is consumed by earth; the spiritual work is gained by
heaven. Grow in Love, the true value of Love, the
essence of the spirit that leads to the strengthening of its
interior. We are worthy, when we value the greatness of

a good thought, of a good attitude. Resume and revalue
the feeling of your huge steps towards clarity of the
Find the true road of the true banner of LOVE,
of the wisdom, of the fullness of life. You recall in one
of the chapters, the theme about Pre-history, where
LOVE reigned among those beings that did not need
more communication than their thoughts, with super
developed telepathy and the wise gift of excellently
differentiating between love and war. Well; we will
reach that stage, when you we pay all the debts
contracted in this world of reparation. Brother, you are
living the undesirable, the stinginess of life. Do not
believe, that that’s the end; there are still roads to be
covered. Force and strength to bear the plans of God.
Once this cruel phase is completed, another one will
begin where you will begin to observe the difference in
what really satisfies us, filling us with sincere and
transparent pride of LOVE that will shower and
illuminate us from the power of the heavens.

Day #4: Undocumented Date

Good evening. New awakening. It’s a good hour

that honors us the adjusted divine, solemn and splendid
sun that illuminates us for centuries of centuries. The
worlds, although still different, some in a lesser degree
of progress and others in elevated degrees to the
universal potency that protects our God. I inhabit a
world in which beauty is of indescribable and
unreachable encounter with what truly describes the
word beauty and encloses the word LOVE. Here in my
world, inhabited by truly wise masters of masters that
have transited centuries of centuries, covering lives
with debts, achievements, successes, failures, and
karmas. This world is only differentiated by the
brotherhood of the physical and spiritual coexistence.
Love reigns. It’s an Eden of roses with natural aromas.
Paradise calls our world. Communication is not
indispensable, as we shine in understanding. The
logical reasoning dominates our passions. Harmony
surrounds the aura that covers our sky. Aromas of

wisdom grow in the maternal womb that inundates the
birth of each of our fellowmen. I’m 1,000 years old and
life here is eternal. There’s no physical longevity, nor
spiritual. We are adults until we reach a certain age and
then we profess teachings towards our firstborns and
then them to theirs. After this there’s no more. We are
on the top of the sky. To be able to reach this world,
imagine thousands of years to overcome all pending
karma and debts. There’s no need to despair; since it’s
up to you your advancements and spiritual progress.
There are stages in between worlds to live and if the
wisdom that allows us to guide our destiny towards
good is manifested with values and principles founded
on Earthly Love; then the conditions will be set to jump
and succumb in outstanding worlds; shortening the
trajectory and landing on the top of the sky: My world,
with the most relevant name of existence: AMADA, for
being the most significant, far-reaching and conjugated
expression of Love. It’s loved by us its children, whom
we adore, respect, protect and devote the most
honorable of honors. “Amada”. This is a planet of pure,
transparent Love. Watching God Love. Charm and

predictions vibrate in our pores. My mission is infinite
and nothing compared to the mission of Amada in the
What you call aliens are no more than beings
from planets and worlds external to earth, they posses
implicit missions on earth and that’s why humans see
them, in some occasions in different ways. That who
you think is harmful is not who you see. They have
missions and it’s to help fortify the spiritual and Earthly
Soul progress. Do not call them Martians. They’re
cultured beings of progress in search of actions and
reactions in solidarity with the Universe. I’ve been
present and at the same time absent, listening and not
listening, attending and not attending, to prevent from
listening insults to these beings. Do not ever think in
fear. They’re beings with capacity and power of
attitudes. There are elders and minors, male and female,
but different. There are many suns and skies that cover
us. There are many and at the same time united as one.
They’re mine, yours and of all of us. Remember that
many centuries of centuries will pass to reach real
peace, real harmony.

“Earth” you’re still a seed, needing to sprout to
become crust, and only with nature’s help you will
suffer the paradisiacal metamorphosis that is to come. It
will then be a different world; still in atonement and
you will attentively listen to the scream to the sky, the
vibration of the mountains, the singing of the seas and
the light will come to help you in your growth. You will
return, again and again one and a thousand more times
to be a man and you will remember the oath to the
infinite sky that you acquired in spiritual commitment.
The judgment was realized, but there are still more and
in each judgment, there are commitments, there’s
justice and pain. Judgments and judgments, judges and
judges, and you will see the growth of peace and
harmony in search of equilibrium of love and wisdom
in spiritual greatness. We will invoke God with yearn
and he will be with us. God, is the most infinite Love
that invades and illuminates our hearts.

Day #6: 09-13-2007

Let us review our ancestors all whom have

stepped on earth with one or another political and social
ideal. The intention has been the same. They reach
power, wealth, and the gift of dominating the classes.
Wars and wars untied upon emptiness. Fight for a
conditional liberty. From slavery to the Independence
of each and every one of the miniscule countries that
conform earth. Not one was completely loyal and it’s
history that has been able to go beyond barriers but
overdrawn in mortal and harmful instincts. The
indigenous era in all of its species; Incas, Mayans,
Aztecs and the divided branch amongst them; was
uselessly destroyed by the power of possession of those
beings that egoistically absorbed and annulled the
virtue of harmonious work; in reality their way of living
was special. They possessed an extraordinary quota of
division, respect and loyalty amongst their superiors.
They were people with a sad destiny previously set and
witnessed at the just time. I must note that that world
was completed in a special and important mission. Only

recognized by those who once denied believing what
their eyes were seeing and what their hands were
touching; the beauty and incomparable pieces of nature
properly structured. The pyramids, the energy that
flows in between them raises the dead. Valleys,
mountains, soil, seas; contributed so that the missionary
people could complete their divine sculptures that only
God authorized for them to become a reality. On a day
not too close, but not too far, you will see with your
very own eyes how those fossils that appeared
indestructible will collapse, but when this occurs an era
will end and a new one will begin. You will see.
Prepare yourself for what will come. Do not fear, only
with thoughts of Love thank God because the time has
New pyramids will be lifted and new seas will
cross each other. Oceans will overturn in a unique and
potent volume of minerals and richness that will give
new lives. New beings will appear, everything in its due
time. Centuries of centuries, our history is set. Guide
the forceful price towards the angelical sight of the
Angels that guide us. You will fly in thoughts and you

will guide them to our God for protecting us and giving
us his blessing.
The emancipated will arrive at night, when
everyone sleeps. They will have their turn. It’s entrance
will be imposing and triumphant. The Kings of love
will be present amongst the mutter of the people. It’s
ironic to think that Peace follows war because that
Peace will be marked by anonymity. You do not
understand for now, follow the beatings of your heart,
listen to your thoughts, stop and meditate your steps.
You will know how to do it. The destruction of men has
been overpowering since remote times and still
continues the annihilation of one another; without
conscience. Worse are the cowards that lead the troops
and more so the victims that allow the mighty river of
blood consequently of ominous wars. There will be no
forgiveness for them. They will pay with the same
spilled blood; drop-by-drop in worlds of backwardness
they will descend a thousand more times. We warned it
in the previous judgment. “Do not unleash death,
because death you will have”, your advances with stunt
and will submerge in a world rotten in un-subdued

passions. There are billions of antichrists in the
universe degenerating themselves without mercy. Love
is universal, there is no space for war, egoisms,
selfishness, vices, and there are no spaces for powers of
royalty. Churches represent a misguided power.
They’re in the gloom. They know the laws of God and
they find themselves very far from instilling them.
There are good and disoriented priests that deviate the
message. Religions are divided. And neither one, nor all
together follow the message of God. Per Justice; they
will end lonely and eliminated. The believe in the
powerful being of eternal love and in its legacies in
perfect harmony with our universe. Peace and
prosperity promised by our God will be reached.
Although you possess good intentions, they will not
conduct to love, while all the desperate religions that
torment the mind of the human being, do not remain in
the past. Pure idleness, pure loneliness overwhelms
their souls shortened by the unhealthy restless power.
But in good time the head of such a dogmatic enigma
will fall in its own traps. The whole world will
revolutionize. Heads will fall and fall until satiety.

Thunders will be seen, rain and hail at the same time.
The seas will rise. The storms will appease the fire of
the pain of unconsciousness and misfortune.

Day #7: Undocumented Date

Once the name of this revealing book is

concluded, we will embark in an important phase of our
history. After the indigenous age, came the one of the
discovery of new lands that hid a threshold of natural
richness, it brought as a consequence the immigration
of strangers to them that far from loving them, felt
comfortable physical commodities for the lodging of
external people, that divested natives from their labored
and loved lands. The discouraging spirit of the native
men and women and natural owners of perfectly
labored and protected lands under the protected
maintenance of its people, empowered this class that by
defect came to sow germinating seeds, fruitful and
appropriate of the regions, by which they received
dignified and well deserved food; food that they
enjoyed with pleasure for being the fruit of their labor.
They were excellent hunters and fishermen. Their rafts
constructed with earth’s own materials, their weapons
the same way, everything was completely provided by
the earth. Nature has always been divine for her

wisdom, and they did take advantage in good terms, of
the natural elements that she provided them. The
modern man is different, he’s controversial, restless and
lover of luxurious and unnecessary attributes; them
modern man builds weapons, but to destroy, builds of
weapons of mass destruction to himself and to planet
earth. Your air is contaminated of the filth than men
leave behind. How different have been the ages since
the beginning of the world until modern times, with
advanced technology, Astral Science and only to
disaggregate Love amongst men.
Mi Beloved land, My Loved world; you may
visit it when you desire, I invite you to journey and
cruise the gardens of peace, harmony, beauty of
fraternal love that we enjoy in good time. Beautiful
roads, valleys, mountains, and our sky pure, free of
contamination; our homes: lodgings granted by the
Divine God; there’s no currency, no luxuries, we’re rich
in food, dresses and rich in Love. Our transportation:
Subterranean ways with individual seats, perfectly
fitting, electronically remotely conducted; airplanes do
not exist; the transfer from one Town to another with

billions of distance is realized in minutes. Time does
not exist, there’s no measurement. Remember I have
1,000 years of life, chronologically in your time; but
not in ours; Nature, bordered by broad meadows with
rich abundance of fruits and natural foods, which you
may perfectly extract spontaneously when you so
desire; there’s no cooking of any food, everything is in
perfect harmony and balance with Nature; only
domestic animals exist; there are no snakes of any
species. Our animals suffer transformations but do not
disappear; they’re a unique species, they communicate
with us, without speaking; we understand their
language and they understand us. Education is ours,
independent, worked by each one. You will be what it’s
written for you to be. You study on your own, preparing
yourself to be a natural doctor or an architect; women in
the same manner; each and every single one us perform
in each one of the existing professions, you’re the
owner of your own life, you define it, build it, and
adopt it yourself; our feelings are infinitely and
everlasting in time. Love is eternal. We possess
missions of helping and assisting other worlds with just

