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Zheng Qinan Project

A True Transmission of
Chinese Medicines Principles

Scroll III
Zheng Qinan
Translation and commentary
Yaron Seidman
Lee Hong Ming

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Copyright 2011 Yaron Seidman & Lee Hong Ming

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Seidman and Lee Hong Ming and our website

Zheng Qinan Project

True Transmission of Chinese Medicines Principles Scroll III


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 1

Question: What causes a condition where the brain feels hot, the heart feels vexed and hot,
urination is scanty and dark and the throat dry?
Answer: This happens when heart heat transfers to small intestines and small intestines
heat transfers to kidneys. Kidneys are linked to the brain and brain heat is caused by
kidney heat. Kidney is the water organ and it exercises control over the two lower Yin
orifices. The front Yin orifice is small intestines and urinary bladder, while the rear Yin
orifice is Yang Ming large intestines.1 Lungs and large intestines are one internal-external
pair, while heart and small intestine is another internal-external pair. In this case, because
heart heat shifts onto the small intestines, the small intestines receives heat and so
urination is scanty. Heat burns the blood fluids of the small intestine. This will certainly
plead for rescue with kidney water and heat will immediately be at the kidneys. Kidney
water becomes disturbed by evil fire and cant arouse true water to gallop upward and
therefore dry throat follows. Since true water cant connect to the crown of the head
therefore the brain is hot. The appropriate method is nurturing Yin, clear heat and
descend fire. The formula is Dao Chi San.
Dao Chi San
Sheng Di 1 liang, Mu Tong 5 qian, Gan Cao 3 qian, Dan Zhu Ye 2 qian
Intention behind herb application explained


Zheng Qinan Project

Dao Chi San is a formula nurturing Yin, clearing heat, descending fire and harmonizing.
Sheng Di Huang is sweet cold and enters the kidney, cools blood and clears heat. When
kidney heat is cleared then brain heat naturally resolves. Mu Tong is sweet and bland and
is able to descend heart fire to go downward. It guides2 heat to exit via urination,
therefore the formulas name is guiding red.3 Zhu Ye is sweet and cold and cold can
triumph over heat. Gan Caos flavor is sweet. It is a herb most capable in slowing down
uprightness as well as clearing heat. This prescription moves Qi but doesnt injure Qi,
cools blood but doesnt injure blood. It is an even natured formula. Administering it
causes no harm and the accomplishment is great. If one uses it in a lively circular and
flexible fashion it will always hit home.
Yaron says: In this scroll Qinan discusses true Yin deficiency syndromes. These
syndromes, even though rarely seen in clinic, are paramount to a successful application of
medicine. If one blindly adheres to supporting Yang, when coming upon a true Yin
deficiency, his treatment yields chaos. A supporting Yang determining factor is the
ability to recognize true Yin deficiency.
Hongming says: Qinan's idea of Yin deficiency is rather like what is usually regarded as
excess of heat. It is still based on the unification of Yin and Yang.


Dao Toguideisthefirstwordintheformulasname

Dao Chi San

Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 2

Question: What causes a condition where two upper eyelids are extremely swollen, red
and painful, lower eyelids are normal, and there is gradual agitation and thirst with cold
fluids consumption?
Answer: This is caused by original Yin insufficiency in the upper collateral channel of
the stomach. Stomach fire thereupon discharges upward and injures fluids. The upper
eyelids belong to Yang Ming stomach, while lower eyelids belong to Tai Yin spleen. In
this case the disease is in the stomach and not spleen and therefore upper eyelids are
swollen while lower eyelids are not. When Stomach fire surges excessively then there is
thirst with craving for cold fluids. If a condition has not reached to a degree of cold fluids
consumption then Yin blood was not greatly injured yet. If it has reached to that degree
of cold liquid consumption then Yang Ming organ syndrome is established. If this
condition were to happen because of seasonal wind and cold then there must be an
evidence of wind or cold to testify it. In this case the condition started with no apparent
external cause and it appears within the boundary of Yang Ming. Therefore one knows
that original Yin is deficient in the stomachs upper channel and stomach fire is able to
attack it. The appropriate method is putting out fire in order to rescue Yin. The
prescription is Ren Shen Bai Hu Tang.
With Ren Shen Bai Hu Tang if the herb Ren Shen is not available then Xi Yang Shen or
Sha Shen can replace it.
Ren Shen 5 qian, Shi Gao 8 qian, Zhi Mu 6 qian, Gan Cao 2 qian, Geng Mi 1 scoop
Quantities in the ancient prescription are Shi Gao 1 jin, Zhi Mu 6 liang, Ren Shen 3 liang,
Gan Cao 2 liang, Mi 6 he. This is because Yang Ming stomach fire is blazing and
entrenched in the middle palace, and so it seems as if momentarily the entire bodys
blood and essence will be burnt completely. One cup of water will not be able to rescue
this and therefore the measure taken is with a fierce formula using its speedy fire
extinguishing quality. This case, even though belonging to stomach fire, does not reflect
such a severe example in order to carry such a measure and therefore the dosages are
different. This does not violate the classics original intention

Zheng Qinan Project

Intention behind herb application explained
Ren Shen Bai Hu Tang is a divine prescription extinguishing fire and saving Yin. In a
patients disease presentation, if one doesnt see a substantial evidence of Yang Ming
disease he cannot erroneously apply it. When a substantial evidence for Yang Ming
disease is already present then one should apply it urgently. In this case, the patients
upper eyelids are extremely red, swollen and painful and a thirst for cold drinks is present.
It is clearly a situation where stomach fire is already surging and fluids have injured. In
this instant, if Ren Shen is not urgently applied to support original Yin, Shi Gao to clear
stomach heat, Zhi Mu to moisten and nourish the origin, Gan Cao and Geng Mi to
cultivate center Qi4, then body fluids must be burnt completely and the harm inflicted is
great. This prescription must be used for this kind of eye disease. If this prescription is
viewed solely as a method for Shang Hanluns Yang Ming syndrome, then it is clinging
to non-sense. It is not knowing that Zhongjings methods are agile and flexible with each
single prescription. This prescription can be used with any disease belonging to Yang
Mings dryness and heat. The subtle cleverness in it is with the fine modification of
dosages. Modern day people overly fear Shi Gao and dont use it, which often time is a
mistake. It is truly because they dont understand this Dao, they dont pay attention to the
six spheres.
Yaron says: Yang Ming rules separation and downward cooling movement. Between
Yang Ming and Tai Yin it is a single motion bringing Yang energy down into the interior.
In reality, Yang Ming and Tai Yin cannot be clearly separated. The Neijing states that
Yang Ming is seen from the center, which is Tai Yin. In pathology, what differentiates
the two is the cravings for cold or hot drinks. Cravings for cold drinks mean that Yang
stays on top and did not enter the Yin realm. A craving for hot drinks means that Yang
has entered the Yin realm yet is too weak to transform earths Yin. The earth is dry and
therefore desires hot water, water with extra Yang in it.
Hongming says: Only swollen and red eyelids do not imply an excessive syndrome. The
desire for cold drink is the proof for internal heat.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 3

Question: What causes a condition where both ears front and rear areas are extremely red,
swollen and painful?
Answer: This happens when original Yin is insufficient in the Shao Yang meridian, then
Shao Yang meridians Yang Qi flourishes to become a disease. The ears front and rear
areas belong to Shao Yang boundaries. In this case these areas are extremely red, swollen

Zheng Qinan Project

and painful, allowing one to know that Shao Yang fire prospers. If it was connected to
wind or cold obstruction, then symptoms such as headaches, body aches and cold and
fever alternating must have been present. If it was caused by inner depression then there
must have been feeling of unsolved troubled thoughts. After careful consideration if one
cannot find evidence for internal or external causes than it is undoubtedly caused by
original Yin insufficiency. Original Yin insufficiency has its causes. At times it is caused
by an extended injury to spleen and stomach and so birth and transformation become too
scarce. At other times it is caused by excessive sexual activity leading to original Yang
insufficiency and so the force of forward cyclical motion is scarce, Yin blood gradually
becomes deficient and cant moisten wood. Wood dries out and wood disease breaks out.
This causes all sorts of syndromes like redness, swelling, pain, deafness, bitter mouth, rib
pains and tendon spasms. This case reveals a condition only in front and rear of both ears
and it doesnt speak of rib pains, tendon spasm, which in it of itself cites only one angle
of it. However in its midst, there is even a more important point, namely that the human
bodys top, bottom and four sides rely entirely on two Qi to fill it up; original Yin and
original Yang. When original Yin is insufficient, regardless of its location, original Yang
immediately prospers in the same location and becomes a disease. When original Yang is
insufficient, regardless of its location, original Yin too immediately prospers in the same
location and becomes a disease. Off course, the two Qi reside within the ordinary essence
and ordinary Qi.5 When ordinary essence and Qi surge, then original Yin and original
Yang naturally surge. When ordinary essence and Qi decline, then original Yin and
original Yang naturally decline. This is the rise and decline mechanism of the two Qi, it is
the main idea behind a disease formation. When discussing the two Qi or a particular
location the six spheres are naturally within. When examining external contraction and
inspecting internal injury the harmful attack mechanism is naturally established. When
knowledge attains this principle then Zhongjings heart method6 can be mastered. It
becomes transparent and flawless. The direction for harmonizing water and fire has a
basis to it. This disease can be treated with Xiao Chai Hu Tang while doubling on Ren
Shen and Huang Qin.
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Ren Shen 8 qian, Chai Hu 6 qian, Huang Qin 7 qian, Ban Xia 4 qian, Gan Cao 3 qian, Da
Zao 4 pieces, Sheng Jiang 3 qian
In the ancient prescription Chai Hu had half jin, Huang Qin 3 liang, Ren Shen 3 liang,
Gan Cao 2 liang, Sheng Jiang 3 liang, Ban Xia half sheng, Da Zao 12 pieces, because
cold injured Tai Yang Qi and prevented it from entering and exiting via the chest. Instead
it became obstructed in between the chest and rib area and remained within the
boundaries of Shao Yang. Shao Yang occupies a region half in the exterior and half in the
interior. When it leans to the exterior it becomes hot and when it leans to the interior it
becomes cold, and therefore Shao Yang dominates a condition of alternating hot and cold.
In which case the unresolved evil in Tai Yang is attacking and the pivot point doesnt
rotate. Zhongjing established the method of Xiao Chai Hu in order to truly stretch out the


Zheng Qinan Project

wood of Shao Yang. When wood Qi stretches out then the unresolved evil in Tai Yang
can as well spin forward and exit via the pivot point.
Intention behind herb application explained
Xiao Chai Hu Tang is a formula resolving both the exterior and the interior. It is also a
formula that spins the pivot and harmonizes. This prescription idea is originally the
method of treating tensed Shao Yang Qi. However, in reality it is also a method for Tai
Yang Qi being adverse in the chest and rib area. Zhongjing when treating Tai Yang
actually uses this to treat Shao Yang, and when he treats Shao Yang immediately Tai
Yang is treated. Many do not know this. I say that whenever a disease belongs to Shao
Yang meridian this prescription can be used. One must not wait for cold injury and Tai
Yang Qi being obstructed in chest and ribs that cant come out in order to use it. If this
disease has red and swollen symptoms it is certainly in Shao Yang already, and if there is
no external invasion or depression, if it is not original Yin insufficiency what else can it
be? One takes the ancient prescription and changes the dosages. The sweet cold Ren Shen
becomes the emperor herb as it supports the inadequate original Yin. The bitter even Chai
Hu becomes the minister herb soothing the stagnating liver wood. The bitter Huang Qin
serves as the assistant herb in draining Shao Yangs internal heat. Pungent scattering of
Ban Xia and Sheng Jiang is also assistant as it drains off the accumulated phlegm fluid in
the rib area. Da Zao and Gan Cao are the messengers cultivating center Qi. Naturally the
sweetness of Da Zao and Gan Cao combined with bitter cold herbs can transform the
entire bodys Yin, while combined with pungent scattering herbs can adjust the entire
bodys Yang. Yang transformation suffices in matching Yin. Yin transformation suffices
in matching Yang. When Yin Yang combine and match then evil naturally cannot take
place and therefore both resolve.7 Off course the ancient prescription uses heavy dose of
Chai Hu and its merit is spinning the pivot. This prescription doubles on Ren Shen and
Huang Qin and its merit is with nurturing Yin in order to clear the heat. Transformation is
within the person and so the prescriptions origin is not fixed. In summary, it is lively
with a natural bent. When Yin Yang heaviness and lightness alternate it is possible not to
restrict its applications to the classics boundaries.
Yaron says: Original Yang insufficiency and so the force of forward cyclical motion is
scarce, Yin blood gradually becomes deficient and cant moisten wood. With this line
Qinan connect pre heaven Yang to post heaven Yin and blood. However later he explains
that when ordinary essence and Qi decline, then original Yin and original Yang naturally
decline and therefore if the cyclical motion of pre heaven Yang declines then pre heaven
Yin is bound to decline too. Man reflects heaven and so when blood surges original Yin
surges and when blood Yin declines then original Yin declines. One sees in the post
heaven manifestation, the decline or surge of Yin or Yang, and then he can determine the
decline or surge of pre heaven Yin or Yang. Some ask why is there a difference then
between pre heaven and post heaven? Why isnt it just one Yin and one Yang? And in
reality there is a difference. One is the root while the other the branches. Root and
branches not only are closely related they are inseparable. They compose one unit.
Because they are inseparable should we then assume that root and branches are the same?
Hongming says: Normally, pre heaven Yin and Yang are united. There is disease once


Zheng Qinan Project

they are separated or not harmonious. Yin deficiency means excess of Yang. But excess
of Yang also implies that there is Yin remaining in the body. The bitter Huang Qin serves
as the assistant herb in draining Shao Yangs internal heat. Pungent scattering of Ban
Xia and Sheng Jiang is also assistant as it drains off the accumulated phlegm fluid in the
rib area. We should always beware of Yin evil left in the body while clearing heat.


Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 4
Question: What causes a condition where the nose tip is swollen red, upper gums are
swollen painful, irregular bowel movement, agitation and delirious speech, thirst with
craving for cold drinks?
Answer: This is caused by stomach original Yin insufficiency, stomach fire is surging
and Yin blood to the contrary is injured. As for original Yin Qi, if there is no organ
missing it, then there can be no red swelling and fire syndromes. People only know that
wind evil and fire evil are doing it8 yet they dont know that original Yin has already
declined early on in the interior. Yin deficiency causes fire to prosper and therefore fire
syndrome breaks out. In this case the patient presents a syndrome, which is already a
Yang Ming internal syndrome. In this moment stomach fire surges to the extreme and
Yin blood declines heavily. One should know that in ordinary blood resides the original
Yin and in ordinary Qi resides the original Yang. The patients original Yin is insufficient
first and then fire is born. When fires birth is too intense it is even more so injuring the
ordinary blood. Therefore it is said: Strong fire consumes Qi9. Consuming Qi means
consuming entirely the original Yin Qi. Long line of doctors consider erroneously that
Rou Gui and Fu Zi are strong fire. They dont know that Rou Gui and Fu Zi tonify the
declined original Yang. They are the essential medicine for people with Yang deficiency,
however inappropriate for Yang surging and Yin deficiency. For this disease the
appropriate method is draining fire and rescuing Yin. The prescription dominating this is
Da Cheng Qi Tang.
Da Cheng Qi tang
Mang Xiao 6 qian, Da Huang 5 qian, Zhi Shi 3 qian, Hou Po 8 qian
The ancient prescription has Hou Po up to half jin, Da Huang 4 liang, Zhi Shi 5 pieces,
Mang Xiao 5 ge, because Tai Yang evil has entered into the dryness realm, and has
already transformed into heat evil and is now showing great excess, great fullness, great
accumulation, bowels obstruction, crazy shouting, abdominal pains, while pulse is deep
and full. Yang Ming in this state cannot be resolved with clearing, cooling and scattering
methods. It can be resolved only with a forcing downward method. Zhongjing therefore
created this prescription and established a method for Yang Ming, which is about to be
ruined. Off course, if the situation did not reach an extreme fullness inside, one can
change the dosages and still use it. With this it is possible to not miss the classics
internal syndrome purpose.
Intention behind herb application explained
Da Cheng Qi tang is a prescription bringing people back to life. It is also a prescription
draining fire and rescuing Yin. When the patients stomach is already full and original
Yin about to perish, it is in a flash of an eye that Yin will be burnt completely and life
will seize its birth unless cold bitter of Da Huang and Mang Xiao is urgently used to
drain the revolting heat, and bitter warmth of Zhi Shi and Hou Po is used to break apart
the accumulating and stagnating evil. Zhongjing established this method based upon the
exploration of original Yin and original Yang rise and decline. When Yang surges to the
extreme then Yin must perish. Preserving Yin must be urgent and therefore herb dosages



Zheng Qinan Project

must be large. When Yin surges to the extreme then Yang must perish. Preserving Yang
must be urgent and therefore Si Ni Tang herb dosages must be large as well. The two
prescriptions have a life saving merit. Zhongjing lifetime accomplishment is in dissecting
Yin Yang and it can be seen in these two prescriptions. All his methods begin with the six
Qi transformations. When the six spheres dominating Qi is the root then each has its
outlined boundaries. When the six Qi are guest energy then each has its seasonal
differences. These cannot be mixed up. In this case, even though there is a Yang Ming
internal syndrome yet it is not a great excess and so this formula uses different dosages to
treat it. It does not miss out on the classics treatment method for internal syndrome.
Even though the dosages are different the situation is different as well. If the student can
carefully experience this, the changes naturally have justification.
Yaron says: In this section the reader may easily misinterpret the relationship between
original Yin Yang and post heaven Yin Yang. Original Yin and ordinary Yin do not have
a before and after sequence. They rather show the origin and manifestation of Yin. When
Yin manifestation dries out the person feels thirsty, has dry skin, dry eyes and possibly
feels hot, yet there is no immediate risk of life terminating. In Yang Ming internal
syndrome life is about to sever as original Yin becomes extinct. In this instant using
Cheng Qi Tang is a life saving measure. If on the other hand manifestation Yin dries out
and yet original Yang is deficient and one still uses cold, clearing and purging herbs, then
the patients life is being terminated. One must master the difference.
Hongming says: The faeces is Yin and the Qi which forces it downwards is Yang.
Constipation can be distinguished between heat and cold. Constipation with heat
syndrome implies that Yang Qi is stagnated in upper and middle jiao and caught fire.
That with cold syndrome reveals that Yang Qi is insufficient. For heat syndrome Cheng
Qi Tang is usually used for forcing downwards. But for cold syndrome if Cheng Qi is
used, it is like adding froze on ice. I always use Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang to treat chronic



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 5

Question: What causes a condition where the two corners of both eyes have tiny red veins,
extreme pains, tongue is swollen thick and urination infrequent?
Answer: This happens when original Yin is insufficient and Shao Yin fire boils up. The
large and small corners of the eyes10 belong to heart and small intestines. When original
Yin of the two meridians is insufficient then original Yang Qi surges and becomes a
disease. This is a guest evil, it doesnt have to be wind or cold obstruction that does it in
order to be a guest Qi. When knowledge acquires this principle then one attains the Dao
of residing Qi and guest Qi rise and decline. Moreover the eye socket encompasses a
realm in which five Zang organs essences gather. As a rule there should not be there the
slightest guest Qi. If there is a bit of guest Qi then an eye disease breaks out. The two
words guest Qi represent on the outside wind, cold, heat, damp, dryness and fire
seasonal types of Qi. On the inside they represent the surge inclination of original Yin
and original Yang, which is unlike the seasonal Qi wind, cold, heat, damp, dryness and
fire. When there is external invasion there must be fever, headache, runny nose, aversion
to cold etc symptoms. When it is coming from inside with the discharge of the two Qi11
there must not be an evidence of external appearance. When original Yin insufficiency is
a disease then fire must prosper and become an excessive evil, many symptoms of which
are redness, swelling and severe pains. When original Yang insufficiency is a disease
then Yin must surge and become a deficient evil of which many cases do not carry
symptoms of swelling and pain. If however there is swelling and extreme pain and it is a
presentation of original Yang separating to the exterior it must display a Yin appearance
as a testimony. If there is no Yin appearance to prove this then it is excessive fire.12 This
is the essential part in differentiating this syndrome. As for eye diseases even though it is
said to have seventy-two different types they all fall under four categories; Yin, Yang,
deficiency and excess. The eyes, belonging to the five Zang organs, are called the five
rings. Wind ring dominates liver and is black pearl in color. Blood ring dominates heart
and is the two eye corners. Qi ring dominates lungs and is the eye white. Water ring
dominates kidneys and is the eye pupil. Flesh ring dominates spleen and is the upper and



Zheng Qinan Project

lower eyelids. It13 is also divided into eight outlines; Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun
and Dui.14 However its important aspect is not with this. The student must seek it within
the surge of the two Qi. He must seek it within the six Qi. In this case the two corners of
the eyes and tongue are swollen and urination infrequent. The heart and small intestine
are both hot. The appropriate method is to nurture Yin and clear heat. The prescription is
a big dose of Dao Chi San plus Xi Yang Shen and Huang Lian. See explanation above.
Yaron says: When original Yin insufficiency is a disease then fire must prosper and
become an excessive evil In this line Qinan reveals a relationship between pre heaven Yin
and post heaven Yang. A simultaneous relationship that requires a balance. When core
Yin (original Yin) declines then manifestation fire immediately expresses itself. Fire
expressing itself means that it departs the center. The center in this case is fire attached to
the bodys physical tissues. Fire seen on the outside means that life separates from tissues,
hence to the extreme brings upon death.
Hongming says: Guest Qi is found when original Qi does not circulate normally. It
doesnt matter which guest Qi is affecting, it matters how the original Qi is affected.



Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun and Dui. The eight trigrams heaven, water, mountain, thunder, wind,
fire, earth and swamp.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 6
Question: What causes a condition of sore throat, dry cough with no phlegm, feverish
sensation in the chest, palms and soles, and desire to drink cold drinks?
Answer: This happens when original Yin is insufficient and Shao Yin fire flourishes and
closes on the lungs. Shao Yin meridian embraces the throat and when the throat is sore it
is from fire flourishing. The lungs cough is from fire closing in on it. No phlegm takes
place when fire surges and fluids dry out. Feverish sensation in chest, soles and palms
happen because of deficient original Yin being burnt by evil fire. Desire for cold drinks
happens when Yin desires Yin for its rescue. The appropriate method is clearing heat,
moistening dryness and saving Yin. The prescription dominating this is Huang Lian E
Jiao Tang.
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
Huang Lian 4 qian, Huang Qin 4 qian, Shao Yao 2 qian, E Jiao 2 qian, Egg Yolk 2
Intention behind herb application explained
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang is a prescription joining Yin and Yang but in reality it is a
prescription nourishing Yin and clearing heat. Originally this prescription is for Shao Yin
heat transformation syndrome with vexation and inability to lie down. As for vexation it
is caused by the essence in Kans midst15, which is unable to join upward with the heart.
Inability to lie down takes place when Yin in Lis midst16 cannot descend to the kidneys.
In the prescription the bitter of Huang Qin, Huang Liang and Shao Yao directly clear the
heat, in addition egg yolk tonifies the Qi in the midst of Li, E Jiao tonifies the essence in
the midst of Kan. When Kan and Li are both tonified, then Yin Yang energies harmonize
naturally, Rise and descent are well behaved and water and fire find their root in each
other. In this case, the presented syndrome completely belongs to injured original Yin
and the acting up of Yang changing into a guest evil. Therefore bitter cold and
moistening herbs are used to moisten the dried out areas. This extinguishes fire and
allows Yin to reestablish itself. The disease can immediately reach recovery. Dosages of
ancient prescriptions presented different ideas and therefore sometimes utilized a large or
small dose. In this case the disease condition is slightly different and so it was changed.17
Yaron says: Deficient original Yin being burnt by evil fire. Yang is a force allowing life,
and so being a life-giving instrument why will it burn Yin leading ultimately to death?
This concept is most difficult to understand and it can be summarized with one word:
Heart. Aside from external heat attacking the physical body and creating havoc, when
heart discharges its desires and emotions it brings about separation. Separation is a person
waking up and becoming alive. Becoming alive means discharging fire, while not
discharging fire means hibernating. The more one hibernates the more time he has and
yet less alive he is, for example in meditation. The more one desires the more he becomes
alive, however the less time he has remaining. Each makes his own calculations and
strikes his own balance. This is how becoming alive discharges fire that can harm
original Yin.



Zheng Qinan Project

Hongming says: Some regard Huang Lian E Jiao Tang as Zhu Que Tang (Red Bird
Decoction). Zhu Que (Red Bird) is the constellation representing the south and summer.
When the whole Zhu Que appears on the sky after the sunset the summer is about to end.
Therefore the effect of Zhu Que Tang is like to clear the heat from the summer and lead
to autumn and winter. That is to descend heart fire.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 7

Question: What causes a condition where a woman two three days past labour and
delivery suffers a minor ailment, then after using blood moving and Qi scattering herbs
there is no evident efficacy and the condition prevails for more then a month, which leads
to swelling all over the body. At this time when the patient takes herbs to resolve
swelling then her breasts become more swollen with no lactation, the anus feels pressed
and distended with excruciating pains?
Answer: This is caused by inappropriate use of medicine, which leads to a situation of
blood breaking away.18 In many cases, women just past labour and delivery, where blood
violently pours downward, suffer blood deficiency leading to stagnation and stasis,
abdominal pains, swollen breasts and fainting all due to loss of blood. It is only
appropriate to use warming the center herbs, invigorating blood and moving Qi. One
cannot overly use breaking stasis and scattering stagnation herbs. The muddled doctor
specifically uses breaking and scattering of stasis and stagnation. He doesnt know that
when Qi is warmed up stagnation moves and resolves naturally. When blood is
invigorated stasis scatters naturally. In this case the wrongful use of scattering stagnation
led to a spoiled syndrome.19 There is no thought of a woman past delivery, who suffers a
significant blood deficiency, who needs to rely entirely on supporting Yang to generate
blood. In this case Yang was not support but rather harmed. When Yang is harmed where
will Yin blood generate from? Where will stasis and stagnation start moving from? In this
case it became blood breaking away and so original Qi has nothing to rely on. The
entire body is in disarray and therefore swelling breaks out. At this moment it is only
appropriate to gather back original Yang, however with inadequate considerations one
sees swelling and uses herbs to resolve swelling. This increases the breast swelling and
the anus is distended and excruciating. The appropriate method is to fiercely tonify blood.
When blood is tonified then Qi has what to rely upon. When Qi has what to rely upon
then swelling naturally doesnt take place. The prescription is Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
plus Lu Rong, Hei Jiang, Mai Ya, Gan Cao, Cong Jiu.20
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Dang Gui 4 qian, Huang Qi 1 liang, Lu Rong 3 qian, Mai Ya 5 qian, Hei Jiang 4 qian, Zhi
Gan Cao 2 qian, sweet liquor half cup, scallion heads 4
Intention behind herb applications explained
Bu Xue Tang is a prescription invigorating blood and moving Qi. In reality it is a
prescription tonifying blood and Qi. Dang Guis bitter flavor enters the heart and can
tonfiy the heart. Heart is the source giving birth to blood. Huang Qis sweet and warm
tonify the lungs. Lungs are the ancestor of upright Qi. When Dang Gui combines with
Theconceptof Tuo breaking away means that Yin and Yang are separating. In this
case blood is breaking away from Qi.



