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Sodium is the chif cation of the extra cellular fluid. about 50% of body sodium is present
in the bones,40% in the exteracellular fluid and the remaining (10%) in the soft tissues.

Biochemical function
1. in association with chloride and bicarbonate, sodium regulates the body’s acid-
base balance.
2. Sodium is required for the maintenance of osmotic pressure and fluid balance.
3. it is necessary for the normal muscle irritability and cell permeability.
4. it is necessary or for initiating and maintaining heart beat .

Dietary requirements
For normal individuals, the requirement of sodium is about 5-10 g/day which is mainly
consumed as NaCl.
For patients of hypertension .around 1 g/day is recommended.

The common salt (NaCl) used in the cooking medium is the major source of sodium .the
ingested food also contribute to sodium. The good source of sodium include bread ,whole
grains,leafy vegetables ,nuts,eggs,and milk.

Sodium is readily absorbed in the gastrointes-tinal tract and .therefore, very little of it
(<2%) is normally found in faces. However, in diarrhea, large quantities of sodium is lost
in feces.

Plazma sodium
In the plazma (serum) , the normal concentration of sodium is 135-145 mEq/l.

Kidney is the major route of sodium excretion

As much as 800 g Na/day is filtered by the glomeruli,99% of this is reabsorbed by the
renal tubules by an active process .this is controller by aldosterone.

Disease States
Hyponatremia :
1. this isa condition in which the serum sodium level falls below the normal.
2. hyponatremia may occur due to diarrhea, omitting ,chronic renal diseases.
Adrenocortical insufficiency (addision’s disease).
3. the manifestations of hyponatremia include reduced blood pressure and
circulatory failure.


1. this condition characterized by an elevation in the serum sodium level.

2. The symptoms include increases in blood volume and blood pressure it may occur
due to hyperactivity of adrenal cortex (cushing’s syndrome).
3. in edema ,along with water,sodium concentration, in the body is also elevated.
4. in the patients of hypertension and congestive cardiac failure salt (Na+)restriction
is advocated.

Potassium is the principal intracellular is equally important in the extra cellular
fluid for specific function.

Biochemical function
1. potassium maintains intracellular osmotic pressure.
2. it is required for the regulation of acid-base balance and water balance in the cells.
3. the enzyme pyruvate kinase (of glycolysis)is dependent on k+ for opimal activity.
4. extracellular k+ influences cardiac muscle activity.

Dietary requirement
About 3-4 g/day

Banana, orange.pineapple, potato, beans, chicken, and liver. Tender coconut water isa
rich source of potassium.

The absorption of k+ from the gastrointestinal tract is very efficient (90%) and very little
is lost through feces. However, in subject with diarrhea, a good proportion of k+ is lost in
the feces.
Plasma potassium
The plasma (serum) concentration of potassium is

Potassium is mainly excreted through urine. Aldosterone increases excretion of potassium.

Disease states
Decrease in the concentration of serum potassium os observed due to overactivity of adrenal
cortex (Cushing’s syndrome).
The symptoms of hypokalemia include irritability, muscular weakness tachycardia cardiomegaly
and cardic arrest.

Increase in the concentration of serum potassium is observed in renal failure drenocortical
insufficiency (Addison’s disease).
The manifestations of hyperkalemia include depression of central nervous system, mental
confusion, numbness, bradycardia with reduced heard sounds and, finally, cardiac arrest.

Sulfur of the body is mostly person acids are very essential for the structural conformation and
biological functions of proteins (enzymes, hormones, structural proteins etc.

Dietary requirements and sources

There is no specific dietary requirements for sulfur. Adequate intake of sulfur-containing
essential amino acis methionine will meet the body needs.

The sulfer from different compounds is oxidized in the liver to sulfate and excreted in urine. The
urine contains inorganic sulfate (80%), organic or conjugated or ethereal sulfate (10%) and
unoxidized sulfur (10%)

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