one Spiritual calling that Guides and Angels send us.
We ride in our clean and water like transparent horses,
pure in breed; we celebrate day as night; our nap is
important to remove fluids of life. We all honor our
God, day by day, before food, when we wake up, sleep,
etc; contact is telepathic and guided by Angels,
understand that we are all Angels. We have our angel
stamped in our hearts; in the souls where the abundance
of love sails. Our spirits travel worlds like Earth,
servant of reparation. Reparation and atonement are the
same term; reparation involves the man in matter;
atonement is the spirit; they must both be united and
they are not. Disunity overwhelms the People that sets
You will see in your candid dreams the hidden
path to follow us; you must clean your Aura before
penetrating the threshold of our sky, to be admitted.
The Angels will guide you and signal you with glorious
singing the road to follow; and that way you’ll be
among us; practice and when you’re ready; you will
find the path, frozen with flowers and roses of foamy
aromas. On a day where you feel the necessity of

opening your heart and converse with God, shout and
ask him to take you, to conduct you to the Top of the
Sky; to our BELOVED life. Our World. Only that way
you will learn concepts of infinite Love and of the
eternal Eden, of that Paradise where thousands of
Masters wise in Love inhabit. Clairvoyance of voluble
and transparent sense of spiritual passion in
convergence with the Divine Nature is marked in our
souls; you will understand and comprehend in your
spirit everything that will be fixated in your memory.
Remember it, absorb that energy and pass it to your
conscience y that way you will achieve in gigantic steps
to accelerate the time and purify your soul, your senses
and your spiritual growth. You will feel the exquisite
taste of virtue and of the restless and benevolent reason
and adorable expression of the maximum in thoughts;
you will feel a close communication with God, it will
shiver your soul, removing internal and resting forces in
the most recondite space of the Subconscious. Later,
finally, the sensation will be of much Happiness and
Spiritual Peace; you will want to continue ahead with
your sorrows and happiness; but conscious of the

actions, evil with yield in good and the reform will be
immediate; you will descend slowly, you will be a man
again and you will awaken conscious of your
experiences; drag on the knowledge forever and make
the most of in the integral well being.
The terrestrial man is ambiguous in knowledge;
he doesn’t sum up his mental signs, it’s one more
reason why power and idleness overwhelms him; there
are good ones, but not altogether; you’re not perfect but
you will be. Perfection exists but it has to be worked
on. In Amada perfection reigns in every living entity,
men and animals; the harmony and balance between our
Sky and life is perfect.
I visited your world, not being from there and
my birth was in the worst of regions; it was a natural
instinct to be born; sent with my people to that unjust
region for being the root of disagreement; there’s
backwardness in that Town and its surroundings; the
backwardness is spiritual, not physical. Their dogma is
stronger than the hate that is present amongst them; the
Middle East is poor and ugly, very poor and primitive;
the West and all of its surroundings comply orders of

the Supremacy that governs them. The Royalty is
stingy. There’s no union in your world; it’s a world of
reparation in third degree; in those regions humility is
only in the people that proceed from other worlds;
there’s no compliance of logical and reasonable
judgments; hunger and misery condemns them, the fear
in knowing their prejudices condemns them; children
bear faults provided by their parents and others bear
pending debts; the mission of that Town is emphatic
and disloyal to themselves; all in all my carnal stay was
short and not beneficial for the Eastern men. Tales and
stories always reflect the pain; but not mine, theirs; only
they harmed themselves, I did not feel and humanity
must know it. That pain that you believe caused on me,
did not exist, only sadness overwhelmed my soul,
recognizing the infamy and lie of the inhabitant of the
Era; the truth was only a metaphor, complex reigned,
the sight of the wandering was voluptuous, a world
sacrileges surrounded them; my visit was transient, I
achieved in part; but that’s how it was written; only a
fructiferous mission occurs in a transparent field and
that was not it.

In those remote times close encounters with
other worlds existed, with the aim of softening some
my passage; from there I jumped immediately to
another world a little more inferior to Earth; but the
rebirth was different, more credible, more trusting. In
this, your earth, my people were victims of the
submissive yoke.
My people, the people that traveled with me to
carry out the mission; this pact was impacted by so
much sacrifice; we did not expect and that faithful oath
made by spirit banished; those betrayed their
consciences, sold their souls. Mary, my mother was
chosen to carry out a series of sacrifices. She belonged
to Earth, wise and humble. She knew what heaven had
prepared for her; she knew the history; she gave her
first steps forming herself years before to reach there, to
be my mother; she was just like all, do not force
yourself to believe she was not loved. She fulfilled here
physical development of being a biological mother, like
all the women in the Universe, with carnal love in
between two beings that love each other; the conjugal
union was made; it’s natural, logical; it’s like that, how

life by means of a blessed act by God. Revelations are
coming: She was not a virgin how you have called her
in the centuries of the centuries; you offend her with
that fact; she was a woman before all, dignified of
being loved, blessed and respected by everyone; she
was one amongst all of them; she won the right of being
my mother by universal law, she enjoyed it and suffered
it consciously of the sorrows and calamities; that’s how
it was written in the scores. I’m not God, I was a man
just like everyone else, with the excellent difference
that I was destined to promote LOVE amongst Towns,
being guided by God to carry and instill love despite
sorrows and sacrifices. Apostils were sent in the same
mission. It’s part of the purification of mankind.
Imagine everything that has been occurring since then
and still in the 21st. Century, reparation is running on its
own, without its assistant that assists and permits once
and for all, the consolidation of the spirit with matter.
Invalid prognostics have been made; fake and
disoriented Prophets come and go; Prophets that
journeyed the world settling on a relative truth of

Nostradamus had its understandings; he lacked
direction; he was a Master with a great mission; he was
in the certain, his path was stony; but in a way
advantageous, still men do not understand with real
exactitude each one of the verses imprinted on his
scriptures. You ask for help and you will understand
with clarity; the reasoning will perpetuate. There was
another Master: His name was NEON; he did not even
want people to follow his footsteps; one thing was what
he swore and another one what he found and faced,
giving up in his intentions and eliminating all
understanding in actions; he was wise for the age; but
failed in not listening to the buzz of the report that
covered the destiny to which he was sent to. All in all,
there were failures in all of us who walked in the era for
fear of failure or fear of prejudice; we lacked firmness
in our decisions. Remember that I’m not God neither
my Apostils perfect, we were contaminated of those
stingy energies that reached us. The table was filled
with bread, fruits, cereals and the Pact stayed in the
table; what you call the last supper, was not the last
one; it was the penultimate; the last one was with my

mother, my brothers and my Father. The Creator
blessed all of us and oriented us to continue the hard
and sacrificed wait that approached us.
Who said there was death? When I stopped
listening to my beatings, I was in a state of
unconsciousness and the next day, the awakening was
made to water that came down from the skies; cold
water ran across my weakened body. My spirit grew to
support the unfaithful revelry of infernal blasts; I did
not resuscitate as scriptures say; I was alive; at the end
of the singing of the Angels I decided to leave my
empty and blood drained body and take possession of
my Spirit in Spirit and reincarnate in another being just
three days later. The World I received following my
existence on the World Earth was of more benefit; even
though it was inferior in spiritual progress; I’m not
going to detail this anymore to not abandon our
intention. Here and now is the just moment of truth.
This new era will unleash struggles in the
World; but it must arrive; it’s definitive; impressions
encourage the spirit for it to be heard. THE

downs will come; but we will have followers of the true
Divine Justice; let’s begin what has already begun in
coming out and seek the light reflected in the truth, that
has been disguised for centuries and that is charged
with concealing a Super Organism potent only in
monetary wealth and not in a wealth based founded in
Churches, the Power of the Popes, the Power of
the Christian are all one; the unison calling of their bells
resound in the consciences of them and their followers.
Faith is inside of us and worthy, loving, clean,
worshipped and honored beings by the Love of God.
Clean your thoughts. Stop the distorted spell in between
a Church and another. I signal frankness; even though it
bothers because only the power of material and physical
enrichment overwhelms these minds; knowing there are
Men with good intentions inside the Ministerial Clergy,
even if they were people with hope and belief in the
faith of our God, they fall in unavoidable anguish of the
ignorance for unjust refuge of the clerical Power.
Golden thrones you can observe inside of the Clerical

Institutions, while their people sleep without maternal
blanket, without a bite to eat, sunken into compassion.
What a shame the followers that consciously
allow such a criminal act; people for their generous
souls, believer; I restate, submerge themselves in a
world of ignorance remaining in Astral anonymity; in
other words outside of the wisdom that emit the stars,
worlds, suns, moons that beautify the Universe. Or do
you think there’s just one sun, one moon, one World?
There are billions of those species. There’s not one
world in existence that describes with exactitude the
radial reach of its spatial diameters. Let’s travel through
them, through the Infinite Universe. Grant yourself the
permission. Science conceals information that knows
and has discovered. The dimension of the Infinite and
Omnipotent Universe is immensely incomparable, with
other incalculable Forces of attraction. Nowadays, the
scientific area almost discovers phenomenon that they
call Paranormal for not being conceived as terrestrially
probable. We must not distort the truth that
accompanies the wise power that surrounds our
Universe; let’s fixate our sight towards the sky and you

will see minimal sparkles with a translated significance
and only by empathy we can decipher. Circulating the
world is possible in time. The present, the past and the
future frame the true ether vibrating in the Infinite
Universe; see how in my World Amada doesn’t know
of time; it sounds complex, but it is not; everything is
there, is felt, vibrates; our mother nature cures ills
perceived on Earth and the rest of the Universe.
Satellites, meteorites, stars big and small, have their
own life, nothing is dead; even material things have
their use in matter and we grant it utility, uniting it and
incorporating it into life. You now know many
elements that will allow you to discern and listen to the
voice of your own conscience.
This World of reparation, separated of all
reality, revolves in sobs and sadness for short life.
Could it be that if this life is longer, the proportions of
the damage that men cause to themselves will also be
larger? Is that reason to think that here, you are
governed by time? Does the time in your world have a
long and limited beard that reaches the top of death?