Zheng Qinan Project

Huang Qi then blood has something to attach to. When Huang Qi combines with Dang
Gui then Qi has something to rely upon. You can call this formula either Bu Xue Tang or
Bu Qi Tang.21 When the sages called it tonifying blood decoction, they used the idea that
when Yang is born then Yin grows.22 I say that it tonifies both blood and Qi. If one
desires tonifying Qi then Dang Guis dosage should be double then Huang Qi. It is a
method from Yin leading to Yang. If one desires tonifying Blood then Huang Qis dosage
should be double then Dang Gui. It is a method from Yang leading to Yin. In this formula
Huang Qi is double and so it is named tonifying blood decoction. In this case a woman
after delivery is sick for 40 some days and the condition becomes blood about to break
away but did not break away yet. At this instant the patient receives herbs tonifying
blood and so blood deficiency can recover. She also receives herbs tonifying Qi and
blood has a commander. As soon as blood has a commander whatever desires to descend
stop descending and so the symptom of distended anus is relieved. Adding Lu Rong
means using substance of pure Yang to help true Yang Qi. The assistant in this formula is
ginger and Gan Cao, which have the merit of warming the center, and also transforming
Yin. Using scallion heads to descend the Yin in the middle of Li trigram to connect
below, and using sweet liquor to steer the Yang in Kan trigram to move upward.23 The
messenger in the formula is Mai Ya dissolving any stagnation of Qi and blood in the
center. It is not cold or dry and so easily can cure this disease. In addition, heavy dose of
Dang Gui can invigorate blood, heavy dose of Huang Qi has the ingenuity of moving Qi.
Earlier worthies frequently used it with blood deficiency giving rise to fever with good
results. I say that it can be used with blood deficiency and Qi deficiency. One need not be
Yaron says: I remove Lu Rong from this formula as it will cause swelling of the ankles,
and add Long Yan Rou 20. If its breaking apart downward mechanism has revealed itself
already, then I add Fu Zi 15, An Gui 10 to support the bottom. I am afraid that at this
stage supporting blood alone is too late to prevent breaking apart. If one doesnt
strengthen the origin, how can Qi be warmed up and blood invigorated?
Hongming says: Blood and Qi are inseparable pair like Yin and Yang. The function of
Dang Gui is tonifying blood, which means descending Qi. That of Huang Qi is tonifying
Qi, which means ascending Qi. Though Dang Gui can tonify blood by entering the heart,
which is the source of blood, it needs adequate lung Qi to push Qi downwards. Large
dose of Huang Qi can strength lung Qi.






Zheng Qinan Project


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 8

Question: What causes a condition where the patient has bad breath, yellow complexion,
drink cold drinks, endless hiccups, watery diarrhea that doesnt end, yet body movements
are normal?
Answer: This is caused by original Yin insufficiency with stomach fire extremely
flourishing. As for bad breath, it has two causes. One cause is pre-heaven essence leaking
and emitting. However, in this case, even though the breath is extremely smelly, the
tongue is slippery moist and slightly yellow, the person lacks spirit and Yin presentation
is completely at hand. One definitely doesnt crave cold drinks. When stomach fire
flourishes the breath stinks and the tongue must be dry yellow, there is thirst with craving
for cold drinks. Hiccup is fire gushing upward, while endless diarrhea is the fire descent.
Body movements are normal with the help of fire. The appropriate method is to seize
downward. The prescription dominating this condition is Da Cheng Qi Tang. See above
for explanation. This paragraph encompasses top, center and bottom. The student must
not wait to see all of these in order to start using this prescription. The method is lively
and the circle unobstructed. What is precious for man is to know the mechanism behind it.
Yaron says: Key to understand this somewhat rare condition is endless watery diarrhea
combined with cravings for cold drinks and normal body movement. Yang energy did not
decline yet, however Yang energy in Yang Ming does not conceal into the interior. When
Yang Ming cant conceal then endless hiccups follow. Da Cheng Qi Tang is a strong
action aiming at reviving Yang Ming concealment. It is not a remedy for constipation.
When Yang Ming conceals then inner separation of food and fluids takes place naturally
and diarrhea stops.
Hongming says: In five phases, we disperse the son for excess. For the dry evil caused by
excess of heat, we use bitter and cold to disperse the water, which means to descend the


Zheng Qinan Project


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 9

Question: What causes a condition where a healthy person has dry cough with no phlegm?
Answer: This happens when original Yin is insufficient and lungs are dry. Lungs are
metal. They are the source generating water. Original Yin insufficiency is caused by dry
lungs not generating water. Lung dryness, in reality, is caused by original Yin
insufficiency giving birth to evil fire. When fire flourishes it controls metal and therefore
the lungs are dry. When lung Qi is dry then this dry cough takes place. The appropriate
method is to apply bitter sweet in order to transform Yin and nurture blood. The
prescription is Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang in combination with Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
plus Wu Wei Zi.
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang
Zhi Gan Cao 2 liang, Gan Jiang 5 qian baked25
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang is a pungent sweet transforming Yang prescription and also a
bitter sweet transforming Yin prescription. Gan Jiang is pungent warm. When pungent
combines with sweet then Yang transforms. When Gan Jiang is blackened through
baking its flavor is bitter. When bitter combines with sweet then Yin transforms.
Zhongjing uses this formula to treat agitation and cold hands and feet following an
emesis mistreatment, by using great sweetness to transform heat, protect the center and
recover Yang. He also treats vomiting blood and cold center, by using pungent sweet to
transform Yang. Yang is Qi and Qi can control blood. Yang can overcome cold and also



Zheng Qinan Project

warm the center. He also uses this formula to treat convulsions, tendon spasm, lung
atrophy and intestinal dryness, by using bitter sweet to transform Yin. Yin is blood.
Blood can overcome heat, moisten dryness and nurture tendons. In this case as soon as
the patient presents dry cough without phlegm, lung Qi dryness becomes apparent. In
order to treat this, transforming Yin method is immediately applied and combined with
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang plus Wu Wei Zi. This is in order to resolve dryness and heat and
allow clear lung Qi. Elimination26 causes movement and dry cough naturally doesnt take
Yaron says: Dryness often results from lack of fire entering into earth. Tai Yin metal
injects heaven fire into Spleen earth and when fire goes into earth it becomes water. Gan
Jiang pungent hot revives fire in Tai Yin and when bakes and bitter even more so as bitter
enters fire. Zhi Gan Cao leads this fire into spleen and earth transforms into mist and
water. When water revives lung Yin is not deficient anymore and dry cough stops. It is
not treating cough and yet the cough is being treated. The classic states when Yang is
born Yin flourishes and this is its meaning. From pre-heaven transforming Yang into
post-heaven Yin requires certain duration, one can add Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang plus Wu
Weizi to aid post heaven until true recovery arrives.
Hongming says: In five phases, we tonify the mother for deficiency. Now the lung metal
is deficient, large dose of Gan Cao is used for tonify the Yin earth. This aims at tonifying
the lung Qi to restore the function of dryness, which is the downward movement of Qi.





Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 10

Question: What causes a gynaecological disease where there is a sudden joy, laughter and
abnormal speech, it seems crazy but it is not crazy, it seems mad but it is not mad?
Answer: This happens when true water cannot connect upward to the heart. Heart heat is
generated and spirit is not stable. The human body relies entirely on two words; water
and fire. Water and fire depend on each other for their mutual action. They both share a
common root. When fire descends then kidney organ is warm and when water rises then
heart organ is cool. This is the subtle aspect of Yin Yang going back and forth. In this
case the patient presents a syndrome clearly linked to true Yin insufficiency that cannot
connect upward to the heart and so heart heat is generated. The heart is the spirits master.
When heat is severe then spirit is confused and therefore there is joy27, laughter and
abnormal speech. The person seems crazy. All medical books refer to this condition as
heat entering blood chamber, however they still dont see the principle clearly. They
dont know that heart is the origin of blood generation. Blood chamber is where Chong
meridian resides. Chong is the sea of blood. Whenever heat enters it there arent
necessarily madness and craziness symptoms but rather feeling extremely hot and spirit
being confused.28 The appropriate method is to nurture Yin and clear heat, as to mainly
bridge and connect Yin Yang. The prescription is Zhi Chi Tang.
Zhi Chi Tang
Zhi Zi 1 liang, Dou Chi29 2 liang
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Zhi Chi Tang is a prescription connecting and bridging Kan and Li. It is not a induce
vomiting prescription. Zhi Zis color is red, flavor bitter, nature cold, and so it can drain
hearts evil heat. Additionally, it can direct fire heat to connect downward with kidneys
and allow kidney organs warmth. Beans shape resembles kidneys and when fermented
its curd becomes light and floating. It can lead water fluid to rise and connect with the
heart and so heart organ becomes cool. When one is ascending and the other descending,
then coming and going is unobstructed. Heart and kidneys connect and this syndrome can
immediately heal. Zhongjing uses this prescription in treating deficient agitation and
insomnia as well as feeling upset following a mistreatment of sweating, vomiting or
purging. He uses the formulas ability of Ji Ji30. Earlier virtuous practitioners placed this
formula under induce vomiting, which is truly inappropriate. They completely didnt

JiJiisthe63 hexagramintheYijingmeaningasuccessfulcompletion.Firebelowandwaterabove.


Zheng Qinan Project

think about Zhongjing placing it under deficient agitation syndrome following an
erroneous sweating, vomiting or purging. Wherefor does it have the principle of causing
vomiting again?
Yaron says: One should pay attention that in Yang Ming disease where bodys Yang
energy cant conceal its separation, similar symptoms of delirious speech and laughter
can occur. Heart ability to descend its fire is closely related to Yang Mings ability of
concealment. According to natures true principle fire does not go down, nor does water
go up. One should therefore deeply contemplate how and why heaven and earth change
into water and fire in ones body, and even more so how they end up as Ji Ji hexagram. It
is this kind of thinking that Qinan is engaged in while explaining above patient case. In
the following paragraph Qinan goes in greater depth into heart fire and its relationship to
Yin. As for Zhi Chi Tang, Zhongjing uses this prescription in treating agitation after
mistreatment of three Yang, why? It is because mistreatment of three Yang ascending and
descending results in entering and exiting of spirit, in Shao Yin Tai Yang, being
obstructed. Zhi Zi Dou Chi recover entering and exiting function and so abnormal
laughter stops. When entering and exiting recover then ascending and descending return
to their place.
Hongming says: Women in menopause age often feel hot and agitated. This upper jiao
fire syndrome can be relieved with Zhi Chi Tang. But the root can always be the cold in
lower jiao. Then Si Ni Tang should be considered.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 11

Question: What causes a condition where every morning after breakfast there is cough
with several mouthfuls of yellow phlegm, the five hearts31 experience hot flashes,




Zheng Qinan Project

agitation, thirst, great heat with craving for cold fluids and the six pulses32 are thin and
Answer: This happens when original Yin is deficient to the extreme, fire prospers and
fluids are about dry up. Whenever there is great heat, thirst, desire for cold drinks,
agitation, cough with expectoration of yellow phlegm syndrome it resembles white tiger33
presentation. However the six pulses are thin and rapid. Thin means that blood is
deficient while rapid means blood heat is present. It is clearly blood deficiency generating
internal heat and therefore it is not white tiger syndrome. At this moment the doctor
cannot be on the high seas, he must interrogate truth. I carefully examine the patients
condition. In cold injury Yang Ming syndrome agitation, thirst, desire for cold drinks and
heat come from an external invasion. The pulse must be long and big and decidedly there
are headaches, body aches and aversion to cold. Blood deficiencys great thirst, desire for
cold drinks, agitation and heat result from an internal injury. It results from either
vomiting of blood, chronic cough, sudden loss of blood during labor and delivery or
emotional depression injuring the heart and spleen. Pulse must be thin and small and if
the situation is extreme thin and rapid. Decidedly there are only few headaches, body
aches or minor aversion to cold. One surely cannot use even small dosage of white tiger
decoction. An erroneous use of white tiger decoction will lead to a severe injury. The
appropriate method is to tonify aggressively original Yin. The prescription is Du Shen
Tang or it is also possible with Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang, see above explanations.
Du Shen Tang
Ren Shen can be replaced by Xi Yang Shen
Xi Yang Shen 2 liang
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Du Shen Tang is the number one tonifying Yin prescription. Modern doctors use it for
tonifying Yang and recovering Yang, which is in great contradiction to the classics. It is
because they dont understand the subtlety of water and fire establishing a polarity, and
the special usage of herb characteristic. My plan is for the living, I cannot but directly
speak against it. The human body, for its life, relies entirely on water and fire and thats
all. Water and fire are Qi and blood. They are Yin and Yang. The root of Yang is in Kan
trigram. Heaven 1 gives birth to water. One drop original Yang is harboured in between
two Yin. The root of Yin is in Li34 trigram. Earth 2 gives birth to fire. One drop original
Yin is stored within two Yang. Water and fire reciprocate their root. Qian and Kun
trigrams35 go back and forth upside down and each has its subtle effect. Therefore the
classic states The one who is good with tonifying Yang seeks the Yang in Yin. The one
who is good with tonifying Yin seeks the Yin in Yang. Todays people seldom understand
this principle. As soon as they see Yang deficiency, with herbs, they emphasize heart and
dont emphasize kidneys. As soon as they see Yin deficiency, with herbs, they emphasize
kidneys and dont emphasize heart. Investigating into what herbs they use it is so that
with Yang deficiency they are heavily using Ren Shen, while with Yin deficiency heavily
using Shu Dihuang. Examining Shu Di to be sweet cold it is then not a mistake. However



Zheng Qinan Project

Ren Shen is sweet cold and also recently produced Xi Yang Shen is bitter cold. They are
both Yin tonics and not Yang tonics. Therefore Zhongjing doesnt use Ren Shen to
recover Yang but rather with syndromes of great heat and perishing Yin. He uses it to
preserve Yin in formulas like Ren Shen Bai Hu Tang and Xiao Chai Hu Tang. As for
herbs, if their character is bitter, cold, sour, astringent and salty their achievement is
specifically in Yin. If they are sweet, warm, pungent, bland and spicy their achievement
is specifically in Yang. Modern people emphasize the Yin Yang of post-heaven Kan Li
trigrams and they dont know the Yin Yang establishing polarities of Kan Li trigrams.
Therefore their use of herbs is often mistaken. Zhongjings lifetime research is into this
polarity establishment of original Yin and original Yang. Within this he researches
waxing and waning and rise and decline, uncovering the six spheres outline principles
and differentiating their Yin Yang boundaries. Three Yang are settled by one Qi of
Qians origin. Three Yin transform by the one Qi of Kuns origin. Five Zang and six Fu
organs occupy a vacant seat, while the two Qi36 flow and create a true instrument. As for
progression and retreat of Yin Yang, one should investigate in which area it takes place,
what Qi causes it and which evil attacks it. As for external invasion, it comes from three
Yang inward and so the six guests must be well acquainted with. As for internal injury, it
goes from three Yin outward and so seven emotions should be preciously recognized.
With applications of herbs, each needs a substantial evidence for its usage, like in the
dominating prescriptions of the six spheres. Naturally, among herbs tonifying Yang in
Kan trigram Fu Zi is the leading herb, while for tonifying Yin in Li trigram Ren Shen is
the leading herb. For harmonizing above and below and balancing center earth, among
the herbs Gan Cao is most capable. All these are herbs establishing polarities, so how can
a person not investigate this! When I further explore modern-day usage of Ren Shen for
tonifying heart, it aims at tonifying Yang. One doesnt know that even though heart
belongs to Yang, it is Yang on the outside and Yin inside. Its accomplishment and use is
in Yin. The entire bodys Yin blood is transformed by fire and therefore its color red. The
classic states Heart gives birth to blood. It also states fire flavor is bitter. Using bitter to
tonify heart means tonifying Yin within Li trigram and not tonifying true Yang.
Throughout the ages the only one who knew how to use Ren Shen was Zhongjing. In Li
Shizhen Ben Cao it states It can recover original Qi from a world of void. Further
exploring its idea is that Yin Yang share a common root. The classic states When Yang is
about to break off, tonify Yin in order for it to remain. Du Shen Tang accomplishes it.
When Yin is about to break off, tonify Yang in order to rescue it. Hui Yang Yin37
accomplishes it. If a condition becomes Yin surge that forces Yang outward and Ren
Shen is still used, then Yang perishing is accelerated. When Yang surges and scolds Yin
to exhaustion and Hui Yang Yin is still used then Yin perishing is truly accelerated.
When one uses Ren Shen and hopes for Hui Yang Yin effect, it is never a suitable
principle. The student must know this. If this case before us presents itself, it is Yang
surging and Yin deficient to the extreme. One should use Ren Shen to support its original
Yin establishing polarity principle. When original Yin surges then the entire bodys Yin
blood naturally surges. When blood surges then deficiency is no more deficient, the sick
is no more sick.




