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Detailed shot list

Panning shot from Maddys roof garden of council estates and time lapse of
sun set revealing dusk to dark
Main character walking with point of view shots cautiously looking around
him and looking at surroundings/handheld - rickety filming
Conveyer belt shots: boy in school studying, people in common room
socialising, boy at home with social worker looking at smiley face sheet
incapable of deciphering emotions, kids at school listening to music in park,
conveying contrast in isolation/dark/silence vs company/light/noise
Cut to silence then 360 degree shot of room ending with social worker how
are you feeling, how is your relationship with your mum?
Fade into shot of mother downstairs taking prescription pills/using knife
Over the shoulder shot of main boy watching social worker leave - from his
bedroom - spots youths going into a den - sees shiny thing (knife?) appears interested
Montage shots of boy repeatedly playing around with chemicals in a science
lab after school - creates a drug by accident
Close-up shot revealing him bagging up his drugs
Establishing shot of school
Over the shoulder shot of boy following girl home both in uniform after
school, fast editing of both looking back and forth with him trying to conceal
his intentions
Mid rotation shot of her pushing him asking him why he is following her,
drugs fall out instantly - zoom in on drugs
Jump cut to the lab - dolly up from drugs to boy and girl together in lab
Mid shot of her selling it with two silhouettes in dark alley way
Jump cut to his room with them counting money - Off Kilter
Point of view shot/handheld (shaky) of him walking in the dark home in
Side shot of him being confronted by hooded men, aggressing him, he falls
to floor
Low angle shot of men - power, high angle shot of boy - vulnerability
Jump cut to boy and girl running through dark, busy streets
Time lapse of city lights
Jump cut shot of a police car with a siren - they turn, not for them
Long shot of a train station platform - boy and girl are sitting down, train
comes, leaves - theyve gone - ambiguous ending - unknown fate of kids?

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