You will be wise when life transfers the limits of time
and death does not exist, because time does not exist.
Amada, blessed Land, cultured, worshipped and
admired, walks over exquisite natural richness without
bumping into time; without limits in time, without time.
We vibrate in pure energy, gladness and happiness
overwhelms us; work is clean and honest; making us
deserving of it. Oh, we thank you for now being in the
top of the sky. The messages are and must be for
whoever wants to listen, grasp and receive them; it will
reach everyone in diverse modalities, but it will reach;
its your mission to finalize and transmit. The tools will
be given without effort. The renovation of the human
mind will be done in one day, light blows and taps will
be given. Open, listen and guide your understanding
towards reasoning, stop to think, before saying any
words; that verbal expression must be convincing,
logical and trustworthy.
By receiving the messages you will be accepting
your renovation, you will be blessing the approach to
God, to the absolute truth; you will be able to compare,
emit judgments and at the end the feelings and thoughts

will merge, both united, will empower reason and
actions will be immediate; one word will describe the
emotion and vibration felt in the awakening; Love,
Love, Love.
Divine who loves without conditions, divine
who protects and shelters without conditions; when
your impulses are sincere and given freely, that will be
your true I. To love is to surrender completely; one hug,
one kiss, one caress, one loyal smile, without thinking
about receiving in return, more than the reward of
feeling corresponded with the same intensity. Do not
waste energies waiting for material benefits
overflowing in richness. Love is different; is to give
without expecting in return, is to shelter your
fellowman. Is to communicate sincerity. Is to listen to
your brother. Is to share your table, your bed, your
dress, and your thoughts. Love is to bless your
fellowman. Learn to offer love and learn to receive
love, whoever needs it the most will reach you, and you
will grant them help. Cover up your sons, cover up your
brother, coo who trembles in fear, shelter who requests
you to, without prejudices and with true love, land in

the most marvelous camp of harmony. The intent is
there and sometimes fails; it’s your duty to be loyal to
you and to yours.

Day #8: Undocumented Date

Night of stars, to them compass of the marine

breeze, the environment is quiet, light and it feels good,
that’s the calm represented in the air. One of my best
tools is to know how to be patient, is to have the hope
to grow, with a relief generator of stillness in the soul,
the vibration is of warmth. How is required that the
terrestrial man remembers in his dreams, the promise he
once made before the great Ministry of divine Masters
sheltered by the protection of God. If that was the case,
easy to remember, to assimilate and translate; the faith,
would be with encouraging strength guiding itself
towards the light of our skies; so that today, like
tomorrow, would illuminate the dark sunsets that the
people of unassisted towns face. There’s no mercy for
that who unleashes war and hate in a wild and
unjustified fight; founded in stingy interests of a group
that is only interested in power; an ambitious power
marked with the blood of innocents; their tracks
palpitate in the hearts of the poor that end up mutilated,
poisoned and broken by the debris of a fratricidal war.

At the present time, I’m dignified to feel pride
for those rebels that rise against the yoke of the
dominant; there are brave ones, live those armed in
bravery and strength; live that who supports and blesses
the respect towards himself and his people; live that
who denies to succumb on the lowest depths; live the
man with capacity to discern the truth amongst lies; live
the man that loves his people, that responds to his
people, that glorifies himself before the banner of true
liberty, that is of the spirit.
At the present time, you still find people with
honor, with strength, with dignity; at the present time
we visit and travel through passages transparent as
water and black as mud; those who drink from water,
we know who it’s to love ourselves, those that fall in
the mud sink once again in the most foggy mess of
worlds of backwardness and inferior to earth opposed to
the conscience and dominion of knowledge. There are
coagulant structures in the praxis that lead to the
dominion of un-subdued passions; shame of that, that
with life, with arms, legs and body; does not use his

brain and discards all reasoning that illuminates his path
to reach light, beauty and prosperity.
In one age of the Earth, three centuries after pre-
history in which humans would eat one another; low
spectacle, heartless and miserable, knowing the mystery
of the meets proceeding from animals and out
ignorance fell in the lowest and most insatiable insult
against the Laws of God, against Humanity; they
rejected the fruit that Nature provided them; while at
the same time; they sacrificed bodies to surrender cults
to witchcraft; a well named witch of the age transferred
from one World to another jumping due to judgments,
until he pulverized; that was one of the most surprising
acts of your History and like that there are many, that
now roll and crawl amongst snakes.
Do not practice or participate in witchcraft, you
will be selling your Soul; never allow your Spirit to
descend, allowing entrance to such adverse procedures
distorted from reality, do not predict uncertain futures:
you are the owner of your life, of your life’s events; you
are the owner of your life, of your knowledge; you have
advantages and disadvantages; you are a man y a man

must be loyal before himself; the fruit of witchcraft is
no other than the product of an infamy so big as that
who practices it; it’s a business of buying and selling
intentional curses.
Discover the truth, have consistency and
perseverance in your believes, that truth is only one,
absolute as kindness is absolute, faith, hope in what’s
real, tangible and trustworthy. If you think your luck is
in a few a few accounts that depend on a purpose
unfounded in the imaginable; do not want to distort the
road that you have traced to leave it to luck. There’s no
luck, what is to come, is agreed before the judgment to
God. Luck is only thinking unconditionally and
invaluable power to not solicit with reason what we
desire; only in your conscience is the knowledge of
cause, only there you will scrutinize everything you
want and follow for your life. If you think in luck you
will never have what is and should be for you;
nevertheless, we should not stop predicting and tackling
what we desire, obviously, it’s necessary to fixate a
visual point in the middle of our mind; fixate in what
you call the third eye, it’s the main sense of our vision;

it’s your real eye, the one that allows the passing of the
circuits that globalize in the natural vision of men.
Concentrate your attention in the calling of what you
desire for you in the that infinite point that is connected
to the visual reach of Ether that illuminates the vision of
the Sky and this at the same time connect it with the
feeling of our God and the vision with the potent energy
of all the supervisors in the process, it will make the
requested a reality. It’s easy; only disconnect yourself
with the space that surrounds you without perturbations
that allow the concentration levels punctual and exact;
the more you practice, the effects will be immediate.
You must have in mind that every effect can have one
or more causes and that they’re directly proportionate;
the causes vary amongst what it’s agreed for you and
one carries the other to consolidate and in connection it
produces that change to your life as you desire it; you
do not need to resort to tangible elements to achieve it;
only the connection with your eye will allow to
visualize the wish; it will become true if it’s in Law and
if it’s not, other effects will come that will generate you
well being similar to the previous one. Everything is

determined and handled by our powerful mind.
Whatever we want us to happen happens; we’re
comfortable and in certain occasions the interior fight
jumps for not continuing the rules that had to be
There’s no witch, no cards, no palmistry, no
oracles, etc; that help to discover your interior desires.
You know and determine your future; your angels tell
you and your level of conscience lowers it so it
becomes a reality. What happens to us is written and
you can modify it if you previously know it, in other
words, you get sick if you want to, attracting negative
energies. You will ask, what’s happening to me? Why
am I not feeling well? I don’t have luck and everything
results against my wishes.
The main objective consists in changing the
attitude and connecting with the principal eye. In this
life and in all of them, the mind will always result the
dominion of your feelings, actions, emotions, passions
and understandings.
Let’s now treat the Soul, thoughts dilute, the
soul digests them and there secretly stored, until it

decides to pass them to the spirit, later these thoughts
fly and many times without a guided path and in an
involuntary act return to our conscience where they’re
held if it’s our wish to remember it. This is a
manifestation of our dreams; our dreams are no more
than astral travels of the souls united to the spirit. There
we live what we feel, our actions determine passions.
It’s a manifest of what perturbs us and many times of
past existences previously lived and recorded in our
souls, when we desire it to pass to our memory we
fixate it and if we don’t want it, it stays there. In spirit
you request what you dream. The connection is fluidly.
Dreams also initiate a process of purification of the
Soul, it is uncomfortable and painful the feeling of a
bad dream. It indicates something in the back exists that
makes us uncomfortable, a past that suggests changes in
our life, that invites you analyze, meditate and remain
alert to a renovation. How many times haw we
journeyed through those dreams having lived them and
how many times do we dream the same thing with the
same intensity? Dreams that remind us our virtues,
strengths or our lower instincts of the present or from a

past that we still conserve and not exteriorize to
condemn it or bless it.
The dream is a connection of life that continues
in the spiritual space. It’s many times beautiful and
other times unpleasant that we do not wish to occur.
Just sit down and concentrate what was lived and ask
your soul in the lap of rest, to explain to you what
elements participated in your dream. Soul, spirit and
mind work so that the dream manifests. The Psychic is
still far from explaining, the why of the dreams. The
sciences also confuse themselves in their theoretical
explanations. The occult power of the dreams remains
without deciphering. Only when the man remembers
what’s the objective that led him to that dream; will
understand the significance of the same and will be able
to translate it, encountering answers that will show him
the origin of the same. Your souls are eternally mixed
with the spirit, mind and dream. Always remember.
The attributes that you possess in the soul are
truly eloquent and you enjoy the magic and the strength
that demarcate in your reality the real significance of
your dreams. Do not frighten when this is unpleasant,

not desired; only try to awaken in your conscience the
root of the same and you will participate in the
enjoyment of the understanding; achieving with forces
the canalization that you must make in your life for the
They say witches fly and is no more that they
take advantage of flying with the energies that are given
to them by people’s own souls when they feel fear, also
the same way, they use the dream to fly, discovering
that way in the being they wish to intervene without
their consent; their most personal secrets to attract
attention towards this and that way dominating their
minds, spirit and soul. Allow; if you’re ready and
conscience only who you authorize to navigate in your
dreams. Remove from your thoughts; those energies
that you feel harm you. When it’s time to sleep, think
about the beautiful and attractive things in life that
comply with the laws and orders of GOD. Do not give
entrance to any strange element outside of your space.
Stop and modify your attributes and your variables that
sometimes stagnate in the past. Everything excellent
about the past has to be modified for the present in

better conditions and your revealing dreams will then
be the signs that will guide you in the steps to follow
for triumphant achievements in life.
Use your dream for your wellbeing, benefit
from it in the most refreshing way so your soul, spirit
and matter rest, renew with a growth and happy
As a consequence; the transit to follow will
begin with renewed energies and charged with absolute
In other times of your time, we would say that
the organization of those elements acted independently
from one another; there was no conjugation amongst
them, but in these times, it’s now present in twice the
proportion, every one is on their own or better said
wants to be on their own without allow the participation
of the others.
Here I’m referring to the soul, spirit, mind,
dreams, they’re in a crazy and synchronized search that
disperses them much more. This is due in great part to
the spiritual society detached from the purpose of
guiding and uniting, with the end of guiding them to the

emancipation of the being that conforms the man in his
We are in that world of reparation that even our
souls have revealed against our spirits, not accepting
the assignments that have been destined. The
controversy is even greater still if we stop to the think
in the revolution that churches have going with the
Vatican and the Real medium of knowing who’s
stronger, who’s more powerful, who dominates more.
This world Earth, has reached the top of the
encounter between undesired, but looked for fights.
Gold, the material power; have caused a commotion in
the dirtiest of the intolerable depths of disgust and
disloyalty. The change, the revolution will come,
amongst the spiritual world that will cause the
mountains to tremble and grumble to the sky asking for
mercy for this man, desolated of love and oriented
towards unhealthy and detrimental vices.
Messages must arrive soon, do not waste the
moment, internalize it, create and you could come on
top of the storm that will arrive.