Zheng Qinan Project

Yaron says: Key in understanding this patients pattern is the onset time. During morning
hours Yang surges and so Yin deficiency syndrome reveals itself. If similar symptoms
occur in late afternoon or early evening, at time of Yin surge, then it demonstrates Yang
deficiency unable to anchor its root. One should note the difference. Even with similar
symptoms treatment principle may be opposite. There are two factors enabling a person
to be even or healthy; spirit instrument and Qi existence. Qi existence is entirely
dependent on time, while spirit instrument is not. Therefore symptoms appearing at a
certain time during a day or season may play a determining role in the diseases origin,
yet a disease may be entirely independent of time.
Hongming says: In Shang Han Lun, Ren Shen is used usually when there is thirst, for
example Bai Hu Tang plus Ren Shen. When people feel thirsty, fire surges and Qi is
consumed at the exterior and upper jiao. Ren Shen can collect Qi from exterior and upper
jiao to middle jiao. It is said Ren Shen nourishes Qi, it is actually collecting Qi back to
the place where it should be.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 12

Question: For a heavy drinker patient, what causes a condition with great body heat and
gasping for air, thirst with craving for cold drinks, but with no headaches, body aches or
aversion to cold?
Answer: This is cause by accumulating dampness generating heat, and as heat surges it
injures blood. Alcoholics easily generate damp heat because liquors character is
violently dispersing. As soon as it enters the stomach it flees to the entire bodys skin and
as soon as this strong action is over, dampness remains in the center epigastric region. If
center earth surges then dampness is easily expelled. However, if center Qi is weak
dampness is hardly eradicated. Over time center Qi becomes deficient and so dampness
becomes a disease. When damp flows to four extremities it becomes phlegm fire in hands
and feet. When a doctor sees phlegm fire in hands and feet he immediately treats phlegm
fire of hands and feet and seldom is there a recovery. When I treat it the appropriate
method is warming center and removing dampness. I use pungent sweet transforming
Yang herbs. Since dampness accumulates over long period of time, if it generates heat
and heat compels lungs then gasping for air syndrome follows. When heat injures body
fluids then there is thirst. The appropriate method is clearing heat, drying dampness,
ascending and resolving. The prescription is Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang.
Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang
Ge Gen 1 liang, Huang Lian 5 qian, Huang Qin 5 qian, Gan Cao 5 qian
In the ancient prescription Gen Gen dosage is up to half jin, Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Gan
Cao each 2 liang. This is because Tai Yang Gui Zhi syndrome was erroneously purged
and evil sank into center earth. This in turn led to endless diarrhea, urgent pulse, panting
and sweat. The evil, which has just sank, desires to exit via skin and flesh but it cannot.
Instead it wells up in pulses pathways and so pulse is urgent. It also wells up in the
imperial canopy38 and so there is panting. Zhongjing henceforth uses Ge Gen to leap up
stomach Qi, stimulating evil exit to the exterior. Qin and Lian bitter flavor is the assistant
in the formula. Bitter solidifies it. It solidifies skin pores in order to arrest sweating. It
solidifies intestines and stomach in order to arrest diarrhea. In addition, he uses Gan Cao
to harmonize center. When evil is expelled then uprightness restored. Then a disease
naturally is not difficult to solve. In this case we change dosages for a purpose of treating
an alcoholics accumulating damp generating heat. With great heat and panting it is even
more ingenious.
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang is a prescription resolving both interior and exterior.
It is also a prescription un-impeding meridian flow, drying dampness and clearing heat.
Ge Gens Qi and flavor are sweet and pungent and it receives falls metal Qi. It is



Zheng Qinan Project

therefore the main herb for Yang Ming stomach meridian. Yang Ming dominates dryness
and flesh belongs to Yang Ming stomach. When stomach is extremely hot then flesh is
also hot. Stomachs collateral channel transverse the heart and lungs and when hot Qi
wells up in lungs there is panting. Heat injures spleens Yin blood and so there is thirst.
In this case administering Ge Gens leaping up quality, it un-impedes evil heat in
meridians. The heat is caused by accumulated dampness and when heat is removed
dampness is removed as well. In addition, this case receives bitter of Qin and Lian. Bitter
clears heat and it can also dry dampness. On top of it all it receives Gan Caos
harmonizing of center and cultivating of upright Qi. The interior and exterior are both
resolved. Damp and heat naturally vanish into nothing. There are many applications to
this formula. The student shouldnt cling to only one.
Yaron says: First question that come to mind are: if constant scattering of Yang creates
dampness, shouldnt one desire to strengthen Yang first? If dampness creates heat,
shouldnt one desire to resolve dampness first and then heat will dissipate on its own?
With chronic alcoholics the underlying condition is often original Yang deficiency.
However heat or no heat denotes an overlaying acute condition. The acute condition
oftentimes is addressed first and then strengthening the underlying deficiency begins. I
often saw with alcoholics that tongue coating is yellow thick with no root and tongue
body is cracked dry. In this situation heat chronically stays on top, while Yin below
doesnt transform. Huang Lian Huang Qin can clear damp heat staying on top. Ge Gen
can moisten the Yin below. When Yin moistened below and heat cleared on top, then one
must use herbs to spin the center and bring Yang into the bottom. Only then can there be
long lasting recovery.
Hongming says: Alcoholics tend to disperse Yang Qi to the exterior. Heavy drinkers'
middle and lower jiao are usually deficient and cold. Therefore, warm and dry herbs
should be used for nourishment after the damp heat syndrome is relieved.


Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 13

Question: What causes a difficult bowel movement for the aged?
Answer: This happens when blood is extremely deficient and cant lubricate the irrigation
canals. For the aged Qi and blood are often deficient. When Qi prospers then blood
naturally prospers and when Qi declines blood naturally declines. However, as for the
aged natural endowment, some has it thick and some thin.39 One cannot assume every
aged person to be both Qi and blood deficient. There are some whose constitution
receives prosperous Yang and so their spirit doesnt decline, their voice is loud and their
appetite doesnt decrease. These kinds of conditions are often caused by prospering fire
and declining Yin. There are others whose constitution is thin, their appetite is low and
they are prone to sickness, their vitality doesnt prosper and their transportation and
transformation is lacking. Yin blood gradually declines and fails to moisten the intestines
and stomach and so intestines and stomach dry and wither. It is now a true blood
deficiency. These two conditions talk about the aged constitution. There are also cases of
external evil entering Yang meridians changing into heat evil, which in turn conceals in
intestines and stomach to become constipation. There are also cases of Yin surge and
faint Yang, where lower Jiao has no Yang and cannot transform Yin, which in turn leads
to constipation. There are some with heat concealed in lungs that causes constipation.
Differentiating syndromes and always clearing heat appropriately. If an aged person has
constipation without an external syndrome, then mostly it is caused by blood withering.
The appropriate method is to use bitter sweet transforming Yin. The prescription is Dang
Gui Bu Xue Tang plus honey, or Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang, see above explanations, or
Ma Ren Wan.
Ma Ren Wan



Zheng Qinan Project

Ma Ren 2 liang, Shao Yao 8 qian, Zhi Shi 8 qian, Da Haung 1 liang 6 qian, Hou Po 2
qian, Xing Ren 1 liang, fine quality honey 1 liang
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Ma Ren Wan is a prescription moistening dryness and moving stagnation. In reality it is a
bitter and sweet transforming Yin prescription. The bodys essence and blood transform
and generate entirely from post-heaven stomach and spleen. Spleen and stomach are
interior-exterior related. Stomach controls birth and transformation, while spleen
dominates rotation and transportation. Spreading above and below, channels and
collaterals all rely on this moistening. In this case the stomach is harassed by concealed
heat and so birth and transformation mechanism is hindered. Concealed heat blazes daily
and so stomach earth becomes dry. This gradually injures spleen Yin. When spleen Yin
becomes extremely deficient then body fluids stop travelling to large intestine. When fire
prospers in intestines and stomach then accumulated faeces stop moving and create
Qiong Yue.40 This Qiong Yue means blood withering and not moistening, therefore
faeces accumulate and become like sheeps excrement. Zhongjing established moistening
intestines method, which allows moistening of irrigation canals. Qiong Yue means self
restraining. The formula uses Ma Ren and Xing Ren and utilizes their oiliness to soften
and moisten. It uses the bitterness of Da Huang and Shao Yao to descend it.41 It uses Hou
Po and Zhi Shis bitter warmth to stimulate it forward and together with sweet moistening
of white honey42 the bitter joins in to transform Yin. When Yin transforms then Yang is
born. When blood receives moistening then withering becomes prosperous again. When
intestines and stomach fluid is ample then flow is unimpeded, the movement is propelled
forward and the effect is quick. Pills are appropriate for this prescription, which allows
gradual moistening and treats blood withering of the elderly. It is indeed an appropriate
method. In this case dosages can be changed to fit a decoction and still utilized the
speediness of its effect. It is still the Dao of Jing Quan.43
Yaron says: Ma Ren Wan formula sees a disease and treats a disease. Namely, it seeks to
engage an acute layer of the problem. This formula under no circumstance can treat the
underlying condition of chronic constipation of the elderly. Non-the-less, at times treating
the acute phase is appropriate and this formula is of service.
Hongming says: We usually say Ma Zi Ren Wan is a decoction for moistening the
intestine and clearing heat and is regarded as nourishing Yin. But from the view of Yang
circulation the moistening function is performed with the descending of Yang Qi.




Zheng Qinan Project


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 14

Question: What causes a condition where a males penis erects and doesnt retract?
Answer: This is caused by original Yin about to extinguish and Yang is alone without
peer. Peniss erection depicts a prosperous Yang. When Yang prospers to its extreme
point it generates Yin, and when Yin is born Yang naturally goes into atrophy. This is a
Yin Yang revolving in a circle unchanging principle. In this case the situation is outside
the normal principle. Erecting and not retracting clearly indicates that there is Yang with
no Yin. At this time the appropriate method is to rescue Yin and greatly tonify the preheaven original Yin. The prescription dominating this is Du Shen Tang, see above
explanation, or it is also possible with Liu Wei Di Huang Tang.
Liu Wei Di Huang Tang
Shu Di 1 liang, Zao Pi44 8 qian, Huai Yao45 5 qian, Fu Ling 5 qian, Dan Pi 6 qian, Ze Xie
3 qian
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Di Huang Tang is a prescription benefiting water and cultivating Yin. Di Huang is sweet
cold and it moistens insufficient kidney water. The two Pi46 are sour and cold. They



Zheng Qinan Project

gather47 wood and fires flaring light. Shan Yao and Fu Ling build the spleen, transform
Qi and move water. Ze Xie is sweet and cold. It tonifies and nurtures the five Zang
organs and can also eradicate dampness. Water deficiency with fire prospering cause this
disease and in addition wood and fire aggravate the condition and therefore there is no
retraction. This case receives Di Huang that tonifies water and also moistens liver. Liver
dominates the ancestral tendon, which is the peniss root. When ancestral tendon receives
moistening then penis immediately shrinks. The two Pi are the assistant with one gathers
and one drains, and so the flaring light immediately vanishes. It also receives Shan Yao,
Fu Ling and Ze Xie building spleen and transforming Qi in order to move body fluids. It
causes this disease to easily heal. The ancients said tonify Yang in order to couple it with
Yin. With this statement they established a principle for impotence and all Yang
deficiency conditions. Tonify Yin enough in order to couple it with Yang is the principle
for erection without retraction and for all Yin deficiency conditions. This paragraph
applies specifically to moistening Yin. It does not apply to benefiting water48, where
benefiting it means adverse injury to Yin. One does not know that benefiting water herbs
combined with Di Huang really use their benefiting action to move and moisten with
potency. The student should not be stubborn. If dosages should be different then the
ancient prescription then they should be changed.
Yaron says: Modern erectile dysfunction drugs carry warnings for potential side effects,
among which one noteworthy potential side effect is erection for four hours or longer
without retraction. What is the impact then on a male patient if he suffers erection
without retraction? His Yin becomes extinct. Therefore with erectile dysfunction
treatment, even though the main treatment principle is recovering Yang, at this time Yin
must be preserved. In the above rare condition Yin vanishes and Yang is about to break
apart. Liu Wei Di Huang Tang is appropriate. This formula should rarely be used in dayto-day clinic. It should only be used if Yin has greatly vanished and Yang stands alone in
danger. Future generations promoted this formula to become a daily commodity. The
abuse of medicine is to the extreme.
Hongming says: For impotency of water deficiency Di Huang Tang may also be






Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 15

Question: What causes a condition where every day after midnight the patients feet
experience great heat like fire reaching up to his knees, agitation and by noon the
symptoms disappear?
Answer: Blood deficiency and Yang flourishing cause this. The two words Yin Yang are
the human bodys core. Yang is born at the time of Zi and reach to the time of Si.49 This
time window belongs to three Yangs action. It is a time when Yang grows and Yin
declines. This is a time when Yin deficiency cant match the growing Yang, Yang
flourishes and therefore there is heat. At time of Wu there is recovery. This is when Yin
grows and Yang declines, Yang cannot overcome Yin and therefore heat subsides. People
today think that afternoon fever is Yin deficiency. This is because they dont understand
the Dao of Yin Yang growth and decline. I have treated one case of Mrs. X. Every day
from noon onwards her face became red and she had fever, thirst with desire for warm
liquids, at midnight there was recovery. Every doctor tried to tonify Yin without efficacy.
I treated it with Bai Tong Tang, with one dose she recovered completely. In our case
today, the appropriate method is to tonify Yin in order to match Yang. The prescription is
Bu Xue Tang or Di Huang Tang, see above for explanations.
Yaron says: When a disease is determined by time it is derived from Qi Existence (Qi Li)
malfunction. Jue Yin-Shao Yang impact the growth of Yang, while Yang Ming-Tai Yin
impact the growth of Yin. In this case the problem belongs in Jue Yin-Shao Yang, post
heaven fire flourishes while pre heaven Yin declines. Therefore good minister fire
departs the center and becomes pernicious fire. Di Huang Tang is possible. One should
distinguish the above condition from one where great heat is only experienced in the
middle of the night, even if it is past midnight. Even though Yang is born at Zi, the time
of Chou (1-3am) is the time of minor and great cold. Yin goes to the extreme and then
becomes Yang. If a person feels very hot at this time it means that Yin surges and the
dragon comes out of the water. If one mistakes it for Yin deficiency and uses Di Huang
Tang then harm inflicted upon the patient is great.
Hongming says: Time factor is important for differentiating syndrome. Similar symptoms
occurring at different time may lead to a totally different treatment.





Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 16

Question: What causes a condition where in fall suddenly a person suffers watery
diarrhea with undigested food several dozen times each day, yet spirit is not weary?
Answer: This happens when lungs original Yin is insufficient and so lungs are extremely
dry. As for bowels becoming watery diarrhea to a degree that they contain undigested
food, who would not think that it is caused by failing spleen and stomach. One does not
know that when lungs are dry to the extreme this syndrome can take place as well. Lungs
and large intestine are externally-internally related. Large intestine dominates
transmission. If food and drinks enter stomach and dont wait for digestion, and instead
they directly follow dryness and heat downward into the large intestine, then there are
few dozens diarrhea episodes daily, abdominal pains, craving for cold drinks and no
weariness. If, for instance, spleen would fail and grains would not be digested because of
it, then spirit would become weary to the extreme as a testimony. The disease would
decidedly be chronic and with no sudden onset. As for watery diarrhea, there is extremely
yellow diarrhea, which is stomach fire flourishing. There is white color diarrhea, which
comes from lower origin lacking fire. There is green diarrhea caused by Jue Yin cold
transformation. There is diarrhea that looks like pasty sauce caused by Tai Yin dampness.
There is diarrhea that looks like viscous duck caused by cold in Zang organs. There is
also diarrhea resembling saliva caused by lung heat. There is diarrhea with light red color
caused by Yang not controlling Yin. With all these many syndromes when assessing each
case one need to observe if there is a deficiency or excess, if the disease is old or new, if
the pulse has spirit or lacks it, then the usage of herbs naturally has grounds. In this


Zheng Qinan Project

syndrome the appropriate method is clearing dryness. The prescription is Gan Jie Tang
plus two Dong, Di Gupi, Sang Pi, Huang Qin, Xing Ren and white honey.
Gan Jie Tang
Gan Cao 1 liang, Jie Geng 8 qian, Tian Dong 4 qian, Mai Dong 4 qian, Di Gu 3 qian,
Sang Pi 3 qian, Huang Qin 2 qian, Xing Ren 20 pieces, white honey 5 qian
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Gan Jie Tang is a bitter and sweet transforming Yin prescription. Zhongjing uses this
prescription to treat Shao Yin sore throat syndrome. A condition caused by Shao Yin fire
floating to the throat, since Shao Yin collateral circles the throat. When this condition
receives Gan and Jie harmonious transformation then Shao Yin receives nourishment and
the disease is healed. In todays case we use this formula to treat Tai Yin. We utilize Jie
Gengs bitterness to open and guide lungs Qi and then concealed heat immediately
vanishes. We utilize Gan Caos sweetness, as great sweetness suffices in transforming
heat. In addition, bitter and sweet combined can transform Yin. Yin transforms and
suffices in moistening lungs. On top of it we add two Dong, two Pi, Huang Qin, Xing
Ren and white honey, a mix of sweet cold, bitter descending herbs in order to help it.
With this lungs dryness stops immediately and watery diarrhea naturally doesnt happen.
Yaron says: This case belongs to Qi Existence as it occurs in a certain time; fall. It is the
time of Yang Ming and Tai Yin. Lung metal function is bringing heaven Yang into earth,
creating desired water and dampness. Lungs like Yin as this Yin is inserted into heaven
Qian trigram to create fire Li trigrams. Fire then can descend into earth or in a
metaphorical term the dragon can submerge. If lungs are dry heaven Yang must stay on
top and cant submerge. Food, drink and their imbedded spirit depart the body
untransformed as diarrhea. In reality, diarrhea does belong to center. However center can
only function if left and right are adequate. In this case falls dryness impairs lungs Yin
and so heaven Yang cant submerge. Strengthening center Yang with herbs will only
yield minor accomplishment followed by a deterioration as lungs become even dryer.
One should recognize the problems timeliness and seek the appropriate treatment. In this
case one can also use Gui Zhi Tang remove Gui Zhi and double Shao Yao.
Hongming says: Autumn is the period for harvesting. In this period, lung descends Qi to
the kidney for storage. Diarrhea without feeling tired means Yang Qi is not deficient at
the exterior. Then, the problem is that Yin is deficient for coupling with Yang Qi so as to
store Yang Qi in the kidney.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 17

Question: What causes a condition of dry cough with the entire bodys skin feeling itchy?
Answer: This is caused by deficient original Yin that cant moisten the lungs, then the
lungs become dry and cant distribute body fluids to the skin. When a patient suffers dry
cough it is a testimony of blood deficiency and lungs dryness. Lungs dominate the skin
and body hair. When lung Qi is clear50 then seasonal changes advance without
pervasiveness51. All Zang Fu organs rely on it. When lung Qi is dry then harmony with
seasonal changes is lost. Body fluids do not move and myriad ailments come about such
as lungs atrophy, organ knotting, intestine dryness, atrophy and flaccidity, tendon spasm,
steaming bones etc. When body fluids do not move on the outside then other syndromes
appear such as skin, muscles and nails wither, dryness and itchiness. This paragraph talks
about blood deficiency and lung dryness. When a syndrome seems to be such then the
appropriate method is clearing dryness and nurturing Ying.52 The prescription is Bu Xue
Tang combined with Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang plus Wu Weizi and white honey. See
above explanations. When engaging in this Dao one should know that for the human
body to utilize the mechanism of Qi and blood the following is true: The root of Qi and
blood is at the bottom, its development in the center, while its expression at the top. The
root image is the circle , the development image is a circle within a circle , while the
expression is a circle with a dark dot inside . Lungs dominating Qi is expressed by an
outer circle. Heart dominating blood is expressed by an inner circle. The outer circle finds
its root in Qians body transformation, while the inner circle finds its root in Kuns
bodys birth.53 This is the heaven surrounding earth and the earth is formed within heaven.
Like this they become one mixed and indistinguishable thing. Earths Qi springing
upward represents one Yang in Kan from bottom goes to center and then to top. As soon
as one exhales it comes up. Heaven Qi descending represents the true Yin in Li going



Zheng Qinan Project

from top to center and then to bottom. As soon as one inhales it enters. Therefore it is
said that inhaling and exhaling is the origin point54 of Yin Yang. Exhaling causes Qi to
move and blood follow, while inhaling causes blood to move and Qi attaches. Even
though inhaling and exhaling distinguish Yin Yang, in reality ascending causes the two
Qi55 to ascend together, while descending causes the two Qi to descend together.
Ascending and descending circulate endlessly and therefore as soon as they are at the top
or bottom they distinguish Yin Yang. The earlier sages were afraid that people will not
understand this and so they drew trigrams explaining Yin Yang. Qian and Kun were
named pre-heaven, while the six children became post-heaven. Modern people focus
steadfastly on post-heaven birth and control and do not discuss pre-heaven Yin Yang
surge and decline. They know its tail end but they dont know its root. If only one could
know the Dao of Yin Yang ascending and descending then he could share the study of the
appropriate Dao.
Yaron says: Ascending and descending is a difficult principle to master. Heaven wants to
stay at the top, while earth wants to stay below. Under normal circumstances they do not
want to communicate. Dry metal begins this unification by descending and therefore
when lung metal is clear then seasonal changes advance without pervasiveness. The
principle of transforming earth into water plays a major role in tonifying blood and
moistening lungs and skin. One should explore this idea in order to understand when
Yang is born Yin flourishes.
Hongming says: Drying means the descending of Yin with Yang Qi. When the function
of drying is out of order, Yang Qi cannot descend and Yin cannot be spread to the body.


Thetextusesaterm TuoYue,whichisawindbox,ancientinstrumentthatblowswindinorder


Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 18

Question: What causes a condition where tendons are contracted and cant stretch open?
Answer: This comes from deficient blood not nurturing tendons, and so dry tendons
cause this. As for dry tendons, some say that the giving birth cycle causes it. Even though
they say that water can give birth to wood, in reality water and fire functions are in the
heart and lungs. Lungs dominate Qi, while heart dominates blood. When lung Qi travels
to five Zang organs then blood travels there as well. When lung Qi travels to six Fu
organs then blood travels there too. When lung Qi is extremely dry then its application
declines and body fluids dont moisten tendons, and so they become dry. When tendons
are extremely dry they contract and dont stretch. The appropriate method is to clear
dryness and nurture blood. The prescription dominating this is Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang,
and it is also possible to add the two Dong and white honey.
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang
Shao Yao 2 liang, Gan Cao 2 liang prepared
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang is a bitter and sweet transforming Yin prescription. Shao Yao is
bitter, even and enters liver. Liver is Yin. Gan Cao is sweet and enters spleen. Spleen is
earth. When bitter and sweet combine it suffices in adjusting the entire bodys blood.
When the entire bodys blood is adjusted then the entire bodys tendons and bones are
nurtured. When tendons receive blood nourishment then dryness Qi evens out. When
dryness Qi evens out then tendons can relax and extend. Off course, one should not
restrict himself and be fixed only on this one prescription. Any herb, which is bitter sweet
or sour sweet, can transform Yin. The ingenious side of a circular, unobstructed and
lively method is exactly this point. The student must know this.
Yaron says: Tai Yin is earth, while Jue Yin is water. Jue Yin manifests Yang born within
Yin. It is Kan water trigram. Kan trigram is born out of Kun earth trigram only if Yang
submerges into earth. Lungs and heart join their virtue and submerge heaven Yang into
earth creating water. Sour sweet or bitter sweet herbs transform Yin in post heaven when
pre heaven Yang prospers. In acute cases when post heaven Yin declines then pre heaven
Yang prospers. However in chronic conditions both Yin and Yang often decline. If pre
heaven Yang has declined I add Fu Zi 1 liang, creating Fu Zi Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang.
Hongming says: Shao Yao can direct blood from Yang section to Yin section, from skin
and hair to tendon or from upper jiao to middle and lower jiao.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 19

Question: Why is it that old people are often forgetful and they repeat their speech?
Answer: This happens when original Yin is extremely deficient and spirit has no anchor.
Heart generates blood and spirit resides in bloods midst. Spirit is fire, it is Qi, namely the
one Yang in Kan and it resides in the bloods midst. Qi and blood depend on each other
and therefore receive different names. It is said that heart stores spirit and from this one
knows the usage of Gui Shen.56 The Shu57 states Gui Shen are the innate ability of the
two Qi. The two words innate ability mean the inherit quality of true Yin and true Yang.
Shen receives Yangs divine, which is heavens body. Its position is superior and
therefore it is called spirit. Gui receives Yins divine, which is earths body. Its position
inferior and therefore it is called ghost. When a person performs good deeds then his
natural character follows Yang and his air is shining bright. When a person takes bad
actions then his natural character follows Yin and his air is dark. When a person dies, if
he becomes a spirit or a ghost depends on how much he practiced perfection during his
lifetime. At the moment of death, if a persons good deeds are many then original spirit
follows heavens gate58 and exits. It becomes spirits Dao. If evil doings are many then
original spirit follows earths door and enters to become ghosts Dao. If with the elderly