Now is time to know the truth about the greatest
and most revealing event of the century. This is the
Revelation of the Century, this 21st. Century that
delineates the most aphrodisiac and uncertain passages
that you don’t imagine. Be prepared, for what your eyes
will see, what your body eel and your soul tremble.
Little by little; we have been feeling things that
inundate us with challenge, fear and anguish; to think
that we have penetrated in successive wars since the
beginning of history on earth; to the actuality,
planetary, lunar, astral and spatial era. It’s well known
that the scope of science has been deep, but in exchange
of the physical destruction of men. Crimes committed
by yielding to wars infused without congruent
explanation, far from the axis of the terrestrial destiny;
causing complete desertion of the power of God; by
seeing such altruistic mortal suicide.
Hidden bipolar nuclear weapons, disturbing
fires of level of human consciences. Your intervention
will stop here, now the earth is in charge, now the
power of the stars is present, turning their rage and
melancholy; for men’s failure before the judgment

previously given and promised towards the protection
of your Earth, your world. Cautioned and shielded in
false promises, adversity and the pain of others being
more able in pro of growth and development in that
wealth that secluded men more in mud. Laments and
screams you will now listen, asking for mercy and
clemency before the power of our GOD; you will not be
heard, your term is over. Tears of blood will run in
matter and in spirit; you will crawl and the capes of the
moon and the sun will sink you so you pay for the
incalculable evil caused to yourself, to your egoism and
poisoned mind that was not able to discern and seek
what was the truth.
Upon the arrival of this causal of pain, you will
not be able to vindicate yourself; it will be too late, now
a new judgment awaits you, where you will be the
judge of your own actions.
The beautiful mountains you one day saw, the
enormous radiant soil you once used to hide your most
intimate and low feelings, now turn against you. You
will know who I signal, whom we signal. There are so
many that my hands do not reach to feel the substantial

number of heartless beings. The mountains open to
absorb and crucify you in the same way you did with
your people, with your brother. The rivers will overflow
in high movements that will cover your view with a
strong and overwhelming sobs of pain and frankness by
feeling what they could live; innocent beings tortured
and drowned, men, women, and children without
compassion. The sea, Oh, Blessed Sea! Will come and
purify the earth giving your touches and banging’s,
digesting everything at your reach; purifying the action
of the pirates; people that dominated boats fleeing from
justice, originating lack of control and submerging
amongst the waves and rocks producing the most
frightening fear of all fears. Nights of moons, days of
suns, will cover without mercy in between the
tormenting cold of the sky and the heat of the
incalculable rays, producing the peeling of the human
skin and the disappearance in the ferocious sea and the
astonished man before such provoked calamity.
Earthquakes and seaquakes, together in one reach, will
swallow lands damned by the putrefaction and Angels
will be witnesses and will be present to help the those

worthy of kindness, the loyal, the one who followed the
Not everyone will come out graceful, who was
to go will go, those who the outside world awaits them
for good or for bad; will stay. Without fears to those,
you will not feel the severity of the punishment; the
trembling will be an eternal anesthesia. You will not
feel pain in flesh, different from those who with their
soul will pay the disturbance provoked against
In reference of the unpunished punishment, the
attraction of earth with its similar astral friends will
return; there will be a congregation of an extensive line
of satellites, and other elements of the sky that you
know of in spirit and will produce an enormous tipping
of stellar fire that will transform the law of attraction
amongst planets that have been loyal and reliable to
earth, helping them in love and spiritual progress, and
successively; the order of planet Earth’s salvation, from
one expiatory to stage to a communal one, blessed,
idealized before the obligation of being a world filled of
love, it will be showing its incipient steps of liberty

against the infernal yoke to which it has been
subjugated to for centuries of centuries.
Fled governments sheltered under forgiveness
will stay isolated from the new world that approaches.
The commune of the universal reign will enter
triumphantly in the terrestrial axis, introducing and
presenting its new strategies of work. The new plan. A
plan that will obligate to fruitful work of earth labored
in love for the benefit of all of its habitants without
frontiers, without divisions that frame a delimitation
from one town to another; harvesting in its own land
and sharing with those of others. Still with determined
and limited time; a little big longer, more natural
beauty, more love amongst brothers, food and dresses
shared and money without existence or material life,
wars disappeared from the threshold of earth. Spiritual
and physical richness, splendid health provided by
nature, education without dogmas and totalitarian.
Harmony will reign amongst your families. Peace and
love for the first time in this new world. The Earth will
stop from being in reparation; crossing from one stage
to another one more developed and studied; another

phase where the political government will be only one.
The currency will be only one for the enjoyment of all,
being distributed according to necessities. Without
hoarding, each and everyone’s conscience dominates its
potentials. Every man will have what he needs in
abundance; profound feelings, the love of one another
without selfishness; with human warmth of true
communal population. Socialism will be the reign of
Earth. An earth united by the bows of brotherhood and
love. Society united without divisions of class.
Everyone free and rich in all social and political levels
and love will be the starting point of human life.
You will be able to differentiate people with
missions from other worlds; that come with the end of
helping terrestrial beings without weaknesses at the
spiritual level or in the compliancy of pending debts;
everyone will know their destiny. They will live more
than 100 years, depending on the stay of each person.
Starting at 100 years old, commences the divine count
of the power of God, who must leave and who must
stay a while longer. Very rarely, you will ask about
extraterrestrials that visit you, because you will know it

with precision. Unlike the 21st Century, in this time
you’re visited frequently by planetary systems and you
do not recognize them physically; even when you can
differentiate them; they’re generally independent,
without a great sense of early maturity with wide tight
sentiments towards family; the umbilical cord, alive
with sons and parents. Of vulnerable and impartial
character, fair in the social fight and usually end their
life without torments or pressure; freedom is common
in the, and they have a physical sign that characterizes
them; some with adhered lobes to the facial skin and
others with clefts on their chins and small dimples on
their cheeks. They are in all countries and corners of
earth; some come from planets a little more advanced
and others of the same physical progress, but more
spiritually advanced, the development is somewhat
similar. The majority of these people possess proper
and particular criteria; regionalists with their source of
origin for being the main characteristic that outstands
them as beings from other worlds. They possess an
energy that maintains them united to the universal ether
with their world. They’re here borrowed, remember that

we are not property of just one world, life is eternal and
continuous and we climb stages from one world until
we reach the Top. It’s interesting; the wisdom of the
Universe and God is conceptually broad, there isn’t one
living being in this Divine Universe that has not tasted
or that will not taste the sweet and bitter, sour and soft
tastes of the great majority of all the existing worlds
and many giving jumps properly justified by the divine
justice of God.
The more you know, the more beneficial for
your spiritual growth. It will be overwhelming and
sweet the thought that in one cycle of your lives the
wise power of the great universal wisdom will reach
you in a smaller or larger scale, but it will reach you.
You can pick harvests of your acts and life will be in its
entirety harmonious and of much joy.
Brothers of the Earth, in each world you have
passed through the same. I repeat, in smaller or lesser
proportions, but the transformation has been the same,
there must be changes and movements in all the acts of
our lives. Nothing can stop. You see how not even time
stops and when it reaches the maximum potency, it

becomes invisible, for not perceiving and not
complying with orders.
In our unusual Universe, planets rotating around
their orbits carry missions on their back, along with
each and every single mission of its inhabitants.
Imagine the atomic charge or themselves. Some reign
in harmony and beauty and other in guerrillas and
There are thousands of stars of diverse external
and internal beauty, twinkling in accordance to the level
of intelligence and development. Characterized by their
own light because of the energy from the suns and
moons that protect them.

Day # 9: Undocumented Date.

The closer you are to reason, the closer you are

to the truth. Always elevate thoughts of altruism and
love in solidarity with the energies covered by our
reigning masters in the Universal world. You will only
be able to see beyond what your sight reaches when you
are great and you have loyally obeyed the laws of God.
You might have asked; why him, your brother sees and
feels things that you might not see or feel, or vice
versa? The answer; the connection must always be
present; Such as the material aspect in which the use of
the instrument; the resource that allows the man to
work and perform; if he doesn’t receive the electric-
magnetic discharge that makes all the energies vibrate,
this will not function. The same way occurs in the man
and his relation of persuading in the spiritual world
with wisdom and love.
In a few years, life begins to feel in different
vision. The auxiliary terrestrial movements that have
been attracting themselves towards destabilization; will

feel stronger and it will be there when people think that
the end of the world has arrived. The world really ends,
but this world of reparation to receive the other one,
with your hearts opened and with thoughts of pride
because finally the hardest and most difficult stage that
Earth has lived has been defeated. The entrance to the
new world will be triumphant. Millions and millions of
beings from other planetary systems, will receive you
with infinite happiness, you will find people in peace
with the life that our God generously gives us. You will
find other beings that comply with orders and have
been separated from earth without formally being what
it called dead, having only awakened and found
themselves. There you will all be in prosperity and
happiness to receive, work in love; the new and recently
spiritually constructed your world free of
contaminations and implicit adversities.
The Earth will cast a smoke so strong with a
smell of sulfur in which everyone will stay suffocated
in the souvenir and the vitiated atmosphere, through
there all putrefaction will come out like animal in a
stage of decomposition. Through there basic instincts

and distress will be exterminated. Through there
everything not desired in your earth will come out.
Your sky will cry of sadness and at the same
time of joy. Counterproductive the ways of encounter,
but needed. Once this is given; the lights of prosperity
will stir up in the most antique and remote touching and
wise elevation of thoughts. Thoughts directed to love.
When love blooms nothing can dry it out. It’s forever,
because the feeling to be reborn from the Earth will be
real and pure. You will know in its moment the
beginnings of the worshipped and awaited love for
peace. You will know in its moment the quality of
human life that is reborn for the time. Like that you will
breathe from the sky; the alleviated and clean air that
will finally clear throats and lungs.
When by mission I gave myself to earth in body
and soul; I knew the hard fight that awaited me, more
than sacrificed it was frightening; my brothers betrayed
almost in its entirety the trust that I offered them and I
knew it; I knew that I would receive blows on the chest
and tormented calamities that will end in a revengeful
betrayal of envy and stingy thoughts. That’s how it was