Zheng Qinan Project

Qi and blood have already declined and spirit naturally is insufficient, then this
insufficiency causes spirit confusion. This is, off course, not a confusion caused by
extreme heat. The appropriate method is to nourish blood. It is also possible with
tonifying both Qi and blood. Possible prescriptions are Bu Xue Tang, Du Shen Tang or
Shen Zao Tang. For Bu Xue and Du Shen Tang see explanations above.
Shen Zao Tang
Xi Yang Shen 1 liang, Zao Ren 1 liang, Gan Cao 5 qian, 1 pigs heart
The first three ingredients are made into thin powder and cooked together with the pigs
heart, alternatively crushed together with the pigs heart and made into pills.
Intentions behind herb applications
Shen Zao Tang is a bitter and sweet transforming Yin as well as sour and sweet gathering
Yin prescription. Original Yin is extremely deficient and cant nurture spirit. Spirit has no
anchor and therefore at times it is bright and at other times dim. It is almost like the last
remaining light of an oil lamp about to extinguish where its fires light is not bright
anymore. If one could only add oil then fires light would naturally become bright. In this
case one uses sweet bitter of Xi Yang Shen and sour gathering of Zao Ren to support
original Yin. When original Yin gathers then true Qi gathers, and therefore it is called
storing spirit. One also uses pigs heart, since things of same nature attract to each other
in the hope that heart spirit becomes clear and not dim. In addition, one takes Gan Cao to
follow centers unification and transformation and so true blood has an ingenious
inexhaustible origin. This prescription not only treats forgetfulness of the elderly, it can
also treat all cases with excessive thoughts injuring Yin blood.
Yaron says: Qinan brings forth a discussion on natural character and the importance of
good deeds to ones spirit. It is a topic relevant to this specific case of old age
forgetfulness, but more so an important topic for Chinese medicine as a whole. The
classics states that the heart is where spirit stores. Heart is bodys center and the place
where unity with spirit takes place. When unity is strong then a persons mind is clear
and one is not forgetful. When unity with spirit weakens then ones thoughts are scattered.
Cultivating goodness of the heart allows an everlasting unity with spirit and therefore one
reaches old age and the mind is clear. Selfish heart weakens the spirit unity and therefore
one becomes forgetful. Off course, memory and clarity of mind are also impacted by
physical changes in ones body with Q and blood. For these kinds of ailments herbal
prescriptions are useful.
Hongming says: Excessive thinking injures Yin blood because heart fire is used for
mental process thus excess fire injures Yin of the upper jiao and it cannot return to earth
to warm the spleen. Here Qinan uses earth herbs to direct excessive fire back to the



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 20

Question: What causes a condition where large intestine comes out few inches, anus feels
as if on fire, there is smelly breath, panting and desire for cold drinks?
Answer: This happens when lungs original Yin is insufficient, lungs fire flourishes and
then large intestine fire flourishes as well. Prolapsed anus syndrome has two kinds: Yang
deficiency and Yin deficiency. Yang deficiency prolapsed anus is caused by original Qi
declining to the extreme so it cant restrain the anus. The person in this case must be
fatigued and spiritless, and with thirst he must crave warm liquids. Yin presentation is
seen all around. The appropriate method in such a case is to warm the center. Yin
deficiency prolapsed anus is caused by fire flourishing in lower Jiao and forcing it to exit.
The person suffering this problem does not show declining spirit and with thirst he craves
cold drinks. Heat presentation is seen all around. These two syndromes oftentimes begin
after severe diarrhea and dysentery. While treating it, the task at hand is to determine if it
is a Yin or a Yang syndrome and then efficacy follows naturally. In this case it is Yin
deficiency and fire prospering. When fire forces lungs above it causes panting, and when
fire forces intestines below it causes anus protrusion. The appropriate method is nurturing
Yin and draining fire. The prescription is Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang, or it is
possible as well with Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang, see above explanation.
Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang
Da Huang 1 liang, Huang Lian 5 qian
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Da Huang Huang Lian Xie Xin Tang is a draining fire prescription. Zhongjing uses this
prescription to treat lump and fullness below the heart that feel soft under pressure.
Formless heat evil conceals below the heart and causes this condition, and so this
prescription drains it. In our case we use this prescription and it seems as if it is not
conforming. However, one does not know that bitter cold of Da Huang and Huang Lian
can drain evil heat of all three Jiao. In this case evil heat attacks lungs and so there is
panting syndrome, heat attacks intestines and so there is prolapsed anus. When bitter cold
of Da Huang and Huang Lian is applied here then fire is drained. As soon as fire evil is


Zheng Qinan Project

expelled, then above and below are naturally at ease. This is another method that needs to
be mastered.
Yaron says: Fire keeps human beings alive. Without fire a person cannot live. In this case
fire is perverse. What causes a fire to become perverse? Opening and closing of Qi
instrument malfunctions. Whenever treating heat syndromes one should always
remember that fire is what makes our vessel alive. Non-the-less when fire oversteps its
authority bodys Yin and physical tissues are all in danger. This is called fire departing
center, namely fire is departing its appropriate place. This does not mean that ones body
does not need fire anymore, but instead it means that ones fire needs to be redirected not
eliminated. Da Huang Huang Lian have a redirection function and not elimination
function. Bitter cold in center attract fire to the center and this is called redirection. If fire
is not perverse and is in its normal place in the center and bitter cold is brought into the
center, then this functions as elimination of fire; a persons lifes fire is extinguished.
Therefore the application of medicine is not as simple as if it is hot cool it and if it is cold
warm it. The foundation is that one needs fire for life, and if fire is perverse it requires
redirection. Fire should never be eliminated.
Hongming says: Metal is excessive and cannot descend to produce water. Qinan uses Da
Huang and Huang Liang to drain fire, which means storing the fire into kidney water.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 21

Question: In a case where urination is extremely painful, thirst with craving for cold
drinks, is it or isnt it Lin syndrome?59
Answer: This happens when urinary bladders original Yin is insufficient, being burnt by
evil fire. It is a radical case of Tai Yang organ syndrome. Evil attacks Tai Yang follows
the manifestation Yang of Tai Yang and so transforms into heat evil, while concealing in
urinary bladder. As a result there is thirst with cravings for cold drinks and urination is
painful. The appropriate method is transforming Qi and moving water. The prescription
dominating this is Wu Ling San. In reality it resembles Lin syndrome. All Lin syndromes
are urinary bladder syndromes. Earlier worthies differentiated five kinds of Lin; blood
Lin, Qi Lin, sand Lin, stone Lin and exhaustion Lin. To sum it up, they all fall under two
words: Yin Yang. Seven or eight out of ten cases belong to a declined Yang not
transforming a stagnating essence. Deducing its origin, oftentimes it starts as nocturnal
emission in a dreams midst. Suddenly one perceives it and raises his Qi in order to keep
it in, however he cant regain his power and the emission is not smooth. As heart Qi
descends urination comes out, yet the defeated essence60 was about to exit but couldnt
exit and therefore urination is extremely painful. This is the root cause for falling ill. In
this case the appropriate method will be to greatly assist original Yang, to stir it up and
transform it in order for Qi to transform and move. This will allow the essences smooth
flow. In todays world anyone who sees painful urination immediately assumes it is fire
and so he doesnt dare to use Rou Gui or Fu Zi even lightly. It is because he doesnt


Zheng Qinan Project

penetrate fully the information presented. There are other cases where essence stagnates
for a long time and obstructs the Qi mechanism. The oppression becomes heat and then it
burns completely the urinary bladders Yin blood. This evil fire cooks the defeated
essence and so there are names for sand and stone syndromes.61 Overall the cause for this
fire is the stagnating essence. Yang deficient people often suffer under this condition.
Appropriate prescriptions here would be Bai Tong Tang, San Cai, Qian Yang etc
prescriptions. For Yin deficient people with fire extremely prospering it would be
appropriate to use Zi Shen Wan, Liu Wei Wan and Wu Ling San kind of formulas. See
explanations above. It is possible as well to use Fu Zi Xie Xin Tang.
Wu Ling San
Bai Zhu 1 liang, Fu Ling 8 qian, Zhu Ling 5 qian, Ze Xie 5 qian, Gui Zhi 6 qian
Fu Zi Xie Xin Tang
Fu Zi 1 piece, Huang Qin 5 qian, Huang Lian 5 qian, Da Huang 1 liang
Intentions behind herb applications explained
Wu Ling San is a transforming Qi and moving water prescription. Since cold injures Tai
Yang organ therefore Qi transformation doesnt spread properly and so water pathways
dont flow freely. This is why evil heat is born. As heat injures body fluids they cant
ascend and there is thirst. As Qi transformation doesnt move then urine is about to exit
but doesnt immediately exit, which causes pain. In this case we use the two Ling, Bai
Zhu and Ze Xie specifically moving water and cultivating center. However the formulas
most ingenious part is the application of Gui Zhi. It transforms urinary bladder Qi
mechanism. When Qi mechanism transforms and moves then oppressive heat naturally
resolves and cold evil resolves as well. This prescription emphasizes transforming Qi and
not so much dispelling heat. However one knows that when Qi transforms and moves
then heat be immediately expelled. Many people fail to see this.
Fu Zi Xie Xin Tang is a prescription implementing both hot and cold. Zhongjing uses this
prescription for lump below the heart, and recurring aversion to cold with sweat. It is
formless heat in Shao Yin that conceals below the heart to become a lump. Tai Yang cold
becomes visible again and sweat ensues, this makes one realize that Yang is perishing.
Therefore Huang Qin, Huang Lian and Da Huang are used to drain Shao Yin formless
and concealed heat, and in addition Fu Zi is used to firm the root and court original Yang.
Cold and hot are both used, which is truly the ingenious part of composing this formula.
In this case, for the purpose of treating stagnating essence generating heat and leading to
a Lin syndrome, Fu Zi is used to stir pre-heaven Yang. The assistant is Huang Qin,
Huang Lian and Da Huang draining concealed heat. Without intending to firm it firms
and without intending to drain it drains.62 Medical books oftentimes suggest herbs for
benefiting water and clearing heat. They apply a method treating heat accumulation, yet
they omit the method for transforming essence. In my opinion, one should add to the
prescription 2, 3 qian An Gui to help Fu Zis strength. This can also help transform Qi
and when Qi transforms then essence is unobstructed, heat resolves and evil exits. Where
can there be Lin syndrome? Other prescriptions can also be considered, such as San Cai,
Feng Sui Dan plus An Gui, or Zi Shen Wan with double dosage of An Gui. Dont use
draining as the only method.




Zheng Qinan Project

Yaron says: One knows that when Qi transforms and moves then heat be immediately
expelled is a foundational concept in treating heat syndromes. The word expelled
should not mislead the reader as the true meaning of it is bringing fire back to its
appropriate place. When fire is at the wrong place at the wrong time it is called evil.
Expelled means expelling evil and restoring appropriateness. Therefore in this case hot
and cold herbs can be used simultaneously, expelling evil and restoring uprightness.
Overall, the reason that Chinese medicine is difficult to master just by reading books, is
that precious and inferior are hard to distinguish. For example, in Wu Ling San Fu, Zhu
and Ze are of inferior function, while Gui and Bai Zhu are precious. In Fu Zi Xie Xin
Tang Fu Zi plus An Gui are precious while three Huang inferior. Even though for a
specific condition they are all needed, yet one must contemplate what comes first and
what second. This is how one chooses formula modifications, the precious first the
inferior second.
Hongming says: Lin is always the branch while the root is Yang deficiency.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 22
Question: What causes a condition where after the fifth night watch63 there is constant
dreaming and nocturnal emission three to five time per month or in an extreme case
seven or eight times?
Answer: This is caused by original Yang deficiency and spirit not serving as a master.
Nocturnal emission syndrome and bed-wetting have a slight difference. Urine aperture
opens up easily, while essence aperture doesnt. Off course, opening and closing of both
apertures always belong to heart Qi descending, yet the degree of depth is not the same.
Further more, wet dream syndrome, in all books theories, never has substantial evidence,
and so I carefully calculate its principle. Spirit is the human bodys master. Spirit resides
amidst the two Qi.64 During daytime it lodges in heart, while at nighttime it deposits in
kidneys. If nocturnal emission syndrome takes place prior to Xu and Hai time periods
then disease is in the kidneys. If it happens past the time of Zi65 then disease is in the
heart. This is the Dao of human spirit following Yin and Yang. Human bodys top and
bottom orifices can be summed up as being controlled by spirit. Spirit is fire. It is Qi. It is
true Yang in Kan trigrams midst. When true Yang joins with true Yin then spirit starts
its master role. When true Yin joins with true Yang then spirit starts having something to
rely on. The task at hand with nocturnal emission is to investigate its timing being at
nights first or second halves in order to determine spirits location. If a disease is at
nights first half then it is Yin surging and Yang declining. Deficient Yang cant control
the essence aperture. At the same time, heart fire from evil thoughts moves it66 and then it
happens.67 The appropriate method is supporting Yang with formulas like Qian Yang
Dan, Bai Tong Tang, Gui Zhi Long Gu Mu Li Tang. If a disease is at nights second half
then it is Yang surging and Yin declining. Deficient Yin cant join with Yang, Yang Qi
prospers and in addition heart fire from evil thoughts aggravates it. The spirit is confused
without an anchor, cant keep calm and so it happens. The appropriate method is to
support Yin in order to restrain Yang with formulas such as Feng Sui Dan with double
dosage of Huang Bai, Shen Zao Tang plus Huang Lian, Bu Xue Tang, generals egg and
Xi Yang Shen egg. Among the illnesss different roots often is there habitual lust, or what
the eyes see and the heart thinks, what the ears hear and then ardently admire, thoughts
turn endlessly round and round becoming one lustful desire. Without ones knowing, it
has already become solid in the spirits midst. As soon as one is fast asleep original spirit
travels in dreamland. And so either because what one has seen or heard or came in
contact with that an evil thought moves and then heart fire flows downward68, assisted by
minister fire, directly rushing to the essence aperture. The aperture opens and then
essence naturally leaks. In this case we say that blood is deficient and spirit has no anchor.
The leakage takes place after the fifth night watch in a time when upright Yang is
growing and Yin vanishing and therefore one knows about blood deficiency. The
appropriate method is tonifying Yin in order to join with Yang. The prescription is Shen
Zao Tang, see above explanations.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yaron says: Spirit instrument root is inside ones center, while Qi existence root is
outside ones body. The connection between our body and the revolving time around us
belongs to Qi Existence, while connection of our vessel to spirit belongs to spirit
instrument. Emissions, vivid dreams and lust belong to heart and it is so that heart is the
residence of spirit instrument. It is the center. When emotions and desires discharge away
from center then spirit loses its root and nocturnal emissions take place. Qi existence and
spirit instrument join together as one whole and as such when there is time related onset
one knows if spirit instrument has leaning towards Yin or Yang and consequently can
choose the appropriate remedy.
Hongming says: Habitual lust causes floating of the spirit. The spirit cannot return to the
kidney. Qinan uses Shen Zao Tang to enhance earth, which is the agent for exchanging
fire from the heart to the kidney so as to lead the spirit back.