written and that’s how it should’ve happened so later
could come the convention of fake scriptures and the
disturbing toast from part of the Church in favor of
those who sold themselves. If you don’t understand,
review the pages of the Sacred Bible and analyze its
entrails. It’s written there, but you will understand the
real significance of its scriptures.
Just how it mentions heaven, it also mentions
hell, but that hell that it refers to is the one of lies and
fake prophecies that are only in charge of covering
predictions that will prevent many to come out to light.
It’s not in their favor for many of these to come out to
light; they’re truths and speak of the uncertain,
destabilizing future that awaits Earth. Many of these
prophets, you call them crazy; many of them in the era
were incinerated alive because of prejudices and the
dogmatic faith that overwhelmed them. Nevertheless,
before the presence of God, they swore themselves
innocent, they were saved in vain, they received the
unpunished punishment of men, not remaining any
traces of their ancestors and forgotten the knowledge
that they could’ve offered to Humanity. Do not believe

such act remains unpunished; everything has to come
out and be justified before the divine realm of the
power of God. And that way History fulfills itself in
bases founded on truth. Only the power of God will free
the anguish that relieves these beings of misguided
vibes. When you least imagine it, it will be your turn to
hand in the invoice, you must be prepared to receive the
debt and have the necessary elements cover it.
With the little that we have been delighting
ourselves with, I suppose that we will now have in our
hands the solution to seek strengths and find them to
give and put on the table all the events during this
history. Now, later there will be a recess to revise
yourself interiorly, undress the soul and pick up the
aura that could have detached itself from any passage in
that history. At the present time, the road is rockier.
How is it possible that knowing the past of your history,
the present is so turbulent that in actual times of the 21st
century, it hasn’t cleared and the future hast to manifest
itself voluptuously so that it’s visible? I must state,
there are an infinite amount of charitable souls,
contributing fortunes in wisdom of the soul and the

spirit and they’re not seen or heard, and nowadays;
misfortune is more notable for the same reason.
Mary and Joseph, wise by nature, charitable
souls dignified to receive the love of the Father, giving
to light the welcoming of another soul, the one of Jesus,
that only arrived to demonstrate and show LOVE. The
life of those beings was humble, and at the same time
rich, food in abundance, which allowed to them to share
with those who did not have any. The appearance of
wise for the era, was in its majority uncontrollable, but
needed, although many of them did not conduct their
objectives in a good form. You know, that for now
perfection does not exist, but you also know that
kindness has always existed and many times we ignore
it and we change it for egoism and evil. The prophecies
denoted weakness and abandonment, they were not
convincing for lack of belief, branding of
schizophrenics its parents. And even existing those who
believed, although few but yes, in a way the sympathy,
the attraction generated certain strength that maintained
it awake. Although nowadays, we also have quantities
of prophets or people with developed senses, to

perceive the future because of the energy received and
channeled from the guides that accompany and protect
them. Realize, that all these denominated prophets,
coincide in one participation and is that of the
transformation of the world, some see more than others
and can perceive which will be the effects of the causal

Day # 10: Undocumented Date

Today, is another day that finalizes in early

night of obscure feelings of those that for lack of bread
die, that for the absence of dress clash in the emptiness
of the warm memories of lived time. In your Earth, you
can find many generous and heartless souls that love
and others, the other genre that strains in spreading
hate. In infinite souls that possess the customs of going
in the search of happiness, fortunate they are, and
blessed by the divine love of God. In the successive,
there we honor those sacrifice their pride for love.
Always remember that love breeds love, breeds
wellbeing and the terrestrial society needs of much love
to survive what is coming. The wait is not long, it’s
here; you must arm the patience and commonly join
with the divine instinct of the Universe that you will
protect for the arrival of the transformation of the
world. You will not differentiate, why there’s no time.
You will see the craziness of that time that rains in
abundance and suddenly, the shining sun comes out or
there’s beautiful sun and a cloud comes in darkening

the sky. The storms will be set; hail will fall to fog the
rising of the earth, the adjunctive and incognito
elements that move men for power will tear to pieces. A
sad movie will pass by your eyes, allowing the cleaning
and clarity of everything that torments you. In floors of
bear earth you will sleep, after covering with white
sheets of silk, hunger and thirst you will feel after the
excess of food and waste later, even without thinking
about those who nothing possessed. After a throne, not
even a bench you will have, after castles, a roof you
will need, after diamond and gold richness, underwear
you will not have, naked before the sky you will ask
clemency, and there you will see that cruel reality that
you never thought would happen. Poor of the man who
laughs of such event, yes there will be; crazy; but crazy
of rage and incongruent black sense of the soul. Poor of
that who does not pity his brother and poor of those
incredulous that once having in front of their eyes the
passage of the involuntary change of the world, still do
not feel or suffer the trembling of the manners and
conceit of cruelty and of the fury that has awakened in
the souls of your skies. Only think about the

opportunities that will come and you will have time in
its moment to vindicate yourself and request justice
again. Now is the time or never; only visions will pass
of the strong and hard than in a disoriented time have
fogged and initiated a process by opening doors and
giving entrance to the events that will once and for all
mark a destiny, the destiny of the new earth.
Remember when Moses crossed seas and was
able to reach the other side of the ocean, that same way
many will crossover to reach the minds of those that
one day overturned against the enigma of a judgment
without facing the assignment destiny had prepared for
them. We ourselves will be innocent or guilty of what
we are judged on, we ourselves will wrap in crumbs the
remainders of that who throws it without dismay, we
ourselves will be triumphant or defeated of the fortitude
or weakness of the sky. Soon the moment will arrive
and you’ll touch with the truth to abuse and destroy of
what one day could have represented a lie, a falsity, a
disorientation of the thought; outside of all reasoning
and logic in congruence with the laws of the universe.

God created love for everyone and it must reign in the
souls of men.
It is time to get closer to those remote and
ambiguous methods in which harmony and love was
born from that era that belonged to Prehistory and in
which wisdom came out triumphant, in which harmony
was unique in its species. Shinning abundantly, in
where peace reigned amongst those beings diminutive
but gigantic in love. You will see the difference and do
not ask, why we’re looking back and not forward, the
answer is simple and it’s that them along with the
indigenous that lifted gigantic pyramidal forces, were
missioners sent to leave seated in the origins of earth
that love exists and it’s the highest elevation that all
living beings, can reach. Without love we are nothing,
we are worth nothing; that way you’ll be healthy, wise
and strong to face and receive the world that nears us
and you will be able to lift it with the arms of love,
continuing the fight for the good and disappearing and
leaving completely annihilated everything that could
represent evil, the divine law is only one and infinity

and it prevails in your hearts for the centuries of the
centuries. AMEN.
Earth is a planet as big as it’s small; it’s one of
the most advantaged planets in comparison to others;
non the less its emancipation in anonymous
rebelliousness for the success of who can achieve more,
this is what differentiates it from many that spin in the
same orbit. It’s a system rich in seas, minerals, nature,
great oceans, rivers, lakes and aerodynamic ponds
existing in many of its regions. It’s strong and stable
with a diversity of species, animals, mammals,
vertebrates and invertebrates, crustaceous, reptiles,
birds, etc., not counting those that existed in the
paleontological era, in Prehistory and centuries after,
many of these species have been transforming and
others disappearing to continue the cycle of life of that
genre. In addition, earth is an incredulous system of the
life that exists in the others that surround it, earth is
egoistic in thinking that only she exists; it’s egocentric,
dominant and forceful. It’s inhabitants contaminate her
by making her feel all those qualities; virtues that
posses and also shrink her when they demonstrate fear

and insecurity before the incalculable Aerospatiale
dimension. The Moon for example; men still have not
found anything that indicates that life exists on it, they
only find inert matter, without analyzing it. Even more
when the terrestrial man is prepared to board the moon
in its extension, offering her love and trust, she will
open up and allow the entrance and making him see the
beauty and charm that its style of life offers. In the next
few years, new discoveries will be made, leaving in the
open the mysteries that surround the Moon. Men
perceive it yet do not realize it. Not caring about the
disloyalty, the moment will arrive in which the moon
tells its most intimate secrets and allow its enjoyment in
its entirety. Reason, in excess the musical themes
dedicated to the moon in merit to love; with her love;
she touches the hearts of men. You will only be able to
see the landscape in the light of the sunset; when the
sun barely hides and the moon glimpses with gratitude;
the same way that the sun, day by day, night by night;
come out to greet the Earth and tell us its progress. If
we want we listen and understand what it tries to tell us.
It’s easy to decipher its meaning through emitted

symbols. Give it a try and you’ll see the results, ask for
wishes, think, meditate with them; Moon and Sun;
speak to them, tell them to guide you, to give you
wisdom, that will reveal their intimacies; to initiate you
in the understanding of knowing the insoluble word of
love. If you observe the sparkles that the moon and the
sun emit, they’re thousandths of particles that crash
with one another emitting infinities of symbols
representative of glacier emotions that involve the ether
harmoniously in coordination with Earth. All these
manifestations are linked with one another, nothing is
absent in life, everything is connected to an axis that
guides, that supervises, that orients. In all actions there
are events that directly or indirectly in favor or against
each other. There are devious attitudes that hide,
wanting to guide themselves on the way, but at the end
they run into their equals. The connections are relevant
in the Universe. Everything has a relation, a link that is
attracted by the luminous planetary influences. The
unusual Universe guards its most intimate secrets, in
the most pure and radiant truth that drives all of its
member’s crazy, when they do not understand the path

to follow, and that occurs often in each one of the
systems that conform it, it’s there where disequilibrium
and destabilization is produced, making great and
strong shakes in the principal axes of each one. What
signifies that when we are in front of earthquakes,
seaquakes, and shakes in a different scale, there will be
producing a staggering amongst its parallels and the
disequilibrium will end in one of these destabilizing the
terrestrial globe. We are filled with anguish and fear
when we feel those sudden changes; that impede us
from maintaining ourselves firm before a position; or
that causes restlessness for not knowing how to act
before such phenomenon.
The important is to have conscience and to
know how to guide our steps to face these obstacles and
unfortunate calamities of earth. When you see with
your own eyes the rupture of great pits and the aperture
of pieces of earth in great and small parts; that very
well could direct itself to a tiny ant or a huge elephant;
do not think the world is over; think in the renovation
of the world as salvation of men. It’s just to wait for
signals of the sky to make you see that earth comes

afloat for the fist time of a transparent, lucid and clean
Rest, we have time, now we will scrutinize
distinct passages that men must know.
Good night, Amen.
You must know once again, that we are here in
this life, with the purpose of guiding ourselves in a path
that well deserves sacrifice and many times pain, or
deserves joy, peace and happiness. We will always
receive one or another in a greater or smaller scale,
blessed those who live in peach with themselves and
blessed those that successfully achieve their goals in the
social ladder, blessed those who bless themselves and
others. Do not forbid yourself from what life offers you;
enjoy in the maximum pleasure what life offers you.
The pretty although it might be little; but it will be
significant. Do not criticize. Do not feel bad for not
having in abundance. Before remember those who
posses nothing and those who lack dresses, affection,
food, etc. Bless what you have that is just what you
deserve. Even when you feel something is absent; feel
pride for being alive and having strength for the fight

with life. Face your most intimate misgivings and
overcome them, shelter yourself in justice and
knowledge. When you think you have suffered
deception, raise your chest, breathe deeply and continue
looking forward in joy with your spirit. Make your exit
triumphant and dominate your rages of melancholy.
Support and stimulate your spirit to be strong, to have
value and to come out graceful and learn how to say
YES and learn how to say NO, when we have to do it.
In the occurred, thank life for providing teachings and
assure yourself of not giving more sorrows to your
physical, social, emotional, and spiritual surroundings.
By culminating this stage you will be in the capacity of
helping your fellowman. Fly and fly in thoughts of
great wisdom. Go ahead, allowing yourself the
enrichment in more elevated knowledge. Clear your
conscience and cover it with colors in accordance with
the divine integration of the Human Knowledge. It’s all
you must learn, scrutinize and face before the purpose
of life. You have an Objective established in this life
that allows you to develop yourself in magnetic fields
perdurable in the time boards you. The visual

Magnetism is transcendental in the scope that the
universal space offers you, the magnetic charges;
positive and negative, flow in invisible but asserted
waves. You will choose in which field and which
charges you’ll attract to your life. Those same charges
resound in waves that make themselves immense when
love is present and minimize themselves and disappear
when hate is present amongst human wars.
It’s eloquent that while you accept in your
hearts the palpitations of love; these charges duplicate
in millions and jump to sight giving blows of emotions
and feelings well founded in pro of peace and harmony.
The charges from the magnetism of our spirits are or
well enlarged towards the sparkles of positive energies
moving towards the most pure LOVE or well darkened
and minimized of negative energies towards the
opposite of that LOVE that we have so much
mentioned in this text, its Revelation, because it has
been for men the transmission of this stir of messages
that will allow to understand and assimilate each one of
its paragraphs, phrases, sentences and words; each one
of them well defined and with a great significance. It’s

your duty to request the understanding, so that
reasoning reaches its destiny.
Studying each message, closer to the truth,
you’ll be. You will feel your thoughts and sorrows
resound in the most hidden of a diminutive space that is
in the cerebellum of each one; there it will be
registered. Your human anatomy will be out in the open
before so much relevant information and that way it
will control with all of its accompanying parts the
virtuous and celebrated information; so that this is
processed in its proper moment.
Your organism is composed of cells that give
life to each one of your organs, they rejoice in
happiness feeling that soon in time the so called
diseases or afflictions of health will cease to disturb.
That only physical and spiritual beauty will reign in
each one of you. Being the reason; that the need will be
felt to prepare for the voluptuous change that is near.
That cycle of metamorphosis that the man of earth will
suffer will spin around our God. And in that long and
painful wait, the destiny to which we have been
intervening for your own good will be reflected. It rests

to remember that in the unity there’s strength and vice
versa; and that if the time solicited for so long by the
divine justice arrives; you will be more united to the
knots of love; the transition will be quick and less
In oath, we promised something and that
something we must accomplish it. Here, there, later,
earlier, however it is and in the conditions available we
have to accomplish it and that way we will be carrying
out with the divine Law of our Universe. Although you
do not remember; your spirit remembers it, and that
same oath will be in that diminutive space of your
cerebellum awakening so that the knowledge reaches
and is finally accomplished.
In all and each one of those stays, you will
begin to receive orders and mandates with the end of
following step by step all the instructions and
signalizations of the process, with the purpose of
accomplishing the oath and complying with the law.
Now you ask, what did we swear? In what moment did
we swear? What for? It sounds complex and although it
is; at the same time it’s not; it’s simple, it’s casual and

it’s logic, with sense, with reason and with justice.
Every oath has its reason of being and each one of you
will be the judge of your own intervention before life.
In the following the theme continues.

Day #11: 09-27-2007
Time: 10:35 PM

The time; your time is near; every time it is

closer, steps away. Make use of remembering the oaths
before The Divine Justice, before God, it’s to close
your eyes and look in your interior for those promises
that marked us as loyal followers of the Doctrine.
Before each life of the human being, before being a
man, in other words in spirit, we enter before a
conglomerate organization of brothers as part of one
homogenous unity in which debts we need to fulfill,
come afloat for being in debt with yourselves, each one
manifests a request of sublime wishes, just as each one
reveals their balance with Justice; in other words;
events, actions committed and that form part of a crime
against Justice of our God. Each one of you perfectly
knows your own, what you did, what you will do and
what you did not do. Once this process is consumed,
taking its own in time, it’s decided to abandon that
space outside of matter that maintains us united to the
soul to fixate us in a body as a man or a woman; we

also decide that before birth; depending on the acquired
compromise; also, the same way through the same
compromises and all those influential elements in the
process of your birth; your parents, brothers, family in
general, place of habitat, etc. and many more details;
clearing doubt before encountering matter of which
your mission will be in the world. These oaths always
present themselves in a continuous form as part of the
integral evaluation of your acts, always in that phase of
transition in between life and what you call death.
When matter is disincarnating; the spirit travels through
ways of accessing learning depending on the progress
of each individual. Some staying behind and others
flying in gigantic steps learning, assimilating and
recharging energies in proper benefit. Everyone has a
life projected with diverse places, from when they take
possession of their tiny bodies until they abandon them.
There are thousands of stops, in the terrestrial camp as
in the spiritual one as well, the terrestrial ones, are all
related with each person, every living being that
stumbles unto you, for seconds, hours, days, months,
years, etc. and the spiritual ones we achieve through our

dreams, astral travels or in thoughts that are guided by
waves from the ether that flow from one mind to
another. Those attractions we call them filial magnetic;
in where you think in loved ones, emitting and
transmitting magnetic waves of love that other minds
receive in the same form with colors of love that
symbolize them. When you think in wickedness,
stinginess and hate; those waves flow with negative,
unhealthy charges, representing and translating in
decomposition of health. Many times you may feel
sudden discomforts and you attribute them to a virus or
other diseases, when in reality health is only being
intervened and influenced by those harmful thoughts;
it’s there where you must learn to reject all fluidic
energy that sits with a heavy charge and returning it to
space where on its own will end up destroyed. Prevent
from sending band vibrations; they duplicate
themselves. If you provide love you will receive that
love three times duplicated. It’s important to note that
the terrestrial man ills himself constantly from that
spiritual harm for not knowing how to protect himself
with the wisdom of your Universe that is capable of

everything and dominates everything. Only connect
yourself with your related beings, call angels, brothers,
and guides, with the purpose of responding and
supporting you under the divine protection of our God,
the maximum omnipotent authority, and you will grant
a violent shake to those vibes negating them the
entrance and returning them to space so they’re diluted
as dust without causing damage; it’s reversible and
being able to be returned to whom sent it; not being the
correct way of protection. If that’s how it were to occur;
we will only be adding more debts to our spirit and as
consequence harder to pay them off.
Alert in this and all lives; everything has its
reason of being; everything is justifiable and everything
has its beginning, middle and end, in physical actions,
because in spiritual they not have an ending, they
correct and transform themselves to be even better.
If you meditate who the people that surround
you are, who form the familiar nucleus and who in a
direct way protect you or harm you; it’s due to all
amongst each other where perfectly related in spiritual
unity so that it was that way; I must also point out, that

I gave a stop and it’s important, that oaths that have
been given in judgments; could be in spirit or in life;
it’s not necessary for the person to be disincarnated to
give himself a judgment; this can be done while the
matter rests through dreams; or it can also be realized
with thoughts in a state of consciousness almost
unconscious; but directed and guided by the wise light
of the Universe. You can remember and digest it in a
way that you can be made conscious in the mental state,
or you can not remember it, because you request it
yourself, but it will be recorded and kept, waiting for
those oaths to be accomplished; if not done that way;
we will once again be entering irremediably in debt
with our being.

Day #12: 09-27-2007
Time: 12:41 AM

Good early mornings, waiting for dawn. The

full moon; everything indicates that you’re in advantage
to request help, the assistance that I have mentioned.
These stars cover an innate aureole of light that
indicates there’s atmosphere to set our feet on and
rediscover the mystery they enclose. The Moon in each
one of its phases, deciphers meanings that attend to the
calling of Love on Earth. You know that the moon is an
inspiration for romanticism, love, healing, contact with
other space beings; it’s used for an infinite number of
responses in search of clearing or finding truths. That
same Moon that raises rays of eternal light; while it
remains lit, it’s an attribute of the banishment suffered
by earth in which great pieces of it dissolved, charged
with minerals, energies that the men of those times gave
off. You will see and be a witness again of that
landslide, when another tumult of earth is elevated to
the universal space indicating that a new moon will
come to accompany you in the new communal life that

nears by. That other moon will come charged in more
light and energy, it will take human species; that will
allow new life to form in that astral entity. Do not think
that only earth possesses life. You would be selfish in
believing that only the terrestrial man has the fortune of
living. In all and each one of the stars, planets that
accompany us there’s life in different degrees of
progress and development. Nothing that surrounds is
insignificant; everything has sense and occupies its
place inside of the universe, with burdens, missions,
etc. like your planet earth. It’s of feeling their weight,
their values, their emotions, their vibrations, because
that is just how God has permitted that everything that
belongs and lives in our universe must have life and
that life must be directed towards love.
Go now and observe the moon; come back and
tell what your eyes were able to see and distinguish.
Observe and come back to give us your impressions.
***Master, I am here*** What did you
observe? Tell the world. Reveal the truth.
***I laid on top of a large trampoline that is
outside my home, relaxed with my pillow and directing

my view towards the moon that was in its full moon
phase; I directed my thoughts with depth to enter in
contact with her. The first thing I was able to appreciate
was a bunch of people like us walking; with active
movements; as real as if it were here on earth. What
caught my attention was that all these people wore
white dresses. I only detected the color white. I was not
able to continue my experience due to the diversity of
clouds that embarked the sky. I stopped at that moment
and felt that it wished to communicate, to reveal things.
I was only able to prove; that if we propose to
ourselves, we can converse with the moon and enter to
discover its interior world.***
You are giving the answer to humanity. There is
life on the moon. It’s the same man with a certain
degree of advancement, for having received the direct
shake that earth suffered at that time in which the moon
was formed because of the exorbitant landslide of the
era; before the arrival of my birth, my fathers, centuries
ago. There’s no history for that, the scientific man does
not reach to know the absolute truth; it exists; and for
that time there was life of masters that together

presented plans on the table; so that the man reached
the Moon. Everything was written and guided. Once it
reached the light; events of life for the man of the
present, past and the future, presented its changes on
earth, giving demonstrations that there’s a need for
renovation when the moment is needed and requested.
In a shake and buzz of shuddering in the air, portions of
earth uniting in space forming a great ball and
condensing to be able to form that star of life of its won
that has for a name LUNA. Signifying, Light unites
nations. This was the seal on the pact for when earth
once again suffers the awaited metamorphosis, in which
the nations of the world will unite, to convert
themselves and make way to only one nation with
brilliant idea in union, and solidarity with love.
Remember passages before the text that conform that in
the future there won’t be frontiers. We would be only
one family, one nation, one great world, with its own
light, shinning with 2 moons that will continue with the
mission of naturally assisting all the men that will
arrive on earth with missions previously established by
the Divine Justice of God. Go and rest as required and

request the visit to the moon, you will be permitted.
Beautiful and revealing dreams. Blessings to all.