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 23

Question: What causes a condition where a healthy person with spirit that has not
declined and who has normal appetite, feels thirsty with desire for cold drinks, urination
is scanty, and yet every night he experiences bed-wetting?
Answer: This is caused by original Yin insufficiency and lower Jiao concealed heat.
Many people think that bed-wetting belongs to lower Jiao lack of fire. In reality it is not
entirely so. There are cases where the lower origin truly has no fire, in which case
deficient Yang cannot control and restrain the orifice. The person suffering this condition
must have tired spirit and decreased appetite. In which case there is an evidence of Yang
deficiency and the appropriate method is to gather and bring back original Yang as well
as tonify fire. In our case above, spirit has not declined and appetite is normal. It is
certainly heat concealed in urinary bladder. There are also cases where heart fire migrates
to small intestine or liver migrating heat to bladder that result in bed-wetting. This


Zheng Qinan Project

happens because heat stirs the center and the door cant be closed shut. These cases need
to be looked for in the pulse of liver and heart and thats all.69 If heart migrating heat
causes this condition then one applies the formula Dao Chi San. If liver migrating heat to
bladder causes this, then one heals it with Xiao Chai Hu with double dosage of Huang
Qin. One should farther investigate the conditions timeliness being in the first or second
halves of the night in order to explore the mechanism of Yin Yang growth and decline.
Accordingly one should rely on the appropriate method as then he will surely succeed.
The above syndrome certainly belongs to concealed heat in urinary bladder, because the
person experiences no decline in spirit and his appetite is strong, there is thirst for cold
drinks and urination is often scanty. This is how one knows it. The appropriate method is
to moisten kidneys and drain fire. The prescription is Liu Wei Di Huang Tang plus Zhi
Mu and Huang Bai. See above explanations.
Yaron says: If spirit is not lacking then the likelihood of spirit instrument being involved
is small. If spirit instrument is vibrant and evil heat congeals away from center then
formulas like Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang serve the situation well. Inserting moistening and
cold herbs into center will attract fire to it. Fire then returns to its center and naturally is
not evil anymore. If however, spirit is lacking and thick moistening cold herbs are
inserted to center, then spirit further loses its root and life is in danger. The precious is to
determine if spirit is impacted or not, the inferior is to determine if there is heat or not.
Hongming says: there is thirst for cold drinks. Cold obstructs Yang Qi's path and causes
stagnated heat.





Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 24
Question: What causes a condition where both feet are freezing cold and the person cant
walk, herbs such as Rou Gui, Fu Zi and other removing damp herbs are all ineffective,
and to the contrary aggravate the condition?
Answer: It is not a case of Yang declining and damp attacking below, but rather blood
deficiency and lungs dryness that cant move fluids to the bottom. The human bodys
upper and lower parts rely entirely on the two Qis distribution and protection. When true
Yang is insufficient it involves as well cold symptoms and so when Rou Gui and Fu Zi
are used it helps and there is a recovery. When spleen is deficient, cant transport and
transform dampness and this condition occurs, then the application of spleen invigorating
and dampness resolving herbs must have efficacy. In this case these herbs dont work and
so one knows that it is not Yang deficiency or damp surging, but rather it is caused by
blood deficiency and lungs dryness. Lungs are the ancestor of the hundred vessels, it is
where the joints are controlled.70 When lung Qi travels then body fluids circulate
unobstructed and the hundred vessels increase their glory. When lung Qi is dry then body
fluids dont travel and the hundred vessels lose their nourishment. In this case both feet
are freezing cold, which is an image of water declining and fire surging to the extreme. In
the human body water resides in the position of One while fire resides in the position of
Two71. When fire is extreme then fluids wither and bone marrow loses its nourishment. In
reality, it is because lungs are dry and body fluids dont fill up. When body fluids dont
fill up then evil fire immediately stirs. When fire is not yet extreme one feels that the
inside is hot, however when fire gets to its extreme then one feels cold. The ancients said
Yang at the extreme gives birth to Yin and Yin at the extreme gives birth o Yang. Disease
mechanism changes like this back and forth. How can one grasp it fully with only a
superficial view. In this disease the appropriate method is bitter sweet transforming Yin
and moistening dryness. Any of the following prescriptions are appropriate Shao Yao
Gan Cao Tang, or Liu Wei Di Huang Tang plus the two Dong and white honey, or Huang
Lian E Jiao Tang. For explanations see above.
Yaron says: The meaning of water is naturally at the bottom of ones body, while fire is
naturally at the top. When fire increases then water starts boiling and the inside becomes
hot. However when fire is extreme it departs from its natural function of warming up
water and instead goes its own way. It is then called an evil fire. Fire does not perform its
upright task but rather venture in an odd direction, like drying out lungs Yin. Qinan
presents in this case an inferior diagnosis method of disqualifications. Namely, because X
or Y herbs dont work we assume that the diseases cause is different. In reality, Qinan
does not support an inferior medicine, but rather criticises a medicine that fails to see
truth even when it is apparent, such as when herbal strategy does not work or even
aggravates a condition. The meaning of fire departing its course should be diligently
contemplated. This allows one to know what is normal by recognizing the odd. One
should not practice medicine via trial and error.





Zheng Qinan Project

Hongming says: Lung can descend Yang Qi to kideny. If lung fails to descend Yang the
upper jiao will be dry and the lower jiao cold. This is so-called metal not producing water.


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 25

Question: When limbs' muscles wither and skin becomes dry, there is some fainting and
often there are thoughts of cold drinks. People normally diagnose it as Gan disease72, I
dont know if it is or isnt?
Answer: This is caused by hidden heat in stomach, which exhausts spleens Yin blood.
Muscles in the whole body are governed by spleen and stomach. Muscles are rich if
stomach Qi is adequate and are lively if spleen Yin is sufficient. When muscles in the
entire body look rich and lively it is a sign that post-heaven is plentiful. Spleen and
stomach is an external-internal pair among which unilateral flourishing should not occur,
or else disease forms. Now, the patient's limbs dry and wither, which is a phenomenon of
fire as well as deficiency. Drinking cold water is a pathological sign but also a guarding
reaction to save Yin from exhaustion. Therefore it can be concluded that the diseases
cause is hidden heat in stomach exhausting spleens Yin blood. Diseases like this are
often found with infants and children, when spleen and stomach are damaged by
improper diet, leading to eventual original Qi deficiency. Eating cold and raw food also
causes it as it creates stagnation, which instigates heat evil. Then improper drugs are
taken and disease forms. Eight out of ten cases are of such origin. It is also common for
women whose liver and spleen are damaged due to depression to have this disease.
Today, once they see withering doctors simply regard it as Gan disease, and so they
established the names of five Gans73. It is not an appropriate diagnosis. The disease

Gan referstomalnutritionwhichisusuallyfoundininfantsorchildren.




Zheng Qinan Project

should be treated with the principle of nourishing Yin by moistening with sweet taste.
The prescription is Gan Cao Hei Jiang Tang plus Wu Weizi. See explanation above. If
stagnating heat is present, then consider if it is severe or light and treat it accordingly.

Yaron says: Qinan states in the preface that only after 20 years study he managed to
understand the Dao of Yin Yang joining into one. This kind of understanding appears in
drinking cold water is a pathological sign but also a guarding reaction to save Yin from
exhaustion. Even though to the untrained eye fire burning and Yin drying are two
different phenomena, in reality they are one. Fire diminishing and Yin surging in reality
are one. Fire being upright and Yin being upright, each in his proper place in reality is
one. Therefore there is no tonifying Yin without harming Yang and there is no tonifying
Yang without harming Yin. The art of medicine is to know what to harm and what not to
harm, what to strengthen and what not to strengthen. Therefore Qinan states if stagnating
heat is present, then consider if it is severe or light and treat it accordingly.
Hongming says: Hei Jiang means charred ginger, which is often used in bleeding of cold
syndrome. Withering of limbs is apparently spleen Yin deficiency but Qinan uses hot
herb like Hei Jiang. That means spleen Yin needs Yang Qi for irrigation. Strong stomach
with weak spleen is very common. This syndrome includes strong stomach syndrome like
thirst, ulcer, sore throat, good appetite, agitation, and weak spleen syndrome like
constipation or diarrhea, fatigue, edema.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 26

Question: What causes a condition of red and white dysentery dozens of times per day
with acute abdominal pains?
Answer: Dryness of lung from original Yin deficiency, as well as invasion by guest
dryness evil transmitting to large intestine. All books regard red and white dysentery as


Zheng Qinan Project

damp and heat disease, white as damp and red as heat. Yet prescriptions according to this
principle are seldom efficacious. When I contemplate this I find that the extreme range of
the human body is established by Kan and Li. All operations depend on heart and lungs.
Heart is fire. It produces blood and resides under the lungs. Lungs are metal. They
produce Qi and reside above the heart. Lungs are located at the most honourable position.
They initiate circulation of Qi and deliver Qi outward to skin and muscles as well as
inward to tendons, bones and internal organs. It is like the heaven enveloping the earth.
Once lungs Qi moves, immediately hearts blood follows. Down and up, up and down
circulate endlessly. When the two Qi are harmonious, all sections are without harm.
When lungs Qi and hearts blood are occasionally abnormal, all sicknesses arise. Does it
merely cause dysentery? Dysentery often happens in autumn, the time when dry metal
dominates. If one contracts external dryness evil, then evil overwhelms lungs metal and
blocks the clear pathways. Transportation is out of order and fluids do not flow in large
intestine. Dryness and heat are produced as well in large intestine. Therefore, it is said
lungs transmit dryness to large intestine. When lungs Qi stagnates, then large intestines
Qi stagnates, and at the same time its blood stagnates as well, and so dysentery results.
For white dysentery the main factor is stagnation of Qi, while for red dysentery it is
obstructed blood. When red and white combine, heart and lungs are both invaded by
dryness evil. Treating dysentery should focus on these two places, heart and lungs. Do
not be confused by what is said, suffer from heat in summer, dysentery in autumn. This
quote means that in summer time the weather is hot and heat and dampness surge. At the
transition from summer to autumn, heat and dampness are held up and cemented in large
intestine. When they want to get out but cannot74, dysentery results. I consider that feces
in the intestine are evacuated once every one or two days or sometime once every three to
five days. Is it always cemented in the intestine? White is damp, which tends to flow. Red
is heat, which tends to block. In this case, it does not flow nor block. It is willing to get
out but cannot. Isn't it obvious that lungs Qi stagnates and heart's blood is not smooth?
Why must incubation of heat and dampness be blamed? It is reasonable, however why
then is the combination of heat and damp so common and yet not always resulting in
dysentery? Why does it cause dysentery only in autumn? It is clear that dryness evil
becomes a guest in lungs. One should know that white is Qi, it is fire and it is also the
essence of large intestine. Red is blood, it is water and it is the fluid of large intestine.
Though red color represents fire, yet blood in the entire body is produced by fire.
Therefore it is said that blood is Yin and that blood belongs to Yin but it runs by Yang. It
is according to this fact that lungs Qi flows and blood follows. I suggest to focus on
lungs dryness when treating dysentery. Although the seriousness of red or white can be
distinguished, the origin can further be reduced to one word, dryness. Only if dryness is
healed, that Qi of the two organs is then relieved. Dysentery is then cured without directly
treating dysentery. Red and white diminish without fixing red and white. This is the key.
Shu Chiyuan suggested four principles of dysentery. His idea is adoptable. However he
had not point out clearly where the root of illness is but only said that white is produced
by dampness and red is related to blood. Everyone has a different opinion about it but the
more ideas being brought up, the more it becomes confusing. None of them can be
verified. Only the saying adjusting Qi and circulating blood is adoptable. The main
principle should be clearing dryness and saving lungs with the prescription Xing Dong Er



Zheng Qinan Project

Pi Bai Mi Gan Jie Tang. As for cases that look like dysentery but are not, they should not
be ignored as well. Dysentery presents as acute abdominal pains, tenesmus, scanty faeces
evacuation dozens times per day. However for those that look like dysentery but are not,
there appears minor abdominal pain, distension feeling during defecation with more feces
evacuating, three or five times a day, seven or eight times for serious cases, defecation
immediately after abdominal pain, onset in all four seasons, and often after major or
chronic illnesses. The last resulting from great deficiency of central Qi inducing large
intestine being out of use. The guts stock up only little and cannot carry it for long
because of Qi deficiency. It therefore appears like dysentery but actually it is not.
Treatment should follow the principle of greatly enhancing central earth. Once Qi of
central earth is adequate, guts can carry its content without losing control. The best
prescription is Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang plus Wu Zhuyu and An Gui. All books discussing
dysentery suggest adjusting Qi and circulating blood. I also created a decoction, Da
Huang Mu Xiang Tang which can be used in some circumstances.
Xing Dong Er Pi Bai Mi Gan Jie Tang
Xing Ren 5 qian Tian Dong 4 qian Mai Dong 4 qian Di Gupi 3 qian Sang Pi 5 qian
Jie Geng 4 qian Gan Cao 3 qian White honey half cup
Da Huang Mu Xiang Tang
Da Huang 6 qian Mu Xiang 6 qian Dang Gui 5 qian Su Ye 3 qian Gan Cao 3 qian
White honey half cup
Intention behind herb application explained
Xing Dong Er Pi (bai mi gan jie) Tang is a decoction clearing dryness and moistening
lungs. The condition si caused by dryness evil invading lungs and causing stagnation of
lungs Qi. As a result, fluids do not flow in large intestine and Qi instrument cannot run
smoothly. In the formula bitter of Xing Ren aims at descending and smoothing Qi and
being supplemented with Tian Dong, Mai Dong, Di Gupi, Sangpi, Gan Cao, Jie Geng and
white honey it opens it and moistens it. Thus, dryness evil is eliminated and lungs Qi is
cleared, descending action is restored and Qi instrument is without obstruction. So how
can dysentery happen?
Da Huang Mu Xiang Tang is a decoction adjusting Qi and circulating blood. Da Huang
with Dang Gui and Gan Cao can eliminate dryness and heat from blood and in turn
produce Yin. Mu Xiang, Su Ye and white honey can adjust stagnation in Qi and produce
Yang. When Qi and blood are produced, then Yin and Yang do not flourish unilaterally,
dysentery does not happen.
Yaron says: Therefore it is said that blood is Yin and that blood belongs to Yin but it runs
by Yang. It is according to this fact that lungs Qi flows and blood follows, Qinan seem to
be talking about Zang Fu and yet he doesnt. In simple words he articulates the meaning
of fire and metal in the body, the connection between Tai Yang and Tai Yin, Shao Yin and
Tai Yin etc. If one doesnt go to Qinans depths it is hard to follow his principle. Blood
and Qi share common root. In addition, this root is connected inside with spirit and
outside with Time. The meaning of dysentery onset during fall is especially importat and
shouldnt be overlooked.