Day #13: 09-30-2007 – MY BIRTHDAY
Time: 3:18 PM

***What a beautiful day for me, I’m at ease, I

celebrated last night with my family, parents, brothers,
sisters in law, nieces, my daughter, her boyfriend and
her brother in law; and today, here with my other son
and his girlfriend. Once we had lunch, they parted to
the beach and I take the time to receive the permission
of mater Jesus to commence writing.***
Celebrated encounters with the reign of nature,
celebrating from last night the arrival of a new world,
there’s purification in space, of the air that the man
breathes, there’s a welcoming of universal love that will
soon be arriving on earth. From now on you will be
receiving messages from your guides and it’s your duty
to translate them and direct yourselves towards a firm
and balanced path. In dreams and passages of the
thought you will see future events; and in solidarity
with your spiritual guide and God you must conduct
yourself as ordered by the wise nature. Whomever is

here, here will stay; whomever is there; there they will
stay; parting at once in traveling your origin and
intertwine hunches to come out graceful. Day by day,
night by night, minute to minute, second to second;
while you remember, elevate your thoughts to the sky
and ask the omnipotent God to guide you and
strengthen your steps; so that these are definite and
asserted, there’s no room for mistakes, there’s no error.
The will not be validated. The way is signalized and
your eyes must be very opened to observe in detail,
with clarity and persuade the beginning of a radical,
conclusive and without parameters transformation in
Be conscious, protect and wrap your body, soul
and spirit in an iron shell and it will pass, if it’s in the
law of justice; that life detaches your matter from earth
in the frightening and tormenting revolution that is
near; you must cover your soul and spirit with an
impenetrable frame, to protect them from the final
blow. Final, because many have been occurring
throughout the years, to warn, to give demonstrations
that change in men must come, through strange and

natural events exterminating humanity and the lesson
has not been learned; not allowing other alternative than
to release the decided blow for the difficult awakening
men deserve.
Do not instill fear, there is no devil, Satan, nor
hell, it’s created by your own enclosure upon the
absolute truth. There must be an awakening in an
atmosphere divine of love, remember to maintain it in
your mind and heart, love submerges and dominates
everything. Love is universally infinite. Love is pure
and is greatness and when it’s present, your heart is
larger and more beautiful in which you can contain
your most intimate desires that you think unreachable.
Work, study while your body allows you to,
walk towards the front, young ones carry the banner of
life, continue with that emblem with honor, make
yourself winners, triumphant, enlarge yourselves and
you will be enlarging your families, your beings.
Beloved young ones think in the future that is near and
in that future you will be the pioneers. The mandate is
to form and compete before the world. You will be the
ones who will give the triumphant entrance to the

children of the future and will also retire with solemn
joy the elderly of the present, with honor and dignity,
with price and fidelity. You, young ones; will have the
most important mission of the century; of forcing and
straightening the firm journey of love to yourselves and
to others. Those that unfortunately have fallen in the
low world of vices; and the most useless corporal
defiance of corruption in an ample sense; will be
remitted to a final and decisive judgment in which you
must regenerate yourselves before the divine justice and
request protection to continue in the world of love that
follows your planet earth, those who do not comply
with the process of moral detoxification, will have on
their shoulders the most fortuitously improbable shame
of a life that has just begun for the receiving of a new
era. It will be a shameful burden; reason why
everybody in the world will be in time while this exists,
to receive the messages here written. Open your heart,
your understanding and you will be able to escape the
most infernal anguishes that will depict your soul in the
never-ending emptiness. Young ones, you are the ones
directed to lay a helping hand to the child, the old and

equilibrate the world, maintaining the equilibrium will
be your mission of the century; you are the correct and
permitted time, do not disobey nor disrespect your God,
our most divine and beloved being.
In a place of your lives, you will extend your
sight to the most benevolent and credulous heart of
Jesus, the one who was sent in a difficult and shameful
era; the same one that here; today is communicated
through these lines that conserve the transient and
guided journey to the absolute truth. It’s to be believed
in them without doubts, clearing prejudices that torment
your soul. Believing in pureness of feelings that enclose
a transparent, clean, clear and wise love. You must
know that the word love comes from a composed Latin;
when the Greeks were not even considered parts of the
group of little men that lead files of a heroic and
sovereign patriarchal of the Greek dynasty, that dynasty
that was formed after; later on; when those of the era
fought for the power of the strongest one, the wisest
one. There Latin exploded, it was divided and little by
little it diversified until heading a group of words that
reached a meaning; proceeding later on to the origin of

languages and dialects; although the dialect of the
future will be universal, that will be another triumph of
the divine wisdom. Everyone will be able to
communicate in the same language; it will be the same
universal language; the language of love; scripted by
God. The language of everyone.
Deciphering even the most remote letters of the
alphabet still unknown by men; although in many other
worlds it’s already dominated by its inhabitants; slowly
and consecutively; you will fill of wisdom and spiritual
enrichment your spirit, achieving the astral domain
awaited and desired by the infinite Universe. Many will
believe that the man that distills this knowledge is
crazy; but the reasoning will reach when you awaken
your conscience and the carnal vision of what’s real fits
in your world of concerns. The doubts will dissipate,
defeating fear and the most profound and noble
sentiment of your entrails will be able to know the
history of what has been lived. Egoism all the stingy
feelings, will descend to the abstract plane, to rotate and
reach the concrete that will unchain union, strength and
spiritual beauty.

You will not feel any guilt if you accept the
proposal that your heart claims. Always think that
there’s more that satisfies us than the material, when
you feel commodity and peace in the world that
surrounds you in the space that absorbs you, when your
ideas are clear without repressions, without pain, when
your feelings are honored to they’re right being, when
anguishes vanish and in its defect prosperity is light and
blessings, it’s there when you will be in plain contact
with the power of wisdom, it’s there when your soul
enlarges and complements itself in joy and in peace
with yourself, with your brother, with your fellowman.
The climate that today surrounds earth filled
with vices and drowned perditions of the most un-
subdued passions; is not the most idealized for men,
there are those who say they’re well but they’re not,
there are those who say the feel bad and are worse and
there are those that play with the feelings of others and
don’t know they will fall in the game three times more.
Odor is given off by the surrounding energies in the
world. Your soul will be well attended and aromatized
if the greatness of you heart allows it, perfection not

existing, imperfection the same way; even the most
imperfect being as the most perfect will not touch the
limits of imperfection or perfection. In other words
there are neither imperfect beings nor perfect, they’re in
a cycle rotating in the same axis without modifications,
reason why your world is defined as imperfect in
perfection. Meditate this with calm and you will
understand with your own examples.
Only Amada is the perfect world that has
stabilized its perfection because of the missions
accomplished in perfect merit of Love to God.
Today September 30th, is the day you will see
the message to humanity finalized; there’s nothing else
to reveal; everything has been said and you know it; if
you do not want to receive the love, you will be
entering in debt with your soul and your conscience
will be in sorrow until you receive light again. I can
only desire you to think, meditate, and enter in use of
the faculties that you have been given and as a man
reflect, and return to the real world; awakening those
ambiguous dreams and visualizing the love of Amada,
of that world that you must receive in a time of your

time. Ascend, elevate your spirit, beautify the fruit of
the womb that distresses you and meditate the ideas that
come in harmony with the wise Universe. It’s noted that
it’s the turn of that whom is waiting for the arrival of
the blessed divine power of love. Receive it with
devotion, shelter it and protect it until eternity;
progressing your spirit and with the beautiful
opportunity of traveling through the outstanding worlds
of infinite love; remaining in past history the livings of
the referred to, Worlds of Expiation.
Today, 7:12 PM we are conjugated and
formalizing with seal of gold, all the verbs that
contribute, value, judge, and bless before the wise and
infinite universe the divine word. LOVE. LOVE.
LOVE. This will be your universal goal. That’s how it’s
written, that’s how it’s elevated. God bless all your acts
in what follows and prepare for the receiving of the new
world called: EARTH.
Amada, proud, with a warm reception of hope
and spirit prepares herself for the arrival of the man
from earth and other planets; when love is worshipped
and when wisdom surpasses the limits of time.

PS: The Revelation of the Century is short in its space
so that its reasoning is long and arrives in due time to
the hearts of all the men of planet Earth. You must
translate it to all of the languages; every man has the
mission of disseminating it. It’s a work of everyone;
because in unity there’s strength and together you will
achieve the awakening of Humanity.

PEACE AND LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!


My physique was nothing impressive. Normal

and common, I grew slim, with a small bulky belly,
narrow legs, weak, but healthy interiorly. I grew,
augmenting in volume and size; I was a young man of
long hair, dry skin, tanned because of the sun, dark
complexion, grey-brownish eyes, rough hands and that
way little by little until converting myself in a man
without pronounced musculature, thin, of medium
height, long feet, long hands, stretched neck, straight
nose, thick eyebrows, big deep eyes, long eyelashes,
short curly hair and with a complexion of toasted
cinnamon color because of the sun that roared in your
sky. I was always characterized as the messiah of a
rough and incredulous era, constantly persecuted by my
adversaries, but loved by my people, by the people that
deposited their faith and trust in my word, in the word
of God. In short, I was a man just like those of that Era;
nothing extraordinary; but with the heart molten in
LOVE and for LOVE I arrived, suffered and lived

Photos of the memories exist in all places, there
where I was born; they’re sheltered under another
apostle. I you search for them you’ll find them, but do
not give importance to my physical representation, it
does not merit it; the value is in the knowledge, in the
soul, in the essence of knowing.
Blessings, I retire and continue with the mission
that has now begun.


Good morning Master Jesus. I would like to

formulate a series of questions; that I’m sure would be
of great interest to the general public.