Zheng Qinan Project

Hongming says: Red and white dysentery is usually regarded as damp heat syndrome.
But Qinan noticed that it is caused by dry and heat, which means Yang Qi cannot descend.
He focused not on the branches but on the root of the disease.


Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 27

Question: What causes a condition where a patient feels short-tempered after breakfast,
his palms and soles are abnormally itchy and it subsides immediately at the beginning of
Answer: This is caused by original Yin deficiency with excess heart Yang. The up and
down and four directions of a human being are filled up with the two Qi. These two Qi
cannot unilaterally flourish. Deviating to Yang leads to Yin deficiency while deviating to
Yin leads to Yang deficiency. Now, the patient's palms and soles are itchy. This symptom
can be found in either Yin or Yang deficiency conditions. It is not necessarily caused by
blood deficiency. In Yin deficiency the symptom appears in the earlier half of a day.
Human body is a bank of Qi. It exits from Yin and enters into Yang and then exits from
Yang and enters into Yin76. In a day, the earlier half is ruled by three Yang. When Yang is
excessive, then Yin becomes deficient. Therefore Book of Change said, Junzi's dao





Zheng Qinan Project

grows, xiaoren's dao withers77. The latter half is ruled by three Yin. When Yin is
excessive, then Yang becomes deficient. Therefore Book of Change said, Xiaoren's dao
grows, Junzi's dao withers. Junzi and Xiaoren are Yang and Yin respectively. Their
ultimate truth is still this bank of true Qi growing and withering, withering and growing.
So, said the sages, He, Laozi, is like a dragon. On the other hand, when reflecting inward
isnt the human body also a dragon-like Laozi? This disease should be treated with
cultivating Yin to match Yang. The prescription is Huang Lian Ji Zi E Jiao Tang or Bu
Xue Tang. For explanation see above. When inspecting itching caused by Yin deficiency,
the flesh on palms and soles should be dry and withered with rough white skin. As for
itching caused by Yang deficiency, the flesh on palms and soles should be smooth, moist
and not withered, without rough white skin. Non-the-less itching is so severe that one
needs to heavily push and press, which confirms the diagnosis. In addition one should
reference the Qi and colour of each effected area. With Yang deficiency syndrome, one
should apply gathering and restoring Yang methods. The prescription should be the kind
of Qian Yang Dan, Si Ni Tang, Feng Sui Dan. For explanations see Yang Xu Men
Yaron says: Human body is a bank of Qi. It exits from Yin and enters into Yang and then
exits from Yang and enters into Yin. Qinan shares an important insight into the connection
of man to heaven. Human body has Yin and Yang harmony, and yet this harmony cannot
be separated from heavens Yin Yang. The body exits from Yin and enters into Yang and
vice verse. Exiting and entering in and out of Yin and Yang is the human body travelling
in the realm of time. Time is composed of Yin Yang growing and declining and the body
must conform. In Chinese medicine one should look beyond the physical realm, as Yin
Yang true principle is not fully represented in flesh and muscles alone.
Hongming says: Time means space. According to different time we can locate the
diseased space.





Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 28

Question: Why would there be ceaseless vertigo after vomiting blood?
Answer: This is because blood is deficient and it cannot nourish upward. Vertigo can
result from upper excess and lower deficiency, upper deficiency and lower excess, clear
Yang not elevating, turbid Yin interfering upwards, deficient wind, empty fire or
unilateral flourishing of Zang Fu organs. The causes may be different but in reality they
are not excluded from the two words: Yin and Yang. When dealing with this disease, if
the patient appears as pale faced and spiritless, has decreased appetite, defecation and
urination is normal, he feels tired and wish to lie down, desires hot drinks and is reluctant
to drink cold, suffers short breath with palpitation, feels full and stomach upset with
abdominal pain and diarrhea, experiences enuresis with rapid sweating, has weak and
empty pulse, etc, it is then regarded as Yang deficiency in which clear Qi does not fill up.
Treatment principle should be supporting Yang with pungent sweet herbs and it should be
adjusted according to excess or deficiency of upper, middle or lower sections. If the
persons spirit has not declined, tongue coating is yellow, he craves cold, digestion is
rapid, bowels and urination are short and frequent, either he has agitation with
expectoration of yellow phlegm or after excessive heat he immediately falls unconscious,
or he feels like fainting often and yet immediately recovers, his pulse is full, forceful and
long, all these kinds of conditions belong to Yin deficiency and fire flourishing as it
attacks above. The appropriate method is to use bitter sweet transforming Yin herbs, and
they should be adjusted according to excess or deficiency of top, middle or bottom. In
this case, as vertigo appears after vomiting blood, it is clearly a vigorous deficiency of
Yin blood, which makes the head not be nourished. Blood deficiency can produces wind
and so vertigo happens. The main principle should be nourishing blood. The prescription
is Bu Xue Tang plus other herbs according to different circumstances. If it is caused by
external six evil Qi, then only headache appears but not vertigo. The student should be
aware of this.
Yaron says: The cause of vomiting is important to differentiate, as it is the origin of said
blood deficiency. If Yang Ming is not concealing and therefore a person vomits blood,
then Huang Qi in Bu Xue Tang will cause trouble, one should add Zhi Mu to neutralize
Huang Qis stagnating effect, 5 Huang Qi to 1 Zhi Mu. If Tai Yang is obstructed Dang
Gui will create an obstruction, then one should add Gui Zhi Jian 2 versus Dang Gui 5. If
Jue Yin is obstructed one should add Xiang Fu 1 versus Huang Qi 5. If Shao Yin is failing
one should add Fu Zi 2. If Shao Yang is obstructed one should add Chai Hu 2. If Tai Yin
is defeated one should add An Gui 5. One cannot tonify blood if the root is failing.



Zheng Qinan Project

Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen 29

Question: Why would a female patient experience a sudden extreme pain at the crown of
her head, after suffering menorrhagia?
Answer: This is due to blood deficiency and Yang having nothing to attach to. Yang is
then floating vigorously to the top. Qi and blood find their root in each other. There could
be no flaws. When Yang Qi is abruptly exhausted, Yin blood loses its control. When Yin
blood is abruptly exhausted, Yang has nowhere to live. Now, the patient bleeds suddenly
downward. The seabed has dried up. There is no water to keep the dragon, thus it flies
upward and so headache appears at the top. At this moment, if we do not distinguish
clearly the diseases cause, and only see pain and treat pain, then the exhausted Yang at
the top will extinguish in seconds. Treatment principle should be to greatly nourish water.
When water is in the sea, then dragon can return to the abyss. This is the sublime
principle application that true Yin and true Yang are rooted in each other. The prescription
is Bu Xue Tang. For explanation see above. Alternatively, one can use Bu Shui Tang.
Bu Shui Tang
For the poor, use Sha Shen instead of Yang Shen
Xi Yang Shen 2 qian Huang Bai 1 liang White honey 1 liang
Intention behind herb application explained
Bu Shui Tang is a bitter and sweet decoction producing Yin. Yang Shen is white and
bitter. Bitter can nourish heart, which is the origin of blood production. Huang Bai is
bitter. Bitter can consolidate kidneys, where water is reserved. The sweetness of white
honey can nourish lungs to produce metal, which is the mother of water. Moreover, bitter
collaborating with sweet can produce Yin. When Yin is produced then the origin is


Zheng Qinan Project

inexhaustible. Though dragon is Yang yet it is fond of water. When his water is there the
dragon dives into the abyss. The space is then clear and it is peaceful from top to bottom.
So how would the crown of the head be suffering pain?
Yaron says: Earth is Kun trigram or three Yin lines. Its flavor is sweet. Heart, even though
belongs to fire, is a reflection of heaven Qian trigram or three Yang lines. Its flavor is
bitter. When bitter Yang of heaven is joined with sweetness of earth, it creates water or
Kan trigram, 2 Yin lines on the outside with one Yang line in center. Pungent, even
though spicy, belongs to dryness of the west and lungs. Lungs attract Yin into dryness
which is the fire trigram Li, 2 Yang lines on the outside with one Yin line inside. When
pungent goes into sweetness of earth, then earth wishes to become dry, which is the
transformation of Yang energy. Therefore bitter sweet transforms Yin, while pungent
sweet transform Yang. Qinan roams freely in the realm of pungent sweet versus bitter
sweet and so diseases naturally heal.
Hongming says: True Yin resides at the center of Li Trigram. Menorrhagia means the loss
of Yin blood. True Yin is deficient. Yang of Li trigram is failing to attach to true Yin.
Thus it floats.


Zheng Qinan Project

A brief summary for Yin Xu Zheng Men Da Wen

The text above discusses specifically Yin deficiency. It deduces over and over a phrase,
original Yin deficiency. One has to know that when original Yin means blood it is water,
and when true fire resides in its midst, it is then Tai Ji. It is Qi and blood, which rely on
each other. It is so that water and fire are rooted in each other and so heart stores spirit.
All diseases of blood deficiency appear as an image of fire, which is withered, emaciated,
dry and rough. Why? Fire is included within blood. Yin becomes deficient when fire
glows, while fire glows when Yin becomes deficient. Deducing from this, we have the
master of Yin deficiency. The appearance of Three Yin and Three Yang are different from
each other. Deficiency of Three Yang appears as pure Yin color. It is the lack of Yang and
excess of Yin. Deficiency of Three Yin appears as pure Yang color. It is the lack of Yin
and excess of Yang. This is the key for distinguishing between Yin and Yang deficiencies.
In all past dynasties, there were dozens of books all so confusing. None of them could
state clearly the core idea for Yin and Yang, and instead used thousands of pages to
discuss giving birth and controlling of the post-heaven Five Phases. As for the
establishment of polarities in the human body, or the wonderful meaning of one origin, or
the circulation mechanism of the two Qi, no one could really offer any clear explanations.
Either their ideas were confusing, or the sources of their arguments were unclear. As a
result only few could understand this knowledge. It is sad that no one could decipher
Zhongjings methods. Only few could explain the aim of the Six Spheres. Even worse is
that some of them wrote about Wenyi(epidemic) or dysentery and regarded themselves as
specialists and so wanted to keep abreast of Zhongjing. They didn't know that the
ancestor who invented the methods had already distinguished the realm of heaven and
earth by establishing the Six Spheres, and had already, by explaining the six Qi, included
the principle for all diseases. Six Qi compose the body of the Six Spheres and the
external six Qi are the guests of the Six Spheres. Three hundred and ninety seven
methods, all of which are miraculous. One hundred and thirteen decoctions, each of
which decoction is marvelous. All are intelligent with heaven's knowledge. None of those
are stubborn methods. Those who realize the magnificence use decoctions like Si Ni Tang,
Bai Tong Tang, Li Zhong Tang and Jian Zhong to treat all Yang deficiency diseases. None


Zheng Qinan Project

of them misses. They use decoctions like Huang Lian Ji Zi Huang E Jiao Tang, Dao Chi
San, Bu Xue Tang, Du Shen Tang to treat all Yin deficiency diseases. There are no
mistakes. Despite this principle, the application of all Yin deficiency decoctions should
be flexible. For supporting Yin by smoothening and moistening, decoctions like Du Shen
Tang, Huang Lian (E Jiao Tang), Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang are used. For supporting Yin by
clearing and cooling, decoctions like Dao Chi San, Ren Shen Bai Hu Tang are used. For
supporting Yin by bitter and cooling, decoctions like Da Cheng Qi Tang, San Huang, Shi
Gao are used. This is the rhymed summary of saving Yin and tonifying Yin. It is also true
for tonifying Yang. For lightly supporting Yang, decoctions like Da Jian Zhong Tang and
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang are used. For supporting Yang by warming and nourishing,
decoctions like Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang, Li Zhong Tang are used. For supporting Yang
by pungent warming or pungent heating, decoctions like Si Ni Tang, Bai Tong Tang are
used. This is the rhymed summary of treating Yang deficiency. Other conditions like
external invasion of six Qi outline according to the Jie Ling78, one adjusts it with the
changes of the evils. For details see the section Establishing the laws of Six Spheres,
linked and explained. One should know that Six Spheres of Zhongjing's Shanghan do not
merely discuss Cold Injury, but rather include the methods for all six steps. Take Tai Yin
Sphere as an example. Tai Yin rules dampness and hates dampness. It is the sphere's host
Qi that rules dampness and it is the external guest Qi that hates dampness. Damp earth
flourishes in late summer. Therefore in late June earth flourishes and the ordinance of
dampness is issued for enforcement. People whose host Qi is weak often suffer
abdominal pains, vomiting and diarrhea after being infected with external damp evil. For
this, Zhongjing designed the method of Li Zhong Tang. Followers used Xiang Sha Liu
Jun Zi Tang, Si Jun Zi Tang, Liu Jun Zi Tang, which are all derived from Li Zhong Tang,
to treat all diseases related to spleen earth. Why cant we often use it anymore?79 For
hundreds and thousands of years, a lot of famous sages had emerged. Many decoctions
had also been invented. Yet the excellent Zhongjings methods became obscured. I cannot
but keep advocating it.
Yaron says: Many believe that by knowing symptoms one can know the cause of a
disease. Some also believe that by learning the lines of Shang Han Lun one can know
about the six spheres. This in reality is reversed and warped principle. It is by deep
contemplation into what disease causes are that one knows ahead of time what possible
symptoms there may be. It is by deep contemplation into nature that one knows what six
spheres are and therefore the lines of Shang Han Lun are all self-explanatory.
Hongming says: In Yang Xu and Yin Xu Men, Qinan showed the way to make medicine
simple. The key is the unification of pre heaven Yin and Yang. Think with a pre heaven
mind let us not only see the facts but approach to the Dao. This is why sages said, the
great Dao is not complicated.




Zheng Qinan Project

Copyright 2011 Yaron Seidman & Lee Hong Ming
Note: You are authorized to distribute this pdf document in its entirety without
modifications. If you quote from it, please credit: Zheng Qinan Project by Yaron
Seidman and Lee Hong Ming and our website


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