1. Where you married on your existence on earth?

2. If that was the case, did you have any children,
does royal blood exist, what is its location?
3. Why does the Bible tell us fictitious stories? It
contradicts itself in many parts.
4. Is it possible to give an estimated date for this
metamorphosis that is about to occur?
5. Is it also possible to know the regions or
countries that will be affected the most? So that
if it’s in law; to help and make these people
aware so we can relocate those in imminent and
unnecessary danger.
6. I personally feel a great inclination towards
helping and motivating people to progress
spiritually. Is this career within the scope of my
missions to accomplish on earth, on the
professional level? I do not feel secure about it;
for not considering it promising in the economic
work field, due to the line of work being
independent in nature. For this reason; I’m
studying Web design, to assure me an economic
stability in a future; although it does not provide
me such great personal satisfaction.
7. Daniela would like to know, the meaning of the
word, Déjà vu.
8. Finally I would like to ask what is the most
effective exercise to grow and enrich ourselves
spiritually? Is there another method or tool that
can facilitate the process?

If you do not wish for any of these questions to come

out to public, you may please indicate so.

Good evening my sons, Blessed those who
believe in the love of the spirit, we would all be in debt
with ourselves if the origin of love did not take root in
our spirit and soul; transmitting it to your body; being
able to control and proportionate physiognomy to your
physical entity with you so desire. It’s an honor for me
to answer the questions you formulate. It’s important
take interest in knowing, it’s of wise men to always
want to know more and more; it enlarges and purifies
the spirit. I once said in one of my scriptures that I’ve
always known that a man must love a woman so that
the procreation that in a good time must come is given
in the solemn union of love in between two beings that
love each other, however it comes, a birth will always
be blessed, never think in justified abortions, as there’s
no reason to deprive the life of a being that comes with
a mission previously destined, and suddenly and
abruptly in an act of violence they cut his vital nexus.
It’s a crime as perverse and inhuman as any other. I was
never united physically with a woman in specific
because of the representation of the love I professed; a

universal love. I was not able to awaken the passions
that you symbolize in the love that you refer to, Blessed
those that love each other with frankness and blessed
those that bring children to the world with love. I did
not have the happiness of belonging to another woman
other than my mother; neither did I have the happiness
of procreating sprouts of a carnal love. It’s the law of
life; do not negate life deserting live and procreation.
Give life and life as God orders. The sacred bible in its
ancient and remote scriptures has been altered in its
understanding of reason. God could never nor would
want to assume slavery as a natural genre in a living
world, neither think that our God; requests the death of
a child of its entrails. The universal laws are
synonymous of life, appreciated, honored, loved and
neither the most intolerant and criminal life will be
negated the opportunity of existence to carry out their
debts and comply with the order of vindicating
themselves; each one is owner and conscious of
deciding what to do with that existence that they
accepted in justice. Later the applauses or punishments
will come, by their own impositions. God does not

judge, as you signalize. The man himself will be the
judge of his acts when that moment arrives. In all the of
the worlds of the Universe life must be transparent, well
guided; do not hide in the shades of darkness that
shelters thoughts of un-subdued passions. Life is life
and that signifies Love. Royal blood does not exist, cut
the veins of that whom you call rich and cut the veins of
a poor man that rests where the night blankets his
entrails; it’s the same blood; the one that runs through
the veins of all of the men of the Universe. Those that
you call Royalty, are no more than shields of a
tormented whirlwind that squanders in the disagreement
of an exiled blood that does not exist. The dethroning
for them will arrive when the judge knocks on their
door, in the determine act where they will be judged by
themselves. Unforgettable act will unleash tears and
confusion; the confrontation of those you call Royalty,
tied with those you call Vatican Force. Although they
say their intentions are good, they will not deceive
anyone; since deception is the product of egoistic and
deprived minds that define only one group that try to
monitor the world. You should never enter in tolerance

with that whom calls himself blue blood or Royalty, it’s
simply poison that runs through them; trying to
contaminate the noble one.
Déjà vu. Absolutely does not have meaning of
its own, they have only dispersed everything that has
been manifested in our version and it rests to repeat,
what we already know. Life exists, it’s continued,
eternal and your experiences will occur here, there, in
the present, past and future. Everything is connected; if
you live a world of agonies in a past life; you may
attract those negative and painful charges to your
current life if you did not annihilate the force that
guided you to such sufferings. If you have a dream with
a determined event and you feel you and you feel you
have already lived that passage; only ask where, how
and when was it produced? If in your future there’s love
to profess, in your present and your past love has been
professed. The proportion is directly guided towards
those experiences. Remember that science is still
confused and does not know how to heal a man that his
illness is psychical, they think they’re mad; even when
madness does not exist. Product of the ignorance, not

wanting to understand furthermore of what they’re eyes
reach to see. The universal conscience is infinite and
knows it all, madmen do not exist, it’s only an
unbalancing; it can be natural or provoked by vices.
Medicine is still in seeds of the incantation of
knowledge. There are no illnesses that cannot be
intervened naturally without drugs that affect and end
with the organism even sooner. The cure is natural; it’s
created and developed by your own organism, by your
mind, by the power of your thoughts. There’s nothing
better than contact with live universal nature.
Following the order of your concerns; with
respect to the continents and regions that will disappear.
It’s eloquent to think that are the majority that will
vibrate in the middle of that reckless shake that
squeezes Earth in the next few years. The ecological
disaster has been producing itself; earthquakes in the
north and south, east and west leaving a floating
population abandoned in the most desolated pain. In
many regions; frightening events are occurring that you
cannot persuade, and that way little by little where you
live will have its turn and it will be horrifying, half the

Continent will sink, great part of South Africa, the
Middle East and the Western world will disappear from
the geological terrestrial map. Do not feel fear; it’s
proper and natural was nears. Being the Amazons the
only region that will come out untouched by the divine
protection of its nature and will be framed with a
dividing line from where one thousandth to another
nothing will occur. Grow and develop in active
progress towards kindness and humility. It’s the only
thing that will protect and save your souls. Sons, feel
respected and protected, you will not be blind again to
what approaches. You govern, you order, you have the
power and that’s how it’s written. You have lots of road
to cover and the support of the masters that protect you
is in the air. Think; from now in what occurs, its reason
must have, plus you have the blessings and protection
of those who you love and those who love you. Your
proximity to knowledge is pure. The soul is pure.
***In the middle of these answers, I formulated
a question mentally. In relation to the children of the
new era; and it was answered, the following way***

The crystal children, indigos, ámbar, pearly,
enlightened they’re all one, there’s even more. The
difference is that they bring different life objectives, for
being the sent ones to protect humanity and guide it
towards the development of the events in life or in
spirit, they’re susceptible and divines in love and
wisdom. You are one of them, your children and your
family members younger that 40 chronological years
old; all are. The set time is young when it was predicted
the act of the encounter with our justice. The similarity
is that all those children are sent with the same end; the
liberty for the love towards themselves and of others, of
our Universe and of our God.
With respect your next question: What your
conscience dictates you to do; do it, do not think; it’s
decided and approved. You can study and prepare
yourself not in one; but in all of them; and those that
resemble your form and ambition en relevance to
knowledge; give it priority; without abandoning the
present educational job for being the parallel
commitment, remember that things happen for a reason,

without impositions; if they manifest signifies that
they’re present because that’s how it has to be written.
Where you’re comfortable that’s where you
should bee. Not leaving without approving how perfect
life is behaving for and with you. Go ahead and ahead
with the vicissitudes and transient attitudes that involve
Everything that has been said in these scriptures
must be exposed to the world, do not make room for
doubts. In the following you may ask, at the mercy of
your wishes.
Integrity, honesty, sincerity, is the most
beautiful thing that accompanies a being. When the
words are since and come from the heart; it’s perfect;
when the soul is in perfect harmony with the spirit and
matter it’s perfect. Everything we have said here is
Love, and when there’s love there’s health, there’s
growth and there’s hope. Wrap all these feelings in a
shiny metallic cover and conserve it a little corner of
your hearts. And responding to your final question; for
the growth of the spirit there’s only the connection with
God; your thought directed in ways previously

described, visualizing the real eye so that the love you
must emanate and feel reaches. Only concentrate your
attention in your desires of learning. There are no
exclusive methods; the communication and the direct
contact with the ether of the universal wisdom; will
make all your present molecules vibrate; connecting
you with a harmonious and indescribable world that
will conduct you to the intervention of cognitive
variables that will enrich you integral spiritual


I give faith, tonight. Tuesday, October 23rd.

2007, at 11:22 PM; that once in bibliographical
circulation: The Revelation of the Century; our mission,
will be destined to cognitively assist in primary
necessities to whom desires so. If the need to resort to
the most neglected corners of the world exists, as to the
most enriched, by the avarice and the desire to impede
that justices reaches their level in wisdom and manifests
in disloyal and ambitious stingy criteria; we must be
there with our book, contributing teachings and
knowledge in LOVE for the fellowman, our brother. It's
even more comforting to assist all of those that with
LOVE and desire to be projected and united with the
Universal cosmos that protects us. Request a spot in the
lines of the absolute truth that is the only one that
would save our planet Earth.

Very tolerant and willing in patience, value,

security and sublime heart tied to our mission, that will
be the chained mission of all us, directed to the
omnipotence of which will stretch with infinite force to

the ties of UNIVERSAL LOVE.

This mission is of everyone and for everyone. In

the union, remains the conviction to reach great
achievements and that will be the goal of the man from
planet Earth.


There were many days of emotions and energies

that invaded my being. But with patience, I knew and
was able to conduct every message sent by master
Jesus. Many times I felt happiness, peace and other
times I felt a tormenting pain. It rests to say I feel very
please for being the instrument in the marvelous book
that I’m sure will touch the many hearts.
Thanks for the attention and that God allows the
understanding of every expressed feeling in this, your
book, The Revelation of the Century.

Glenda Barrios.


Glenda Xiomara Barrios Sanoja, Venezuelan;

Born in the city of Maracay located in the state of
Aragua. Licensed in Education, graduated from the
Central University of Venezuela, with revalidated
studies in the state of Florida, USA.
Glenda shares strong feelings of Love towards
children; whom she considers the most innocent and
pure virtue, existing in human beings.
Daughter of two beautiful beings, Ana and Juan;
sister of five and mother of three, Glenixa, Xioman &
Daniel; for whom she would offer her life until the end
of existence.
Glenda offers the most cordial gratitude to the
attention offered to this revealing Text.


I thank Master Jesus, for having selected me as

medium to disseminate these revelations, declarations,
thoughts and messages; that will set the history of a
revealing future.
My gratitude towards my son Xioman, who was
the highest participant so that this book could become a
reality; through the application of his knowledge and
practice in all the instructional technology that
accompanies this beautiful text: The Revelation of the
Century – Messages to Humanity.
I must also mention that a circle of cooperation
was defined on my surroundings, conformed by:
Daniela Orlandini, my parents, Juan and Ana Barrios;
whom all together spontaneously collaborated in the
development of this text.
Lastly I would like to thank my brothers, Freddy
and Antonio; for depositing their trust in this project,
initiating the first two pre-orders in our website:


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